APES Review Packet 3

APES Review Packet 3

Terrestrial/Aquatic Biodiversity; Renewable/Nonrenewable Energy; Toxicology

Read and take notes on the following from Miller:

Chapters 11-13; 17-19

Terrestrial/Aquatic Biodiversity

• Public Lands

• Clear-cutting

• Habitat degradation/deforestation

• National Parks

• Species Extinction

• Nonnative species

• Overfishing

• Commercial whaling

Renewable/Nonrenewable Energy

• Examples of perpetual, renewable and nonrenewable resource

• Examples and differences between high-quality energy and low-quality energy

• Energy formulas: work = force x distance, power = work ( time

• 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics

• Transfer of energy efficiency (higher order to lower order)

• Extraction & Refining methods for fossil fuels: surface, subsurface, in-situ, smelters, distillation, fluidized bed combustion

• Acid mine drainage & erosion problems associated with mineral extraction

• Pros and Cons of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)

• Parts to the nuclear reactor core

• How fission and fusion work – also which one is used in a nuclear reactor

• Pros and Cons of nuclear energy

• Difference between reserves and resources

• Pros and Cons of renewable energy - wind, hydroelectric, biomass, solar (passive, active and photovoltaic), biofuels, geothermal,

• Cogeneration

• Pros & Cons of Alternative Fuels – gasohol, ethanol, electric, solar, hydrogen –fuel cell, biodiesel

• Process and locations of mineral formation – along subduction zones or hot spots

• Resources vs. Reserves; include discovered, economically feasibly extracted, not economically feasible due to lack of technology


• Risk

• LD 50/dose response curves

• Bioaccumulation/biomagnification

Transmissable/nontransmissable disease

Diseases of Developing Countries

|Disease |Pathogen (Cause) |Mode of Transmission |Symptoms |Organs/Systems affected |Ways to combat the disease |

| | |(Vector) | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Cholera |Vibrio cholera |Water contaminated with the |Diarrhea, vomiting, leg |Small intestines |Vaccines (with repeated |

| |bacteria |bacteria found in the feces|cramps | |treatment), new seafood |

| | |or urine of the organism | | |regulations, better sewage |

| | | | | |treatment |

|Dysentery |Amoebic protozoan or|Water contaminated with the |Diarrhea, fever, dehydration|Large intestines |Fluids, replacement of |

| |Bacillus bacteria |bacteria or protozoan found | | |electrolytes, better |

| |(2 different types) |in the feces or urine of the| | |sanitation |

| | |organism | | | |

|Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever|Ebola virus |Contact with infected animal|fever, headache, muscle |Liver, kidney, |Isolation of infected |

| |(possible connection|or with person's bodily |aches, weakness, stomach |ciirculatory system |individuals, face masks, |

| |between animals on |fluids that contains ebola |ache, vomiting, diarrhea, | |sterilization of equipment,|

| |African continent) |virus |bruising, hemorrhagic fever | |etc. |

| | | |(intensive bleeding) | | |

|Hantavirus Pulmonary | Hanta virus |Contact or inhalation of |Headache, chills, dizziness,|Kidneys, respiratory |Pest control and general |

|Syndrome | |urine, feces, or saliva of |vomiting, coughing, muscle|system, circulatory |cleanliness of household |

| | |deer mice, cotton rats, rice|aches, diarrhea, shortness |system |surfaces where mice would |

| | |rats, and white-footed mouse|of breath, pulmonary edema, | |travel. |

| | |in northeast US |hypoxia | | |

|Malaria |Plasmodium protozoan|Anopheles mosquito that |Chills, headache, nausea, |Liver, circulatory |Control of mosquito |

| | |breed in standing (stagnate)|muscle aches, jaundice |system |population with pesticides,|

| | |water | | |antimalarial drugs, treated|

| | | | | |netting |

|Typhoid |Salmonella bacteria |Water contaminated with the |Fatigue, rash, headache, |Gallbladder, liver, |Vaccines for Salmonella, |

| | |bacteria found in the feces|slow heart rate,enlarged |spleen, |better sanitation |

| | |or urine of the organism |liver & spleen | | |

| West Nile Encephalitis|west nile virus |Culex mosquito that breed in| Fever, headache, body |Brain |Hospitalization, |

|(West Nile Fever) |(found in infected |standing (stagnate) water |aches, mild rash, swollen | |intravenous fluids, |

| |birds) | |lymph glands, progressing to| |protection against mosquito|

| | | |high fever, stiff neck, | |bites. |

| | | |sleepiness, disorientation, | | |

| | | |coma, tremors | | |

|Giardia and |Protozoans that form|Contaminated water and/or |Diarrhea with possible |Digestive system |Treating contaminated water|

|Cryptosporidia |cysts that dissolve |food, unpasteurized dairy |stomach cramps | |and food before ingesting |

| |with stomach acid |products | | |it. |

|Dengue Fever |Flavivirus |Aedes mosquito that breed in|High fever, severe headache,|Digestive system, |Protection against mosquito|

| | |standing (stagnate) water |eye pain, |nervous system |bites. |

| | | |joint & muscle pain, | | |

| | | |nausea, vomiting, rash, nose| | |

| | | |& gum bleeding | | |

|Avian Flu |Virus commonly found|Direct contact with infected|Diarrhea, bleeding nose or |Respiratory system |Protection when handling |

|(Bird Flu) |in birds (some |birds |gums, high fever, | |poultry (at the butchers). |

| |migratory water fowl| |conjunctivitis, viral | | |

| |and domestic poultry| |pneumonia, acute respiratory| | |

| |are susceptible) | |distress, | | |

|Severe Acute |Coronavirus |Coughing, sneezing, direct |High fever, headache, body |Respiratory system |Isolation of infected |

|Respiratory Syndrome | |person to person contact, |aches, dry cough, pneumonia,| |individuals, increased hand|

|(SARS) | |possible link to Civet cats | | |washing, |

| | |(a delicacy in China) | | | |

| | | | | | |

Multiple Choice

1.     You study two ecosystems—one in an estuary, and one in the open ocean. What would you expect to be most similar between the two ecosystems?

a.       The energy pyramid.

b.       The food chain.

c.       The Net Primary Productivity value.

d.       The pattern of secondary succession.

e. The salinity.

Toxic Terms Matching: Match the term to the description. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER!!!

A. carcinogen

B. dose

C. endocrine disruptor

D. exposure

E. mutagen

F. poison

G. response

H. teratogen

I. toxin

J. toxicology

2.    Amount of a potentially harmful substance that a person takes into the body.

3.        Toxic substance produced by toxic E. coli.

4.        Substance that leads directly to the development of cancer.

5.        Results in birth defects.

6.        Chemicals that have a median lethal dose ................

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