-2822728108958002555832-2206514th Grade004th Grade945690180099Book Report Choice Board00Book Report Choice Board15919200660BrochureBrochure2816422276860TimelineTimeline5026157279291CollageCollage140335250825MobileMobile5186177250059ScrapbookScrapbook2904162140970WrittenSummaryWrittenSummary1806530847SettingSetting275281280010Book Critic -or- Letter the AuthorBook Critic -or- Letter the Author519467217145MainCharacterMainCharacter-252248115008Book CoverBook Cover2686160114300Movie ClipOr TrailerMovie ClipOr Trailer4677300294005PowerPointPresentationPowerPointPresentationBook Report Menu ChoicesChoose 1 from the following:Book BoxDecorate a box to represent the book and fill it with objects that symbolize different aspects of the story.ScrapbookMake a scrapbook with items and pictures that are important to the life of the main character and to the story.BrochureCreate a tri-fold brochure using pictures and text that represent different parts of the book.Sell It Pretend you are a publicist for the book that you just read. Write a five paragraph essay persuading others why they should read the book. Remember to use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. In the News Create the front page of a newspaper that tells about events and characters in the book just read. The newspaper must include a weather report, an editorial or editorial cartoon, and advertisement. The title of the newspaper should be something appropriate to the book. Create a Comic Book Create a comic book summarizing the book you just read. The comic book needs to be a minimum of five pages, include colored pictures and dialogue bubbles. Be creative! "Dear Diary” Write five journal entries from the viewpoint of a character in the book. Each entry must be at least a paragraph long and must provide details of the event that occurred in the book. Let’s make a movie Imagine that you are the author of the book you have just read. Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film. Suggest a filming location and the actors to play the various roles. Your letter must be a minimum of two pages long. YOU MAY ONLY USE BOOKS, WHICH HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN MADE INTO MOVIES. PowerPoint Presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation with slides for each of the story elements, as well as a summary and an opinion. You must include a picture on each slide. No complete sentences.Book TimelineUse words and pictures to make a timeline of important events from the book.** If you have any additional ideas of activities to show understanding of the book you read, just share with your teacher and get approval** Book Report Menu ChoicesChoose 2 from the following:Character Trait Diagram Create a double bubble thinking map (Venn diagram) illustrating the similarities and differences of two of the main characters in a book you just read. Write a Letter to the Author After reading a book, write a letter to the author sharing your reaction to the book. Your letter must be at least two paragraphs long and in letter format. Interview a Character Write six to eight questions to ask a main character in a book you just read. Afterwards, write the character's response to each question. Main CharacterMake a 3-D model of the main character, and write an interview with that character.Ten Facts Create a "Ten Facts About [book title]" sheet that lists ten facts you learned from reading the book. The facts must be written in complete sentences, and must include details you did not know before reading the book. Script It! Write a movie script for a favorite scene in a book you just read. At the top of the script, you can assign real-life TV or movie stars to play each role. The script must be a minimum of ten lines long. Collage Use magazine photos to make a collage about the book you just read. Change the Ending Write a different ending for your story. Your ending must be at least two paragraphs long. Create a New Book Jacket If you go to the library, you might be able to find the same book with different style covers. Why do publishers do that? Occasionally publishers recreate the book jacket in order to attract new readers to an old story. Pretend a publisher came to you and asked you to create a fresh new book jacket for the book you read. The front cover must include the title, the author, and cover art that is related to the plot of the story and will hook new readers (not the same as the book has now). The back cover must include your own summary of the book and information that will interest the reader. Do not give away the ending and any surprises, and do not copy it from the book or the internet. Book MobileCreate a mobile using the four story elements (setting, character, plot, & theme).SettingMake and label?a detailed map of an important setting from your book.** If you have any additional ideas of activities to show understanding of the book you read, just share with your teacher and get approval** ................

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