BOOK REVIEWS BY AUTHOR - Baylor University



Aaron, Thomas E., Henry J. Mann, and Timothy Taylor, eds.

Values and Public Policy, 37: 436.

Abd-Allah, Umar F.

Islamic Struggle in Syria, The, 26: 548-49.

Abernathy, Glenn

The Right of Assembly and Association, 4: 223-24.

Aberth, John

Criminal Churchmen in the Age of Edward III: The Case of Bishop Thomas de Lisle, 39: 805-06.

Abraham, Gary L.

Max Weber and the Jewish Question: A Study of the Social Outlook of His Sociology, 36: 858.

Abraham, Henry J.

Freedom and the Court: Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States, 9: 396-97.

Justices and Presidents: A Political History of, Appointments to the Supreme Court, 17: 530-32; 29: 345-46.

Abramov, S. Z.

Perpetual Dilemma: Jewish Religion in the Jewish State, 21: 349-51.

Abrams, Elliott, ed.

The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups & U.S. Foreign Policy, 45: 184-85.

Abrams, Ray

Preachers Present Arms: The Role of the American Churches and Clergy in World Wars I and II with Some Observations on the War in Vietnam, 11: 527-29.

Abrecht, Paul, and Roger L. Shinn, eds.

Faith and Science in an Unjust World: Report of the World Council of Churches’ Conference on Faith, Science and the Future, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 12-24 July 1979. Vol. 1: Plenary Presentations; Vol. 2: Reports and Recommendations, 23: 339-40.

Abu-Amr, Ziad

Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza, 39: 346-47.

Abzug, Robert H.

Cosmos Crumbling: American Reform and the Religious Imagination, 38: 178.

Ackerman, James S, Jenks, Roger L. Alan Wilkin, and Edward B. Jenkinson

Teaching the Old Testament in English Classes, 16: 340-41.

Acton, Lord

Acuerdos Concordatarios Espanoles y la Revision del Concordato Italiano, Los, 25: 349-51.

Essays on Church and State, 11: 521-23.

Adams, James Luther

Growing Church Lobby in Washington,The, 13: 358-59.

Prophethood of All Believers, The, 30: 569-70.

Voluntary Associations, 30: 569-70.

Adeney, David H.

China: The Church’s Long March, 30: 345-46.

Adeney, Frances S.

Christian Women in Indonesia: A Narrative Study of Gender and Religion, 46: 134-35.

Adler, H. G.

The Jews in Germany: From the Enlightenment to National Socialism, 13: 539-41.

Adler, Mortimer J.

The Plurality of Religion and the Unity of Faith, 33: 619-20.

Adolph, Walter

Die katholische Kirche im Deutschland Adolf Hit/ers, 20: 356.

Kardinal Preysing und zwei Diktaturen: Sein Widerstand gegen die totalitiire Macht, 17: 524-26.

Agu, Charles Chikezie

Secularization in Igboland: Socio-Religious Change and Its Challenges to the Church Among the Ibo, 33: 135-36.

Ahdar, Rex

Worlds Colliding: Conservative Christians and the Law, 45: 172-73.

Ahdar, Rex, ed.

Law and Religion, 43: 607-08.

Ahlstrom, Sidney E.

A Religious History of the American People, 15: 123-25.

Ahmed, Jamal Mohammed

The Intellectual Origins of Egyptian Nationalism, 4: 235-36.

Ahn, Yong Choon

The Triumph of Pastor Son, 21: 366.

Aho, James A.

This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy, 38: 913.

Ahroni, Reuben

Yemenite Jewry: Origins, Culture and Literature, 31: 152.

Akenson, Donald Harman

God’s People’s: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel, and Ulster, 35: 896-97.

Akers, Charles W.

Called unto Liberty: A Life of Jonathan Mayhew, 1720-1706, 8: 293-94.

Divine Politician, The: Samuel Cooper and the American Revolution in Boston, 27: 345-46.

Akhavi, Shah rough

Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Panlavi Period, 23: 133-35.

Alas, Higinio

El Salvador £ Por que la Insurreccion?, 25: 348-49.

Albanese, Cathenne L.

Sons of the Fathers: The Civil Religion of the American Revolution, 21: 110-12.

Alberdi, Christina, and Victoria Sendon

Aborto, 25: 350-51.

Albert, James A.

Jim Bakker: Miscarriage of Justice?, 42: 595-97.

Albright, Madeline with Bill Woodward.

The Mighty and the Almighty. Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs, 49: 779-80.

Alcal, Angel, ed.

The Spanish Inquisition and the Inquisitorial Mind, 31: 146-48.

Alexander, Charles C.

The KuKlux Klan in the Southwest, 8: 302-04.

Alexander, Edward

Classical Liberalism & the Jewish Tradition, 45: 611-12.

Alexander, Stella

Church and State in Yugoslavia Since 1945, 26: 140-41.

Alfs, Matthew

The Evocative Religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses: An Analysis of a Present-Day Phenomenon, 34: 871.

Algar, Hamid

Religion and State In Iran, 1785-1906: The Role of the Ulama in the Qajar Period, 18: 330-31.

Wahhabism: A Critical Essay, 46: 890-91.

Algar, Hamid, trans.

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 23: 159.

Allen, John L., Jr.

Pope Benedict XVI: A Biography of Joseph Ratzinger, 47: 883-84.

Allen, Richard

The Social Passion: Religion and Social Reform in Canada, 1914-28,17: 322-23.

Alley, Robert S.

James Madison on Religious Liberty, 30: 612.

School Prayer: The Court, the Congress, and the First Amendment, 37: 433.

Without a Prayer: Religious Expression in Public Schools, 41: 845-46.

Alley, Robert S., ed.

The Constitution and Religion: Leading Supreme Court Cases on Church and State, 42: 582-83.

Allison, Robert J.

The Crescent Obscured: The United States and the Muslim World, 1776-1815, 38: 919.

Allitt, Patrick

Catholic Converts: British and American Intellectuals Turn to Rome, 40: 904-05.

Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America: 1950-1985, 36: 862.

Religion in America Since 1945: A History, 46: 900-01.

Almog, Shmuel

Nationalism and Antisemitism in Modern Europe, 1815-1945, 34: 146-48.

Almog, Shmuel, ed.

Anti-Semitism Through the Ages, 32: 427-28.

Alnor, William M.

UFO Cults and the New Millennium, 42: 395-97.

Alonso, Harriet Hyman

Growing up Abolitionist: The Story of the Garrison Children, 46: 415-16.

Peace as a Women’s Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women’s Rights, 37: 159.

Alpert, Rebecca T.

Voices of the Religious Left: A Contemporary Sourcebook, 43: 616-18.

Alter, Robert, and Frank Kermode, eds.

The Literary Guide to the Bible, 30: 611-12.

Altmann, Walter

Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, 36: 599-600.

Alves, Rubem A.

Protestantism and Repression: A Brazilian Case Study, 29: 137-38.

Theology of Human Hope, A, 18: 358-59.

Alvis, Robert E.

Religion and the Rise of Nationalism: A Profile of an East-Central European City, 48: 466-67.

Alwall, Jonas

Muslim Rights and Plights: The Religious Liberty Situation of a Minority in Sweden, 43: 811.

Amburger, Erik

Geschichte des Protestantismus in Russland, 5: 272-73.

American Association of School Administrators

Religion in the Public Schools: The Report of the Commission on Religion In the Public

Schools, 8: 119-20.

Ami, Ben

Between Hammer and Sickle, 11: 561.

Ammerman, Nancy Tatom

Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 34: 624-25.

Bible Believers: Fundamentalists in the Modern World, 30: 613.

Amstutz, Mark R.

Healing of Nations, The: The Promise and Limits of Political Forgiveness, 48: 205.

International Ethics: Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Global Politics, 2nd ed., 49: 769-70.

Anastaplo, George

The American Moralist: On Law, Ethics, and Government, 35: 407-08.

Anbinder, Tyler

Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Nothings and the Politics of the 1850s, 36: 183-84.

Andelson, Robert V.

Imputed Rights, An Essay in Christian Social Theory, 14: 507-08.

Anderson, Clifford V.

The Christian and Social Concern, 18: 132-34.

Anderson, Gerald H., ed.

Studies in Philippine Church History, 13: 350-51.

Anderson, Gordon L.

Philosophy of the United States: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, 47: 642-43.

Anderson, Gordon L., and Morton L. Kaplan, eds.

Morality and Religion in Liberal Democratic Societies, 35: 904-05.

Anderson, Irvine H.

Biblical Interpretation and Middle East Policy: The Promised Land, America and Israel, 1917-2002, 49: 565-66.

Anderson, John B.

Between Two Worlds: A Congressman’s Choice, 14: 350-51.

Anderson, Margaret Lavinia

Windthorst: A Political Biography, 25: 165-66.

Anderson, Norman

Issues of Life and Death: Abortion, Birth Control, Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, 21: 154-55.

Anderson, Ronald. D.

Religion and Spirituality in the Public School Curriculum, 47: 891-92.

Andrews, James F.

The Citizen Christian, 11: 537-39.

Angell, Stephen W. and Anthony B. Pinn

Social Protest Thought in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 42: 589-90.

An-Na’im, Abdullahi Ahmed

Proselytization and Communal Self-Determination in Africa, 43: 353-55.

Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights, and International Law, 33: 806-07.

An-Na’im, Abdullhi A. and Jerald D. Gort

Human Rights and Religious Values: An Uneasy Relationship?, 38: 196.

Ansbro, John J.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Making of a Mind, 27: 348-49.

Antieau, Chester J., Phillip Mark Carroll, and Thomas Carroll Burke, eds.

Religion Under the State Constitutions, 8: 465-67.

Antieau, Chester J., et al.

Freedom from Federal Establishment: FormatIon and Early History of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, 8: 461-63.

Antoine, Charles

Church and Power in Brazil, 16: 541-43.

Antonides, Harry

Stones for Bread: The Social Gospel and Its Contemporary Legacy, 29: 152-53.

Antoun, Richard T.

Understanding Fundamentalism: Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Movements, 44: 572-73.

Apostolidis, Paul

Stations of the Cross: Adorno and Christian Right Radio, 43: 371-72.

Appleby, Scott, ed.

Spokesmen for the Despised: Fundamentalist Leaders of the Middle East, 40: 174-75.

Aptheker, Herbert

The Urgency ofMarxist-Christian Dialogue,14: 159.

Araujo, Robert John, S.J. and John A. Lucal, S.J.

Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace: The Vatican and International Organizations from the Early Years to the League of Nations, 47: 883-84.

Arberry, A. J., ed.

Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict, 11: 348.

Arendt, Hannah

The Jew As Pariah: Jewish Identity and Politics in the Modern Age, 22: 165.

Ares, Richard

L’Eglise et les projets d’avenir du peuple canadien-franrais, 21: 148.

Arias, Bishop David

Spanish Cross in Georgia, 38: 429.

Arieli, Yehoshua

Individualism and Nationalism in American Ideology, 8: 124-25.

Arjomand, Said Amir, ed.

From Nationalism to Revolutionary Islam, 28: 132-33.

Arkoun, Mohammed

Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers, 38: 182.

Armstrong, Brian G.

Calvinism and the Amyraut Heresy, 14: 331-34.

Armstrong, George D.

The Christian Doctrine of Slavery, 13: 543-44.

Armstrong, Marjorie Moore, and O.K. Armstrong

Baptists Who Shaped a Nation, 19: 127-28.

Indomitable Baptists,The, 9: 411-12.

Arnold, O. Carroll

Religious Freedom on Trial, 22: 158-59.

Arnott, Peter

The Byzantines and Their World, 16: 341.

Aronsfeld, Caesar C.

The Ghosts of 1492: Jewish Aspects of the Struggle for Religious Freedom in Spain, 1848-1976, 23: 158.

Asad, Muhammad

The Principles of State and Government in Islam, 5: 269-70.

Ashley, Maurice, ed.

Cromwell, 11: 558-59.

Ashton, Nigel

Ambivalent Alliance: The Catholic Church and the Action Francaise, 1899-1939, 30: 178-79.

End of an Elite, The: The French Bishops and the Coming of the Revolution, 1786-1790, 36: 167-69.

Askew, Thomas A. and Richard V. Pierard

The American Church Experience: A Concise History, 48: 222-23.

Aston, Margaret

Thomas Arundel: A Study of Church Life in the Reign of Richard II, 10: 452- 54.

Ateek, Naim Stifan

Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation, 32: 641-42.

Ateek, Naim S. and Marc H. Ellis

Faith and the Intifada: Palestinian Christian Voices, 36: 879.

Atherton, John

Marginalization, 46: 146-48.

Public Theology for Changing Times, 43: 346-47.

Atherton, John and Hannah Skinner, eds.

Through the Eye of a Needle: Theological Conversations Over Political Economy, 49: 777-79.

Atkinson, James

Great Light: Luther and Reformation, The, 12: 515-18.

Trial of Luther, The, 14: 331-34.

Attwood, David

Paul Ramsey’s Political Ethics, 35: 906-07.

Au, William A.

Cross, the Flag, and the Bomb, The: American Catholics Debate War and Peace, 29: 128-30.

Audi, Robert and Nicholas Wolterstorff

Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate, 41: 156-57.

Auerbach, Jerold S.

Rabbis and Lawyers: The Journey from Torah to Constitution, 36: 604-05.

Aughey, Arthur

Under Siege: Ulster Unionism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 33: 364-65.

Augsburger, Myron S.

Nuclear Arms: Two Views on World Peace, 30: 347-48.

Augustin, Pius

Religious Freedom in Church and State: A Study in Doctrinal Development, 11: 145-46.

Aukerman, Dale

Darkening Valley: A Biblical Perspective on Nuclear War, 32: 893.

Reckoning with Apocalypse: Terminal Politics and Christian Hope, 37: 663.

Ault, James M., Jr.

Spirit and Flesh: Life in a Fundamental Baptist Church, 47: 892-94.

Averill, Lloyd J.

Problem of Being Human, The, 19: 362-63.

Religious Right, Religious Wrong: A Critique of the Fundamentalist Phenomenon, 32: 883-85.

Avis, Paul

A Church Drawing Near: Spirituality and Mission in a Post-Christian Culture, 47: 649-51.

Avi-Yonah, Michael

A History of Israel and the Holy Land, 46: 889-90.

Avnery, Uri

Israel without Zionism: A Plan for Peace in the Middle East, 17: 145-50.

Avni, Haim

Argentina and the Jews: A History of Jewish Immigration, 34: 869-70.

Avruch, Kevin and Walter P. Zenner, eds.

Critical Essays on Israeli Society, Religion and Government, 40: 173-74.

Ayubi, Nazih N.

Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab World, 34: 619-20.

Babbie, Earl R., Charles Y. Glock, and Benjamin B. Ringer

To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church, 10: 157-58.

Babin, Pierre

The New Era in Religious Communication, 34: 402-03.

Babris, Peter J.

Silent Churches: Persecution of Religions in the Soviet-Dominated Areas, 22: 532-33.

Bacchiocchi, Samuele

From Sabbath to Sunday: A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity, 21: 109-10.

Backman, Clifford R.

The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296-1337, 39: 151-52.

Backman, Milton V., Jr.

Christian Churches of America: Origins and Beliefs, 20: 592-93.

Bacon, Margaret Hope

Quiet Rebels, The: The Story of the Quakers, 29: 575-76.

Bacote, Vincent E.

The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper, 48: 470-72.

Bahro, Rudolf

Building the Green Movement, 29: 149.

Baier, Helmut

Die Deutschen Christen Bayerns in Rahme; des bayerischen Kirchenkampfes, 14: 354-05. Kirchenkampf in Nurnberg: 1933-1945, 20: 357.

Baig, M. R. A.

The Muslim Dilemma in India, 18: 565-66.

Bailey, Betty Jane and J. Martin Bailey

Who Are the Christians in the Middle East?, 46: 138-39.

Bailey, David C.

Viva Cristo Rey! The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, 17: 520-21.

Bailey, Hugh C.

Edgar Gardner Murphy: Gentle Progressive, 12: 143-45.

Bailey, Kenneth K.

Southern White Protestantism in the Twentieth Century, 8: 306-07.

Bainton, Roland H.

Christian Attitudes Toward War and Peace, 3: 93-94.

Erasmus of Christendom, 13: 150-51.

Baird, Robert M. and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds.

Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred: Definitions, Causes and Solutions, 36: 178-79.

Review of Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues, 35: 185-86.

Baker, Christopher John

The Politics of South India: 1920-1937, 19: 340-42.

Baker, Derek, ed.

Church, Society, and Politics: Papers Read at the Thirteenth Summer Meeting and the Fourteenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, 21: 561-63.

Heresy, Sch’ism, and Religious Protest, 15: 323.

Baker, Derek, and G.J. Cuming, eds.

Popular Belief and Practice: Papers Read, the Ninth Summer Meeting and the Tenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, 15: 320-23.

Baker, James T.

A Southern Baptist in the White House, 21: 115-17.

Baker, John W., ed.

Taxation and the Free Exercise of Religion: Papers and Proceedings of the Sixteenth Religious Liberty Conference, Washington D. C., October 3-5, 1977, 21: 327-28.

Baker, J. Wayne

Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenant: The Other Reformed Tradition, 24: 625-26.

Baker, Lucius J., and Twiley W. Parker, Jr.

Freedoms, Courts, Politics: Studies in Civil Liberties, 9: 111-12.

Bakke, Raymond, William Hendricks, and Brad Smith

Joy at Work: Bible Study Companion, 48: 708-09.

Bakvis, Herman

Catholic Power in the Netherlands, 25: 162-63.

Baldwin, Deborah J.

Protestants and the Mexican Revolution: Missionaries, Ministers, and Social Change, 33: 609-10.

Baldwin, Lewis V., et al.

The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Boundaries of Law, Politics, and Religion, 45: 185-86.

Baldwin, Marshall W.

Alexander III and the Twelfth Century, Vol. 3: The Popes Through History, 11: 550-52.

Balk, Alfred

The Religion Business, 11: 326-28.

Ball, Milner S.

The Word and the Law, 38: 419-20.

Ball, William Bentley, ed.

In Search of a National Morality: A Manifesto for Evangelicals and Catholics, 36: 164-65.

Balme, J. R.

American States, Churches, and State, 13: 543-44.

Balmer, Randall

Grant Us Courage: Travels Along the Mainline of American Protestantism, 39: 176.

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Journey into the Evangelical Subculture, 32: 426.

Balmer, Randall and John R. Fitzmier

The Presbyterians, 37: 417.

Balmer, Randall and Lauren F. Winner

Protestantism in America, 45: 179-80.

Baltzell, E. Digby

Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia: Two Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Class Authority and Leadership, 23: 150-51.

Bane, Mary Jo, Brent Coffin, and Richard Higgins, eds.

Taking Faith Seriously, 47: 873-74.

Bangs, Jeremy Dupertuis, trans.

Letters on Toleration: Dutch and Persecuted Swiss and Palatine Mennonites 1615-1699, 49: 574-76.

Barber, Malcolm

The Trial of the Templars, 22: 336-38.

Barbour, Hugh

The Quakers in Puritan England, 8: 136-37.

Barclay, John, and John Sweet, eds.

Early Christian Thought in Its Jewish Context, 40: 473-74.

Barkat, Anwar M., ed.

Conflict, Violence, and Peace, 13: 545.

Barker, Eileen, ed.

Of Gods and Men: New Religious Movements in the West, 28: 543-44.

Barker, Ernest

Church, State, and Education, 2: 69-71.

Barker, Lucius J., and Twiley W. Barker, Jr., eds.

Civil Liberties and the Constitution: Cases and Commentaries, 13: 368.

Barber, Malcolm.

The Trial of the Templars, 2nd ed., 49: 571-73.

Barker, William S. and W. Robert Godfrey, eds.

Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, 34: 169.

Barkun, Michael

Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, rev. ed., 40: 498.

Barlow, Frank

The English Church, 1000-1066: A Constitutional History, 7: 450-53.

Barlow, Richard Burgess

Citizenship and Conscience: A Study in the Theory and Practice of Religious Toleration in England During the Eighteenth Century, 7: 270-71.

Barndt, Joseph R.

Why Black Power?, 10: 485.

Barnes, Howard A.

Horace Bushnell and the Virtuous Republic, 35: 160-61; 36: 413-14.

Barnes, Kenneth C.

Nazism, Liberalism, and Christianity: Protestant Social Thought in Germany and Great Britain, 1925-1937, 34: 133-34.

Barnes, Linda L. and Susan Sered

Religion and Healing in America, 49: 154-55.

Barnes, Roswell P.

Under Orders: The Churches and Public Affairs, 3: 224-25.

Barnette, Henlee H.

Exploring Medical Ethics, 25: 370-71.

Barnett, Suzanne Wilson

Christianity in China: Protestant Missionary Writings, 30: 175.

Barnett, Victoria

For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest Against Hitler, 37: 424.

Baron, Salo W.

The Russian Jew Under Tsars and Soviets, 7: 463-64.

Baron, Samuel H. and Nancy Shields Kollmann, eds.

Religion and Culture in Early Modern Russia and Ukraine, 40: 484-85.

Barr, David L., and James V. Panoch

Religion Goes to School, 10: 486.

Barrera, Albino

Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy, 45: 610-11.

Barrett, John

That Better Country: The Religious Aspect of Life in Eastern Australia, 1835-1850, 10: 460-62.

Barrett, Patricia

Religious Liberty and the American Presidency: A Study in Church-State Relations, 6: 374-76.

Barron, Bruce

Heaven on Earth? The Social and Political Agendas of Dominion Theology, 36: 393-94.

Barry, William A., S.J., and Robert G. Doherty, S.J., eds.

Contemplatives in Action: The Jesuit Way, 46: 145-46.

Bartel, Roland, ed.

Biblical Images in Literature, 19: 371.

Bartell, Ernest

Costs and Benefits of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, 13: 364-65.

Barth, Karl

Community, State, and Church, 3: 84-87.

Ethics, 25: 368-69

German Church Conflict, The, 9: 103-04.

Barth, Karl, and Johannes Hamel

How to Serve God in a Marxist Land, 2: 175-78.

Bartkowski, John P., and Helen A. Regis

Charitable Choices: Religion, Race and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era, 46: 907-09.

Bartlett, Robert

The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization, and Cultural Change, 950-1350, 37: 178.

Bartlett, Thomas

The Fall and Rise of the Irish Nation: The Catholic Question 1690-1830, 35: 887-88.

Bartos, P. M.

Hussite Revolution, The, 1424-1437, 30: 152-54.

Basil, Robert, and Mary Beth Gehrman

On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict, 33: 372-73.

Bates, Stephen

Battleground: One Mother’s Crusade, the Religious Right, and the Struggle for Control of Our Classrooms, 36: 624-25.

Bathory, Peter Dennis

Political Theory as Public Confession: The Social and Political Thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, 25: 551-52.

Battin, Margaret P.

Ethics in the Sanctuary: Examining the Practices of Organized Religion, 33: 625-26.

Battis, Emery

Saints and Sectaries: Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomian Controversy in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 6: 402-04.

Bauckham, Richard

The Bible in Politics: How to Read the Bible Politically, 32: 650-52.

Bauckham, Richard J. and R. John Elford

The Nuclear Weapons Debate: Theological and Ethical Issues, 34: 165-66.

Bauer, Jerald C.

The Lively Experiment Continued, 30: 585-86.

Bauer, Walter

Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity, 14: 142-44.

Baum, Gregory

Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties, 23: 579-81.

Church for Others, The: Protestant Theology in Communist East Germany, 40: 690-91.

Theology and Society, 31: 326-27.

Baumgarten, A. I., Alan Mendelson, and E. P. Sanders, eds.

Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Period, 24: 167.

Bayer, Richard C.

Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism, 42: 372-74.

Baylor, Michael G., ed. and trans.

The Radical Reformation, 35: 171-72.

Bayne, Stephen F., Jr.

Theological Freedom and Social Responsibility: Report of the Advisory Committee of the Episcopal Church, 10: 487.

Bazant, Jan

Alienation of Church Wealth in Mexico, 13: 353-54.

Beach, Waldo

Christian Community and American Society, 12: 525-26.

Beaver, R. Pierce

Church, State, and the American Indians: Two and a Half Centuries of Partnership in Missions between Protestant Churches and Government, 10: 298-99.

Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Mission: A History of Comity, 5: 113-14.

Bebbington, D. W.

The Nonconformist Conscience: Chapel and Politics, 1870-1914, 25: 158-60.

Becker, Lawrence C., and Charlotte B. Becker, eds.

Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2 vols., 35: 632-33.

Beckford, James A.

Social Theory and Religion, 47: 167-68.

Cult Controversies: The Societal Response to the New Religious Movements, 29: 576-77.

Beckley, Robert E., and Jerome R. Koch

The Continuing Challenge of AIDS: Clergy Responses to Patients, Friends, and Families, 45: 615-16.

Beckwith, Francis J.

Law, Darwinism, and Public Education: The Establishment Clause and the Challenge of Intelligent Design, 45: 600-01.

Becnel, Thomas

Labor, Church, and the Sugar Establishment: Louisiana, 1887-1976, 23: 360-62,

Bedau, Hugo Adam, ed.

Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice, 20: 587-88.

Death Penalty in America, The, 7: 123-24.

Bedouelle, Guy

L ‘Eglise d’Angleterre et la societe politiqu contemporaine, 17: 352.

Beeson, Trevor

Discretion and Valour: Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe, 18: 321-27.

Beeson, Trevor, and Jenny Pearce

A Vision of Hope: The Churches and Change in Latin America, 27: 527-29.

Beggs, David W., III, and Bruce McQuigg, eds.

American Schools and Churches: Partners in Conflict, 9: 407-09.

Bellah, Robert N.

The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in Time of Trial, 19: 120-22.

Bellah, Robert N., and Phillip E. Hammond

Varieties of Civil Religion, 24: 145-46.

Bell, John Patrick

Crisis in Costa Rica: The Revolution of 1948, 16: 332-34.

Bell, Mark R.

Apocalypse How? Baptist Movements During the English Revolution, 43: 361-62.

Belshaw, Deryke, Robert Calderisi, and Chris Sugden, eds.

Faith in Development: Partnership between the World Bank and the Churches of Africa, 46: 394-95.

Bender, Harold S.

The Anabaptists and Religious Liberty in the 16th Century, 12: 343.

Benecke, Gerhard, and Bob Scribner, eds.

The German Peasant War of 1525: New Viewpoints, 23: 156-58.

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Rouen During the Wars of Religion, 23: 586-88.

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Emancipation, and Counter-Emancipation: Selected Essays from “Jewish Social Studies,” 20: 589-90.

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Pagan Rome and the Early Christians, 29: 336-38.

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Ethic of Democratic Capitalism, The: A Moral Reassessment, 24: 614-16.

Quality with Soul: How Six Premier Colleges and Universities Keep Faith with Their Religious Traditions, 43: 622-23.

Benne, Robert and Philip Hefner

Defining America: A Christian Critique of the American Dream, 20: 362-63.

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Yugoslavia’s Bloody Collapse—Causes, Course and Consequence, 38: 666-67.

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The Tory Crisis of Church and State, 1688-1730: The Career of Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, 19: 563-65.

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Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans, 48: 473-74.

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Christians and the State, 1: 49.

Foreign Policy in Christian Perspective, 8: 458-60.

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Nuclear Weapons and the Conflict of Conscience, 5: 261-62.

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U.S. Foreign Policy and Christian Ethics, 20: 596-97.

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Storm Over Ethics, 10: 311-12.

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Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852: “And Should We Die,” 31: 307-08.

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Muslims of the Soviet Empire: A Guide Book, 30: 372-73.

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Jesus and the Gospel, 19: 370.

Ben-Rafael, Eliezer and Yochanan Peres

Is Israel One? Religion, Nationalism, and Multiculturalism Confounded, 48: 693-94.

Benson, Robert L.

The Bishop-Elect: A Study in Medieval Ecclesiastical Office, 13: 348-50.

Bentley, James

Between Marx and Christ, 25: 571-74.

Ritualism and Politics in Victorian Britain: The Attempt to Legislate for Belief, 21: 539-40.

Bentley, Michael

Lord Salisbury’s World: Conservative Environments in Late-Victorian Britain, 44: 831-32.

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The United States in Puerto Rico 1898-1900, 10: 145-47.

Berenbaum, Michael

Vision of the Void: Theological Reflections on the Works of Elie Wiesel, 24: 168.

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Providence & Patriotism in Early America, 1640-1815, 22: 344-46.

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Justice and the Intifada: Palestinians and Israelis Speak Out, 35: 176.

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The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century, 47: 407-09.

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A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-Paganism and Witchcraft in the United States, 42: 852-53.

Berger, Morroe

Islam in Egypt Today, 14: 329-30.

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Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Politics, and Religion, 21: 328-30.

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Against the World for the World: The Hartford Appeal and the Future of Amencan Religion, 22: 354-56.

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God in the Movies, 43: 625-26.

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Balthasar Hubmaier-Seine Stellung zu Reformation und Taufertum, 1521-1528, 5: 138-40.

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Balthasar Hubmaier: Schriften, 5: 268-69.

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The State and Religion in a Nutshell, 41: 395-96.

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Liberation Theology: The Church’s Future Shock, 28: 529-31.

Berk, Stephen E.

Calvinism versus Democracy: Timothy Dwight and the Origin of American Evangelical Orthodoxy, 22: 154-55.

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The Development of Secularism in Turkey, 8: 133-35.

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The Hauerwas Reader, 44: 582-84.

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The Second Vatican Council and the New Catholicism, 9: 127-29.

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Defenders of the Faith: Nineteenth-Century American Jewish Writings on Christianity and Jesus, 33: 155-56.

Berman, Harold J.

Faith and Order: The Reconciliation of Law and Religion, 37: 645-47.

Berns, Walter

The First Amendment and the Future of American Democracy, 21: 112-14.

Berra, Tim M.

Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate, 34: 135-36.

Berrigan, Daniel, and Robert Coles

The Geography of Faith: Conversations Between Daniel Berrigan when Underground, and Robert Coles, 14: 137-39.

Berrigan, Philip

Prison Journals of a Priest Revolutionary, 13: 547.

Punishment for Peace, A, 11: 542-43: 14: 137-39.

Berry, Charles R.

The Reform in Oaxaca, 1856-76: A Microhistory of the Liberal Revolution, 23: 576-07.

Berryman, Charles

From Wilderness to Wasteland: The Trial of the Puritan God in the American Imagination, 23: 589-91.

Berryman, Phillip

Religious Roots of a Rebellion, The: Christians in Central American Revolutions, 27: 340-43.

Stubborn Hope, Religion, Politics, and Revolution in Central America, 37: 660-62.

Berting, Jan et al.

Human Rights in a Pluralist World, 32: 630-31.

Bertocci, Philip A.

Jules Simon: Republican Anticlericalism and Cultural Politics in France, 1848-1886, 22: 525-27.

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Der SED-Staat und die Kirche: Der Weh in die Ampassung, 37: 651-52.

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Repression and Self-preservation: The Jehovah’s Witnesses under the NS- and SED-dictatorship, 46: 894-96.

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The Churches, Southern Africa, and the Political Context, 43: 606-07.

Best, Gary Dean

To Free A People: American Jewish Leaders and the Jewish Problem in Eastern Europe, 26: 543-45.

Best, Wallace D.

Passionately Human, No Less Divine: Religion and Culture in Black Chicago, 1915-1952, 48: 476-77.

Beth, Loren P.

The American Theory of Church and State, 2: 183-85.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Life in Pictures, 48: 877-78.

Beyer, Peter

Religion and Globalization, 38: 906-07.

Bialek, Robert W.

Catholic Politics: A History Based on Ecuador, 7: 289-90.

Bianchi, Eugene C.

John XXIII and American Protestants, 12: 162.

Bickley, Gillian

The Development of Education in Hong Kong, 1841-1897: As Revealed By the Early Education Reports of the Hong Kong Government, 1848-1896, 44: 826-27.

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Law for Liberty, 11: 147-49.

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Politics of Hope, The, 19: 358-59.

Social Humanism of Calvin, The, 7: 462-63.

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The Calas Affair: Persecution, Toleration, and Heresy in Eighteenth-Century Toulouse, 4: 229-30.

Bier, William C., ed.

Conscience: Its Freedom and Limitations, 15: 465-69.

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Odyssey of New Religious Movements, The: Persecution, Struggle, Legitimation: A Case Study of the Unification Church, 30: 359-60.

Bilhartz, Terry D.

Urban Religion and the Second Great Awakening: Church and Society in Early National Baltimore, 29: 353-54.

Binder, Leonard

Ideological Revolution in the Middle East, The, 7: 446-47.

Religion and Politics in Pakistan, 5: 114-16.

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Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union, 1917-1967, 13: 518-19.

Birely, Robert

Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S.J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy, 26: 133-34.

Birmingham, William, ed.

What Modern Catholics Think About Birth Control, 7: 473-76.

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The Politics of Compromise: State and Religion in Israel, 14: 537-42.

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Staat und Synagoge, 1918-1938: Eine Geschichte des Preussischen Landesverbandes juedischer Gemeinden, 25: 166-67.

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Paths of Emancipation: Jews, States and Citizenship, 39: 794-95.

Bissett, Jim

Agrarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside, 43: 363-65.

Bisson, Thomas N.

Tormented Voices: Power, Crisis, and Humanity in Rural Catalonia, 1140-1200, 41: 380.

Bisson, Thomas N., ed.

Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe, 39: 352-53.

Blackbourn, David

Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wilhelmine Germany: The Centre Party in Wurttemberg before 1914, 23: 354-55.

Blackie, Bruce L.

Gods of Goodness: The Sophisticated Idolatry of the Main Line Churches, 19: 598-99.

Blaker, Kimberly, ed.

The Fundamentals of Extremism: The Christian Right in America, 46: 901-02.

Blanshard, Paul

American Freedom and Catholic Power, 1: 45-46.

Freedom and Catholic Power in Spain and Portugal: An American Interpretation, 4: 227-29.

God and Man in Washington, 2: 75-77.

Religion and the Schools: The Great Controversy, 7: 114-15.

Blanshard, Paul, ed.

Classics of Free Thought, 21: 355-56.

Blasi, Anthony J.

Making Charisma: The Social Construction of Paul’s Public Image, 35: 431-32.

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Records and Documents of the Holy See Relating to the Second World War. Volume I: The Holy See and the War in Europe, March 1939-August 1940, 11: 557-58.

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The Young Voters Manual: A Topical Dictionary of American Government and Politics, 17: 348-49.

Blickle, Peter

The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants’ War from a New Perspective, 25: 163-65.

Block, Ed, Jr.

Glory, Grace, and Culture: The Work of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, 48: 454-55.

Block, Eugene B.

And May God Have Mercy: The Case Against Capital Punishment, 6: 255-56.

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U.S. Bishops and Their Critics, The: An Economic and Ethical Perspective, 29: 562-63.

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Theology, Third World Development and Economic Justice, 28: 556-57.

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Opposition to the English Separatists, 1570-1625, The: A Survey of the Polemical Literature Written by the Opponents to Separatism, 26: 144-45.

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Nonviolent Direct Action, 11: 557.

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Modern Christian Revivals, 36: 612-13.

Blumhofer, Edith L., ed.

Religion, Politics, and the America Experience: Reflections on Religion and American Public Life, 44: 591-92.

Blum, Jerome

In the Beginning: The Advent of the Modern Age, Europe in the 1840s, 37: 648-50.

Boal, Frederick W., and Margaret C. Keane

Them and Us? Attitudinal Variation Among Churchgoers in Belfast, 40: 906.

Bociurkiw, Bohdan R.

The Ukranian Greek Catholic Church and the Soviet State (1939-1950), 40: 485-86.

Bock, Paul

In Search of a Responsible World Society: The Social Teachings of the World Council of Churches, 19: 122-23.

Bockle, Franz

Law and Conscience, 9: 277-79.

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War, Poverty and Freedom: The Christian Response Concilium, Vo1.15, 10: 483-84.

Bode, Frederick A.

Protestantism and the New South: North Carolina Baptists and Methodists in Political Crisis, 1894-1903, 20: 131-33.

Boesak, Willa

God’s Wrathful Children: Political Oppression and Christian Ethics, 40: 179-80.

Bohrmann, Monette

Flavius Josephus, The Zealots and Yavne: Towards a Rereading of The War of the Jews, 39: 148-49.

Boles, Donald E.

Bible, Religion, and the Public Schools, The, 4: 118-19.

Mr. Justice Rehnquist, Judicial Activist: The Early Years, 32: 143-44.

Two Swords, The: Commentaries and Cases in Religion and Education, 10: 320.

Boles, John

Great Revival, 1787-1805, The: The Origins of the Southern Evangelical Mind, 16: 140-41.

Religion in Antebellum Kentucky, 20: 145.

Boller, Paul F., Jr.

Freedom and Fate in American Thought: From Edwards to Dewey, 22: 530-32.

George Washington and Religion, 7: 453-55.

Bolton, S. Charles

Southern Anglicanism: The Church of England in Colonial South Carolina, 25: 562-63.

Bondevik, Kjell

Kristent innslag i norsk politikk, 1800-1930, 20: 129-31.

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

I Loved this People, 8: 304-05.

The Way to Freedom, 10: 134-36.

Bonner, Arthur

We Will Not Be Stopped: Evangelical Persecution, Catholicism and Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, 41: 607-08.

Bonner, Mittchell

Rome in the High Renaissance: The Age of Leo X, 21: 366-68.

Booth, Alan

Christians and Power Politics, 6: 260-61.

Booty, John

Reflections on the Theology of Richard Hooker: An Elizabethan Addresses Modern Anglicanism, 43: 360-61.

Bordin, Ruth

Frances Willard: A Biography, 29: 348-49.

Woman and Temperance: The Quest for Power and Liberty, 1873-1900, 24: 143-45.

Borer, Tristan Anne

Challenging the State: Churches as Political Actors in South Africa, 1980-1994, 42: 857-58.

Borg, Daniel R.

Old-Prussian Church and the Weimar Republic, The: A Study in Political Adjustment, 1917-1927, 29: 145-46.

Bose, Robert

La Societe Internationale et l’Egltse: Sociologie et Morale des Relations Internationales, 8: 140-42.

Bosmajian, Haig

The Freedom Not To Speak, 42: 866-68.

Boston, Robert

Close Encounters with the Religious Right: Journeys into the Twilight Zone of Religion and Politics, 43: 165-66.

Bosworth, William

Catholicism and Crisis in Modern France, 6: 100-01.

Bourdeaux, Michael

Evidence That Convicted Aida Skripnikova, The, 19: 132-33.

Faith on Trial in Russia, 16: 146-47.

Patriarch and Prophets Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church Today, 15: 118-40.

Politics of Religion in Russia and the New States of Eurasia, The, 38: 642-43.

Religious Ferment in Russia, 11: 132-33.

Bourdeaux, Michael, and Katharine Murray

Young Christians in Russia, 20: 150-51.

Bouyer, Louis

The Decomposition of Catholicism, 12: 535-36.

Bowden, Henry Warner

American Indians and Christian Missions: Studies in Cultural Conflict, 26: 542-43.

Bowen, Desmond

History and the Shaping of Irish Protestantism, 40: 185-87.

Protestant Crusade in Ireland, 1800-70, The: A Study of Protestant-Catholic Relations between the Act of Union and Disestablishment, 21: 540-42.

Bowersock, G.W.

Martydom and Rome, 39: 586-87.

Bowker, Margaret

The Secular Clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln, 1495-1520, 10: 301-04.

Bowman, Carl F.

Brethren Society: The Cultural Transformation of a “Peculiar People,” 39: 148-49.

Boyce, D. George

Nationalism in Ireland, 26: 349-51.

Boyd, Robin H. S.

India and the Latin Captivity of the Church: The Cultural Context of the Gospel, 18: 588-89.

Boyd, Stephen B.

Pilgram Marpeck: His Life and Social Theology, 36: 185-86.

Boyens, Armin

Kirchenkampf und Oekumene, 1933-1939: Darstellungund Dokumente, 16: 330-32.

Boyer, John W.

Political Radicalism in Late Imperial Vienna: Origins of the Christian Social Movement, 1848-1897, 24: 163-65.

Boyer, Paul

When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture, 37: 165.

Bozeman, Theodore Dwight

Precisianist Strain, The: Disciplinary Religion and Antinomian Backlash in Puritanism to 1638, 47: 172-75.

To Live Ancient Lives: The Primitivist Dimension in Puritism, 31: 548.

Brachlow, Stephen

The Communion of Saints: Radical Puritan and Separatist Ecclesiology, 1570-1625, 32: 138-39.

Brackney, William H.

Human Rights and the World’s Major Religions, 48: 681-85.

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Popular Politics and the American Revolution in England, 30: 366-67.

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Religion and Politics in Enlightenment Europe, 46: 161-62.

Bradley, Martha Sontagg

Kidnapped from that Land: The Government Raids on the Short Creek Polygamists, 37: 431.

Bradshaw, Brendan

The Dissolution of the Religious Orders in Ireland under Henry VIII, 17: 302-05.

Brailsford, H. N.

The Levellers and the English Revolution, 4: 123-25.

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L ‘Eglise et ‘‘Etat Ii l’epoque contemporaine: Melanges dMih Ii la memoire de Mgr Alofs Simon, 21: 361.

Brammer, Leila R.

Excluded from Suffrage History: Matilda Joslyn Gage, Nineteenth-Century American Feminist, 44: 161-62.

Branch, Taylor

Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-1963, 31: 574.

Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65, 41: 149-51.

Brandenburg, Hans

The Meek and the Mighty: The Emergence of the Evangelical Movement in Russia, 20: 565-67.

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Catholicism, 5: 124-25.

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Religion and Politics in Spain: The Spanish Church in Transition, 1962-96, 42: 862-64.

Brass, Paul R.

Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, 36: 182-83.

Bratton, Fred Gladstone

The Crime of Christendom: The Theological Sources of Christian Anti-Semitism,14: 128-31.

Brauer, Erich

The Jews of Kurdistan, 38: 650-51.

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Impact of the Church Upon Its Culture, 12: 153-55.

Brawley, Robert L.

Luke-Acts and the Jews: Conflict, Apology, and Conciliation, 31: 572.

Brecht, Arnold

The Political Education of Arnold Brecht: An Autobiography, 1884-1970, 17: 318-20.

Bredero, Adriaan Hendrik

Christendom and Christianity in the Middle Ages: The Relations between Religion, Church and Society, 37: 442; 39: 353-55.

Breger, Marshall J., ed.

The Vatican-Israel Accords: Political, Legal, and Theological Contexts, 47: 392-93.

Brekus, Catherine A.

Strangers & Pilgrims: Female Preaching in America, 1740-1845, 41: 618-19.

Breen, T. H.

The Character of the Good Ruler: A Study of Puritan Political Ideas in New England, 1630-1730, 14: 522-24.

Brekke, Milo

How Different Are People Who Attended Lutheran Schools, 19: 137-38.

Bremer, Francis J.

The Puritan Experiment: New England Society from Bradford to Edwards, 22: 149.

Brennan, Geoffrey and Kenneth Elzinga

Morality of the Market: Religious and Economic Perspectives, 28: 536-37.

Breslauer, S. Daniel

Judaism and Civil Religion, 37: 435.

Brett, Stephen F.

Slavery and the Catholic Tradition: Rights in the Balance, 38: 418.

Brewer, David J.

The United States: A Christian Nation, 39: 607-09.

Brickner, Bryan W.

The Promise Keepers: Politics and Promises, 42: 874-76.

Bridenbaugh, Carl

Mitre and Sceptre: Transatlantic Faiths, Ideas, Personalities, and Politics 1689-1775, 6: 97-99.

Bridgers, Lynn

The American Religious Experience: A Concise History, 49: 149-51.

Brill, Earl H.

The Future of the American Past: A Study Course on American Values, 17: 545-46.

Brisbane, Robert H.

Black Activism: Racial Revolution in the United States, 1954-1970, 18: 346-47.

The Black Vanguard: Origins of the Negro Social Revolution, 1900-1960, 14: 325-26.

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Christians and the Common Market, 10: 483.

Brock, Peter

Freedom from Violence: Sectarian Nonresistance from the Middle Ages to the Great War, 34: 157-58.

Freedom from War: Nonsectarian Pacifism, 1814-1914, 34: 160-61.

Pacifism in the United States-From the Colonial Era to the First World War, 11: 525-27.

Roots of War Resistance, The: Pacifism from the Early Church to Tolstoy, 25: 168-69.

Brockman, James R.

The World Remains: A Life of Oscar Romero, 26: 135-36.

Brog, David

Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support the Jewish State, 48: 691-93.

Bromley, David F., and Phillip E. Hammond

The Future of New Religious Movements, 31: 139-41.

Bromley, David G., and Anson D. Shupe, Jr.

New Vigilantes, The: Deprogrammers, AntiCultists, and the New Religions, 24: 142-43.

Strange Gods: The Great American Cult Scare, 24: 410-11.

Bromley, David G., and J. Gordon Melton

CULTS, Religion, and Violence, 46: 160-61.

Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar

Catholics and Birth Control, 7: 473-76.

Bronder, Saul E.

Social Justice and Church Authority: The Public Life of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, 25: 343-45.

Brooke, Christopher

Medieval Church and Society: Collected Essays, 14: 545-46.

Brooke, C. N. L., et al.

Church and Government in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to Christopher R. Cheney on His Seventieth Birthday, 20: 323-25.

Brooke, Peter

Ulster Presbyterianism: The Historical Perspective, 1610-1970, 30: 596-97.

Brooke, Z. N.

The English Church and the Papacy from the Conquest to the Reign of John, 13: 137-38.

Brookes, Edgar H.

Power, Law, Right, and Love, 8: 127-30.

Brookes, Edgar H., and J.B. Macauley

Civil Liberty in South Africa, 3: 91-93.

Brose, Olive J.

Church and Parliament: The Reshaping of the Church of England, 1828-1860, 2: 77-79.

Broun, Janice

Conscience Captivity: Religion in Eastern Europe, 32: 640-41.

Brown, Clifton L., and Ethel L. Williams

Afro-American Religious Studies: A Comprehensive Bibliography with Locations in American Libraries, 19: 135-36.

Brown, Dale W.

The Christian Revolutionary, 19: 361-62.

Brown, Diana DeG.

Umbanda: Religion and Politics in Urban Brazil, 30: 369-70.

Brown, G. Thompson

Christianity in the People’s Republic of China, 30: 345-46.

Brown, Mary Beth

Hand of Providence: The Strong and Quiet Faith of Ronald Reagan, 47: 180-81.

Brown, Meg Lota

Donne and the Politics of Conscience in Early Modern England, 39: 806-07.

Brown, Raymond E., Karl P. Donfriend, and John Reumann, eds.

Peter in the New Testament, 17: 113-14.

Brown, Robert McAfee

Gustavo Gutierrez: An Introduction to Liberation Theology, 33: 142-43.

Liberation Theology: An Introductory Guide, 36: 617.

Making Peace in the Global Village 24: 166-67.

Religion and Violence: A Primer for White Americans, 17: 136-38.

Saying Yes and Saying No: On Rendering to God and Caesar, 29: 332-33.

Brown, Robert McAfee, and Gustave Weigel

An American Dilemma, 3: 216-18.

Brown, Ruth Murray

For a “Christian America”: A History of the Religious Right, 45: 188-89.

Brown, Stewart J.

Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth in Scotland, 26: 355-56.

Brown, Stewart J., and Michael Fry, eds.

Scotland in the Age of the Disruption, 37: 914.

Brown, William E., and Andrew M. Greeley

Can Catholic Schools Survive?, 17: 535-37.

Broyles, J. Allen

The John Birch Society: Anatomy of a Protest, 7: 278-79.

Bruce, Steve

Conservative Protestant Politics, 42: 382-83.

God Save Ulster: The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism, 30: 139-40.

Politics and Religion, 47: 410-11.

Rise and Fall of the New Christian Right, The: Conservative Protestant Politics in America, 1978-1988, 34: 387-88.

Brueggemann, Walter

Power, Providence and Personality, 33: 626-27.

Brundage, James A.

Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe, 31: 324-26.

Bruneau, Thomas C.

Church in Brazil, The: The Politics of Religion, 26: 340-41.

Political Transformation of the Brazilian Catholic Church, The, 17: 129-31.

Brunk, Gerald R.

Menno Simons: A Reappraisal, 35: 426-27.

Brunkow, Robert deV., ed.

Religion and Society in North America: An Annotated Bibliography, 25: 574.

Bryk, Anthony S. and Valerie E. Lee

Catholic Schools and the Common Good, 36: 872.

Byrnes, Timothy A. and Peter J. Katzenstein, eds.

Religion in an Expanding Europe, 49: 359-60.

Bubenheimer, Ulrich

Thomas Munster: Herkunft und Bildung, 33: 150-52.

Bucci, P. Vincent

Chiesa e Stato: Church-State Relations in Italy Within the Contemporary Constitutional Framework, 12: 336-37.

Buchan, Alastair, ed.

A World of Nuclear Powers?, 10: 477-79.

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Political Catholicism in Europe, 1918-1965, 40: 688-89.

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The Social History of the Reformation, 19: 98-100.

Buck, Mark

Politics, Finance and the Church in the Reign of Edward II: Walter Stapledon, Treasurer of England, 27: 141-42.

Buckley, Michael J., S.J.

The Catholic University as Promise and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom, 42: 385-86.

Buckley, Thomas E.

Church and State in Revolutionary Virginia, 1776-1787, 21: 125-27.

Buckley, William Joseph, ed.

Kosovo: Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions, 43: 144-45.

Buckroyd, Julia

Church and State in Scotland, 1660-1681, 23: 569-70.

Life of James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 1618 to 1679: A Political Biography, 30: 607.

Buckser, Andrew, and Steven Glazier

The Anthropology of Religious Conversion, 48: 685-86.

Budd, Richard M.

Serving Two Masters: The Development of American Military Chaplaincy, 1860-1920, 45: 180-81.

Budde, Michael

The Two Churches: Catholicism and Capitalism in the World System, 35: 626-27.

Budziszewski, J.

True Tolerance: Liberalism and the Necessity of Judgment, 35: 915-16.

Buetow, Harold A.

Of Singular Benefit: The Story of U.S. Catholic Education, 16: 529-30.

Buhlmann, Walbert

The Coming of the Third Church: An Analysis of the Present and Future of the Church, 22: 168-69.

Bulman, Raymond F.

A Blueprint for Humanity: Paul Tillich’s Theology of Culture, 24: 394-96.

Bums, Robert I., S.J.

Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia: Societies in Symbiosis, 28: 335-37.

Burdick, John, and W.E. Hewitt, eds.

The Church at the Grassroots in Latin America: Perspectives on Thirty Years of Activism, 43: 359-60.

Burg, David, and George Feifer

Solzhenitsyn, 16: 538-40.

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The East German Church and the End of Communism, 40: 898-99.

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Islam, Politics, and Social Movements, 32: 131-32.

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Religion Under the State Constitutions, 8: 465-67.

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Garveyism as a Religious Movement: The Institutionalization of a Black Civil Religion, 22: 165-66.

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Earthly Powers: The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe From the French Revolution to the Great War, 48: 679-80.

Burlein, Ann

Lift High the Cross: Where White Supremacy and the Christian Right Converge, 44: 839-40.

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Religion and Politics in Tibet, 25: 555-57.

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The Frontiers of Catholicism: The Politics of Ideology in a Liberal World, 37: 169.

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Islam under the Crusaders: Colonial Survival in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Valencia, 19: 329-31.

Jesuits and the Indian Wars of the Northwest, The, 11: 544-45.

Medieval Colonialism: Postcrusade Exploitation of Islamic Valencia, 19: 329-31.

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The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century After Saint Francis, 45: 596-97.

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Alms for Jihad: Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World, 48: 686-87.

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Religion, Cults, and the Law, 24: 628-29.

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Friendship and Society: An Introduction to Augustine’s Practical Philosophy, 42: 367-68.

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The Jewish Justices: Outcasts in the Promised Land, 32: 144-45.

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The Monastic and Religious Orders in Britain, 1000-1300, 37: 422.

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Religion in Communist China, 19: 585-86.

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Who Do You Say?: Jesus Christ in Latin American Theology, 28: 533-34.

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Slavery Segregation and Scripture, 6: 387-88.

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Awash in a Sea of Faith, 32: 882-83.

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Gladstone: Church, State, and Tractarianism, 25: 362-63.

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International Conflict in the Twentieth Century, a Christian View, 3: 198-200.

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The Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Muhsin E. Mahdi, 36: 165-66.

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The Education of the West: A Formative Chapter in the History of Civilization, 19: 126-27.

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Freedom and Faith: The Impact of Law on Religious Liberty, 27: 543-44.

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Religion and Public Education, 19: 367.

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Transnational Catholicism in Postcommunist Europe, 45: 375-77.

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The Catholic Church and the Politics of Abortion: A View from the States, 35: 889.

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The Revolution of the Latin American Church, 22: 139-41.

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Blood of the Innocent: Victims of the Contras’ War in Nicaragua, 30: 174-75.

Des Pretes au Gouvernemejlt: l’ Experience du Nicaragua, 27: 529-30.

Revolutionaries for the Gospel: Testimonies of Fifteen Christians in the Nicaraguan Government, 30: 174-75.

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Benito Juarez, 17: 119-21.

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Religion, Theology, and American Public Life, 37: 421.

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After Polygamy Was Made a Sin: The Social History of Christian Polygamy, 20: 553-54.

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Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence, 37: 180.

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Theology without Boundaries: Encounters of Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Tradition, 35: 902-03.

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A Case for Due Process in the Church: Father Eugene O’Callaghan, American Pioneer of Dissent, 17: 345-46.

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Race against Time, 17: 350-51.

Revolution Through Peace, 16: 346-47.

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Reformation of the Heretics, The: The Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580, 28: 341-42.

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Roger Williams, God’s Apostle of Advocacy, 32: 885-86.

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The Slave Catchers: Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law, 1850-1860, 13: 542.

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Ethical Dimension of Political Life: Essays in Honor of John H. Hallowell, 26: 120-21.

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Los evangelicos en el tiempo de Peron: Memorias de un pastor bautlsta sobre la libertad religiosa en la Argentina, 15: 481-82.

Canning, Joseph

A History of Medieval Political Thought, 300-1450, 40: 680-81.

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Out of the Wilderness: The Emergence of an American Identity in Colonial New England, 33: 617-18.

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The Hunger of the Heart: Reflections on the Confessions of Augustine, 35: 638.

Capps, Walter H.

The New Religious Right: Piety, Patriotism, and Politics, 34: 144-45.

Carden, Maren Lockwood

Oneida: Utopian Community to Modern Corporation, 12: 337-38.

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U.N. Protection of Civil and Political Rights, 13: 132-35.

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A Christian Response to the Holocaust, 24: 387-88.

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When God and Man Failed: NonJewish Views of the Holocaust, 24: 387-88.

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The Papal Encyclicals, 1740-1981, 27: 351.

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“Move Over”: Students, Politics, Religion, 11: 559.

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The New Agrarian Mind: The Movement Towards Decentralist Thought in Twentieth Century America, 43: 162-63.

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Religion and the English People, 1500-1640: New Voices and Perspectives, 42: 572-73.

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Abortion Counseling and Social Change, 19: 605-06.

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The South and Segregation, 8: 495-97.

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The Republic of Many Mansions: Foundations of American Religious Thought, 34: 168.

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To Be a Revolutionary: An Autobiography, 29: 569-70.

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A House of Kings: The Official History of Westminster Abbey, 9: 413-15.

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Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism, 41: 621-22.

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Religious Schooling in America, 27: 537-38.

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Religion in America, 1950 to the Present, 22: 520-22.

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The Cult of the Virgin Mary: Psychological Origins, 30: 608.

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The Religious Heritage of Japan: Foundations for Cross-Cultural Understanding in a Religiously Plural World, 43: 809-10.

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Charisma and Control in Rajneeshpuram: The Role of Shared Values in the Creation of a Community, 33: 612-13.

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Politics, Religion, and Rockets, 34: 400-01.

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The Dissent of the Governed: A Meditation on Law, Religion, and Loyalty, 42: 868-69.

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Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America, 40: 491-92.

Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America, 1790-1865, 22: 537-40.

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Public Religions in the Modern World, 37: 895.

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Politics and Exegesis: Origen and the Two Swords, 22: 325-26.

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Universalism in America: A Documentary History, 17: 343-44.

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Jesus, Politics, and Society: A Study of Luke’s Gospel, 23: 140-42.

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Liberation Theology from Below: The Life and Thought of Manual Quintín Lame, 31: 327-28.

Cauthen, Kenneth

Christian Biopolitics, 14: 353-54.

Chadwick, Owen

Britain and the Vatican During the Second World War, 30: 142-43

History of the Popes, 1830-1914, A, 42: 182-83.

Michael Ramsey: A Life, 34: 164-65.

Popes and European Revolution, The, 25: 550-51.

Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century, The, 19: 567-70.

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Durkheim Through the Lens of Aristotle: Durkheimian, Postmodernist, and Communitarian Responses to the Enlightenment, 39: 170.

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Political Theory and Societal Ethics, 37: 171.

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The Birth of Missions in America, 19: 335-38.

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Unprecedented Choices: Religious Ethics at the Frontiers of Genetic Science, 43: 138.

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Christianity on Trial: Africa-American Religious Thought Before and After Black Power, 40: 498-500.

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Between Pacifism and Jihad: Just War and Christian Tradition, 48: 455-56.

Charles, Rodger

The Christian Social Conscience, 18: 132-34.

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Jews and Christians: Exploring the Past, Present and Future, 34: 394.

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Secular Religions in France, 1815-1870, 6: 252-53.

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For Peace and Justice: Pacifism in America, 1914-1941, 19: 596-97.

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The Non-Lockean Roots of Amencan Democratic Thought, 22: 166-67.

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Church, State, and Jew in the Middle Ages, 23: 139-40.

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The Crucified God in the Carolingian Era. Theology and Art of Christ’s Passion, 45: 593-94.

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Hurrying Toward Zion: Universities, Divinity Schools, and American Protestantism, 39: 174-75.

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God’s New Israel: Religious Interpretations of American Destiny, 16: 343-44.

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“No Sorrow Like Our Sorrow”: Northern Protestant Ministers and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, 38: 655-56.

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Born Again in Brazil: The Pentecostal Book and the Pathogens of Poverty, 42: 579.

Chester, Edward W.

Clash of Titans: Africa and U.S. Foreign Policy, 18: 579-81.

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American Sacred Space, 39: 172-73.

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Probing China’s Soul: Religion, Politics, and Protest in the People’s Republic, 33: 805-06.

Chinnici, Joseph P.

The English Catholic Enlightenment: John Lingard and the Cisalpine Movement, 1780-1850, 23: 350-51.

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Blown by the Spirit: Puritanism and the Emergence of an Antinomian Underground in Pre-Civil-War England, 47: 172-75.

Chomsky, Noam

A New Generation Draws the Line: Kosovo, East Timor, and the Standards of the West, 43: 357-58.

Chouraqui, Andre, and Jean Danielou

The Jews: Views and Counterviews, 10: 299-301.

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Strasbourg and the Reform: A Study in the Process of Change, 10: 306-08.

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Religious Diversity and Social Change: American Cities, 1890-1906, 31: 144-45.

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Reformers and Babylon: English Apocalyptic Visions from the Reformation to the Eve of the Civil War, 22: 138-40.

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Peace and Arms, 6: 390-92.

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An Introduction to Nineteenth-Century Russian Slavophilism: A Study in Ideas. Volume I: A. S. Xomjakov, 5: 273-75.

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A Reader in New Religious Movements, 49: 373-74.

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Die religiilren Kriifte in der russischen Geschichte, 6: 249-51.

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Church and State in Soviet Russia: Russian Orthodoxy from World War II to the Khrushchev Years, 45: 591-92.

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Church and State: Report of the Archbishop’s Commission, 15: 146.

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With God in Russia, 7: 458-60.

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The Politics of Conversion: Missionary Protestantism and the Jews in Prussia, 1728-1942, 39: 793-94.

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Between Pulpit and Pew: Folk Religion in a North Yorkshire Fishing Village, 27: 544-45.

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Our Southern Zion: A History of Calvinism in the South Carolina Low Country, 1690-1990, 40: 697-98.

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Ministries of Dialogue: The Church Confronts the Power Structure, 18: 149-50.

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Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom: The Enduring Legacy of Reinhold Niebuhr, 39: 606-07.

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Freedom of Religion in America: Historical Roots, Philosophical Concepts and Contemporary Problems, 25: 558-59.

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The Church and the Crisis in the Dominican Republic, 9: 271-74.

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English Society, 1688-1832: Ideology, Social Structure and Political Practice During the Ancien Regime, 29: 330-31.

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The Negro Protest, 7: 107-08.

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Where Men are Wives and Mothers Rule: Santería Ritual Practices and Their Gender Implications, 49: 137-38.

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A Parliament of Souls (Vol. 2 of Limits and Renewals), 33: 627-28.

God’s World and the Great Awakening, 34: 855-57.

Civil Peace and Sacred Order, 32: 892.

Clark, Victoria

Holy Fire: The Battle for Christ’s Tomb, 48: 691-93.

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Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618, Switzerland, Austria, Moravia, South and Central Germany, 20: 583-84.

Clausen, Henry C.

Masons Who Helped Shape Our Nation, 20: 598-99.

Clayton, A. Stafford

Religion and Schooling: A Comparative Study, 11: 517-19.

Clayton, John P.

The Concept of Correlation: Paul Tillich and the Possibility of a Mediating Theology, 24: 397-98.

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The Black Messiah, 11: 554-56.

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Crisis and Change: The Church in Latin America Today, 30: 375-76.

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Shaping a New World: An Orientation to Latin America, 16: 136-38.

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Conflict and Competition: The Latin American Church in a Changing Environment, 35: 891-92.

Power, Politics, and Pentecostal in Latin America, 40: 486-87.

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American Religious Thought: A History, 16: 525-27.

England’s Earliest Protestants: 1520-1535, 7: 268-70.

Clements, Keith

Learning to Speak: The Church’s Voice in Public Affairs, 39: 585-86.

What Freedom? The Persistent Challenge of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 33: 818.

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The Ethic of Power: The Interplay of Religion, Philosophy, and Politics, 5: 110-12.

Clifford, James L., ed.

Man versus Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Six Points of View, 10: 321-22.

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The Resistance to Church Union in Canada, 1904-1939, 28: 542-43.

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Obscenity and Public Morality: Censorship in a Liberal Society, 14: 322-25.

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War: Four Christian Views, 26: 336-37.

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Cross and the Flag, The, 17: 333-35.

Protest and Politics: Christianity and Contemporary Affairs, 12: 158-59.

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The Newer Deal—Social Work and Religion in Partnership, 43: 152-53.

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The Presbyterian Predicament: Six Perspectives, 34: 141-42.

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The Re-Forming Tradition: Presbyterians and Mainstream Protestantism, 37: 177.

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Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy, 38: 905-06.

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The Emptying God: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation, 34: 152-53.

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The Church’s Confession Under Hitler, 4: 224-25.

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The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 13, Selected Book Reviews, 44: 844-46.

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John Smyth’s Congregation: English Separatism, Mennonite Influence, and the Elect Nation, 35: 181-82.

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Israel and the Politics of Jewish Identity, 43: 810-11.

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The Tremendum: A Theological Interpretation of the Holocaust, 24: 159-60

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Congress Shall Make No Law: Oliver Wendell Holmes, the First Amendment, and Judicial Decision Making, 32: 645-46.

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Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages, 38: 177.

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The Jewish Experience in Latin America. Selected Studies from the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, 16: 133-34.

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The Burden of Conscience: French Jewish Leadership During the Holocaust, 30: 370-71.

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Church and State in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts: Another Look at the Antinomian Controversy, 12: 475-94.

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The Evolution of Women’s Asylums since 1500: From Refuges for Ex-Prostitutes to Shelters for Battered Women, 36: 878.

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Scroll or the Sword, The?: Dilemmas of Religion and Military Service in Israel, 41: 376-77.

Three Crowns, The: Structures of Communal Politics in Early Rabbinic Jewry, 34: 874-75.

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Antisemitism: An Annotated Bibliography, 35: 432-33.

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Jewish Law in Ancient and Modern Israel, 20: 358-59.

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The Catholic Left: The Crisis of Radicalism Within the Church, 12: 309-10.

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The Dissenting Tradition: Essays for Leland H. Carlson, 20: 555-56.

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Shi’ism and Social Protest, 29: 544-45.

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Central Government and the Localties: Hampshire 1649-1689, 31: 143-44.

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One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought, 35: 416-18.

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Issues of Theological Warfare: Evangelicals and Liberals, 17: 546-47.

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On the Constitution of the Church and State according to the Idea of Each, 18: 124-25.

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The Secular Mind, 43: 140-41.

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The Geography of Faith: Conversations Between Damel Berrigan when Underground, and Robert Coles, 14: 137-39.

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William Jennings Bryan. Volume 3: Political Puritan, 1915-1925, 14: 148-49.

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Teaching about Religion in Public Schools, 22: 147-48.

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When the Church Bells Rang Racist: The Methodist Church and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, 41: 842-43.

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Papacy and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Rome: Pius VI and the Arts, 49: 573-74.

Collins, Michael

The Fisherman’s Net: The Influence of the Popes on History, 48: 467-68.

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The Elizabethan Puritan Movement, 10: 290-91.

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Un Concordato per gli anni settanta: Rapporti fra Stato e Chiesa dal 1848 a oggi. Patti Lateranen.ri: perche e come una revisione, 19: 579-80.

Colson, Chuck, and Jack Eckard

Why America Doesn’t Work, 35: 179-80.

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Kosovo-Serbia: Just War?, 42: 576-77.

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Catholics and the Welfare State, 21: 550-52.

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Of Revelation and Revolution: Christianity, Colonialism, and Consciousness in South Africa, 34: 627-28.

Commission on Theological Concerns of the Christian Conference of Asia, ed.

Minjung Theology: People as the Subjects of History, 26: 558-59.

Cone, James H.

Black Theology and Black Power, 11: 554-56.

Black Theology of Liberation, A, 15: 149.

God of the Oppressed, 19: 360.

Conkin, Paul K.

American Originals: Homemade Varieties of Christianity, 41: 153-54.

Self-Evident Truths: Being a Discourse on the Origins & Development of the First Principles of American Government-Popular Sovereignty, Natural Rights, and Balance and Separation of Powers, 19: 105-06.

Conkle, David O.

Constitutional Law: The Religion Clauses, 46: 906-07.

Conn, Joann Wolski, and Walter E. Conn, eds.

Horizons on Catholic Feminist Theology, 37: 161.

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Poor Richard’s Politicks: Benjamin Franklin and His New American Order, 10: 154.

Conners, Kenneth Wray

Stranger in the Pew, 13: 549.

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Priests and People in Pre-Famine Ireland, 1780-1845, 25: 364-66.

Connolly, William E.

When all the Gods Trembled: Darwinism, Scopes, and American Intellectuals, 41: 620-21.

Why I Am Not a Secularist, 43: 141-42.

Considine, John J., ed.

The Missionary’s Role in Socio-Economic Betterment, 4: 236-38.

Conway, Flo

Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America’s Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives, 26: 549-50.

Conway, J. S.

The Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1933-1945, 1: 531-34.

Conway, Martin

Catholic Politics in Europe, 1918-1945, 44: 351-52.

Cooey, Paula M.

Family, Freedom, and Faith: Building Community Today, 39: 610-11.

Willing the Good: Jesus, Dissent, and Desire, 49: 370-71.

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Contemporary Muslim Apocalyptic Literature, 48: 687-88.

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Between Two Absolutes: Public Opinion and the Politics of Abortion, 36: 169.

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Between Two Absolutes: Public Opinion and the Politics of Abortion, 37: 185.

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Regulating Religion: The Courts and the Free Exercise Clause, 44: 171-72.

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Encyclopedia of Religious Freedom, 47: 651-52.

Cooney, John

American Pope, The: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman, 29: 328-30.

John Charles McQuaid: Ruler of Catholic Ireland, 43: 147-48.

Cooper, John Charles

Religious Pied Pipers: A Critique of Radical Right-Wing Religion, 25: 545-48.

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Soul Theology: The Heart of American Black Culture, 35: 430-31.

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Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible: An Introduction, 34: 166-67.

Copp, David

Morality, Normativity and Society, 38: 646-47.

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Camillo di Cavour, 16: 322-24.

Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli and Papal Politics in European Affairs, 32: 644-45.

Modern Papacy Since 1789, The, 42: 181-82.

Papacy, the Jews, and the Holocaust, The, 48: 885-86.

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Church and State Law in the Philippines, 4: 99-101.

Cord, Robert L.

Separation of Church and State: Historical Fact and Current Fiction, 24: 605-07.

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The Case for Freedom: Human Rights in the Church, 14: 159.

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Code of Canon Law, The: A Text and Commentary, 28: 343-44.

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Archbishop Thomas and King Henry II, 21: 142.

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Religion in the Soviet Union: An Archival Reader, 40: 900.

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Discrimination and Public Policy in Northern Ireland, 35: 430.

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The Relation of Religion to Evil Government in the United States: A State Without a Church, But Not Without a Religion, 13: 371.

Cornelius, Janet Duitsman

Slave Missions and the Black Church in the Antebellum South, 42: 188-89.

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Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pope Pius XII, 42: 379-80.

Corrigan, John

Hidden Balance, The: Religion and the Social Theories of Charles Chauncy and Jonathan Mayhew, 31: 145-46.

Prism of Piety, The: Catholik Congregational Clergy at the Beginning of the Enlightenment, 35: 409-10.

Costanzo, Joseph

This Nation Under God, 9: 401-03.

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Marxist Analysis and Christian Faith, 28: 552-54.

Costen, Michael

The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade, 41: 610-11.

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Church and State in Social Welfare, 7: 466-69.

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Christians and Jews under Islam, 41: 139-41.

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Schools and Scholars in Fourteenth-Century England, 30: 589-90.

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Ministry and the American Legal System: A Guide for Clergy, Lay Workers, and Congregations, 36: 395-96.

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“In God We Trust”: The Religious Beliefs and Ideas of the American Founding Fathers, 2: 71-73.

Coutin, Susan Bibler

The Culture of Protest: Religious Activism and the U.S. Sanctuary Movement, 37: 166.

Covell, Ralph

Mission Impossible: The Unreached Nosu on China’s Frontier, 32: 440-42.

Cowan, Wayne H., ed.

Facing Protestant-Roman Catholic Tensions, 3: 218-19.

Coward, Barry

Stuart Age, The: A History of England, 1603-1714, 27: 538-40.

Cowling, Maurice

Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England, Vol. 2: Assaults, 29: 552-54.

Cox, Archibald

The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government, 20: 113-14.

Cox, Archibald, Mark De Wolfe Howe, and J.R. Wiggins

Civil Rights, the Constitution, and the Courts, 11: 166-67.

Cox, Harvey

Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the On Not Leaving It to the Snake, 10: 294-96.

Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Century, 37: 439.

Secular City, The, 8: 112-14.

Cox, Harvey, ed.

Church Amid Revolution, The, 10: 483-84.

Military Chaplains: From a Religious Military to a Military Religion, 14: 542-44; 15: 148-49.

Situation Ethics Debate, The, 10: 484.

Cox, Jeffrey

English Churches in a Secular Society, The: Lambeth, 1870-1930, 27: 544-45.

Imperial Fault Lines: Christianity and Colonial Power in India, 1818-1940, 46: 391-92.

Cracraft, James

The Church Reform of Peter the Great, 16: 123-25.

Cragg, Kenneth

Arab Christian, The: A History in the Middle East, 35: 408-09.

Christianity in World Perspective, 11: 513-15.

Craig, Robert H.

Religion and Radical Politics: An Alternative Christian Tradition in the United States, 36: 174-75.

Cramer, Peter

Baptism and Change in the Early Middle Ages, c.200 - c.1150, 37: 915.

Crawford, Michael J.

Seasons of Grace: Colonial New England’s Revival Tradition in Its British Context, 34: 625-26.

Crawford, S. Cromwell

Ram Mohan Roy: Social, Political, and Religious Reform in Nineteenth Century India, 30: 591-92.

Creedon, Lawrence P., and William D. Falcon

United for Separation, 2: 79-81.

Creemers, Wilhelmus H. M.

Shrine Shinto after World War II, 19: 129.

Cressy, David, and Lori Anne Ferrell, eds.

Religion and Society in Early Modern England: A Sourcebook, 39: 588-89.

Crew, Phyllis Mack

Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 1544-1561, 22: 135-37.

Cristi, Marcela

From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics, 45: 178-79.

Cromartie, Alan

The Constitutional Revolution: An Essay on the History of England, 1450-1642, 49: 768-69.

Cromartie, Michael

A Public Faith: Evangelicals and Civic Engagement, 46: 902-04.

Cromartie, Michael, ed.

Disciples and Democracy: Religious Conservatives and the Future of American Politics, 38: 658-59.

Evangelicals and Foreign Policy: Four Perspectives, 33: 816-17.

No Longer Exiles: The Religious New Right in American Politics, 36: 600-01.

Crone, Patricia

God’s Rule: Government and Islam: Six Centuries of Islamic Political Thought, 49: 564-65.

Cronin, John F.

The Catholic as Citizen, 6: 380-81.

Cronon, E. David

Josephus Daniels in Mexico, 3: 89-91.

Crosby, Donald F.

God, Church, and Flag: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the Catholic Church, 1950-1957, 21: 345-47.

Cross, Claire

The Royal Supremacy in the Elizabethan Church, 13: 135-37.

Crossley, Robert N.

Luther and the Peasants’ War: Luther’s Actions and Reactions, 17: 152-53.

Crosson, John Dominic

Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, 37: 660.

Who Killed Jesus? Exposing the Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Gospel Story of the Death of Jesus, 39: 342-43.

Crowley, John G.

Primitive Baptists of the Wiregrass South, 1815 to the Present, 41: 838-39.

Crummey, Robert O.

The Old Believers & the World of Antichrist: The Vyg Community & the Russian State, 1694-1855, 18: 586-87.

Crysdale, Stewart, and Jean-Paul Montminy

La Religion au Canada/Religion in Canada: Annotated Inventory of Scientific Studies of Religion (1945-1972), 20: 149.

Cuddihy, John Murray

No Offense: Civil Religion and Protestant Taste, 22: 129-30.

Cuming, G. J., and Derek Baker, eds.

Popular Belief and Practice: Papers Read at the Ninth Summer Meeting and the Tenth Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society, 15: 320-23.

Cuneo, Terence, ed.

Religion in the Liberal Polity, 47: 866-69.

Cuninggim, Merrimon

Private Money in Public Service: The Role of Foundations in American Society, 11: 131-33.

Cunningham, Agnes, ed.

The Early Church and the State, 26: 143.

Curran, Charles E.

Directions in Catholic Social Ethics, 28: 528-29.

Faithful Dissent, 29: 564-65.

Curran, Charles E., et al.

Dissent in and for the Church, 12: 495-96.

Curran, Francis Xavier

Catholics in Colonial Law, 6: 243-44.

Curriculum for English, A: God-and-Man Narratives, 15: 150-51.

Curran, John

Pagan City and Christian Capital. Rome in the Fourth Century, 44: 573-74.

Curry, Dean C.

A World Without Tyranny: Christian Faith and International Politics, 33: 608-09.

Curry, Thomas J.

Farewell to Christendom: The Future of Church and State in America, 44: 587-89.

First Freedoms, The: Church and State in America to the Passage of the First Amendment, 28: 321.

Curtis, Michael, ed.

Religion and Politics in the Middle East, 24: 617-19.

Curtis, Michael Kent

No State Shall Abridge: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Bill of Rights, 30: 135-36.

Cushner, Nicholas P.

Farm and Factory: The Jesuits and the Development of Agrarian Capitalism in Colonial Quito, 1600-1767, 26: 552-53.

Cutler, Allan Harris

Jew as Ally of the Muslim, The: Medieval Roots of Anti-Semitism, 29: 136-37.

Cutler, Donald R., ed.

The Religious Situation: 1968, 10: 312-14.

The Religious Situation: 1969, 12: 134-35.

Czempiel, Ernst-Otto

Friedenspolitik im Sfidlichen Afrika: Eine Strategie ffir die Bundesrepubfik Deutschland, 21: 559-61.

Dadrian, Vahakn N.

Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict, 41: 833-34.

D’Agostino, Peter R.

Rome in America: Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism, 47: 889-90.

Dalhouse, Mark Taylor

An Island in the Lake of Fire: Bob Jones University, Fundamentalism, & the Separatist Movement, 40: 496-97.

Dalmia, Vasudha, and Heinrich von Stietencron, eds.

Representing Hinduism: The Construction of Religious Traditions and National Identity, 39: 350-51.

Daly, Lowrie J.

The Political Theory of John Wyclif, 6: 24-43.

Daniel, Bradford, ed.

Black, White, and Gray, 7: 119-20.

Daniel, Norman

Islam and the West: The Making of an Image, 37: 427.

Daniel, Wallace L.

The Orthodox Church and Civil Society in Russia, 49: 360-61.

Danielou, Jean

The Christian Centuries: A New History / the Catholic Church: The First Six Hundred Years, Part I, 7: 280-81.

Danielou, Jean, and Andre Chouraqui

The Jews: Views and Counterviews, 10: 299-301.

Daniels, Bruce C.

Puritans at Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England, 38: 437-38.

Danker, William J., and Wi Jo Kang, ed.

The Future of the Chnstian World Mission, 19: 368-69.

Danner, Dan G.

Pilgrimage to Puritanism: History and Theology of the Marian Exiles at Geneva, 1555-1560, 41: 611-12.

D’Antonio, William V., and Frederick B. Pike, eds.

Religion, Revolution, and Reform: New Forces for Change in Latin America, 8: 274-17.

D’Antonio, William V., and Howard J. Ehrlich, eds.

Power and Democracy in America, 4: 107-09.

D’Arcy, Eric

Conscience and Its Right to Freedom, 5: 106.

da Silva, A.

Trent’s Impact on the Portuguese Patronage Mission, 17: 539-41.

Dauenhauer, Bernard P.

Paul Ricoeur: The Promise and Risk of Politics, 42: 371-72.

Davidson, James O., and Lincoln C. Johnson

Faith and Social Ministry: Ten Christian Perspectives, 33: 622-23.

Davidson, James West

The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth Century New England, 21: 543-46.

Davidson, Lawrence

Islamic Fundamentalism, 41: 375-76.

Davis, Charles

Theology and Political Society, 24: 165-66.

Davis, Derek

Original Intent: Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Course of American Church/State Relations, 33: 600-01.

Religion and the Continental Congress, 1774-1789: Contributions to Original Intent, 43: 156-58.

Separation of Church and State Defended, The: Selected Writings of James E. Wood, Jr., 38: 417.

Davis, Derek H. and Gerhard Besier, eds.

International Perspectives on Freedom of Equality and Religious Belief, 45: 370-71.

Davis, G. Scott, ed.

Religion and Justice in the War over Bosnia, 40: 685-87.

Davis, Harry R., and Robert C. Good, ed.

Reinhold Niebuhr on Politics, 4: 103-05.

Davis, J. G.

The Secular Use of Church Buildings, 12: 343-44.

Davis, James Calvin

The Moral Theology of Roger Williams, 47: 888-89.

Davis, John Jefferson

Evangelical Ethics: Issues Facing the Church Today, 30: 371-72.

Davis, Lawrence B.

Immigrants, Baptists, and the Protestant Mind in America, 17: 513-15.

Davis, Natalie Zemon

Society and Culture in Early Modern France, 19: 561-63.

Davis, Stephen J.

The Cult of St. Thecla: A Tradition on Women’s Piety in Late Antiquity, 43: 813-14.

Davis, Winston

Japanese Religion and Society: Paradigms of Structure and Change, 36: 864.

Dawidowicz, Lucy S.

The Holocaust and the Historians, 24: 385-01.

Dawidowicz, Lucy S., and Lee J. Goldstein

Politics in a Pluralist Democracy: Studies Voting in the 1960 Election, 7: 262-63.

Dawson, Christopher

Crisis in Western Education, 6: 239-41.

Dawson, Jerry F.

Fredrich Schletermacher: The Evolution of a Nationalist, 9: 275-76.

Dawson, Joseph Martin

Jose Antonio Navarro: Co-Creator of Texas, 12: 313.

Thousand Months to Remember, A: An Autobiography, 6: 369-71.

de Albornoz, A. F. Carrillo

The Basis of Religious Liberty, 6: 366-67.

Day, Robert P., John Gordon, and H.G.M. Williamson, eds.

Wisdom in Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of J. A. Emerton, 39: 341-42.

D’Costa, Gavin, ed.

Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered: The Myth of a Pluralistic Theology of Religions, 34: 629-30.

Deane, Herbert A.

The Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine, 7: 115-17.

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Un Concordato per gli anni seftanta: Raporti fra Stato e Chiesa dal 1848 a oggz: Pattilateranensi: perche e come una revisione, 19: 579-80.

Dear, John, S.J.

The God of Peace: Toward a Theology of Nonviolence and the Sacrament of Civil Disobedience, 39: 160-61.

Dear, John, S.J., ed.

It’s A Sin to Build a Nuclear Weapon: The Collected Works on War and Christian Peacemaking of Richard McSorley, S.J., 34: 871-72.

Deats, Paul, Jr., ed.

Toward a Discipline of Social Ethics: Essays in Honor of Walter George Muelder, 16: 335-37.

De Broucker, Jose

Dom Helder Camara: The Violence of a Peacemaker, 13: 354-56.

Deedy, John

American Catholicism: And Now Where?, 30: 598-99.

Deedy, John G., Jr., Martin E. Marty, and David W. Silverman

The Religious Press in America, 6: 392-95.

Dedijer, Vladimir

The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican: The Croatian Massacre of the Serbs During World War II, 35: 900-02.

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La Libertad Religiosa, 21: 563-65.

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Asian Values and Human Rights: A Communitarian Perspective, 41: 601.

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Marxism and Religion in Eastern Europe: Papers Presented at the Banff International Slavic Conference, September 4-7, 1974, 20: 343-46.

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Cambridge Companion to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The, 42: 570.

Christianity and Democracy: A Theology for a Just World Order, 39: 161-62.

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Doing Theology in Context: South African Perspectives, 38: 193.

De Jong, Gerald F.

The Reformed Church in China, 1842-1951, 36: 186-87.

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Catholic Radicals in Brazil, 13: 146-47.

Dekmejian, R. Hrair

Islam in Revolution: Fundamentalism in the Arab World, 20: 143-44.

De Krey, Gary S.

London and the Restoration, 1659-1583, 47: 879-80.

Della Cava, Ralph

Miracle at Joaseiro, 13: 352-53.

Delzell, Charles F.

Mussolini’s Enemies: The Italian AntiFascist Resistance, 4: 231-33.

Delzell, Charles F., ed.

The Papacy and Totalitarianism between the Two World Wars, 18: 333-36.

Dembski, William A., ed.

Mere Creation: Science, Faith & Intelligent Design, 41: 397-98.

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Crossing the Gods: World Religions and Worldly Politics, 44: 823-24.

Demerath, N.J., III, and Rhys H. Williams

A Bridging of Faiths: Religion and Politics in a New England City, 36: 180.

Demos, John Putnam

Entertaining Satan: Witchcraft and the Culture of Early New England, 26: 538-40.

Dempsey, Corinne G.

Kerala Christian Sainthood: Collisions of Culture and Worldview in South India, 44: 347-48.

Dennis, Trevor

Sarah Laughed: Women’s Voices in the Old Testament, 38: 419.

Dempsey, Corinne G.

Kerala Christian Sainthood: Collisions of Culture and Worldview in South India, 44: 347-48.

Dempster, Murray W., Bryon D. Klaus, and Douglas Petersen, eds.

The Globalization of Pentecostalism: A Religion Made to Travel, 43: 166-67.

Deneen, Patrick J.

Democratic Faith, 48: 456-57.

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Oldenbarnevelt, 17: 508-11.

Denton, Jeffrey H.

Robert Winchelsey and the Crown, 1294-1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclestastical Liberty, 23: 347-48.

Derogy, Jacques

Resistance and Revenge: The Armenian Assassination of Turkish Leaders Responsible for the 1915 Massacres and Deportations, 34: 865-66.

Derr, Thomas Sieger

Ecology and Human Need, 21: 155-56.

de Santa Ana, Julio

Separation without Hope? Essays on the Relation between the Church and the Poor during the Industrial Revolution and the Western Colonial Expansion, 23: 355-57.

Desroche, Henri

The American Shakers: From Neo-Christianity to Pre-Socialism, 16: 138-40.

Detwiler, Fritz

Standing on the Premises of God: The Christian Right’s Fight to Redefine America’s Public Schools, 42: 874-75.

Detwiler, Robert

Uncivil Rites: American Fiction, Religion, and the Public Sphere, 40: 908-09.

Deutsch, Karl W., and Richard L. Merritt

Nationalism and National Development: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 13: 370.

Dewart, Leslie

Christianity and Revolution: The Lesson of Cuba, 6: 101-02.

DeWolf, L. Harold

Responsible Freedom, 15: 473-75.

Deyneka, Anita, and Peter Deyneka, Jr.

Christians in the Shadow of the Kremlin, 19: 132-33.

Diamant, Alfred

Austrian Catholics and the First Republic: Democracy, Capitalism, and the Social Order, 1918-1924, 5: 131-33.

Dickson, Kwensi A.

Theology in Africa, 27: 351-52.

Dickson, Kwesi A., and Paul Ellingworth, eds.

Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs, 19: 593-94.

Diekema, Anthony J.

Academic Freedom and Christian Scholarship, 45: 187-88.

Dierenfield, R. H.

Religion in American Public Schools, 5: 258-60.

Dietrich, Donald J.

Catholic Citizens in the Third Reich: Psycho-Social Principles and Moral Reasoning, 31: 135-36.

God and Humanity in Auschwitz: Jewish-Christian Relations and Sanctioned Murder, 38: 667-68.

Digan, Parig

Churches in Contestation: Asian Christian Social Protest, 28: 334-35.

Diggins, John Patrick

Lost Soul of American Politics, The: Virtue, Self-Interest, and the Foundations of Liberalism, 28: 551-52.

Dilling, Yvonne, and Ingrid Rogers

In Search of Refuge, 27: 343-44.

Dillon, Michele

Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power, 43: 350-51.

Dillon, Michele, ed.

Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, 47: 168-69.

Dinnerstein, Leonard, and David M. Reimers

Ethnic Americans: A History of Immigration and Assimilation, 20: 588-89.

Dionne, E.J., Jr., and John J. Dilulio, Jr., eds.

What’s God Got to Do with the American Experiment?, 43: 148-49.

Dionne, E.J., Jr., and Ming Hsu Chen, eds.

Sacred Places, Civic Purposes: Should Government Help Faith-Based Charity?, 44: 592-93.

Dionne, E.J., Jr., Jean Bethke Elshtain, and Kayla M. Drogosz

One Electorate Under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics, 47: 413-14.

Djupe, Paul A. and Laura R. Olson, eds.

Religious Interests in Community Conflict: Beyond the Culture Wars, 49: 365-66.

Dobson, Barrie, ed.

The Church, Politics, and Patronage in the Fifteenth Century, 28: 337-38.

Docherty, Jayne Seminare

Learning Lessons from Waco: When the Parties Bring Their Gods to the Negotiation Table, 44: 593-95.

Doely, Sarah Bentley, ed.

Women’s Liberation and the Church, 14: 513-15.

Doernberg, Erwin

Henry VIII and Luther, 3: 205-06.

Doerr, Edd, and Albert J. Menendez

Church Schools and Public Money, 34: 868-69.

Doerr, Edd, and James W. Prescott, eds.

Abortion Rights and Fetal “Personhood,” 32: 150.

Doerries, Hermann

Constantine and Religious Liberty, 5: 262-64.

Doeswyck, Peter J.

Catholic Victory in 1960?, 2: 179-82.

Doetsch, Wilhelm Josef

Wiirttembergs Kotholiken unterm Hakenkreuz, 1930-1935, 12: 327-29.

Doggett, Martha

Death Foretold: The Jesuit Murders in El Salvador, 37: 432.

Dolan, Jay P.

American Catholic Experience, The: A History from Colonial Times to the Present, 30: 149-50.

Dolan, Jay P., and James P. Wind, eds.

New Dimensions in American Religious History: Essays in Honor of Martin E. Marty, 36: 873.

Dolbeare, Kenneth M., and Phillip E. Hammond

The School Prayer Decisions: From Court Policy to Local Practice, 14: 133-35.

Dombrowski, Donald A.

Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism, 44: 843-44.

Donfried, Karl P., John Reumann, and Raymond E. Brown, eds.

Peter in the New Testament, 17: 113-14.

Donnelly, John, ed.

Reflective Wisdom: Richard Taylor on Issues that Matter, 32: 434-36.

Donner, Andre

The Christian and the Nations, 11: 342-44.

Donohoe, James

Hitler’s Conservative Opponents in Bavaria, 1930-1945: A Study of Catholic, Monarchist, and Separatist Anti-Nazi Activities, 4: 225-27.

Don-Yehiya, Eliezer, ed.

Israel and Diaspora Jewry: Ideological and Political Perspectives, 35: 410-11.

Dorn, Jacob H.

Washington Gladden, Prophet of the Social Gospel, 1: 331-32.

Dorough, C. Dwight

The Bible Belt Mystique, 18: 140-41.

Dorrien, Gary J.

Reconstructing the Common Good: Theology and the Social Order, 35: 173-74.

Soul in Society: The Making and Renewal of Social Christianity, 38: 926.

Douglas, Mark

Confessing Christ in the 21st Century, 49: 584-85.

Douglas, R. Bruce, and David Hollenbach, eds.

Catholicism and Liberalism: Contributions to American Public Philosophy, 38: 916.

Douglass, James W.

The Non-Violent Cross, 11: 338-40.

Douglas, William O.

The Bible and the Schools, 8: 116-18.

Dowley, Tim, ed.

Eerdmans’ Handbook to the History of Christianity, 21: 572-73.

Downey, Arthur T., et al.

Freedom from Federal Establishment: Formation and Early History of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, 8: 461-63.

Downing, Frederick L.

To See the Promised Land: The Faith Pilgrimage of Martin Luther King, Jr., 30: 377-78.

Dowty, Alan

The Jewish State—A Century Later, 41: 377-78.

Drake, Harold A.

Constantine and the Bishops: The Politics of Intolerance, 43: 352-53.

Drakeman, Donald L.

Church-State Constitutional Issues: Making Sense of the Establishment Clause, 34: 605-06.

Drane, James

Authority and Institution: A Study in Church Crisis, 21: 369-70.

Drazin, Israel, and Cecil B. Currey

For God and Country: The History of a Constitutional Challenge to the Army Chaplaincy, 39: 173-74.

Dreisbach, Daniel L.

Real Threat and Mere Shadow: Religious Liberty and the First Amendment, 31: 142-43.

Religion and Politics in the Early Republic: Jasper Adams and the Church-State Debate, 39: 814-15.

Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State, 45: 394-95; 47: 400-01.

Dreisbach, Daniel, Mark Hall, and Jeffrey Morrison, eds.

The Founders on God and Government, 48: 224-26.

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Democracy, Dissent, and Disorder, 12: 131-32.

Fractured Dream, The: America’s Divisive Moral Choices, 34: 861-62.

Vietnam and Armageddon: Peace, War, and the Christian Conscience, 14: 126-28.

Drogus, Carol Ann

Women, Religion, and Social Change in Brazil’s Popular Church, 41: 604-05.

Drucker, Dan

Abortion Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1973 through 1989: A Comprehensive Review with Historical Commentary, 33: 607-08.

Drury, John, ed.

Christians and Socialism, 19: 347-49.

D’Souza, Jerome

The Church and Civilization, An Appraisal of the Church’s Relations with Secular Cultures, 10: 304-06.

Duberman, Martin, ed.

The Antislavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists, 9: 123-26.

Duchrow, Ulrich

Christenheit und Weltverantwortung: Traditionsgeschichte und systematische Struktur der Zweireichekhre, 16: 523-25.

Duchrow, Ulrich, and Wolfgang Huber, eds.

Die Ambivolenz der Zweireichelehre in lutherischen Kirchen des 20. Jahrhunderts, 20: 336-38.

Dudko, Dmitrii

Our Hope, 22: 353-54.

Duffy, Eamon

Marking the Hours: English People & Their Prayers, 1240-1570, 49: 570-71.

Duker, Abraham G., and Meir Ben-Horin, eds.

Emancipation and Counter-Emancipation: Selected Essays from Jewish Social Studies, 20: 589-90.

Duncan, Elmer H.

Sören Kierkegaard, 19: 355.

Dungan, David L.

Constantine’s Bible: Politics and the Making of the New Testament, 49: 141-43.

Dunn, Charles W.

American Political Theology: Historical Perspective and Theoretical Analysis, 28: 127-29.

Dunn, Dennis J.

Detente and Papal-Communist Relations, 1962-1978, 23: 146-47.

Dunn, Dennis J., ed.,

Religion and Modernization in the Soviet Union, 22: 357-59.

Dunn, John

The Political Thought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the “Two Treatises of Government,” 15: 132-34.

Dunn, Mary Maples

William Penn: Politics and Conscience, 10: 127-29.

Dunstan, J. Leslie, ed.

Protestantism, 5: 124-25.

Dupre, Louis

Contraception and Catholics: A New Appraisal, 7: 473-76.

Duquoc, Christian, ed.

Secularization and Spirituality, 17: 543-44.

Durasoff, Steve

The Russian Protestants: Evangelicals in the Soviet Union, 1944-1964, 12: 501-02.

Durland, William

God or Nations: Radical Theology for the Religious Peace Movement, 32: 894-95.

Durnbaugh, Donald F.

Believers’ Church, The: The History and Character of Radical Protestantism, 13: 536-37.

On Earth Peace: Discussions on War/Peace Issues between Friends, Mennonites, Brethren, and European Churches, 1935-75, 23: 585-86.

To Serve the Present Age: The Brethren Service Story, 19: 357-58.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., ed.,

Every Need Supplied: Mutual Aid and Christian Community in the Free Churches, 1525-1675, 18: 583-84.

Durnbaugh, Donald F., and Dennis Martin

The Brethren Encyclopedia, 27: 541-42.

Durso, Pamela R. and Keith E. Durso

The Story of Baptists in the United States, 48: 891-92.

Dussel, Enrique D.

Historia de la Iglesia en America Latino, 18: 554-56.

History and the Theology of Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, 20: 576-77.

History of the Church in Latin America, A: Colonialism to Liberation 1492-1979, 26: 141-42.

Duster, Troy

The Legislation of Morality: Law, Drugs, and Moral Judgment, 15: 314-16.

Dutile, Fernand N.

State and Campus, 29: 131-32.

Dvornik, Francis

Byzantine Missions Among the Slavs: SS. Constantine-Cyril and Methodius, 14: 151-53.

Dworkin, Ronald W.

Rise of the Imperial Self, The: America’s Culture Wars in Augustinian Perspective, 41: 157-59.

Taking Rights Seriously, 23: 325-26.

Dwyer, John C.

Foundations of Christian Ethics, 30: 372.

Human Sexuality: A Christian View, 31: 154-55.

Dyke, C. J., and William E. Keeney

The Writings of Dirk Philips, 35: 633-34.

Dykeman, Wilma

Prophet of Plenty: The First Ninety Years of W. D. Weatherford, 11: 559-60.

Dyrud, Keith P.

Quest for the Rusyn Soul, The: The Politics of Religion and Culture in Eastern Europe and in America, 1890-World War I, 37: 187.

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Italy in the 1970s, 18: 590-91.

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The Priesthood of All Believers, 6: 398-99.

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Eckardt, A. Roy

For Righteousness Sake: Contemporary Moral Philosophies, 30: 588-89.

Jews and Christians: The Contemporary Meeting, 29: 559.

Your People, My People: The Meeting of Jews and Christians, 20: 138-39.

Eckardt, A. Roy, and Alice Eckardt

Encounter With Israel: A Challenge to Conscience, 13: 341-44.

Edel, Wilbur

Defenders of the Faith: Religion and Politics from the Pilgrim Fathers to Ronald Reagan, 31: 137-38.

Edge, Peter W.

Religion and Law: An Introduction, 49: 775-76.

Edwards, Charles S.

Hugo Grotius, The Miracle of Holland: Study in Political and Legal Thought, 24: 622-23.

Eeigenburg, Elton M.

Biblical Foundations and a Method of Doing Christian Ethics, 39: 359-60.

Eger, Wolfgang, ed.

Kirche und Stoat im 19. und 20. Jahrhldert, 18: 140.

Ehler, Sidney Z.

Twenty Centuries of Church and State, 2: 67-69.

Ehrlich, Howard J., and William V. D’Antonio, eds.

Power and Democracy in America, 4: 107-09.

Eickelman, Dale F., and James Piscatori

Muslim Politics, 40: 175-76.

Eide, Oyvind M.

Revolution and Religion in Ethiopia, 43: 355-56.

Eiesland, Nancy L.

The Disabled God: Toward a Liberation Theology of Disability, 38: 918.

Eighmy, John Lee

Churches in Cultural Captivity: A History of the Social Attitudes of Southern Baptists, 19: 581-83.

Einaudi, Mario, and Francois Goguel

Christian Democracy In Italy and France, 14: 340-42.

Eire, Carlos M.N.

War Against the Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin, 30: 140-41.

Eisen, Arnold M.

The Chosen People in America: A Study in Jewish Religious Ideology, 27: 542-43.

Eisenach, Eldon J.

The Next Religious Establishment: National Identity and Political Theology in Post-Protestant America, 43: 373-74.

Eisenberg, Azriel

Witness to the Holocaust, 24: 385-87.

Ekelund, Robert F., Robert D. Hebert, Gary M. Tollison, Robert B. Anderson, and Audrey B. Davidson

Sacred Trust: The Medieval Church as as Economic Firm, 40: 183-84.

Elazar, Daniel, and Shmuel Sandler

Israel at the Polls 1992, 38: 925.

Elazar, Daniel J. and John Kincaid, eds.

The Covenant Connection: From Federal Theology to Modern Federalism, 44: 172-73.

Elazar, Daniel J., ed.

Judea, Samaria, and Gaza: Views on the Present and Future, 26: 356-58.

Kinship and Consent: The Jewish Political Tradition and Its Contemporary Uses, 27: 519-21.

Morality and Power: Contemporary Jewish Views, 36: 180-81.

Elazar, Michael J.

Covenant and Constitutionalism: The Great Frontier and the Matrix of Federal Democracy and Covenant and Civil Society: The Constitutional Matrix of Modern Democracy, 41: 597-98.

El Azhary, M. S.

Political Cohesion of American Jews in American Politics: A Reappraisal of Their Role in Presidential Elections, 25: 172-73.

Elbrecht, Paul G.

The Christian Encounters Politics and Government, 8: 139-40.

Elford, R. John and Ian S. Markham, eds.

The Middle Way: Theology, Politics and Economics in the Later Thought of R.H. Preston, 44: 177-78.

Ellacuria, Ignacio, S.J., and Jon Sobrino, S.J.

Mysterium Liberationis: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology, 37: 184.

Ellens, J. Harold, ed.

The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, 4 vols., 47: 164-67.

The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, condensed and updated ed., 49: 770-72.

Ellingsen, Mark

Blessed are the Cynical: How Original Sin Can Make America a Better Place, 45: 823-25.

Ellingworth, Paul, and Kwesi Dickson, eds.

Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs, 19: 593-94.

Elliott, Emory

Power and the Pulpit in Puritan New England, 19: 354-55.

Elliott, Neil

Liberating Paul: The Justice of God and the Politics of the Apostle, 38: 180.

Elliott, Ralph H.

Reconciliation and the New Age, 18: 147-48.

Elliott, Sam David, ed.

Doctor Quintard, Chaplain C.S.A. and Second Bishop of Tennessee: The Memoir and Civil War Diary of Charles Todd Quintard, 47: 404-05.

Ellis, Jane

Russian Orthodox Church, The: A Contemporary History, 29: 542-43.

Russian Orthodox Church, The: Triumphalism and Defensiveness, 40: 691-92.

Ellis, Jane, trans.

Georgi Vins: Testament from Prison, 19: 131-32.

Ellis, Marc H.

Ending Auschwitz: The Future of Jewish and Christian Life, 38: 660.

Toward a Jewish Theology of Liberation, 31: 318-19.

Ellis, Marc H., and Otto Maduro, eds.

Expanding the View: Gustavo Gutierrez and the Future of Liberation Theology, 34: 380-81.

Future of Liberation Theology, The: Essays in Honor of Gustavo Guitiérrez, 32: 873-74.

Ellul, Jacques

False Presence of the Kingdom, 17: 551.

New Demons, The, 21: 333-35.

Politics of God and the Politics of Man, The, 16: 519-21.

Theological Foundation of Law, The, 5: 105-06.

Violence: Reflections From a Christian Perspective, 11: 562.

Elsbernd, Mary

A Theology of Peacemaking: A Vision, A Road, A Task, 32: 894.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke

Just War against Terror: The Burden of American Power in a Violent World, 46: 407-08.

New Wine and Old Bottles: International Politics and Ethical Discourse, 41: 829-30.

Ellwood, Robert S., Jr.

Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America, 15: 324-25.

Elton, G. R.

Policy and Policy: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell, 16: 131-33.

Reform and Reformation: England, 1509-1558, 21: 142-43.

Reform and Renewal: Thomas Cromwell and the Commonweal, 16: 131-33.

Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Papers and Reviews 1946-1972, 17: 342-43.

Ely, Richard

Unto God and Caesar: Religious Issues in the Emerging Commonwealth, 1891-1906, 21: 558-59.

Emerson, Everett H.

John Cotton, 10: 153.

Emerson, Michael O., with Rodney M. Woo

People of the Dream: Multiracial Congregations in the United States, 48: 898-99.

Engster, Daniel

Divine Sovereignty: The Origins of Modern State Power, 44: 830-31.

Enroth, Ronald M., and Gerald E. Jamison

The Gay Church, 20: 581-83.

Epp, Frank H.

Mennonites in Canada, Volume 2, 1920-1940: A People’s Struggle for Survival, 26: 342-44.

Strategy for Peace, A: Reflections of a Christian Pacifist, 17: 528-30.

Epstein, Barbara Leslie

The Politics of Domesticity: Women, Evangelism and Temperance in Nineteenth-Century America, 25: 560-61.

Epstein, Benjamin R., and Arnold Forster

Some of My Best Friends. . ., 6: 384-85.

Erdozain, Placido

Archbishop Romero: Martyr of Salvador, 24: 629-30.

Ericksen, Robert P.

Theologians Under Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus, and Emanual Hirsch, 30: 364-65.

Erickson, Donald A., ed.

Public Controls for Non-Public Schools, 12: 139-41.

Erickson, Edward L.

The Free Mind Through the Ages, 30: 160-61.

Erickson, Millard J.

The Evangelical Left: Encountering Postconservative Evangelical Theology, 41: 144-45.

Ericson, Edward L.

American Freedom and the Radical Right, 25: 351-52.

Erskine, Noel Leo

Decolonizing Theology: A Caribbean Perspective, 25: 347-48.

From Garvey to Marley, Rastafari Theology, 49: 138-39.

Erwin, John S.

The Millennialism of Cotton Mather: An Historical and Theological Analysis, 33: 374.

Esack, Farid

Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism: An Islamic Perspective of Interreligious Solidarity against Oppression, 41: 138-39.

Escnolier, Marc

Port Royal: The Drama of the Jansenists, 11: 345-46.

Esposito, John

Islamic Threat, The: Myth or Reality?, 36: 614-15.

Spreading Islamic Ripple, The: The Iranian Revolution and its Global Impact, 34: 616-18.

Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam, 45: 384-86.

Esposito, John L.

Islam and Politics, 29: 342-43.

Islam in Asia: Religion, Politics, and Society, 30: 597.

Esposito, John L., and John O. Voll

Islam and Democracy, 40: 469-70.

Esposito, John L., ed.

Islam and Development: Religion and Sociopolitical Change, 24: 383-85.

Essig, James D.

The Bonds of Wickedness: Amerrican Evangelicals Against Slavery, 1770-1808, 25: 561.

Estep, William R.

Revolution Within the Revolution: The First Amendment in Historical Context, 1612-1789, 33: 599-600.

Whole Gospel, Whole World: The Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1845-1995, 38: 175.

Estep, William R., Jr., ed.

Anabaptist Beginnings (1523-1533): A Source Book, 21: 573-74.

Lord’s Free People in a Free Land, The: Essays in Baptist History in Honor of Robert A. Baker, 20: 348-49.

Etzioni, Amitai

The Limits of Privacy, 41: 623-24.

Eusden, John Dykstra

Puritans, Lawyers, and Politics in Early Seventeenth-Century England, 2: 185-87.

Evans, Carolyn

Freedom of Religion Under the European Convention on Human Rights, 44: 576-78.

Evans, Christopher H., ed.

The Social Gospel Today, 44: 164-66.

Evans, Ellen Lovell

The German Center Party 1870-1933: A Study in Political Catholicism, 25: 566.

Evans, M. Stanton

The Theme is Freedom: Religion, Politics, and the American Tradition, 38: 654-55.

Evarts, Jeremiah

Cherokee Removal: The “William Penn” Essays and Other Writings, 24: 607-08.

Evron, Boas

Jewish State or Israeli Nation?, 39: 795-96.

Fabella, Virginia

Doing Theology in a Divided World, 29: 532-33.

Fabella, Virginia, ed.

Asia’s Struggle for Full Humanity: Towards a Relevant Theology: Papers from the Asian Theological Conference, January 7-20, 1979, Wennappuwa, Sri Lanka, 25: 175-76.

Fackre, Gabriel

Judgment Day at the White House: A Critical Declaration Exploring Moral Issues and the Political Use and Abuse of Religion, 41: 846-47.

Religious Right and Christian Faith, The, 25: 548-49.

Fagley, Richard M.

The Population Explosion and Christian Responsibility, 2: 172-74.

Fahey, Joseph

Peace Reader, A: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Nonviolence and World Order, 30: 606.

Fahey, Joseph J., and Richard Armstrong, eds.

Peace Reader, A: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Non-Violence and World Order, 37: 179.

Fairclough, Adam

To Redeem the Soul of America: The Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Martin Luther King, Jr., 32: 432-33.

Falcon, William D., and Lawrence P. Creedon

United for Separation, 2: 79-81.

Falconi, Carlo

The Silence of Pius XII, 20: 590-91.

Falk, Gerhard

The Jew in Christian Theology: Martin Luther’s Anti-Jewish ‘Vom Schem Hamphoras,’ Previously Unpublished in English, and Other Milestones in Church Doctrine Concerning Judaism, 36: 170-71.

Falwell, Jerry

Listen, America!, 24: 404-05.

Farkas, Steve, Jean Johnson, and Tony Foleno, with Ann Duffett and Patrick Foley

For Goodness’ Sake: Why So Many Want Religion to Play a Greater Role in American Life, 43: 624-25.

Farr, William

John Wyclif as Legal Reformer, 20: 551-52.

Farrow, Douglas, ed.

Recognizing Religion in a Secular Society: Essays in Pluralism, Religion, and Public Policy, 49: 153-54.

Faruqi, Isma’il al, and Lois Lamya’ al Fariiqi

Cultural Atlas of Islam, 29: 547-48.

Faulkner, Robert K.

Richard Hooker and the Politics of a Christian England, 24: 623-25.

Fauske, Christopher

“Side by Side in a Small Country”: Bishop John Frederick MacNeice and Ireland, 47: 399-400.

Faw, Bob

Thunder in America, 30: 572-73.

Fehler, Timothy G.

Poor Relief and Protestantism: The Evolution of Social Welfare in Sixteenth-Century Emden, 42: 573-74.

Feifer, George, and David Burg

Solzhenitsyn, 16: 538-40.

Feige, Franz G. M.

The Varieties of Protestantism in Nazi Germany, 33: 363-64.

Feil, Ernst, and Rudolph Weth, eds.

Diskussion zur “Theological der Revolution,” 18: 576-79.

Feine, Hans Erich

Reich und Kirche, 11: 152-54.

Feingold, Henry L.

The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945, 19: 108-11.

Feldman, David M.

Birth Control in Jewish Law, 11: 556.

Marital Relations, Birth Control, and Abortion in Jewish Law, 21: 351-52.

Feldman, Egal

Dual Destinys: The Jewish Encounter with Protestant America, 34: 612-13.

Feldman, Stephen M.

Please Don’t Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State, 40: 212-13.

Felix, Edwin

Koresh: The Waco Holocaust, 39: 176-77.

Fellman, David

Religion in American Public Law, 8: 107-09.

Fennel, Desmond, ed.

The Changing Face of Catholic Ireland, 12: 318-20.

Fenton, John Y.

South Asian Religions in the Americas: An Annotated Bibliography of Immigrant Religious Traditions, 38: 914-15.

Fenwick, Lynda Beck

Should the Children Pray? A Historical, Judicial, and Political Examination of Public School Prayer, 34: 386-87.

Ferenc Morton, Szasz

The Protestant Clergy in the Great Plains and Mountain West, 1865-1915, 31: 552.

Fergol, Edward M.

A Regimental History of the Covenanting Armies, 1639-1651, 33: 810-11.

Ferguson, Everett, and Michael P. McHugh

Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, 35: 425-26.

Ferguson, Everett, ed.

Early Christianity and Judaism: Studies in Early Christianity, vol. 6, 37: 175.

Studies in Early Christianity: Church and State in the Early Church, vol. 7, 37: 163.

Ferguson, John

War and Peace in the World’s Religions, 22: 144-46.

Ferguson, Thomas P.

Catholic and American: The Political Theology of John Courtney Murray, 37: 438.

Ferm, Deane William

Third World Liberation Theologies: An Introductory Survey, 28: 529-31.

Ferm, Robert L.

Piety, Purity, Plenty: Images of Protestantism in America, 34: 622-23.

Ferraro, Barbara, and Patricia Hussey

No Turning Back: Two Nuns’ Battle with the Vatican over Women’s Right to Choose, 33: 826.

Ferre, Frederick

God and Global Justice: Religion and Poverty in an Unequal World, 29: 556-57.

Ferreira, Gil, and Michaele W. Marshall

Portugal’s Revolution: Ten Years On, 31: 149-50.

Fetzer, Joel S., and Christopher Soper

Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany, 48: 689-91.

Fevold, Eugene L.

The Lutheran Free Church, 12: 160.

Fewell, Danna Nolan, and David M. Gunn, eds.

Gender, Power, and Promise: The Subject of the Bibles’ First Story, 37: 174.

Fey, Harold E.

With Sovereign Reverence: The First Twenty-Five Years of American United, 17: 154-55.

Fey, Harold E., ed.

A History of the Ecumenical Movement, Volume 2, 1948-1968: The Ecumenical Advance, 16: 334-35.

Fichtenau, Heinrich

Living in the Tenth Century: Mentalities and Social Orders, 34: 382-83.

Fincham, Kenneth

Prelate as Pastor: The Episcopate of James I, 34: 604-05.

Findlay, James F., Jr.

Church People in the Struggle, 36: 613-14.

Fine, John V. A., Jr.

The Bosnian Church, A New Interpretation: A Study of the Bosnian Church and Its Place in State and Society from the 13th to the 15th Century, 21: 583-84.

Finger, Thomas N.

A Contemporary Anabaptist Theology/Biblical, Historical, Constructive, 47: 877-78.

Finke, Roger, and Rodney Stark

Churching of America, 1776-1990, The: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, 35: 619-20.

Churching of America, 1776-2005, The: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, 48: 700-02.

Finkelstein, Louis, ed.

Social Responsibility in an Age of Revolution, 15: 121-23.

Finn, James

A Conflict of Loyalties: The Case for Selective Conscientious Objection, 13: 309.

Finn, James, ed.

Global Economics and Religion, 27: 540-41.

Finnerty, Adam Daniel

No More Plastic Jesus: Global Justice and Christian Lifestyle, 21: 571-72.

Firestone, Reuven

Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam, 42: 378-79.

Fischer, Joachim

Die siichsische Landeskirche im’ Kirchenkampf, 1933-1937,17: 521-24.

Fischer, Michael M. J.

Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution, 23: 337-38.

Fischer, Richard, and Gerhard Schiifer, comps.

Landesbischof D. Wurm und der nationalsozialistische Staat, 1940-1945: Eine Dokumentation, 17: 521-24.

Fishburn, Janet Forsythe

The Fatherhood of God and the Victorian Family: The Social Gospel in America, 24: 613-14.

Fisher, Eugene J., and Daniel F. Polish, eds.

The Formation of Social Policy in the Catholic and Jewish Traditions, 23: 581-82.

Fisher, Humphrey J.

Ahmadiyyah. A Study in Contemporary Islam on the West African Coast, 6: 386.

Fisher, Louis

Religious Liberty in America: Political Safeguards, 46: 156-57.

Fisher, Wallace E.

Politics, Poker, and Piety: A Perspective on Cultural Religion in America, 17: 331-33.

Fitzgerald, Allan D., O.S.A.

Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia, 43: 137.

Fitzgerald, Thomas E.

The Orthodox Church, 39: 361-62.

Fitzpatrick, Brian

Catholic Royalism in the Department of the Gard, 1814-1852, 27: 144-45.

Fitzsimons, M. A., ed.

The Catholic Church Today: Western Europe, 12: 314-16.

Fleet, Michael, and Brian H. Smith

The Catholic Church and Democracy in Chile and Peru, 40: 906-08.

Fleischer, Manfred P.

Katholische und luthmsche Iremlter. Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des 19. Jahrhumkrts, 13: 161-62.

Fleischner, Eva, ed.

Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust, 20: 567-69.

Fleming, Gerald

Hitler and the Final Solution, 30: 613-14.

Fletcher, Jesse C.

Baker James Cauthen: A Man for All Nations, 21: 569-70.

Southern Baptist Convention, The: A Sesquicentennial History, 38: 430-31.

Fletcher, William C.

Nikolai, 11: 133-35.

Religion and Soviet Foreign Policy, 1945-1970, 16: 127-29.

Russian Orthodox Church Underground, 1917-1970, The, 16: 125-27.

Soviet Believers: The Religious Sector of the Population, 23: 566-67.

Study in Survival, A: The Church in Russia, 1927-1943, 10: 138-40.

Fletcher, William C., and Anthony J. Strover

Religion and the Search for New Ideals in the USSR, 10: 148-50.

Fletcher, William C., and Max Hayward, eds.

Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power, 13: 346-48.

Floridi, Alexis V., and Annette I. Stiefbold

The Uncertain Alliance: The Catholic Church and Labor in Latin America, 20: 593-94.

Florovsky, Georges

Christianity and Culture, 18: 569-71.

Flowers, Ronald B.

Religion in Strange Times: The 1960’s and 1970’s, 28: 522-24.

That Godless Court? Supreme Court Decisions on Church-State Relationships, 38: 187.

To Defend the Constitution: Religion, Conscientious Objection, Naturalization and the Supreme Court, 46: 155-56.

Flowers, Ronald B., and Robert T. Miller

Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, 20: 315-16; 25: 178.

Flynn, George Q.

American Catholics and the Roosevelt Presidency, 1932-1936, 11: 534-35.

Flynt, Wayne

Alabama Baptists: Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie, 41: 392-93.

Fogarty, Gerald P.

The Vatican and the Americanist Crisis: Denis J. O’Connell, American Agent in Rome, 1885-1903, 17: 123-25.

Fogel, Robert William

The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism, 43: 368-70.

Foner, Philip S., ed.

Black Socialist Preacher: The Teachings of Reverend George Washington Woodbey and His Disciple Reverend George W. Slater, Jr., 27: 536-37.

Forcinelli, Joseph

The Democratization of Religion in America: A Commonwealth of Religious Freedom by Design, 33: 362.

Ford, Caroline

Creating the Nation in Provincial France: Religion and Political Identity in Brittany, 37: 901.

Fore, William F.

Television and Religion: The Shaping of Faith, Values, and Culture, 30: 602-03.

Forest, Jim

Pilgrim in the Russian Church: An American Journalist Encounters a Vibrant Religious Faith in the Soviet Union, 31: 567.

Religion and the New Russia: The Impact of Perestroika on the Varieties of Religious Life in the Soviet Union, 33: 807-09.

Formage, Edwin Brown and Richard Collin Mangrum

Zion in the Courts: A Legal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900, 32: 425-26.

Formicola, Jo Renée and Hubert Morken, eds.

Everson Revisited: Religion, Education and Law at the Crossroads, 41: 396-97.

Formicola, Jo Renee, Mary C. Segers, and Paul Weber

Faith-Based Initiatives and the Bush Administration, 47: 415-17.

Forrest, A. C.

The Unholy Land, 17: 354-55.

Forrester, Duncan B.

Beliefs, Values and Policies: Conviction Politics in a Secular Age, 33: 134-35.

Theology and Politics, 32: 134-35.

Forster, Arnold, and Benjamin R. Epstein

Some of My Best Friends. . ., 6: 384-85.

Forsythe, David P.

Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy: Congress Reconsidered, 31: 568.

Fortman, Bas de Gaay, and Berma Klein Goldewijk

God and the Goods: Global Economy in a Civilizational Perspective, 41: 394-95.

Foss, Michael

The Founding of the Jesuits, 1540, 13: 356.

Fouracre, Paul, and Richard A. Gerberding, eds. and trans.

Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography, 640-720, 40: 477-78.

Fowden, Garth

Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity, 36: 860.

Fowler, James W.

To See the Kingdom: The Theological Vision of H. Richard Niebuhr, 18: 341-44.

Fowler, Robert Booth

New Engagement, A: Evangelical Political Thought, 1966-1976, 26: 126-27.

Religion and Politics in America, 29: 127-28.

Fowler, Robert Booth and Allen D. Hertzke

Religion and Politics in America: Faith, Culture and Strategic Choices, 38: 903-04.

Fox, Richard G.

Gandhian Utopia: Experiments with Culture, 32: 632-33.

Franck, Thomas M., and Edward Weisband, eds.

Secrecy and Foreign Policy, 20: 577-79.

Frankenberg, Ruth

Living Spirit, Living Practice: Poetics, Politics, Epistemology, 46: 909-10.

Franklin, Robert Michael

Liberating Visions: Human Fulfillment and Social Justice in African-American Thought, 33: 360-61.

Fraser, James W.

Between Church and State: Religion and Public Education in a Multicultural America, 42: 872-73.

Frazier, E. Franklin

The Negro Church in America, 6: 388-90.

Freeman, Curtis W., James Wm. McLendon, Jr., and C. Rosalee Velloso da Silva, eds.

Baptist Roots: A Reader in the Theology of a Christian People, 43: 351-52.

Freeze, Gregory L.

The Russian Levites: Parish Clergy in the Eighteenth Century, 20: 355.

Fregosi, Paul.

Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries, 41: 832-33.

Freidel, Frank, Samuel Eliot Morison, and Frederick Merk

Dissent in Three American Wars, 13: 528.

French, E. F., ed.

Melbourne Studies in Education, 1958-1959: 101-03.

Frend, W. H. C.

Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of a Conflict from the Macabees to Donatus, 10: 121-23.

Freston, Paul

Evangelicals and Politics in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 44: 825-26.

Protestant Political Parties. A Global Survey, 47: 872-73.

Freund, Paul A.

On Law and Justice, 12: 312.

Freund, Paul A., and Robert Ulich

Religion and the Public Schools, 9: 117-19.

Fride, Juan, and Benjamin Keen, eds.

Bartolome de Las Casas in History: Toward an Understanding of the Man and His Work, 14: 544-45.

Fridell, Wilbur M.

Japanese Shrine Mergers, 1906-12: State Shinto Moves to the Grassroots, 18: 367.

Friedenthal, Richard

Luther, His Life and Times, 13: 531-32.

Friedman, Francine

The Bosnian Muslims: Denials of a Nation, 40: 687-88.

Friedman, Maurice

Abraham Joshua Heschel and Elie Wiesel: You are My Witnesses, 31: 573.

Friedman, Robert I.

The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane—From FBI Informant to Knesset Member, 35: 916-17.

Friedman, Saul S.

No Haven for the Oppressed: United States Policy toward Jewish Refugees, 1938-19, 17: 127-29.

Friedmann, Yohanan

Tolerance and Coercion in Islam: Interfaith Relations in the Muslim Tradition, 49: 140-41.

Friedrich, Carl J.

Transcendent Justice, 8: 127-30.

Friesen, Duane K.

Christian Peacemaking and International Conflict, 30: 348-49.

Friesenhahn, Ernst, and Ulri Scheuner, eds.

Handbuch des Staatskirchenrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 20: 339-40.

Frohock, Fred M.

Abortion: A Case Study in Law and Morals, 25: 550-51.

Frolov, Ivan

Man, Science, and Humanism, 34: 305-06.

Fromm, Erich

On Disobedience and Other Essays, 24: 393-94.

Frost, J. William

A Perfect Freedom: Religious Liberty in Pennsylvania, 33: 356-57.

Frye, Roland Mushat, ed.

Is God a Creationist?, 28: 141-42.

Frykenberg, Robert Eric, ed.

Christians and Missionaries in India: Cross-Cultural Communication since 1500, 47: 153-54.

Fu, Charles Wei-hsun

Movements and Issues in World Religions: A Sourcebook and Analysis of Developments Since 1945, 30: 365-66.

Fuchs, Lawrence H.

John F. Kennedy and American Catholicism, 10: 467-69.

Fujita, Neil S.

Japan’s Encounter with Christianity: The Catholic Mission in Pre-Modern Japan, 33: 809-10.

Fujiwara, Hirotatsu

I Denounce Soka Gakkai, 14: 528-30.

Fuller, Bruce, and Richard F. Elmore

Who Chooses? Who Loses? Culture, Institutions, and the Unequal Effects of School Choice, 40: 706-07.

Fuller, Graham

The Future of Political Islam, 46: 136-38.

Fuller, Lon L.

The Morality of Law, 8: 473-75; 16: 548.

Fuller, Robert C.

Spiritual But Not Religious: Understanding Unchurched America, 44: 837-38.

Fulop, Timothy J., and Albert J. Roboyeau, eds.

African-American Religion: Interpretive Essays in Religion and Culture, 41: 841-42.

Furness, Charles Y.

The Christian and Social Action, 16: 546-47.

Gaddy, C. Welton

Proclaim Liberty!, 20: 364.

Gaffey, James P.

Citizen of No Mean City: Archbishop Patrick Riordan of San Francisco (1841-1914), 20: 145-46.

Gaffney, Edward McGlynn, Jr., ed.

Private Schools and the Public Good: Policy Alternatives for the Eighties, 24: 612-13.

Gage, Matilda Joslyn

Woman, Church, and State: The Original Expose of Male Collaboration Against the Female Sex, 25: 358-59.

Gager, John

Origin of Anti-Semitism, The: Attitudes Toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity, 27: 525-27.

Gallagher, Eric, and Stanley Worrall

Christians in Ulster, 1968-1980, 25: 366-68.

Gallagher, Eugene V.

The New Religious Movements Experience in America, 47: 643-44.

Gallagher, Tom

Edinburgh Divided: John Cormack and No Popery in the 1930’s, 30: 574-77.

Glasgow the Uneasy Peace, 30: 574-77.

Gallin, Alice

Midwives to Nazism: University Professors in Weimar Germany, 1925-1933, 29: 344-45.

Gallin, Mother Mary Alice

German Resistance to . . . Hitler: Ethical and Religious Factors, 5: 271-72.

Gallup, George, Jr.

Religion in America. Fifty Years: 1935-1985, 29: 161.

Who Do Americans Say That I Am? What Christians Can Learn from Opinion Polls, 29: 158-60.

Gallup, George, Jr., and David Poling

The Search for America’s Faith, 25: 375-76.

Galston, William A.

Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice, 48: 207-09.

Gannon, Michael V.

The Cross in the Sand: The Early Catholic Church in Florida, 1513-1870, 9: 269-71.

Gardell, Mattias

Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism, 48: 699-700.

Gardiner, Robert W.

The Cool Arm of Destruction: Modern Weapons and Moral Insensitivity, 18: 573-76.

Gardner, E. Clinton

Biblical Faith and Social Ethics, 2: 171-72.

Justice and Christian Ethics, 39: 799-800.

Gardner, Martin

The Healing Revelation of Mary Baker Eddy: The Rise and Fall of Christian Science, 36: 861.

Gardner, R. F. R.

Abortion: The Personal Dilemma; A Christian Gynecologist Examines the Medical, Social, and Spiritual Issues, 18: 134-36.

Garfield, Jay L., and Patricia Hennessey, eds.

Abortion: Moral and Legal Perspectives, 30: 169-70.

Gargan, Edward T., ed.

Leo XIII and the Modern World, 3: 219-21.

Garrett, James Leo, Jr.

Reinhold Niebuhr on Roman Catholicism, 19: 366.

Garrett, James Leo, Jr., ed.

Baptist Relations with Other Christians, 18: 591-92.

Garrettson, Charles Lloyd, III

Hubert H. Humphrey: The Politics of Joy, 36: 852.

Garroghan, Gilbert J.

The Jesuits of the Middle United States, 28: 140-41.

Garry, Patrick M.

Wrestling with God: The Courts’ Tortuous Treatment of Religion, 49: 785-86.

Garvin, Philip, and Julia Welch

Religious America, 19: 367-68.

Gatewood, Willard B., Jr.

Preachers, Pedagogues and Politicians: The Evolution Controversy in North Carolina, 1920-1927, 9: 268-69.

Gatewood, Willard B., Jr., ed.

Controversy in the Twenties: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and Evolution, 12: 151-53.

Gatti, Enzo

Rich Church-Poor Church? Some Biblical Perspectives, 19: 134-35.

Gaunt, Peter, ed.

The English Civil War: The Essential Readings, 45: 377-79.

Gaustad, Edwin Scott

Baptist Piety: The Last Will and Testament of Obadiah Holmes, 21: 354.

Church and State in America, 42: 581-82.

Dissent in American Religion, 17: 517-20.

Liberty of Conscience: Roger Williams in America, 33: 803-04.

Religious History of America, A, 10: 319-20.

Roger Williams, 47: 886-87.

Roger Williams: Prophet of Liberty, 43: 821-22.

Sworn on the Altar of God: A Religious Biography of Thomas Jefferson, 39: 367-68.

Gaustad, Edwin Scott, ed.

Documentary History of Religion in America Since 1865, A, 26: 355.

Documentary History of Religion in America to the Civil War, A, 26: 355.

Faith of Our Fathers: Religion and the New Nation, 30: 579.

Religious Issues in American History, 11: 149-51.

Gauthier, Paul

Christ, the Church and the Poor, 8: 477-79.

Gauvreau, Michael

The Evangelical Century: College and Creed in English Canada from the Great Revival to the Great Depression, 34: 167-68.

Gay, Craig M.

With Liberty and Justice for Whom? The Recent Evangelical Debate over Capitalism, 34: 862-63.

Gay, Peter

A Loss of Mastery: Puritan Historians in Colonial America, 10: 320.

Gedicks, Frederick Mark, and Roger Hendrix

Choosing the Dream: The Future of Religion in American Public Life, 35: 156.

Geissler, Suzanne

Jonathan Edwards to Aaron Burr, Jr.: From Awakening to Democratic Politics, 25: 172.

Gellhorn, Walter, and R. Kent Greenawalt

The Sectarian College and the Public Purse: Fordham-A Case Study, 13: 517-18.

Gelm, Richard J.

Politics and Religious Authority: American Catholics Since the Second Vatican Council, 38: 651-53.

Gentile, Emilio

Politics as Religion, 48: 872-73.

George, John and Laird Wilcox

American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen, Communists and Others, 40: 912-13.

George, Leonard

Crimes of Perception: An Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics, 38: 426.

George, Robert P. and Jean Bethke Elshtain, eds.

The Meaning of Marriage: Family, State, Market and Morals, 49: 558-61.

George, Timothy

Theology of the Reformers, 32: 422.

Georgi, Dieter

Theocracy in Paul’s Praxis and Theology, 34: 389.

Geraci, Robert P., and Michael Khodarkovsky, eds.

Of Religion and Empire: Missions, Conversion, and Tolerance in Tsarist Russia, 43: 612-13.

Gerrish, B. A., ed.

Reformers in Profile: Advocates of Reform, 1300-1600, 10: 454-57.

Gerschenkron, Alexander

Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History, 20: 585-86.

Gershoni, Israel, and James P. Jankowski

Egypt, Islam, and the Arabs: The Search for Egyptian Nationhood, 31: 314-15.

Gerstel, David U.

Paradise Incorporated: Synanon, 26: 360.

Getz, Lorine M., and Ruy O. Costa, eds.

Struggles for Solidarity: Liberation Theologies in Tension, 35: 419-20.

Getzler, Israel

Neither Toleration nor Favour: The Australian Chapter of Jewish Emancipation, 17: 515-17.

Geyer, Alan F.

Piety and Politics, 7: 117-19.

Geyer, Alan, and Barbara G. Green

Lines in the Sand: Justice and the Gulf War, 35: 918-19.

Gheddo, Piero

Why Is the Third World Poor?, 18: 142-43.

Giannella, Donald A., ed.

Religion and the Public Order: An Annual Review of Church and State, and of Religion, Law, and Society, 11: 322-24.

Religion and the Public Order, 1963: An Annual Review of Church and State and of Religion, Law, and Society, 7: 105-06.

Religion and the Public Order 1964: An Annual Review of Church and State and of Religion, Law, and Society, 9: 399-400.

Religion and the Public Order 1965: An Annual Review of Church and State and of Religion, Law and Society, 9: 394-95.

Religion and the Public Order, Number Five: An Annual Review of Church and State, and of Religion, Law, and Society, 12: 132-33.

Gibbon, Peter

The Origins of Ulster Unionism: The Formation of Popular Protestant Politics and Ideology in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, 21: 146.

Gibson, Margaret

Lanfranc of Bec, 23: 365.

Gibson, William

Church, State and Society, 1760-1850, 37: 425.

Gifford, Paul

African Christianity: Its Public Role, 42: 374-77.

Christianity and Politics in Doe’s Liberia, 39: 809-10.

Gifford, Paul, ed.

The Christian Churches and the Democratisation of Africa, 39: 809-10.

Gilbert, Arthur

The Vatican Council and the Jews, 11: 335-38.

Gilbert, Dennis A., and Paul J. Weber

Private Churches and Public Money: Church-Government Fiscal Relations, 23: 591-92.

Gilbert, Martin

Atlas of the Holocaust, 32: 145-46.

Gildrie, Richard P.

Salem, Massachusetts, 1626-1683: A Covenant Community, 18: 365-66.

Gill, Anthony

Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America, 41: 605-06.

Gill, David W., ed.,

Should God Get Tenure? Essays on Religion and Higher Education, 40: 915-16.

Gill, Emily R.

Becoming Free: Autonomy and Diversity in the Liberal Polity, 44: 175-77.

Gillis, Chester, ed.

The Political Papacy: John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Their Influence, 48: 697-98.

Gilman, James

Fidelity of Heart: An Ethic of Christian Virtue, 46: 911-12.

Gilman, Sander L.

Jews in Today’s German Culture, 38: 912-13.

Gilpin, W. Clark

The Millenarian Piety of Roger Williams, 22: 326-28.

Gingerich, Melvin

The Christian and Revolution, 19: 586-88.

Ginsberg, Benjamin

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, 36: 880.

Girardi, Giulio

Faith and Revolution in Nicaragua: Convergence and Contradictions, 33: 350.

Marxism and Chnstianity, 11: 136-38.

Girardot, Norman J.

The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage, 46: 396-98.

Githiga, Gideon Gichuhi

The Church as the Bulwark against Authoritarianism: Development of Church and State in Kenya with Particular Reference to the Years after Political Independence 1963-1992, 45: 816-17.

Gladney, Dru C.

Muslim Chinese: Ethnic Nationalism in the People’s Republic, 35: 614-15.

Glanzer, Perry L.

The Quest for Russia’s Soul: Evangelicals and Moral Education in Post-Communist Russia, 45: 592-93.

Glaser, Kurt, and Stefan T. Possony

Victims of Politics: The State of Human Rights, 23: 160-61.

Glaude, Eddie S., Jr.

Exodus! Religion, Race, and Nation in Early Nineteenth-Century Black America, 43: 159-60.

Glazier, Stephen D.

Marchin’ the Pilgrims Home: Leadership and Decision-Making in an Afro-Caribbean Faith, 27: 146.

Gleason, Philip, ed.

Contemporary Catholicism in the United States, 12: 313-16.

Gleave, Robert, ed.

Islamic Law: Theory and Practice, 41: 375.

Glendon, Mary Ann

Abortion and Divorce in Western Law: American Failures, European Challenges, 33: 148-49.

Rights Talk: The Impoverishment of Political Discourse, 35: 616-17.

Glessner, Thomas A.

Achieving an Abortion-Free America by 2001, 33: 827.

Glock, Charles Y., and Ellen Siegelman

Prejudice U. S. A., 12: 345.

Glock, Charles Y., Benjamin B. Ringer, and Earl R. Babbie

To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church, 10: 157-58.

Glover, Willis B.

Biblical Origins of Modern Secular Culture: An Essay in the Interpretation of Western History, 29: 160-61.

Goeckel, Robert F.

The Lutheran Church and the East German State, 33: 604-06.

Goen, C. C.

Revivalism and Separatism in New England, 1740-1800, 5: 118-19.

Goerner, E. A.

Peter and Caesar: The Catholic Church and Political Authority, 8: 142-43.

Goff, Philip, and Paul Harvey, eds.

Themes in Religion and American Culture, 47: 884-85.

Goffin, Alvin M.

The Rise of Protestant Evangelism in Ecuador, 1895-1990, 37: 659.

Goggin, Malcolm L., ed.

Understanding the New Politics of Abortion, 37: 656-57.

Goguel, Francois, and Mario Einaudi

Christian Democracy in Italy and France, 14: 340-42.

Goldberg, George

Church, State, and the Constitution, 31: 138-39.

Reconsecrating America, 28: 121-22.

Goldberg, Michelle

Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, 48: 894-96.

Goldberg, Steven

Seduced by Science: How American Religion Has Lost Its Way, 43: 620-21.

Golden, Richard M.

Church, State, and Society under the Bourbon Kings of France, 26: 346-47.

Godly Rebellion, The: Pansian Cures and the Religious Fronde, 1652-62, 24: 398-400.

Goldstein, Doris S.

Trial of Faith: Religion and Politics in Tocqueville’s Thought, 19: 570-71.

Goldstein, Leon J., and Lucy S. Dawidowicz

Politics in a Pluralist Democracy: Studies of Voting in the 1960 Election, 7: 262-63.

Goldstein, Robert Justin

Saving Old Glory: The History of the American Flag Desecration Controversy, 40: 910-11.

Goldthorpe, J. E.

The Sociology of the Third World: Disparity and Involvement, 20: 594-95.

Goldziher, Ignaz

Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law, 24: 380-81.

Gombos, Gyula

The Lean Years: A Study of Hungarian Calvinism in Crisis, 5: 135-31.

Gonzalez, Juan Gutierrez

The New Libertarian Gospel: Pitfalls of the Theology of Liberation, 23: 161-62.

Gonzalez, Justo L.

The Development of Christianity in the Latin Caribbean, 12: 528-29.

Good, Robert C., and Harry R. Davis, eds.

Reinhold Niebuhr on Politics, 4: 103-05.

Gopin, Marc

Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East, 45: 382-83.

Gordis, David M. and Yoav Ben-Horin, eds.

Jewish Identity in America, 36: 181-82.

Gordon, Albert L.

Intermarriage: Interfaith, Interracial, Interethnic, 7: 290-92.

Gordon, J. Gordon, ed.

The Encyclopedia of American Religions, 32: 656-57.

Gottlieb, Robert

America’s Saints: The Rise of Mormon Power, 28: 331-32.

Gottwald, Norman K.

The Church Unbound, 11: 169.

Goulder, M. D., comp.

Infallibility in the Church: An Anglican Catholic Dialogue, 12: 534-35.

Gow, Andrew Colin

The Red Jews: Antisemitism in an Apocalyptic Age, 1200-1600, 39: 149-50.

Graber, Mark A.

Rethinking Abortion: Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics, 39: 612-13.

Grabill, Stephen J.

Rediscovering the Natural Law in Reformed Theological Ethics, 49: 773-75.

Graham, Richard

The Jesuit Antonio Vieira and His Plans for the Economic Rehabilitation of Seventeenth-Century Portugal, 23: 161.

Graham, Stephen R.

Cosmos in the Chaos: Philip Schaff’s Interpretation of Nineteenth-Century American Religion, 40: 206-07.

Graham, W. Fred

The Constructive Revolutionary: John Calvin and His Socio-Economic Impact, 1: 331-34.

Grammich, Clifford A., Jr.

Local Baptists, Local Politics: Churches and Communities in the Middle and Uplands South, 42: 588-89.

Granberg, Håkan

Church Planting Commitment: New Church Development in Hong Kong during the Run-Up to 1997, 43: 356-57.

Grant, Daniel R.

The Christian and Politics, 11: 347-48.

Grant, Frederick C.

Rome and Reunion, 8: 290-93.

Grant, Myrna

Vanla, 18: 373.

Grant, Robert M.

Early Christianity and Society: Seven Studies, 21: 356-57.

Grasso, Christopher

A Speaking Aristocracy: Transforming Public Discourse in Eighteenth Century Connecticut, 43: 154-56.

Grasso, Kenneth L. and Robert P. Hunt, eds.

Catholicism and Religious Freedom, 49: 363-64.

Grasso, Kenneth L., Gerard V. Bradley, and Robert P. Hunt, eds.

Catholicism, Liberalism, and Communitarianism: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition and the Moral Foundations of Democracy, 39: 357-58.

Gravely, William B.

Gilbert Haven: Methodist Abolitiomst; Study in Race, Religion, and Reform, 1850-1880, 18: 126-27.

Gray, Francine du Plessix

Divine Disobedience: Profiles in Catholic Radicalism, 13: 544-45.

Gray, Jack

Mao Tse-tung, 19: 356-57.

Gray, Janet Glenn

The French Huguenots: Anatomy of Courage, 25: 374.

Greaves, Richard L.

Seven Nonconformists in Stuart England, 29: 354-55.

Greek, Cecil E.

The Religious Roots of American Sociology, 36: 172-73.

Greeley, Andrew M.

Catholic Myth, The: The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics, 33: 156-57.

Communal Catholic, The: A Personal Manifesto, 21: 156.

Making of the Pope 2005, The, 48: 214-15.

Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile, 47: 880-82.

Greeley, Andrew M., and Peter H. Rossi

The Education of Catholic America, 9: 113-17.

Greeley, Andrew M., and William E. Brown

Can Catholic Schools Survive?, 17: 535-37.

Green, John C., James L. Guth, Corwin E. Smidt, and Lyman Kellstedt

Religion and the Culture Wars: Dispatches from the Front, 39: 823-24.

Green, John C., Mark J. Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox, eds.

Christian Right in American Politics, The: Marching to the Millennium, 46: 669-70.

Prayers in the Precincts: The Christian Right in the 1998 Elections, 43: 163-65.

Greenawalt, Kent

Law and Objectivity, 35: 609-10.

Private Consciences and Public Reasons, 38: 413-14.

Greenawalt, R. Kent, and Walt Gellhorn

The Sectarian College and the Public Purse: Fordham-A Case Study, 13: 517-18.

Greenbaum, Louis S.

Talleyrand, Statesman Priest: The Agent-General of the Clergy and the Church of France at the End of the Old Regime, 14: 141-42.

Greenblum, Joseph, and Marshall Sklare

Jewish Identity on the Suburban Frontier: A Study of Group Survival in the Open Society, 10: 155-56.

Greene, Jack P., and William G. McLoughlin

Preachers & Politicians: Two Essays on the Origins of the American Revolution, 22: 344-46.

Greenfeld, Liah

Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity, 36: 405-07.

Greenleaf, Richard E.

The Mexican Inquisition of the Sixteenth Century, 13: 522-23.

Gregorian, Vartan

Islam: A Mosaic, Not a Monolith, 46: 647-48.

Greil, Arthur L., and Thomas Robbins, eds.

Between Sacred and Secular: Research and Theory on Quasi-Religion, 37: 665-66.

Grell, Ole Peter, ed.

The Scandinavian Reformation: From Evangelical Movement to Institutionalisation of Reform, 39: 154-56.

Grell, Ole Peter, and Bob Scribner, eds.

Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation, 40: 480-82.

Gribbin, William

The Churches Militant: The War of 1812 and American Religion, 17: 511-12.

Griffin, John Howard

The Church and the Black Man, 12: 539.

Griffin, Keith L.

Revolution and Religion: American Revolutionary War and the Reformed Clergy, 37: 653-54.

Griffith, R. Marie

American Religions: A Documentary History, 49: 576-77.

Griffiths, D. R.

The New Testament and the Roman State, 17: 340-41.

Grimes, Alan P.

Equality in America: Religion, Race and the Urban Majority, 7: 460-62.

Puritan Ethic and Woman Suffrage, The, 10: 484.

Grimsley, Ronald, ed.

Rousseau: Religious Writings, 16: 341-42.

Gritsch, Eric W.

Thomas Müntzer, A Tragedy of Errors, 32: 636-37.

Groh, John E.

Nineteenth Century German Protestantism: The Church as Social Model, 24: 402-04.

Gross, Leonard

The Golden Years of the Hutterites: The Witness and Thought of the Communal Moravian Anabaptists during the Walpot Era, 1565-1578, 24: 150-51.

Grossu, Sergiu, ed.

The Church in Today’s Catacombs, 19: 607.

Grotius, Hugo

De Imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra, 19: 371-73.

Groves, Richard, ed.

The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, for Cause of Conscience, discussed in a conference between Truth and Peace, by Roger Williams, 46: 665-66.

Guelzo, Allen C.

Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, 44: 162-64.

Guerry, Emile

The Popes and World Government, 6: 376-80.

Guhin, Michael A.

John Foster Dulles: A Statesman and His Times, 15: 308-10.

Guinness, Os

The American Hour: A Time of Reckoning and the Once and Future Role of Faith, 37: 154.

Guliuzza, Frank, III

Over the Wall: Protecting Religious Expression in the Public Square, 42: 583-84.

Gunn, Jeremy T.

Standard for Repair, A: The Establishment Clause, Equality, and Natural Rights, 37: 182.

Gura, Philip F.

Glimpse of Sion’s Glory, A: Puritan Radicalism in New England, 1620-1660, 28: 136-37.

Gurdorf, Christine E., and James E. Hutchingson

Boundaries: A Casebook in Environmental Ethics, 47: 160-61.

Guroian, Vigen

Rallying the Really Human Things: Moral Imagination in Politics, Literature and Everyday Life, 48: 880-81.

Gurr, Ted Robert

People versus States: Minorities at Risk in the New Century, 42: 848-50.

Gushee, David P.

Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust, The: A Christian Interpretation, 38: 909-10.

Toward and Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Poverty in America, 44: 370-71.

Gutierrez, Gustavo

Power of the Poor in History, The, 28: 138.

Theology of Liberation, A: History, Politics and Salvation, 21: 148-49.

Truth Shall Make You Free, The, 33: 141-42.

Guzman, German

Camilo Torres, 14: 342-44.

Gvosdev, Nikolas K.

An Examination of Church-State Relations in Russia and Russian Empires with an Emphasis on Ideology and Models of Interaction, 45: 374-75.

Hachey, Thomas E., ed.

Anglo-Vatican Relations, 1914-1939: Confidential Annual Reports of the British Minister to the Holy See, 17: 153.

Hacke, Gerald

Jehovah’s Witnesses in the GDR: Persecution and Response of a Religious Minority, 42: 574-76.

Hackett, David G.

The Rude Hand of Innovation: Religion and Social Order in Albany, New York, 1652-1836, 34: 875-76.

Hackett, David G., ed.

Religion and American Culture: A Reader, 39: 595-96.

Haddad, Robert M.

Syrian Christians in Muslim Society: An Interpretation, 17: 327-29.

Haddad, Yvonne Y., and Jane Idleman Smith

Mission to America: Five Islamic Sectarian Communities in North America, 36: 611.

Haddad, Yvonne Y., and Jane I. Smith, eds.

Muslims Communities in North America, 37: 657-58.

Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck, and John L. Esposito, eds., with a Foreword by Karen Armstrong

Daughters of Abraham: Feminist Thought in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 45: 812-13.

Haendler, Gert

Luther on Ministerial Office and Congregational Function, 24: 171-72.

Hageman, Alice L., and Philip E. Wheaton, eds.

Religion in Cuba Today: A New Church in a New Society, 14: 358.

Hagopian, Mark N.

Ideals and Ideologies of Modern Politics, 29: 568-69.

Haigh, Christopher

Reformation and Resistance in Tudor Lancashire, 21: 119-20.

Haight, Roger, S.J.

Alternative Vision, An: An Interpretation of Liberation Theology, 29: 149-50.

Christian Community in History: Comparative Ecclesiology, vol. 2, 48: 879-80.

Hales, E. E. Y.

Revolution and Papacy, 1769-1846, 3: 210-12.

Halkes, Catharina J. M.

New Creation: Christian Feminism and the Renewal of the Earth, 35: 912-13.

Hall, Cameron P.

Technology and People, 12: 539-40.

Hall, David D.

Faithful Shepherd, The: A History of the New England Ministry in the Seventeenth Century, 15: 136-38.

Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New England, 33: 813-14.

Hall, David L., and Roger T. Ames

The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China, 44: 349-51.

Hall, Mitchell K.

Because of Their Faith: CALCAV and Religious Opposition to the Vietnam War, 33: 158-59.

Hall, Randal L.

William Louis Poteat: A Leader of the Progressive-Era South, 43: 618-19.

Hall, Robert T.

The Morality of Civil Disobedience, 14: 320-22.

Hall, Shirley W., and Robert Root

Struggle of Decency, 10: 488-89.

Hall, Sidney G., III

Christian Anti-Semitism and Paul’s Theology, 37: 419.

Hall, Timothy

Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty, 41: 616-18.

Hallencreutz, Carl F.

New Approaches to Men of Other Faiths, 1938-1908: A Theological Discussion, 19: 139-40.

Hallencreutz, Carl, and Ambrose Moyo, eds.

Church and State in Zimbabwe, 33: 145-46.

Hallett, A. C. Hollis

Chronicle of a Colonial Church, 1612-1826: Bermuda, 37: 168.

Hamburger, Philip

Separation of Church and State, 46: 904-05.

Hamel, Johannes

A Christian in East Germany, 4: 96-99.

Hamel, Johannes, and Karl Barth

How to Serve God in a Marxist Land, 2: 175-78.

Hamilton, Bernard

The Medieval Inquisition, 23: 365-66.

Hamilton, Bernice

Political Thought in Sixteenth-Century Spain, 6: 102-04.

Hamilton, Marci A.

God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law, 48: 477-78.

Hamilton, Michael P., ed.

The Vietnam War: Christian Perspectives, 10: 144-45.

Hamington, Maurice

Hail Mary? The Struggle for Ultimate Womanhood in Catholicism, 39: 167-68.

Hammond, John L.

The Politics of Benevolence: Revival Religion and American Voting Behavior, 22: 328-30.

Hammond, Phillip E.

Religion and Personal Autonomy: The Third Disestablishment in America, 36: 877.

Hammond, Phillip E., and Kenneth M. Dolbeare

The School Prayer Decisions: From Court Policy to Local Practice, 14: 133-35.

Hammond, Phillip E., and Robert N. Bellah

Varieties of Civil Religion, 24: 145-46.

Hammond, Phillip E., David W. Machacek, and Eric Michael Mazur

Religion on Trial: How Supreme Court Trends Threaten Freedom of Conscience in America, 46: 905-06.

Hamm, Richard F.

Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920, 39: 816-17.

Hancock, Ralph C.

Calvin and the Foundations of Modern Politics, 33: 354-55.

Handlin, Mary, and Oscar Handlin

The Dimensions of Liberty, 5: 247-48.

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Christian America, A: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities, 14: 319-20.

Undermined Establishment: Church-State Relations in America, 1880-1920, 35: 157-58.

Handy, Robert T. , ed.,

The Holy Land in American Protestant Life, 1800-1948: A Documentary History, 25: 173-75.

Handy, Robert T., and Edward LeRoy Long, Jr., eds.

Theology and Church in Times of Change, 13: 549.

Hangen, Tona J.

Redeeming the Dial: Radio, Religion, & Popular Culture in America, 45: 829-30.

Hankins, Barry

God’s Rascal: J. Frank Norris and the Beginnings of Southern Fundamentalism, 40: 205-06.

Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservatives and American Culture, 45: 389-91.

Hanley, Mark Y.

Beyond a Christian Commonwealth: The Protestant Quarrel with the American Republic, 1830-1860, 38: 438-39.

Hanley, Thomas O’Brien

American Revolution and Religion, The: Maryland, 1770-1800, 20: 127-29.

Their Rights and Liberties: The Beginnings of Religious and Political Freedom in Maryland, 2: 167-68.

Hansen, Holger Bernt

Mission, Church and State in a Colonial Setting: Uganda, 1890-1925, 28: 129-30.

Hansen, Klaus J.

Mormonism and the American Experience, 24: 406.

Hanson, Eric O.

Catholic Politics in China and Korea, 25: 373-74.

Hanson, K. C., and Douglas E. Oakman

Palestine in the Time of Jesus, 42: 563-64.

Hapgood, Hutchins

The Spirit of the Ghetto, 10: 322.

Harakas, Stanley S.

Wholeness of Faith and Life: Orthodox Christian Ethics, vols. 1-3, 42: 567-68.

Hardacre, Helen

Shinto and the State, 1868-1988, 32: 631-32.

Hardin, Richard F.

Civil Idolatry: Desacralizing and Monarchy in Spenser, Shakespeare and Milton, 36: 868.

Harding, Susan Friend

The Book of Jerry Falwell, 183-84.

Harding, Vincent

Hope and History: Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement, 33: 365-66.

Hardy, B. Carmon

Solemn Covenant: The Mormon Polygamous Passage, 35: 424-25.

Hardy, Richard P.

Loving Men: Gay Partners, Spirituality and AIDS, 41: 847-48.

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Nonviolent Direct Action, 11: 557.

Hare, Douglas R. A.

The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel According to St. Matthew, 10: 317-19.

Harkness, Georgia, and Charles F. Kraft

Biblical Backgrounds of the Middle East Conflict, 21: 575-76.

Harper, Suzanne Billington

In the Shadow of the Mahatma: Bishop V.S. Azariah and the Travails of Christianity in British India, 42: 855-56.

Harrell, David Edwin, Jr.

Churches of Christ in the Twentieth Century, The: Homer Hailey’s Personal Journey of Faith, 43: 366-68.

Social Sources of Division in the Disciples of Christ, 1865-1900, The: 17: 121-23.

Harris, Frederick C.

Something Within: Religion in African-American Political Activism, 42: 189-90.

Harris, Ian

The Mind of John Locke: A Study of Political Theory in its Intellectual Setting, 38: 424-25.

Harris, Tim, and Paul Seward

The Politics of Religion in Restoration England, 34: 138-39.

Harrison, Christopher

France and Islam in West Africa, 1860-1960, 31: 311-12.

Hart, D. G.

Lost Soul of American Protestantism, The, 45: 832-34.

University Gets Religion, The: Religious Studies in American Higher Education, 42: 593-95.

Hart, Darryl

A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State, 49: 152-53.

Hart, H. L. A.

Law, Liberty, and Morality, 9: 279-80.

Hart, Stephen

What Does the Lord Require? How American Christians Think About Justice, 35: 907-08.

Hartshorne, Charles

Ethics, Religions, and Politics, 26: 143-44.

Hartshorne, M. Holmes

Kierkegaard, Godly Deceiver, 33: 631-32.

Harvey, Barry

Politics of the Theological: Beyond the Piety and Power of a World Come of Age, 39: 583-84.

Harvey, Margaret.

The English in Rome, 1362-1420: Portrait of an Expatriate Community, 49: 569-70.

Harvey, Paul

Freedom’s Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South from the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era, 47: 635-36.

Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities Among Southern Baptists, 1865-1925, 40: 204-05.

Hashmi, Sohail H., and Steven P. Lee

Ethics and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Religious and Secular Perspectives, 47: 644-45.

Hastings, Adrian

Construction of Nationhood, The: Ethnicity, Religion, and Nationalism, 41: 608-09.

Faces of God, The: Reflections on Church and Society, 21: 579-80.

History of African Christianity, A, 1950-1975, 22: 332-34.

Wiriyamu: My Latin Mozambique, 18: 370.

Hastings, Adrian, ed.

Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, 33: 815-16.

Hatch, Nathan O.

Democratization of American Christianity, The, 32: 647-48.

Sacred Cause of Liberty, The: Republican Thought and the Millennium in Revolutionary New England, 21: 544-46.

Hatch, Nathan O., and Harry S. Stout, eds.

Jonathan Edwards and the American Experience, 31: 554.

Hatch, Nathan O., and Mark A. Noll, eds.

The Bible in America: Essays in Cultural History, 25: 352-54.

Hatch, Roger, and Warren Copeland, eds.

Issues of Justice: Social Sources and Religious Meanings, 32: 146-47.

Hatch, Roger D., and Frank E. Watkins, eds.

Beyond Opportunity: Jesse Jackson’s Vision for America, 30: 572-73.

Hatfield, Charles, ed.

The Scientist and Ethical Decision, 17: 142-44.

Hauer, Christian E., Jr.

Crisis and Conscience in the Middle East, 13: 138-41.

Hauerwas, Stanley

Against the Nations: War and Survival in a Liberal Society, 29: 557-58.

In Good Company: The Church as Polis, 39: 365-66.

Performing the Faith: Bonhoeffer and the Practice of Nonviolence, 48: 453-54.

Haugaard, William P.

Elizabeth and the English Reformation, 11: 524-25.

Havran, Martin J.

The Catholics in Caroline England, 5: 129-31.

Hawkley, Louise and James C. Juhnke, eds.

Nonviolent America: History Through the Eyes of Peace, 36: 184-85.

Hawley, John Stratton, ed.

Fundamentalism and Gender, 36: 620-21.

Hawton, Hector

Controversy: The Humanist/Christian Encounter, 15: 147.

Hays, Brooks

Politics Is My Parish: An Autobiography, 26: 127-29.

Hayes, Carlton J. H.

Nationalism: A Religion, 4: 215-18.

Hayes, Diana L.

And Still We Rise: An Introduction to Black Liberation Theology, 39: 599.

Haynes, Jeff

Religion and Third World Politics, 36: 874.

Haynes, Jeff, ed.

Religion, Globalization, and Political Culture in the Third World, 45: 608-10.

Haynes, Stephen R.

Noah’s Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery, 44: 836-37.

Hayward, Max, and William C. Fletcher, eds.

Religion and the Soviet State: A Dilemma of Power, 13: 346-48.

Heal, Felicity

Of Prelates and Princes: A Study of the Economic and Social Position of the Tudor Episcopate, 23: 153-54.

Healy, Nicholas

Church, World, and the Christian Life: Practical Prophetic Ecclesiology, 43: 345-46.

Healey, Robert M.

French Achievement, The: Private School Aid, A Lesson for America, 18: 563-65.

Jefferson on Religion in Public Education, 6: 404-06.

Heath, Peter

The English Parish Clergy on the Eve of the Reformation, 14: 149-51.

Hebblethwaite, Peter

Paul VI: The First Modern Pope, 36: 617-19.

Hebly, J. A.

Protestants in Russia, 20: 150.

Heckel, Martin

Staat und Kirche nach den Lehren der evangelischen Juristen Deutschlands in der ersten Hiilfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, 12: 512-14.

Hefley, James C.

Textbooks on Trial: The Informative Report of Mel and Norma Gabler’s Ongoing Battle to Oust Objectionable Textbooks from Public Schools—and to Urge Publishers to Produce Better Ones, 21: 153-54.

Hefner, Philip, and Robert Benne

Defining America: A Christian Critique of the American Dream, 20: 362-63.

Heideman, Eugene P.

Reformed Bishops and Catholic Elders, 14: 158.

Heilke, Thomas W.

Eric Vogelin: In Quest of Reality, 42: 186.

Heimert, Alan

Puritans in America, The: A Narrative Anthology, 29: 154.

Religion and the American Mind: From the Great Awakening to the Revolution, 10: 115-16.

Heimert, Alan, and Reinhold Niebuhr

A Nation So Conceived: Reflections on the History of America from Its Early Visions to Its Present Power, 6: 104-06.

Heineman, Kenneth J.

A Catholic New Deal: Religion and Reform in Depression Pittsburgh, 42: 393-94.

Heinermand, John

Mormon Corporate Empire, The, 28: 518-19.

Heing, Jeffery R.

Rethinking School Choice: Limits of the Market Metaphor, 37: 156.

Heinz, Daniel

Church, State, and Religious Dissent: A History of Seventh-Day Adventists in Austria, 38: 173.

Heller, David, ed.

Education Vouchers: Handbook for Attorneys, 37: 896.

Hellier, Chris

Monasteries of Greece, 40: 479.

Hellman, John

Emmanuel Mounier and the New Catholic Left, 1930-1950, 25: 563-65.

Simone Weil: An Introduction to Her Thought, 25: 569-70.

Helmholz, R.H.

Roman Canon Law in Reformation England, 34: 148-49.

Helmreich, Ernst Christian

The German Churches under Hitler: Background, Struggle, and Epilogue, 22: 330-03.

Hemeyer, Julia Corbett

Benedict XVI Fellow Worker for the Truth: An Introduction to His Life and Thought, 48: 698-99.

Religion in America (Fifth Edition), 48: 702-03.

Hempton, David

Methodism and Politics in British Society, 1750-1850, 29: 140-41.

Methodism: Empire of the Spirit, 47: 631-32.

Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland: From the Glorious Revolution to the Decline of Empire, 40: 483-84.

Henderson, Charles P.

God and Science: The Death and Rebirth of Theism, 30: 176.

Hendrix, Scott H.

Luther and the Papacy: Stages in a Reformation Conflict, 24: 413.

Hengel, Martin

The Zealots, 34: 620-22.

Hennelly, S.J.

Liberation Theology: A Documentary History, 34: 142-43.

Hennessey, Thomas

A History of Northern Ireland, 1920-1996, 41: 613-16.

Henriques, Ursula

Religious Toleration in England, 1787-1833, 4: 233-35.

Henry, Douglas V. and Michael D. Beaty

Christianity and the Soul of the University: Faith as a Foundation for Intellectual Community, 49: 788-90.

Hentoff, Nat

John Cardinal O’Connor: At the Storm Center of a Changing Catholic Church, 31: 559.

Herbert, David

Religion and Civil Society: Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World, 46: 159-60.

Herbert, Jerry S.

America, Christian or Secular? Readings in American Christian History and Civil Religion, 29: 151.

Herman, Simon N.

Jewish Identity: A Social Psychological Perspective, 32: 897-98.

Hernon, Joseph M., Jr.

Celts, Catholics, and Copperheads: Ireland Views the American Civil War, 12: 127.

Hero, Alfred O., Jr.

American Religious Groups View Foreign Policy: Trends in Rank and File Opinion, 1937-1969, 16: 142-44.

Communication of World Affairs With and By American Churches (Bibiiography and Extracts), 13: 165-66.

Herrick, Jim

Against the Faith: Essays on Deists, Skeptics, and Atheists, 28: 561.

Herspring, Dale R.

Soldiers, Commissars, and Chaplains: Civil-Military Relations since Cromwell, 44: 359-60.

Hertz, Aleksander

The Jews in Polish Culture, 31: 566.

Hertz, Karl H., ed.

Two Kingdoms and One World: A Sourcebook in Christian Social Ethics, 20: 334-35.

Hertzberg, Arthur, ed.

Judaism, 5: 123.

Hertzke, Allen D.

Echoes of Discontent: Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson, and the Resurgence of Populism, 35: 895-96.

Representing God in Washington: The Role of Religious Lobbies in the American Polity, 31: 136-37.

Herzog, Arthur

The Church Trap, 12: 161.

Herzog, Frederick

Liberation Theology: Liberation in the Light of the Fourth Gospel, 21: 565-67.

Hessel, Dieter T.

Church’s Public Role, The: Retrospect and Prospect, 36: 176-77.

Reconciliation and Conflict: Church Controversy Over Social Involvement, 12: 505-06.

Heyer, Kristin E.

Prophetic and Public: The Social Witness of U.S. Catholicism, 48: 886-88.

Heymann, Frederick G.

George of Bohemia—King of Heretics, 9: 105-07.

Heyrman, Christine Leigh

Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt, 40: 202-04.

Hexham, Irving

The Irony of Apartheid: The Struggle for National Independence of Afrikaner Calvinism Against British Impenalism, 25: 5-77.

Hibbard, Caroline M.

Charles I and the Popish Plot, 26: 353-54.

Hibbert, Christopher

Cavaliers and Roundheads: The English Civil War, 1642-1649, 36: 400-01.

Hick, John

An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent, 48: 206-07.

Hick, John, ed.

Truth and Dialogue in World Religions: Conflicting Truth-Claims, 19: 140.

Hicks, L. Edward

“Sometimes in the Wrong, but Never in Doubt”: George S. Benson and the Education of the New Religious Right, 38: 421-22.

Hiers, Richard H.

Jesus and Ethics: Four Interpretations, 11: 545-47.

Higham, N. J.

The Convert Kings: Power and Religious Affiliation in Early Anglo-Saxon England, 41: 384.

Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks

Righteous Discontent: The Women’s Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 37: 654-55.

Higgs, David, and William Callahan, eds.

Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century, 23: 345-47.

Hill, Christopher

Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England, 14: 525-26

Change and Continuity in Seventeenth-Century England, 35: 186.

Some Intellectual Consequences of the English Revolution, 23: 366.

Hill, Marvin S.

Quest for Refuge: The Mormon Flight from American Pluralism, 32: 890-91.

Hill, Samuel S.

Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, 27: 139-40.

New Religious Right in America, The, 26: 124-26.

Southern Churches in Crisis Revisited, 42: 392-93.

Hill, Samuel S., Jr.

The South and the North in American Religion, 24: 148-50.

Hill, Samuel S., Jr., et al.

Religion and the Solid South, 19: 350-51.

Hillerbrand, Hans J.

The World of the Reformation, 21: 366-68.

Hillerbrand, Hans J., ed.

The Encyclopedia of Protestantism, 4 vols., 47: 170.

Hilliard, Robert, and Michael Keith

Waves of Rancor: Tuning in the Radical Right, 43: 627-28.

Hillman, Eugene

Many Paths: A Catholic Approach to Religious Pluralism, 32: 891-92.

Wider Ecumenism, The, 12: 537-38.

Himes, Kenneth R., ed.

Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, 48: 468-69.

Himmelfarb, Harold S., and Sergio DellaPergola, eds.

Jewish Education Worldwide: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, 33: 146-47.

Hinson, E. Glenn

Early Church, The: Origins to the Dawn of the Middle Ages, 40: 475-77.

Evangelization of the Roman Empire, The, 25: 151-52.

Hirsch, Richard G.

There Shall be No Poor, 8: 477-79.

Hitchcock, James

Catholicism and Modernity: Confrontation or Capitulation?, 23: 144-46.

Decline and Fall of Radical Catholicism, The, 17: 335-38.

Supreme Court and Religion in American Life, The, vol. I: Odyssey of the Religion Clauses, 47: 182-85.

Supreme Court and Religion in American Life, The, vol. II: From “Higher Law” to “Sectarian Scruples,” 47: 182-85.

Hitchins, Keith

Orthodoxy and Nationality: Andreiu Saguna and the Rumanians of Transylvania, 1846-1873, 21: 127-29.

Hobbins, Daniel, trans.

The Trial of Joan of Arc, 49: 357-58.

Hobgood, Mary E.

Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Theory: Paradigms in Conflict, 35: 627-29.

Hochhuth, Rolf

The Deputy, 7: 132-34.

Hodges, Graham Russell, ed.

Black Itinerants of the Gospel: The Narratives of John Jea and George White, 36: 607-10.

Hodgson, Peter C.

Children of Freedom: Black Liberation in Christian Perspective, 19: 360-61.

Hoffer, Peter Charles

The Law’s Conscience: Equitable Constitutionalism in America, 33: 801-02.

Hoffman, Gerhard, and Wilhelm Wille, eds.

World Mission and World Communism, 17: 537-38.

Hoffman, Martin L.

Empathy and Moral Development: Implications for Caring and Justice, 47: 863-64.

Hoffmann, R. Joseph

Origins of Christianity: A Critical Introduction, 30: 146-47.

Hoffmeier, James K.

Abortion: A Christian Understanding and Response, 30: 586-88.

Hofrenning, Daniel J. B.

In Washington But Not of It: The Prophetic Politics of Religious Lobbyists, 39: 611-12.

Hogan, John C.

The Schools, the Courts, and the Public Interest, 29: 130-31.

Hoge, Dean R.

Commitment on Campus: Changes in Religion and Values over Five Decades, 18: 136-38.

Holifield, E. Brooks

Gentlemen Theologians, The: American Theology in Southern Culture, 1795-1860, 22: 348-49.

Theology in America: Christian Thought from the Age of the Puritans to the Civil War, 48: 474-76.

Holland, De Witte, ed.

Sermons in American History, 14: 354.

Holland, Jack

Too Long a Sacrifice: Life and Death in Northern Ireland Since 1969, 25: 366-68.

Holland, Joe, and Ann Bersanti, eds.

American and Catholic: The New Debate, 32: 155-56.

Hollar, Barry Penn

On Being the Church in the United States: Contemporary Theological Critiques of Liberalism, 39: 363-65.

Hollenbach, David

Justice, Peace, and Human Rights: American Catholic Social Ethics in a Pluralistic World, 32: 152.

Hollenweger, Walter J.

The Pentecostals: The Charismatic Movement in the Churches, 18: 339-41.

Hollis, Harry, Jr.

The Shoot’em-Up Society, 19: 604-05.

Holmes, Arthur F.

Building the Christian Academy, 46: 413-14.

Holmes, Colin

Anti-Semitism in British Society, 1876-1939, 23: 567-69.

Holmes, David L.

Faiths of the Founding Fathers, 49: 151-52.

Holmes, Geoffrey

The Trial of Doctor Sacheverell, 19: 103-05.

Holmes, George

Renaissance, 40: 480.

Holmes, J. Derek

The Papacy in the Modern World, 25: 147-49.

Holt, Mack P.

Duke of Anjou and the Politique Struggle During the Wars of Religion, The, 30: 373-74.

Holt, P. M., Ann K. S. Lambton, and Bernard Lewis, eds.

The Cambridge History of Islam, 2 vols.: Vol. 1, The Central Islamic Lands; Vol. 2, The Further Islamic Lands: Islamic Society and Civilization, 13: 523-26.

Homan, Gerlof D.

American Mennonites and the Great War, 1914-1918, 38: 656-57.

Hood, Robert E.

Social Teaching in the Episcopal Church, 33: 367-68.

Hooft, W. A. Visser’t

Memoirs, 16: 533-34.

Hook, Sidney

Academic Freedom and Academic Anarchy, 13 : 368-69.

John Dewey: An Intellectual Portrait, 39: 370-71.

Law and Philosophy: A Symposium, 8: 296-98.

Paradoxes of Freedom, The, 6: 90-94.

Religion in a Free Society, 12: 497-500.

Hook, Sidney, Paul Kurtz, and Miro Todorovich, eds.

The University and the State: What Role for Government In Higher Education?, 22: 540-41.

Hooper, J. Leon, S. J.

Bridging the Sacred and the Secular, 37: 891.

Hoover, A. J.

God, Britain, and Hitler in World War II: The View of the British Clergy, 42: 861-62.

Hoover, Stewart

Mass Media Religion: The Social Sources of the Electronic Church, 32: 141-43.

Hope, Marjorie, and James Young

The South African Churches in a Revolutionary Situation, 24: 619-21.

Hopfl, Harro

Jesuit Political Thought, The Society of Jesus and the State, c. 1540-1630, 48: 213-14.

Hopkins, C. Howard, and Ronald C. White, Jr.

The Social Gospel: Religion and Reform in Changing America, 20: 332-34.

Hopkins, Dwight N.

Black Theology, USA, and South Africa: Politics, Culture and Liberation, 33: 144-45.

Hopkins, Joseph

The Armstrong Empire: A Look at the Worldwide Church of God, 17: 347-48.

Horecky, Paul L., ed.

Basic Russian Publications; a Selected and Annotated Bibliography on Russia and the Soviet Union, 5: 137-38.

Horgan, Thaddeus D., ed.

Walking Together: Roman Catholics and Ecumenism Twenty-five Years After Vatican II, 33: 814-15.

Hornus, Jean-Michel

It Is not Lawful for Me to Fight, 25: 168-69.

Horsburgh, H. J. N.

Mahatma Gandhi, 18: 368-69.

Horsley, Richard A.

Jesus and the Spiral of Violence: Popular Jewish Resistance in Roman Palestine, 36: 403.

Horst, Samuel

Mennonites in the Confederacy: A Study in Civil War Pacifism, 10: 284-86.

Horst, Samuel L., Robert F. Ulle, and Richard K. MacMaster

Conscience in Crisis: Mennonites and Other Peace Churches in America, 1739-1789, Interpretation and Documents, 23: 160.

Horwitz, Henry

Revolution Politicks: The Career of Daniel Finch, Second Earl of Nottingham 1647-1730, 12: 529-32.

Hoss, Rudolph

Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, 35: 630-31.

Hostetler, John A.

Amish Society, 36: 398-99.

Hutterite Society, 18: 122-23.

Houben, Hubert

Roger II of Sicily: A Ruler between East and West, 46: 141-43.

Houck, John W., and Oliver F. Williams, eds.

Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy, 28: 555-56.

Hough, Joseph C., Jr.

Black Power and White Protestantism: A Christian Response to the New Negro Pluralism, 12: 508-09.

Houlbrooke, Ralph

Church Courts and the People during the English Reformation, 1520-1570, 23: 348-50.

House, Francis

The Russian Phoenix: The Story of Russian Christians, A.D. 988-1988, 31: 567.

House, H. Wayne, and Thomas Ice

Dominion Theology: Blessing or Curse? An Analysis of Christian Reconstructionism, 31: 577.

Housley, Norman

Avignon Papacy and the Crusades, 1305-1378, The, 30: 368-69.

Italian Crusades, The: The Papal-Angevin Alliance and the Crusades Against Christian Lay Powers, 26: 344-45.

Housley, Norman, ed. and trans.

Documents on the Later Crusades, 1274-1580, 40: 478-79.

Houtart, Francois

Eleventh Hour, The: Explosion of a Church, 11: 346.

Religion and Ideology in Sri Lanka, 20: 141-43.

Houtart, Francois, and Andre Rousseau

The Church and Revolution, 15: 471-73.

Houtart, Francois, and Emile Pin

The Church and the Latin American Revolution, 9: 134-35.

Howard, Victor B.

Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, 34: 150-51.

Howe, Mark DeWolfe

The Garden and the Wilderness, 9: 129-32.

Howe, Mark De Wolfe, Archibald Cox, and J.R. Wiggins

Civil Rights, the Constitution, and the Courts, 11: 166-67.

Howe, Susan W., and John R. Whitney

Religious Literature of the West, 19: 369.

Hsia, R. Po-chia

Myth of Ritual Murder, The: Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany, 32: 428-29.

Society and Religion in Munster, 1535-1618, 27: 545-46.

Huang, Siu-chi

Essentials of Neo-Confucianism: Eight Major Philosophers of the Song and Ming Periods, 42: 564-65.

Huang, Yong

Religious Goodness and Political Rightness: Beyond the Liberal-Communitarian Debate, 44: 173-75.

Hubbs, Joanna

Mother Russia: The Feminine Myth in Russian Culture, 31: 330-31.

Huber, Wolfgang, and Ulrich Duchrow, eds.

Die Ambivalenzder Zweireichelehre in lutherischen Kirchen des 20. Jahrhunderts, 20: 336-38.

Hudnut, Robert K.

The Sleeping Giant: Arousing Church Power in America, 14: 508-11.

Hudnut-Beumler, James

In Pursuit of the Almighty’s Dollar: A History of Money and American Protestantism, 49: 372-73.

Hudson, Winthrop S.

American Protestantism, 4: 116-17.

Religion in America: An Historical Account of the Development of American Religious Life, 8: 281-82.

Religion in America, 15: 478-81; 3rd edition, 24: 170.

Understanding Roman Catholicism: A Guide to Papal Teaching for Protestants, 2: 168-70.

Hudson, Winthrop S., ed.,

Nationalism and Religion in America: Concepts of American Identity and Mission, 13: 542.

Huehns, G., ed.

Clarendon: Selections from The History of the Rebellion and The Life by Himself, 22: 163-64.

Hueston, Robert Francis

The Catholic Press and Nativism, 1840-1860, 20: 327-28.

Hughes, Kathleen

The Church in Early Irish Society, 10: 292-93.

Hughes, Richard

The Judge and the Faith Healer, 32: 899.

Hughes, Richard T., ed.

American Quest for the Primitive Church, The, 31: 548.

Primitive Church in the Modern World, The, 38: 665-66.

Hughes, Richard T., and C. Leonard Allen, eds.

Illusions of Innocence: Protestant Primitivism in America: 1630-1875, 31: 548.

Hughes, Richard T., and William B. Adrian, eds.

Models for Christian Higher Education: Strategies for Success in the Twenty-first Century, 40: 200-02.

Hughson, Thomas, S. J.

The Believer as Citizen: John Courtney Murray in a New Context, 36: 407-09.

Hulett, Louisa S., ed.

Christianity and Modern Politics, 37: 426.

Hull, Roger H.

The Irish Triangle: Conflict in Northern Ireland, 21: 146-48.

Hunsinger, George, ed. and trans.

Karl Barth and Radical Politics, 20: 338-39.

Hunt, Emily J.

Christianity in the Second Century: The Case of Tatian, 46: 655-56.

Hunt, John F., et al.

The Responsibility of Dissent: The Church and Academic Freedom, 12: 495-96.

Hunt, Robert P., and Kenneth L. Grasso, eds.

John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation, 35: 894-95.

Hunt, Stephen, ed.

Christian Millenarianism: From the Early Church to Waco, 44: 365-66.

Hunt, Thomas C., and James C. Carper, eds.

Religious Higher Education in the United States: A Source Book, 39: 596-97.

Hunter, Alan, and Don Rimmington, eds.

All Under Heaven: Chinese Tradition and Christian Life in the People’s Republic of China, 36: 620.

Hunter, James Davidson

Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, 34: 607-08.

Evangelicalism: The Coming Generation, 30: 161-62.

Hunter, James Davison and Alan Wolfe

Is There a Culture War? A Dialogue on Values and American Public Life, 49: 364-65.

Huppert, Uri

Back to the Ghetto: Zionism in Retreat, 31: 315-16.

Husband, William B.

Godless Communists: Atheism and Society in Soviet Russia, 1917-1922, 42: 380-81.

Hussain, Asaf

Islamic Iran: Revolution and CounterRevolution, 29: 571-72.

Hussey, J. M.

The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine Empire, 28: 534-35.

Hutcheson, Richard G., Jr.

The Churches and the Chaplaincy, 21: 352-53.

Hutchinson, Roger

Prophets, Pastors and Public Choices: Canadian Churches and the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Debate, 37: 161.

Hutchison, William R.

Religious Pluralism in America: The Contentious History of a Founding Ideal, 47: 411-12.

Hutchison, William R., and Hartmut Lehmann, eds.

Many are Chosen: Divine Election and Western Nationalism, 37: 663-64.

Hutson, James H.

Forgotten Features of the Founding: The Recovery of Religious Themes in the Early American Republic, 45: 826-27.

Religion and the Founding of the American Republic, 40: 909-10.

Religion and the New Republic: Faith in the Founding of America, 42: 391-92.

Hutten, Kurt

Iron Curtain Christians: The Church in Communist Countries Today, 10: 459-60.

Hyatt, Irwin T., Jr.

Our Ordered Lived Confess: Three Nineteenth-Century American Missionaries in East Shantung, 20: 586-87.

Hylson-Smith, Kenneth

Evangelicals in the Church of England, 1734-1984, 32: 878-80.

Iblacker, Reinhold, and Martin Lange

Witnesses of Hope: The Persecution of Christians in Latin America, 25: 347-48.

Ilesanmi, Simeon

Religious Pluralism and the Nigerian State, 40: 675-76.

Ingram, Attracta

A Political Theory of Rights, 38: 184.

International Documentation on the Contemporary Church, ed.

When All Else Fails: Christian Arguments on Violent Revolution, 13: 526-27.

Irani, George

The Papacy and the Middle East: The Role of the Holy See in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1962-1984, 30: 378-79.

Irizarry, Carmen

The Thirty Thousand: Modern Spain and Protestantism, 9: 274-75.

Irons, Peter

God on Trial: Dispatches from America’s Religious Battlegrounds, 49: 786-88.

Isaac, Jules

The Teaching of Contempt: The Christian Roots of Anti-Semitism, 6: 382-84.

Isaac, Rael Jean

Party and Politics in Israel: Three Visions of a Jewish State, 26: 356-58.

Isaacs, Harold R.

American Jews in Israel, 10: 472-74.

Isaacson, Jason F., and Colin Rubenstein, eds.

Islam in Asia: Changing Political Realities, 45: 381-82.

Ismael, Tareq Y.

Government and Politics in Islam, 29: 573-74.

Israeli, Raphael, ed.

The Crescent in the East: Islam in Asia Minor, 33: 150.

Isser, Natalie

Antisemitism During the French Second Empire, 35: 622-24.

Ivers, Gregg

Lowering the Wall: Religion and the Supreme Court in the 1980s, 34: 136-37.

Redefining the First Freedom: The Supreme Court and the Consolidation of State Power, 36: 163-64.

To Build a Wall: American Jews and the Separation of Church and State, 38: 923-24.

Jaber, Kamel S. Abu

The Arab Ba’th Socialist Party: History, Ideology, and Organization, 10: 157.

Jackson, Jesse L.

Straight from the Heart, 30: 572-73.

Jackson, Karl D.

Traditional Authority, Islam, and Rebellion: A Study of Indonesian Political Behavior, 23: 338-39.

Jacobs, Manfred, sel. and intro.

Die Evangeltsche Staatslehre, 19: 331-32.

Jacobs, Seth

America’s Miracle Man in Vietnam: Ngo Dinh Diem, Religion, Race, and U.S. Intervention in Southeast Asia, 47: 637-39.

Jaffa, Harry V.

Equality and Liberty, 8: 294-96.

Jafri, S. Husain M.

Origins and Early Development of Shi’a Islam, 23: 132-33.

Jager, Albert

Der Streit des Cardinals Nikolaus von Cusamit dem Herzoge Sigmund von Osterreich, 12: 322-23.

Jaher, Frederic Cople

A Scapegoat in the New Wilderness: The Origins and Rise of Anti-Semitism in America, 38: 197.

James, Muriel

Religious Liberty on Trial: Hanserd Knolleys—Early Baptist Hero, 41: 391-92.

James, Sydney V.

A People Among Peoples, Quaker Benevolence in Eighteenth-Century America, 7: 45-58.

James, Walter

The Christian in Politics, 5: 250-52.

Jamison, Gerald E., and Ronald M. Enroth

The Gay Church, 20: 581-83.

Jansen, Johannes J. G.

Neglected Duty: The Creed of Sadat’ s Assassins and Islamic Resurgence in The Middle East, 29: 572-73.

Janssens, Louis

Freedom of Conscience and Religious Freedom, 10: 402-65.

Jayne, Allen

Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence: Origins, Philosophy and Theology, 41: 148-49.

Jeffers, James S.

Conflict at Rome: Social Order and Hierarchy in Early Christianity, 34: 388-89.

Jeffreys, Derek S.

Defending Human Dignity: John Paul II and Political Realism, 48: 215-17.

Jelen, Ted G.

The Political Mobilization of Religious Beliefs, 34: 390; 35: 612-13.

Jelen, Ted G., and Clyde Wilcox

Public Attitudes Toward Church and State, 39: 821-22.

Jendrysik, Mark Stephen

Explaining the English Revolution: Hobbes and His Contemporaries, 47: 170-72.

Jenkinson, Edward B., James S. Ackerman, and Alan Wilkin Jenks

Teaching the Old Testament in English Classes, 16: 340-41.

Jennings, Theodore W., Jr.

Good News for the Poor: John Wesley’s Evangelical Economics, 33: 812-13.

Loyalty to God: The Apostles’ Creed in Life and Liturgy, 35: 183-84.

Jensen, De Lamar

Confrontation at Worms: Martin Luther and the Diet of Worms, 16: 543-44.

Diplomacy and Dogmatism: Bernardino de Mendoza and the French Catholic League, 7: 136-38.

Jernazian, Ephraim K.

Judgment Unto Truth: Witnessing the Armenian Genocide, 34: 161-62.

Jewett, Robert

Captain America Complex, The: The Dilemma of Zealous Nationalism, 17: 138-40; 26: 555-57.

Paul: The Apostle to America: Cultural Trends and Pauline Scholarship, 38: 427-28.

Jewett, Robert, and John Shelton Lawrence

Captain America and the Crusade against Evil, 48: 230-31.

Joannes, F. V., ed.

The Bitter Pill: Worldwide Reaction to the Encyclical Humane Vitae, 14: 519-20.

John, Eric, and Robert Markus

Pastors or Princes, 12: 536.

John of Paris

On Royal and Papal Power, 18: 550-52.

Johnpoll, Bernard K.

The Politics of Futility: The General Jewish Workers Bund of Poland, 1917-1943, 10: 286-88.

Johnson, Cecil

Communist China and Latin America 1959-1967, 13: 546-47.

Johnson, Christine

Developments in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, 1789-1829, 27: 346-47.

Johnson, Douglas W., Martin E. Marty, and Jackson W. Carroll

Religion in America, 1950 to the Present, 22: 520-22.

Johnson, Elmer H.

Social Problem of Urban Man, 20: 366-67.

Johnson, F. Ernest

A Vital Encounter: Christianity and Communism, 4: 238-40.

Johnson, H. A., W. R. Read, and V. M. Monterroso

Latin American Church Growth, 12: 334-36.

Johnson, James Turner

Bible in American Law, Politics, and Political Rhetoric, 29: 157.

Can Modern War Be Just?, 28: 337-38.

Just War Tradition and the Restraints of War: A Moral and Historical Inquiry, 25: 553-54.

Johnson, Kent L.

War, Depression, Prohibition and Racism: The Response of the Sunday School to an Era of Crisis, 1933-1941, 36: 398.

Johnson, Philip E.

Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law, and Education, 39: 171-72.

Johnston, Douglas, and Cynthia Sampson, eds.

Religion: The Missing Dimension of Statecraft, 38: 194.

Johnstone, Ronald L.

The Effectiveness of Lutheran Elementary and Secondary Schools as Agencies of Christian Education, 9: 113-17.

Jonas, Raymond

France and the Cult of the Sacred Heart, 43: 611-12.

Jones, Ilion T.

A Protestant Speaks His Mind, 2: 195-97.

Jones, James W.

The Shattered Synthesis: New England Puritanism before the Great Awakening, 16: 544.

Jones, Mary Jeanne Anderson

Congregational Commonwealth: Connecticut 1630-1662, 12: 523-25.

Jones, Peter d’ A

The Christian Socialist Revival, 1877-1914: Religion, Class, Social Conscience in Late Victorian England, 11: 154-56.

Jordan, David P.

Gibbon and his Roman Empire, 13: 547-48.

Jorgenson, Loyd

State and the Non-Public School, 1825-1925, 30: 594-95.

Jorstad, Erling

Being Religious in America, 29: 574-75.

Evangelicals in the White House: The Cultural Maturation of Born Again Christianity, 1960-1981, 25: 545-48.

New Christian Right, 1981-1988, The: Prospects for the Post-Reagan Decade, 30: 137-38.

Politics of Moralism, The: The New Christian Right in American Life, 24: 603-05.

Joseph, John

Muslim-Christian Relations and InterChristian Rivalries in the Middle East: The Case of the Jacobites in an Age of Transition, 27: 524-25.

Joyce, James Avery

The New Politics of Human Rights, 22: 349-51.

Juergensmeyer, Mark

The New Cold War?: Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State, 38: 189.

Juhnke, James C.

People of Two Kingdoms, A: The Political Acculturation of the Kansas Mennonites, 19: 338-40.

Vision, Doctrine, War: Mennonite Identity and Organization in America, 1890-1930, 32: 635-36.

Junker, Bill

Freedom Bound, 20: 599.

Juster, Susan

Disorderly Women: Sexual Politics and Evangelicalism in Revolutionary New England, 38: 657-58.

Doomsayers: Anglo-American Prophecy in the Age of Revolution, 46: 149-50.

Kaariainen, Kimmo

Religion in Russia after the Collapse of Communism, 42: 178-80.

Kagan, Richard L., and Abigail Dyer, ed. and trans.

Inquisitorial Inquiries: Brief Lives of Secret Jews & Other Heretics, 48: 695-97.

Kaganoff, Nathan M., ed.

Guide to America-Holy Land Studies, 1620-1948. Vol. 3: Economic Relations and Philanthropy, 26: 546-47.

Kalyvas, Stathis N.

The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe, 40: 896-97.

Kamen, Henry

The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision, 41: 381.

Kamensky, Jane

Governing the Tongue: The Politics of Speech in Early New England, 41: 147-48.

Kammer, Fred, S.J.

Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought, 35: 166-67.

Kampf, Helmut, ed.

Canossa als Wende: Ausgewiihlte Aufsiitze zur Neueren Forschung, 17: 341-42.

Kang, Wi Jo, and William J. Danker, eds.

The Future of the Christian World Mission, 19: 368-69.

Kansteiner, Walter H.

South Africa: Revolution or Reconciliation, 33: 822-23.

Kaplan, Jeffrey

Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right, 43: 626-27.

Kaplan, Jeffrey, and Helene Loow, eds.

The Cultic Milieu: Oppositional Subcultures in an Age of Globalization, 46: 411-12.

Kaplan, William

State of Salvation: Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Fight for Civil Rights, 32: 424-25.

Karp, Abraham J., ed.

The Jewish Experience in America, 5 vols.: vol. 1, The Colonial Period; vol. 2, The Early Republic; vol. 3, The Emerging Community; vol. 4, The Era of Immigration; vol. 5, At Home in America, 13: 548.

Karst, Kenneth L.

Law’s Promise, Law’s Expression: Visions of Power in the Politics of Race, Gender, and Religion, 39: 804-05.

Kasper, Walter

That They May All Be One: The Call to Unity Today, 48: 210-11.

Kastfelt, Niels

Religion and Politics in Nigeria: A Study in Middle Belt Christianity, 38: 659-60.

Kater, John L., Jr.

Christians on the Right: The Moral Majority in Perspective, 25: 545-48.

Katerberg, William H.

Modernity and the Dilemma of North American Anglican Identities, 1880-1950, 46: 414-15.

Katz, David S.

The Jews in the History of England, 1485-1850, 39: 156-57.

Katz, Steven T.

The Holocaust in Historical Context: Vol. 1, The Holocaust and Mass Death before the Modern Age, 37: 887.

Katz, Wilbur G.

Religion and American Constitutions, 6: 223.

Kauders, Anthony

German Politics and the Jews: Dusseldorf and Nuremberg, 1910-1933, 40: 897-98.

Kauffman, Bill

America First!: Its History, Culture, and Politics, 39: 374-75.

Kauffman, Christopher J.

Faith and Fraternalism: The History of the Knights of Columbus, 1882-1982, 26: 130-31.

Tradition and Transformation in Catholic Culture: The Priests of Saint Sulpice in the United States from 1791 to the Present, 30: 595-96.

Kaufman, Donald D.

The Tax Dilemma: Praying for Peace, Paying for War, 22: 159-60.

Kaufman, Gordon D.

Theology for a Nuclear Age, 29: 568.

Kaufman, Jonathan

Broken Alliance: The Turbulent Times Between Blacks and Jews in America, 32: 132-34.

Kaufman, Natalie Hevener

Human Rights Treaties and the Senate: A History of Opposition, 33: 349.

Kaufman, Peter Ivan

“Polytyque Churche,” The: Religion and Early Tudor Political Culture, 1485-1516, 30: 172.

Kaufman, Peter Iver

Redeeming Politics, 33: 597-98.

Kaufman, Suzanne K.

Consuming Visions: Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine, 47: 625-26.

Kauper, Paul G.

Religion and the Constitution, 7: 284-87.

Keathley, Naymond H.

The Church’s Mission to the Gentiles: Acts of the Apostles, Epistles of Paul, 41: 826.

Keddie, Nikki R.

Roots of Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran, 24: 382-83.

Keddie, Nikki R, ed.

Religion and Politics in Iran: Shi’ism from Quietism to Revolution, 27: 521-22.

Kee, Alistair

Marx and the Failure of Liberation Theology, 33: 370-71.

Kee, Alistair, ed.

A Reader in Political Theology, 20: 573-76.

Keeble, N. H.

Richard Baxter: Puritan Man of Letters, 25: 566-67.

Keeling, Michael

Morals in a Free Society, 11: 146-47.

Keen, Benjamin, and Juan Fride, eds.

Bartolome de Las Casas in History: Toward an Understanding of the Man and His Work, 14: 544-45.

Keirn, Albert N., ed.

Compulsory Education and the Amish: The Right Not to be Modern, 20: 570-71.

Kellaway, William

The New England Company, 1649-1776, Missionary-Society to the American Indians, 5: 252-55.

Keller, Robert H., Jr.

American Protestantism and United States Indian Policy, 1869-82, 28: 326-27.

Keller, Rosemary Skinner, Louise L. Queen, and Hilah F. Thomas, eds.

Women in New Worlds: Historical Perspectives on the Wesleyan Tradition, Volume 2, 28: 339-40.

Kellerman, Bill Wylie

Seasons of Faith and Conscience: Kairos, Confession, Liturgy, 35: 631-32.

Kelley, Alden D.

Christianity and Political Responsibility, 4: 211-12.

Kelley, Dean M.

Government Intervention in Religious Affairs 2, 30: 131-32.

Why Churches Should Not Pay Taxes, 21: 114-15.

Why Conservative Churches Are Growing, 14: 517-19.

Kelley, Dean M., ed.

Government Intervention in Religious Affairs, 25: 575.

Kelley, Klara Bonsack, and Harris Francis

Navajo Sacred Places, 38: 920.

Kellner, Douglas, ed.

Karl Korsh: Revolutionary Theory, 21: 144.

Kelly, Douglas F.

Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World, The: The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through 18th Centuries, 37: 911.

Kemeny, P.C.

Princeton in the Nation’s Service: Religious Ideals and Educational Practice, 41: 840-41.

Kemeny, P.C., ed.

Church, State, and Public Justice: Five Views, 49: 783-85.

Kenen, I. L.

Israel’s Defense Line: Her Friends and Foes in Washington, 25: 557-58

Kengor, Paul

God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life, 46: 670-71; 47: 180-81.

Kennedy, Sheila Suess and Wolfgang Bielefeld

Charitable Choice at Work: Evaluating Faith-Based Job Programs in the States, 49: 782-83.

Kennedy, Stetson

The Klan Unmasked, 33: 375-76.

Kenny, Michael G.

The Perfect Law of Liberty: Elias Smith and the Providential History of America, 37: 889.

Kent, Eliza F.

Converting Women—Gender and Protestant Christianity in Colonial

South India, 47: 154-55.

Kent, Peter C.

The Pope and the Duce: The International Impact of the Lateran Agreements, 24: 156-59.

Kenyon, J. P.

Revolution Principles: The Politics of Party, 1689-1720, 21: 568-69.

Keresztes, Paul

Imperial Rome and the Christians: Vol. I, From Herod the Great to About 200 A.D.; Vol. II, From the Severi to Constantine the Great, 33: 133-34.

Kerwin, Jerome

Catholic Viewpoint on Church and State, 5: 125-28.

Keskov, Nikolai S.

Jews in Russia, The: Some Notes on the Jewish Question, 30: 155-56.

Kessler, Sanford

Tocqueville’s Civil Religion: American Christianity and the Prospects for Freedom, 37: 916.

Ketelaar, James Edward

Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddism and its Persecution, 34: 137-38.

Keulman, Kenneth, ed.

Critical Moments in Religious History, 38: 915.

Khaddouri, Majdia D., ed.

The Arab-Israeli Impasse, 12: 332-34.

Khomeini, Ruhollah

Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini, 24: 379-80.

Kieckhefer, Richard

European Witch Trials: Their Foundations in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300-1500, 21: 556-58.

Repression of Heresy in Medieval Germany, 22: 134-35.

Kik, J. Marcellus

Church and State: The Story of Two Kingdoms, 6: 231-34.

Killmer, Richard L., and Charles P. Lutz

The Draft and the Rest of Your Life, 17: 347.

Kim, Chongho

Korean Shamanism: The Cultural Paradox, 46: 891-93.

Kimball, Charles

Religion, Politics, and Oil: The Volatile Mix in the Middle East, 36: 412-13.

Striving Together: A Way Forward in Christian-Muslim Relations, 33: 613-15.

Kimbrough, ST, Jr., ed.

Charles Wesley: Poet and Theologian, 35: 634-35.

King, John N.

English Reformation Literature: The Tudor Origins of the Protestant Tradition, 26: 351-53.

Tudor Royal Iconography, 32: 439-40.

King, Michael Christopher

The Palestinians and the Churches, 26: 356-58.

King, N. Q.

The Emperor Theodosius and the Establishment of Christianity, 4: 120-21.

King, William M., ed.

Religious Documents North American Annual, Volume I of Spiritual Crosscurrents, 37: 158-59.

Kinnamon, Michael, and Thomas F. Best, eds.

United Churches and the Ecumenical Movement: Called to Be One in Christ, 28: 549-51.

Kirk, John M.

Between God and the Party: Religion and Politics in Revolutionary Cuba, 32: 417-18.

Politics and the Catholic Church in Nicaragua, 36: 867.

Kirkley, Evelyn A.

Rational Mothers and Infidel Gentlemen: Gender and American Atheism, 43: 619-20.

Kirkpatrick, David W.

Choice in Schooling: A Case for Tuition Vouchers, 34: 134-35.

Kirkpatric, Frank G.

A Moral Ontology for a Theistic Ethic: Gathering the Nations in Love and Justice, 47: 864-66.

Kirvan, John J., ed.

The Infallibility Debate, 21: 369-70.

Kisala, Robert J., ed.

Religion and Social Crisis in Japan: Understanding Japanese Society through the Aum Affair, 46: 135-36.

Kischkowsky, Alexander

Die sowjetlsche Religionspolitik und die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche, 4: 92-94.

Kishwar, Madhu

Religion at the Service of Nationalism and Other Essays, 41: 600.

Kittrie, Nicholas N.

The Tree of Liberty: A Documentary History of Rebellion and Political Crime in America, 29: 538-39.

Kivelson, Valerie A., and Robert H. Greene, eds.

ORTHODOX RUSSIA Belief and Practice Under the Tsars, 46: 398-400.

Klaassen, Walter, ed.

Anabaptism in Outline: Selected Primary Sources, 24: 412-13.

Klaiber, Jeffrey, S.J.

Church, Dictatorships, and Democracy In Latin America, The, 41: 607.

Religion and Revolution in Peru, 1824-1976, 22: 351-52.

Klassen, Norman and Jens Zimmermann

The Passionate Intellect: Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education, 49: 160-61.

Klassen, Walter

Anabaptism Revisited: Essays on Anabaptist/Mennonite Studies in Honor of C. J. Dyck, 35: 184-85.

Living at the End of the Ages: Apocalyptic Expectation in the Radical Reformation, 35: 428-29.

Klein, Richard

Tertullian und das Romische Reich, 12: 323-26.

Kliever, Lonnie D., ed.

The Terrible Meek: Religion and Revolution in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 31: 151-52.

Kline, George L.

Religious and Anti-Religious Thought in Russia, 11: 341-42.

Klingshirn, William E.

Caesarius of Arles, The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul, 38: 192.

Knight, Harold V.

With Liberty and Justice for ALL. The Meaning of the Bill of Rights Today, 9: 397-98.

Knitter, Paul

One Earth, Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility, 39: 165-66.

Knowles, David

Bare Ruined Choirs: The Dissolution of the English Monasteries, 20: 143-44.

Knowles, Dom David

The Religious Orders in England. Volume III, The Tudor Age, 3: 203-05.

Knowlton, Robert J.

Church Property and the Mexican Reform, 1856-1910, 20: 328-31.

Kobia, Samuel

The Courage to Hope: The Roots for a New Vision and the Calling of the Church in Africa, 46: 392-94.

Koch, Hans-Gerhard

Abolition of God, The: 6: 399-401.

Staat und Kirche in der DDR: Zur Entwicklung ihrer Beziehungen von 1945-1974, 20: 134-36.

Koenig, Louis W.

Bryan: A Political Biography of William Jennings Bryan, 15: 130-32.

Kohler, Gunter, ed.

Pontifex nicht Partisan: Kirche und Staat in der DDR von 1949 bis 1958, 21: 363-64.

Kolbenschlag, Madonna

Between God and Caesar: Priests, Sisters and Political Office in the United States, 30: 129-30.

Kolb, Robert

For All the Saints: Changing Perceptions of Martyrdom and Sainthood in the Lutheran Reformation, 31: 321-22.

Kolmel, Wilhelm

Regimen Christianum: Weg und Ergebnisse des Gewaltenverhiiltnisses und des Gewaltenverstiindnisses (8. bis 14. Jahrhundert), 20: 116-18.

Konnert, Mark W.

Civic Agendas and Religious Passion: Châlons-sur-Marne during the French Wars of Religion, 1560-1594, 41: 836-37.

Konvitz, Milton R.

Fundamental Rights: History of a Constitutional Doctrine, 46: 806.

Judaism and the American Idea, 24: 616-17.

Religious Liberty and Conscience: A Constitutional Inquiry, 15: 127-30.

Koob, C. Albert, and Russell Shaw

S.O.S. for Catholic Schools: A Strategy for Future Service to Church and Nation, 18: 571-73.

Kooi, Christine

Liberty and Religion: Church and State in Leiden’s Reformation, 1572-1620, 43: 609-10.

Korn, Bertram Wallace

The Early Jews of New Orleans, 17: 312-14.

Korth, Eugene H.

Spanish Policy in Colonial Chile: The Struggle for Social Justice, 1535-1700, 13: 144-46.

Kosegi, Michael A. and J. Gordon Mehon, eds.

Islam in North America: A Sourcebook, 36: 411-12.

Koss, Stephen

Nonconformity in Modern British Politics, 18: 556-58.

Kostyrchenko, Gennadi

Out of the Red Shadows: Anti-Semitism in Stalin’s Russia, 38: 925.

Kotze, J. C. G.

Principle and Practice in Race Relations, 6: 387-88.

Kourdakov, Sergei

The Persecutor, 16: 346.

Kraemer, Hendrik

World Cultures and World Religions: The Coming Dialogue, 4: 112-14.

Kraft, Charles F., and Georgia Harkness

Biblical Backgrounds of the Middle East Conflict, 21: 575-76.

Kramnick, Isaac, and R. Laurence Moore

The Godless Constitution: The Case Against Religious Correctness, 38: 644-46.

Krass, Alfred C.

Evangelizing Neopagan North America, 25: 375.

Krautscheidt, Joseph, and Heiner Marre, eds.

Essener Gespriiche zum Thema Staat un Kirche, 18: 352-55.

Krawchuk, Andrii

Christian Social Ethics in Ukraine: The Legacy of Andrei Sheptytsky, 41: 835-36.

Kraybill, Donald B.

Our Star-Spangled Faith, 19: 363-64.

Kraybill, Donald B., ed.

The Amish and the State, 36: 850.

Kraybill, Donald B., and Carl F. Bowman

On the Back Road to Heaven: Old Order Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish, and Brethren, 45: 391-92; 45: 605-07.

Kraybill, Donald B., and Marc A. Olshan, eds.

The Amish Struggle with Modernity, 39: 372-73.

Kreeft, Peter

Three Approaches to Abortion: A Thoughtful and Compassionate Guide to Today’s Most Controversial Issue, 45: 835-36.

Kreider, Carl

The Christian Entrepreneur, 25: 178-79.

Kreiser, B. Robert

Miracles, Convulsions, and Ecclesiastic, Politics in Eighteenth-Century Paris, 2: 340-42.

Kretzschmar, Louise

Privatization of the Christian Faith: Mission, Social Ethics and the South African Baptists, 44: 348-49.

Krieg, Robert A.

Catholic Theologians in Nazi Germany, 46: 893-94.

Krinsky, Fred

The Politics of Religion in America, 12: 538-39.

Kroeker, P. Travis

Christian Ethics and Political Economy in North America, 38: 669-70.

Kruger, Gerda

Die Rechtsstellung der Vorkonstantimschen Kirchen, 18: 582-83.

Kruse, Martin

Speners Kritik am landesherrlichen Kirche, regiment und ihre Vorgeschichte, 20: 121-22.

Kselman, Thomas, and Joseph A. Buttigieg, eds.

European Christian Democracy: Historical Legacies and Comparative Perspectives, 46: 143-44.

Kucharsky, David

The Man from Plains: The Mind and Spirit of Jimmy Carter, 21: 151-52.

Kuecher, William F.

An Exodus for the Church: From Yesterday to Tomorrow, 18: 148-49.

Kuehne, Dale S.

Massachusetts Congregationalist Political Thought, 1760-1790: The Design of Heaven, 40: 489-91.

Kuenning, Paul P.

The Rise and Fall of American Lutheran Pietism, 31: 556.

Kuklick, Bruce, and D.E. Hart, eds.

Religious Advocacy and American History, 41: 155-56.

Kulka, Otto Dov

Judaism and Christianity Under the Impact of National Socialism, 30: 582-84.

Kung, Hans

Freedom Today, 10: 465-67.

Küng, Hans, and Julia Ching

Christianity and Chinese Religions, 32: 646-47.

Kurland, Philip B.

Founder’s Constitution, The, 30: 133-34.

Politics, the Constitution, and the Warren Court, 16: 149-50.

Religion and the Law: Of Church and State and the Supreme Court, 5: 246-47.

Supreme Court Review, The, 8: 463-65.

Supreme Court Review, 1963, The, 6: 372-73.

Supreme Court Review, 1973, The, 17: 134-36.

Supreme Court Review, 1985, The, 29: 335-36.

Kurland, Philip B., ed.

Church and State: The Supreme Court and the First Amendment, 19: 117-19.

Kurthen, Hermann, Werner Bergmann, and Rainer Erb, eds.

Antisemitism and Xenophobia in Germany after Unification, 41: 387-88.

Kurtz, Lester

Politics of Heresy, The: The Modernist Crisis in Roman Catholicism, 29: 531-32.

Kurtz, Paul

Forbidden Fruit: The Ethics of Humanism, 31: 153-54.

Kurtz, Paul, and Levi Fragell

Building a World Community: Humanism in the 21st Century, 33: 371-72.

Kurtz, Paul, Miro Todorovich, and Sidney Hook, eds.

The University and the State: What Role for Government In Higher Education?, 22: 540-41.

Kurzman, Charles, ed.

Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook, 42: 377-78.

Kwitney, Jonathan

Man of the Century: The Life and Times of Pope John Paul II, 41: 828-29.

Kyle, Richard

Evangelicalism: An Americanized Christianity, 48: 896-97.

Kymlicka, Will

Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship, 44: 175-77.

Labby, Daniel H., ed.

Life or Death: Ethics and Options, 10: 48.

Lachs, John, and Shirley Lachs, eds.

Physical Order and Moral Liberty: Previously Unpublished Essays of George Santayana, 12: 543-44.

LaCocque, Andre, and Pierre Emmanuel LaCocque

Jonah: A Psycho-Religious Approach to the Prophet, 33: 828-29.

Lacy, Douglas R.

Dissent and Parliamentary Politics in England, 1661-1689, 14: 348-50.

Laeuchli, Samuel

The Serpent and the Dove: Five Essays on Early Christianity, 10: 154-55.

Laing, Lloyd, and Jennifer Laing

Medieval Britain: The Age of Chivalry, 40: 682-83.

Lake, Peter

Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church, 25: 568-69.

Lakeland, Paul

Freedom in Christ: An Introduction in Political Theology, 30: 176-77.

Theology and Critical Theory: The Discourse of the Church, 33: 821-22.

Lambert, Frank

The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America, 46: 151-52.

Lamberti, Marjorie

Jewish Activism in Imperial Germany: The Struggle for Civil Equality, 22: 137-39.

Lambton, Ann K.S., P.M. Holt, and Bernard Lewis, eds.

The Cambridge History of Islam, 2 vols.: Vol. 1, The Central Islamic Lands; Vol. 2, The Further Islamic Lands: Islamic Society and Civilization, 13: 523-26.

Lamer, Christina

Witchcraft and Religion: The Politics of Popular Belief, 28: 138-40.

Lamont, William M.

Richard Baxter and the Millennium: Protestant Imperialism and the English Revolution, 24: 162-63.

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Roger Baldwin: Founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, 21: 145-46.

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Piety and Power: The World of Jewish Fundamentalism, 37: 437.

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Reinhold Niebuhr: A Prophetic Voice in Our Time, 5: 120-21.

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The Church and Social Change in Latin America, 13: 147-48.

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Christian Religion in the Soviet Union: A Sociological Study, 21: 335-37.

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Against All Hope: Resistance in the Nazi Concentration Camps, 38: 181.

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Pilgrim Colony: A History of New Plymouth 1620-1691, 10: 314-16.

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Witnesses of Hope: The Persecution of Christians in Latin America, 25: 347-48.

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Public Money and Parochial Education: Bishop Hughes, Governor Seward, and the New York School Controversy, 12: 138-39.

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La “Sefaration” d Lyon (1904-1908): Etude d opinion publique, 16: 527-29.

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A History of Islamic Societies, 31: 312-14.

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The Jesuits and the Third Reich, 33: 138-39.

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Church and State after the Dreyfus Affair: The Separation Issue in France, 18: 127-29.

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Friends of Religious Equality: Nonconformist Politics in Mid-Victorian England, 44: 356-57.

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Trial and Error: The American Controversy Over Creation and Evolution, 29: 577-78.

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Church Wealth and Business Income, 8: 111-12.

Great Tax Fraud, The, 11: 324-26.

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The Churches: Their Riches, Revenues, and Immunities, 11: 519-21.

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Lash, Nicholas

The Beginning and the End of “Religion,” 40: 197-98.

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The Ethic of Power: The Interplay of Religion, Philosophy, and Politics, 5: 110-12.

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School Prayers: Congress, the Courts and the Public, 12: 135-37.

Laurentin, Rene

Liberation, Development, and Salvation, 19: 133-34.

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Religious Toleration: The Variety of Rites from Cyrus to Defoe, 42: 565-67.

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Nuclear War: The Ethic, the Rhetoric, the Reality, 10: 477-79.

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Justice and War in the Nuclear Age, 28: 329-31.

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Church in China, The: How It Survives and Prospers Under Communism, 28: 551-52.

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Religion and the Working Class in Antebellum America, 39: 368-70.

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The Jewish and Christian World 200 BC to AD 200, 29: 336-38.

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Black Manifesto: Religion, Racism, and Reparations, 12: 346-47.

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Madness, Religion, and the State in Early Modern Europe: A Bavarian Beacon, 49: 358-59.

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The Religious Factor: A Sociological Study of Religion’s Impact on Politics, Economics, and Family Life, 3: 194-98.

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The Lane Rebels: Evangelicalism and Antislavery in Antebellum America, 24: 608-10.

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The Survival of the Chinese Jews: The Jewish Community of Kaifeng, 19: 332-35.

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The Early Elizabethan Succession Question: 1558-1568, 8: 481-82.

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Vaticanism: Political Principles of the Roman Catholic Church, 3: 222-24.

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Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, The, 7: 255-57.

Why American Needs Religion: Secular Modernity and Its Discontents, 40: 196-97.

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Faith and Freedom: A Tribute to Franklin H. Littell, 30: 581-82.

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Jews and the Left, 23: 137-39.

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Jews In New Spain, The, 13: 142-44.

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The Jews Among Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire, 35: 405-06.

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Venetian Phoenix: Paolo Sarpi and Some of His English Friends, 1606-1700, 18: 584-85.

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Twilight of the Saints: Biblical Christianity and Civil Religion in America, 22: 130-32.

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Protest and Politics: Christianity and Contemporary Affairs, 12: 158-59.

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“You Have Stept Out of Your Place”: A History of Women and Religion in America, 39: 601-02.

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The Democratic Civilization, 7: 143-46.

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Aquinas’s Theory of Natural Law, 41: 141-42.

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Church and the Body Politic, The, 11: 320-22.

Crucifixion of the Jews, The: The Failure of Christians to Understand the Jewish Experience, 21: 129-30.

From State Church to Pluralism: A Protestant Interpretation of Religion in American History, 4: 220-22.

German Phoenix, The, 3: 97-99.

Wild Tongues: A Handbook of Social Pathology, 12: 310-12.

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To the House of Their Fathers: A History of Zionism, 10: 280-82.

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The Reign of Mary Tudor: Politics, Government, and Religion in England, 1553-1558, 23: 154-56.

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Educating the Women of Hainan: The Career of Margaret Moninger in China, 1915-1942, 39: 168-69.

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The Odyssey of a New Religion: The Holy Order of MANS from New Age to Orthodoxy, 38: 423-24.

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Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, 44: 371-72.

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The Challenge of Liberation Theology: A First World Response, 25: 345-47.

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Studies in Christian Democracy. Vol. 4: Revolution and Church: The Early History of Christian Democracy, 1789-1901, 12: 520.

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The City of Man, 41: 825.

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The Faiths of Our Fathers: What America’s Founders Really Believed, 45: 825-26.

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The Church Under the Law: Justice, Administration and Discipline in the Diocese of York, 1560-1640, 15: 145-46.

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Pope Pius XII: Archives for Peace, 42: 864-65.

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Religion, Society and Modernity in Turkey, 49: 139-40.

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The Reformation of American Quakerism, 1748-1783, 28: 540-42.

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Coping with Poverty: Pentecostals and Christian Base Communities in Brazil, 39: 360-61.

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Plurality and Christian Ethics, 41: 595-97.

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The Holocaust and Strategic Bombing: Genocide and Total War in the Twentieth Century, 39: 817-19.

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Bonhoeffer: The Man and His Work, 11: 561.

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The First Amendment: The History of Religious Freedom in America, 7: 138- 43.

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The Cultural Roots of American Islamicism, 49: 355-57.

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The Last Crusade: The Church of England in the First World War, 18: 331-33.

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The Christian Centuries: A New History of the Catholic Church: The First Six Hundred Years, Part 11, 7: 280-81.

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The Beloved Community: How Faith Shapes Social Justice, From the Civil Rights Movement to Today, 49: 159-60.

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Beyond Retribution: A New Testament Vision for Justice, Crime, and Punishment, 44: 182-83.

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Presbyteries and Profits: Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland, 1560-1707, 37: 172.

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John Locke: Resistance, Religion, and Responsibility, 38: 176.

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God and the Constitution: Christianity and American Politics, 46: 416-17.

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Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union, 1917-1967, 13: 518-19.

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Three Popes and the Cardinal, 20: 148-49.

Martin, Ralph

A Crisis of Truth: The Attack on Faith, Morality, and Mission in the Catholic Church, 26: 129-30.

Martin, William

A Prophet with Honor: The Billy Graham Story, 35: 170-71.

Martines, Lauro

Lawyers and Statecraft in Renaissance Florence, 13: 153-55.

Martini, Angelo, Pierre Blet, and Burkhart Schneider, eds.

Records and Documents of the Holy See Relating to the Second World War. Volume I: The Holy See and the War in Europe, March 1939-August 1940, 11: 557-58.

Martino, Joseph P.

A Fighting Chance: The Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons, 32: 153.

Marty, Martin E.

Religion and Republic: The American Circumstance, 30: 130-31.

Righteous Empire: The Protestant Experience in America, 13: 129-30.

Marty, Martin E., and Robert Lee, eds.

Religion and Social Conflict, 7: 259-60.

Marty, Martin E., and R. Scott Appleby, eds.

Fundamentalisms Comprehended, 38: 641-42.

Marty, Martin E., Jackson W. Carroll, and Douglas W. Johnson

Religion in America, 1950 to the Present, 22: 520-22.

Marty, Martin E., John G. Deedy, Jr., and David W. Silverman

The Religious Press in America, 6: 392-95.

Marty, Martin E., with Jonathan Moore

Education, Religion, and the Common Good: Advancing a Distinctly American Conversation About Religion’s Role in Our Shared Life, 43: 151-52.

Politics, Religion, and the Common Good: Advancing a Distinctly American Conversation About Religion’s Role in Our Shared Life, 43: 374-75.

Mason, David S.

Public Opinion and Political Change in Poland, 1980-82, 29: 560-61.

Massa, Mark S.

Catholics and American Culture: Fulton Sheen, Dorothy Day, and the Notre Dame Football Team, 41: 839-40.

Massaro, Thomas J., S.J.

United States Welfare Policy: A Catholic Response, 49: 780-82.

Mast, Sister M. Dolorita

Always The Priest: The Life of Gabriel Richard, S.S., 9: 405-07.

Maston, T. B.

Conscience of a Christian, The, 16: 347-48.

Isaac Backus: Pioneer of Religious Liberty, 5: 255-56.

Why Live the Christian Life?, 19: 139.

Matheson, Peter, ed.

The Third Reich and the Christian Churches, 23: 367.

Mathews, Donald G.

Slavery and Methodism: A Chapter, American Morality, 1780-1845, 8: 471-72.

Matthews, Mary Beth Swetnam

Rethinking Zion: How the Print Media Placed Fundamentalism in the South, 49: 583-84.

Maury, Philippe

Politics and Evangelism, 2: 192-95.

Mauser, Ulrich

The Gospel of Peace: A Scriptural Message for Today’s World, 35: 433-34.

Mauss, Armand L.

Angel and the Beehive, The: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation, 37: 893.

May, Georg, and Audoma Scheuermann, eds.

Ius Sacrum: Klaus Morsdorf zum 60 Geburtstag, 18: 587-88.

May, Henry F.

The Enlightenment in America, 22: 171.

May, William W.

Vatican Authority and American Catholic Dissent: The Curran Case and Its Consequences, 30: 600-01.

Mayer, Ann Elizabeth

Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politics, 34: 614-16.

Mayer, Henry, ed.

Catholics and the Free Society: An Australian Symposium, 5: 266-67.

Mayer, Thomas F.

Thomas Starkey and the Commonweal: Humanist Politics and Religion in the Reign of Henry VIII, 32: 880-81.

Mays, Benjamin E.

Born to Rebel: An Autobiography, 14: 515-16.

Mayson, Cedric

Certain Sound, A: The Struggle for Liberation in South Africa, 28: 531-33.

Mazie, Steven V.

Israel’s Higher Law: Religion and Liberal Democracy in the Jewish State, 48: 694-95.

Mazur, Eric Michael

The Americanization of Religious Minorities: Confronting the Constitutional Order, 45: 392-94.

McAvoy, Thomas T., ed.

Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life, 3: 75-77.

McBrien, Richard P.

Catholicism, 26: 146.

McBrien, Richard P., ed.

The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, 39: 582-83.

McCann, Dennis P.

Christian Realism and Liberation Theology: Practical Theologies in Creative Conflict, 25: 345-47.

New Experiment in Democracy: The Challenge for American Democracy, 30: 145-46.

Polity and Praxis: A Program for American Practical Theology, 29: 139-40.

McCarraher, Eugene

Christian Critics: Religion and the Impasse in Modern American Social Thought, 45: 603-04.

McCarthy, Conor, ed.

Love, Sex and Marriage in the Middle Ages: A Sourcebook, 48: 462-64.

McClellan, James

Joseph Story and the American Constitution: A Study In Political and Legal Thought, 14: 153-54.

McCollister, John

So Help Me God: The Faith of America’s Presidents, 36: 173.

McCormick, Richard A., and Pal Ramsey

Doing Evil to Achieve Good: Moral Choice in Conflict Situations, 23: 341-42.

McCoy, Charles S., and J. Wayne Baker

Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition, 35: 169-70.

McCoy, Richard C.

Alterations of State: Sacred Kingship in the English Reformation, 45: 171-72.

McCreary, Alf

Corrymeela: Hill of Harmony in Northern Ireland, 20: 152.

McCullough, Peter E.

Sermons at Court: Politics and Religion in Elizabethan and Jacobean Preaching, 41: 385.

McDermott, Gerald R.

One Holy and Happy Society: The Public Theology of Jonathan Edwards, 37: 173.

McDonagh, Enda

Church and Politics: From Theology to a Case History of Zimbabwe, 24: 621-22.

McDowell, R. B.

The Church of Ireland, 1869-1969, 20: 141-47.

McElroy, Robert W.

Morality and American Foreign Policy: The Role of Ethics in International Affairs, 35: 622.

McFarland, H. Neill

The Rush Hour of the Gods: A Study of New Religious Movements in Japan, 9: 263-65.

McGarvie, Mark Douglas

One Nation Under Law: America’s Early National Struggles to Separate Church and State, 47: 640-41.

McGee, J. Sears

The Godly Man in Stuart, England: Anglicans, Puritans, and the Two Tables, 1620-1670, 21: 121-23.

McGinness, Frederick J.

Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome, 38: 647-48.

McGirr, Lisa

Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right, 43: 825-26.

McGovern, Arthur F.

Liberation Theology and Its Critics: Toward an Assessment, 32: 875-76.

Marxism: An American Christian Perspective, 25: 571-74.

McGrade, Arthur Stephen

The Political Thought of William of Ockham: Personal and Institutional Principles, 17: 115-17.

McGrath, John J.

Catholic Institutions in the United States: Canonical and Civil Law Status, 13: 156-59.

McGrath, John J., ed.

Church and State in American Law: Cases and Materials, 6: 94-95.

McGraw, Barbara

Rediscovering America’s Sacred Ground: Public Religion and Pursuit of the Good in a Pluralistic America, 46: 153-55.

McGregor, J. P.

Radical Religion in the English Revolution, 29: 349.

McGreevy, John T.

Catholicism and American Freedom: A History, 47: 177-79.

McGuire, Thomas R.

Politics and Ethnicity on the Rio Yaqui: Potam Revisited, 30: 167-68.

McIntire, C. T.

England Against the Papacy 1858-1861, 26: 537-38.

McIntyre, Thomas J.

The Fear Brokers: Peddling the Hate Politics of the New Right, 24: 603-05.

McKean, Lise

Divine Enterprise: Gurus and the Hindu Nationalist Movement, 40: 180-82.

McKivigan, John R.

War Against Proslavery Religion, The: Abolition and the Northern Churches, 29: 347-48.

McLean, Edward B., ed.

Common Truths: New Perspectives on Natural Law, 43: 802-03.

McLean, Milton D., ed.

Religious Studies in Public Universities, 10: 486-87.

McLellan, David

Marxism and Religion, 31: 323-24.

McLeod, Hugh

Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914, 43: 819-20.

Piety and Poverty: Working Class Religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1870-1914, 39: 589-90.

Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914, 39: 807-08.

McLeod, Hugh, and Werner Ustorf, eds.

The Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000, 46: 403-04.

McLoughlin, William G.

Cherokees and Missionaries, 1789-1839, 27: 135-36.

Isaac Backus and the American Pietistic Tradition, 9: 412-13.

New England Dissent, 1630-1833: The Baptists and the Separation of Church and State, 2 vols., 13: 545-46.

Revivals, Awakenings, and Reform: An Essay on Religion and Social Change in America, 1607-1977, 22: 346-48.

Soul Liberty: The Baptists’ Struggle in New England, 1630-1833, 35: 168-69.

McLoughlin, William G., ed.

Isaac Backus on Church, State, and Calvinism: Pamphlets, 1754-1789, 10: 469-71.

McLoughlin, William G., and Jack P. Greene

Preachers & Politicians: Two Essays on the Origins of the American Revolution, 22: 344-46.

McLynn, Neil B.

Ambrose of Milan: Church and Court in a Christian Capital, 38: 416-17.

McManners, John

Church and State in France, 1870-1914, 17: 316-18.

Death and the Enlightenment: Changing Attitudes to Death among Christians and Unbelievers in Eighteenth-Century France, 25: 160-61.

McManus, Edgar J.

Law and Liberty in Early New England: Criminal Justice and Due Process, 1620-1692, 37: 658-59.

McManus, Philip, and Gerald Schlabach, Jr.

Relentless Persistence: Nonviolent Action in Latin America, 34: 381-82.

McMillan, Richard C.

Religion in the Public Schools: An Introduction, 28: 327-29.

McNairy, Robert E., John C. Olin, and James D. Smart, eds.

Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation: A Catholic-Protestant Reappraisal, 12: 515-18.

McNally, Vincent

The Lord’s Distant Vineyard: A History of the Oblates and the Catholic Community in British Columbia, 43: 615-16.

McNaspy, Clement J., S.J.

Conquistador Without a Sword: The Life of Roque Gonzalez, 29: 352-53.

McNeill, John T., and James Hastings Nichols

Ecumenical Testimony: The Concern for Christian Unity within the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, 20: 147-48.

McQuigg, Bruce, and David W. Beggs, III, eds.

American Schools and Churches: Partners in Conflict, 9: 407-09.

Mead, Sidney E.

Lively Experiment, The: The Shaping of Christianity in America, 6: 406-07.

Nation with the Soul of a Church, The, 22: 132-34.

Old Religion in the Brave New World, The: Reflections on the Relation between Christendom and the Republic, 22: 132-34.

Mecham, J. Lloyd

Church and State in Latin America: A History of Politico-Ecclesiastical Relations, 8: 279-81.

Medhurst, Kenneth N.

The Church and Labour in Columbia, 28: 122-24.

Medoff, Rafael

The Deafening Silence: American Jewish Leaders and the Holocaust, 31: 319-21.

Medvedev, Zhores A.

Ten Years after Ivan Denisovich, 18: 350-52.

Meeks, M. Douglas

God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and Political Economy, 33: 374-75.

Meeks, M. Douglas, ed.

The Portion of the Poor: Good News to the Poor in the Wesleyan Tradition, 38: 431-32.

Meeks, Wayne A.

First Urban Christians,The: The Social World of the Apostle Paul, 26: 142.

Moral World of the First Christians, The, 30: 341-42.

Mehl, Roger

The Sociology of Protestantism, 13: 361-62.

Meier, Kurt

Die Deutschen Christen: Das Bild einer Bewegung im Kirchenkampf des Dritten Reiches, 16: 329-30.

Meiklejohn, Donald

Freedom and the Public: Public and Private Morality in America, 8: 469-71.

Meixner, Linda L.

The Bible in Literature Courses: Successful Lesson Plans, 36: 410-11.

Melady, Margaret, and Thomas Melady

House Divided: Poverty, Race, Religion and the Family of Man, 12: 342.

Melady, Thomas Patrick

Burundi: The Tragic Years, 18: 589-90.

Melitz, Jacques, and Donald Winch, eds.

Religious Thought and Economic Society: Four Chapters of an Unfinished Work by Jacob Viner, 23: 142-44.

Melton, J. Gordon

The Church of Scientology, 42: 851-52.

Menashri, David, ed.

The Iranian Revolution and the Muslim World, 34: 149-50.

Mendelsohn, Ezra

Zionism in Poland: The Formative Years, 1915-1926, 25: 371-72.

Mendelson, Alan, E. P. Sanders, and A. I. Baumgarten, eds.

Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Period, 24: 167.

Mendus, Susan, ed.

The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life, 44: 368-69.

Menendez, Albert J.

Bitter Harvest, The: Church and State in Northern Ireland, 19: 115-17.

Religion at the Polls, 21: 151.

Menendez, Albert J., ed.,

The Best of Church and State, 1948-1975, 19: 365-66.

Menendez, Albert J., comp.

Church-State Relations: An Annotated Bibilography, 22: 548-49.

Menendez, Albert J., Jr.

Church and State in Canada, 39: 813-14.

Evangelicals at the Ballot Box, 39: 822-23.

Perot Voters and the Future of American Politics, The, 39: 614.

Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, 37: 917.

Menendez, Albert J. and Edd Doerr

Religion and Public Education: Common Sense and the Law, 35: 418-19.

Menendez, Albert J. and Edd Doerr, comps.

The Great Quotations on Religious Freedom, 33: 611-12.

Menkus, Belden, ed. and comp.

Meet the Amencan Jew, 8: 300-02.

Mensch, Elizabeth, and Alan Freeman

Politics of Virtue, The: Is Abortion Debatable?, 37: 650-51.

Menzel, Paul T., ed.

Moral Argument and the War in Vietnam: A Collection of Essays, 19: 588-89.

Merdinger, J. E.

Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine, 40: 679-80.

Meredith, Howard L.

The Native American Factor, 18: 592-93.

Merk, Frederick, Samuel Eliot Morison, and Frank Freidel

Dissent in Three American Wars, 13: 528-29.

Merritt, Richard L., and Karl W. Deutsch

Nationalism and National Development: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 13: 370.

Metz, Johannes, ed.

Faith and the World of Politics, 18: 576-79.

Metz, Rene, and Jean Schlick

Politique et foi, 15: 307-08.

Metzger, Charles H.

Catholics and the American Revolution: A Study in Religious Climate, 6: 245.

Meyer, Carl S.

Elizabeth I and the Religious Settlement of 1559, 3: 206-08.

Meyer, Jean A.

The Cristero Rebellion: The Mexican People between Church and State, 1926-1929, 21: 341-43.

Meyer, Robert S.

Peace Organizations Past and Present: A Survey and Directory, 31: 569.

Meyers, Debra A.

Common Whores, Vertuous Women and Loveing Wives: Free Will Christian Women in Colonial Maryland, 47: 176-77.

Michael, Franz

Rule by Incarnation: Tibetan Buddhism and Its Role in Society and State, 25: 555-57.

Michael, Robert

Holy Hatred: Christianity, Antisemitism and the Holocaust, 49: 562-64.

Michnik, Adam

The Church and the Left, 36: 857.

Midelfort, H. C. Erik

Witch Hunting in Southwestern Germany 1562-1684: The Social and Intellectual Foundations, 15: 140-44.

Midgley, Mary

The Ethical Primate: Humans, Freedom, and Morality, 38: 663-64.

Midmer, Roy

English Medieval Monasteries (1066-1540): A Summary, 24: 170-71.

Miguez-Bonino, Jose

Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation, 19: 95-96.

Faces of Jesus: Latin American Christologies, 28: 533-34.

Milani, Moshen

The Making of Iran’s Islamic Revolution: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic, 40: 176-77.

Milbank, John

Being Reconciled: Ontology and Pardon, 47: 163-64.

Milits, Alex

Tro och Makt i Sovjet, 18: 145-46.

Miller, Allen O., ed.

A Christian Declaration on Human Rights: Theological Studies of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 21: 330-31.

Miller, Glenn T.

Piety and Intellect: The Aims and Purposes of Ante-Bellum Theological Education, 33: 628-29.

Religious Liberty in America: History and Prospects, 19: 572-73.

Miller, Haskell M.

Barriers and Bridges to Brotherhood, 6: 258-60.

Miller, Hubert J.

La Iglesia y ei Estado en Tiempo de Justo Rufino Barrios, 21: 343-45.

Miller, Keith Graber

Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves: American Mennonites Engage Washington, 40: 699-700.

Miller, Marlin E., and Barbara Nelson Gingerich, eds.

The Church’s Peace Witness, 38: 195.

Miller, Perry

The Life of the Mind in America from the Revolution to the Civil War, 8: 109-11.

Miller, Randall M., and Paul A. Cimbala, eds.

American Reform and Reformers: A Biographical Dictionary, 40: 488-89.

Miller, Richard B.

Interpretations of Conflict: Ethics, Pacifism and the Just-War Tradition, 35: 625-26.

Miller, Robert J., ed.

Religious Ferment in Asia, 19: 342-44.

Miller, Robert T., and Ronald B. Flowers

Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, 20: 315-16; 25: 178.

Toward Benevolent Neutrality: Church, State, and the Supreme Court, fourth ed., 37: 167.

Miller, Robert T., E. Bruce Thompson, and James E. Wood, Jr.

Church and State in Scripture, History, and Constitutional Law, 1: 47-48.

Miller, William Lee

The First Liberty: American’s Foundation in Religious Freedom (expanded and updated), 48: 227-28.

First Liberty, The: Religion and the American Republic, 28: 515-16.

Mills, Frederick V., Sr.

Bishops by Ballot: An Eighteenth-Century Ecclesiastical Revolution, 22: 141-43.

Mindszenty, Jozsef Cardinal

Memoirs, 21: 368.

Minear, Paul S.

I Pledge Allegiance: Patriotism and the Bible, 19: 603-04.

Minneman, Charles E., ed.

Students, Religion and the Contemporary University, 14: 157.

Minor, Robert N.

The Religious, the Spiritual, and the Secular: Auroville and Secular India, 42: 854.

Min, Pyong Gap, and Jung Ha Kim, eds.

Religions in Asian America: Building Faith Communities, 45: 190-91.

Mintz, Jerome R.

Hasidic People: A Place in the New World, 35: 898-900.

Minus, Paul M., Jr., ed.

Methodism’s Destiny in an Ecumenical Age, 12: 538.

Walter Rauchenbusch: American Reformer, 31: 310-11.

Mitchell, Basil

Morality: Religious and Secular—The Dilemma of the Traditional Conscience, 24: 154-55.

Mitchell, John J.

Critical Voices in American Catholic Economic Thought, 32: 896.

Mitford, Jessica

The Trial of Dr. Spock, 13: 159-60.

Modras, Ronald

The Catholic Church and Antisemitism Poland, 1933-1939, 39: 356-57.

Moeller, Bernd

Imperial Cities and the Reformation: Three Essays, 20: 325-27.

Moellering, Ralph L.

Modern War and the Christian, 12: 542.

Moe-Lobeda, Cynthia

Healing a Broken World: Globalization and God, 45: 372-74.

Moen, Matthew C.

The Christian Right and Congress, 33: 152-53.

Moen, Matthew C., and Lowell S. Gustafson, eds.

The Religious Challenge to the State, 35: 155.

Moir, John S.

Church and State in Canada West, 2: 73-75.

Mojzes, Paul

Christian-Marxist Dialogue in Eastern Europe, 25: 154-55.

Mojzes, Paul, ed.

Religion and the War in Bosnia, 42: 180-81.

Mol, Hans

Identity and the Sacred: A Sketch for a New Social-Scientific Theory of Religion, 21: 331-33.

Mollenauer, Lynn Wood

Strange Revelations. Magic, Poison, and Sacrilege in Louis XIV’s France, 49: 767-68.

Molnar, Thomas

Christian Humanism: A Critique of the Secular City and Its Ideology, 22: 161-62.

Utopia: The Perennial Heresy, 11: 340-41.

Moloney, Deirdre M.

American Catholic Lay Groups and Transatlantic Social Reform in the Progressive Era, 45: 388-89.

Molony, John N.

The Emergence of Political Catholicism in Italy: Partio Popolare, 1919-1926, 22: 543-46.

Moltmann, Jürgen

On Human Dignity: Political Theology and Ethics, 28: 333-34.

Religion, Revolution and the Future, 19: 587-88.

Moltmann, Jürgen, et al.

Religion and Political Society, 20: 139-41.

Momen, Moojan

Introduction to Shi’i Islam, An: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi’ism, 30: 349-50.

Momigliano, Arnoldo, ed.

The Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century, 6: 401-02.

Monsma, Stephen V.

Positive Neutrality: Letting Religious Freedom Ring, 37: 652-53.

Unraveling of America, The, 19: 136-37.

Monsma, Stephen V., and J. Christopher Soper

Challenge of Pluralism, The: Church and State in Five Democracies, 41: 145-46.

Faith, Hope and Jobs: Welfare-to-Work in Los Angeles, 49: 155-57.

Montefiore, Hugh

Reclaiming the High Ground: A Christian Response to Secularism, 33: 823-24.

Monter, E. William

Calvin’s Geneva, 10: 136-38.

Witchcraft in France and Switzerland: The Borderlands during the Reformation, 21: 556-58.

Monterroso, V. M., W. R. Read, and H.A. Johnson

Latin American Church Growth, 12: 334.

Montgomery, John Warwick

The Repression of Evangelism in Greece. European Litigation vis-à-vis a Closed Religious Establishment, 44: 154-56.

Montgomery, William E.

Under Their Own Vine and Fig Tree: The African-American Church in the South, 1865-1900, 36: 392-93.

Montminy, Jean-Paul, and Stewart Crysdale

La Religion au Canada/Religion in Canada; Annotated Inventory of Scientific Studies of Religion (1945-1972), 20: 149.

Moody, Howard, and Arlene Carmen

Abortion Counseling and Social Change, 19: 605-06.

Moody, Joseph N.

The Church as Enemy: Anticlericalism in Nineteenth Century French Literature, 11: 334-35.

Moody, Michael E., and C. Rob Cole, eds.

The Dissenting Tradition: Essays for Leland H. Carlson, 20: 555-56.

Mooney, Christopher F.

Religion and the American Dream: Search for Freedom under God, 20: 363.

Mooney, Christopher, S.J.

Boundaries Dimly Perceived, 33: 802-03.

Moore, Deborah Dash, ed.

East European Jews in Two Worlds: Studies from the Yivo Annual, 34: 154-55.

Moore, John Allen

Anabaptist Portraits, 28: 537-38.

Moore, John Allen, ed.

Baptist Witness in Catholic Europe: Addresses and Reports from a Conference of Workers in Traditionally Catholic Areas, 18: 369-70.

Moore, Kathleen M.

Al-Mughtaribun: American Law and the Transformation of Muslim Life in the United States, 39: 347-48.

Moore, R. I.

The Origins of European Dissent, 22: 546-48.

Moore, R. Laurence

Touchdown Jesus: The Mixing of Sacred and Secular in America History, 46: 664-65.

Moore, Robert

Pit-Men, Preachers and Politics: The Effects of Methodism in a Durham Mining Community, 19: 128-29.

Moosa, Matti

The Maronites in History, 30: 351-52.

Morales, Francisco

Clero y Politica en Mexico, 1767-1834. Algunas ideas sobre Ia autoridad Ia inde dencia y Ia reforma eclesidstica, 23: 162.

Moran, Jo Ann Hoeppner

Growth of English Schooling, 1340-1548, The: Learning, Literacy, and Laicization in Pre-Reformation York Diocese, 29: 147-48.

Morgan, David T.

The New Crusades, The New Holy Land: Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1969-1991, 39: 604-05.

Morgan, Donald G.

Congress and the Constitution: A Study of Responsibility, 10: 155.

Morgan, Edmund S.

Roger Williams: The Church and the State, 12: 522-23.

Morgan, Douglas

Adventism and the American Republic: The Public Involvement on a Major Apocalyptic Movement, 364-65.

Morgan, Elizabeth

Global Poverty and Personal Responsibility: Integrity Through Commitment, 32: 898.

Morgan, Everett J., ed.

Readings in Social Theology, 13: 165.

Morgan, Glyn

The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration, 49: 145-46.

Morgan, John

Godly Learning: Puritan Attitudes Toward Reason, Learning, and Education, 1560-1640, 29: 325-26.

Morgan, Maurice P., ed.

The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol. 14, Selected Book Reviews, 44: 844-46.

Morgan, Richard E.

Politics of Religious Conflict, The: Church and State in America, 11: 344.

Supreme Court and Religion, The, 20: 321-23.

Morino, Claudio

Church and State in the Teaching of St. Ambrose, 12: 338-39.

Morison, Samuel Eliot, Frederick Merk, and Frank Freidel

Dissent in Three American Wars, 13: 528-29.

Morken, Hubert, and Jo Renee Formicola

The Politics of School Choice, 43: 153-54.

Morley, John F.

Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews during the Holocaust, 1939-1943, 23: 357-59.

Morner, Magnus, ed.

The Expulsion of the Jesuits from Latin America, 8: 277-79.

Morone, James A.

Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History, 45: 821-23.

Morris, James

The Preachers, 19: 606-07.

Morris, Kenneth Earl

Bonhoeffer’s Ethic of Discipleship: A Study in Social Psychology, Political Thought, and Religion, 30: 156-57.

Morrison, Clinton D.

The Powers That Be, 3: 78-79.

Morrison, Jeffry H.

John Witherspoon and the Founding of the American Republic, 48: 226-27.

Morrison, Karl Frederick

Tradition and Authority in the Western Church, 300-1140, 12: 514-15.

Two Kingdoms, The: Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought, 7: 443-44.

Mosala, Itumeleng J.

Biblical Hermeneutics and Black Theology in South Africa, 34: 392-93.

Moses, Wilson Jeremiah

Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms: Social and Literary Manipulations of a Religious Myth, 26: 339-40.

Moses, Wilson Jeremiah, ed.

Destiny and Race: Selected Writings, 1840-1898-Alexander Crummell, 35: 636-37.

Moskowitz, Moses

Human Rights and World Order, 3: 87-89.

Mount, Eric, Jr.

Conscience and Responsibility, 13: 130.

Professional Ethics in Context: Institutions, Images and Empathy, 34: 398-99.

Mouw, Richard J.

Political Evangelism, 18: 371-72.

Politics and the Biblical Drama, 20: 597.

Moynahan, Brian

The Faith: A History of Christianity, 45: 388-89.

Muelder, Walter G.

Foundations of the Responsible Society, 3: 104-05.

Moral Law in Christian Social Ethics, 9: 277-79; 10: 288-90.

Muffs, Yochanan

Love and Joy: Language and Religion in Ancient Israel, 36: 856.

Muir, William K., Jr.

Prayer in the Public Schools: Law and Attitude Change, 10: 308-11.

Mujul, Cesar Abid

The Contemporary Muslim Movement in the Philippines, 29: 545-47.

Mulder, John M.

Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Preparation, 22: 164-65.

Muldoon, James

Popes, Lawyers, and Infidels: The Church and the Non-Christian World, 1250-1550, 24: 411-12.

Muldoon, James, ed.

Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages, 41: 379.

Muldoon, Maureen

The Abortion Debate in the United States and Canada: A Source Book, 34: 611-12.

Mullan, David George

Episcopacy in Scotland: The History of an Idea, 1560-1638, 28: 537-38.

Muller, Alexander V., ed.

The Spiritual Regulation of Peter the Great, 15: 476-78.

Muller, Herbert J.

Religion and Freedom in the Modern World, 6: 226-27.

Muller-Fahrenholz, Geiko

America’s Battle for God: A European Christian Looks at Civil Religion, 49: 581-83.

Mulligan, Joseph E., S. J.

The Nicaraguan Church and the Revolution, 36: 179.

Mundy, D. L.

The Idea of a Secular Society, 5: 248-50.

Munitz, Milton K.

The Mystery of Existence, 10: 156.

Murata, Kiyoaki

Japan’s New Buddhism: An Objective Account of Sokagakkai, 14: 125-26.

Murphy, Francis J.

Communists and Catholics in France, 1936-1939: The Politics of the Outstretched Hand, 32: 633-35.

Murphy, Francis Xavier

Papacy Today, The, 25: 147-49.

Politics and the Early Christian, 10: 448-50.

Murphy, James

Church, State and Schools in Britain 1800-1970, 15: 134-35.

Murphy, Paul L.

Religious Freedom: Separation and Free Exercise, 2 vols., 33: 804-05.

Murphy, Paul L., and James M. Smith, eds.

Liberty and Justice: A Historical Record of American Constitutional Development, 1: 50-52.

Murphy, Terrence, and Roberto Perrin, eds.

A Concise History of Christianity in Canada, 39: 593-95.

Murphy, Thomas Patrick, ed.

The Holy War, 20: 354-55.

Murray, A. Victor

The State and the Church in a Free Society, 2: 163-65.

Murray, John Courtney

Problem of Religious Freedom, The, 8: 475-77.

We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition, 3: 200-03.

Murray, John Courtney, ed.

Freedom and Man, 10: 123-25.

Murray, Katharine, and Michael Bourdeaux

Young Christians in Russia, 20: 150-51.

Must, Art, Jr., ed.

Why We Still Need Public Schools: Church/State Relations and Visions of Democracy, 35: 615-16.

Mutchler, David E.

The Church as a Political Factor in Latin America: With Particular Reference to Colombia and Chile, 14: 357-58.

Myers, Ched

Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus, 31: 571.

Nackenoff, Carol

Fictional Republic, The: Horatio Alger and American Political Discourse, 37: 664-65.

Nadeau, Kathleen M.

Liberation Theology in the Philippines: Faith in a Revolution (Religion in the Age of Transformation Series), 46: 133-34, 395-96.

Nagel, Paul C.

This Sacred Trust: American Nationality, 1798-1898, 19: 595-96.

Nanda, Ved P., James R. Scarritt, and George W. Shepherd, Jr., eds.

Global Human Rights: Public Policies, Comparative Measures, and NGO Strategies, 24: 389-90.

Naphy, William G.

Documents on the Continental Reformation, 40: 684-85.

Nash, James A.

Loving Nature: Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility, 34: 880-81.

Nation, Mark Thiessen

John Howard Yoder: Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions, 48: 875-77.

Negley, Glenn

Political Authority and Moral Judgment, 8: 130-31.

Neill, Stephen

History of Christianity in India, A: The Beginnings to 1707, 28: 549.

History of Christianity in India, A: Volume 2: 1707-1858, 29: 141-43.

Nederman, Cary J., and John Christian Laursen, eds.

Difference and Dissent: Theories of Tolerance and Early Modern Europe, 40: 681-82.

Neill, Stephen

Colonialism and Christian Missions, 9: 101-03.

Nelsen, Ann K., Hart M. Nelsen, and Raytha L. Yokley, eds.

The Black Church in America, 15: 305-06.

Nelsen, Frank C.

Public Schools: An Evangelical Approach, 31: 153.

Nelson, Brent

Holy Ambition: Rhetoric, Courtship, and Devotion in the Sermons of John Donne, 48: 221-22.

Nelson, Claud D.

The Vatican Council and All Christians, 5: 265-66.

Nelson, J. Robert, ed.

No Man Is Alien: Essays on the Unity of Mankind, 20: 349-51.

Nelson, Robert H.

Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics, 34: 877-78.

Nelson, Shirley

Fair, Clear, and Terrible: The Story of Shiloh, 32: 140-41.

Nesmith, Bruce

The New Republican Coalition: The Reagan Campaign and White Evangelicals, 38: 186.

Nessan, Craig L.

Orthopraxis or Heresy: The North American Theological Response to Latin America Liberation Theology, 32: 876-77.

Neuhaus, Richard John

Africa as South Africans See 1t, 29: 143-44.

America Against Itself: Moral Vision and the Public Order, 36: 871.

Christian Faith and Public Policy: Thinking and Acting in the Courage of Uncertainty, 22: 167-68.

Dispensations: The Future of South Africa As South Africans See It, 29: 143-44.

Naked Public Square, The: Religion and Democracy in America, 27: 136-37.

Piety and Politics: Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Confront the World, 30: 357-58.

Time toward Home: The American Experiment as Revelation, 21: 358-59.

Neuhaus, Richard J., ed.

The Structure of Freedom: Correlations, Causes and Cautions, 34: 876-77.

Neuhaus, Richard John, and Peter L. Berger, eds.

Against the World for the World: The Hartford Appeal and the Future of American Religion, 22: 354-56.

Neusner, Jacob

American Judaism: Adventure in Modernity, 16: 531-33.

Jews and Christians: The Myth of a Common Tradition, 33: 819-20.

Public Side of Learning, The: The Political Consequences of Scholarship in the Context of Judaism, 29: 343-44.

Neuwien, Reginald A., ed.

Catholic Schools in Action: The Notre Dame Study of Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the United States, 9: 113-17.

New, David S.

Holy War: The Rise of Militant Christian, Jewish and Islamic Fundamentalism, 45: 815-16.

New, John F. H.

Anglican and Puritan: The Basis of Their Opposition, 1558-1640, 8: 138.

Newell, Norman D.

Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality, 27: 137-39.

Newman, Mark

Getting Right with God: Southern Baptists and Desegregation, 1945-1995, 45: 387-88.

Newsome, David

The Wilberforces and Henry Manning: The Parting of Friends, 9: 403-05.

Newton, Merlin Owen

Armed with the Constitution: Jehovah’s Witnesses in Alabama and the U.S. Supreme Court, 1939-1946, 37: 919.

Newton, Michael, and Judy Ann Newton

The Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia, 34: 623-24.

Nicgorski, Walter, and Ronald Weber, eds.

An Almost Chosen People: The Moral Aspirations of Americans, 21: 132-34.

Nicholls, David

Church and State in Britain Since 1820, 11: 348-49.

Deity and Domination: Images of God and the State in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 37: 416.

Nichols, James Hastings, and John T. McNeill

Ecumenical Testimony: The Concern for Christian Unity within the Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, 20: 147-48.

Nichols, Peter

The Politics of the Vatican, 11: 547-50.

Nichols, Roy F.

Religion and American Democracy, 3: 73-74.

Niditch, Susan

War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence, 37: 418.

Niebuhr, H. Richard

Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith, 32: 648-49.

Theology, History, and Culture: Major Unpublished Writings, 40: 500-01.

Niebuhr, Reinhold

Man’s Nature and His Communities, 8: 305-06.

Structure of Nations and Empires, The, 3: 105-07.

Niebuhr, Reinhold, and Alan Heimert

A Nation So Conceived: Reflections on the History of America from Its Early Visions to Its Present Power, 6: 104-06.

Nielsen, Kai

Ethics Without God, 34: 151-52.

Why Be Moral?, 32: 436-38.

Nielsen, Niels

Revolutions in Eastern Europe: The Religious Roots, 35: 411-12.

Nielsen, Niels C., Jr.

Perspectives in Teaching Religion in Higher Education, 10: 207-17.

Religion of President Carter, The, 20: 571-73.

Solzhenitsen’s Religion, 19: 559-61.

Texas Consultation on Religion and Public Education in Retrospect, 14: 391-95.

Nisbet, Robert A.

Sociology of Emile Durkheim, The, 21: 362.

Twilight of Authority, 19: 557-59.

Nobile, Philip, and William Van Elten Casey, eds.

The Berrigans, 19: 600-01.

Noble, David F.

The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention, 41: 599-600.

Nolan, Hugh J., ed.

Pastoral Letters to the United States Catholic Bishops, 28: 133-35.

Nolde, O. Frederick

The Churches and the Nations, 17: 150-51.

Noll, Mark A.

American Evangelical Christianity: An Introduction, 44: 168-69.

Civil War as a Theological Crisis, The, 48: 893-94.

God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790-1860, 44: 834-36.

Old Religion in a New World, The: The History of North American Christianity, 41: 182-83.

One Nation Under God? Christian Faith and Political Action in America, 31: 547.

Princeton and the Republic, 1768-1822: The Search for a Christian Enlightenment in the Era of Samuel Stanhope Smith, 32: 418-20.

Rise of Evangelicalism, The: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield and the Wesleys, 46: 897-98.

Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, 40: 901.

Noll, Mark A., ed.

Religion in American Politics from the Colonial Period to the 1980s, 32: 871-72.

Noll, Mark A., and Nathan O. Hatch, eds.

The Bible in America: Essays in Cultural History, 25: 352-54.

Nolte, Richard H., ed.

The Modern Middle East, 7: 273-75.

Noonan, John T., Jr.

The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom, 44: 589-90.

Noonan, John T., Jr., and Edward McGlynn Gaffney, Jr.

Religious Freedom: History, Cases, and Other Materials on the Interaction of Religion and Government, 43: 806-07.

Nord, Warren A., and Charles C. Haynes

Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum, 41: 622-23.

Nordbeck, Elizabeth C.

Thunder on the Right: Understanding Conservative Christianity in America, 33: 153.

Nordholt, H. G. Schulte, and Johannes Verkuyl

Responsible Revolution: Means and Ends for Transforming Society, 19: 604-05.

Norman, Edward

English Catholic Church in the Nineteenth Century, The, 28: 137-38.

Victorian Christian Socialists, The, 30: 609.

Norman, E. R.

Catholic Church and Ireland in the Age of Rebellion, 1859-1873, The, 8: 482-84.

Church and Society in England, 1770-1970: A Historical Study, 20: 559-60.

Norris, Pippa and Ronald Inglehart

Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide, 47: 647-48.

Northcott, Michael

An Angel Directs the Storm: Apocalyptic Religion & American Empire, 47: 646-47.

Norton, Augustus Richard, ed.

Civil Society in the Middle East, Vol. 1, 38: 191.

Norton, Howard, and Bob Slosser

The Miracle of Jimmy Carter, 21: 358.

Norwood, Frederick A.

Story of American Methodism, The: A History of the United Methodists and Their Relations, 18: 336-39.

Strangers and Exiles: A History of Religious Refugees, 15: 312-14.

Notehelfer, F. G.

Kotoku Shusui: Portrait of a Japanese Radical, 16: 344-45.

Novak, Michael

Freedom with Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions, 27: 532-34.

Novak, Michael, and Jana Novak

Washington’s God: Religion, Liberty and the Father of Our Country, 48: 704-05.

Noyce, Gaylord B.

Survival and Mission for the City Church, 20: 367-68.

Nurser, John S.

For All Peoples and All Nations: The Ecumenical Church and Human Rights, 47: 875-76.

Nutt, Rick L.

Toward Peacemaking: Presbyterians in the South and National Security, 1945-1983, 37: 918.

Nwafor, John Chidi

Church and State: The Nigerian Experience, 46: 654-55.

Oakes, Jeannie, Karen Hunter Quartz, Steve Ryan, and Martin Lipton

Becoming Good American Schools: The Struggle for Civic Virtue in Education Reform, 43: 375-76.

Oats, William Nicolle

Question of Survival, A: Quakers in Australia in the Nineteenth Century, 29: 551-52.

O’Brien, Charles H.

Ideas of Religious Toleration at the Time of Joseph II: A Study of the Enlightenment among Catholics in Austria, 16: 335-36.

O’Brien, David J.

American Catholics and Social Reform: The New Deal Years, 11: 329-30; 12: 506-08.

O’Brien, Thomas W.

John Courtney Murray in a Cold War Context, 48: 469-70.

O’Brien, William V.

Justice Reed and the First Amendment: The Religion Clauses, 1: 53-54.

Nuclear Dilemma and the Just War Tradition, The, 30: 147-48.

Nuclear War, Deterrence and Morality, 10: 477-79.

O’Collins, Gerald

The Theology of Secularity, 21: 364-65.

O’Connell, Marvin R.

The Oxford Conspirators: A History of the Oxford Movement, 1833-1845, 12: 316-17.

O’Connor, John, ed.

American Catholic Exodus, 11: 536-37.

O’Connor, June

The Quest for Political and Spiritual Liberation: A Study in the Thought of Sri Aurobindo Ghose, 20: 360-61.

O’Dea, Thomas F.

Alienation, Atheism, and the Religious Crisis, 12: 543.

Catholic Crisis, The, 12: 309-10.

Odegard, Peter H., ed.

Religion and Politics, 2: 178-79.

Odell-Scott, David, ed.

Democracy and Religion: Free Exercise and Diverse Visions, 47: 648-49.

O’Donnell, Charles P., ed.

The Church in the World, 11: 142-44.

O’Donovan, Oliver

Desire of the Nations, The: Rediscovering the Roots of Political Theology, 39: 800-02.

Just War Revisited (Current Issues in Theology), The, 46: 408-09.

O’Donovan, Oliver, and Joan Lockwood O’Donovan

Bonds Of Imperfection: Christian Politics Past and Present, 46: 910-11.

O’Donovan, Oliver, and Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, eds.

From Iranaeus to Grotius: A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought, 100-1625, 42: 850-51.

Oesterreicher, John M.

The New Encounter Between Christians and Jews, 30: 164-65.

Oesterreicher, John M., ed.

Brothers in Hope, 13: 344-46.

Oestreicher, Paul, ed.

The Christian Marxist Dialogue, 11: 515.

Offutt, William M., Jr.

Of “Good Laws” & “Good Men”: Law and Society in the Delaware Valley, 1680-1710, 39: 602-03.

O’Gara, Margaret

Triumph in Defeat: Infallibility, Vatican I, and the French Minority Bishops, 31: 563.

O’Gorman, Gerald, ed.

Marcus Tillius Ciceroes thre bokes of duties, to Marcus his sonne, turned oute of latine into english by Nicolas Grimalde, 34: 879-80.

O’Hair, Madalyn Murray

Freedom under Siege: The Impact of Organized Religion on Your Liberty and Your Pocketbook, 21: 365-66.

Oladipo, Caleb

The Will to Arise: Theological and Political Themes in African Christianity and the Renewal of Faith and Identity, 49: 566-67.

Olasky, Marvin

American Leadership Tradition, The: The Inevitable Impact of a Leader’s Faith on a Nation’s Destiny, 43: 149-51.

Fighting for Liberty and Virtue: Political and Cultural Wars in Eighteenth-Century America, 39: 366-67.

Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media, 31: 141-42.

Olcott, Martha Brill

Central Asia’s New States: Independence, Foreign Policy, and Regional Security, 40: 894-95.

Oldfield, Duane M.

The Right and the Righteous: The Christian Right Confronts the Republican Party, 40: 700-01.

Oldmixon, Elizabeth Ann

Uncompromising Positions: God, Sex, and the U.S. House of Representatives, 48: 897-98.

Oleska, Michael

Orthodox Alaska: A Theology of Mission, 36: 622-24.

Olin, John C., James D. Smart, and Robert E. McNally, eds.

Luther, Erasmus and the Reformation, Catholic-Protestant Reappraisal, 12: 515.

Oliver, W. H.

Prophets and Millennialists: The Uses of Biblical Prophecy in England from 1790’s to the 1840’s, 22: 342-44.

Olmstead, Clifton E.

A History of Religion in the United States, 4: 222-23.

Olree, Andy G.

The Choice Principle: The Biblical Case for Legal Toleration, 49: 371-72.

Olson, Bernhard E.

Faith and Prejudice: Intergroup Problems in Protestant Curricula, 6: 256-58.

O’Neil, Daniel J.

Church Lobbying in a Western State: A Study on Abortion Legislation, 21: 152-53.

O’Neil, Robert M.

The Price of Dependency: Civil Liberties in the Welfare State, 18: 141-42.

O’Neill, Charles Edwards

Church and State in French Colonial Louisiana: Policy and Politics to 1732, 10: 142-44.

Opitz, Edmund A.

Religion and Capitalism: Allies, not Enemies, 14: 135-37.

Osborn, Robert T.

The Barman Declaration as a Paradigm for a Theology of the American Church, 35: 914-15.

Osborn, Ronald E.

Experiment in Liberty: The Ideal of Freedom in the Experience of the Disciples of Christ, 22: 162-63.

Osborn, William

The Segregated Covenant, 11: 330-31.

Osmer, Harold H.

U.S. Religious Journalism and the Korean War, 23: 363-64.

Osthathios, Geevarghese Mar

Theology of a Classless Society, 25: 157-58.

Ostrogorsky, George

History of the Byzantine State, 13: 151-53.

O’Toole, Roger, ed.

Sociological Studies in Roman Catholicism, 32: 653-54.

Outler, Albert C., and Richard P. Heitzenrater, eds.

John Wesley’s Sermons: An Anthology, 35: 178-79.

John Wesley’s Sermons: An Introduction, 35: 178-79.

Overstreet, Bonaro, and Harry Overstreet

The Strange Tactics of Extremism, 8: 131-33.

Owen, Christopher H.

The Sacred Flame of Love: Methodism and Society in Nineteenth-Century Georgia, 41: 389-90.

Owen, J. Judd

Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism: The Foundational Crisis of the Separation of Church and State, 44: 590-91.

Owensby, Walter L.

Economics for Prophets: A Primer on Concepts, Realities, and Values in Our Economic System, 32: 149.

Ownby, Ted, ed.

Subduing Satan: Religion, Recreation, and Manhood in the Rural South, 1865-1920, 34: 878-79.

Ozment, Steven E.

Mysticism and Dissent: Religious Ideology and Social Protest in the Sixteenth Century, 15: 140-44.

Padberg, John W.

Colleges in Controversy: The Jesuit Schools in France from Revival to Suppression, 1815-1880, 21: 370-71.

Padilla, C. Rene

Mission Between the Times: Essays on the Kingdom, 30: 376-77.

Padover, Saul K., ed. and trans.

Karl Marx on Religion, 19: 106-08.

Pahl, Jon

Paradox Lost: Free Will and Political Liberty in American Culture, 1630-1760, 35: 897-98.

Paldiel, Mordecai

Churches and the Holocaust: Unholy Teaching, Good Samaritans, and Reconciliation, 49: 144-45.

Palmer, Martin, et al.

The Jesus Sutras: Rediscovering the Lost Scrolls of Taoist Christianity, 45: 167-68.

Palmer, Parker J., and Barbara G. Wheeler

Caring for the Commonweal: Education for Religious Life, 34: 145-46.

Palmer, Robert C.

Selling the Church: The English Parish in Law, Commerce, and Religion, 1350-1550, 45: 597-98.

Pangle, Lorraine Smith, and Thomas L. Pangle

The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas of the American Founders, 37: 153.

Panoch, James V., and David L. Barr

Religion Goes to School, 10: 486.

Paper, Jordon

Offering Smoke: The Sacred Pipe and the North American Religion, 32: 638-39.

Pardes, Ilana

Countertraditions in the Bible: A Feminist Approach, 36: 175-76.

Parekh, Bhikhu

Gandhi’s Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination, 32: 429-30.

Paris, Arthur E., ed.

Black Pentecostalism: Southern Religions in an Urban World, 26: 361.

Paris, Erna

The End of Days: A Story of Tolerance, Tyranny, and the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain, 39: 343-44.

Parish, Helen Rand, ed.

Bartolome de Las Casas: The Only Way, 37: 907.

Parker, Cristian

Popular Religion and Modernization in Latin America, 40: 487-88.

Parke, Jo Anne, and Carroll Stoner

All God’s Children: The Cult Experience Salvation or Slavery?, 22: 146-47.

Parker, T. H. L.

John Calvin: A Biography, 21: 574.

Parker, Twiley W., Jr., and Lucius J. Baker

Freedoms, Courts, Politics: Studies in Civil Liberties, 9: 111-12.

Parkes, Henry Bamford

The Divine Order: Western Culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 13: 537-38.

Parrinder, Geoffrey, ed.

Teaching about Religions, 17: 353-54.

Parsonage, Robert Rue, ed.

Church Related Higher Education: Perceptions and Perspectives, 24: 631.

Parsons, Howard L.

Christianity Today in the USSR, 30: 376-68.

Parsons, Jotham

The Church in the Republic: Gallicanism and Political Ideology in Renaissance France, 47: 396-97.

Pasewark, Kyle A.

A Theology of Power: Being Beyond Domination, 36: 402.

Pattison, Robert

The Great Dissent: John Henry Newman and the Liberal Heresy, 34: 873-74.

Pattnayak, Satya R., ed.

Organized Religion in the Political Transformation of Latin America, 39: 812-13.

Paul, Harry W.

The Second Ralliement: The Rapprochement between Church and State in France in the Twentieth Century, 10: 126-27.

Pavan, Pietro

Liberta religiosa e pubblici poteri, 8: 284-86.

Pavlischek, Keith J.

John Courtney Murray and the Dilemma of Religious Toleration, 37: 667-68; 41: 826-27.

Pavlos, Andrew J.

The Cult Experience, 26: 145-46.

Paxton, Robert O., and Michael R. Marrus

Vichy France and the Jews, 24: 626-28.

Payne, Ernest A.

Out of Great Tribulation: Baptists in the U.S.S.R., 18: 146-47.

Peach, Lucinda

Legislating Morality: Pluralism and Religious Identity in Lawmaking, 45: 397-98.

Pearcey, Nancy

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity, 47: 155-56.

Pearlman, Moshe

The Maccabees, 17: 151-52.

Peck, Janice

The Gods of Televangelism: The Crisis of Meaning and the Appeal of Religious Television, 36: 605-06.

Peerenboom, R. P.

Law and Morality in Ancient China: The Silk Manuscripts of Huang Lao, 38: 183.

Pekar, Athanasius B., OSMB

The History of the Church in Carpathian Rus’, 37: 181.

Pelczynski, Z. A., ed.

Hegel’s Political Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives, 19: 565-67.

Pelikan, Jaroslav

The Excellent Empire: The Fall of Rome and the Triumph of the Church, 30: 331-32.

Pelling, Nick

Anglo-Irish Relations, 1798-1922, 45: 820-21.

Pemberton, Prentiss L.

Toward a Christian Economic Ethic: Stewardship and Social Power, 29: 567.

Pena, David

La matena religiosa en la politica argentina, 6: 237-39.

Penniman, Howard R.

Israel at the Polls: A Study of the Knesset Elections, 30: 170-71.

Pennington, Donald, and Keith Thomas, eds.

Puritans and Revolutionaries: Essays in Seventeenth Century History Presented to Christopher Hill, 26: 136-37.

Pentcheva, Bissera V.

Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium, 49: 361-63.

Penton, M. James

Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Third Reich. Sectarian Politics under Persecution, 47: 626-27.

Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada: Champions of Freedom of Speech and Worship, 20: 341-43.

Perkins, Robert L., ed.

International Kieregaard Commentary: The Corsair Affair, 34: 170-71.

Perry, Barbara A.

A “Representative” Supreme Court: The Impact of Race, Religion, and Gender on Appointments, 34: 853-54.

Perry, J. P.

Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867-1875, 30: 343-44.

Perry, Marvin, and Frederick M. Schweitzer

Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present, 45: 813-14.

Perry, Michael J.

Constitution in the Courts, The: Law or Politics?, 38: 653-54.

Idea of Human Rights, The: Four Inquiries, 42: 571-72.

Love and Power, 35: 613-14.

Religion in Politics: Constitutional and Moral Perspectives, 40: 198-99.

Toward a Theory of Human Rights: Religion, Law, Courts, 49: 772-73.

We the People: The Fourteenth Amendment and the Supreme Court, 42: 387-89.

Pertiet, Martin

Das Ringen um Wesen und Auf trag der Kirche in der national sozialistichen Zeit, 12: 150-51.

Peruvian Bishops’ Commission for Social Action

Between Honesty and Hope: Documents from and about the Church in Latin America, 15: 482-84.

Peshkin, Alan

God’s Choice: The Total World of a Fundamentalist Christian School, 29: 323-24.

Pestana, Carla Gardina

Quakers and Baptists in Colonial Massachusetts, 35: 412-13.

Peter, Karl A.

The Dynamics of Hutterite Society: An Analytical Approach, 30: 163-64.

Peters, Edward, ed.

First Crusade, The: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials, 15: 310-11.

Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe: Documents in Translation, 23: 344-45.

Peters, F. E., ed.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: The Classical Texts and Their Interpretations, 34: 159-60.

Peters, Joan

From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over Palestine, 28: 135-36.

Peters, Rudolph

Islam and Colonialism: The Doctrine of Jihad in Modern History, 23: 565-66.

Peters, Shawn Francis

Judging Jehovah’s Witnesses: Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution, 44: 166-67.

Yoder Case, The: Religious Freedom, Education, and Parental Rights, 46: 158-59.

Peters, Tierno Rainer

Die Priisenz des Politischen in der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers: Eine historische Untersuchung in systematischer Abszcht, 21: 576-77.

Petersen, Rodney L., ed.

Christianity and Civil Society: Theological Education for Public Life, 39: 371.

Peterson, Anna L.

Martydom and the Politics of Religion: Progressive Catholicism in El Salvador’s Civil War, 40: 696-97.

Peterson, Merrill D.

Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation, 13: 538-39.

Peterson, Merrill D., and Robert C. Vaughan

The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and Its Evolution and Consequences in American History, 31: 543.

Peterson, Walfred H.

Thy Liberty in Law, 22: 158.

Petro, Nicolai N.

Christianity and Russian Culture in Soviet Society, 33: 603-04.

Petulla, Joseph

Christian Political Theology: A Marxian Guide, 16: 536-38.

Peyrot, Giorgio, et al.

La Posizione della chiese evangeliche di fronte allo Stato: Relazioni e documenti dell incontro organizatto dal Servizio studi della Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia. Agape 19-23 agosto 1969, 19: 129-30.

Pfeffer, Leo

Church, State, and Freedom, 9: 391-92.

Creeds in Competition: A Creative Force in American Culture, 2: 65-67.

God, Caesar, and the Constitution: The Court as Referee of Church-State Confrontation, 18: 327-30.

Religion, State, and the Burger Court, 27: 335-38.

Religious Freedom, 20: 319-21.

This Honorable Court: A History of the United States Supreme Court, 8: 283-84.

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Church and State in the United States, 7: 134-36.

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Communications Control: Readings in the Motives and Structures of Censorship, 13: 164.

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Contemporary Debates on Civil Liberties: Enduring Constitutional Questions, 29: 156-57.

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Bishop Beck and England Education, 1949-1959, 34: 155-56.

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War and Justice, 29: 151-52.

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The Politics of Past Evil: Religion, Reconciliation, and the Dilemmas of Transitional Justice, 49: 561-62.

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Mark Twain’s Religion, 46: 668-69.

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Proclaiming Political Pluralism: Churches and Political Transitions in Africa, 45: 169-71.

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The Bible and Popular Culture in America, 28: 340-41.

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Elizabeth’s London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London, 48: 220-21.

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True Faith and Allegiance, 48: 709-10.

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Teaching about Religion in Public Schools, 22: 147-48.

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From Hope to Liberation: Towards a New Marxist-Chnstian Dialogue, 18: 372-73.

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Breaking Bread: The Catholic Worker and the Origin of Catholic Radicalism in America, 26: 118-19.

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Baptists Together in Christ 1905-2005: A Hundred-Year History of the Baptist World Alliance, 49: 157-58.

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Civil Religion and the Presidency, 31: 546.

Politics: A Case for Christian Action, 17: 545.

Twilight of the Saints: Biblical Christianity and Civil Religion in America, 22: 130-32.

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Cross and the Flag, The, 17: 333-35.

Protest and Politics: Christianity and Contemporary Affairs, 12: 158-59.

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Hispanismo 1898-1936: Spanish Conservatives and Liberals and Their Relations With Spanish America, 14: 532-36.

Politics of the Miraculous in Peru: Haya de la Torre and the Spiritualist Tradition, 30: 159-60.

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The Conflict Between Church and State in Latin America, 6: 235-37.

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Religion, Revolution, and Reform: New Forces for Change in Latin America, 8: 274-77.

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Beyond the Law, 7: 110-11.

Roman Catholic in the White House, A, 2: 179-82.

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New Age and Neo-Pagan Religions in America, 49: 374-75.

Pilcher, George William

Samuel Davies: Apostle of Dissent in Colonial Virginia, 14: 144-46.

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The Church and the Latin American Revolution, 9: 134-35.

Pinello, Daniel R.

America’s Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage, 49: 366-68.

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The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, 39: 345-46.

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Applying the Gospel: Suggestions for Christian Social Action in a Local Church, 21: 360-61.

Pinson, William M., Jr., ed.

An Approach to Christian Ethics: The Life, Contribution, and Thought of T. B. Maston, 23: 588-89.

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Robert E. Speer: Prophet of the American Church, 45: 831-32.

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A Zwingli Bibliography, 15: 475-76.

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Balthasar Hubmaier: Theologian of Anabaptism, 32: 420-21.

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Ethic of News, An, 32: 654-55.

Memo for 1976: Some Political Opinions, 17: 34-50.

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Islamic Fundamentalisms and the Gulf Crisis, 36: 171-72.

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America’s Communal Utopias, 40: 492-93.

Pixley, George V.

God’s Kingdom: A Guide for Biblical Study, 26: 538-40.

Plant, Raymond

Politics, Theology, and History, 43: 804-05.

Plokhy, Serhii

The Cossacks and Religion in Early Modern Ukraine, 44: 828-29.

Plokhy, Serhii, and Frank Sysyn

Religion and Nation in Modern Ukraine, 657-58.

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Religion in a Pluralistic Society: Essays Presented to Professor C. G. Balta in Celebration of HIS Retirement from the Service of the University of Ghana September 1911 by Friends and Colleagues Scattered over the Globe, 21: 138-40.

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Protestant Pluralism and the New York Experience: A Study of Eighteenth-Century Religious Diversity, 31: 553.

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Society, Economics, and Philosophy: Selected Papers, 40: 693-94.

Poliakov, Leon

The History of Anti-Semitism: From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews, 21: 117-19.

Poling, David, and George Gallup, Jr.

The Search for America’s Faith, 25: 375-76.

Poling, James Newton

The Abuse of Power: A Theological Problem, 35: 429.

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The Formation of Social Policy in the Catholic and Jewish Traditions, 23: 581-82.

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Give Us a King: Legal-Religious Sources of Jewish Sovereignty, 33: 353-54.

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The Faith of the Russian Evangelical, 7: 281-82.

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Dickens and Charity, 23: 596-97.

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The Church and Its Culture, 8: 492-93.

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Religion and National Identity: Wales and Scotland, c. 1700-2000, 44: 156-57.

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The Half-Way Covenant: Church Membership in Puritan New England, 14: 356.

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Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone, 45: 193-94.

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The Search for Christian Credibility: Explorations in Contemporary Belief, 17: 547-48.

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Religious Strife on the Southern Frontier, 8: 125-26.

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A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice, and the Believer, vols. 1-3, 32: 642-43.

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Victims of Politics: The State of Human Rights, 23: 160-61.

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Human Nature and the Freedom of Public Religious Expression, 46: 661-62.

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War and Moral Discourse, 12: 542.

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British Baptist Missionaries in India, 1793-1837: The History of Serampore and its Missions, 10: 119-21.

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Notre Laïcité publique (Our Public Laïcité), 46: 400-02.

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Horn and Crescent: Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800-1900, 30: 610-11.

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Muslims Under Latin Rule, 34: 618-19.

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The Voluntary Church: American Religious Life (1740-1860) Seen Through the Eyes of European Visitors, 10: 482.

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Religion and the Public Schools in 19th Century America: The Contribution of Orestes A. Brownson, 39: 815-16.

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Mission Theology Today, 17: 549-50.

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The New State, 21: 136-38.

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Faith and Fulfillment: Christians and the Return to the Promised Land, 29: 324-25.

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The Puritan Revolution: A Documentary History, 10: 153-54.

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Religion, Politics, and Diversity: The Church-State Theme in New York History, 10: 11-19.

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Crusader Institutions, 23: 582-84.

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American Catholic History, 33: 618-19.

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Technology and Social Justice: A Symposium Sponsored by the International Humanum Foundation, 17: 533-35.

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Religion and the Ambiguities of Capitalism, 37: 908.

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Nursing Fathers: American Colonists’ Conception of English Protestant Kingship, 1688-1776, 44: 584-85.

Price, Don K.

America’s Unwritten Constitution: Science, Religion, and Political Responsibility, 28: 342-43.

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Deconstructing Jesus, 43: 347-48.

Prichard, Robert W.

A History of the Episcopal Church, 34: 394-96.

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Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, 16: 547.

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Popes from the Ghetto: A View of Medieval Christendom, 11: 167.

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Defining the Jacobean Church: The Politics of Religious Controversy 1603-1625, 48: 889-90.

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Religious Fundamentalism and American Education: The Battle for the Public Schools, 35: 167-68.

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Caesar Baronius: Counter-Reformation Historian, 19: 124-25.

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Islam in the Contemporary World, 24: 407-09.

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Russian Alternatives to Marxism: Christian Socialism and Idealistic Liberalism in Twentieth-Century Russia, 21: 552-53.

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Pope and Revolution, The: John Paul II Confronts Liberation Theology, 28: 526-28.

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God and Caesar: A Christian Approach to Social Ethics, 3: 83-84.

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In the South the Baptists are the Center of Gravity: Southern Baptists and Social Change, 1930-1980, 35: 421-22.

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Conversion, Politics and Religion in England, 1580-1625, 40: 683-84.

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Physician-Assisted Dying: The Choice for Palliative Care and Patient Choice, 47: 162-63.

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Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicism, 1850-1900, 36: 619.

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The Mormon Hierarchy: Extension of Power, 40: 914-15.

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A Fire in the Bones: Reflections on African American Religious History, 39: 600.

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Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia, 45: 168-69.

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Stato e Chiesa, 2: 199-204.

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Bethlehem Besieged: Stories of Hope in Times of Trouble, 47: 393-94.

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Church and State in Early Christianity, 36: 849.

Railton, Nicholas M.

No North Sea: The Anglo-German Evangelical Network in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century, 43: 362-63.

Raines, John C., ed.

Conspiracy: The Implications of the Harrisburg Trial for the Democratic Tradition, 19: 601-02.

Ramazani, R.K., ed.

Iran’s Revolution: The Search for Consensus, 34: 385-86.

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Cross and Commissar: The Politics of Religion in Eastern Europe and the USSR, 30: 571-72.

Ramet, Pedro, ed.

Catholicism and Politics in Communist Societies, 33: 602-03.

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Whose Democracy? Nationalism, Religion, and the Doctrine of Collective Rights in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, 41: 834-35.

Ramet, Sabrina Petra, ed.

Protestantism and Politics in Eastern Europe and Russia: The Communist and Post-Communist Eras, 36: 611-12.

Religious Policy in the Soviet Union, 37: 913.

Ramsey, Paul

Christian Ethics and the Sit-In, 4: 212-14.

Just War, The: Force and Political Responsibility, 19: 591-93.

War and the Christian Conscience: How Shall Modern War Be Conducted Justly?, 4: 110-11.

Ramsey, Paul, and Richard A. McCormick

Doing Evil to Achieve Good: Moral Choice in Conflict Situations, 23: 341-42.

Randall, E. Vance

Private Schools and Public Power: A Case for Pluralism, 38: 414-16.

Randall, Ian, and David Hilborn

One Body in Christ: The History and Significance of the Evangelical Alliance, 46: 404-06.

Rankin, William W.

Confidentiality and Clergy: Churches, Ethics and the Law, 34: 860-61.

Rapley, Elizabeth

The Devotes: Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France, 33: 369-70.

Rapley, Robert

A Case of Witchcraft: The Trial of Urbain Grandier, 41: 609-10.

Raschke, Carl A.

The Interruption of Eternity: Modern Gnosticism and the Origins of the New Religious Consciousness, 24: 168-69.

Rasmussen, Larry

Dietrich Bonhoeffer—His Significance for North Americans, 33: 818-19.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Reality and Resistance, 19: 575-77.

Moral Fragments and Moral Community: A Proposal for Church in Society, 36: 610.

Rasmusson, Arne

The Church as Polis: From Political Theology to Theological Politics as Exemplified by Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas, 39: 584-85.

Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal

Christianity and the Crisis of Culture and Values in a Time of Upheaval, 49: 368-70.

Ratzinger Report, The: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church, 29: 565-66.

Rauch, Jonathan

Government’s End: Why Washington Stopped Working, 42: 869-70.

Rausch, David A.

Legacy of Hatred, A: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust, 29: 338-39.

Ravitch, Frank S.

School Prayer and Discrimination: The Civil Rights of Religious Minorities and Dissenters, 42: 193-95.

Ravitzky, Aviezer

Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism, 40: 472-73.

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Champions of the Truth: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists, 33: 620-22.

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Theology that Matters: Ecology, Economy, and God, 49: 148-49.

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Religion, Revolution and the Russian Intelligentsia, 1900-1912: The Vekhi Debate and Its Intellectual Background, 24: 152-54.

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The Templars, 43: 814-15.

Read, William R.

New Patterns of Church Growth in Brazil, 9: 409-11.

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Latin American Church Growth, 12: 334-36.

Reardon, Bernard

Liberalism and Tradition: Aspects of Catholic Thought in Nineteenth-Century France, 21: 584-85.

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Jerome, 46: 656-57.

Redekop, Benjamin W., and Calvin W. Redekop

Power, Authority, and How Each Group Constructs Symbolic Meaning through Structures and Behaviors: Anabaptist Tradition, 45: 605-07.

Redekop, Calvin Wall

The Old Colony Mennonites: Dilemmas of Ethnic Life, 12: 156-57.

Redwood, John

Reason, Ridicule and Religion: The Age of Enlightenment in England, 1660-1750, 21: 123-25.

Reeves, Marjorie, ed.

Christian Thinking and Social Order: Conviction Politics from the 1930s to the Present Day, 42: 184-85.

Regan, Richard J.

Conflict and Consensus: Religious Freedom and the Second Vatican Council, 10: 462-65.

Just War: Principles and Causes, 40: 694-95.

Regen, Geoffrey

First Crusader: Byzantine’s Holy Wars, 46: 140-41.

Reichley, A. James

Religion in American Public Life, 28: 322-24.

Reichley, James A.

Faith in Politics, 46: 412-13.

Reid, Charles J., Jr.

Peace in a Nuclear Age: The Bishops’ Pastoral Letter in Perspective, 30: 166-67

Reid, David

New Wine: The Cultural Shaping of Japanese Christianity, 34: 863-64.

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White Protestantism and the Negro, 8: 120-22.

Reimers, David M., and Leonard Dinnerstein

Ethnic Americans: A History of Immigration and Assimilation, 20: 588-89.

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The Urban Catholic University, 18: 571-73.

Reist, Benjamin

Toward a Theology of Involvement: The Thought of Ernst Troeltsch, 10: 474-76.

Remer, Gary

Humanism and the Rhetoric of Toleration, 39: 797-98.

Renna, Thomas J.

Church and State in Medieval Europe, 1050-1314, 20: 353-54.

Renou, Louis

Religions of Ancient India, 18: 138-39.

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Peter in the New Testament, 17: 113-14.

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The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict, 33: 610-11.

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Conscience and Action: Social Statements of the American Lutheran Church, 1961-1970, 19: 597-98.

Reuter, Frank T.

Catholic Influence on American Colonial Policies, 1898-1904, 10: 321.

Rey, Jesus, and Francisca Sauquillo

Ley del Divorcio, 25: 350-51.

Rhoden, Nancy L.

The Colonial Church of England during the American Revolution, 42: 389-90.

Rian, Edwin H., ed.

Christianity and the World Revolution, 6: 227-28.

Ricci, Gabriel R., ed.

Faith in Science: Religion & Public Life, 47: 869-70.

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Freedom of Association, 7: 111-13.

Supreme Court and Public Prayer, The: The Need for Restraint, 8: 114-16.

Rice, Gene

Nations Under God: A Commentary on the Book of I Kings, 34: 609.

Rice, Sister Elizabeth Ann

The Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Mexico, as Affected by the Struggle for Religious Liberty in Mexico, 1925-29, 2: 188-90.

Richard, Carl J.

The Founders and the Classics: Greece, Rome and the American Enlightenment, 38: 434-35.

Richards, Jeffrey

Consul of God: The Life and Times of Gregory the Great, 23: 149-50.

Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages, 476-752, The, 22: 523-25.

Richardson, Alan

The Political Christ, 18: 117-20.

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Regulating Religion: Case Studies from Around the Globe, 48: 680-81.

Richardson, William J., ed.

China and Christian Responsibility, 11 : 165-66.

China Today, 11: 165-66.

Richesin, L. Dale, and Brian Mahan

The Challenge of Liberation Theology: A First World Response, 25: 345-47.

Riemer, Neal, ed.

Let Justice Roll: Prophetic Challenges in Religion, Politics, and Society, 40: 192-93.

Riga, Peter J.

The Church and Revolution, 19: 587-88.

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Kyrhan Kostar (Church Financing): A 1968 Analysis of Church and State in Sweden, 14: 526-28.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan

The Crusades: A Short History, 31: 150-51.

Ringenburg, William C.

The Christian College: A History of Protestant Higher Education in America, 2nd ed., 49: 790-92.

Ringer, Benjamin B.

The Edge of Friendliness: A Study of Jewish-Gentile Relations, 10: 155-56.

Ringer, Beniamin B., Charles Y. Glock, and Earl R. Babbie

To Comfort and to Challenge: A Dilemma of the Contemporary Church, 10: 157-58.

Riskin, Shlomo

Women and Jewish Divorce: The Rebellious Wife, the Agunah and the Right of Women to Initiate Divorce in Jewish Law—A Halakhic Solution, 34: 153-54.

Rittenhouse, Stan

For Fear of the Jews, 26: 359-60.

Rivera, Luis N.

A Violent Evangelism: The Politics and Religious Conquest of the Americas, 36: 177-78.

Rives, J. B.

Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage from Augustus to Constantine, 39: 147-48.

Robbins, Ray Frank

The Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation, 21: 140-41.

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In Gods We Trust: New Patterns of Religious Pluralism in America, 34: 158-59.

Robbins, Thomas and Susan J. Palmer, eds.

Millenniums, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements, 42: 395-97.

Roberts, Edward C., et al.

Freedom from Federal Establishment: Formation and Early History of the First Amendment Religion Clauses, 8: 461-63.

Roberts, J. Deotis

A Black Political Theology, 48: 457-58.

Robertson, David M.

A Passionate Pilgrim: A Biography of Bishop James A. Pike, 47: 406-07.

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Should Churches Be Taxed?, 12: 500-01.

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Religion and Global Order: Religion and the Political Order, Volume IV, 34: 610-11.

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“Moral Order” and the Criminal Law: Reform Efforts in the United States and West Germany, 17: 329-31.

Robinson, N. H. G.

The Groundwork of Christian Ethics, 16: 521-23.

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Eglise et Liberte Religieuse, 12: 149-50.

Roche, John P.

The Quest for the Dream, 7: 125-27.

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The Days of the Upright: A History of the Huguenots, 8: 480-81.

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Ecclesiastical Administration in Medieval England: The Anglo-Saxons to the Reformation, 20: 353.

Law and Moderization in the Church of England: Charles II to the Welfare State, 35: 177-78.

Lay Authority and Reformation in the English Church: Edward I to the Civil War, 27: 142-43.

Roelofs, H. Mark

Ideology and Myth in American Politics: A Critique of a National Political Mind, 20: 346-48.

Rogers, Harrel R., Jr.

Community Conflict, Public Opinion and the Law: The Amish Dispute in Iowa, 11: 539-41.

Rogger, Hans

Jewish Policies and Right-Wing Politics in Imperial Russia, 28: 546-47.

Rogness, Michael

Philip Melanchthon, Reformer Without Honor, 12: 518-20.

Rohr, John A.

Prophets without Honor: Public Policy and the Selective Conscientious Objector, 18: 359-61.

Rohrer, S. Scott

Hope’s Promise: Religion and Acculturation in the Southern Backcountry, 47: 634-35.

Rolnick, Philip., ed.

Explorations in Ethics: Readings Across the Curriculum, 42: 370-71.

Ronan, Charles E., S. J., and Bonnie B. C. Oh, eds.

East Meets West: The Jesuits in China, 31: 561.

Roof, Wade Clark, ed.

Contemporary American Religion, 42: 394-95.

Roof, Wade Clark, Jackson W. Carroll, and David L. Roozen, eds.

The Post-War Generation and Establishment Religion—Cross Cultural Perspectives, 37: 909.

Root, Robert, and Shirley W. Hall

Struggle of Decency, 10: 488-89.

Rose, Anne C.

Beloved Strangers: Interfaith Families in Nineteenth Century America, 44: 586-87.

Rose, Elliot

Cases of Conscience: Alternatives Open, Recusants and Puritans under Elizabeth and James I, 21: 143-44.

Rose, Richard

Governing Without Consensus: An lrish Perspective, 15: 146-47.

Rosenberg, Joel

King and Kin: Political Allegory in the Hewbrew Bible, 30: 165-66.

Rosenberg, Stuart E.

The Search for Jewish Identity in America, 9: 132-34.

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Islam in the National State, 11: 159-62.

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Red Priests: Renovationism, Russian Orthodoxy, and Revolution, 1905-1946, 45: 819-20.

Ross, Andrew C.

A Vision Betrayed: The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, 38: 664-65.

Ross, Robert W.

So It Was True: The American Protestant Press and the Nazi Persecution of the Jews, 23: 359-60.

Ross, Rosetta E.

Witnessing & Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights, 47: 179-80.

Rossi, Peter H., and Andrew M. Greeley

The Education of Catholic Americans, 9: 113-17.

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Kirche und Revolution in Russland: Patriarch Tichon und der Sowjetstaat, 17: 320-22.

Roth, Randolph A.

The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791-1850, 30: 580-81.

Rothenberg, Joshua

The Jewish Religion in the Soviet Union, 14: 530-32.

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Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jew: Catastrophe and Resistance, Volume 1, 18: 558-60.

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Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left, 26: 545-46.

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Jewish Perspectives on Christianity: Leo Baeck, Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Will Herberg, and Abraham J. Heschel, 33: 820-21.

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Eastern Orthodoxy in a Global Age: Tradition Faces the Twenty-First Century, 48: 461-62.

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Civil Religion and Political Theology, 30: 172-73.

Human Rights and the World’s Religions, 31: 570.

On Freedom, 32: 887-89.

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The Church and Revolution, 15: 471-73.

Rousseau, Richard W., S. J.

Christianity and Islam: The Struggling Dialogue, 29: 144-45.

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Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York, 1800-1850, 29: 541-42.

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Religious Fundamentalism and the Human Rights of Women, 44: 824-25.

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Islam and Resistance in Afganistan, 34: 384-85.

Royer, Jean-Pierre

L ‘Eglise et Ie Royaume de France au XI, Siecle, 20: 118-21.

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God’s Lost Cause, 12: 346-47.

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Religion and Politics: Major Thinkers on the Relation of Church and State, 35: 158-59.

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Philip Schaff: Christian Scholar and Ecumenical Scholar, 30: 363-64.

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The Darker Side of Virtue: Corruption, Scandal, and the Mormon Empire, 34: 162-64.

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The Obligation to Disobey: Conscience and the Law, 16: 548-49.

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Judaism, Nationalism, and the Land of Israel, 36: 615-16.

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Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Biblical Studies, 20: 595-96.

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Toward an Evangelical Public Policy: Political Strategies for the Health of the Nation, 47: 890-91.

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Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope: Book for Christian Peacemakers, 25: 554-55.

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Prejudice U. S. A., 12: 345.

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Religious Freedom and Evangelization in Latin America; The Challenge of Religious Pluralism, 42: 383-85.

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Unsecular Media: Making News of Religion in America, 39: 376-78.

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Friendly Fire: The ACLU in Utah, 40: 210-11.

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Rum, Religion, and Votes: 1928 Reexamined, 5: 256-58.

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Where Judaism Differed: An Inguiry into the Distinctiveness of Judaism, 17: 153-54.

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The Religious Press in America, 6: 392-95.

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Churches and States: The Religious Institution and Modernization, 10: 151-53.

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Church, State and Opposition in the U.S.S.R., 17: 325-27.

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The Road to Vichy, 1918-1938, 35: 187.

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The Politics of Compassion and Transformation, 32: 649-50.

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Cease Fire: Searching for Sanity in America’s Culture Wars, 39: 820-21.

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The Jews in Spain and Portugal: A Bibliography, 19: 593.

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A Cautious Patriotism: The American Churches and the Second World War, 40: 493-94.

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Radical Islam: Medieval Theology and Modern Politics, 29: 132-34; 35: 159-60.

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Religion and Public Education, 11: 140-42.

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Ramus and Reform: University and Church at the End of the Renaissance, 44: 829-30.

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Church Leader in the Cities: William Augustus Muhlenberg, 14: 344-47.

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Black into White: Race and Nationality in Brazilian Thought, 17: 338-40.

Skillen, James W.

Christians Organizing for Political Service: A Study Guide Based on the Work of the Association for Public Justice, 24: 173.

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Jewish Identity on the Suburban Frontier: A Study of Group Survival in the Open Society, 10: 155-56.

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Religion and the Development of the American Penal System, 45: 602-03.

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Defining Islam for the Egyptian State: Moftis and Fatwas of the Dar al-Ifta, 41: 137-38.

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The Great Awakening and American Education: A Documentary History, 16: 342-43.

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American Evangelicalism: Embattled and Thriving, 41: 843-45.

Christian America? What Evangelicals Really Want, 43: 822-24.

Emergence of Liberation Theology, The: Radical Religion and Social Movement Theory, 35: 420-21.

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Disruptive Religion: The Force of Faith in Social Movement Activism, 40: 190-91.

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The Achievement of John C. Bennett, 13: 359-61.

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De Facto Segregation and Civil Rights, 8: 487-88.

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Church and State in Your Community, 7: 275-77.

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Religion of the Republic, The, 15: 469-71.

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Liberty and Justice: A Historical Record of American Constitutional Development, 1: 50-52.

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The Death of Classical Paganism, 21: 357-58.

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Public Prayer and the Constitution: A Case Study in Constitutional Interpretation, 30: 356-57.

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Foreordained Failure: The Quest for a Constitutional Principle of Religious Freedom, 38: 436-37.

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Soviet Jewry, Today and Tomorrow, 17: 144-45.

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The Creation/Evolution Controversy: A Battle for Cultural Power, 42: 190-91.

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Divided We Fall: Moving from Suspicion to Solidarity, 36: 870.

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Punishment, The, 44: 369-70.

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Political Theology, 17: 526-28.

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History of Zionism, 1600-1918, 12: 344-45.

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Economic Organizations and Social Systems, 10: 158-59.

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Prelates and People: Ecclesiastical Social Thought in England, 1783-1852, 12: 532-33.

Solt, Leo F.

Church and State in Early Modern England, 1509-1640, 33: 147-48.

Sonbol, Amira El Azhary, ed.

Women, the Family. and Divorce Laws in Islamic History, 40: 895-96.

Song, Robert

Christianity and Liberal Society, 41: 393-94; 49: 776-77.

Sonn, Tamara

Between Qur’an and Crown: The Challenge of Political Legitimacy in the Arab World, 35: 908-10.

Soper, J. Christopher

Evangelical Christianity in the United States and Great Britain: Religious Beliefs, Political Choices, 39: 362-63.

Sorauf, Frank J.

The Wall of Separation: The Constitutional Politics of Church and State, 20: 317-19.

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At Ease in Zion: A Social History of Southern Baptists, 1865-1900, 9: 265-67.

Spalding, Thomas W.

The Premier See: A History of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, 1789-1989, 33: 368-69.

Spector, Ivar

The Soviet Union and the Muslim World, 1917-1958, 3: 99-100.

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The Religious World of Antislavery Women: Spirituality in the Lives of Five Abolitionist Lecturers, 43: 160-62.

Speigl, Jakob

Der Romlsche Staat und die Christen: Staat und Kirche von Domitian bis Commodus, 12: 510-12.

Spinka, Matthew

Church in Soviet Russia, The, 2: 170-71.

John Hus: A Biography, 13: 530-31.

Spinner-Halev, Jeff

Surviving Diversity: Religion and Democratic Citizenship, 43: 139-40.

Spitz, Lewis W.

The Protestant Reformation, 1317-1559, 30: 577-79.

Spitzer, Walter O., and Carlyle L. Saylor, eds.

Birth Control and the Christian, 12: 526-28.

Spotts, Frederic

The Churches and Politics in Germany, 18: 561-63.

Spring, Beth, and Ed Larson

Euthanasia: Spiritual, Medical and Legal Issues in Terminal Health Care, 32: 151.

Sprinzak, Ehud

Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right, 35: 620-21.

St. John-Stevas, Norman

Agonising Choice, The: Birth Control Religion and the Law, 14: 536-37.

Life, Death, and the Law, 4: 111-12.

Stacey, William A., and Anson D. Shupe, Jr.

Born Again Politics and the Moral Majority: What Social Surveys Really Show, 25: 545-48.

Stackhouse, Max L.

Ethics and the Urban Ethos: An Essay in Social Theory and Theological Reconstruction, 15: 144-45.

Ethics of Necropolis, The: An Essay on the Military-Industrial Complex and the Quest for a Just Peace, 19: 590-91.

Stackhouse, John G., Jr., ed.

Evangelical Futures: A Conversation on Theological Method, 45: 173-75.

Stackhouse, Max L.

Public Theology and Political Economy: Christian Stewardship in Modern Society, 35: 172-73.

Stadelmann, Luis

Love and Politics: A New Commentary on the Song of Songs, 36: 858.

Stahmer, Harold, ed.

Religion and Contemporary Society, 7: 448-50.

Stange, Douglas C.

Patterns of Antislavery among American Unitarians, 1831-1860, 21: 546-48.

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Politics and Religion in Seventeenth-Century France, 3: 212-13.

Stanley, Brian, ed.

Christian Missions and the Enlightenment, 46: 148-49.

Stapleton, Thomas

The Life and Illustrious Martyrdom of Sir Thomas More, 10: 132-33.

Starck, Christian, ed.

Verfassungsrecht in Filllen: Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgencht, 18: 144-45.

Stark, Rodney

For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-hunts, and the End of Slavery, 47: 409-10.

One True God. Historical Consequences of Monotheism, 46: 410.

Religious Movements: Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers, 29: 327-28.

Theory of Religion, 30: 584-85.

Starrett, Gregory

Putting Islam to Work: Education, Politics, and Religious Transformation in Egypt, 43: 812-13.

Stassen, Glen H.

Just Peacemaking: Ten Practices for Abolishing War, 42: 368-69.

Just Peacemaking: Transforming Initiatives for Justice and Peace, 35: 629-30.

Stassen, Glen H., and David Gushee

Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context, 47: 158-59.

Stassen, Glen H., and D.M. Yeager

Authentic Transformation: A New Vision of Christ and Culture, 40: 692-93.

Stayer, James M.

Anabaptists and the Sword, 16: 319-22.

German Peasants’ War and Anabaptist Community of Goods, The, 34: 139-40.

Martin Luther, German Saviour: German Evangelical Theological Factions and the Interpretation of Luther, 1917-1933, 42: 860-61.

Stedman, Murray S., Jr.

Religion and Politics in America, 7: 264-66.

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The Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union, Vol. 1: Aaron--Annunciation, 32: 655-56.

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Eastern Politics of the Vatican, 1917-1979, 25: 149-51.

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Weimar and the Vatican, 1919-1933, 28: 525-26.

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The Political Implications of Pentecostalized Religion in Costa Rica and Guatemala, 44: 832-34.

Stein, Stephen J.

Alternative American Religions, 43: 826-28.

The Shaker Experience in America: A History of the United Society of Believers, 35: 414-15.

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Nuclear Weapons: A Catholic Response, 5: 261-62.

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The Tenacity of Prejudice: Anti-Semitism in Contemporary America,19: 351-53.

Steiner, Bruce E.

Samuel Seabury, 1729-1796: A Study in the High Church Tradition,17: 307-08.

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American Catholics, American Culture: Tradition And Resistance, 49: 147-48.

Steinmetz, David C.

Calvin in Context, 38: 663.

Reformers in the Wings, 15: 316-18.

Stenger, Victor J.

Has Science Found God?, 47: 156-57.

Sterne, Evelyn Savidge

Ballots and Bibles: Ethnic Politics and the Catholic Church

in Providence, 47: 403-04.

Stetson, Brad, and Joseph G. Conti

The Truth About Tolerance: Pluralism, Diversity, and the Culture Wars, 47: 874-75.

Stevenson, Kenneth, and Bryan Spinks

The Identity of Anglican Worship, 35: 180-81.

Stevick, Daniel B.

Civil Disobedience and the Christian, 12: 129-30.

Stewart-Gambino, Hannah W.

The Church and Politics in the Chilean Countryside, 35: 427-28.

Stewart, Robert J.

Religion and Society in Post-Emancipation Jamaica, 36: 603-04.

Stiefbo1d, Annette E., and Alexis V. Floridi

The Uncertain Alliance: The Catholic Church and Labor in Latin America, 20: 593-94.

Stiltner, Brian

Religion and the Common Good: Catholic Contributions to Building Community in a Liberal Society, 43: 801-02.

Stivers, Robert L.

The Sustainable Society: Ethics and Economic Growth, 21: 580-81.

Stjernø, Steinar

Solidarity in Europe: The History of an Idea, 48: 217-18, 465-66.

Stock, Ernest

From Conflict to Understanding: Relations Between Jews and Arabs in Israel since 1948, 11: 346-47.

Stock, R. D.

The Holy and the Daemonic from Sir Thomas Browne to William Blake, 26: 559.

Stohlman, Martha Lou Lemmon

John Witherspoon: Parson, Politician, Patriot, 20: 144-45.

Stokes, Anson Phelps, and Leo Pfeffer

Church and State in the United States, 7: 134-36.

Stoll, David

Is Latin America Turning Protestant? The Politics of Evangelical Growth, 33: 351-52.

Stoltzfus, Nathan

Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany, 40: 189-90.

Stone, Ronald H.

Realism and Hope, 21: 354-55.

Reinhold Niebuhr: Prophet to Politician, 24: 411; 16: 141-42.

Stoner, Carroll, and Jo Anne Parke

All God’s Children: The Cult Experience—Salvation or Slavery?, 22: 146-47.

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Texas Baptist Leadership and Social Christiantiy, 1900-1980, 29: 561-62.

Storey, Robert Gerald

Our Unalienable Rights, 8: 490-92.

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Religion and the Mass Media: Audiences and Adaptations, 39: 819-20.

Stout, Harry S.

New England Soul, The: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England, 29: 534-35.

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Catholic Thought and Papal Jewry Policy, 1555-1593, 22: 541-43.

Stowe, Kenneth R.

Alienated Minority: The Jews of Medieval Latin Europe, 35: 911-12.

Stowers, Stanley K.

Letter Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity, 30: 341-42.

Strain, Charles M., ed.

Prophetic Visions and Economic Realities: Protestants, Jews, and Catholics Confront the Bishops’ Letter on the Economy, 32: 148.

Straub, Gerard Thomas

Salvation for Sale: An Insider’s View of Pat Robertson’s Ministry, 30: 177-78.

Strauss, Gerald

Law, Resistance, and the State: The Opposition to Roman Law in Reformation Germany, 29: 550-51.

Strayer, Brian E.

Huguenots and Camisards as Aliens in France, 1589-1789: The Struggle for Religious Toleration, 44: 575-76.

Streiker, Lowell D.

The Gospel of Irreligious Religion, 12: 542-44.

Streyffeler, Alan

Prophets, Priests, and Politicians, 14: 157-58.

Strickland, Stephen, ed.

Hugo Black and the Supreme Court: A Symposium, 10: 322-23.

Stricklin, David

A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the Twentieth Century, 43: 365-66.

Stringfellow, William

Dissenter in a Great Society, 10: 296-97.

Strong, Douglas M.

Perfectionist Politics: Abolitionism and the Religious Tensions of American Democracy, 42: 586-88.

Stroup, Herbert

Church and State in Confrontation: A Sociological Study of Church-State Relations from Old Testament Times to the Present, 10: 129-31.

Strover, Anthony J., and William C. Fletcher

Religion and the Search for New Ideals in the USSR, 10: 148-50.

Stroyen, William B.

Communist Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church, 1943-1962, 11: 135-36.

Strum, Douglas

Community and Alienation: Essays on Process Thought and Public Life, 31: 555.

Struve, Nikita

Christians in Contemporary Russia, 10: 138-40.

Stuart, Jesse

The Land beyond the River, 19: 138.

Stumpf, Samuel Enoch

Morality and the Law, 9: 121-23.

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Kirche und Staat, 17: 538-39.

Suggate, Alan (with the assistance of Yamano Shigeko)

Japanese Christians and Society, 40: 182-83.

Sullivan-González, Douglass

Piety, Power, and Politics: Religion and Nation Formation in Guatemala, 1821-1871, 41: 388-89.

Sullivan, Robert E., and James M. O’Toole, eds.

Catholic Boston: Studies in Religion and Community, 1870-1970, 28: 524-25.

Sullivan, Robert R.

Liberalism and Crime: The British Experience, 45: 176-77.

Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers

Impossibility of Religious Freedom, The, 48: 203-04.

Paying the Words Extra: Religious Discourse in the Supreme Court of the United States, 38: 422-23.

Sundkler, Bengt and Christopher Steed

A History of the Church in Africa, 42: 856-57.

Sutherland, Donald

Chouans: The Social Origins of Popular Counter-Revolution in Upper Brittany, 1770-1796, 26: 347-49.

Sutherland, N. M.

Huguenot Struggle for Recognition, The, 23: 352-54.

Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the European Conflict, 1559-1572, The, 16: 148-49.

Sutton, Jerry

The Baptist Reformation, 43: 824-25.

Swaine, Lucas

The Liberal Conscience: Politics and Principle in a World of Religious Pluralism, 48: 871-72.

Swaney, Charles Baumer

Episcopal Methodism and Slavery With Sidelights on Ecclesiastical Politics, 13: 543-44.

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Religion and Regime: A Sociological Account of the Reformation, 10: 445-47.

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Universities, Academics and the Great Schism, 24: 171.

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The Christ Child Goes to Court, 33: 607.

Swartley, Willard M., ed.

Love of Enemy and Nonretaliation in the New Testament, The, 37: 188.

Swartz, Mary, and Marvin Tokayer

The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews during World War II, 23: 367-68.

Swatos, William H., Jr.

Politics and Religion in Central and Eastern Europe: Traditions and Transitions, 38: 420-21.

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Gender and Religion, 37: 162.

Sweetman, Brendan

Why Politics Needs Religion: The Place of Religious Arguments in the Public Square, 49: 555-56.

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Freedom in the Church, 12: 141-43.

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Catholic-Communist Collaboration in Italy, 32: 423-24.

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Bursting the Bond?: A Jewish-Christian Dialogue on Jesus and Paul, 34: 870-71.

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Black Prophets of Justice: Activist Clergy Before the Civil War, 33: 361-62.

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Luther and the Lutheran Church, 4: 122-23.

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The Revolution of the Candles: Christians in the Revolution of the German Democratic Republic, 39: 590-91.

Swomley, John M., Jr.

American Empire: The Political Ethics of Twentieth-Century Conquest, 20: 133-34.

Military Establishment, The, 7: 283-84.

Politics of Liberation, The, 28: 529-31.

Religion, the State and the Schools, 11: 345.

Religious Liberty and the Secular Siate: The Constitutional Context, 30: 154-55.

Syme, Eric

A History of SDA Church-State Relations in the United States, 20: 563-65.

Synan, Edward A.

The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages, 8: 288-90.

Syrkin, Marie

The State of the Jews, 24: 160-61.

Szajkowski, Zosa

Jews and the French Revolutions of 1789, 1830 and 1848, 13: 141-42.

Jews, Wars, and Communism, Volume 1, The Attitude of American Jews to World War I, the Russian Revolutions of 1917, and Communism (1914-1945), 18: 560-61.

Jews, Wars, and Communism, Volume 2, The Impact of the 1919-20 Red Scare on American Jewish Life, 18: 560-61.

Szasz, Ferenc M.

Divided Mind of Protestant America, 1880-1930, The, 25: 357-58.

Religion in the Modern American West, 44: 167-68.

Szasz, Ferenc M., and Richard W. Etulain

Religion in Modern New Mexico, 41: 152-53.

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The Theology of Medicine: The Political-Philosophical Foundations of Medical Ethics, 32: 438-39.

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The Russian Revolution and Religion: A Collection of Documents Concerning the Suppression of Religion by the Communists, 1917-1925, 4: 94-96.

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Bibliography on Cardinal Mindsunty (1892-1975), 21: 368.

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Why Waco? Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in America, 40: 209-10.

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Separation of Religion and the State: The Development of the Judicial Doctrines in the United States of America, 28: 325-26.

Talmon, Jacob L.

Israel among the Nations, 17: 145-50.

Talonen, Jouko

Church under the Pressure of Stalinism: The Development of the Status and Activities of the Soviet Latvian Evangelical-Lutheran Church in 1944-1950, 42: 176-77.

Tamney, Joseph B.

Resilience of Christianity in the Modern World, The, 36: 404-05.

Resilience of Conservative Religion, The: The Case of Popular, Conservative Protestant Congregations, 44: 840-41.

Tanner, Kathryn

The Politics of God: Christian Theologies and Social Justice, 36: 166-67.

Tapp, Robert B.

Religion among the Unitarian Universalists: Converts in the Stepfather’s House, 20: 361-62.

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Unholy Smoke, 12: 540-41.

Tarr, G. Alan

Judicial Impact and State Supreme Courts, 21: 542-43.

Tatla, Darshan Singh

The Sikh Diaspora: The Search for Statehood, 42: 175-76.

Tatlovich, Raymond, and W. Daynes Byron

The Politics of Abortion: A Study of Community Conflict in Public Policy Making, 26: 121-22.

Taves, Ernest H.

This is the Place: Brigham Young and the New Zion, 33: 817.

Taylor, Jeffrey Wayne

The Formation of the Primitive Baptist Movement, 47: 632-34.

Taylor, John

Baptists on the American Frontier: A History of Ten Baptist Churches of Which the Author Has Been Alternately a Member, 39: 603-04.

Taylor, J. V.

Christianity and Politics in Africa, 2: 197-99.

Taylor, Mark Kline

Remembering Esperanza: A Cultural-Political Theology for North American Praxis, 33: 136-37.

Taylor, Mark Lewis

Executed God, The: The Way of the Cross in Lockdown America, 44: 180-81.

Religion, Politics, and the Christian Right: Post-9/11 Powers and American Empire, 48: 231-32.

Taylor, Richard K., and Ronald J. Sider

Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope: A Book for Christian Peacemakers, 25: 554-55.

Taylor, William B.

Magistrates of the Sacred: Priests and Parishioners in Eighteenth-Century Mexico, 39: 592-93.

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When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland, 31: 316-17.

Templin, Ralph T.

Democracy and Nonviolence: The Role of the Individual in World Crisis, 19: 590-91.

Terpstra, Nicholas

Lay Confraterities and Civic Religion in Renaissance Bologna, 39: 587-88.

Terray, Laszlo G.

He Could Not Do Otherwise: Bishop Lajos Ordass, 1901-1978, 40: 689-90.

Tessler, Mark

A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 39: 344-45.

Thatcher, Joan

The Church Responds, 13: 549.

Thériault, Barbara

“Conservative Revolutionaries”: Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany after Radical Political Change, 47: 627-28.

Thielicke, Helmut

Freedom of the Christian Man, The, 6: 106-07.

Theological Ethics, Volume 2, Politics, 13: 131-32.

Thielman, Frank

Paul and the Law: A Contextual Approach, 38: 649.

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Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective, 42: 847-48.

Thobaben, Robert G., and Nicholas Piediscalzi, eds.

From Hope to Liberation: Towards a New Marxist-Christian Dialogue, 18: 372-73

Thomas, Abraham Vazhayil

Christians in Secular India, 18: 348-50.

Thomas, John L.

Religion and the American People, 6: 246-48.

Thomas, R. Murray

God in the Classroom: Religion and America’s Public Schools, 49: 577-78.

Thomas, Robert David

“With Bleeding Footsteps”: Mary Baker Eddy’s Path to Religious Leadership, 38: 643-44.

Thomas, Theodore N.

Women Against Hitler: Christian Resistance in the Third Reich, 38: 911.

Thomasma, David

Human Life in the Balance, 34: 399-400.

Thompson, E. Bruce, Robert T. Miller, and James E. Wood, Jr.

Church and State in Scripture, History, and Constitutional Law, 1: 47-48.

Thompson, Henry O.

World Religions in War and Peace, 32: 153-54.

Thompson, James J., Jr.

“Tried as by Fire”: Southern Baptists and the Religious Controversies of the 1920s, 25: 361-62.

Thompson, Kenneth A.

Bureaucracy and Church Reform: The Organizational Response of the Church of England to Social Change, 1800-1965, 14: 139-41.

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Christian Ethics and the Dilemmas of Foreign Policy, 3: 107-09.

Moral Issue in Statecraft, The: Twentieth Century Approaches and Problems, 10: 321.

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Moral Dimensions of American Foreign Policy, 28: 547-48; 38: 670-71.

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While China Faced West: American Reformers in Nationalist China, 1928-1932, 16: 129-31.

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Western Atheism: A Short History, 42: 577-79.

Tibi, Bassam

Challenge of Fundamentalism, The: Political Islam and the New World Disorder, 41: 831-32.

Islam and the Cultural Accommodation of Social Change, 33: 616-17.

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Religious and Secular Forces in Late Tsarist Russia: Essays in Honor of Donald W. Treadgold, 36: 394-95.

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Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920, 7: 261-62.

Tinder, Glenn

The Political Meaning of Christianity: The Prophetic Stance, An Interpretation, 34: 379-80.

Tinker, George

Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide, 36: 864.

Tipton, Steven M., and John Witte, Jr.

Family Transformed: Religion, Values, and Society in American Life, 48: 706-07.

Tischner, Josef

Marxism and Christianity: The Quarrel and the Dialogue in Poland, 30: 603-04.

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Henry VIII and the English Lutherans: A Study in Anglo-Lutheran Relations from 1521 to 1547, 8: 460-61.

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The Jews in Umbria, 1435-1484, vol. 2, 39: 152-53.

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The University and the State: What Role for Government in Higher Education?, 22: 540-41.

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Czars, Soviets and Mennonites, 26: 342-44.

Lost Fatherland, 11: 168.

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Mennonites in American Society, 1930-1970: Modernity and the Persistence of Religious Community, 40: 494-95.

Tokayer, Marvin, and Mary Swartz

The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews dunng World War II, 23: 367-68.

Tolmie, Murray

The Triumph of the Saints: The Separate Churches of London, 1616-1649, 21: 548-50.

Tonkin, John

The Church and the Secular Order in Reformation Thought, 15: 140-44.

Toole, David

Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo: Theological Reflections on Nihilism, Tragedy, and Apocalypse, 41: 598-99.

Torres, Camilo

Revolutionary Writings, 12: 125-27.

Toscano, Paul James

The Sanctity of Dissent, 38: 433-34.

Toton, Suzanne C.

World Hunger: The Responsibility of Christian Education, 26: 132-33.

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Genocide at the Millennium: Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review, vol. 5, 48: 204-05.

Toulouse, Mark G.

God in Public: Four Ways American Christianity and Public Life Relate, 49: 580-81.

Transformation of John Foster Dulles, The: From Prophet of Realism to Priest of Nationalism, 29: 346-47.

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Faith in Human Rights: Support in Religious Traditions for a Global Struggle, 34: 610.

Treadgold, Donald W.

The West in Russia and China: Religious and Secular Thought in Modern Times, Volume 1, Russia, 1472-1917, 17: 117-19.

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The Church and Socialism in Cuba, 32: 417-18.

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Renaissance Essays, 28: 548-49.

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The Spiritual Power: Republican Florence under Interdict, 18: 552-54.

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The Catholic Laity in Elizabethan England, 1558-1603, 7: 130-32.

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Elizabethan Puritanism, 13: 532-34.

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Trollinger, William Vance, Jr.

God’s Empire: William Bell Riley and Midwestern Fundamentalism, 34: 156-57.

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Religion in the Soviet Republics: A Guide to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Other Religions, 35: 917-18.

Tucker, Louis Leonard

Puritan Protagonist: President Thomas Clap of Yale College, 5: 117-18.

Tucker, Mary Evelyn, and John Grim

Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment, 38: 927.

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John Henry Newman: The Challenge to Evangelical Religion, 45: 614-15.

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Catholicism and Political Development in Latin America, 13: 520-22.

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Red, White and Blue: A Critical Analysis of Constitutional Law, 31: 303-04.

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The Supreme Court on Church and State, 4: 218-20.

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Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America’s Millennial Role, 17: 344-45.

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God’s War: A New History of the Crusade, 49: 567-69.

Invention of the Crusades, The, 41: 382-83.

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The Communists: The Story of Power and Lost Illusions: 1948-1991, 35: 413-14.

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Religion and the Public Schools, 9: 117-19.

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Conscience in Crisis: Mennonites and Other Peace Churches in America, 1739-1789, Interpretation and Documents, 23: 160.

Ullman, Joan Connelly

The Tragic Week: A Study of Anticlericalism in Spain, 1875-1912, 10: 457-59.

Ullmann, Walter

Carolingian Renaissance and the Idea of Kingship, The, 13: 534-36.

Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages, 18: 362-63.

Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages, A, 18: 120-22.

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The New Christian Right: Political and Social Issues, 40: 704-05.

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God and Utopia: The Church in a Technological Civilization, 22: 170.

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Citizenship for Christians, 19: 364-65.

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Catholicism, Social Control, and Modernization in Latin America, 13: 148-50.

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Controversy: The Birth Control Debate 1958-1968, 12: 537.

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The Religious Philosophy of William James, 23: 368-69.

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Christians and Communists: An Ecumenical Perspective, 25: 154-55.

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Religious Nationalism: Hindus and Muslims in India, 39: 163-64.

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Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective: Legal Perspectives, 40: 893-94.

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Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, 44: 580-81.

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The Spiritual Legacy of John Foster Dulles, 2: 190-91.

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Introducing the World Council of Churches, 44: 578-79.

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Jacques Ellul: Interpretive Essays, 23: 571-72.

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Jansenists and the Expulsion of the Jesuits from France, 1757-1765, The, 20: 125-27.

Religious Origins of the French Revolution, The: From Calvin to the Civil Constitution, 1560-1791, 39: 808-09.

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Catholic Colonialism: A Parish History of Guatemala 1524-1821, 30: 352-53.

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Calvinist Trinitarianism and Theocentric Politics: Essays Toward a Public Theology, 33: 355-56.

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From New Babylon to Eden: The Huguenots and Their Migration to Colonial South Carolina, 48: 892-93.

Vardys, V. Stanley

The Catholic Church, Dissent and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania, 22: 334-36.

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Missionaries, Chinese, and Diplomats: The American Protestant Missionary Movement in China, 1890-1952, 2: 165-66.

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The Puritan Tradition in America, 1620-1730, 14: 520-22.

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The Expectation of the Poor: What Can the Church Do in the Third World? 18: 143.

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The Abbey of Bec and the Anglo-Norman State, 1034-1136, 25: 575-76.

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Ethics and the Gulf War: Religion, Rhetoric and Righteousness, 36: 853.

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Who Shall Live?, 12: 339-41.

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Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 47: 394-96.

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Responsible Revolution: Means and Ends for Transforming Society, 19: 604-05.

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The Esoteric Origins of the American Renaissance, 44: 585-86.

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The New Right: We’re Ready to Lead, 23: 364-65.

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Islamic Society and State Power in Senegal: Disciples and Citizens in Fatick, 39: 810-12.

Villa Vicencio, Charles

Civil Disobedience and Beyond: Law, Resistance and Religion in South Africa, 34: 391-92.

Theology of Reconstruction, A: Nation-Building and Human Rights, 37: 419.

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Doing Ethics in Context: South African Perspectives, 38: 661.

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Secular Christ: A Contemporary Interpretation of Jesus, 11: 560.

Vincent, Nicholas

Holy Blood, The: King Henry III and the Westminster Blood Relic, 44: 574-75.

Peter Des Roches: An Alien in English Politics, 1205-1238, 40: 184-85.

Vinz, Warren E.

Pulpit Politics: Faces of American Protestant Nationalism in the Twentieth Century, 40: 698-99.

Vital, David

The Future of the Jews, 34: 613-14.

Vivian, C. T.

Black Power and the American Myth, 15: 149-50.

Voegelin, Eric

From Enlightenment to Revolution, 20: 12-25.

Modernity Without Constraint: The Political Religions, The New Science of Politics, and Science, Politics, and Gnosticism, 42: 568-69.

Vogelgesang, Sandy

American Dream, Global Nightmare: The Dilemma of U.S. Human Rights Policy, 24: 409-10.

Volf, Miroslav

Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work, 35: 624-25.

Volkmar, Lloyd B.

Luther’s Response to Violence: Why the Reformer Hurled His Harsh “No!” against the Peasants, 17: 301-02.

von Bar, Carl Ludwig

Staat und katholische Kirche in Preussen, 17: 541-42.

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Staat und Kirche in Frankreich, 7: 287-08.

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Candles Behind the Wall, 37: 647-48.

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Religion and Modernization in Southeast Asia, 30: 344-45.

von der Osten-Sacken, Peter

Christian-Jewish Dialogue: Theological Foundations, 30: 599-600.

von Hildebrand, Dietrich

The Encyclical HUMANAE VITAE: A Sign of Contradiction, 12: 536-37.

von Klemperer, Klemens

Ignaz Seipel: Christian Statesman in a Time of Crisis, 19: 573-75.

Voogt, Gerrit

Constraint on Trial: Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert and Religion Freedom, 46: 402-03.

Vorgrimler, Herbert, ed.

Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II, 11: 167-68.

Voss, Carl Hermann, ed.

A Summons Unto Men: An Anthology of the Writings of John Haynes Holmes, 14: 353.

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The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century, 21: 369.

Wacker, Grant

Religion in Nineteenth Century America, 43: 158-59.

Waddams, S. M.

Law, Politics and the Church of England: The Career of Stephen Lushington, 1782-1873, 36: 391.

Wade, Wyn Craig

Fiery Cross, The: The Ku Klux Klan in America, 30: 361-62.

Wagner, David

The New Temperance: The American Obsession with Sin and Vice, 41: 619.

Wagner, Massey L.

Petr Chelcicky: A Radical Separatist in Hussite Bohemia, 28: 124-25.

Wakefield, Walter L.

Heresy, Crusade and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100-1250, 18: 548-50.

Wakin, Edward

A Lonely Minority: The Modern Story of Egypt’s Copts, 6: 229-31.

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Religion and Politics in the United States, 31: 305-06.

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Religion and Politics in the United States, 47: 412-13.

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God, Locke, and Equality, 45: 612-13.

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Plays of Persuasion: Drama and Politics at the Court of Henry VIII, 34: 872-73.

Walker, Lawrence D.

Hitler Youth and Catholic Youth, 1933-1936: A Study in Totalitarian Conquest, 16: 327-28.

Wallis, Jim

God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, 48: 710-11.

Soul of Politics, The, 38: 426-27.

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Cloud of Witnesses, 34: 881-82.

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The Mighty From Their Thrones: Power in the Biblical Tradition, 32: 652-53.

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Religion and the State University, 2: 81-84.

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The American Deists: Voices of Reason and Dissent in the Early Republic, 35: 905-06.

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War No More? Options in Nuclear Ethics, 33: 157-58.

Walters, Ronald G.

American Reformers, 1815-1860, 22: 160-61.

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The Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., 16: 534-36.

Walton, Robert C.

Zwingli’s Theocracy, 12: 147-49.

Waltz, Susan E.

Human Rights and Reform: Changing the Face of North African Politics, 39: 349-50.

Walzer, Michael

Arguing About War, 48: 201-03.

Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations, 23: 342-44.

On Toleration, 41: 142-44.

Revolution of the Saints, The: A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics, 8: 457-58.

Wardle, Lynn D., and Mary Anne Q. Wood

A Lawyer Looks at Abortion, 25: 170-71.

Wardman, Alan

Religion and Statecraft Among the Romans, 26: 117-18.

Warner, Carolyn M.

Confessions of an Interest Group: The Catholic Church and Political Parties in Europe, 44: 353-54.

Warner, Stephen R., and Judith Wittner

Gatherings in Diaspora: Religious Communities and the New Immigration, 42: 200-01.

Warren, Austin

The New England Conscience, 11: 553.

Warren, Roland L.

Loyal Dissenter: The Life and Times of Robert Pike, 35: 637.

Washington, James M.

Essential Writings of Martin Luther King, Jr., The, 29: 537-38.

Frustrated Fellowship: The Black Baptist Quest for Social Power, 29: 555-56.

Washington, Joseph R., Jr.

Black and White Power Subreption, 12: 346-47.

Black Religion: The Negro and Christianity in the United States, 8: 122-23.

Race and Religion in Early 19th Century America, 1800-1850: Constitution, Conscience and the Calvinist Compromise, 32: 430-31.

Waskow, Arthur I.

The Bush Is Burning! Radical Judaism Faces the Pharaohs of the Modern Superstate, 17: 548-49.

Wasserstein, David J.

The Caliphate in the West: An Islamic Political Institution in the Iberian Peninsula, 38: 661-62.

Waterman, Bryan, and Brian Kagel

The Lord’s University: Freedom and Authority at BYU, 42: 195-96.

Watley, William D.

Roots of Resistance: The Nonviolent Ethic of Martin Luther King, Jr., 31: 576.

Watson, Alan

The State, Law and Religion: Pagan Rome, 35: 406.

Watson, Justin

The Christian Coalition: Dreams of Restoration, Demands for Recognition, 40: 702-03.

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The Church and the Two Nations in Medieval Ireland, 13: 363-64.

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Choosing Death: Suicide and Calvinism in Early Modern Geneva, 43: 816-17.

Watts, David Harrington

A Transforming Faith: Explorations of Twentieth-Century American Evangelicalism, 35: 423-24.

Watts, Michael R.

The Dissenters: Vol. 1, From the Reformation to the French Revolution, 21: 537-38.

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Tonight They’ll Kill a Catholic, 19: 131.

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Being Right: Conservative Catholics in America, 38: 902.

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What’s Left? American Catholics, 42: 592-93.

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Patrons and Defenders: The Saints in the Italian City-States, 40: 187-88.

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Church and State in Italy: 1947-1957, 2: 199-204.

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American Providence: A Nation With a Mission, 48: 228-30.

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How to Choose a Christian College, 20: 365.

Moral Majority, The: Right or Wrong? 24: 603-05.

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Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England, 30: 601-02.

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Experiments With Man, 13: 164-65.

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Private Churches and Public Money: Church-Government Fiscal Relations, 23: 591-92.

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Equal Separation: Understanding the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment, 33: 601-02.

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America in Change: Reflections on the 60s and 70s, 17: 346.

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An Almost Chosen People: The Moral Aspirations of Americans, 21: 132-34.

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The Virtue of War: Reclaiming the Classic Christian Traditions East and West, 47: 414-15.

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The Cross and the Fasces: Christian Democracy and Fascism in Italy, 5: 133-35.

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Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England: The Caroline Puritan Movement, c. 620-1643, 40: 903-04.

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Trennungvon Kirche und Staat? Junstische, theologische und politlsche Stimmen zu einem alten Problem, 21: 362-63.

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Catholicism and the Renewal of American Democracy, 32: 889-90.

Soul of the World: Notes on the Future of Public Catholicism, 39: 581-82.

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Building the Free Society: Democracy, Capitalism, and Catholic Social Teaching, 37: 164.

Century of Catholic Social Thought: Essays on “Rerum Novarum” and Nine Other Key Documents, A, 34: 858-60.

Cube and the Cathedral, The: Europe, America, and Politics Without God, 48: 218-20.

Weigel, Gustave

Faith and Understanding in America, 3: 71-73.

Weigel, Gustave, and Robert McAfee Brown

An American Dilemma, 3: 216-18.

Weigert, Kathleen Maas, and Alexia K. Kelley

Living the Catholic Social Tradition: Cases and Commentary, 48: 211-13.

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Buddhist Behavioral Codes and the Modern World: An International Symposium, 38: 907.

Weinstein, Donald

Savonarola and Florence: Prophecy and Patriotism in the Renaissance, 15: 303-05.

Weir, David A.

Early New England: A Covenanted Society, 48: 223-24, 471-73.

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Secrecy and Foreign Policy, 20: 577-79.

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Vichy Law and the Holocaust in France, 40: 188-89.

Weisbrod, Carol

The Boundaries of Utopia, 23: 592-94.

Weis, Rene

The Yellow Cross: The Story of the Last Cathars, 1290-1329, 44: 153-54.

Weiss, Anita M.

Islamic Reassertion in Pakistan: The Application of Islamic Laws in a Modern State, 30: 171.

Weithman, Paul J., ed.,

Religion and Liberalism, 42: 187-88.

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A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation, 46: 660-61.

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Clergy Malpractice in America: Nally v. Grace Community Church of the Valley, 45: 189-90.

Welch, D. Don

Conflicting Agendas: Personal Morality in Institutional Settings, 38: 428-29.

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Buddhism under Mao, 18: 545-48.

Welch, Julia, and Philip Garvin

Religious America, 19: 367-68.

Welch, Sharon D.

Communities of Resistance and Solidarity: A Feminist Theology of Liberation, 29: 158.

Feminist Ethic of Risk, A, 34: 171-72.

Wells, Colin

The Devil & Doctor Dwight: Satire & Theology in the Early American Republic, 46: 150-51.

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The Wars of America: Christian Views, 35: 892-93.

Wennberg, Robert N.

Life in the Balance: Exploring the Abortion Controversy, 28: 554.

Wentz, Richard E.

Religion in the New World: The Shaping of Religious Traditions in the United States, 35: 162-63.

Wenz, Peter S.

Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom, 36: 399.

Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi, and Geoffrey Wigoder

The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, 40: 471-72.

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Zeitgenosszcher Rechtsextremismus in den Vereinigten Staaten: Organisation, Ideologie, Methoden und Einfluss, dargestellt unter Berucksichtigung der John Birch Society, 23: 572-73.

Wessinger, Catherine

Millennialism, Persecution & Violence: Historical Cases, 44: 183-84.

West, Charles C.

The Power to Be Human: Toward A Secular Theology, 14: 511-13.

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An Introduction to Mill’s Utilitarian Ethics, 47: 876-77.

Westerhoff, John H., III

McGuffey and His Readers: Piety, Morality, and Education in Nineteenth-Century America, 21: 567-68.

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Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics, 39: 580-81.

Westin, Gunnar

The Free Church Through the Ages, 1: 43-45.

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Balthasar Hubmaier: Schriften, 5: 268-69.

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The Theology of Welfare: Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Conversations about Welfare, 44: 178-79.

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Diskussion zur “Theologie der Revolution,” 18: 576-79.

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Faith for the Few, 6: 408.

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Religious Toleration and Social Change in Hamburg, 1529-1819, 28: 558-59.

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Religion in Cuba Today: A New Church in a New Society, 14: 358.

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Minority Report: The Protestant Community in the Irish Republic, 21: 585-86.

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The Social World of the First Christians: Essays in Honor of Wayne A. Meeks, 39: 352.

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Religion, Politics, and the Higher Learning, 3: 79-83.

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Liberty and Justice for All: Racial Reform and the Social Gospel (1877-1925), 34: 626-27.

White, Ronald C., Jr., and Albright G. Zimmerman, eds.

An Unsettled Arena: Religion and the Bill of Rights, 34: 606-07.

White, Ronald C., Jr., and C. Howard Hopkins

The Social Gospel: Religion and Reform in Changing America, 20: 332-34.

Whitehead, John S.

The Separation of College and State: Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, and Yale, 1776-1876, 17: 309-11.

Whitehead, John W.

Rights of Religious Persons in Public Education, The, 34: 866-68.

Second American Revolution, The, 25 : 354-56.

Whitney, John R., and Susan W. Howe

Religious Literature of the West, 19: 369.

Whitsel, Bradley

The Church Universal and Triumphant: Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Apocalyptic Movement, 46: 418-19.

Whitson, Robley Edward

The Coming Convergence of World Religions, 15: 323-24.

Whitten, Mark Weldon

The Myth of Christian America: What You Need to Know About the Separation of Church and State, 42: 873-74.

Whyte, John H,

Catholics in Western Democracies: A Study in Political Behaviour, 24: 400-402.

Church and State in Modern Ireland, 1923-1970, 15: 318-20.

Church and State in Modern Ireland, 1923-1970, 2nd ed., 24: 391-93.

Wicker, Brian

First the Political Kingdom: A Personal Appraisal of the Catholic Left in Britain, 18: 144.

Wickeri, Philip L.

Seeking the Common Ground: Protestant Christianity, the Three-Self Movement, and China’s United Front, 32: 128-30.

Wiebe, Donald

The Politics of Religious Studies: The Continuing Conflict with Theology in the Academy, 43: 370-71.

Wigger, John H.

Taking Heaven by Storm: Methodism and the Rise of Popular Christianity in America, 41: 390-91.

Wiggins, J. R., Archibald Cox, and Mark DeWolfe Howe

Civil Rights, the Constitution, and the Courts, 11: 166-67.

Wijngaards, John

The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church: Unmasking a Cockoo’s Egg Tradition, 45: 175-76.

Wiktorowicz, Quintan

The Management of Islamic Activism: Salafis, the Muslim Brotherhood, and State Power in Jordan, 43: 605.

Wilbanks, Dana W.

Re-Creating America: The Ethics of U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy in a Christian Perspective, 40: 913-14.

Wilcox, Clyde

Onward Christian Soldiers? The Religious Right in American Politics, 39: 609-10.

Wilcox, John R., and Irene H. King, eds.

Enhancing Religious Identity: Best Practices From Catholic Campuses, 44: 170-71.

Wild, John

Human Freedom and Social Order: An Essay in Christian Philosophy, 3: 94-97.

Wilkie, William E.

The Cardinal Protectors of England: Rome and the Tudors before the Reformation, 17: 507-08.

Wilks, Michael J.

The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages: The Papal Monarchy with Augustinus Triumphus and the Publicists, 7: 292-95.

Wille, Wilhelm, and Gerhard Hoffman, eds.

World Mission and World Communism, 17: 537-38.

Willebrands, Johannes Cardinal

Church and Jewish People, 36: 625.

Willems, Emilio

Followers of the New Faith: Culture Change and the Rise of Protestantism in Brazil and Chile, 11: 156-59.

Williams, Derek

The Reach of Rome: A History of the Roman Imperial Frontier, 1st-5th Centuries AD, 41: 378-79.

Williams, Edward J.

Latin American Christian Democratic Parties, 11: 333-34.

Williams, Ethel L., and Clifton L. Brown

Afro-American Religious Studies: A Comprehensive Bibliography with Locations in American Libraries, 19: 135-36.

Williams, George Huntston

Mind of John Paul II, The: Origins of His Thought and Action, 23: 574-76.

Radical Reformation, The: 5: 109-10.

Williams, George Huntston, ed. and trans.

The Polish Brethren: Documentation of the History and Thought of Unitarianism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and in the Diaspora, 1601-1685, 24: 390-91.

Williams, Michael E.

Isaac Taylor Tichenor: The Creation of the Baptist New South, 48: 705-06.

St. Alban’s College Valladolid: Four Centuries of English Catholic Presence in Spain, 30: 173-74.

Williams, Peter W.

Popular Religion in America: Symbol Change and the Modernization Process in Historical Perspective, 23: 151-53.

Williams, Philip J.

The Catholic Church and Politics in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, 33: 149-50.

Williams, Rhys H., ed.

Culture Wars in American Politics: Critical Reviews of a Popular Myth, 41: 159-60.

Williamson, Rene de Visme

Politics and Protestant Theology: An Interpretation of Tillich, Barth, Bonhoeffer, and Brunner, 21: 135-36

Wills, David W.

Christianity in the United States: A Historical Survey and Interpretation, 48: 703.

Wills, Garry

Politics and Catholic Freedom, 7: 266-68.

Wills, Gregory A.

Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, 46: 666-68.

Wilson, Charles Reagan

Baptized in Blood: The Religion of the Lost Cause, 1865-1920, 24: 610-12.

Wilson, E. Raymond

Uphill for Peace: Quaker Impact on Congress, 19: 583-85.

Wilson, Jerry B.

Death by Decision: The Medical, Moral, and Legal Dilemmas of Euthanasia, 19: 344-44.

Wilson, John F.

Church and State in America: A Bibliographical Guide: The Colonial and Early National Periods, 29: 554-55.

Public Religion in American Culture, 22: 519-20.

Pulpit in Parliament: Puritanism During the Civil Wars, 1640-1648, 12: 529-32.

Winch, Donald, and Jacques Melitz, eds.

Religious Thought and Economic Society: Four Chapters of an Unfinished Work by Jacob Viner, 23: 142-44.

Wind, Renate

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Spoke in the Wheel, 35: 610-12.

Wink, Walter

When the Powers Fail: Reconciliation in the Healing of the Nations, 41: 830.

Wink, Walter, ed.

Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches, 43: 349-50.

Winks, Robin W., ed.

British Impenallsm: Gold, God and Glory, 6: 248-49.

Winn, Wilkins B.

Reports of British Diplomats Concerning the Status of Protestantism in Latin America in 1851, 10: 437-44.

Winship, Michael P.

Seers of God: Providentialism in the Restoration and Early Enlightenment, 39: 157-58.

The Times and Trials of Anne Hutchinson: Puritans Divided, 47: 630-31.

Winston, Diane

Red-Hot and Righteous: The Urban Religion of the Salvation Army, 42: 192-93.

Winter, Colin O’Brien

Namibia, 20: 579-81.

Winter, Gibson

Being Free: Reflections on America’s Cultural Revolution, 17: 542-43.

Liberating Creation: Foundations of Religious Social Ethics, 25: 176-77.

Wishy, Bernard, ed.

Prefaces to Liberty: Selected Writings of John Stuart Mill, 3: 101-04.

Wistrich, Robert C.

Between Redemption and Perdition: Modern Antisemitism and Jewish Identity, 33: 824-25.

Witte, John, Jr.

Witte, John, Jr. God’s Joust, God’s Justice: Law and Religion in the Western Tradition, 49: 556-57.

Law and Protestantism: The Legal Teachings of the Lutheran Reformation, 45: 598-600.

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment: Essential Rights and Liberties, 2nd ed., 47: 641-42.

Witte, John, Jr., and Frank S. Alexander, eds.

The Weightier Matters of the Law: Essays on Law and Religion, 31: 544.

Witte, John, Jr., and Michael Bordeaux, eds.

Proselytism and Orthodoxy in Russia: The New War for Souls, 42: 177-78.

Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment: Essential Rights and Liberties, 42: 198-200.

Wolf, William J.

The Religion of Abraham Lincoln, 6: 99-11.

Wogaman, J. Philip

Christian Perspective on Politics, 42: 585-86.

Economics and Ethics: A Christian Inquiry, 28: 141-42.

Wohlgelernter, Maurice, ed.

History, Religion, and American Democracy, 37: 899.

Wojcik, Daniel

The End of the World As We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America, 42: 395-97.

Wolfe, Michael

The Conversion of Henry IV: Politics, Power, and Religious Belief in Early Modern France, 36: 855.

Wolffe, John

God and Greater Britain: Religion and National Life in Britain and Ireland, 1843-1945, 38: 910.

Wolff, Larry

The Vatican and Poland in the Age of the Partitions: Diplomatic and Cultural Encounters at the Warsaw Nunciature, 31: 564.

Wolterstorff, Nicholas

Religion and the Schools, 9: 117-19.

Wood, Forrest G.

The Arrogance of Faith: Christianity and Race in America from the Colonial Era to the Twentieth Century, 34: 383-84.

Wood, Glenn G., and John E. Dietrich

The AIDS Epidemic: Balancing Compassion and Justice, 33: 623.

Wood, James E., Jr.

Church and State in Historical Perspective: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography, 48: 199-200.

Nationhood and the Kingdom: The Role Religion in the Life of a Nation, 21: 570.

Wood, James E., Jr., ed.

Baptists and the American Experience, 20: 561-63.

Ecumenical Perspectives on Church and State—Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, 30: 573-74.

First Freedom, The: Religion and the Bill of Rights, 33: 598-99.

Jewish-Christian Relations in Today’s World, 14: 327-29.

Readings on Church and State, 32: 130-31.

Religion and Politics, 26: 122-24.

Religion and the State: Essays in Honor of Leo Pfeffer, 28: 324-25.

Religion, the State, and Education, 26: 541-42.

Wood, James E., Jr., and Derek Davis, eds.

Problems and Conflicts between Law and Morality in a Free Society, 37: 904.

Role of Government in Monitoring and Regulating Religion in Public Life, The, 37: 902.

Role of Religion in the Making of Public Policy, The, 34: 854-55.

Wood, James E., Jr., E. Bruce Thompson, and Robert T. Miller

Church and State in Scripture, History, and Constitutional Law, 1: 47-48.

Wood, Mary Anne Q., and Lynn D. Wardle

A Lawyer Looks at Abortion, 25: 170-71.

Woodard, William P.

The Allied Occupation of Japan 1945-19 and Japanese Religions, 15: 125-27.

Woodhouse, A. S. P., ed.

Puritanism and Liberty: Being the Army Debates (1647-9) from the Clarke Manuscripts with Supplementary Documents, 19: 125-26.

Woodyard, David O.

Strangers and Exiles: Living by Promises, 18: 373-74.

Worden, Blair

The Rump Parliament, 1648-1653, 19: 100-03.

World Council of Churches

Church and State: Opening a New Ecumenical Discussion, 22: 529-30.

Worrall, Arthur J.

Quakers in the Colonial Northeast, 23: 594-96.

Worrall, Stanley, and Eric Gallagher

Christians in Ulster, 1968-1980, 25: 366-68.

Wright, Christopher J. H.

Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, 47: 159-60.

Wright, H. Elliot, and Robert S. Lecky

Black Manifesto: Religion, Racism, and Reparations, 12: 346-47.

Wright, Stuart A.

Leaving Cults: The Dynamics of Defection, 32: 639-40.

Wright, William John

Capitalism, the State, and the Lutheran Reformation: Sixteenth-Century Hesse, 31: 322-23.

Writer, Rashna

Contemporary Zoroastrians: An Unstructured Nation, 39: 164-65.

Wunder, John R.

“Retained by the People”: A History of American Indians and the Bill of Rights, 37: 441.

Wuthnow, Robert

America and the Challenges of Religious Diversity, 48: 478-79.

Christianity and Civil Society: The Contemporary Debate, 40: 194.

Christianity in the Twenty-first Century, 37: 643.

Crisis in the Churches, The: Spiritual Malaise, Fiscal Woe, 40: 501-03.

Growing Up Religious: Christians and Jews and Their Journeys of Faith, 42: 197-98.

Poor Richard’s Principle: Recovering the American Dream Through the Moral Dimension of Work, Business, and Money, 40: 195-96.

Producing the Sacred: An Essay on Public Religion, 38: 901.

Rediscovering the Sacred: Perspectives on Religion in Contemporary Society, 35: 913-14.

Restructuring of American Religion, The: Society and Faith Since World War II, 31: 550.

Struggle for America’s Soul, The: Evangelicals, Liberals, and Secularism, 33: 153-55.

Wyatt-Brown, Bertram

Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War Against Slavery, 14: 146-47.

Wynne, Edward

Traditional Catholic Religious Orders: Living in Community, 31: 561.

Wyzanski, Charles E., Jr.

Whereas—A Judge’s Premises, 9: 280-81.

Yannoulatos, Archbishop Anastasios

Facing the World: Orthodox Christian Essays on Global Concerns, 48: 460-61.

Yates, Gerald F., ed.

Papal Thought on the State, 3: 100-01.

Yavuz, M. Hakan, and John L. Esposito, eds.

Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gülen Movement, 46: 650-51.

Yazbeck, Yvonne, ed.

The Islamic Impact, 27: 522-24.

Yoder, John Howard

Karl Barth and the Problem of War, 14: 131-33.

Original Revolution, The: Essays on Christian Pacifism, 16: 517-19.

Politics of Jesus, The: Vicit Agnus Noster, 18: 115-17.

What Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question, 27: 146-47.

Yoder, Perry B., and William B. Swartley, eds.

The Meaning of Peace: Biblical Studies, 35: 890-91.

Yokley, Raytha L., Ann K. Nelsen, and Hart M. Nelsen, eds.

The Black Church in America, 15 : 305-06.

Yolton, John W.

The Two Intellectual Worlds of John Locke: Man, Person, and Spirits in the “Essay”, 48: 873-74.

Yolton, John W., ed.

John Locke: Problems & Perspectives, 15: 132-34.

Young, Glennys

Power and the Sacred in Revolutionary Russia, Religious Activists in the Village, 41: 385-87.

Young, Henry J.

Major Black Religious Leaders since 1940, 24: 172-73.

Young, James, and Marjorie Hope

The South African Churches in a Revolutionary Situation, 24: 619-21.

Young, Josiah U.

Black and African Theologies: Siblings or Distant Cousins?, 30: 151-52.

Young, Louise B., ed.

Population in Perspective, 10: 479-81.

Young, William A.

Quest for Harmony: Native American Spiritual Traditions, 49: 375-77.

Youngblood, Robert L.

Marcos Against the Church: Economic Development and Political Repression in the Phillipines, 34: 603.

Younger, George D.

Church and Urban Power Structure, The, 7: 277-78.

Church and Urban Renewal, The, 7: 469-71.

Yuhaus, Cassian, ed.

The Catholic Church and American Culture: Reciprocity and Challenge, 33: 359-60.

Zabel, James A.

Nazism and the Pastors: A Study of Three Deutsche Christen Groups, 20: 357-58.

Zaeske, Susan

Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery and Women’s Political Identity, 45: 836-37.

Zagorin, Perez

How the Idea of Religious Toleration Came to the West, 46: 896-97.

Zahn, Gordon C.

German Catholics and Hitler’s Wars: A Study in Social Control, 4: 225-27.

Military Chaplaincy, The: A Study of Role Tension in the Royal Air Force, 11: 510-31.

Zanca, Kenneth J., ed. and comp.

American Catholics and Slavery: 1789-1866: An Anthology of Primary Documents, 38: 919.

Zaretsky, Irving L., and Mark P. Leone, eds.

Religious Movements in Contemporary America, 22: 152-53.

Zatko, James J.

Descent Into Darkness: The Destruction of the Roman Catholic Church in Russia, 1917-1923, 9: 110-11.

Zeldin, Theodore, ed.

Conflicts in French Society: Anticlericalism, Education and Morals in the 19th Century, 14: 351-52.

Zeps, Michael J.

Education and the Crisis of the First Republic, 31: 329-30.

Zernov, Nicolas

The Russian Religious Renaissance of the Twentieth Century, 7: 271-73.

Zhou, Jinghao

Remaking China’s Public Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century, 47: 391-92.

Zhufeng, Leo, ed.

Religion under Socialism in China, 35: 161-62.

Ziegler, Adolf W.

Das Verhiiltnis von Kirche und Staat in Amerika, 18: 129-30.

Religion, Kirche und Staat in Geschichte und Gegenwart, vol 1: Geschlchte, 12: 320-21.

Ziegler, Valarie H.

The Advocates of Peace in Antebellum America, 37: 175.

Ziff, Larzer

Puritanism in America: New Culture in a New World, 17: 305-07.

Ziff, Larzer, ed.

John Cotton on the Churches of New England, 10: 485-86.

Zimmer, Timothy W. L.

Letters of a C. O. from Prison, 12: 159.

Zimmerman, Anthony

Catholic Viewpoint on Overpopulation, 4: 114-16.

Zivojinovic, Dragan R.

The United States and the Vatican Policies, 1914-1918, 22: 527-28.

Zöeller, Michael

Washington and Rome: Catholicism and American Culture, 42: 590-91.

Zophy, Jonathan W., and Lawrence P. Buck, eds.

The Social History of the Reformation, 19: 98-100.

Zugger, Christopher Lawrence

The Forgotten: Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin through Stalin, 43: 820-21.

Zwier, Robert

Born-Again Politics: The New Christian Right in America, 25: 545-48.

Zwierlein, Frederick J.

Religion in New Netherland, 1623-1664, 19: 126.


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