The Death and Rebirth of Memphis: The Yellow …

PrimaryA Howard Physician on his Rounds. 1873.?Tennesse State Library and Archives.??????Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <;. I used this picture under relief efforts to depict the??????help the Memphis received from its doctors, particularly from the Howard??????Association. I also used some of the information about the Howard??????association from the caption next to the picture in the section under??????relief efforts on my website.? “Editorial: The Yellow Fever."?The American Missionary?0032.10 (1878): n. pag.?Rpt. in?American Missionary. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag.?Cornell University??Library: Making of America. Web. 3 Apr. 2013.?< 20text;idno=amis 032-10;didno=amis0032-10;view=image;seq=00313;node=amis0032-10%3A1>.? This primary source which is?a journal written in 1878, describes how people though the yellow fever??mainly afflicting/killing white people is a myth. It also talks about how?schools had to shut down, how some local pastors were affected, how some?African Americans had taken to being nurses, ministers, and what money had?been funded toward the cause. I used this source under the spread of the plague and relief efforts?Blum, Edward J. "The Crucible of Disease: Trauma, Memory and National??Reconciliation during the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878."?Journal of???Southern History?69.4 (2003): n. pag.?JSTOR. Web. 17 Mar. 2013.??<;.? These scholarly journal details the specific effects of yellow fever in the general region of the south and its?effects on the country as a whole. I used it to explain the historical?impact of the yellow fever in broader terms, such as how Northerners?responded with aid to the south, and thus use it to describe national reconciliation that took place because of the fever after the Civil War during the Reconstruction period. I used this mainly in the section about historical impactCapers, Gerald M., Jr. "Yellow Fever in Memphis in the 1870's."?Mississippi??????Valley Historical Review?24.4 (1938): n. pag.?JSTOR. Web. 17 Mar. 2013.??????< hTe??xt=fever&searchText=epidemic&list=hide&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuer?y%3Dyellow%2Bfever%2Bepidemic%2B1878%2Bmemphis%26fromHomePage%3Dtrue%26acc%3D?on%6wc%3Don%26fc%3Doff&prevSearch=&item=7&ttl=256&returnArticleService=showFullText>.??This scholarly journal gives an in depth analysis on the background and?context surrounding the Yellow Fever in Memphis,?including its causes and effects. I will use it for information about Memphis before the plague?including poor living/sanitary conditions. I used it to see?statistics on outbreaks of plagues in different time periods, as well as?the stages and spread of the epidemic I used it in the sections under spread of the disease, and origins of the disease , and relief efforts.\ Catholic Sisters of Charity. 1870 c.?Tennessee State Library and Archives. Web.??????21 Apr. 2013. <;. I used this photograph of the Catholic Sisters of??????Charity under relief efforts?Jumping the Quarnatine. 1870 c. Tennessee State Library and Archives.??????Tennessee State Librray and Archives. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.??????<;. I??????used this photograph under the section for the spread of the epidemic, when??????talking about the quarantine?Parmelee, Laura A. "The Freedmen: Tennessee, Memphis--The Kansas Fever--Loy??????Moyne Normal School."?American Missionary?0033.7 (1879): n. pag.?Cornell??????University Library: Making of America. Web. 3 Apr. 2013.??????<;. I used??????this primary source, a journal written during one year after the 1878??????plague hit Memphis to talk about how many of the teachers left?and how people sold all they had to leave townYellow Fever National Relief Commission. Executive Committee.?Report of the??????Executive Committee of the Yellow Fever Relief Commission. San Francisco:??????Lane Medical Library, 1879. Google Books file. this primary source, a??????digital version of the National Relief Commission formed in 1878 form??????information on relief efforts under that section of the website, as well as??????to figure out how much money was appropriated to the victims in Memphis??????from the federal government?Secondary?Caplinger, Christopher. "Yellow Fever Epidemics."?The Tennessee Encyclopedia of??History and Culture. American Association for State and Local History, 25??Dec. 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. < used this encyclopedia entry about Yellow?Fever in Tennessee to give me a general overview of the disease, such as???how it got here, by what mosquito, how many people died, how effective was the quarantine, and the aftermath of the epidemic (such as how the charter?was revoked, and how the African Americans rose to prominence in city politics, becoming police officers. It is under the sections for spread of the disease, origins of the disease, statistics, and historical impact.Coggins, Allen R.?Tennessee Tragedies: Natural, Technological, Societal??????Disasters in the Volunteer State. Knoxville: UP of Tennessee, 2011.??????Google Books. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. < epidemic%201878%20memphis%20death%20tolls&f=false>.??This topical history source which relates many of the natural disasters that afflicted?Tennessee, covers the effects of Yellow Fever in Memphis. I used to get statistics on the death tolls, causes of the epidemic, its history in the Tennessee area, and the symptoms of the disease. I alos used it to get information on the lack of sanitation in Memphis as well as to figure out who was the first victim. It is used in nearly all sections of the website.College of Medicine Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. U of Tennessee Health and??????Science Center, 2007-2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <;. I used this website to get a picture of Memphis??????in all its glory?Gill, Gene, Dave French, and Maureen White, eds. "Historic Memphis: Elmwood??????Cemetery."?Historic Memphis. N.p., 9 Dec. 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2013.??????< website will give me information about one of the oldest cemeteries in Memphis, and how many casualties of the Yellow Fever were buried there. I?used a picture of the cemetery for my website as well as grave numbers and grave details under statistics."The Great Fever: People and Events."?PBS. American Experience, 29 Sept. 2006.??????Web. 18 Mar. 2013. <;. ?I used this website from PBS to get information on the quarantine of Memphis, which president was involved in it, and which ships ?brought the disease into the Mississippi from New Orleans. I will also use?it to get the number of people who left and where they fled to, as well as using a picture of feeling residents from the page. It is under the spread and origins pageLollar, Michael. "Yellow fever left mark on Memphis; historians disagree on??????impact."?Memphis Commercial Appeal?11 Sept. 2010: n. pag.?The Commercial??????Appeal: Memphis Tennessee. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.??????<;.? This newspaper article gives an interesting perspective on how the Yellow Fever impacted Memphis for years?to come. I will use it to show how historians think that Memphis could have been a major metropolis and booming city of the south if not for all?the immigrants that left during the fever that drastically reduced the population, along with the death tolls"Memphis, Tennessee."?Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d.?Wikipedia. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.??????<;. I used this to get??????statistics on present day Memphis and used it under the historical impact??????section?"New Orleans - Memphis Eight-Day Mississippi River Cruise."?American Cruise??????line. N.p., 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.??????<;. I used this website for a picture??????of a map that showed the route up the Mississippi River from New Orleans to??????Memphis to show the route the bug and the infected people took to spread??????throughout the South.?Russel Johnson. "The Yellow Fever."?Memphis History. N.p., 2005-2012. Web. 21??????Apr. 2013. <;. I??????sued this website to get a chart on death tolls in Memphis for several??????outbreaks of yellow fever and also used it in a picture under statistics?, titled “in memoriam for the dead”Tennessee History for Kids. Tennessee History for Kids, Inc., 2005-2010. Web. 21??????Apr. 2013. <;. I??????used this site for information on the Sisters from the episcopal Church who??????aided in the relief efforts in Memphis during the fever, getting some names??????like Sr. Constance and Sr. Thecla?"Today in History: Yellow Fever."?Primary source nexus. Barat Education??????Foundation, 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <;. I used this website for a primary??????source picture of a book cover of the National Relief Commission. It is??????under the relief section of the website?"Yellow Fever."?Medicine Net. MedicineNet, Inc, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.??????<;. I used a picture??????from the website that was taken from the CDC of a Aedes aegypti, to show??????that it was the cause of the fever. It is under the origins section.?"Yellow Fever. . . the Plague of Memphis."?Historic-Memphis. N.p., n.d. Web. 21??????Apr. 2013. <;. I used this website for most of the pictures, such??????as the one on the home page of the hungry citizens, a picture of fleeing??????residents, and for the catholic sisters taking care of the ill. These were??????used in the relief section and in the spread of the plague. ................

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