ICONARCH IV – Internatıonal Congress of Architecture and ...

(5 lines of space, 10 point; Thereafter all spacing should be 10 point)ICONARCH IV PAPER SUBMISSION TITLE(Title of the paper 14 point, capital letters, bold, centred)(3 line space)(1 line space)NAME SURNAME,NAME SURNAME, NAME SURNAME, (3 line space)(1 line space)ABSTRACT (1 line space)The abstract text should not exceed 400 words. The abstract title and the text should start from the left under name of the author(s). The heading of this section should be in bold and capital letters and then blocked in the left part of the page in Cambria font. Before the text, “ABSTRACT” should be written in bold in 10 point. The abstract initial text should start under this title after 1 line of space. (1 line space)Key words (5 in maximum): Word1, Word2, Word3, Word4, Word5(1 line space)(2 line space)1. INTRODUCTION(1 line space)This text indicates the rules for writing. All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of 182 x 257 cm (B5), centered on the page, beginning 3 cm from the top of the page and ending with 3 cm from the bottom. The right and left margins should be 2.5 cm. For oral presentations, the text should be 6000-7000 words and should be no more than 18 pages all-inclusive (including author names, abstract, figures, tables, references, appendices). Line spacing in all paper should be 1.15. The proceedings should be uploaded to the until January 20, 2020. (1 line space)2. BACKGROUND OF CONTEXTUAL FRAMEWORK(1 line space) 2.1. SubtitleThe heading of subtitles should be issued in form of main section and sub-section. The heading of subtitles should be written using 10 point in Cambria font with only the initial letters capitalized and 1 spaced line. The words should not be fragmented in the end of the line. (Note: for sub-sections and sub-subsections, words like ‘the’, ‘of’, ‘a’, ‘an’ are not capitalized unless it is the first word of the heading).2.2. Other SubtitleAs in this example, the author (s) name and surname, should be written in 9-point and in Cambria font using CAPITAL LETTERS from the left side of the page. The title of the Author(s), the name of the institution, the city where the institution is located should be given as a footnote under the first page. This note should be written as 9 points, and must be below a line from the main text. A horizontal line must separate the two parts (text and notes).(1 line space) 3. METHODOLOGY(1 line space) In the methodology, the problem and the method should be put forward clearly. Methods and data should be very persuasive. (1 line space) 4. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY (1 line space) Headings of main and subtitles should be numbered. The headings of main sections should be written in capital letter. For the headings of subtitle, only the first letter of word should be written in capital letter as showed in the examples (all the headings should be in bold). Lines of space between sections should be as in the examples.4.1. SubtitleFigures and tables close to the relevant text (or where they are referenced in the text). They should be numbered (e.g., “Table 1” or “Figure 2”), centered and placed beneath the figure or table written with 9-point. The headings of the Figures should be placed under the figures. One line of space at the top and bottom of the figure and tables should be leave. Please note that the words “Figure” and “Table” should be spelled out (e.g., “Figure” rather than “Fig.”) wherever they occur. The proceedings will be made available online, thus color figures are possible. Photos should be considered as figure. Resolutions of photos should be 300dpi.(1 line space)Treatment 1Treatment 2Setting ASetting BSetting CTable 1. A Very Nice Table(1 line space)With regard to spelling and punctuation, you may use any dialect of English (e.g., British, Canadian, US, etc.) provided this is done consistently. Hyphenation is optional. To ensure suitability for an international audience, please pay attention to the following:Write in a straightforward style. Try to avoid long or complex sentence structures. Briefly define or explain all technical terms that may be unfamiliar to readers.Explain all acronyms the first time they are used in your text – e.g., “Digital Library (DL)”.Explain local references (e.g., not everyone knows all city names in a particular country).Be careful with the use of gender-specific pronouns (he, she) and other gendered words (chairman, manpower, man-months). Use inclusive language that is gender-neutral (e.g., they, s/he, chair, staff, staff-hours, person-years). (1 line space)5. CONCLUSION(1 line space)It is important that you write for a general audience. It is also important that your work is presented in a professional fashion. This guideline is intended to help you achieve that goal. By adhering to the guideline, you also help the conference organizers tremendously in reducing our workload and ensuring impressive presentation of your conference paper. We thank you very much for your cooperation. (1 line space)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (OPTIONAL)Our thanks to ICONARCH IV for allowing us to modify templates they had developed.(1 line space)REFERENCEReferences and citations are to be formatted using the APA 6th version (). References and citations must be complete, i.e., include, as appropriate, volume, number, month, publisher, city and state, editors, last name & initials of all authors, page numbers, etc. If you use EndNote, be aware that different versions of the software change the styles, creating some inconsistencies. Your references should comprise only published materials accessible to the public. Proprietary information may not be cited. ................

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