Your 5th grade teacher would love to know that you are ...

Munroe Future Fifth Graders

Summer Reading

Dear Student,

Your 5th grade teacher would love to know that you are reading good books throughout the summer. Please pick a book from the attached list or a nonfiction book of your choice and respond to one of the following questions:

What connections are there between the book and your life?

What are the best parts of the book? The worst parts?

What do you think might happen next?

What would you and your favorite character talk about in your first conversation?

In what way are you like any characters in this book?

Do you think the title fits the book? Why or why not?

How do you picture the author of this book? Explain.

Who else should read this book and why?

What parts of this book seem the most believable? What parts seem unbelievable?

Give your literature response to your teacher the first week of school. Your teacher can’t wait to read your literature response! The response form and booklist are also on the Tallmadge City Schools website at . Click on Munroe, then go to the Headlines section.

You may bring in more than one literature response if you wish.


The Fifth Grade Teachers

Use the form below or write your response on a sheet of paper.

Student Name_____________________ Title of Book________________________

Respond to one of the above questions.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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