Coach Schwartz

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Chapter 1 Test

Multiple Choice: Place the letter of the best answer in the space provided.

______ 1. In a personal fitness course,

A. a positive attitude is very important

B. it helps to compare yourself with others

C. there is little chance of improving yourself

D. you have no influence on your friends’ fitness programs

______ 2. One of the biggest factors that determines your self concept is your

A. body

B. family

C. friends

D. heredity

______ 3. What does research say about teenagers and physical fitness?

A. Females are more concerned about fitness than males.

B. Many teenagers are in poor condition.

C. Most teenagers are physically fit.

D. Teens are more fit than their parents were at the same age.

______ 4. Many people believe physical fitness is a

A. fad

B. thing of the past

C. trend

D. waste of time

______ 5. When considering the relationship of youth sports to the fitness of teenagers, it can

be said that youth sports

A. always have a positive effect

B. are an unknown factor since few young people participate

C. have a negative effect on many young people

D. usually have no effect on young people

______ 6. Which statement best describes the relationship of body weight to physical fitness?

A. A heavy person will not be physically fit.

B. Body weight can be misleading.

C. Body weight is a reliable measure of physical fitness.

D. Slender people will almost always be physically fit.

______ 7. Which statement best describes the effect heredity has on physical fitness?

A. Heredity determines body type which can affect physical fitness.

B. Heredity has no effect on physical fitness.

C. Heredity is the main factor deciding a person’s physical fitness.

D. Obese parents will always have obese children.

______ 8. The relationship of physical fitness to the various media is that the media

A. frequently provide very misleading information

B. have no effect on physical fitness

C. help nearly everyone to feel good about themselves

D. present a realistic idea of what people should look like

______ 9. Physical fitness is best described as being

A. athletic

B. able to carry out daily tasks without fatigue

C. able to manage stress

D. at an appropriate weight

______ 10. Which statement best describes the primary health risk factors?

A. Almost all problems begin when people are older.

B. Most health risk factors apply only to older people.

C. Most risk factors are beyond your control.

D. You can improve your health by controlling several health risk factors.

______ 11. Which series includes only health risk factors that can be controlled?

A. cholesterol level, smoking, age, obesity

B. heredity, inactivity, high blood pressure, stress

C. obesity, sex of individual, stress, diet

D. smoking, high blood pressure, inactivity, stress

______ 12. Which statement best describes stress as a health risk factor?

A. Anger will affect only a person’s emotional state.

B. Arguing can affect peoples’ minds as well as their bodies.

C. Stress is a greatly over-rated risk factor.

D. Teenagers do not experience as much stress as older people.

______ 13. Which statement best describes high blood pressure as a health risk factor?

A. High blood pressure frequently occurs in teenagers.

B. High blood pressure is of little concern to teenagers.

C. It is very difficult to control high blood pressure.

D. Teenagers rarely have the types of problems which cause high blood pressure.

______ 14. Which statement best describes cholesterol as a health risk factor?

A. High levels of cholesterol are of little health concern.

B. It is easy to eat nutritious, low cholesterol meals at fast food places.

C. Many teenagers eat a diet that is too high in fat, which can increase cholesterol


D. The vast majority of teenagers eat a balanced diet that is low in fat and


______ 15. Which statement is most accurate in regard to increased levels of energy?

A. Lifestyle choices have a big effect on energy levels.

B. Low energy levels are due almost totally to a person’s mental attitude.

C. Physical fitness has little to do with energy levels.

D. Teenagers naturally have high energy levels.

______ 16. Which statement best relates to the phrase, a “sound mind in a sound body”?

A. A fit body has little to do with the way you feel about yourself.

B. Improved fitness may improve academic achievement.

C. Physical fitness rarely relates to success in school.

D. The Greeks were not concerned about physical fitness.

______ 17. Which statement best describes muscular fitness as a benefit of exercise?

A. Most teenagers want to have strong, healthy bodies.

B. Strong bodies have little effect on people’s minds.

C. There is little interest in muscular fitness today.

D. Young women are not very concerned about their muscular fitness.

______ 18. Which statement is most accurate when discussing body image?

A. A high level of fitness has little to do with body image.

B. Body image means the way other people see you.

C. Body image means the way you see yourself.

D. Teenagers are usually not concerned about their body images.

______ 19. Which statement relates most closely to personal self-control?

A. Being physically fit helps people feel more in control.

B. Fitness has very little to do with self-control.

C. Lifestyles have very little to do with self-control.

D. Teenagers have a high degree of personal self-control.

______ 20. Which statement relates most to improved physical performance?

A. Improved physical performance will help you enjoy leisure-time activities.

B. Physical fitness will automatically make you skillful.

C. Physical performance does not affect success at school.

D. Physical performance has little to do with body image.

Chapter 1 Answer Key

1. A 11. D

2. A 12. B

3. B 13. A

4. C 14. C

5. C 15. A

6. B 16. B

7. A 17. A

8. A 18. C

9. B 19. A

10. D 20. A


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