Welcome to the Team

Welcome to the Team!!!

Average Breakers Team of Ardyss

You've definitely made the right decision in steps to changing your life financially!

There are 5 easy steps to getting off to a great start. These are the 'Quick 5' & should be done within your first week in the business.

1. Write down your Top 20 reasons for joining Ardyss. What are your personal goals? How much money do you want to make? What do you want from Ardyss?

2. Make a list of resources. This would be co-workers, family, friends, neighbors, business associates, physicians, dentists, chiropractors, etc. Your list should consist of 100-300 names. Start with those in your cell phone or that 'little black book' of names.

3. Book your showcase NOW! This should be done within your first 24-48 hours after coming into the business. This will help you begin to build your team.

4. Get plugged into the system. Get on every Conference Call, Training Call, Recruiting/Opportunity calls. Go to all your team and local opportunity meetings – this is how you learn and it is very effective! When your distributor package arrives make sure to read through all the material and watch the CD's, Go thru everything on Ardyss University. Become familiar with your back office, play around with it and learn how use it. Check out everything Ardyss University has to offer (this is in your back office).

5. Take Massive Action! Order some business cards, car magnets, marketing materials & get a tape measure (the longest one you can find=120 inches).

6. Talk to at least 10 people a day about the company and products. Put a woman in a Body Magic at least 10x a week, Give 10 FREE Experiences a week. Schedule 3-4 showcases a week. Do several 3-way conference calls with your prospects and mentors. This will guarantee sales & recruits!

Always stay positive, focused, and believe you can achieve!!!


“To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done!”

“Team work makes the Dream work!!!”

“There is no‘i’ in Team!”


In order to achieve success in any business, especially with your Ardyss business, you have got to duplicate yourself. This is what McDonald's has done in creating their huge business. If you go to any McDonald's in the world you can expect the same look, feel, food, and processes that make them successful.

In a similar fashion you can create a huge Ardyss business by finding 5 associates willing to invest $200 a month for the first six months in Auto Ship. This gives you a first month total of $1000, which yields a $100 monthly Recruiting Bonus check for you.

For month 2 you help these 5 new distributors recruit 5 new distributors each, who each commit to investing $200 a month. Once this is done you have 25 distributors, which gives you a 2nd month total of $5000, which yields a $500 monthly Recruiting Bonus check for you.

For month 3 you now help these 25 distributors to recruit 5 new distributors each who will also commit to $200 a month. You will now have125 distributors. Your month 3 total will be $25,000 and a monthly Recruiting Bonus of $2,500 for you.

In month 4 you duplicate what you've done above, helping your people recruit 5 distributors. You will now have a total of 625 distributors. A monthly total of $125,000 and a month 4 Recruiting Bonus of $12,500.

In month 5 you duplicate the above and this brings you a total of 3,125 distributors. At $200 investment of each your month 5 total is $625,000 and your 5th month Recruiting Bonus of $62,500 for ONE MONTH!

Here's a brief summary:

Recruiting Bonus

Month 1 5 Distributors x $200 = $1000 $100

Month 2 25 Distributors x $200 = $5000 $500

Month 3 125 Distributors x $200 = $25,000 $2,500

Month 4 625 Distributors x $200 = $125,000 $12,500

Month 5 3,125 Distributors x $200 = $625,000 $62,500

Of course there are many other bonuses that are paid for this type of growth, we just wanted to focus on the recruiting activity. If you will discipline yourself to teach what you have learned, focus on the simplicity of the business, and the excellence of the products, you can have a great success with your Ardyss Business.

Terms to Know

Personal Qualification Points (PQP) – PQP represents an assigned value on every Ardyss product that you personally purchased. The purpose of this is to determine qualifications for promotions and maintenance qualifications for receiving various bonuses.

Group Qualification Points (GQP) – GQP represents all of the PQP created by the entire group in the down line of an Advisor or higher rank person for the purpose of determining qualifications for promotions and maintenance qualifications for receiving various bonuses.

Active – To be considered active your monthly purchases should be at least 150 PQP or subscribe to a product autoship for only 100 PQP in the qualifying month, as a particular rank may require an increase in PQP or in your autoship commitment.

40% Rule – For the purpose of qualification to earn a new rank and maintenance qualification to be paid as that rank, no more than 40% of the GQP created can be credited from any single leg in a down line organization.

Value Points (VP) – Every Ardyss product that is purchased carries assigned VP. This VP is used to calculate various forms of compensation in the company Compensation Plan.



| | | | | |Corset Golden |

|Thorax |Hips |Body Magic |Body Reshaper Long/Short |Waist |Corset Deluxe |

| | |Corselette Deluxe |Corselette Sensation | |Corset Vedette |

| | | | | |Vest Vedette |

|22-24 |32-34 |22 |XXS |24-25 |26 |

|24-26 |34-36 |22-24 |XS |26-27 |28 |

|26-28 |36-38 |24-26 |Small |28-29 |30 |

|28-30 |38-40 |26-28 |Medium |30-31 |32 |

|30-32 |40-42 |28-30 |Large |32-33 |34 |

|32-34 |42-44 |30-32 |XL |34-35 |36 |

|34-36 |44-46 |32-34 |2XL |36-37 |38 |

|37-39 |47-49 |34-36 |3XL |38-39 |40 |

|40-42 |50-52 |38-40 |4XL |40-41 |42 |

|43-45 |53-55 |40-42 |5XL |42-43 |44 |

|46-48 |56-58 |44-46 |6XL | | |

|49-51 |59-61 |46-48 |7XL | | |

|52-54 |62-64 |50-52 |8XL | | |

Please analyze the clients body make-up; women with extremely larger upper bodies and very thin thighs or those whose stomach is extremely larger than their hips will not benefit from the Body Magic. Put them in a Corselette Deluxe and a Plus Girdle/Postpartum Girdle or a Body Reshaper Short. If the client has very firm or hard fatty tissue use the Reducing Gel to soften or melt the tissue and recommend they begin our Detox and Cleansing treatment and then the Weight Loss plan. This will give them optimal results in beginning their weight loss program.

| | |**Panty Reshaper | | | | |

| | |Plus Girdle | | | |Postpartum Girdle |

|Waist |Hips |Womens Lumbocare | |Waist |Hips | |

| | |Maternity Girdle | | | | |

|23-26 |34-36 |XXS | |24-28 |40-43 |XXS |

|27-30 |37-39 |XS | |29-32 |44-47 |XS |

|31-33 |40-43 |S | |33-36 |48-51 |S |

|34-36 |44-46 |M | |37-40 |52-55 |M |

|37-39 |47-49 |L | |41-44 |56-59 |L |

|40-43 |50-52 |XL | |45-48 |60-63 |XL |

|44-46 |53-55 |XXL | |49-52 |64-67 |XXL |

|47-49 |56-58 |XXXL | | | | |

**When measuring for the Panty Reshaper: If the client desires to increase/decrease buttocks size please order accordingly:

Hip Increase Buttocks Decrease Buttocks

40-45 XS M

46-50 S L

51-55 M XL


|Bust minus Thorax |1 |2 |3 |

|Monday- Friday |8:00am ET, 7 CT |218-936-4700 |AM Prayer & Inspiration, Announcements |

| | |Pin code 656808# | |

|Monday – Friday |12:30pm ET –12:50pm |212-461-5800 |Business Opportunity |

| |11:30pm CT-11:50pm |Pin Code 1112# |Ken Robinson |

|Monday |12:15 pm ET |712-432-1001 |Business Opportunity |

| |11:15am CT |Pin Code 451686828# |Phone Showcase |

| | | |Revive,Reshape,Restore |

|Monday |9:30pm ET – 10:00 pm |212-461-5800 |Business Opportunity Ritanza Hall & Ken |

| |8:30pm CT – 9:00 pm |Pin Code 1112# |Robinson |

|Tuesday |9:00pm ET |218-936-4700 |Business Opportunity |

| |8:00pm CT |Pin code 656808# |Twiler & Erwin Portis |

|Wednesday |9:00pm ET – 10:00 pm |1-219-509-8111 |Team Average Breakers – Weekly Conference |

| |8:00pm CT – 9:00 pm |Pin Code 350528# | |

|Wednesday |10:00pm ET |212-990-8000 |Corporate Update Home office with Mkt/Sales |

| |9:00pm CT |Pin code 1111# |Dir. Mike Patello |

|Thursday |9:30pm ET – 10:00 pm |212-461-5800 |TRAINING w/ Ritanza Hall & Ken Robinson |

| |8:30pm CT – 9 pm |Pin Code 1112# | |

|Saturday |11:00am ET |218-936-4700 |TRAINING w/ Presidents Twiler & Erwin Portis |

| |10:00am CT |Pin code 656808# | |

|Sunday |9:00pm ET |218-936-4700 |Team Call: |

| |8:00pm CT |Pin code 656808# |Training, Motivation |

Effective Showcasing

Showcases are what build our business. It could be one-on-one, 1-on-5, 1-to-3, or one-to-many. Be sure that they are effective.

• When you schedule a showcase with your distributor, Call them a day or so ahead of time to confirm the date.

• Have distributor/hostess call each guest to confirm attendance. Make sure they have address & time. Ask them, “is that a firm yes?” You want to know who’s coming.

• Call hostess and give these simple tips on how to have an effective showcase. “Hey Susie, this is Terry.

◦ Welcome guests. If multiple distributors, ask who invited them. Edify the distributor. “Oh, Verdita is excellent. Listen to everything she says. She can take you straight to the top.” Guest will be half-way sold before they even hear the opportunity. Now the job is half-way done. Analogy – church greeter.

◦ Be sure to start on time. Don’t be afraid to tell your guest to be on time. Tell them that the lady coming over is busy and her time is precious so we must start on time.

◦ Hostess will introduce presenter. Bring them up after you have welcomed your guests. Edify them as the expert (__has been in the business so many years. “ ___ is a great person, she has a heart for people, She broke the record, etc.” Whatever you can say to make your guests want to listen to them).

◦ Focus on what I do when showcase starts – key in on what’s going on; if hostess does this, their guests will be focused.

• Arrive to the showcase early so that you can set up. You will need the following: Distributor and Auto ship Applications, Reshaping and Nutritional Brochures, Garments(if you have extra), Display products, Sample Product(Levive), small cups to sample with, Invoice book, measuring tape, measurement forms, Reshaping Party Survey form, Special Edition Magazine, CD player, CD with upbeat song, “Its Time for Ardyss” DVD, and DVD player or Computer to play business DVD on. (If you have not received your distributor packet then check with your up line to assist you with your first couple of showcases until you get your packet and products)

• Eliminate distractions. Set the tone. Let your hostess know. They are brand new, never had a showcase so they don’t know

• If you’re having food, serve it after the presentation. Tell your hostess, “If you’re having food, this is how we do it… Is that OK?” It’s not effective if people are moving around in the kitchen. Make sure your hostess knows. Ask hostess to give you 30-40 minutes for the presentation, then serve the food.

• Do not serve alcoholic beverages during or before the presentation. Be sure that your guests are focused. Have a system in place so that you can deal with people who are coherent. Hard to tell people about the ways we get paid if they are not coherent. If you’re in an environment that’s not an exclusive Ardyss party, it’s OK. Share the system with the new people.

• To start your showcase:Good afternoon/evening Ladies & Gentlemen my name is _________. Welcome to each of you on behalf of (host/hostess). I'd like to thank you for coming out to experience how you will be able to Lose2-3 sizes in minutes. We're going to talk about reshaping and caring for your body inside and outside. We're going to have some fun today/tonight. Give your 'Why' you joined Ardyss

• Ask for a few models – 2 is all you need. Choose people to fit the garments that you have. If you don't have any additional garments then you be the model.

• While your models are being fit let your guest know that you'd like to show them a very short dvd presentation and put in the “Its Time for Ardyss” DVD and select Step 1. (If you are the model, put the dvd in and while they're watching it you go change into your garment).

• After the 8min DVD introduce the Body Magic 2 Step System – 1st step The Body Magic (while displaying the garment tell what it does and how it transforms the outer body) 2nd step the LeVive (you may want to have samples available and explain some of the benefits as they taste the product)

• Bring out your models and bring them out to upbeat music.

• Ask your models what they like about the garment and how they feel in the garment, ask them who else they know who would like to share that same experience. Say something like 'Wouldn't you love to get paid by sharing this 'body magic experience?' Don’t mention selling. You’re building something of value to either get referrals or to convince them that they have a viable contact list.

• Once your guests have seen the garment modeled and tasted the product you can say something like “Now that you've seen the Body Magic 2 Step System I recognize that some of you will be interested in making purchases and some will be interested in making money (the business opportunity). You will divide the two groups and those interested in the business can fill out the distributor or auto ship application whichever applies. Purchasers can also fill out Reshaping Party form – you want to book showcases from showcases

• You will let your business prospects know that the 2 options that you're offering tonight is the Auto Ship opportunity for $100 or the Power Pack which is $299. Never talk about the $30 membership unless you just have to. Maybe if someone wants to have a showcase within the next 24-48 hours and they guarantee to have 10 or 15 people to invite – they can earn their way into the business.

• Learn to ask people to buy the Power Pack. You can get any combination of products for $299 . If you decide to keep it all and use it, that’s great. But if you sell it all, you get a great profit. It also allows you to participate in the Power Start. Open up your magazine and tell stories. XXX earned this much last month by buying the Power Pack and participating the Power Start.

Ardyss Business Opportunity

1. Auto ship – Cost $100 plus shipping/handling/tax, automatic 100 points per mth

▪ $100 worth of Products

▪ Free Website

▪ 7 ways to get paid

▪ Promo Body Magic for $39.99

2. Power Pack – Cost $299 plus shipping/handling/tax

▪ Membership

▪ Free Website

▪ Customized power pack by selecting from Nutrition, Cosmetics, Personal Care and Reshaping products. Pick as many in any category as you desire until 299 PQP is reached

▪ 10 ways to get paid

10 Ways to Get Paid

1. Retail Profit (40% and up to 80% with promotions)

2. Express Bonus (30% or up to $300 on 1st orders of those you personally enrolled)

3. Unilevel/Enrollment Bonus (15% on your personally enrolled distributors regardless of where they're placed in your down line)

4. Generational Bonus (1%-5% of your own personal group value points)

5. Rank Bonus ($100- $800 for maintaining your rank)

6. Car Bonus ( $150-$800 car bonus for maintaining rank)

7. Presidential Pool Bonus (quarterly paid bonus for all presidential ranks of 1.4% of Ardyss national sales)

8. Power Start Bonus (100% match for accelerated growth up to $60,000 per person you personally enroll)

9. Power Pack Bonus ($80 for each person you enroll with a power pack)

10. Presidential Bonus ($3000 for each person you help become President in your down line)

**Be sure to collect all Reshaping Party Survey sheets and follow-up with all prospects.

**Try to book your next couple of showcases right there on the spot

Training and Resources

Ardyss International

6680 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89119

Placing Orders

1 Place orders via phone: 866-811-5499

Hours: M-F 10:00 am ET – 10:00pm ET Sat: 11:00am – 5:00pm ET

M-F 9:00am CT – 9:00pm CT Sat: 10:00am – 4:00pm CT

2 (You can also place orders on-line.)

3 Customer Service


Hours: M-F 11:00am ET – 7:30pm ET Closed Sat

M-F 10:00am CT - 6:30pm CT

Customer service issues can also be handled by submitting a support ticket from your back office.

FAX: 866-877-1831

Ardyss New York Warehouse

152 West 36th Street, Suite 402

New York, New York 10018

Phone: 718-569-0034

Marketing Materials

Order postcards and other marketing materials for your business from these sites:

(Please put referred by Cathy Washington)

Order a vehicle sign for the window from:

2 Or

• Call Johnny Chase in Atlanta. He does vehicle decals also.


email: johnny_chase@

1 To order company brochures, catalogs, DVDs and other Ardyss marketing materials go to:

1. click on USA/English, click on login, enter user ID/password, Click on buy, then click on the icon that says Ardyss Tools.


Nationwide Calendar of Showcases and Special Events

You can plug your prospects in other cities into these events. If your prospects attend other events with out you, tell them not to complete paperwork unless they will be attending a meeting conducted by someone you know personally. Or, you can complete their paperwork for them after the meeting.

Team Calendar of Showcases and Special Events


2. Make sure you have a double long tape measure. You can purchase it from Wal Mart, Michaels, Joann’s or some other craft store.


Distributor Applications, Autoship Applications, and the Exchange Policy can all be found on your back office under 'Forms, Prices and Brochures'. Please print these off for your use.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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