Track 1: Beginnings: Genesis to Ruth (236 Chapters)

Track 2: Nation Building: 1 Samuel to Job (242 Chapters)

Track 3: Poetry and Wisdom: Psalms to Song of Songs (201 Chapters)

Track 4: Prophets: Isaiah to Malachi (250 Chapters)

Track 5: New Testament: Matthew to Revelation (260 Chapters)

|Day |Beginnings |Nation Building |Poetry and Wisdom |Prophets |New Testament |

| 1 |Genesis 1-11 |1 Samuel 1-8 |I. Psalms 1-8; Proverbs 1 |Isaiah 1-8 |Matthew 1-7 |

| 2 |Genesis 12-20 |1 Samuel 9-15 | Psalms 9-16; Proverbs 2 |Isaiah 9-16 |Matthew 8-14 |

| 3 |Genesis 21-28 |1 Samuel 16-24 | Psalms 17-22; Proverbs 3 |Isaiah 17-24 |Matthew 15-20 |

| 4 |Genesis 29-36 |1 Samuel 25-31 | Psalms 23-29; Proverbs 4 |Isaiah 25-32 |Matthew 21-28 |

| 5 |Genesis 37-45 |2 Samuel 1-10 | Psalms 30-34; Proverbs 5 |Isaiah 33-39 |Mark 1-8 |

| 6 |Genesis 46-50 |2 Samuel 11-18 | Psalms 35-37; Proverbs 6 |Isaiah 40-48 |Mark 9-16 |

| 7 |Exodus 1-11 |2 Samuel 19-24 | Psalms 38-41; Proverbs 7 |Isaiah 49-57 |Luke 1-6 |

| 8 |Exodus 12-18 |1 Kings 1-11 |II. Psalms 42-46; Proverbs 8 |Isaiah 58-66 |Luke 7-12 |

| 9 |Exodus 19-24 |1 Kings 12-16 | Psalms 47-50; Proverbs 9 |Jeremiah 1-6 |Luke 13-18 |

|10 |Exodus 25-31 |1 Kings 17-22 | Psalms 51-57; Proverbs 10 |Jeremiah 7-12 |Luke 19-24 |

|11 |Exodus 32-40 |2 Kings 1-10 | Psalms 58-64; Proverbs 11 |Jeremiah 13-20 |John 1-6 |

|12 |Leviticus 1-10 |2 Kings 11-17 | Psalms 65-68; Proverbs 12 |Jeremiah 21-26 |John 7-12 |

|13 |Leviticus 11-20 |2 Kings 18-25 | Psalms 69-72; Proverbs 13 |Jeremiah 27-31 |John 13-21 |

|14 |Leviticus 21-27 |1 Chronicles 1-9 |III. Psalms 73-77; Proverbs 14 |Jeremiah 32-38 |Acts 1-7 |

|15 |Numbers 1-10 |1 Chronicles 10-16 | Psalms 78-83; Proverbs 15 |Jeremiah 39-45 |Acts 8-14 |

|16 |Numbers 11-17 |1 Chronicles 17-22 | Psalms 84-89; Proverbs 16 |Jeremiah 46-49 |Acts 15-21 |

|17 |Numbers 18-27 |1 Chronicles 23-29 |IV. Psalms 90-92; Proverbs 17 |Jeremiah 50-52 |Acts 22-28 |

|18 |Numbers 28-36 |2 Chronicles 1-9 | Psalms 93-100; Proverbs 18 |Lamentations 1-5 |Romans 1-8 |

|19 |Deuteronomy 1-10 |2 Chronicles 10-20 | Psalms 101-106; Proverbs 19 |Ezekiel 1-11 |Romans 9-16 |

|20 |Deuteronomy 11-20 |2 Chronicles 21-28 |V. Psalms 107-110; Proverbs 20 |Ezekiel 12-20 |1 Corinthians 1-8 |

|21 |Deuteronomy 21-26 |2 Chronicles 29-36 | Psalms 111-118; Proverbs 21 |Ezekiel 21-28 |1 Corinthians 9-16 |

|22 |Deuteronomy 27-34 |Ezra 1-10 | Psalm 119:1-88; Proverbs 22 |Ezekiel 29-39 |2 Corinthians 1-13 |

|23 |Joshua 1-12 |Nehemiah 1-13 | Psalm 119:89-176; Proverbs 23 |Ezekiel 40-48 |Galatians; Ephesians |

|24 |Joshua 13-21 |Esther 1-10 | Psalms 120-134; Proverbs 24 |Daniel 1-6 |Phil; Col; 1,2 Thess |

|25 |Joshua 22-24 |Job 1-3 | Psalms 135-139; Proverbs 25 |Daniel 7-12 |1,2 Tim; Titus; Philemon |

|26 |Judges 1-8 |Job 4-14 | Psalms 140-145; Proverbs 26 |Hosea |Hebrews |

|27 |Judges 9-12 |Job 15-21 | Psalms 146-150; Proverbs 27 |Joel; Amos; Obadiah |James; 1,2 Peter |

|28 |Judges 13-16 |Job 22-31 |Ecclesiastes 1-6; Proverbs 28 |Jonah; Micah; Nahum |1,2,3 John; Jude |

|29 |Judges 17-21 |Job 32-37 |Ecclesiastes 7-12; Proverbs 29 |Hab; Zeph; Haggai |Revelation 1-11 |

|30 |Ruth 1-4 |Job 38-42 |Song of Songs 1-8; Proverbs 30-31 |Zechariah; Malachi |Revelation 12-22 |


In this reading plan the entire Bible has been divided into five separate tracks corresponding to five major sections of Scripture. The daily readings from each track consist of major narratives or divisions within these sections of Scripture. Reading large portions of Scripture in this manner will give you a better appreciation for the overall flow of Scripture and how the various parts of the Bible fit together.


Section 1: Beginnings: Genesis to Ruth (236 Chapters)

This section talks about creation, the origin of sin, the flood, the calling of Abraham, the lives of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. It talks about how the people of Israel went down to Egypt and came back through a mighty deliverance under the leadership of Moses, the institution of the Passover, the giving of the ten commandments and various other laws, the setting up of God's tabernacle, and the conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua. Finally, it talks about the period when judges ruled the land and about the marriage of Boaz to Ruth, who together became the ancestors of David.

Section 2: Nation Building: 1 Samuel to Job (242 Chapters)

This section talks about how the nation of Israel consolidated itself, first under Samuel, who was the last judge of Israel and then under Saul, the first king of Israel. It gives us a detailed account of David's life and reign; followed by the reign of his son, Solomon, and his building of the temple of God in Jerusalem. It talks about how the kingdom was divided into two and how they kept sinning against God and how God finally allowed Assyrian and Babylonian armies to destroy their nation. This section also contains the stories of the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall and the temple under the leadership of Nehemiah and Ezra, when the people returned from exile and also carries the story of Esther, who spoke up for God's people in crisis. Finally this section ends with the story of Job's life; his loss, suffering and restoration.

Section 3: Poetry and Wisdom: Psalms to Song of Songs (201 Chapters)

This section begins with the book of Psalms which are songs and prayers of worship. This section also contains the book of Proverbs which is full of wisdom for practical living. Then comes the book of Ecclesiastes, which is a philosophical reflection on life with the conclusion that fearing God and keeping His commandments is what matters at the end. The final book in this section is Song of Songs which praises the beauty of love in marriage.

Section 4: Prophets: Isaiah to Malachi (250 Chapters)

This section contains the writings of the prophets. These books contain some great visions of God, great prayers, great promises, great warnings, great judgments and great prophecies of the salvation to come. There are many great references to the restoration of the people of God from exile and judgment, the plan of the new temple, and the coming rule of the Messiah at the end of Time. The Book of Isaiah has been a favorite of Christians down through the centuries with its famous prophecies about Jesus' birth and death. The Books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Zechariah are vital in understanding the message of Revelation and God's plan for the end times. Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. His was, in a sense, the last voice of prophecy in the Old Testament. For the next 400 years there were no prophets until the coming of John the Baptist who announced the arrival of Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'”

Section 5: New Testament: Matthew to Revelation (260 Chapters)

This section contains the story of the birth, life, work, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the four writers of the gospels containing the story of Jesus' life. The Book of Acts is the story of the beginning of the Church; starting with the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit on believers on the day of Pentecost. Then we have a lot of letters or epistles written by Paul, Peter, James, John and Jude. Finally we have the Book of Revelation written by John while he was at the island of Patmos in exile. It gives us the strong conviction that God is on His throne, and that every event of history is moving towards a God-destined end. It tells us that God will intervene in world affairs and bring an end to war, sin, suffering and death. It also speaks of the final doom of Satan and all his agents who led the world astray. The book of Revelation closes with the promise that Jesus is coming soon!

5-TRACK BIBLE READING PLAN: Options (see schedules on back)


OPTION 1: Read through the whole Bible in three years: Taking one track at a time in order, read the assigned daily reading for the track over the course of a week. Each track will take 30 weeks or approximately seven months to complete.

OPTION 2: Read through the whole Bible in one year: Take two months to read each track. (This option gives you two extra months at the end of the year for catching up on missed days.)

OPTION 3: Read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in one year: Take two months to read each track, choosing the New Testament track twice during the year.

OPTION 4: Read through the whole Bible twice in one year: Taking one track at a time in order, read the assigned daily reading for the chosen track each day. (This option gives you two extra months for catching up on missed days.)

OPTION 5: Read through the Old Testament twice and the New Testament four times in one year: Taking one track at a time, read the assigned daily reading for the chosen track each day. Choose each of the Old Testament tracks twice during the year and choose the New Testament track four times during the year.


OPTION 6: Read through the Old Testament five times and the New Testament four times in one year: Read the assigned daily readings from two of the tracks each day in order.

OPTION 7: Read through the Old Testament three times in one year and the New Testament every month: Read the assigned daily reading from one of the Old Testament tracks each day along with the assigned reading from the New Testament track.


OPTION 8: Read through the Old Testament seven times and the New Testament eight times in one year: The first month read the assigned daily readings from the New Testament track and the first two Old Testament tracks. Continue reading the assigned daily readings from three tracks at a time in order.


OPTION 9: Read through the whole Bible every month: Read the assigned daily readings from all five tracks each day. (Note: This option will not be appropriate for all seasons of your life but should be considered at some times. It will take you about two and a half hours a day. Think of it as “tithing your time” to reading God’s Word!)


| |OPTION 1 |

|Jan-Jul |Track 1 |

|Aug-Feb |Track 2 |

|Mar-Sep |Track 3 |

|Oct-Apr |Track 4 |

|May-Dec |Track 5 |


|Jan-Feb |Track 1 |Track 1 |

|Mar-Apr |Track 2 |Track 2 |

|May-Jun |Track 3 |Track 5 |

|Jul-Aug |Track 4 |Track 3 |

|Sep-Oct |Track 5 |Track 4 |

|Nov-Dec |Catch-Up |Track 5 |


|Jan |Track 1 |Track 1 |Tracks 1,2 |Tracks 1,5 |Tracks 5,1,2 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Feb |Track 2 |Track 2 |Tracks 3,4 |Tracks 2,5 |Tracks 3,4,5 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Mar |Track 3 |Track 5 |Tracks 5,1 |Tracks 3,5 |Tracks 1,2,3 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Apr |Track 4 |Track 3 |Tracks 2,3 |Tracks 4,5 |Tracks 4,5,1 |Tracks 1-5 |

|May |Track 5 |Track 4 |Tracks 4,5 |Tracks 1,5 |Tracks 2,3,4 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Jun |Catch-Up |Track 5 |Tracks 1,2 |Tracks 2,5 |Tracks 5,1,2 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Jul |Track 1 |Track 1 |Tracks 3,4 |Tracks 3,5 |Tracks 3,4,5 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Aug |Track 2 |Track 2 |Tracks 5,1 |Tracks 4,5 |Tracks 1,2,3 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Sep |Track 3 |Track 5 |Tracks 2,3 |Tracks 1,5 |Tracks 4,5,1 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Oct |Track 4 |Track 3 |Tracks 4,5 |Tracks 2,5 |Tracks 2,3,4 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Nov |Track 5 |Track 4 |Tracks 1,2 |Tracks 3,5 |Tracks 5,1,2 |Tracks 1-5 |

|Dec |Catch-Up |Track 5 |Tracks 3,4 |Tracks 4,5 |Tracks 3,4,5 |Tracks 1-5 |


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