Chapter 19: The Economics of the Welfare State

Related Web Links – Chapter 18 - The Economics of the Welfare State

The US Bureau of the Census:

World Bank PovertyNet:

CIA World Fact Book - poverty statistics:

OECD poverty statistics:

National Health Expenditure Date, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),

NYT, Times Topics, provides a number of articles related to Health Insurance Reform efforts in the US:

WSJ Health Reform topics also provides a timely link to many articles related to Health Reform:

NYT, March 2012, “Income Inequality”

NYT April 2009, “Going Dutch,”

NYT, February 2006, “Islam on the Outskirts of the Welfare State,”

Newsweek, June 2009, Robert Samuelson, “Our Sinking Welfare State,”

NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School Poll, 2001 “Poverty in America,”

NYT Opinion, August 2009, “Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor?”

NYT Opinion, February 2008, Krugman, “Poverty Is Poison,”

WSJ, September 2009, “Downturn Weighs on Poor,”

WSJ August 2009, “A Fighting Chance: India's Muslim girls box their way out poverty,”

WSJ, October 2007, “Income-Inequality Gap Widens,”

WSJ September 2009, “Income Gap Shrinks in Slump at the Expense of the Wealthy,”

WSJ September 2009, “Searching for Income Inequality Clues in Census Data,”

From Vox, June 2009, “Education and technology: Supply, demand, and income inequality,”

NPR, July 2009, “Harlem Children’s Zone Breaks Poverty Pattern,” with a link to full audio version,

WSJ November 2009, Part 4 of the WSJ's "Faces of Health Care" series.”

Business Week, June 2009, “Study Links Medical Costs and Personal Bankruptcy”

Washington Post, February 2005, “Sick and Broke,”


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