10th grade Honors English

Mrs. Johnson’s 12th grade World Lit

Unit Outline for Asia & Oceania

Essential Questions: What is the culture of Asia and Oceania like? How are the people of this region similar to me? What are the major literary figures and pieces that shape this region? What is modern literature like in this region? How do different authors from different cultural backgrounds express similar human themes and ideas? How do authors use different techniques to create their art?

You MUST bring all required materials to class every day

*Note that agenda is subject to change*

|Day/ Date |In Class |Homework |

|Monday |Unit Test: Europe & Russia | |

|10/05/09 |Closing Journal: Europe & Russia | |

|Tuesday |Culture Day: Asia – BONUS POINTS for bringing in anything of this culture that reflects | |

|10/06/09 |effort/ research (food, dress, photographs, artifacts, a news or magazine article you | |

| |have read and can briefly present to the class) | |

| |Listen to music from this region | |

| |Journal Prompt: Intro to Asia | |

| |Share anything students brought in | |

| |Hand out and discuss Overview sheet with map | |

| |Grammar Review | |

|Wednesday |Grammar Review – dangling/ misplaced modifiers; sentence correction |Answer discussion questions #1 and #5 on |

|10/07/09 |Read Asia & Oceania Overview |poem |

| |Poem: “Recipe” by Janice Mirikitani | |

|Thursday |Go over new vocabulary words |Finish reading “Rules of the Game” |

|10/08/09 |Quiz grammar review | |

| |Grammar Quiz 4: dangling and misplaced modifiers; word choice | |

| |Read Amy Tan’s short story “Rules of the Game” | |

|Friday |** Teacher Workday ** ( | |

|10/09/09 | | |

| |

|Monday |Hand out Unit Outline |Finish reading “Double Face” |

|10/12/09 |Look at pictures (2 books) of Asia & Oceania | |

| |Discuss poem “Recipe” and go over discussion questions | |

| |Discuss “Rules of the Game” & partner questions | |

| |Review Europe & Russia Unit Test and vocab/ grammar quizzes | |

| |Read Amy Tan’s “Double Face” (excerpt from The Joy Luck Club) | |

|Tuesday |Vocabulary sentences due |Finish reading “On Meeting My 100 Percent|

|10/13/09 |Journal response to “Double Face” and pair-share |Woman One Fine April Morning” and “Coils |

| |Read short story “On Meeting My 100 Percent Woman One Fine April Morning” by Haruki |the Robot”; answer 3 qu’s |

| |Murakami and poem “Coils the Robot” by Floria Herrero Pinto and answer 3 questions | |

|Wednesday |*Early Release Day* | |

|10/14/09 |PSAT for grades 9-11 | |

|Thursday |Vocab Quiz 5 |Finish reading from Monkey Bridge and |

|10/15/09 |Discuss Murakami story, Herrero poem, and response qu’s |Native Speaker; look over questions at |

| |Quick write: Writer’s Portfolio (response to story) |the end of each – be ready to discuss |

| |Read author background & Lan Cao’s excerpt from Monkey Bridge and Chang-Rae Lee’s | |

| |excerpt from Native Speaker | |

|Friday |Go over new vocabulary words | |

|10/16/09 |Discuss Monkey Bridge and Native Speaker; partner questions | |

| |Read Rig Veda background on p. 162-163 | |

| |Read “Night” on p. 166 & discuss | |

| |

|Monday |Vocabulary sentences due |Finish reading & answering questions on |

|10/19/09 |Read background on The Bhagavad-Gita on p. 172 |The Bhagavad-Gita |

| |Read excerpt from The Bhagavad-Gita on p. 182-189 | |

| |Answer questions 1-8 on p. 189 & discuss | |

|Tuesday |(lots of students out for field trip) | |

|10/20/09 |Turn in questions on The Bhagavad-Gita & discuss | |

| |Read Fable “The Tiger Who Would Be King” p. 212-213 and write a paragraph relating it to| |

| |other fables you know | |

| |Begin reading Lao Tzu & Confucius (see tomorrow’s work) | |

|Wednesday |Read Lao Tzu and Confucius background p. 238-239 |Finish questions on the Tao Te Ching and |

|10/21/09 |Read excerpt from the Tao Te Ching p. 240-241 |The Analects |

| |Read excerpt from The Analects p. 242-244 | |

| |Answer questions 1-8 on p. 245 & discuss | |

|Thursday |Turn in questions on the Tao Te Ching and The Analects |Finish poetry work (reading, answering 3 |

|10/22/09 |Vocab Quiz 6 |questions, and writing at least 3 |

| |Read background on Japanese poetry p. 236-237 |original tanka or haiku poems) |

| |Read background on tanka & haiku poets p. 266-267 | |

| |Read tanka & haiku p. 268-272 | |

| |Answer questions 1-3 on p. 272 | |

| |Write at least 3 original tanka or haiku poems | |

|Friday |Go over new vocabulary words |Study for Asia & Oceania Unit Test |

|10/23/09 |Read background on Zen Parables and Zen Buddhism on p. 288-289 | |

| |Read 3 Zen Parables on p. 290-292 | |

| |Answer questions 1-4 on p. 293 & discuss; turn in | |

| |Review for unit test | |

| |

|Monday |Asia & Oceania Unit Test | |

|10/26/09 |Closing Journal: Asia & Oceania | |

|Tuesday |Vocabulary sentences due | |

|10/27/09 |Culture Day: Africa – BONUS POINTS for bringing in anything of this culture that | |

| |reflects effort/ research (food, dress, photographs, artifacts, a news or magazine | |

| |article you have read and can briefly present to the class) | |

| |Listen to music from this region | |

| |Journal Prompt: Intro to Africa | |

| |Share anything students brought in | |

| |Hand out and discuss Overview sheet with map | |

|Wednesday |Hand out unit outline | |

|10/28/09 | | |

|Thursday |Vocab Quiz 7 | |

|10/29/09 | | |

|Friday |Grammar Review (grammar quiz 5 is 11/5) | |

|10/30/09 |Happy Halloween! ( | |


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