Survey of Literature Book Report Forms

Survey of Literature Book Report Forms



Page numbers_________________

Why did you choose this book?



Before reading the story, what do you predict will happen just by reading the title?


In this story, the problem starts when _________________________________________


After that _______________________________________________________________


Next, ___________________________________________________________________


Then, __________________________________________________________________


The problem is finally solved when___________________________________________


The story ends with________________________________________________________


Describe the setting of the book.


How did the setting affect the mood of the book?


The theme of the story is____________________________________________________

I learned from this story___________________________________________________


I can identify with the main character when_____________________________________


One of the character’s flaws is_______________________________________________

Another character is_______________________________________________________

Describe the relationship between this character and the main character.


Below, draw a character map for the main character. Be sure to include at least 8 character traits. Then, write once sentence that tells what kinds of person the character is.

Book development

What did you think of the book?


What did you like about the book? Why?



What did you not like about the book? Why?


What would you change? Why?


Author’s choice

Why do you think the author chose this ending for the book?


Did you like the ending? Why or why not?


What kind of language did the author use? Colloquial language, specific terminology? Why?



Choose one of the following.

1. Re-write the ending of the story. Your ending should be at least three paragraphs long and typed in the format given in class.

2. Create a colored book jacket for the book and include a summary of the book on the left flap, a critique of the book on the right flap, and a picture on the cover. Both the summary and the critique must each be at least 8 sentences.

3. Choose one term from the list below and explain in a complete paragraph how the author uses it in the book. The paragraph must include a main idea sentence, 3 examples, and explanation for each example, and a concluding sentence. At least one example must be an exact quote from the book.

• Theme

• Tone

• Symbolism


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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