Eugene International High School

Present: Ellie Jitto, Kai Roberts, Emily Carroll, Jessica Schabtach, Emily Gerrity, Jocelyn Harley, Sabrina Allen, Brian Kuzma, Christine Pettingill, Deon Saraceno, Peggy Farris, Lisa Joye, David Inouye, Karen Ladd, Lisa Albrich, Emma Shortt, Jericho Dunn.

1. Reports

Students Government

a) Art Gala at SEHS on April 1st, including art, music, digital submissions. Food will be catered, formal attire is requested, the event will include the sale of IHS apparel. Tickets available before/after Spring Break, $7 adults, $5 students, children/seniors free.

b) Mural proposal: collage of IHS curriculum to be located at SEHS by room 524. Would require moving existing art bulletin board, but art department is OK with that. An alternative plan is to show the mural at the IHS Celebration in June. The proposal will need to go to SEHS site council for approval


The last Parent Meeting was at CHS and was attended primarily by SHS & CHS parents. Items discussed: help with graduation, CAS Fair (Is it going to happen?), Model UN (process/ how to sign-up?).


a) 8th Grade Nights are occurring on each campus; a Spanish language IHS information night is happening at the district office tonight. Open enrollment has begun.

b) An IB Night for 10th graders will occur at the district office on Thursday, February 11th at 7PM.

c) Staff had a 4 hour professional development on Friday, February 5th. Topics included: collaborative planning, integration of curriculum with changes brought about by the 3x5 schedule, changes in the IB curriculum, changes in the curriculum at the 9th & 10th grade level, especially a better alignment of 10th grade curriculum using either a chronological or thematic framework.

2. Enrollment Projections

Based on district predictions of next year’s enrollment. Projections for IHS are down a bit approximately 40-50 students. Comparisons based on current enrollment and the district's projected enrollment are close. Staffing allocation is based on the district's projection and are scheduled to be released on February 24th.

3. Textbook Fundraising

To replace decades-old IB history textbooks due to: a change in the orientation of the courses and IB requirements, movement away from a Cold War perspective, the inclusion of democratic-independence movements (for example: South Africa), Civil Rights.

Strategy is to conduct a two phase campaign over a short timeline to facilitate donations to raise $20,000 to buy 400 books over two years. First, buying half of the books for use by the 12th graders next year, with the second half targeted for 11th graders the following year. Conditions don’t permit sharing of books between grade levels. Staff are investigating textbooks with software and electronic components,

Looking at matching grants, though grants do not appear to be a strong possibility. Staff are investigating alternative fund-raising sources, such as: EEF web-based fund-raising, a mailing campaign, soliciting student government help, utilizing the IHS Celebration. The parent group has considered donating 50% of the profits from their wine tasting event.

It was suggested that IHS showcase textbooks and curriculum to promote donations. Please send additional ideas to Jessica Schabtach

4. Common Schedule Update

Two meetings have been held, thus far; items discussed: common values, what high schools should be providing, prioritizing values, identifying stakeholders, looking at different models, considering what an ideal schedule would look like, and looking at the rationale behind making a final decision. Ten pages of evaluative criteria have been produced and will be used to narrow down the most important criteria.

An independent research group will use this criteria to identify different schedules (looking at both in-house and outside of district models) with findings reported back to a group of 12-14 administrators, EEA representatives, and classified employees who will submit a proposal to the superintendent for a final decision. The procedure was described as the district’s attempt to make the process transparent. It was emphasized that IHS/IB scheduling requirements need to be strongly considered.

Next meeting: March 8th.

Respectfully Submitted,

David Inouye


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