Partner, EU & Competition Law, Garrigues, Brussels January 2019-present

Associate/Senior Associate, EU & Competition Law, Garrigues, Brussels 2007- 2018


Global Competition Review’s “40 under 40” (2020)

Recipient of the “Client Choice Award” for Competition Law in Belgium (2020)

“Lawyer of the Year (Under 40)”, Global Competition Review (2019)

“Next Generation Lawyer/ Partner” for EU Competition Law, Legal 500 (2018-2020)

Shortlisted by the International Bar Association among the six candidates to the “Outstanding Young Lawyer of the Year Award” (2018) across all jurisdictions and areas of practice

“Star Associate” for EU Competition/Belgium (2015-2018) and Competition/Spain (2014-2019), Chambers & Partners Europe Guide

European Commission Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network, Unilateral Conduct Working Group (2017-present)


LL.M. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA, United States 2009-2010

Doctoral courses (“DEA”) in European Law. Universidad Complutense, Madrid 2010

LL.M. European Legal Studies, College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium 2006-2007

Diploma of Expertise in EU and Spanish Competition Law

Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles, Madrid. 2006

Law Degree with Special Diploma in EU Law (Premio Extraordinario/ First Class Honours)

Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Madrid. 2001-2006


Academic positions

Director of the Annual Postgraduate Courses on EU and Spanish Competition Law, IEB, Madrid, 2008-present.

Visiting Professor (Maître de Conferences), Brussels School of Competition, 2011-present.

Guest Lecturer at the College of Europe’s LL.M Program in European Legal Studies, Seminar on EU Competition Procedure, 2017-2020.

Visiting Lecturer on EU Competition Law at the LL.M in International Transactions, Centro de Estudios Garrigues-Fordham University, 2016-2020.

Speaking engagements:

Speaker at the webinar “Competencia y Mercados Digitales”, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, 1 February 2021.

Speaker at the seminar "El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE ante los grandes retos jurídicos europeos", Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, 10 September 2020.

Visiting lecturer on EU Competition Procedure at the College of Europe’s Summer Courses (EU Competition Law and High-Tech Markets), July 2020.

Visiting lecturer on EU Competition Procedure at the College of Europe’s Summer Courses (EU Competition Law - A professional guide to EU Competition Law), July 2020.

Speaker at the seminar “Privacidad, Regulación y Competencia en la era digital”, ANADE, Mexico City, 26 February 2020.

Co-Director of the 5th Chillin’Competition Conference, Brussels, 9 December 2019.

Speaker at the Rome Antitrust Forum, Rome, 29 November 2019.

Speaker at the UCL/White&Case Brussels Autumn Antitrust Conference (“A New Procedural Framework for the Digital Age”), Brussels, 21 November 2019.

Moderator at the International Competition Network’s Unilateral Conduct Working Group, Mexico City, 14-15 November 2019.

Speaker at the Université Libre de Bruxelles’ Les Mardis de la Concurrence, “Fiscal State Aid in Court: Recent Developments”, Brussels, 12 November 2019.

Speaker at Harvard European Law Conference 2019, “Disruption, Innovation and the Future of Europe”, Harvard Law School, Cambrigde, Massachusets, 2 March 2019.

Speaker at the Seminar “The Role of Competition Policy in Hi-Tech Markets”, Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, Madrid, 15 February 2019.

Speaker at the Annual Conference of the Asociacion Española de Defensa de la Competencia (“AEDC”), Madrid, 26 November 2018.

Co-Director of the 4th Chillin’Competition Conference, Brussels, 20 November 2018.

Speaker at LeadershIP EU 2018 Conference, “Recent Decisions from the European Commission: Lessons Learned?”, Brussels, 7 November 2018.

Speaker at the Speaker at the Core-CCIA-Vrije Universiteit conference, “Competition Policy and Online Markets”, Brussels, 24 October 2018.

Speaker at Laikikoulutus “Competition Law 2018”, Helsinki, 11 October 2018.

Visiting lecturer on EU Competition Procedure at the College of Europe’s Summer Courses for competition officials from China, Japan, India, Korea and ASEAN, July 2018.

Chair at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) Workshop on “Abuse of Dominance: Recent Developments and Their Practical Implications”, Brussels, 12 April 2018.

Speaker at the Core-CCIA-Vrije Universiteit conference, “Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets? Hot Topics, Trends and Perspectives in Competition Policy”, Brussels, 30 November 2017.

Speaker at the Seminar “Competition Law Developments in 2017”, IEB, Madrid, 2 February 2018.

Speaker at Lexxion’s Seminar on “State aid and tax measures”, Brussels, 20 November 2017.

Speaker at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) Annual Conference on State Aid Law, Trier, 9-10 November 2017.

Co-Director of the 3rd Chillin’Competition Conference, Brussels, 25 October 2017.

Visiting lecturer on EU Competition Procedure at the College of Europe’s Summer Courses (EU Competition Law - A professional guide to EU Competition Law), July 2014-July 2017.

Visiting lecturer on EU Competition Procedure and Article 106 TFEU (Special and Exclusive Rights) at the College of Europe’s Competition Summer School for Chinese officials, July 2014-July 2017.

Speaker at the seminar “The Google Search Case: Quo Vadis?”, Queen Mary University, London 11 July 2017.

Coordinator of the Seminar “20 Years of Competition Law Case Law”, IEB, Madrid, 10 March 2017.

Speaker at the Seminar “Derecho de la Competencia, Transporte, Big Data y Economía Colaborativa”, IEB, Madrid, 24 February 2017.

Co-Director of the Chillin’Competition Conference- Neutrality Everywhere?, Brussels, 21 November 2016.

Speaker at iTech Law’s European Conference (“European Digital Single Market and Geo-Blocking”), Madrid, 10 November 2016.

Speaker at Lexxion’s Seminar on “State aid and tax measures”, Brussels, 8 November 2016.

Speaker at the University of Leeds Conference “Competition and Regulation in Digital Markets”, Leeds, 9 September 2016.

Speaker at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Symposium “Online platforms, Big Data and privacy: What role for competition policy?”, Brussels, 23 June 2016.

Speaker at the conference “Arbitraje y mediación en el sector de las TIC, Estándares de Patentes (SEP) y licencias FRAND”, World Intellectual Property Organization and Garrigues, Madrid, 9 June 2016.

Lecturer in the programme “Derecho de la competencia y propiedad intelectual”, Sergio Arboleda University of Colombia, Madrid 14 March 2016.

Speaker at the IEB’ Seminar “Recent developments in Article 101 TFEU” (“Single and continuous infringement in EU and Spanish Competition Law”), Madrid, 29 January 2016.

Speaker at the European Internet Foundation’s dinner-debate on “Regulation of Digital Platforms”, European Parliament, Brussels, 26 January 2016.

Visiting Lecturer at the London School of Economics, “Cartels in EU Competition Law”, London, 12 January 2016.

Director of “The Chilling Competition Conference”, Brussels, 19 November 2015.

Speaker at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) conference “What is a platform and should they be regulated?”, Brussels, 17 November 2015.

Speaker at the conference “Nuevas tecnologías y la revolución jurídica- Reformas normativas para la economía digital”, organized by the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección and Garrigues, Madrid 4 November 2015.

Speaker at the conference “La Lucha contra los Cárteles en la Comunidad Iberoamericana”, organized by Universidad San Pablo-CEU and the Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, Madrid, 5-6 October 2015.

Chair and speaker at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) workshop on “Competition Rebooted: Enforcement and Personal Data in Digital Markets”, Brussels, 24 September 2015.

Speaker at the conference “Comercio electrónico, Derecho de la competencia y Mercado único digital”, Asociación Española de la Economía Digital, Madrid 13 July 2015.

Guest Lawyer at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Competition Law Judges (“Competition Law in Multi-Sided Markets”), Uppsala, 5 June 2015.

Chair and speaker at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) workshop on “Competition Law in Banking and Financial Services”, 3 June 2015.

Lecturer in the programme “Derecho de la competencia y propiedad intelectual”, Sergio Arboleda University of Colombia, Madrid 19 May 2015.

Speaker at the IEB’s Seminar “Competition Law in the Technology Sector”, Madrid, 13 March 2015.

Speaker at the IEB’ Seminar “Recent developments in Article 101 TFEU” (“Some additional reflections on the Cartes Bancaires Judgment”, Madrid, 30 January 2015.

Speaker at the Swedish Competition Authority’s conference “The Pros and Cons of Two-Sided Markets” (“The Double Duality of Two-Sided Markets”), Stockholm, 28 November 2014.

Speaker at the Brussels Technology Days’ Conference on “Competition Law in the Technology Sector” (“The Google Android Investigation”), Brussels, 15 October 2014.

Speaker at the Brussels School of Competition and Liège Competition and Innovation’s Annual Competition Conference, “Commitments in EU Competition Policy”, (“Overview of the cases dealt with under Article 9 of Regulation 1/2003”), 5 June 2014.

Speaker at the European Data Protection Supervisor’s Workshop on “Privacy, Consumers, Competition and Big Data”, European Parliament, Brussels, 2 June, 2014.

Chairman at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) workshop on “Two-sided markets in Mergers and Abuse of Dominance cases”, Brussels, 3 April 2014.

Member of the Scientific Committee and Panel moderator (“Interoperability and Competition Law”) at AIJA’s conference “Antitrust 2.0 Competition Law and Technology”, Bruges, 7-8 February 2014.

Speaker at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) conference on “Legal Challenges to Payment services in the single market”, (“Interoperability in mobile payments”), Brussels, 10 October 2013.

Speaker at the Global Competition Law Center’s 63rd Lunch Talk, “Search Engines and Competition Law”, Brussels, 8 February 2013.

Lecturer at ERA’s (Academy of European Law) Summer Course on European Intellectual Property Law (“Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Article 101 TFEU”), Trier, 4 July 2013.

Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Competition Policy, Centre for Parliamentary Studies, 8

December 2011, Brussels. Topic: The future of EU Competition Law.

Guest speaker at the European University Institute seminar on “What is happening to Article 101

TFEU?”, Fiesole, 6 December 2011.

Speaker at “Olympics-Competition-Sports-Law: competition and sports law issues of today’s sport”,

Hungarian Olympic Committee, Budapest, 29-30 September 2011.

Lecturer on State aid and Merger Control at Garrigues’ Annual Postgraduate Course on Business Law,

Sevilla and Bilbao, September-October 2011.

Speaker at the Seminar on Sports Law held by the UNED (Spanish Distance Learning University).

Sessions: “TV Rights and Competition Law” and “National Leagues v European Leagues: a

Competition Law Perspective”, Madrid, 20-21 October 2010.

Guest International Speaker at the Seminar New Competition Law in Colombia: Progress and

Challenges, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota (Colombia), 29-30 July 2009.


Editor of Chillin’Competition (2.350.000 visits on December 2020). Author of over 600 blog posts on EU competition law.


Manual de Derecho de la Competencia Comunitario y Español, Tecnos, Madrid, 2008.

(Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco, Jerónimo Maíllo and Pablo Ibañez Colomo).

Articles in Journals, Book chapters and Papers:

Op-Ed: “A Moment of Truth for the EU: A Proposal for a State Aid Solidarity Fund” (with José Luis Buendía), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January-February 2020, Pages 1–2.

“Shortcuts and Courts in the era of Digitization”, Competition Policy International Antitrust Chronicle, October 2019.

“Competition Law at a Crossroads”, The Lawyer, The Strategy Issue, June 2019, p. 86.

“Case T-289/03: BUPA, The Illusion of Flexibility that Confirmed Altmark” in C. Buts and J.J. Buendía, Milestones in State Aid Case Law, EStAL’s First 15 Years in Perspective”, Lexxion, November 2017.

“Competition Law as Fairness”, Editorial for the Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (2017) 8 (3).

“Big Data, Privacy And Competition Law: Do Competition Authorities Know How To Do It?” Competition Policy International, January 2017 (Co-authored with Sam Villiers).

“On the Notion of Restriction of Competition: what we know and what we don’t know we know”, in Damien Gerard, Massimo Merola and Bernd Meyring (eds), The Notion of Restriction of Competition: Revisiting the Foundations of Antitrust Enforcement in Europe, Bruylant, 2017. (Most Downloaded International Antitrust Article of 2016).

“State Aid Law and Corporate Taxation”, Lexis Nexis Practice Note, October 2016.

“The Double Duality of Two-Sided Markets”, Competition Law Journal, Volume 14, Issue 1, 2015.

“La prueba de los cárteles en España”, JM Beneyto and J Maillo (Eds): La lucha contra los cárteles en España, Aranzadi, 2015.

“El procedimiento sancionador en materia de cárteles”, JM Beneyto and J Maillo (Eds): La lucha contra los cárteles en España, Aranzadi, 2015.

“EU Google Commitments”, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (2013) 4 (6).

Book review: The Concept of Abuse in EU Competition Law (by Pinar Akman), Competition Law Journal, Volume 12, Issue 4, 2013.

“Antitrust and the Political Center”, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, January 2013 (2).

“Nullity/Voidness: An overview of EU and national case law", Foreword for e-Competitions Special Issue on Nullity/Voidness, 1 November 2012. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco).

"EU Competition Law Enforcement: Elements for a discussion on effectiveness and uniformity”, International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2011", Chapter 4, 2012. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco).

"Expert Economic Evidence and Effects-Based Assessments in Competition Cases” in Merola, M and Derenne, J. (eds), The Role of the Court of Justice of the EU in Competition Law Cases, Global Competition Law Center Annual Conference Series, Bruylant, 2012. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco).

“Derecho de la competencia y poder sustancial conjunto oligopolístico. Una perspectiva europea”, Ginebra, X and Negrete, O (eds), Derecho de la competencia económica, Editorial Porrúa, México, 2012. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco).

“Defensa de la Competencia made in China”, in Ortiz Blanco, L. and Sanfrutos Cano, E. (eds), Derecho de la Competencia europeo y español- Volumen XII, Dykinson, Madrid, 2009. (Co-authored with Napoleón Ruiz).

“El procedimiento sancionador y sus garantías”, in Martinez Lage, S. and Petitbo Juan, A. (eds), Los acuerdos horizontales entre empresas, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2009. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco)

“Fine Arts in Brussels: Punishment and Settlement of Cartel Cases under EC Competition Law” in Raffaelli, E.A. (ed), Antitrust: between EC Law and National Law, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2008. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco and Ángel Givaja).

Comentario a la Sentencia del TJCE en los asuntos acumulados C-486/06 a C-478/06, Sot. Lélos kai Sia EE y otros c. GlaxoSmithKline AEVE Farmakeftion Proïnton”, Gaceta Jurídica de la UE y de la Competencia, n. 6, November-December 2008.

Defensa de la Competencia “made in China”, Expansión, August 2 2008, p. 38.

“Competencia Fiscal Perniciosa y Control de Ayudas de Estado”, in Ortiz Blanco, L. y Entrena Rovers, J. (ed), Derecho de la Competencia europeo y español – Curso de iniciación, vol. VII, Dykinson, Madrid, 2007.

“La modernización de la aplicación de los artículos 81 y 82 del Tratado CE”, Editorial EL DERECHO, Diario de Jurisprudencia, June 14 2006, n. 2215. Editorial El Derecho, pp. 9-15.

“Comentarios a la Resolución del Tribunal de Defensa de la Competencia de 16 de diciembre de 2004 en el expediente Ediciones Musicales R 609/2004” en EL DERECHO Diario de Jurisprudencia, June 21 2005, n. 2150. Editorial El Derecho, pp. 1-7. (Co-authored with Luis Ortiz Blanco).

“El Código de Conducta en materia de fiscalidad de las empresas y su relación con el régimen comunitario de ayudas de estado”. Working Paper 3/2005, Serie Política de la Competencia, Instituto de Estudios Europeos, Universidad San Pablo CEU, 2005.

Cited as expert commentator by the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Bloomberg, Newsweek, Reuters, El Pais, The Hollywood Reporter, Expansión, Cinco Días and El Confidencial, among others.


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