Washington State Bond Fund


Average Maturity Yield to Maturity Effec ve Dura on Average Coupon Number of Holdings

Fund 5.6 years

1.77% 5.09 3.01% 257

Benchmark(1) 5.1 years 1.43% 4.46 3.33% 4,582

Top Ten Issuers

Blackrock Inc. U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. Laboratory Corp. Of America Banco Del Estado de Chile Principal Financial Group SP PowerAssets Ltd. BNP Paribas Macquarie Bank Ltd. AbbVie Inc. Apple Inc.

1.81% 1.16% 1.15% 1.12% 1.00% 0.97% 0.96% 0.95% 0.95% 0.94%

Investment Objecve

The Washington State Bond Fund seeks to provide returns while controlling risk by inves ng in high-quality corporate bonds. The fund's performance objec ve is to match or exceed the return of the Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Credit Index.

Investment strategy

The Washington State Bond Fund employs an ac ve strategy that seeks to add incremental value over the index. The fund normally invests in a diversified por olio of investment-grade corporate securi es. The por olio intends to earn addi onal returns through security selec on, but will be allowed to deviate from the index's dura on by plus or minus 15 percent.

Investment risk

The Washington State Bond Fund is intended for par cipants who want an investment designed to match or modestly exceed the returns of the Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Credit Index. It is intended as an intermediate-term investment vehicle due to the moderate level of returns on fixed income instruments over short me periods.

(1) Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Credit Index

The fund returns are reflected net of an annual Investment Management Fee and Investment Management Administra ve Costs, including, but not limited to accoun ng, custody and audit fees. The fund returns do not reflect the current record keeping fee of 0.0925% and the WSIB fee of 0.0226%. All fees are subject to change. Addi onal fee data is available online and in your Investment Guide.

JUNE 30, 2020


Quarter 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year

Sector Distribuon

Fund 6.97% 7.70% 5.24% 4.57% 4.42%

Benchmark(1) 6.67% 6.97% 4.88% 4.18% 4.18%

Washington State Bond Fund Benchmark(1)

Rang Distribuon

NR-Cash 0.27%

Below Baa


Aaa 4.96%



Baa 41.59%

Bond Fund

Aaa 9.56%

Aa 9.23%

A 42.38%


Baa 43.79%

A 37.42%

Moody's Equivalent Quality Rangs

Aaa+, Aaa Highest ra ngs.


Rated very strong. Only slightly less secure than the highest ra ng.


Ra ng is slightly more suscep ble to adverse economic condi ons.


Ra ng is adequate.

Below Baa Below investment grade having specula ve characteris cs.


No ra ng.


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