Multiple-choice: Write the appropriate letter in ( ).

1. Which of the followings are the characteristics of humans in adulthood?

( )

A. The body shapes of men and women are similar

B. Each organ grows fast

C. The bodies are fully grown

D. Men and women are very different

[--Ans.: C, D--]

2. Which of the following food group we should eat most?

( )

A. Rice and grains

B. Vegetables and fruit

C. Meat, fish, eggs and beans

D. oil, salt and sugar

[--Ans.: A--]

3. When we are unhappy, how can we relax?

( )

A. Do exercises

B. Break things at home

C. Listen to music

D. Share with others

[--Ans.: A, C, D--]

Matching: Write the appropriate letter in the ( ). Put a ( next to the option that doesn’t have a match.

4. Match the following food to the description of a balanced diet in the food pyramid.

A. B. C. D.

[pic] [pic][pic][pic]

1. We should eat rice and grains the most ( )

2. We should eat a moderate amount of dairy products ( )

3. We should eat oil, salt and sugar the least ( )

4. We should eat moderate amounts of meat, fish and beans ( )

5. We should eat more vegetables ( )

[--Ans.: 1. C; 2. (; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D--]

5. Match the organs to their functions.

A. B. C. D.

[pic] [pic][pic][pic]

1. Help our body move ( )

2. Help us remove waste ( )

3. Help us pump blood ( )

4. Help us think and remember ( )

5. Help us breathe ( )

[--Ans.: 1. C; 2. (; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D--]

True-or-false: Circle the correct answer.

6. Humans have different growing stages. Our bodies change differently in different stages. (true / false)

[--Ans.: true--]

7. The rule of ‘2 + 3’ means that we should eat 2 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits every day. (true / false)

[--Ans.: false--]

Fill-in-the-blank: Write the appropriate word on the .

8. When we have problems, we should be . When we are unhappy, we should not lose .

[--Ans.: brave; temper--]

9. We need food to give us and to healthily.

[--Ans.: energy; grow--]

10. Bones support our body and, together with , help it move.

[--Ans.: muscles--]


Teacher’s version

Bean curd


2.1: Growing Up

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Unit 1: I am Growing up

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2.1: Growing Up

Unit 1: I am Growing up

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Unit 1: I am Growing up

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2.1: Growing Up

Unit 1: I am Growing up

Summative assessment I [pic]

1.1:I am Getting Older

Unit 1:Know myself


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