Tools for Taking Action

[Pages:20]Tools for Taking Action

Download the complete set of tools at pdf/books/rodman2019.pdf.

From Personalized Professional Learning by Allison Rodman. Copyright ? 2019 ASCD. Readers may duplicate these tools for non- commercial use within their district or school.

TOOL 1 Goal Identification and Progress Self-Assessment

TAKE ACTION: Identify your school and district goals and assess your progress toward them.


What is your district's and school's vision? Ask: "Where do we aim to be?" or "Where do we want our students to be? Who do we want them to become?"

How close are you to that vision? Ask: "Where have we made significant progress? Where are we lagging?"


What is your district's and school's mission? Ask: "What do we do? What makes us different?" or "What do we want our students to know and be able to do upon graduation?"

Are you progressing toward achieving that mission? Ask: "What are our current strengths? What is holding us back?"


What are your district's and school's goals? What metrics are you using to measure progress? Ask: "How do we know we are on the right track? What evidence demonstrates our progress?"

Is your school making progress toward these goals? Ask: "What do our student growth and achievement data show? What have we learned through observational data?"

TOOL 2 Teacher Observation Analysis

TAKE ACTION: Analyze your teacher observation data.

Strengths Which performance indicators are our teachers' strengths? Are there opportunities for celebration we have not yet recognized?

Growth Opportunities With which performance indicators do most or all of our teachers struggle? What actions have we taken thus far to provide support in these areas?

Years of Experience Can we identify trends in regard to areas where our new teachers are strong or are struggling?

How can we continue to grow our more experienced teachers? What are their greatest needs?

Grade Levels Where is each grade-level team strong? What are their targets? How can we leverage existing strengths to meet these needs?

Content Areas Where is each content-area team strong? What are their targets? How can we leverage existing strengths to meet these needs?

TOOL 3 Needs Assessment

TAKE ACTION: Conduct a professional learning needs assessment.

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. We are working to refine professional learning offerings for the upcoming academic year. Your input on this survey will help inform decisions about the topics, format, and timing of those opportunities. The survey is anonymous to encourage the most meaningful feedback. We appreciate your voice in this process.

1. Please indicate your interest level in each of the following topics.

Brain-based learning Classroom management Content-area literacy Cooperative learning Creating an achievement-focused classroom culture Creating objective-driven assessments and learning plans Data analysis Differentiation Effective feedback Formative assessment Making content comprehensible to ELLs Mindsets to motivate learners Personalized learning Planning rigorous instruction Reading strategies




Interested Interested Interested














































Sharing data with students Small-group instruction Supporting struggling students Teaching with poverty in mind Teaching for acquisition, meaning, and transfer Trauma-informed practice Unit planning for co-teachers Vocabulary development Web-based teaching tools

Very Interested

? ? ? ?

Somewhat Interested

? ? ? ?

Not Interested

? ? ? ?
















2. Please suggest other topics not listed that you would like to see offered.

3. How interested are you in a grade-level or content-area team book club for professional learning?

? Very interested ? Somewhat interested ? Not interested Are there any books or topics you would recommend for a book club?

4. Please rank the following learning formats in your order of preference. Face to face Online Blended

5. Please rank the following learning preferences to match your own. Verbal/linguistic ("word smart") Visual/spatial ("picture smart") Musical auditory ("music smart") Physical/kinesthetic ("body smart") Logical/mathematical ("logic smart") Interpersonal/social ("people smart") Intrapersonal/solitary ("self smart") Naturalistic ("nature smart")

6. Please indicate your preference for the following resources when learning a new skill.

Text Video Examples Peer observation Dialogue

Preferred ? ? ? ? ?

Neutral ? ? ? ? ?

Not Preferred ? ? ? ? ?

7. How likely would you be to attend a professional learning session if it were offered at the following times?

6:30?8:00 a.m. 4:00?5:30 p.m. 4:00?6:00 p.m. 4:00?7:00 p.m.

Very Likely ? ? ? ?

Somewhat Likely ? ? ? ?

Not Likely ? ? ? ?

Other (please specify):

8. How likely would you be to attend a professional learning session if it were offered on the following days?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Very Likely ? ? ? ? ? ?

Somewhat Likely ? ? ? ? ? ?

Not Likely ? ? ? ? ? ?

9. Do you have any other recommendations to make our professional learning program as effective as possible?

TOOL 4 Topic and Needs Alignment Chart

TAKE ACTION: Analyze and align your professional learning needs data.

Topics with STRONG ALIGNMENT (high need/high interest)

Topics with SOME ALIGNMENT (high need/low interest)

Topics with MINIMAL ALIGNMENT (low need/high interest)

Recommended timing:

? Sustained ? During or outside contract day

Recommended timing:

? Sustained ? During contract day

Recommended timing:

? One-time ? Outside contract day

TOOL 5 Topic Selection Template

TAKE ACTION: Select the areas of focus for your professional learning.

Topics with STRONG ALIGNMENT (high need/high interest)

Topics with SOME ALIGNMENT (high need/low interest)

Topics with MINIMAL ALIGNMENT (low need/high interest)

Three focus areas:

Three focus areas:

Three focus areas:










Recommended timing:

? Sustained ? During or outside contract day

Recommended timing:

? Sustained ? During contract day

Recommended timing:

? One-time ? Outside contract day


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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