Fontes Book Proposal

Manuscript Proposal Form

The mission of Fontes Press is to advance Christian thought and remember its heritage. We are interested in works that make contributions to areas of thought related to biblical studies, theology, Christian living, or disciplines that contribute to advancing thought in these areas such as philosophy, ethics, economics/vocation, science, literature, etc. We welcome proposals that fit with this mission.


1. Fill out the entire form below.

2. Submit a proposal and either sample chapters or the full manuscript.

3. Submit your finished proposal electronically to todd@.

Thank you!

You can expect a response to your proposal within one month of its submission. We will not respond to, or return, proposals submitted by mail.

Manuscript Information

• Title:

• Subtitle (if any):

Is your submission being sent simultaneously to other publishers?

Which category best describes your book?

Is the manuscript finished?

Has the manuscript been previously published?

Author’s Contact Information

• Author/Editor:

• Address:

• Office Phone:

• Cell Phone:

• Email:

Do you have an agent?

How would you like your name to appear on the book’s cover?

Author Details

Present employment:

Church affiliation:


Professional organizations:

Manuscript Summaries and Details

Summarize your book in approximately 30 words:

Summarize your book in approximately 150 words, with a specific focus on the book’s benefit for the reader:

Provide brief chapter summaries showing how you develop your book’s themes/material:

What main points are you communicating?

Who is your target audience?

Do you see any books competing with yours? Please list them.

How is yours different?

Are any Fontes Press titles similar to your submission?

If so, which ones?

What are the three most important reasons people would read your book?




What are the book’s three most unique features that would make people buy it?




Other Manuscript Details

Which Bible translation(s) do you use?

What is the estimated word count of your submission?

What is the estimated character count of your submission (including footnotes and endnotes, but not including spaces)?

Promotion Details

If applicable, provide a list (including contact details) of recognized authorities on your proposal’s topic who have read it and would be willing to offer prepublication comment.

List any endorsements already made (with name and contact info of endorser):

Would any ministries or organizations with which you are connected be interested in making bulk purchases of your submission?

If so, list here:

Have you spoken, or will you speak, at any events relevant to your proposal?

Please submit either the full manuscript or the introduction and 1-2 more chapters of your book in a separate Microsoft Word or PDF document.

Please also submit a CV with your proposal.

Thank you for your proposal.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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