
[Pages:5]Concept Builder Table and Bar Graph

LRDI - 01


Number of Questions : 30

Directions for questions 1 to 15: Answer the 4. questions on the basis of the information given below.

In the following table, information regarding

publishing books by different publishers has been



Publishing House

Number of Books published

Ratio of academic and nonacademic

% of books distributed

Number of distributors in publishing




7 : 3




5 : 9




6 : 5








8 : 5





7 : 6




35700 11 : 6




37800 5 : 13




1. W hat is the sum of number of books

published by Publishing House D, E and G?

(1) 101800

(2) 100700

(3) 102800

(4) 102700

2. How many more books does Publishing

house G publish over House D?

(1) 6000

(2) 6200

(3) 6400

(4) 6600


3. What is the number of the academic books

published by Publishing House F?

(1) 18900

(2) 20100

(3) 22000

(4) 23100

LRDI - 01

How many books published by Publishing

House C did not get distributed?

(1) 2376

(2) 2970

(3) 4368

(4) 3622

What is the ratio of Non-Academic Books

published by Publishing House B and

Publishing House E respectively?

(1) 60/53

(2) 69/52

(3) 67/53

(4) 69/55

What is the average number of books

published by Publishing House D, E, F and


(1) 33625

(2) 34625

(3) 35625

(4) 36625

If the Publishing House G was shutdown after

a year and its distributors merge with the rest

of the Publishing Houses in equal number,

which Publishing House will get the highest

percentage increase in the number of


(1) A

(2) C

(3) F

(4) E

If all the publishing houses suddenly stop

publication of non- academic books, which

Publishing House will be publishing less than

half of its capacity?

(1) A

(2) B

(3) D

(4) F

Page 1

9. What is the total number of books distributed Directions for questions 16 to 30: Answer the

by Publishers D and F?

(1) 54,208

(2) 58,110

questions on the basis of the information given below.

(3) 55,800

(4) 56,106

The multiple bar diagram given below shows the

10. What is the average non-academic books data regarding cost of production and sales revenue distributed by Publishing houses D, E of company XYZ in the given years have been given.

and F? (1) 15,315

(2) 10,992

Sales Revenue Cost Production

(3) 8,420

(4) 18,230

11. What percentage of books published by

Publishing House F are the academic books

distributed by one distributor of Publishing

House F?

(1) 1.80

(2) 2.53

(3) 2.33

(4) 2.88

(in thousand Rs.)

900 800 750 725

800 800




550 600




500 525





12. If the number of books published by


Publishing House A is halved and that by Publishing House G is increased by 50%,

0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

then the new capacity of Publishing House


G is what percentage of the new capacity of

House A?

16. What is the sum (in thousand Rs.) of Sales

(1) 402%

(2) 357%

Revenue for year 2016 and 2017?

(3) 423%

(4) 450%

(1) 1300

(2) 1400

(3) 1500

(4) 1600

13. W hich Publishing house publishes the

maximum number of academic books ?

(1) D

(2) C

(3) A

(4) F

17. What is the absolute difference (in thousand Rs.) between Cost of Production in 2013 and 2014?

14. If the Publishing House A decides to increase

(1) 125

(2) 150

the number of books published by 15%

(3) 50

(4) 100

keeping everything else the same, what is

the approx increase in the number of books 18. sold by its the distributors of Publishing

House A?

(1) 250

(2) 201

(3) 225

(4) 210

What is the ratio of Sales Revenue to Cost

of Production for year 2016?

(1) 10 : 13

(2) 8 : 5

(3) 2 : 3

(4) 3 : 2

15. If the Administrative committee of Publishing 19. How many times during the given time period

House D reduces the distribution of books

has Cost of Production exceeded Rs.

by 14 percentage points while keeping the capacity of distributors constant, approximately how many distributors will lose their job?

4,50,000? (1) two (3) three

(2) four (4) one

(1) 3

(2) 5

(3) 4

(4) 6

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LRDI - 01

20. What is the average Sales Revenue (in 26. By what percent is the amount received from

thousand Rs.) for the years 2014, 2015 and

the sales in the year 2014 of the company,


more than the expenditure on production in

(1) 570

(2) 625

the year 2017?

(3) 750

(4) 500

(1) 45%

(2) 40%

(3) 48%

(4) 49%

21. Sales revenue is approximately what

percentage of the Cost of Production for year 27. In how many years the cost of production is


more than the average cost of production of

(1) 66%

(2) 152%

the given years?

(3) 127%

(4) 84%

(1) 1

(2) 2

(3) 3

(4) 4

22. What is the approximate percentage increase

in Cost of Production in 2017 over 2015?

28. In how many years the sales revenue is less

(1) 21%

(2) 15%

than the average sales revenue of the given

(3) 11%

(4) 18%


(1) 1

(2) 3

23. W hat is the approximate percentage

(3) 2

(4) 4

decrease in Sales Revenue in 2015 over 2014?

(1) 36%

(2) 29%


(3) 18%

(4) 24%

If the cost of production in 2013 and 2016 be increased by 25% and 30% respectively, then by what percent will the total cost in these

24. What is the simple annual growth rate of

Sales Revenue from 2014 to 2018?

(1) 2.06%

(2) 4.29%

(3) 2.58%

(4) 8.54%

two years be more than the sales revenue of

the year 2017?

(1) 62.7%

(2) 65.7%

(3) 67.7%

(4) 68.5%


What is the Compound Annual growth rate 30. for Sales Revenue from 2015 to 2018?

In which year the company had maximum

profit percent?

(1) 2017

(2) 2016

(1) 13.30% (3) 12.58%

(2) 14.29% (4) 18.54%

(3) 2015

(4) 2014

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LRDI - 01

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LRDI - 01 Answers and Explanations


1 3 2 4 3 4 4 1 5 2 6 2 7 1 8 2 9 4 10 2 11 2 12 1 13 4 14 2 15 3 16 2 17 1 18 4 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 3 23 4 24 3 25 1 26 1 27 2 28 3 29 1 30 1

1. 3 The sum of number of books published by Publishing 9. 4 Total books distributed

House D, E and G = 31200 + 33800 + 37800 = 102800.

= 31200 ? 0.86 + 35700 ? 0.82 = 56,106.

2. 4 T he dif f erence between books published by 10. 2 Average Non-ac ademic books distributed by

Publishing House G and D = 37800 ? 31200 = 6600.

Publishing Houses D, E and F

3. 4 The number of the academic books published by


1 3




33800? 6 ?0.79 13


Publishing House F =

35700 11 17

= 23100.

= 10,992 11. 2 Academic Books distributed by one distributor of

4. 1 The books published by Publishing House C that did not get distributed = 29700 ? (1 ? 0.92) = 2376.

House F =

1 21


11 17


= 902

5. 2 Non academic books published by House B 9

= 32200 ? 14 = 20,700 Non academic books published by House E

6 = 33800 ? 13 = 15,600

100 Required percentage = 902 ? 35700 = 2.526%.

12. 1 Required percentage


37800 28200

1.5 0.5


= 402.1%.

Required ratio = 207 : 156 = 69 : 52.

13. 4 Academic Books published by each Publishing House:

6. 2 Average Sum of all books published by House D, E, F and G


31200 + 33800 + 35700 + 37800


= 34625.

7. 1 24 distributors will merge with 6 houses, therefore, 4 additional distributors for each. Highest percentage increase will be in the house that has least distributors present right now. Since House A has 17 distributors presently, which is the least, it'll have the largest increase.

8. 2 If the publishing houses stop publication of non academic book, those houses that publish 50% nonacademic books will be publishing at half their capacity. Such Houses are B and G. Since G is not in the option, answer is B.

A =

28200 7 10

= 19740

B =

32200 5 14

= 1150

C =

29700 6 11

= 16,200

D =

31200 8 13

= 19,200

E =

33800 7 13

= 18,200

F =

35700 11 17

= 23,100

G =

37800 5 18

= 10,500

F publishes the maximum number of academic books.

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14. 2

Approx increase in the number of books sold by distributors of publishing house A


28200 1.15 0.81 28200 0.81 201.



25. 1

Compound annual growth rate


800 550

1 3

1 100 = 13.30%

15. 3

16. 2 17. 1 18. 4 19. 2 20. 2 21. 2

Old approval percent= 86% Old distribution share per distributor

31200 0.86



= 1118

New approval percentage = 86 ? 14 = 72% New Distribution number = 31200 ? 0.72 = 22464

22464 Number of distributors needed = 1118 = 20 (approx) Therefore 4 distributors will lose their job.

Required sum (in thousand Rs.) = 600 + 800 = 1400.

Required difference (in thousand Rs.) = 625 ? 500 = 125.

Required ratio = 600 : 400 = 3 : 2.

Cost of production was more than Rs. 4,50,000 in 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2018.

Average sales revenue


(725 + 550 + 600) 103= Rs.6,25,000. 3

Required percentage


800 525

100 = 152.38 152%

26. 1 27. 2 28. 3 29. 1

30. 1

Required percentage = 725 500 100 = 45%. 500

Average cost of production (in thousand Rs.)

625 500 450 400 500 525


= 500


The cost of production is more than the average cost in 2 years.

Average sales revenue (in thousand Rs.)










The sales revenue is less than the average in two years.

New cost of production in 2013 (in thousand Rs.) = 1.25 ? 625 = 781.25 New cost of production in 2016 (in thousand Rs.) = 1.3 ? 400 = 520 Total cost of production in both the years (in thousand Rs.) = 781.25 + 520 = 1301.25



1301.25 =

800 100


= 62.7%.

Profit % in year 2013 = 750 625 100 = 20% 625

22. 3

Percentage increase


500 ? 450 100 = 11.11 11% 450

23. 4

Percentage decrease


725 550 100 = 24.13 24% 725

24. 3

Simple annual growth rate


1 4

800 725 725


= 2.58%

Profit % in year 2014 = 725 500 100 = 45% 500

Profit % in year 2015 = 550 450 100 = 22.2% 450

Profit % in year 2016 = 600 400 100 = 50% 400

Profit % in year 2017 = 800 500 100 = 60% 500

Profit % in year 2018 = 800 525 100 = 52.3% 525

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