Sixth Grade Country Report - Effingham County Schools ...

Sixth Grade Country Report


Name: __________________________ Class:________

Due Date: May 12, 2014

It is the end of the year and we have learned about so many interesting places! It is hard to believe our time is coming to an end.

We will end the year with a major project that will be two test grades! A lot of the work will be completed at school, but some may need to work more at home. This project will require a research paper, a visual, and a presentation. The research paper will be one grade and the visual with presentation will be the second grade.

The main categories you will cover in this report are: Geography, Government, History, Economy, and People.

Writing strategies and research strategies will be taught in the classroom to help prepare you to write your research paper. Attached you will find the requirements of each section of the research paper, the point values, and the due date.

Sixth Grade Country Report-Country Request Form

Name:_______________________________ Class:___________________

Please choose 3 countries that you would like to research. Please put your top choice as #1, second as #2, and last as #3. I really would like you all to have your #1 pick, but I also want you to pick countries that interest you! Look at ones we have not talked about this year if you are curious or adventurous (PS The highlighted countries are ones we have talked about.).

Europe: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, and United Kingdom (Great Britain/England),

Canada: Canada, eh

Latin America: Anguilla, Antiqua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Bristish Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Domincian Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Gernaldines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela,

Australia: Australia, New Zealand

1st choice:___________________

2nd choice: __________________

3rd choice: ___________________

Country assigned: ____________________________

Part I: Writing Component

You will be completing a MINIMUM of SEVEN paragraphs on your country. Here is an outline of what I will be looking for. Please use this as a guide. I will be grading mainly on CONTENT. You are welcome to write more than seven paragraphs. Each paragraph needs to have at least 5-8 sentences (can be more), except for the intro and conclusion. FOLLOW THE OUTLINE as far as each paragraph. What is under is a GUIDE of ideas for you to use.

❖ Paragraph One: Introduction

• In 3-5 sentences, tell me what country you have chosen and why. Don’t forget to have a strong hook. Make me want to visit your country in three sentences. Be funny, state a fact, tell me what I will find out in your paper, etc.

❖ Paragraph Two: Geography

• Tell me your country’s location.

▪ Continent, Hemisphere, time zone, etc

• Physical Features

▪ Tropical, mountains, deserts, waterfalls, etc

• Climate

▪ Tropical, mild, rainfall, weather, etc

• Animal Life

▪ Anything cool?

❖ Paragraph Three: History

• First Inhabitants

• Who established them?

• Famous Leaders?

• Major wars or revolutions?

❖ Paragraph Four: Government

• Country’s official name

• Type of government and a brief description of that government

▪ EX: parliamentary democracy. What is the definition of this?

• Current government leader

• Current Events?

❖ Paragraph Five: Economy

• What type of economy do they have?

• Major industries

• Trading partner?

• Currency

• Natural resources

❖ Paragraph Six: People ( Can easily make this two paragraphs and could receive extra credit for the extra paragraph)

• Population

• Language

• Religion

• Special celebrations?

• Education

• Typical foods

• Any traditional clothing?

• Holidays and customs?

• Sports

• Art

• Current Events?

❖ Paragraph Seven: Conclusion

• Wrap it up. Make me want to find out more about this country. Give me a really strong, interesting fact you found.

❖ Works Cited

• Make sure you give me where you found the information. If you used a textbook, what is the full name of the textbook? If you used the internet, what was the address you used? Copy and Paste is a great friend.

Works Cited Notes:

A bibliography/works cited is a list of the sources you used to get information for your report. It is included at the end of your report, on the last page (or last few pages).

You will find it easier to prepare your Works Cited page if you keep track of each book, encyclopedia, website, or article you use as you are reading and taking notes. The easiest way to do this is to follow along the note sheets that I have given you.

When assembling a final works cited, list your sources (texts, articles, interviews, and so forth) in ALPHABETICAL order by authors’ last names. Sources that do not have authors should be alphabetized by title.

Research Process

As you research each section you will find a great deal of information. Your job is to sort out what is “good” information and what is not and then organize that information. For example, if you are researching geography and you find some good information on history or another category, be sure to note it an use those facts in the right area of your report. Be familiar with your outline before you begin researching so you have an idea of what you are looking for.

Note Taking Procedure

Here is an easy way to record the country facts on 3 X 5 index cards. Follow this procedure:

1. Write the category on the left hand side of the index card and the Roman numeral next to it corresponds to on your outline. (Ex: II Geography)

2. On the next available line, write the subcategory and the letter it corresponds with. (Ex. A. Location).

3. If the subcategory is further broken down, please write it and the Roman numeral it corresponds with. (Ex i. Continent)

4. Then write down the information you found in your own words. Use concise adjectives and nouns, but do NOT write in complete sentences.

5. Finally, cite the source in the upper right hand corner.

Name:________________________ Country Assigned:________________________

Research Note Sheet

Visual Project Options

Pick one of these options. I can always help and give you more ideas. I am willing to work with other ideas as well. TALK TO ME!

1. Create a map of your country on a poster. Must include at least three physical features, natural resources, and three cities. (NOT an option for 5th period)

2. Collect pictures of the people from your country and use a Venn Diagram to describe how they are similar and different from us. (Not an option for 5th period).

3. Learn to play/sing a song from your country and make a recording that we can listen to.

4. Choose a special building from your country and build a model of it.

5. Choose a story/fairytale from your country. Learn how to tell the story. Make some simple puppets to help you tell your story to an audience.

6. Create a Prezi/PowerPoint on the environmental issues of your country.

7. Create a timeline showing at least eight historical events for your country. (5th period can do-however, must use an online timeline such as TimeToast)

8. Make a triboard travel brochure for your country. (NOT an option for 5th period)

9. Choose an artist from your country. Paint or draw a copy of one of their works and write a short biography about the artist.

10. Country in a shoebox ( 4-6 items you will find from the country inside of the shoebox. The outside needs to be covered in pictures)

Mrs. Healy’s FAVORITE PART-FOOD!!!!!

Extra Credit, NOT required, just encouraged!

This is just like the European food dishes that we did last fall. Except now, it will be more than just Europe. The recipe must be from the country you are reporting on. You cannot bring in Chinese food if you did your report on Brazil, it just doesn’t work. If you are doing Brazil, the Abacate Batido would be perfect (whipped Avocado Desert). The more food we have, the more fun it will be. It doesn’t have to be expensive or even elaborate. Just remember to bring in enough for students in the class. There are students with peanut allergies. If you use any type of nut, please let the class know!


The last time we did the food dishes, there was almost too much to eat in one day (for me that is). So, to make it easier, we will bring in dishes on certain days.

May 12th- 3rd and 6th period ONLY

May 14th- 4th period ONLY

May 15- 5th period ONLY

# of students per class:

3rd- 26 4th- 28 5th- 23 6th-26

Country Project: Written component

|Category |5 |3 |1 | |

|Organization |Information is very |Information is |The information appears | |

| |organized with |semi-organized. The |to be disorganized. | |

| |well-constructed |paragraphs are not | | |

| |paragraphs. Student |well-constructed. | | |

| |followed the outline | | | |

| |given. | | | |

|Content |Shows a full understanding|Shows a good |Does not seem to | |

| |of the topic. Student |understanding of the |understand the topic very| |

| |goes above the obvious |topic. |well. | |

| |facts and gives more. | | | |

|Accuracy of Facts |Information clearly |Information clearly |Information has little or| |

| |relates to the main topic.|relates to the main |nothing to do with the | |

| |All supportive facts are |topic. Almost all |main topic. NO facts are | |

| |reported accurately. |supportive facts are |reported OR most are | |

| | |reported accurately. |inaccurately reported. | |

|Mechanics |Writer makes less than |Writer makes 3-5 errors. |Writer makes more than 5 | |

| |three errors. Paper is |They catch the reader's |errors | |

| |exceptionally easy to |attention and interrupt |that catch the reader's | |

| |read. |the flow. |attention and greatly | |

| | | |interrupt the flow. | |

|Works Cited Page |All sources (information |Missing some sources and |No sources noted. | |

| |and graphics) are |are not accurate sources.| | |

| |accurately documented on |(ex: Google) | | |

| |works cited page. | | | |

|Work as a Whole & Effort |Class time was used |Most/Some of class times |Class times was not used | |

| |effectively. Required no |was used effectively, |effectively. Required | |

| |reminders to stay on task.|Required some reminders |many reminders to stay on| |

| |Project exceeded |to stay on task. Project|task. Project does not | |

| |expectations. |meets expectations. |meet expectations. | |

Country Project: Visual Presentation

|Category |5 |3 |1 | |

|Content |Shows a full understanding of |Shows a good understanding|Does not seem to | |

| |the topic. |of the topic. |understand the topic very | |

| | | |well. | |

|Knowledge Gained |Student can accurately answer |Student can accurately |Student appears to have | |

| |all questions related to facts |answer about 75% of |insufficient knowledge | |

| |in the presentation and |questions related to facts|about the facts or | |

| |processes used to create the |in the presentation and |processes used in the | |

| |presentation |processes used to create |presentation | |

| | |the presentation. | | |

|Attractiveness |The presentation is originally |The presentation is |The poster is | |

| |attractive in terms of design, |attractive in terms of |distractingly messy or | |

| |layout, and neatness. |design, layout and |very poorly designed. It | |

| | |neatness, though it may be|is not attractive | |

| | |a bit messy. | | |

|Preparedness |Student is completely/ pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at | |

| |Prepared and has obviously |prepared, but it is clear |all prepared to present. | |

| |rehearsed. |that rehearsal was | | |

| | |lacking. | | |

|Creativity |The project/presentation shows |The project shows moderate|The project shows very | |

| |excellent creativity in design |to average creativity in |poor/no creativity in | |

| |and though process. |design and thought |design and thought | |

| | |process. |process. | |

|Graphics - Relevance |All graphics are related to the |Some graphics do not |Graphics do not relate to | |

| |topic and make it easier to |relate to the topic. |the topic | |

| |understand. | | | |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and distinctly |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not | |

| |all (100-95%) the time, and |distinctly most ( 94-85%) |be understood OR | |

| |mispronounces no words. |of the time. Mispronounces|mispronounces more than | |

| | |no more than one word |one word. | |

|Work as a Whole & Effort |Class time was used effectively.|Most/Some of class times |Class times were not used | |

| |Required no reminders to stay on|was used effectively, |effectively. Required | |

| |task. Project exceeded |Required some reminders to|many reminders to stay on | |

| |expectations. |stay on task. Project |task. Project does not | |

| | |meets expectations. |meet expectations. | |

|Category |5 |3 |1 | |

| | | | | |

Sixth Grade Country Report Checklist

|Country Report Item |Completed- parent initial |Completed- Teacher check |

| | | |

|Country Request Form | | |

|Outline | | |

|Introduction | | |

|Geography | | |

|History | | |

|Government | | |

|Economy | | |

|People | | |

|Conclusion | | |

|Works Cited/Bibliography | | |

|Final Draft Paper | | |

|Visual Presentation | | |

|Extra Credit- Food | | |

| | | |


Source: Hold World History P. R4

II. Geography

a. Location

i. Continent

United States-found on the continent of North America


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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