Introduction #2 / Writing Your Life Chapter into The Story of Life

If you think Genesis is just a band from the ‘80’s . . .

If you think it was Dr. Dolittle who took two of each animal into a big boat . . .

If you think an epistle is a woman married to an apostle . . .

. . . you may need to know more of The Story.

You may be a bit intimidated by the Bible. You’re not alone; many people are. Back in seminary we had to take a Bible Comprehension Exam before we would be approved for ordination. If I remember correctly we had to have a score of 105 to pass. I remember getting together with a few other students to study for this exam. As we read through some of the previous year’s questions it soon became clear that there were as many, if not more, names and places in the Bible that we did not recognize than those we did recognize. There was plenty of learning to do even after three and a half years of seminary.

People who go to church, don’t want to look silly in front of other people. After all, a Christian knows everything in the Bible, right” So rather than digging in scriptures together many people avoid it. I have often heard, yes from people who have been in church their entire life say, “the Bible is just so complicated. I get a headache when I try and make sense of it”. Or, “I read it, but I don’t always understand it”. For many the Bible is made up of a lot of different, seemingly unrelated stories. But it really is one big, exciting story and learning together helps us all.

The Bible does not have to be complicated or confusing. The story is one big story. You can see it easily if you open your Bible to the beginning and then flip all the way to the end. The first words found in Genesis 1:1 read: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Then, if you turn all the way to the back of the book, Revelation 21:1, you find, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away . . .” In the beginning God is creating the heavens and the earth. At the end he is creating a new heaven and a new earth. So the big question is this: “What on earth happened between the beginning and the end of the Bible?” If you can answer that question you will have uncovered the one seamless story of God.

Don’t let your fears or anything keep you away from participating. It is God’s inspired Word, given to us as a gift. Read The Story with your family or call some friends up and have coffee and read it together. Studies indicate if the extent of your child’s exposure to things of the faith is only a weekly visit to church or Sunday School, the likelihood is very great that when she graduates and leaves home her relationship with the Lord will turn cold. However, if you as a parent engage your children in the experience of reading and discussing the Bible, chances go up astronomically that they will remain strong in their faith after leaving home. You don’t have to be an expert or have all the answers. You just have to be willing to experience it with them.

Get involved in The Story of God. It will forever transform your life and your family’s life. Every day God is seeking to guide you, forming sentences that flow into paragraphs that over time write the chapter of your life––a life committed to knowing him better. Will you choose today to take your life chapter and make it a part of the Big Story of what God is doing on earth?

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Thank you to each of you who sent me cards of sympathy at the time of my sisters passing and to each of you who sent well wishes during my down time.

Nelma Byker

On August 16 we had the awesome privilege of going to Sioux Falls to help the Banquet with their backpack program, when they give backpacks filled with all the school supplies they need for each grade in the Sioux Falls schools and the surrounding area schools, from preschool through college. They handed out about 6700 backpacks. What a joy see the smiles on the kids faces as they pick out what backpack they would like. It is an awesome program and mission that they have. After they get their backpack they can come and pick out some free books to take home. 

THANK YOU to all of you that donated books for Grandmas Love, it is really appreciated and hope to continue doing this again next year along with the books that are brought to the Banquet each month.                         

    Grandmas Love, in memory of Thelma.   Howard Bomgaars and family       



A Special Giving Opportunity For Farmers

A farm commodity, presented to Village Northwest Unlimited as a gift, may represent a special opportunity to make a donation and reduce your taxes if you are an operating, materially participating farmer (this arrangement does not apply to a crop-share landlord).  Grain and livestock are the most common commodity gifts.  All you need to do is sell the commodity and ask for the check to be made payable to Village Northwest Unlimited.  Then mail the check, along with your name as the donor, to Village Northwest Unlimited, 330 Village Circle, Sheldon, IA  51201.  Upon receipt of the check, we will inform you that the transaction was completed.  (Note:  A charitable deduction is not to be claimed for this donation because the reduction in income fully accounts for the gift.) Your gift will be used to enhance the programs and services we provide at Village Northwest Unlimited, helping 180 individuals with a variety of disabilities live a fulfilling life.  But that’s not all:  this type of gift may benefit you also, by reducing income tax obligation, reducing self employment tax obligation, and offering a business deduction for production costs.

Thank you for considering a gift to Village Northwest Unlimited. If you have questions, contact your financial tax advisor or give Stacie Jorgensen a call at (712) 324-5405.

ATLAS of Orange City is hosting our 4th annual Life Support Half-Marathon from Sioux Center to Orange City on Saturday September 20. The race will begin at 8:00am at the All Seasons Center in Sioux Center. The course will end at the Orange City pool where there will be a free-will donation pancake breakfast for the community. Pre-race meeting is at 7:45am Saturday morning. You can walk, Run, or enter as a team and split up the course between your team. Registration is $35, which includes the race packet with a T-shirt in it. To register go to lifesupport and register online or you can come to our office at

322 Central Ave NW to pick up a form. If you have any questions you can call or email ATLAS at 737-4090 or ocatlas@

Website: Remember to check out the website.


(Chairman is requested to call Hillcrest (551-1074) before 9 A.M. on the morning

of your service to remind them that your group will be there in the evening.)


Art Hamming (chair), Randy Sieck, Celia Ten Napel, Lynn Juffer, Doug Faber, Howard Bomgaars,

Brent Davelaar, John Jongma, Jay Broek, Don Van Sloten, Howard Hulshof

Worship Services Calendar:

September 7 AM Baptism—Emery Beth --Born July 12, 2014 to Ryan and Jenna (Noteboom) Visser

October 26 AM Dordt College Praise Team

November 2 PM Worship Service at 1st Reformed—Reformation Day, Communion

November 26 PM Thanksgiving Service at 7:00 pm

Communion Schedule September 14, October 26PM –Reformation Day, November 30—Advent.

Sunday morning September 7 we will begin The Story Series. It will also be the Sunday the study times will be made available as well. Here are the study groups and times available. We want to encourage everyone to participate in a time of study. There are signup sheets on the back table. Please fill them out so we can have the correct amount of materials available.

Sunday Morning Sunday School- for 3yr old—High School ( Catechism )

Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School - 10:45- 11:45

Wednesday Evening Study-7:00pm - includes Women’s Coffee Break and Men’s Bible Study.

A Monthly Adult Bible Study - 7:00 pm 1st Sunday night of the month—Beginning Oct 5.

20-30s Bible Study - 7:00 pm 2nd Sunday night of the month

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General Fund: $ 8902.86

Building               195.00

Amistad                 313.00

Special Funds:

Northern lighthouse $  279.00

Mid Sioux                455.00

Christian Education    510.70


7 Christian Education

14 Rock Valley / Kooima Flood Help / Benevolent

21 Christian Education

28 Building Fund (Roof)


2 Christian Education      P.M. At First

9      The Table

16    Christian Education 

23   Building Fund  (Roof)

26    World Missions/World Renew/Home Missions.    Third to each unless specified

30   Benevolent 



June/July/August 2014


Offerings (May) $ 679.06

Offerings (June) $ 586.50

Offerings (July) $ 838.30

Meat Sales $ 807.36


Meat Processing $ 242.10

2014/2015 Fair Share

ICS 16 students @$1700.00/student = $ 27,200.00

UCHS 9 students @ $2075.00/student = $ 18,675.00

Total Fair Share $ 45,875.00

Fair Share Paid $ 0.00

Fair Share Balance $ 45,875.00

We want to again thank everyone for their support last year in helping us meet our fair share for ICS and Unity. We look forward to the start of a new year and your continued support.


Sept. 7: John & Alice Jongma

Willard & Donna Koopmans

Sept. 14: Scott & Jennifer Miedema

Don & Marie Mulder

Sept. 21: Kelly & Carmen Noteboom

Gerald & Rhonda Postma

Sept. 28: Marlin & Leah Schoonhoven

Randy & Tammy Sieck

Oct. 5: Doug & Susan Ten Napel

Pastor Norlyn & Cherie Van Beek


Sept. 7: AM: Beth Faber, Jorja Zomermaand

PM: Leah Schoonhoven, Connor Weida

Sept. 14: AM: Cinda Faber, Breanna Bonnema

PM: Alice Jongma, Joey Schoonhoven

Sept. 21: AM: Jan Fedders, Jordan Davelaar

PM: Pamela Fedders, Lexi Zomermaand

Sept. 28: AM: Sharla Gradert, Sydney Miedema

PM: Mary Hooyer, Kennedy Vander Windt

Oct. 5: AM: Angela Dekkers, Lindsey Broek

PM: Raelle Dekkers, Kalena Dekkers


September 7

Cody D., Dave Statema, Jeff Statema

September 14

Adam V., Doug Ten Napel, Mike Vander Windt

September 21

Adam V., Josh Vander Windt, Brady Van Sloten

September 28

Jacob Z., Don Van Sloten, Jim Viet

October 5

Jacob Z., Benjy, Weida, Ryan Zomermaand


Sept. 8: Doug & Susan Ten Napel

Sept. 16: Doug & Audrey Broek

Oct. 6: Josh & Mary Hooyer


Sept. 10: Nelma Byker

Sept. 10: Caleb De Wit

Sept. 12: Kennedy Vander Windt

Sept. 14: Bryce Fedders

Sept. 21: Lyle De Wit

Sept. 24: Justin Dekkers

Sept. 25: Dave Statema

Sept. 27: Kambrie Dekkers

Oct. 1: Nicole Weida

Oct. 3: Kolton Gradert






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