Methamphetamine Abuse, Prevention, and Intervention across ...

Methamphetamine Abuse, Prevention, and Intervention across Tribal Boundaries

Freedom From Meth


This project was supported through a grant from the U. S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing

Grant #COPS-COPSMETH-2007-02.


Western Community Policing Institute

Western Oregon University

345 N. Monmouth Avenue

Monmouth, Oregon 97361

Visit us at:

Tribal Youth Leadership Program

September 2007 – September 2008


This course has been developed based on the insight of Native American high school students that want to make a difference in Native American communities. For seven months, these students worked with education, curriculum development, graphic design, communication, public safety professionals, and a diversity of Native American community leaders to develop the this Native American youth-focused anti-meth training: Freedom From Meth.

This course includes six sessions, with each session building upon the content of previous sessions. Students will work with members of their community to develop strategies to help kids in their community SAY NO TO METH.

These sessions are intended to answer the following questions:

1. What’s this course all about?

2. What’s the deal with meth?

3. What about my Native American culture?

4. How do I say no to meth?

5. How can I make a difference in my family and community?

6. How can I get the word out?


• Let’s agree to stay on time

• Let’s pay attention to whoever is speaking

• Let’s respect each other’s opinions and ideas

• Let’s pay attention and get everyone involved

• Let’s speak respectfully to and about each other

• Let’s HAVE FUN!!

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

Activity: All My Ricky Choices

What prompted you to make this decision?


Were you pressured into this decision?


Did negative things result in this decision?


Would you do this again and how often?


Quick Check

Section 1: Read the following scenario, and then answer questions 1-3.

You are invited to a party that all of your friends will attend. You decide to go to the party, and you meet your friends there. Everything is going well, until one of your good friends offers you and your other friends meth. Until this time, you had no idea that your good friend used meth.

1. List three influences and pressures teenagers face regarding meth use that might make someone like your good friend choose meth.




2. List three examples of how would you tell your good friend no.




3. List three resources in your community that could you could turn to for helping your friend stay away from meth




Section 2: Choose the best response to the following question.

4. Meth is a _________________________

A. Stimulant

B. Depressant

5. Crystal meth is usually ____________________.

A. Snorted

B. Smoked

C. Injected

Section 3: For each of the following questions, fill in the blank with one of the following answers

A. Meth

B. Alcohol

C. Tobacco

D. Marijuana

6. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ causes the most deaths in America.

7. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ is the most common illicit addictive substance.

8. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ creates five pounds of toxic waste for every pound of substance in making the substance.

9. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ the leading cause of death for young people.

Section 4: Complete the following questions with the best response.

10. Three school and community resources that help people say no to meth and other addictive substances are __________________________________,

_________________________________, and _________________________________.

Video: The Long Road: Her life…His Decision

Reflections ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

METH 101

Reflections ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Check Yourself


What are the street names/slang terms for it?


What is it?


What does it look like?


How is it used?


The hype:


The reality:


What can happen while you're high?


What can happen long term?


For more information, check out these websites:

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Activity: Poster Campaign

In this activity, your team will review, discuss, and evaluate anti-meth poster campaigns that people have developed to address meth abuse across the country. Discuss as a team the following questions, then work individually to sketch a poster that will best address meth abuse in your community.

Questions for team discussion:

• Which poster caught your attention?

• Which poster would make someone think twice before trying meth?


Your individual part:

• How would you design a poster to reach the people in your community?

• Who would you target?

• Do scare tactics work?

• Where do you fit in the solution?



Poster Campaign – Design your own poster

Activity: My Values

List ten of the things that you value most






What are Values?


How do you define values?


Where did you learn/get your values?


List the influences in your life that helped you develop your values?


We asked about culture in this activity, but how do you define culture?


How would you describe your culture?


What do you think most people misunderstand about your culture?


Culture is defined as:

• the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; or the characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time

• The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes a group

Merriam Webster 2008 (paraphrased)

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) (2002) described culture as follows: "... culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions, and beliefs"

Wikipedia, 2008


Does Meth use fit into your community’s culture, traditions, or values?


What about your personal values and your personal life goals?


Would you smoke meth in Sweat Lodge ceremonies?

Did the ancestors smoke meth?


Activity: Rope Game

Reflections ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

About Me

Life/Character Goals Worksheet

Life/Character Goals requires a willingness and ability to look at your self. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish in life, who you want to be known as, and how you want others to view you. Consider how your decisions could positively or negatively affect your goals. Anyone can reach the goals that they have set for themselves, by realizing that everyday we are faced with decisions, and it is how we chooses to handle those decisions that determines where we end up down the road and whether we accomplish our goals.

List your top five life goals and your top five character goals. What can you do to achieve theses goals? Is something standing in your way of achieving your goals? Can you make positive decisions that will help you reach your goals?

-Life Goals-


2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________

-Character Goals-


2. ____________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________

How does meth make it difficult to achieve your goals?


Can you say no to meth so that you can reach your goals?


What can you do when your friends or family pressure you to do meth?


Who can help you say no to meth?


Can you help someone else say no to meth?


Who can help you help someone else say no to meth?



What can I do when I feel bored?



What would I say to my friend or family if they feel bored?


Community Resources Inventory

Course Date:

Course Location:

This inventory is intended to help students and the public safety, school, and community leaders in their community assess the impact of the Freedom From Meth course on helping Native American youth identify the community resources available for saying no to meth.

List all the resources in your community that could help you or someone you care about say no to meth.

|Resource |Contact Information |

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Activity: Paper Puzzles

Reflections ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you make good decisions that will help you achieve your goals?

Decision Making: The process

1. Ask yourself, “What exactly is the problem or situation?”

2. Ask yourself, “What are my choices or options in solving this problem or addressing this situation?”

3. Ask yourself, “Which of these choices is best and why do I think it’s best?”

4. Ask yourself, “What will I do if someone doesn’t agree with my choice – maybe my friend or relative?”

5. Make your choice and go ahead

6. Remember, your good example might inspire someone you love to make better decisions

What scenario would you most likely be offered meth?


How would you say no to meth?


How difficult would it be for you to say no to meth? What would make you feel pressured to try meth?


Would it be harder for your friends to say no meth? Why?


Say No To Meth Scenario Role Play activity

Work with your team to create a play that could help youth learn strategies for saying not to meth. The setting for your play should be where you think youth would most likely be pressured to try meth. Everyone on your team should participate in the play – and you will get an opportunity to present you play in front of the class – but remember you may want to include this play as part of your anti-meth program.

My Team’s Role Play Ideas:









“The best meth prevention is to never try it – not even once. Say “NO!” to meth!”

(Grandpa Don Sutton, Founder – , 2007)

What is the single most important reason why you choose to say no to meth?


How can you help someone in your community determine their single most important reason why they will choose to say no to meth?


Quick Check Take 2

Section 1: Read the following scenario, and then answer questions 1-3.

You are invited to a party that all of your friends will attend. You decide to go to the party, and you meet your friends there. Everything is going well, until one of your good friends offers you and your other friends meth. Until this time, you had no idea that your good friend used meth.

1. List three influences and pressures teenagers face regarding meth use that might make someone like your good friend choose meth.




2. List three examples of how would you tell your good friend no.




3. List three resources in your community that could you could turn to for helping your friend stay away from meth




Section 2: Choose the best response to the following question.

4. Meth is a _________________________

A. Stimulant

B. Depressant

5. Crystal meth is usually ____________________.

A. Snorted

B. Smoked

C. Injected

Section 3: For each of the following questions, fill in the blank with one of the following answers

A. Meth

B. Alcohol

C. Tobacco

D. Marijuana

6. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ causes the most deaths in America.

7. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ is the most common illicit addictive substance.

8. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ creates five pounds of toxic waste for every pound of substance in making the substance.

9. Of the four addicting substances listed above, _______________ the leading cause of death for young people.

Section 4: Complete the following questions with the best response.

10. Three school and community resources that help people say no to meth and other addictive substances are __________________________________,

_________________________________, and _________________________________.


Methamphetamine Abuse, Prevention, and Intervention

Across Tribal Boundaries (MAPITB)

Methamphetamine use in Tribal communities is a serious and growing problem that is overwhelming prevention, detection, interdiction, investigation, and enforcement efforts. According to Gary Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, National Native American Law Enforcement Association (2006), “Meth appears to be a bigger problem for Tribal communities in relation to non-Tribal communities. In addition, most Tribal communities are more susceptible to Meth problems, than are non-Tribal communities.” Several factors, including unique jurisdictional and legal complexities, economic challenges, cultural aspects, vulnerable populations, and resource availability issues facing Tribal governments, further compound the meth problem. This leads to serious implications for Tribal leaders and law enforcement personnel tasked with combating the proliferation of methamphetamine abuse on Tribal lands.

This project, Methamphetamine Abuse, Prevention, and Intervention Across Tribal Boundaries (MAPITB), brought through collaborative partnership among the Western Community Policing Institute (Western Oregon University), Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the Chemawa Indian School, seeks to address the growing challenge of meth abuse in Tribal communities by empowering Native American youth with the leadership skills necessary to contribute to the battle against methamphetamine abuse on tribal land and across America, and are applicable to all public safety concerns. For this project, fifty Chemawa Indian School students (representing a diversity of Native American Nations) volunteered and act as full partners in all aspects of this project. Working with project staff and Native American community leaders and subject matter experts from across the country, Chemawa students will participate in a twelve-session Tribal Youth Leadership (TYL) program, in which students learn and apply leadership skills and identify critical issues in meth abuse prevention strategies. Students will further develop their skills, by working with project staff and Native American leaders and subject matter experts to develop a Native American youth-focused training curriculum and to act as key ambassadors in delivering the curriculum and sustaining the battle against youth methamphetamine abuse.

This project will ultimately assist Native American communities in building sustainable networks of methamphetamine educational and preventive programs that embrace visionary, ethical, problem-solving partnership principles across tribal boundaries.



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|Meth is one messed-up drug. Here are the top 10 reasons to stay far, far away. |

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|10. Meth can mess with your head. |

|Meth can cause users to become delusional, paranoid and suffer from hallucinations. It can also lead to psychotic behavior even |

|months after a user has stopped using. In other words, meth can make you act crazy. |

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|9. Meth can mess with your social life. |

|Many meth users become so obsessed with using that they neglect their friends and family, which can be a pretty lonely way to |

|live. |

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|8. Meth can mess with your weight. |

|Meth can decrease one's appetite and in return, cause them to drop some serious weight, often leaving a user with a sickly, |

|skeleton-like appearance. |

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|7. Meth can mess with your mouth. |

|Use meth and you can kiss your pearly whites goodbye. While little is know as to why, meth seems to take a terrifying toll on a |

|meth user's mouth. It may be a lack of saliva leaves behind bacteria which can eat away at teeth and gums. Or maybe it's due to |

|the fact that when high on meth, users often neglect personal hygiene and forget to brush their teeth. Either way, meth mouth is|

|pretty darn gross. |

| |

|6. Meth can mess with your neighborhood. |

|Makeshift meth labs can be set up anywhere — from bedrooms to garages to children's play areas to motel rooms — and can cause |

|serious health hazards to you, your family, friends and neighbors. Cooking meth produces large amounts of highly toxic waste |

|which often gets dumped in yards, alleys and streets. Meth labs can explode, they can contaminate the environment, and they can |

|endanger children (injury from fire, malnutrition, physical and sexual abuse, overdose, and exposure to toxic chemicals, just to|

|name a few.) |

| |

|5. Meth can mess with your moods. |

|Meth can cause extreme mind and mood changes including irritability, anxiety, euphoria, confusion and severe depression. It can |

|also result in episodes of aggressive and violent behavior. |

| |

|4. Meth can mess with your sleep. |

|Because meth stimulates the central nervous system, it can keep users awake and wired all night and even for days afterward |

|using. When the binge is over, however, most users crash — becoming severely depressed, disoriented and unable to function. Long|

|term effects can include chronic fatigue. |

| |

|3. Meth can mess with your sex life. |

|Meth can enhance one's sex drive, although, ironically, it can also cause impotence. And if that doesn't scare you — this might:|

|When high on meth, often the last thing on a users mind is protection, which can lead to the contraction of HIV/AIDS. |

| |

|2. Meth can mess with your skin. |

|Sores and scabs are common among meth users who methodically pick at their skin because they feel compelled to do so, or scratch|

|it because they think there are bugs crawling underneath it. |

| |

|1. Meth can kill you. |

|Meth users may experience liver, kidney, lung, and heart problems — all of which can be fatal. |

Don L. Sutton

“Grandpa Don”

Founder, Say No To Meth



Fax: 503-352-9749

Say No To Meth

We are a group of individual's that have decided to spend what time we can to fight this WAR against METH! Within the past few year's we have saved and changed the life's and mind's of thousand's of people, mostly Kid's. Included in our Program, we take into our School's, is our very own Ra Boogie. Please watch and enjoy one of the Kid's favorite part of our Program " The Funk Dancing!"

Sutton, Don. (2008). Understanding Meth: The Epidemic

Finally, a self help book, that will help you understand what this Meth Epidemic is all about! The Author has spent nearly three years compiling evidence and stories regarding Meth! Now, a book you can leave lay in your home, waiting to unveil the answers you are seeking! A book that is good for the entire family!

Don Sutton, “To understand why and how I wrote this book, I felt it necessary to share my story with you. I realize that when people hear the word “meth,” they cringe. Unless you understand the addiction and the effects of drugs first-hand, it is difficult to comprehend why someone would even try a drug. It can boggle the mind and confuse everyone involved. Well, I know first-hand about drug addiction and alcoholism. I tried it only once for ten horrible years, and it nearly ended my life!”

Sutton, Don (2005). Choose Freedom: The Journey

Choose Freedom: The Journey is the true story of one man’s journey back to health, happiness, and love. It is the story of a boy turned man, a failure turned success, a broken soul repaired. He lived a life tarnished by drug and alcohol abuse; a life damaged by physical, mental, and sexual abuse; in short, a life that most people would have given up. There was a time when suicide seemed to be the only redemption for this man’s life of total darkness. Then one day, over eighteen years ago, a ray of light began to peek through the clouds. It was a day of deliverance from a lifetime of bondage. The author hopes and prays that someone, somewhere, will be drawn to this book and the discoveries within. He hopes that his journey back will help at least one person. Maybe, just maybe, that someone could be you!


Akers, Michael D. and Porter, Grover L. (2003) Your EQ Skills: Got What It

Takes? Journal of Accountancy. Mar. 2003. Retrieved May 18, 2005,

From .

Belasco, J.A. and Sayer, R.C. (1993). Flight of the buffalo: soaring to excellence, learning to let employees lead. Warner Books, Inc.: New York

DeLaRosa, S. & Blackhorse Lowe, L. (Producers & Directors) (2004). “G” Meth on

the Navajo Nation [Documentary]. United States: Sheephead Films.

. Check Yourself. Retrieved March 30, 2008 at .

Duryea, M. L. and Potts, J. (1993). Story and legend: Powerful tools for conflict resolution. Mediation Quarterly, 10(4), 391-392. Jossey-Boss

Office of National Drug Control Policy 2007. Teens, Drugs, & Violence: A special


Facione, Peter A.(2006) Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts 2006

Update. California: Academic Press. Retrieved March 8, 2005, from


Hart, Lynn “Sota”. (2008) Native American Anti-meth posters. Noxcusesnone.


National Congress on American Indians. (2006). Methamphetamines in Indian

Country: An American problem uniquely affecting Indian Country.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2007. High School and Youth Trends.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2004. Lessons from Prevention Research.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2008. Check Yourself. NIDA for teens.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2006. Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. 2006. Treatment for Drug Abusers in the Criminal

Justice System. .

WCPI, 2006. Tuckman Model of Team Development. Adapted from various

Works of, and with the permission of, Bruce W Tuckman.

On-line Resources

Say No to Meth:

Meth :

National Institute on Drug Abuse:

The Partnership for a Drug Free America:

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration:



[1] Retrieved March 31, 2008 from the Partnership for a Drug Free America website:




-Melisa Trombley

Honor, Pride, Respect…is not accomplished by meth.

- Amber Johnson

Meth will waste your life away, and it’s hard to notice.

-Dustin Lyman







Run With A Real Pack or ~ Fall With the Meth

-Matt Short













In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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