I. Academic/Professional Background

A. Name:  Lijun Yuan     Title: Assistant Professor of Philosophy

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|Ph.D. |2002 |University of Colorado, |Philosophy |Re-conceiving Women’s Equality in China: A critical |

| | |Boulder | |Examination of Models of Sexual Equality |

|M.A. |1998 |University of Colorado, |Philosophy |Mao’s Philosophy and View of Women |

| | |Boulder       | | |

|M.A. |1982 |University of Nankai, |Philosophy |Bertrand Russell’s Epistemology |

| | |Tianjin, PR China | | |

|B.A. |1976 |University of Shanxi, |English |Foreign Language Department |

| | |Taiyuan, PR China | | |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Assistant Professor |Texas State University-San Marcos |Sep. 2003-Present |

|Lecturer B |California State University, Fresno |Sep. 2002- Aug. 2003 |

|Part Time Instructor |University of Colorado, Boulder |Sep. 1998-May, 2001 |

|Part Time Teaching Assistant       |University of Colorado, Boulder |Sep. 1996-May, 1998 |

D. Relevant Professional Experience

|Position |Entity |Dates |

|Graduate Teacher Program Teacher Training Certificate |University of Colorado at Boulder |February 5, 2001. |

|Visiting Scholar |Hull University, England |Jan.-April, 1994 |

|Associate Professor |Beijing Academy of Social Sciences |1992-1998 |

|Assistant Professor |Beijing Academy of Social Sciences |1986-1991 |


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:


B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University-San Marcos (Assistant Professor):

Philosophy 5388 Problems in Philosophy, Spring 2008

Philosophy 4371 Asian Philosophy, Spring 2008

HONOR 3393Y: The Ethics of Care: East and West, Spring 2008

Women Studies: 3377/5377 Realities of Women, Spring 2008

Philosophy 4301/5301 Applied Philosophy, Fall 2007

Women Studies: 3377/5377 Realities of Women, Spring 2007

Philosophy 4371: Asian Philosophy Spring, 2007

Philosophy 1305: Philosophy and Critical Thinking Spring & Fall 2007

Philosophy 3333: Feminist Theory and Social Ethics, Fall 2006

Philosophy 1305: Philosophy and Critical Thinking, Spring & Fall 2006

Philosophy 4371: Asian Philosophy, Spring 2006

Philosophy 3321: Contemporary Moral Problems, Fall 2005

Philosophy 1305: Philosophy and Critical Thinking, Spring and Fall 2005

HONOR 3393Y: The Ethics of Care: East and West, Spring 2005

Philosophy 4371: Asian Philosophy, Spring 2005

Philosophy 4371: Asian Philosophy, Spring 2004

Philosophy 3320: Ethics, Fall 2003

Philosophy 1305: Philosophy and Critical Thinking, Fall 2003 & 2004

California State University, Fresno (Lecturer B):

Philosophy 120: Contemporary Conflicts of Morals, Spring 2003

Philosophy 120: Contemporary Conflicts of Morals, Fall 2002

Philosophy 20: Moral Questions, Fall 2002

Courses taught at the University of Colorado, Boulder (Part Time Instructor):

Philosophy 1100: Ethics, Spring 2001

Philosophy 1100: Ethics, Fall and Spring 2000

Philosophy 1100: Ethics, Fall 1999.

Courses assisted at the University of Colorado, Boulder:

Phil 1100: Ethics, Spring 1999

Phil 1100: Ethics, Fall 1998

Phil 1000: Introduction to Philosophy, Spring 1998

Phil 3110: Feminist Practical Ethics, Fall 1997

Phil 3010: History of Modern Philosophy, Spring 1996

Phil 2200: Major Social Theories, Fall 1995

Phil 3010: History of Modern Philosophy, Spring 1995


C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):


D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

Mandarin Course Proposal: Chinese 1410-2310, 2007

Study Abroad Program: Beijing Summer 2006 and 2007

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:


G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:


I. Other:



A. Works in Print

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

Reconceiving Women’s Equality in China: A Critical Examination of Models of Sex

Equality. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, A division of Rowman & Littlefield

Publishers, Inc. 2005. (This book nominated for the Levenson Prize for Books in

Chinese Studies)

b. Textbooks:


c. Edited Books:


d. Chapters in Books:

“A Comparative Study between Care Ethics and Ren Ethics,” Pp 288-305 in Feminist

Philosophy and Public Policies, ed. Qiu Renzong, Beijing, China Social Sciences Press


“Critique to Biological Determinism and Essentialism in Explaining Gender Difference,”

Pp 252-259 in Chinese Women and Feminist Thought, ed. Qiu Renzong, Beijing,

Chinese Social Sciences Press, 1998.

“Bertrand Russell’s Philosophy of Language,” Pp 153-201 (40,000 Chinese characters) in

Contemporary Philosophy of Language in the West, Sichuan People Press, 1989.

“Phenomenological Analytic Philosophy: Russell, Wittgenstein, Shlick, and Carnap,”

Pp 1-91 (70,000 Chinese characters) in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy in the West,

Liaoning Education Press, 1989

“On Russell’s Theory of Acquaintance,” Pp 208-225 (12000 Chinese characters) in

Philosophy Forum, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences Press, 1984

e. Creative Books:


2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

“Ethics of Care and Concept of Jen: A Reply to Chenyang Li,” Hypatia: A Journal of

Feminist Philosophy, Volume 17, Number 1, Winter 2002, 107-129

“Two Critiques of Anti-essentialism—a Debate in Feminist Philosophy Since the 1980s,”

(10,000 Chinese characters): Journal of Beijing Social Sciences, 1998, Vol. 1, 98-104

“The Theory of Essence and the Theory Against It—Hot Points of Discussion in

American Feminism in the 1980s”, Collection of Women’s Studies, 1997, Vol. 1, 60-61

“On Wittgenstein’s Argument of Private Language,” (8000 Chinese characters): Journal

of Beijing Normal University, January 1993, 78-82

“The Theory of Meaning in Philosophy of Language,” (7000 Chinese characters):

Journal of Beijing Social Sciences, 1991, Vol.1, 100-104

b. Non-refereed Articles:


3. Abstracts:


4. Reports:


5. Book Reviews:


6. Other:

Translation Books, Chapters, and Articles

Translation of Chapter 13, Leibniz Pp 415-442 in History of Critical Western Philosophy

Ed. By Hong Handing, Chinese Translation, Beijing: Dongfang Press, May 2005

Logic and Knowledge (315,000 Chinese characters): Chinese Translations of Selections

of Classical Western Philosophy, Commercial Press, Beijing, 1996; Second print 2005.

Translation of two chapters: “What Was Russell’s Neutral Monism?” and “Analytic Philosophy and Mental Phenomena” Pp 52-77; 258-286, in The Foundation of Analytic Philosophy, A Chinese Translation, Shanghai Translation Press, 1994.

Translation of two chapters “Philosophical Inheritance” and “The Revolt From Hegel”

Pp 1-79 (50,000 Chinese characters) in AJ Ayer: Philosophy in The 20th Century: A

Chinese translation, Shanghai Translation Press, 1987

Translation of “Logical Atomism in Analytic Philosophy,” Pp 311-331 (15000 Chinese

characters) in Philosophy Forum, 1985, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences Press.

Translation of “On Silence—A Humanistic Study In Philosophy,” Pp 72-75 (6000

Chinese characters): in Journal of Philosophical Translations, 1983, No. 4. Chinese

Academy of Social Sciences Press.

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

(Presented At International and National Venues):

“Toward A Democratic Conception of Women’s Equality,” in Women’s World 2005: the

9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Seoul June 19, 2005.

“Critique of Mao’s Democratic Centralism,” in Radical Philosophy Association: Philosophy Against Empire, Howard University Blackburn Center, November 5, 2004.

“Class and Gender Oppression: Seeking for Alternative to Mao’s View of Women,” The

American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Group Program, Pasadena, March

25, 2004.

“Reciprocity, Equality, and Empowerment: A Comparative Study between Confucianism

and Feminism,” The American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Group

Program, Washington DC. December 29, 2003.

“A Critical Re-thinking of Changes in Women’s Position in Post-Mao China,” The

American Philosophical Association, Central Division, Main Program, Cleveland, OH,

April 26, 2003

“Globalization, Confucianism, and Gender Equality,” The American Philosophical

Association, Pacific Division, Group Program, San Francisco, CA, March 29, 2003

“Rethinking the Concept of Ren and the Ethics of Care,” The American Philosophical

Association, Eastern Division, Group Program, Atlanta, December 28, 2001

Response to Lingyu Gu, “A Critique On Feminist Interpretation of Self-Emptying,” The

American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, New York City, Dec. 29, 2000

“Feminist Criticisms of Confucian Views of Women,” The Association of Chinese

Philosophers in America, APA, Boston, December 29, 1999.

“Ethics of Care and Concept of Jen: A Reply to Chenyang Li,” The Association of

Chinese Philosophers in America, APA, Washington DC. December 27, 1998

“A Critical Analysis of Mao’s View of Women and Feminism,” The Third International

Research Conference in Asian and Comparative Philosophy held at the University of

Hawaii, January 5-9, 1998.

“Essentialism vs. Anti-essentialism: A Central Issue In Western Feminist thinking since

the 1980s,” A Seminar On Feminism and Feminist Philosophy: Theory and Practice,

held by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Philosophy Institute, Funded by Ford

Foundation, Beijing, October 26-30, 1996.

Response to Jean Grimshaw (University of the West of England, Bristol), “Biology,

Society, Imagination: Explaining Gender Difference” in An International Symposium:

Chinese Women and Feminist Thought, Beijing, June 20, 1995.

(Presented At Local Venues):

A Balance of Justice and Care: Reading Feminist Ethics, Philosophy Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, October 24, 2007

Feminist Theory and State Policy On Women in China, Philosophy Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, October 3, 2006

“Laozi, The Daodejing (The Classic of Dao and De)” Philosophy Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, March 21, 2006

“Abortion: A Discussion and Debate,” Philosophy Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, October 11, 2005

“Experience Under Mao” Philosophy Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, February 10, 2005

“A Critique of Mao’s Democratic Centralism,” Philosophical Dialogue Series, Psychology Building 132, Texas State University-San Marcos, November 1, 2004

“Reciprocity, Equality, and Empowerment: A Comparative Study between Confucianism and Feminism,” Philosophical Dialogue Series, Department of Philosophy, Psychology Building Room 132, Oct.3, 2003

“A Feminist Critique of Confucian View of Correlative Sexism,” Center for Values and

Social Policy Seminar Series, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. March 8, 2001

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, Presentations:

“A Balance of Justice and Care: Reading Feminist Ethics”, Women Studies Center, Beijing University, December 21, 2007; Department of Feminist Studies, China Women University, Beijing, December 30, 2007

“Chan Buddhism” Sermon Talk at San Marcos Unitarian University Fellowship, October 16, 2005

Invited Panel Discussion: Honoring Women’s History Month, by Family Violence Outreach Program, at Hays County Women’s Shelter, March 9, 2005

John M. Rezendes Lecture in Ethics, Honors College, the University of Maine,

Invited for the year of 2004 lecture: Confucianism, Anti-Confucianism (Mao), the Ethics of Care, and Social Policies: A Dialogue on Gender Across China and the US, April 22, 2004

3. Consultancies:


4. Workshops:

Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Institute May 16-27, 2005

5. Other:

Submitted a paper for Federation Internationale des Societies de Philosophie: Philosophy In the Emerging Age of Global Society at New Delhi December 15-17, 2006 (Accepted by Steering Committee but not attended)

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:


2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

American Philosophical Society: Franklin Research Grants 2007

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Alkek Library Research Grant 2006 (funded $754)

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

One-Time-Only FY 07 Diversity Plan Funding Request

University Lecturers Series Proposal 2006

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Emerson/Lowe Dissertation Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder, Spring 2002

Graduate School/Department Dissertation Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder, Fall 2001

University Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994-1995.

Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant Awards of University of Colorado, Boulder:

Fall 1999, Fall 2000 and Fall 2001

Dean’s Small Grant Awards of University of Colorado, Boulder: Spring 1995, Spring 1996, Spring 1998

Translation of Russell’s Logic and Knowledge won the 2nd Rank Award of the 5th Beijing

Excellent Achievements Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences by Beijing

Evaluation Committee for Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences,


A mark of Distinction in Sino-British Summer School of Philosophy: Session 1992 and

Session 1993. Winner of a competitive fellowship from Sino-British Summer School for

A Visiting Scholar at Hull University, England, January-April 1994

Contemporary Analytic Philosophy In the West won Collective Excellent Research Level

Two Awards (I wrote two chapters of this book), in second series of research results of

Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, February 30, 1991

Who's Who Among American Teachers & Educators, 2006-2007

College of Liberal Arts: 2005 & 2006 Runner Up for the Presidential Award for

Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, Texas State University-San Marcos


A. University:

The Asian Studies Board of Advisors 2007

Research Enhancement Program Committee, Texas State University-San Marcos, September-December 2006

B. Departmental:

Invited and hosted a distinctive speaker, Professor Tao Jie (the Deputy Director of Women Studies Center, Beijing University), “Chinese Women: Achievements and Problems,” Philosophy Dialogue Series, March 8, 2006

C. Community:

Chair of Policy Procedure of Resident Council, Department of Housing, University of

Colorado, Boulder, 2000-2001

Council member, Department of Housing, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1999-2002

D. Professional:

Panel Chair for “Author-Meets-Critics”: Lisa Tessman, Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles, The American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, San Francisco, April 6, 2007

Commentator for “Supererogation for Utilitarianism” (Jean-Paul Vessel), New Mexico-West Texas Philosophical Society, Austin, March 31, 2007

Panel Chair and Discussant: Session 21, “Ideas as Power: Language, Thought, and Memory in Maoist and Post-Maoist China,” The Association of Asian Studies, Annual meeting April 6-8, 2006, San Francisco

Panel Chair and Commentator: The Association for Chinese Philosophers in America, “Confucianism and Democracy,” The American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Portland, March 25, 2006

Commentator in Colloquium: Ethics, Jason Kawall, “On Complacency”, The American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Portland, March 23, 2006

A reviewer on a paper in the field of gender issues for Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist

Philosophy, July, 2001

E. Organizations

1. Honorary:

2. Professional:

The American Philosophical Association (APA)

APA Committee on International Cooperation (2007-2010)

Radical Philosophy Association (RPA)

Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST)

The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA)

Center for Values and Social Policy, University of Colorado, Boulder

F. Service Honors and Awards:


Please note: For all entries, list most recent items first.


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