Grade 1 Readers Build Good Habits Launch

|Grade 1 Readers Build Good Habits Launch |

|Desired Results for the Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|Students will develop the routines, expectations and behaviors of the reading workshop |

|Students will learn that reading carries deeper purpose and meaning |

| |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|

|Students will learn how to become active listeners |actions?) |

|Students will learn how to choose just right books |What makes a really good reader? |

|Students will learn how to build stamina and volume as readers |How do readers pick books they’re interested in and stick with them? |

|Students will learn to have meaningful conversations with peers (partner talk, growing conversations, |How do readers make sense of what they’re reading? |

|taking turns) |What are my roles? |

|Students will learn the flow of the workshop | |

|Students will make connections to text | |

|Students will be immersed in a variety of text (fiction and nonfiction) | |

|Students will use comprehension strategies (using prior knowledge and making predictions, summarizing, | |

|visualizing, asking questions and questioning, understanding text structures) | |

|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

|Creating book baggies |should be collected?) |

|Shopping book chart |Running Records |

|Charts in the room – What’s My job? What’s Your Job? Pictures |Conferring Notes |

|Workshop Model Chart |High Frequency Word Assessment |

| |Alphabet Recognition Assessments |

| |Letter Sound ID Assessments |

| |Questionnaire |

| |Kid watching- observations |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|Levels from previous teacher/book baskets on tables for browsing first week? | |

|Read Alouds May Include: | |


|WEEK 1: |Intro to Reading Workshop |Readers are Listeners and Thinkers |Readers Choose Books in Many Ways |Readers Pick Just Right Books |Readers are Thinkers |

|Reading |Connect: This year I want you to think|Connect: Ya know… readers not only listen|Hand out – individual book bags - |Connect: Yesterday we talked about the | |

|Workshop |about yourself as readers and |to their own thinking - they also listen |Connect: Our library is set up in a |different ways that readers choose books. |Connect: Last week we started talking about how as|

| |thinkers. I’m going to be teaching |when something is read aloud so today I |way so that it’s easy to find books. |I remember when I was little - I wanted to |readers we are listeners and also thinkers. |

| |you in what we call a reading |want to teach you a couple of things that|Show system |impress my teachers and friends and I would|Teach/Model: Today I want you to practice |

| |workshop. |we can practice right away. Readers are |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach |pick big fat books so that they would think|listening while I read and then partnering up to |

| |Teach/Model: This is what it will be |active listeners -and active listeners do|you that readers can choose books in |I was really smart etc. |practice a turn and talk. Good readers think |

| |like: (Chart with words and pictures) |these things: |many ways. I chose this book by… add|Teach/Model: Readers pick books that are |about what they read – That part of the story was |

| |Read aloud on carpet - you listen |Active Listeners |to chart of Readers Choose Books in |just right for them. Just right books are |about… retell to class. (Assign partners) When |

|*Teachers will|Mini lesson with practice - I show you|Focus eyes on the speaker |Many Ways What are some other ways we|books that are a tiny bit challenging - |readers retell they tell as much as they can about|

|have a signal |how -then you try |Remain quiet |can choose books? I want you to |they give you a few chances to solve |the story or text in their own words. That helps |

|to teach that |Independent work time - you try by |Keep your body still |reflect on yourself as a reader. (By:|unfamiliar words and many chances to |with understanding. |

|asks workers |yourself or with a partner |Clear your mind |author, subject, genre, topic, cover,|practice thinking like we’ve been doing. |Active Engagement: Let’s try retelling to a |

|to stop |Share - on the carpet |Use reading strategies |blurb, amount of text, |So, my job during independent reading right|partner. Partner A tell partner B – Listen as I |

|talking and |Let’s practice that today. Listen as |-visualize |recommendation) I want you to really|now will be to make sure that you can |read this part and then we’ll switch. |

|moving and |I read ______. I will teach you a |-predict |think about the way you do it. While|select a just right book for yourself. So,|Link: Today during independent reading I want you |

|eyes on the |mini lesson - which is a short lesson |-question |I read aloud to you today - I want to|let’s say you pick a book and you’re |to practice thinking about the story or topic in |

|teacher |that teaches you how to be a better |-summarize |show you how I’m thinking while I’m |reading and you get stuck - so much that |your own book so that you can retell it. |

| |reader or thinker. Today I’m going to|Teach/Model: While I read and model for |reading. Today I’m going to show you|you can’t even remember what’s going on in |(Read for 10 minutes) |

| |teach you how good readers use many |you another way that readers are thinkers|how I might stop and question to help|the story - what do you do? Set up rules - | |

| |strategies or plans to help them to be|I want you to pick one or two listening |me make sense and understand. Listen|chart |Conference: reading interview and just right check|

| |good readers |strategies to try to see if that helps |as I read… Remember to practice some |Listen as I read… Today I want to show you |Share: Signal- Let’s close our books and come back|

| |Chart: Strategies Readers Use |you to think while you hear me read. I |active listening strategies. Which |how I can retell while I read - which helps|to the rug for a share – who can model a retell? |

| |Model retelling |want to show you how I visualize while I |ones will you practice? 1-2 students?|me to follow the story. It gives me time |Fishbowl for class to hear and see how partners |

| |Active Engagement: Now you have a try |read. That helps me to understand what’s|Read aloud. Hmm… I wonder why…? |to process or digest what’s going on - |sit knee to knee, listen carefully and take turns.|

| |Link: We’re going to practice going |going on in the story. Let me show you |Active Engagement: Now you try asking|That’s something good readers do. | |

| |back to a table and reading for a few |that… Pick a listening strategy and |an “I wonder” question while I |Active Engagement: Today, I want you to | |

| |minutes. Try to retell to yourself to |practice it while you listen. |continue reading. Turn and talk and |choose a book like we talked about |Retell Chart: A good retell: |

| |make sure you understand what you are |Active Engagement: Now you practice |tell a partner your I wonder question|yesterday and when you bring it back to |Uses your own words |

| |reading. (10 minutes) |visualizing while I read the next little |-brief share |your seat I want you to make sure that it’s|Includes character names, their actions and |

| |Conference: Try to work with one |part…Turn and talk and tell which |Link: When you go back for |a just right book for you. It shouldn’t be|feelings |

| |child. |strategy you used to help you be a better|independent reading, I want you to |too easy or too challenging |Follows a sequence of events |

| |-Use signal for attention- |listener. We will practice being active |practice your thinking try |Link: During independent reading I want you|Includes the setting |

| |Share: Let’s close our books and come |listeners each day until you own it! |questioning while you read- that will|to practice your thinking try retelling to |Makes an inference - "I think… |

| |back to the rug for a share. I worked|Link: When you go back for independent |make you understand better |yourself and then we’ll talk about how that| |

| |with… and he was reading the book --- |reading, I want you to practice your |Conference: If able |helps. I want to conference with 2 people | |

| |he was able to share his thinking with|thinking and try to visualize - make a |Share: A few students |to make sure they are choosing just right | |

| |me - Can you share it with the whole |picture in your mind while you read. | |books and give them a reader to reader | |

| |class? Can another student share her |Conference: If able | |interview | |

| |thinking? |Share: A few students | |(attachment) | |

| | | | |Conference: 2 students if able | |

| | | | |Share: A few students | |


|WEEK 2: |Readers Share their Thinking with a |Readers Make Predictions |Readers Understand Shared Reading |Readers Make Connections to Text |Readers Have Jobs During Reading |

|Reading Workshop |Partner | | | |Workshop |

| | |Connect: We’ve been practicing active |Connect: We’ve been thinking about and | |Chart |

| | |listening, reading strategies and sharing|practicing how good readers think while |Connect: Today we’re going to |Teacher’s role during independent |

| |Connect: Today we’re going to practice|our thinking. |they are reading. |continue to practice shared |reading vs. Students’ roles during |

| |more of the turn and talk. |Teach/Model: Today, I want to show you |Teach/Model: Today I want to show you how |reading. |independent reading |

| |Teach/Model: Good readers think about|how good readers make predictions while |good readers use one to one matching. |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach | |

|*Preplan |the story they hear, talk about a |they are reading. Readers are always |They make sure that each word that is |you how readers make connections |Connect: Readers have jobs during |

|partnerships |character with a partner and then |thinking about what might happen next |written is a word that they say. Instead |while they read. Good readers |reading workshop – what is your job |

| |listen as their partner talks to them |while they are reading. Listen as I |of just reading aloud to you – I want to |might think to themselves, “That |during independent reading? We read |

| |about a character |start to read…. And show you how I make a|teach you how to read with me – it’s |makes me think about…” Let me show|silently and practice the strategy to |

| |Listen as I read …and model for you my|prediction. |called shared reading. These are the |you what that looks like. |help us to be better thinkers. What’s|

| |thinking about the character |Active Engagement: Now you try it while |rules for shared reading. I read pointing|Active Engagement: Let’s try that |my job during independent reading - |

| |Active Engagement: Now turn and talk |I read this part - Turn and talk to a |to each word and then we all read together|now - Turn and talk |conferencing with students and working|

| |Link: Today during independent reading|partner |but by following along. |Link: Today during independent |with small groups of students |

| |I want you to practice thinking about |Link: Today during independent reading I | |reading I want you to practice |Teach/Model: Today I want to show you |

| |the characters in the story you can |want you to practice making a prediction |Active Engagement: Let’s try that now. |thinking to yourself, “That makes |how good readers ask questions while |

| |talk about a character with a partner.|while you read |Listen as I read… and point to each word. |me think about…” (10 minutes) |they read: Listen as I read aloud |

| |(10 minutes) |(10 minutes) |Your job is to follow each word with your | |from… I stop and ask myself… I wonder |

| |Conference: reading interview and just| |eyes. Then let’s say this line together –|Conference: reading interview and |why or I wonder how etc. |

| |right check |Conference: reading interview and just |everyone keeping up at the same pace. |just right check |Active Engagement: Have a try! Listen |

| |Share: 1-2 students |right check |Link: Practice the reading strategies |Share: 1-2 students |as I read… turn and talk to a partner |

| |Chart : |Share: 1-2 students |we’ve tried so far | |and tell them an I wonder question |

| |Good Partners… | |(10 minutes) | |Link: When you go back to your seat |

| |Sit knee to knee | | | |practice thinking and asking yourself |

| |Make eye contact | |Conference: reading interview and just | |a question while you are reading. |

| |Listen and take turns speaking | |right check | |That’s what good readers do. |

| |Stay focused | |Share: 1-2 students | |Read for 15 minutes |

| |Turn back to the group when signaled | | | | |

| | | | | |Conference: reading interview and just|

| | | | | |right check |

| | | | | |Share: 1-2 students |


|WEEK 3: |Readers Have Thinking Work to Do |Readers can have good discussions by |Good readers remember to look at | |Good readers can talk about books and|

|Reading Workshop | |thinking about good questions for talking|the pictures to help them read |Good readers use one to one |tell why they think what they think |

| |Connect: Yesterday during independent |about books. | |correspondence - They point to the | |

| |reading I noticed that some students | | |words on the page |Connect: Last week we worked with |

| |read many books from their baggies. |Connect: Good readers are good thinkers -|Connect: Readers have to pay | |reading partners and tried to make |

|Assign partners for |Readers always have work to do. |they can have deep conversations with |attention to a lot of things - | |our book talks longer and better. |

|reading based on |Sometimes they are reading and some of|other readers. Today we are going to do |letters, words, pictures, stories |TP: Good readers listen carefully to |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach |

|levels/interests |the time during reading you can |some partner reading. When you read with|etc. |themselves and make sure that the |you how good readers can talk about a|

| |respond to what you are reading. |a partner, you share a book - each |Teach/Model: Today I want to |words they are saying make sense. |book and also tell why they think |

| |Chart: During independent reading: |holding one side - and you take turns |teach you about how good readers |Connect: Yesterday we practiced |what they think. Let me show you how|

| |When you finish with one book you can:|reading aloud and listening to each |always remember to use the |looking at the pictures to help us |that might sound. Listen as I read… |

| | |other. Then you have a conversation |pictures when they are reading to |read the words. |Michael can be my partner - This |

| |read another book |about the book. |help them read the words and |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach |story reminds me of … because… I |

| |sketch and write a response and then |Teach/Model: Today I want to teach you to|understand the story. Let me show|you how good readers point to each |also want to teach you some more |

| |store it in a reading folder with your|ask some questions when you are reading |you how I do that as I read… show |word on each page as they read. Let |questions to ask your partner so that|

| |name on it |with a partner to help make your |noticing pictures that help read |me show you what that looks and |you will have a better conversation. |

| |Teach/Model: Let me show you how |conversation about your book longer and |the words |sounds like… |“Michael, what did this story make |

| |readers can read, think and then |more interesting. Listen as I read… I | |Active Engagement: Let’s try that |you think of? Why do you think that?|

| |respond. You don’t have to respond |might ask my partner: What did this story|Link: When you go back to your |together - it’s just like shared |Or What makes you think that? |

| |daily - for now it’s only when you |make you think of? or Who did you like |seat practice noticing the |reading |Active Engagement: Let’s try partner |

| |want to. Most of the time I want you |best in the story? |pictures to help you read the |Link: When you go back to your seat |reading and asking those questions to|

| |to be reading. Listen as I read… I |Active Engagement: Let’s try asking our |words |practice pointing to each word on |our partners after we’ve read for a |

| |can respond by thinking to myself: My|partners those questions during reading |Read for 15 minutes |each page |little while today. |

| |favorite part was… I can sketch in |today. | |Read for 15 minutes |Link: During reading today, I want |

| |pencil and then write My favorite part|Link: During reading today, I want you to|Conference: reading interview and | |you to sit with your partner and |

| |was…because… on the line. Then I put |sit with your partner and practice |just right check |Conference: reading interview and |practice partner reading. After 7 |

| |it in my reading folder. We will keep |partner reading. After 7 minutes or so, |Share: 1-2 Students |just right check |minutes or so, let’s stop and ask our|

| |the response paper… |let’s stop and ask our partners those 2 | |Share: 1-2 Students |partners those 2 questions |

| |Link: When you read today if you’d |questions | | |Read for 15 minutes |

| |like to respond you can get your |Read for 15 minutes | | | |

| |supplies quietly | | | |Conference: reading interview and |

| |Read for 15 minutes |Conference: reading interview and just | | |just right check |

| |Conference: reading interview and just|right check | | |Share: 1-2 Students |

| |right check |Share: 1-2 Students | | | |

| |Share: 1-2 Students | | | | |


|WEEK 4: |Good readers make their reading sound|Good readers listen carefully to |Start of Tackling Trouble and Small | | |

|Reading Workshop |like talking. |themselves and make sure that the |Moment Writing Unit | | |

| | |words they are saying make sense. | | | |

| |Connect: When we read, it’s really | | | | |

| |like someone is telling us a story or|Connect: So, while you are practicing| | | |

| |giving us information. Good readers |making your reading sound like you | | | |

| |try to make their reading sound like |are talking - Good readers listen | | | |

| |talking. It makes the reader get more|very carefully to themselves as | | | |

| |into what they are reading because it|readers. They make sure the words | | | |

| |sounds more interesting |that they are saying make sense. | | | |

| |Teach/Model: Listen as I read aloud |Teach/Model: Let me show you what I | | | |

| |without making my reading sound like |mean… Listen as I read… Make a | | | |

| |talking and then how I read and make |mistake - Wait a minute that did not | | | |

| |my reading sound like talking. Did |make sense!!! | | | |

| |you notice the expression I used? |Active Engagement: Listen as I | | | |

| |Active Engagement: Let’s try that |continue to read aloud -listen | | | |

| |together |especially carefully so that you will| | | |

| |Link: During reading today, I want |notice if the words I am saying make | | | |

| |you to practice reading independently|sense. | | | |

| |and making your reading sound like | | | | |

| |you are talking |Link: During reading today, I want | | | |

| |Read for 15 minutes |you to sit with your partner and | | | |

| | |practice partner reading. Listen to | | | |

| |Conference: reading interview and |your partner read aloud and take | | | |

| |just right check |turns making sure the words you are | | | |

| |Share: 1-2 Students |saying make sense. That what good | | | |

| | |readers do. | | | |

| | |Conference: reading interview and | | | |

| | |just right check | | | |

| | |Share: 1-2 Students | | | |

|Reading Questionnaire |Student: Date: |

|What was the first book you ever read all by yourself? | |

| | |

|What's your favorite book? | |

| | |

|Do you have a favorite author? | |

| | |

|What are your favorite types of books to read? | |

|How do you choose books? | |

| | |

|How do you choose a just right book? | |

| | |

|What's something you want to learn how to do better as a | |

|reader? | |

|Is there anything else you'd like me to know about you? | |

| | |


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