LDS Family Feud


Game Instructions:

Divide the youth into two teams. Flip a coin to see which team will go first (team #1). Have each team choose, or assign, a team captain to represent them. Ask question #1 to team #1, having them agree on the answer together. Give team #1 the number of points assigned to each correct answer given.

If team #1 gives an incorrect answer, allow team #2 to give the remaining correct answers and receive points until they answer incorrectly. Add up the total points earned for each team on question #1 then continue playing the game by asking question #2 to the second team. Continue playing the game in this manner till all questions have been asked. The team with the highest total of points at the end of the game wins.

Questions and Answers: Points:

1. Name an Old Testament prophet.

1. Moses--------------------------------------------------20 points

2. Noah--------------------------------------------------15 points

3. Isaiah-------------------------------------------------10 points

4. Adam---------------------------------------------------5 points

2. Name a woman mentioned in scripture.

1. Eve

2. Mary, mother of Jesus

3. Ruth

4. Sariah

3. Name an animal referred to in scripture.

1. Donkey

2. Sheep/Lamb

3. Serpent/Snake

4. Lion

4. Name one of the original 12 apostles.

1. Peter

2. John

3. Matthew

4. James

5. Name miracle performed by the Savior in the New Testament.

1. Healing the blind

2. Raising of Lazarus

3. Loaves and fishes

4. Cleansing the lepers

6. Name one of the books of the Old Testament.

1. Genesis

2. Isaiah

3. Exodus

4. Psalms

7. Name a popular Hymn from the LDS hymnbook.

1. We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet

2. The Spirit of God

3. Come, Come Ye Saints

4. Called to Serve Him

8. Name an office of the Aaronic or Melchizedek


1. Elder

2. Deacon

3. Teacher

4. Priest

9. Name one of the currently serving 12 apostles.

1. Jeffrey R. Holland

2. Boyd K. Packer

3. Dallin H. Oaks

4. L. Tom Perry

10. Name a prophet from the Book of Mormon.

1. Nephi

2. Alma

3. Lehi

4. Mormon

11. Name a city mentioned in the Bible.

1. Jerusalem

2. Bethlehem

3. Sodom

4. Ninevah

12. Name a latter-day prophet.

1. Thomas S. Monson

2. Joseph Smith

3. Gordon B. Hinckley

4. Brigham Young

13. Name one of the books of the New Testament.

1. Matthew

2. Acts

3. Revelations

4. Luke

14. A phrase that's repeated IN the scriptures over

and over again.

1. "And it came to pass…"

2. "Now behold…"

3. "Amen"

4. “Verily I say unto you…”

15. Name one of the books of the Book of Mormon.

1. Alma

2. 1 Nephi

3. Moroni

4. Mosiah

16. Name a world famous Church member.

1. Steve Young

2. Gladys Knight

3. Donny Osmond

4. Ty Detmer

17. Name one of President Hinckley's 6 "B's".

1. Be Smart

2. Be Grateful

3. Be Clean

4. Be Humble

18. Name something you do when you get home from church.

1. Eat

2. Change clothes

3. Nap

4. Turn on the TV

19. Name a Book of Mormon character.

1. Nephi

2. Moroni

3. Alma

4. Lehi

20. Name something Lehi took into the wilderness.

1. Family

2. Tent

3. Liahona

4. Faith

21. Name something Noah was commanded to take on the ark.

1. 2 of every animal

2. Family

3. Food

4. Dove/fouls of the air

22. Name a king in the Book of Mormon.

1. Benjamin

2. Noah

3. Lamoni

4. Mosiah

23. Name a refreshment served at firesides.

1. Cookies

2. Brownies

3. Cake

4. Punch

24. Name something that is against the Word of Wisdom.

1. Tobacco/cigarettes

2. Alcohol

3. Hot drinks/coffee/tea

4. Drugs

25. Name something that small children do during

Sacrament Meeting.

1. Color

2. Cry

3. Eat

4. Look at books

26. Name something Mormon’s do on a Sunday afternoon.

1. Sleep/nap

2. Read/ read scriptures

3. Visit family

4. Have family dinner

27. Name a food storage item.

1. Wheat

2. Flour

3. Sugar

4. Water

28. Name a popular primary song.

1. I Am A Child of God

2. Book of Mormon Stories

3. Popcorn Popping

4. Follow the Prophet

29. Name a talent shared in Sacrament Meeting.

1. Singing

2. Play instrument

3. Speaking

4. Conduct music

30. Name something you shouldn’t do on Sunday.

1. Spend money

2. Sports

3. Play with friends

4. Work

31. Name something you should do before you go to bed

each night.

1. Pray

2. Read scriptures

3. Write in journal

4. Kiss mom and dad good night

32. Name a church magazine.

1. Ensign

2. New Era

3. Friend

4. Liahona

33. Name something children do in Primary.

1. Sing

2. Sharing time

3. Color

4. Give talks

34. Name a miracle performed by Jesus Christ.

1. Healing

2. Raise the dead

3. Fed the 5000

4. Walked on water

35. Name an important LDS event church members attend.

1. Temple wedding

2. Baptism

3. Baby blessing

4. Seminary graduation

36. Name a vegetable planted in a garden.

1. Tomatoes

2. Carrots

3. Zucchini

4. Squash

37. Name a popular funeral lunch dish.

1. Ham

2. Potato casserole

3. Salad

4. Cake

38. Name something important to take to scout/YW camp.

1. Tent

2. Toilet paper

3. Flash light

4. Sleeping bag

39. Name a temple in Utah.

1. Salt Lake

2. Jordan River

3. Draper

4. St. George

40. Name a way people hear about the gospel.

1. Missionaries

2. Friends

3. Commercials

4. Visiting Temple Square

41. Name something you see in a bishop’s office.

1. Desk

2. Scriptures

3. Picture of Jesus

4. Clock

42. Name one of the Ten Commandments.

1. Honor thy father and mother.

2. Thou shalt not kill.

3. Thou shalt not steal.

4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.

43. Name a snack you eat in nursery.

1. Gold fish crackers

2. Fruit snacks

3. Graham crackers

4. Cheerios

44. Name something the pioneers took on their trek west.

1. Covered wagon/handcart

2. Food

3. Clothes

4. Gun

45. Name a missionary who is mentioned in the scriptures.

1. Alma

2. Ammon

3. Alma the Younger

4. Samuel the Lamanite

46. Name a city that Jesus taught in.

1. Jerusalem

2. Galilee

3. Nazareth

4. Capernaum

47. Name one of the witnesses to the Gold Plates.

1. Joseph Smith

2. Oliver Cowdery

3. Martin Harris

4. David Whitmer

48. Name a member of Joseph Smith’s family

(while he was growing up).

1. Hyrum

2. Joseph Smith Sr.

3. Lucy Mack Smith

4. Alvin

50. Name an apostle from the trek of Zion’s camp.

1. Joseph Smith

2. Brigham Young

3. Wilford Woodruff

4. Parley P. Pratt

51. Name a place where the Saints settled and lived.

1. Nauvoo

2. Salt Lake City

3. Kirtland

4. Winter Quarters

52. Name a story from the book of Genesis.

1. Creation

2. Adam and Eve

3. Noah’s Ark

4. Cain and Abel

53. Name something in the Garden of Eden.

1. Adam and Eve

2. Serpent

3. Forbidden fruit

4. Tree of knowledge

54. Name and Old Testament miracle.

1. Parting of Red Sea

2. Daniel in Lion’s Den

3. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego

4. Flood/rainbow

55. Name something from 7 days of the Creation.

1. Light/dark

2. Land/sea

3. Day/night

4. Animals/man

56. Name a woman in early church history.

1. Emma Smith

2. Lucy Mack Smith

3. Eliza R. Snow

4. Mary Fielding Smith


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