|Teacher |Alonda Hartford |Phone |(949) 497-7750 |

|Room # |63 |E-mail |ahartford@ |

| | |Web: |aplbhs. |

Required Text: issued by the school

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, Ed 9

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manual

Optional Text Supplements: purchased on own if desired

Barron’s Anatomy Flashcards

Anatomy coloring book, Lawrence M. Elson

Your own set of colored pencils- highly recommended


This course offers an in-depth study of the specific structures, functions and processes involved in the various systems of the human body. Each body system will be studied in terms of organizational levels, starting at the cellular/tissue level and proceeding through to an analysis of the specific organ systems. Interdependence between systems will be emphasized, as well as, the concept of maintaining homeostasis within and between systems. You will be exposed to a wide variety of lab experiences and the course will be enriched with learning models, interactive software, and field experiences when possible. Medical issues will be investigated using science principles to focus the discussions. You will be required to dissect a cat or other representative vertebrate as a learning model and lab practicum will serve as an integral assessment for the course.

Goals: You will…

1. be able to enhance your understanding of the interrelationship of form and function in the human body (structure and function), the hierarchy of structural organization, and homeostatic processes.

2. be able to identify and properly use scientific nomenclature for anatomical details relevant to all body systems.

3. be able to analyze physiological processes relevant to each system in terms of proper and improper functioning.

4. be able to apply your understanding of the human body to the study of clinical applications.

5. be able to analyze diseases related to each human system and discuss possible treatments and preventative steps

6. be exposed to various medical careers relating to each area of study.

7. be able to enhance your understanding of the human body systems using dissection of a small mammal as a model

8. be able to develop their conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing field of human anatomy and physiology.

Class Materials:

Bring to class everyday:

- notebook: three-ring binder with dividers, plenty of loose-leaf paper

- pen/pencil

- colored pencils (optional but useful)

- flashdrive recommended



- given at the beginning of class

- may be graded as quiz if review of material (zero will be given if TARDY)


- Homework is assessed using the following methods:

• % correct – used if assignment is a review/reinforcement of covered material and mastery is expected

• % completion – used if assignment introduces a new topic or is used as practice of a new skill

-All homework is to be completed by the BEGINNING of the next class period, unless noted otherwise by the teacher.

-One late coupon per quarter will be allowed for a homework assignment.

Lab Reports/Case studies:

- Certain lab activities and case studies will require a formal written report.

- The specified lab format and grading criteria will be taught and reviewed before each lab is due.

- Written reports are approximately 100 points each.


- Announced and unannounced quizzes will be given at teacher discretion.

- Quiz point values will vary between 5-25 points.

Chapter/Unit Exams:

- Always announced

- Align with learning objectives covered in class and state content standards

- Exams are corrected and answers are reviewed with class. Student reflections are required after the review of each exam.

- Exam point values vary between 50-100 points.

Extra Credit:

- Challenge questions on exams.

- Cooperative learning activities.

Semester Finals:

- Administered in accordance with school/district policies. Approx. 200-250 points

Make-up Work – your life will be easier if you don’t miss class!

If absent from class for an excused absence: when you return do the following before class begins:

1. Go to the “what you missed” area to obtain handouts and review class log for the class agenda. Attach the “Absent work” slip to new homework. Newly acquired homework must be completed and turned in before the next class period.

2. See teacher right away to turn in homework that was due while you were out and/or to set up a time to make up tests, labs or any other missed work.

3. All work that was due on the day of your absence is due immediately upon your return.

4. If you are absent on the day of an exam:

• An alternative exam will be given upon your return – essay exams that align

with the same learning objectives and standards may be administered as the

alternative exam.

• The date and time for the make-up exam will be determined by the teacher

with input from the student – this date is final. Failure to make-up the exam on

the established date will result in a zero on the exam.

5. If you are absent on the day of a lab:

• An alternative assignment may be given due to availability of supplies and time

required for set-up. The alternative assignment will align with the same learning

objectives covered during the lab.

• The date and time for the make-up lab or alternative lab assignment will be

determined by the teacher with input from the student – this date is final. Failure

to make-up the lab or lab assignment will result in a zero for the lab activity.

Classroom Rules:

Policies and procedures for the class will be established in a collaborative effort by teacher and students. Students will agree in writing to abide by the classroom policies or face established consequences as specified in the behavioral agreement.

• No cell phones or personal electronics to be used during class – unless it is the directive of the teacher.

• No unauthorized lab activities or dissections.

Steps for Success:

• Attend and actively participate in class activities and discussions

• Take good notes and stay organized

• Complete all assignments on time

• Ask questions to ensure understanding

• Use SDL (student directed learning) and see me for extra help if needed

Of Special Concern:

CELL PHONE AND PERSONAL ELECTRONICS (MP3s, iPods, game devices, etc.)


Cell phones and personal electronics WILL BE CONFISCATED if they are turned on during the class period. If the device is turned on, it is considered being used during class time which is in direct violation of school policy.

The following cell phone policy is taken from the Laguna Beach High School Handbook and will be strictly enforced in the biology classroom.


Instructional Units


Introduction to the Human Body

Define Anatomy and Physiology

Describe each of the levels of structural organization that make up the human body

List and define the necessary life functions in humans

Define homeostasis and disease

Describe how negative and positive feedback mechanisms help to maintain homeostasis.

Give physiological examples.

Cellular Physiology

Cell structures and functions

Maintaining homeostasis

Cell to cell communication

Integumentary System

Explain how the skin is considered an organ and describe its functions

Describe the histological characteristics of the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis

List and describe the different cell types of the epidermis

Skeletal System

Discuss the functions of bone

Describe the chemical composition of bone

Differentiate between osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts

Describe the structure of a long bone

Compare the histological characteristics of spongy bone and compact bone

Nervous System

Neuron anatomy

Neural classification

Neurophysiology – sodium/potassium pumps

Peripheral and Central nervous systems

Autonomic nervous system

Muscular System

List the major functions of the muscular system

Describe the gross and microscopic structure of skeletal muscle

Explain the structure of a sarcomere

Examine the events involving neuromuscular transmission of the action potential

Describe the specific actions of acetylcholine and acetylcholinesterase

Define motor neuron, motor unit, and recruitment

Define muscle tone and discuss the cause and function


Endocrine System

State the major functions of the endocrine system

List and locate the major endocrine organs in the human body

Define hormone, target organs, and hormone receptors

Describe the structural and functional relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

List the hormones of the anterior lobe of the pituitary and their functions

List the hormones stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary and their functions

List the hormones produced by the adrenal glands (cortex and medulla) and their functions

Cardiovascular System

List the functions of blood, blood cell types

Review the anatomy of the human heart

Review the route of blood flow through the systemic and pulmonary circuits

Define heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output; discuss their relationship

List and describe the factors affecting heart rate

Describe the three layers (tunics) that typically form the wall of a blood vessel

Compare and contrast the structure and function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and


Respiratory System

Review the structure and function of the organs of the respiratory system

Describe Boyle’s Law and explain how it relates to lung function

Describe the events that lead to inspiration and expiration (pressure and volume changes)

Describe the structure and function of the respiratory membrane

Describe partial pressure in a gas mixture

Describe how oxygen is transported in the blood and explain the influence of PO2 on hemoglobin

Digestive System

List the functions of the digestive system

Describe the general histology of the gastrointestinal tract

Describe digestion in the mouth (mechanical and chemical)

Describe the structure and function of the esophagus

Describe the structure and functions of the stomach

List the cell types in the stomach

Identify the regions and function of the small intestine

List the functions of the liver and gall bladder

State the roles of pancreatic juice and bile in digestion

Describe the structure and functions of the large intestine

Renal Physiology

Describe the structure of the kidney and of the nephron

Describe path of blood supply to the nephrons

Describe the process of urine formation through glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and

tubular secretion

List the hormones involved in sodium, potassium and water balance and explain their functions

Discuss the roles of the kidneys in acid-base balance and fluid and electrolyte balance

Reproductive System

Discuss the determination of genetic sex and prenatal development of male and female structures

Define puberty and secondary sexual characteristics

Describe the functions of LH, FSH, testosterone and inhibin in the male

Describe the process of oogenesis and compare it to spermatogenesis

Describe the functions of LH, FSH, estrogen, progesterone and inhibin in the female

Outline the major events of each phase of the uterine (menstrual) cycle and correlate them with

the events of the ovarian cycle

Describe the effects of aging on the reproductive systems





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