Title in English - 18 point Arial font, bold, lowercase

Manuscript title in English (14 pt Arial, bold)Manuscript title in native language (14 pt Arial, bold)One single free space line Name SURNAME1, Name SURNAME2, Name SURNAME1*One single free space line 1 Affiliation in English, written in 10 pt Arial, each in a separate line2 Affiliation in English, written in 10 pt Arial, each in a separate line*corresponding author: example@ One single free space line ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH (12 pt Arial, bold, with uppercase letters)Use Arial 12-point font type and single line spacing between lines for all manuscript text. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be in a single paragraph. There should be no references to tables, figures or bibliography. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in abstract, but if essential, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Use impersonal mode when writing (avoid using words like “we”, “our”, “us”). One single free space lineKeywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, ..., keyword 6 (provide about 4-6 keywords not overlapping with those used in the manuscript title) One single free space lineABSTRACT IN NATIVE LANGUAGE In the case that manuscript is written in English language, addition of manuscript title, abstract and keywords in native language is obligatory for authors from member countries. Abstract in native language has to be a direct translation of abstract in English. Set paragraph space 6 pt before and after.One single free space lineKeywords in native language: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, ..., keyword 6 (provide 4-6 keywords, set paragraph space 6 pt before and after) One single free space lineDETAILED ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH (obligatory for manuscripts in native language)Detailed abstract should have at least 400 words in order to give the reader full understanding of the article in all essential respects. Manuscripts written in member countries national language must have manuscript title, abstract, keywords, detailed abstract, figure and table captions and footnotes written in English (including table column and row headings and variable names in figures). CHAPTER TITLE (12 pt Arial, bold, with uppercase letters)Subchapter title (12 pt, Arial font, bold, italic)Text has single space and a 6-point paragraph space before and after. There should be no blank lines between paragraphs. The general outline is: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (or Results and discussion), Conclusions, Acknowledgements (optional), and References. This scheme may not be suitable for every publication (economics, etc.). One single free space lineSub-subchapter title (12 pt, Arial font, italic)Whole text should be justified, except tables, figures and their captions which should be centered on page.All figures and tables should be placed in the text, where most suitable. Be sure that each figure (Figure 1) and table (Table 1) is mentioned in the text (do not use Fig. 1 or Tab. 1). Used symbols and abbreviations should be defined immediately below the table or figure.Use conventional abbreviations for expressing the level of statistical significance (P<0.05, P<0.001 or P>0.05). To express a unit of measurement, use a space between the number and the unit (10 kg; 20 cm) except for percentages (15%). Use g/cm3 instead of g*cm-3 or g·cm-3 or g cm-3. Use 22 °C, not 22° C or 22°C. One single free space lineFigure 1. Figure caption in English (12 pt Arial, centered)Figure 1. Figure caption in native language (if the manuscript is in native language, figure caption and variable names in figures should be written in English and in native language)One single free space lineCitation in text should be written as: if single author: Rudiskaya (201) or indirectly (Rudiskaya, 2019). If two authors: Schmidt and Buchmann (2003) or indirectly (Schmidt and Buchmann, 2003). For multiple authors: Morovat et al. (2019).Table 1. Table caption in English – 12 pt Arial, centeredTable 1. Table caption in native language (if the manuscript is written in native language, table caption, column/row headings and footnotes should be written in English and in native language) Sample 11Broj 1 Number 2Broj 2Number 3Broj 3Sample 12Uzorak 1100.50.1Sample 23Uzorak 2300.520.221 If necessary, the font size in tables may be less than 12 pt. 2 If the text of the manuscript is in author‘s native language, table captions, column and row headings and footnotes should be written in English and in native language. Use 10 pt Arial for footnotes, with 6 pt paragraph space before and after.3 Symbols and abbreviations used in table should be defined immediately below the table.One single free space lineREFERENCESReferences should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically, if necessary. References should be written in 12 pt Arial, single space with 17.5 mm line hanging and with paragraph space set at 6 pt before and after. Include hyperlinked DOI number where available, as it is shown below: Rudiskaya, T. (2019) Asymmetric price transmission analysis in the Czech pork market. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 20 (3), 986-994. DOI: Schmidt, J. (1996a) About hives and bees. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Schmidt, J. (1996b) The life of a honeybee. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Schmidt, J., Buchmann, S. L. (2003) Other products of the hive. In: Graham, J. M., ed. The hive and the honeybee. Hamilton, IL: Dadant & Sons, pp. 927-988.Sre?ec, S., Liber, Z., Erhati?, R., Dolgo?, J., ?atovi?, Z. (2009) Variability of some phenotypic traits of wild hop populations in Croatia. In: Rak-Cizej, M., ?eh, B., eds. Proceedings of 46th Hop seminar with international participation. Portoro?, Slovenia, 12-13 February 2009, Slovenian Institute for Hop Research and Brewing, pp. 323-325.Us?ak, S., ?inko, J., Muňoz, J. (2019) Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) as a promising energy crop. Journal of Central European Agriculture, 20 (4), 1143-1168. DOI: Revised: May 1, 2020 ................

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