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Test results for FOCUS_Drift Calculator_1.1

N.B. Remember that for FOCUS streams spray drift deposition as calculated by the FOCUS Drift Calculator, is multiplied by a factor of 1.2 to account for pesticide mass incoming from the upstream catchment.

1. Spray drift output for test case 1

- application rate: 1000 g ai/ha of FOCUS Compound A-SW

- number of applications: 1

- crop: winter cereals

- type of water bodies: assorted (see below)

- buffer distances: default FOCUS values

Drift results are abstracted two sources: (1) drift calculator in SWASH shell and (2) file “project_name_report.txt” in SWASH PROJECTS/project_name directory. The significant digits listed are the same as listed in each data source.

|Crop / |Drift |Spray drift (mg/m2|Spray drift |

|Water body type |percentile |of surf area) |(mg/m2 of surf area) |

| |Source: drift calculator |Source: drift calculator |Source: project report |

|Winter cereals / |90 |1.9274 |1.927 |

|ditch | | | |

|Winter cereals / |90 |0.2191 |0.219 |

|pond | | | |

|Winter cereals / |90 |1.4304 |1.716 |

|stream | | | |

2. Spray drift output for test case 2

- application rate: 200 g ai/ha of FOCUS Compound D-SW

- number of applications: 6

- crop: assorted (see below)

- type of water body: assorted (see below)

- buffer distances: default FOCUS values

Drift results are abstracted two sources: (1) drift calculator in SWASH shell and (2) file “project_name_report.txt” in SWASH PROJECTS/project_name directory. The significant digits listed are the same as listed in each data source.

|Crop / |Drift |Spray drift (mg/m2|Spray drift |

|water body type |percentile |of surf area) |(mg/m2 of surf area) |

| |Source: drift calculator |Source: drift calculator |Source: project report |

|Maize / |70 |0.1458 |0.175 |

|stream | | | |

|Vines – early / |70 |0.2900 |0.290 |

|ditch | | | |

|Bulb vegetables / |70 |0.0254 |0.025 |

|pond | | | |

|Spring cereals / |70 |0.1682 |0.202 |

|stream | | | |


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