Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc.

Organizational Development Assessment Tool


The purpose of the assessment tool is to provide Compassionate Ministry Centers (CMCs) with a learning and development opportunity. The tool is designed to identify areas of organizational capacity and needs for development that the organization can discuss and then begin to address. In addition, NCM, Inc. is providing CMCs with this tool to help identify the priority needs and support it will offer participating organizations in the form of consulting and training resources. This tool was developed by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. with consultation from BTW informing change.

The assessment consists of seven sections that correspond to seven core organization functions: Legal, Mission/Vision/Planning, Board Development, Financial Accountability, Fund Development, Human Resources, and Program Development. There are two additional sections of the assessment that will help to determine the organization’s perception of its level of development and its priority functional areas for development.

Who Should Complete the Assessment

Ideally, one or more of the following people—the Executive Director (Volunteer or Paid-staff), Board Chair, Board Members, and Staff (Volunteer or Paid-staff)—would complete the assessment individually and then come together to have a discussion and reach a consensus on each item, which is then captured in one completed assessment form for your organization. The intention is that the discussion and reaching consensus are learning and development processes for the organization.

Instructions for Completing the Assessment

Distribute copies of the assessment to those individuals who will be participating in the group discussion to complete the assessment that represents the organization. Ask each designated person to complete the assessment individually and to bring a copy of their results with them to the group discussion. Complete a discussion of each item and come to consensus on an aggregate completed assessment. An organization should submit one (1) completed assessment. Return either a hard copy or electronic version (via Survey Monkey) of the completed assessment to:

Geneva Coleman ● NCM, Inc.

12351 W. 96th Terrace, Suite 100 ● Lenexa, KS 66215

gcoleman@ ●(800) 214-4999

Required Organizational Information

Only one person needs to fill out this section:

|Organization Name: | |Website Address: | |

|Mailing Address: | |

|Contact Name: | |Contact Title: | |

|Contact Phone: | |Contact Fax: | |

|Contact E-mail: | | | |

|Organization’s Mission | |

|Statement/Purpose: | |

| | |

|Operational Dates | |Date of Incorporation (if | |

|of Organization | |applicable): | |

|(fiscal year): | | | |

|Geographic Target Population: | | | |

| | | | |

|Economic Target Population: |LEVEL |Low Income |

|Number of | |Number of | |

|Full-Time Staff: | |Part-Time Staff: | |

|Number of Volunteer Staff | |Number of Vol. Hours (Yearly): | |

|(Unduplicated): | | | |

Required Organizational Fiscal Information

Only one person needs to fill out this section:

|Organization’s Current Operational Budget: | |

| |

|For the past fiscal year, state the amount and percentage of the following revenue sources contributed to your organization’s operational budget: |

| |Revenue Amount |Revenue Percent |

|Federal Government: | | |

|State Government: | | |

|Local Government: | | |

|Individual Donors: | | |

|Foundations or Corporations (please specify below): | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Churches (please specify below): | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Self-disclosure statement

|Amount of previously received NCM grants: | | |

|Dates of previously received NCM grants: | | |

|I. Legal Documentation Checklist |

|Item |Description |Yes |No |In Progress |Not Applicable |

| |Articles of Incorporation filed with NCM USA/Canada Office and are up-to-date | | | | |

|Bylaws |Bylaws written and approved by the Board and filed with state and NCM USA/Canada Office and periodically | | | | |

| |reviewed | | | | |

| |501(c)(3) acceptance letter filed with NCM USA/Canada Office | | | | |

|Payroll Documentation |Filed and received Employer Identification Number | | | | |

|Insurance |Initial and periodic review insurance needs with agent and creation of the proper policy | | | | |

|District 10% Approval |District 10% status approval | | | | |

| |Ongoing pursuit of additional credentials, awards and community recognition | | | | |

|Registered Agent |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Vision |The ability to articulate a vision|A clear understanding of what you |A clear and specific understanding|A clear and specific understanding|( Level 1 |

| |for future ministry; little shared|want the ministry to become; held |of what you want the ministry to |of what you want the ministry to |( Level 2 |

| |understanding of what the |by a few, but rarely used to |become; held by the Board and |become; held by the Board and |( Level 3 |

| |organization aspires to become |direct actions or set priorities |staff and often used to direct |staff and used consistently to |( Level 4 |

| |beyond the stated mission | |actions and set priorities |direct actions and set priorities |( Not Applicable |

| | | | |and is periodically reviewed | |

|Strategic Planning |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Board Meetings |Regular Board of Director meetings |Regular Board of Director meetings |Regular Board of Director meetings |Regular Board of Director meetings |( Level 1 |

| |are held and attended |are held and attended; Board meeting|are held and attended; Board meeting|are held and attended; Board meeting|( Level 2 |

| | |agenda and minutes are written and |agenda and minutes are written and |agenda and minutes are written and |( Level 3 |

| | |filed |filed; Board Chair (separate from |filed; Board Chair (separate from |( Level 4 |

| | | |Executive Director) convenes and |Executive Director) convenes and |( Not Applicable |

| | | |facilitates each meeting |facilitates each meeting; Board | |

| | | | |assesses the performance of its | |

| | | | |structures and policies annually | |

|IV. Financial Accountability |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Bookkeeping |Established a fiscal year end and |Established dual approval system |Established dual approval system |Established dual approval system in|( Level 1 |

| |set-up basic bookkeeping practices|in place where one person approves|in place; Make proper bookkeeping |place; Make proper bookkeeping |( Level 2 |

| |(checks and balances) |the expense and a second signs the|adjustments as directed by auditor|adjustments as directed by auditor |( Level 3 |

| | |check, and two signatures required|or reviewer and track restricted |or reviewer and track restricted |( Level 4 |

| | |for checks over a predetermined |funds separately |funds separately; consider EFCA |( Not Applicable |

| | |amount | |Certification (if applicable) | |

|IV. Financial Accountability |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|V. Fund Development |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Board Involvement |Board Members are aware of |Board Members commit to |Board Members are actively |There is 100% participation from Board|( Level 1 |

| |expectations to contribute to |contribute to fund raising |contributing to fund raising efforts; |in the area of fund development |( Level 2 |

| |fund raising efforts |efforts; Board Members are |Board Members sponsor annual Board | |( Level 3 |

| | |willing to provide names and |sponsored fund raising event(s) | |( Level 4 |

| | |addresses for mailings | | |( Not Applicable |

|Funding Streams |Organization has secured at |A simple, written strategy |Some kind of strategic fund raising |A written, multi-year strategic fund |( Level 1 |

| |least one source for start-up |exists for funding your |plan exists that includes multiple |development plan exists that includes |( Level 2 |

| |funding |organization; more than one |funding streams (private foundations, |multiple funding streams (private |( Level 3 |

| | |source of income exists for the|public entities, individuals, |foundations, public entities, |( Level 4 |

| | |organization |churches, income generation, |individuals, churches, income |( Not Applicable |

| | | |micro-enterprises, etc.); more than |generation, micro-enterprises, etc.); | |

| | | |two sources of income exist for the |the organization is supported by | |

| | | |organization |multiple sources of funds or income | |

|Grants and Contracts |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Policies and Procedures |No organization policies or |Establishment of basic policies |Basic personnel (paid and |Completed and regularly reviewed |( Level 1 |

| |procedures in existence |and procedures that guide your |non-paid) policies and procedures |Human Resources manual with |( Level 2 |

| | |employees and volunteer staff, |in place; Board or committee given|policies that reflect the |( Level 3 |

| | |including hiring and firing |responsibility to develop a Human |organization’s values and mission |( Level 4 |

| | |procedures |Resources manual with policies | |( Not Applicable |

| | | |that reflect the organization’s | | |

| | | |values and mission | | |

|Staff Evaluation |No staff performance management |Some kind of performance |Performance management system in |Performance management system in |( Level 1 |

| |system in place |evaluation process exists for |place with regular review and |place with regular review and |( Level 2 |

| | |paid-staff and volunteer-staff.* |evaluation process; confidential |evaluation process; confidential |( Level 3 |

| | | |employee discipline process with |employee discipline process with |( Level 4 |

| | |(*volunteers acting in a staff |oral and written disciplinary |oral and written disciplinary |( Not Applicable |

| | |capacity.) |procedures in place |procedures in place; annual | |

| | | | |Executive Director evaluation | |

| | | | |process | |

|VII. Program Development |

|Category/Topic |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |Organization’s Level |

|Program Planning |Some kind of program plan that |A fuller program description is |Written, detailed program |Program plans and measurable |( Level 1 |

| |outlines the need and provides a |written |descriptions with measurable |outcomes are in place; periodic |( Level 2 |

| |solution is crafted | |outcomes are established |review of the needs statement and |( Level 3 |

| | | | |program updates, if necessary, are|( Level 4 |

| | | | |made |( Not Applicable |

|Partnerships |Basic knowledge of other |Network and dialogue with |Formal or informal partnerships |Continued networking and |( Level 1 |

| |organizations involved in similar |organizations involved in similar |with other organizations in the |development of formal and informal|( Level 2 |

| |activities and programs |activities and programs to |community |collaborations with other |( Level 3 |

| | |discover potential ways of | |community organizations |( Level 4 |

| | |partnering | | |( Not Applicable |

|VIII. Organizational Capacity |

|Please check the organization description, 1-4, that most closely matches your organization. |Check One |

|Level 1 |A nonprofit organization with little or no administrative infrastructure or organizational capacity. The organization has completed and/or filed| |

| |some, but not all of its legal documentation. It has not fully developed its mission or focused on a purpose. It might have a slogan, but no | |

| |real mission or plan to carry out that mission. These organizations often lack focus and need quickly to determine their niche. The board is | |

| |most likely made up of individuals who have little to no experience serving on a nonprofit board. There is no board orientation, training or | |

| |development at this point. The executive director is a novice and/or inexperienced and most likely fulfilling most of the organizational tasks. | |

| |Financial capacity is limited, with a basic checking account, and limited or nonexistent accounting systems and financial safeguards. Fund | |

| |development is very basic, with only a few sources of income, most coming from one source – the sponsoring organization (such as a local church | |

| |or a District). The organization operates with a mostly volunteer staff and a part-time or underpaid executive director. Programs tend to be | |

| |informal, with little focus and unwritten goals or objectives; there is no formal or even informal evaluation process for programs. | |

|Level 2 |A relatively new organization or one that is just beginning to develop its administrative capabilities. All current legal documentation has been| |

| |filed and updated as needed. The organization is refining and focusing its mission and vision. The Board of Directors understands its role in | |

| |governance and resource development and accepts more responsibility, but still struggles with identity and planning. The organization has some | |

| |administrative infrastructure, including a functional bookkeeping system. Funding is diversifying, with more varied sources of income, but is | |

| |still reliant on just a few major sources for financial support. The organization is acquiring more staff, mostly as part-time, temporary or | |

| |volunteer. Programs are becoming more formalized and structured. Overall, the organization is growing and developing a stronger administrative | |

| |infrastructure, with more written plans and documentation. | |

|Level 3 |Level three organizations maintain a level of consistency and strength that gives them stability during leadership transitions and program and | |

| |structural changes within the organization. These organizations have built a strong administrative infrastructure that maintains the proper | |

| |legal documentation – keeping everything current and accurate. The organization is concise, clear and accurate in articulating its mission and | |

| |vision. It is gaining visibility within its community and becoming a key player in community decision making. The board of directors is | |

| |undergoing continual training and development, taking a more active role in fund raising, strategic planning and governance. The executive | |

| |director is still functioning in a key leadership role, but the board is beginning to accept more responsibility for leading the organization. | |

| |The organization’s administrative structure is developing and growing, with more stable leadership, more accurate tracking, and more consistent,| |

| |relevant and written documentation. The organization has articulated its mission, vision and programs efficiently to its constituents and is | |

| |developing a comprehensive funding strategy. It is moving from “present thinking” to “future thinking.” Strategic planning and organizational | |

| |development are more of a priority than in the past. The organization is beginning to move from volunteer based programming to professional | |

| |staffing. Programs are more structured with measurable outcomes and program evaluations, no matter how sophisticated. | |

|Level 4 |Level four organizations are very strong and able to maintain their programs during leadership transitions. They are consistent and stable, | |

| |having multiple leaders and a strong board of directors. The board is active in fundraising and governs effectively. The organization has built | |

| |in administrative capacity that allows it to manage large, complex programs, collaborations and partnerships, and grants. Systems are in place | |

| |to utilize finances appropriately and maintain sufficient records for audits and evaluations. The organization is very specific in its mission | |

| |and articulates it well. It is highly involved in community affairs, with the ability to influence decision makers, and is engaged in | |

| |substantial partnerships and collaborations within the community to address the needs of and provide resources for the community. The board and | |

| |staff are involved in ongoing development and training. The board and executive director maintain a common mission and vision, and share | |

| |leadership. The organization maintains and updates periodically its written manuals, job descriptions and review processes. It spends increased | |

| |time in the planning phase of projects and programs to insure sustainability and produce desired results. Programs are continually reviewed to | |

| |guarantee that they are working properly. Level four organizations are not perfect, nor do they have everything functioning properly. The | |

| |difference is that they know their strengths and weaknesses, continuing to strengthen those areas that are faulty and gaining strength as an | |

| |organization. | |

|IX. Priorities for Capacity Building |

|Please check your organization’s top three priority areas for strengthening or building capacity. |

| |

|Please check only one box in each column. |

|Legal |Mission/ Vision/Values/ Strategic Planning |Board Development |Financial Accountability |Fund Development |Human Resources |Program Development | |Priority One |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ | |Priority Two |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ | |Priority Three |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ |θ | |


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