Lesson 2: The art of using fonts, colours in text

Lesson 2: The art of using fonts, colours in text


In this lesson you will learn:

[pic] How to format text so that it is easy to read .

[pic] Where and how to use different font type, size, style and colour.

Moz brings computer printout of a story.


A picture of Moz holding a sheet with story of Birbal


Tejas: Moz, Can we read the story? which activity did you use to write the story ?

Moz [opens Open office word]: I used the Word Processor which has the options to change the font and colour the text. Using different fonts, colouring the text is called Formatting. Let us enter the text of the story again.

Birbal and the Cow

Birbal arrived late for a function and the emperor was angry.

"My child was crying and I had to calm him," explained Birbal.

"Does it take so long to calm down a child?" asked the emperor. "It appears you know nothing about child rearing. Now you pretend to be a child and I shall act as your father and I will show you how you should have dealt with your child. Go on, ask me for whatever he asked of you."

"I want a cow," said Birbal.

Akbar ordered a cow to be brought to the palace.

"I want its milk. I want its milk," said Birbal, in the voice of a small child.

"Milk the cow and give to him," said Akbar to his servants.

The cow was milked and the milk was offered to Birbal. He drank a little and then handed the bowl back to Akbar.

"Now put the rest of it back into the cow, put it back, put in back, put it back..." cried Birbal.

The emperor was shocked and quietly left the room.

Tejas: What is a font?

Moz: Font is similar to handwriting. These are some of the different ways text can be written. Kaumudi - Moz points to the text that it entered

o Birbal and the Cow

o Birbal arrived late for a function

• The emperor was shocked


The following options on the tool bar can be used to change the font type, and font colour.

Option to select a font type

Option to set the colour of the font

Tejas: Why is the title of the story in a bigger font?

Jyoti: The letters look darker in colour than other text.

Moz: Correct. Text which is in darker colour is called bold text. Give me a few examples of other places where you find bigger and bold fonts.

Jyoti: Our text book title and lesson heading are in bigger fonts.

• Use larger and bold fonts for titles and headings.

Option to set size of the font [ small icon of font size ]

Option to set the text as bold [ small icon of bold ]

Tejas: Some words in the story are also in bold.

Moz: Observe that these words are the names of the characters in the story.

Bold text can be used to highlight a word, phrase or a sentence.

Jyoti: Some words are slant like they are going to fall down in the essay.

Moz: The slant text is called italics.

Similar to bold, italics can be used to highlight the text. Use bold and italics together only if necessary.

Option to set text as italics

Tejas: Can we use different fonts in a sentence?

Moz: Look at the following sentences and tell me which one is easy to read.

1. Tejas, Jyoti and Moz are discussing fonts.

2.Tejas, Jyoti, Moz are discussing fonts. [ Use different fonts in the illustrator ]

• In a sentence or paragraph, if you mix different types of fonts it is not easy to read. [insert the above in concept box]

Tejas: Is it possible to format after we enter the text.

Jyoti: Can we change font, size and colour of text?

Moz: Yes. You can.

Kaumudi : Example of changing the colour of text like the drag and drop images in class2

Birbal -------------------- Birbal

Step 1: Select text with the mouse by dragging the mouse over the text.

Step 2: Select the colour option with the mouse from the tool bar.

[insert the above in skill box]

Tejas and Jyoti play around with text processing and format the story.

Tejas: Moz, My wrist is paining because I have been using the mouse for a long time to format .

Moz: Tomorrow you can learn some more new exercises.

Chin chinaki.


After you have studied this lesson, you will be able to:

▪ Format the text on the computer.

▪ Use different options like font type, bold, italics, colour from the toolbar.

Worksheet 3.2

1. Circle the words that are in same font .

happy joy play team game laugh

2. Circle the words which are bold

edit copy paste cut save

3. Circle the words which are italics

print open click file folder

4. Identify and circle which of the following words are in same font size

login shutdown logout username password

5. Match the column to show which words are bold, italics and underlined:

|1. Bold |instruction |

|2. Italics |different |

|3. underline |story |

Activity 3.2

Use a word processor to do the following:

1. Write names of colours and change the text to the same colour. For example, green, blue.

2. Write names of ten students in your class. Select the names and change the font style to bold. Below each name write two qualities of your classmate in a different font. For example,

i. Manas

honest, caring

. 3. Observe the following picture and list the items in each room in a different font style.

. [Illustration of kitchen and living room with 5 items]

4. You have to make an announcement for picnic and put it on th4e school notice board. Use the different formatting options and prepare the text.

[Illustration of a notice board and write up : Kaumudi : any other ideas to show activities for fonts?]

5. Observe the fonts in newspapers, story books and everything that you read.


• What happens if you write a particular word and change the text colour to white? Click on redo to find what was written.

• Explore the highlighting and underline options available on the toolbar.

• Besides using the toolbar is there any other way to change font size, style, and colour?

Teacher's corner 3.2

▪ Begin the class by asking students to observe each other's handwriting and note the similarities and differences. Tell them, that they can use the computer to write in different styles and colours. Inform them that the handwriting on computer is called font and they can also make it bigger or smaller. Ask them to open a particular textbook and note the different styles of fonts and whether they are bold, underlined and so on. You can also type a short essay or a poem where you use different fonts for title and text.

▪ Open a word processor and demonstrate how to change the font and its size. Ask the students to explore which button can be clicked to change the color of the font. (ensure that the colour tool bar is seen). As students already know the action of selecting a particular word to edit it, they can be guided to change the fonts and colour on their own. For students who are unable to do it on their own, demonstrate the procedure.

▪ Inform the students that the styles of writing a particular text has to be used appropriately. Illustrate this by showing them the text “Tejas, Jyoti, Moz are discussing computers” and ask what is written and if they can read it easily. Emphasize that while the word processor allows us to use a variety of styles of writing and can make our task easier, it is a skill to use each of these in places that suit their purpose well.

▪ Summarize the lesson and allow the students to do the activities using the word processor. Remind them to use the edit options they have already learnt.

▪ Write a short story on the computer and ask students to use the different font options to format the text.

Further reading:



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