Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Post Falls Booster Club, hereafter referred to as

the “Booster Club”.


The objectives of the Booster Club are:

Section 1. To support the extra-curricular activities of Post Falls High School, primarily those

recognized by the Idaho High School Activities Association.

Section 2. To unite and educate parents, students and interested patrons concerning all extra-

curricular activities for the purpose of exerting a beneficial influence for the Post Falls

High School.


Section 1. Any person(s) interested in actively supporting the extra-curricular activities at Post Falls

High School by participating in fund raising activities and/or as a workforce to help run

activities or develop facilities in conjunction with school personnel.


Section 1. Dues: No dues are currently levies. Dues may be levied at the discretion of the


Section 2. Honorary: Patrons who donate $100.00 or more become members of the elite “Plaque

Fund” honorary.

Section 3. Funds deposited: All monies received by the Booster Club for any purpose shall be

deposited to the credit of the Booster Club in a financial institution or institutions selected

by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall administer the finances of the Booster Club but shall not incur

any obligation in excess of the available cash on hand without authorization by vote of a

majority of the membership. The president may authorize obligations not to exceed one

hundred dollars ($100.00). All checks issued shall bear the signature of at least two of the

elected officers of the corporation.

Section 5. Accounts:

A. The treasurer shall record separately the funds collected for the “Plaque Fund” account

and other special accounts as they may be created. Dispersal of “Plaque Fund” funds

must be among IHSAA extra-curricular activities at Post Falls High School through the recommendation of the Board of Directors to the general membership. Written requests must be filed prior to Board approval. Request forms may be obtained from the Athletic Director or the Principal. Requests must be approved by the Principal prior to membership approval and all Athletic Department requests must be approved by the Athletic Director.

B. It is the policy of the Booster Club not to provide funds for or support individuals.

C. Upon spring dispersal of monies, it is the policy of the Booster Club to retain enough money to supply the concession booth for Fall. A recommended amount of no less than $2000.00.

D. Requests of more than $100.00 from the Booster Club shall be presented at one

meeting and voted on at the next meeting.

E. Also upon spring dispersal of monies, the Booster Club should retain enough to cover

(3) scholarships of $250.00 each ($750.00). (Part of this scholarship account may be

used to help with start-up costs in the Fall and then replaced before second semester.

F. A $500.00 activities surcharge is to be retained for the beginning of each school year. This Account is to be used by students who have a hardship in paying for their activity fee. Any monies left over from this account will go back in to general fund of the Booster Club.

G. (C) and (E) and (F) would indicate a total of $2750.00 should be retained in the Booster Club general account to cover Fall start-up costs.


Section 1. The elective officers of the Booster Club shall be: a president, a vice-president, a secretary

and a treasurer. The secretary and treasurer may be the same person. Officers shall be

elected for one year, but may serve more than one term.

Section 2. Duties of Officers:

A. The president shall preside at all meetings and act as chairman of the Board of Directors. The president, with the assistance of the Board of Directors, shall appoint standing or special committees. The president or the president’s delegate is a member of all standing committees.

B. The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in his/her absence and

oversee the concessions.

C. The secretary shall keep a record of the transactions of each meeting. The secretary

shall keep a correct list of all members and perform such other duties that pertain to

that office.

D. The treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Booster Club and is responsible

to pay all bills in a timely manner contingent upon approval of the majority of the membership. The books shall be audited at the end of each year by three (3) members

of the Executive Board or an auditor before they are turned over to the new treasurer.

The auditing committee or auditor shall also provide a financial report for the September meeting.

Section 3. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall have a general management of the

Booster Club and may make recommendations to the membership. The Board of Directors

shall consist of the elective officers and three (3) active members called directors.

A. Directors shall be elected to serve terms of two years. Except at organization, one

of the directors shall be elected to a one year term and two of the directors shall be

elected to two year terms. Thus one director’s term would end on odd years and two director’s terms would end on even years.

B. If a vacancy shall occur in the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall

fill that vacancy by appointment and such appointee shall hold office until the

next election of officers.

Section 4. Election of Officers and Directors: At the April regular meeting, the president shall

appoint a nominating committee consisting of three (3) members, one of whom shall be

designated chairman. The nominating committee shall place before the membership at

The next meeting a slate of one candidate for each office and one candidate for each

place to be filled on the Board of Directors.

A. This slate of candidates will be presented at the May meeting where other

nominations will be received from the floor. Elections are to be held at this


B. New officers and directors will assume their duties at the June meeting, unless

otherwise specified.

C. Should and officer, without reasonable cause submitted in writing or by phone to a

member of the Board of Directors, miss three (3) consecutive meetings, he/she

May be removed from that office.


Section 1. Regular meetings: Monthly meetings shall be held on the first Monday of each month

from September through June. Exceptions may be made if that day is a holiday or during

vacation periods and with the exception of an organizational meeting in August.

Section 2. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called at the will of the majority of the Board

of Directors.

Section 3. Quorum: A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of simple majority of

members present (50% plus 1).

Section 4. Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be recognized as the authority governing the

meetings of the Booster Club, its Board of Directors and committees in all instances

wherein its provisions do not conflict with these by-laws.


Section 1. Standing Committees: The president shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board

of Directors, following Standing Committees.

A. Concession: Concession supply chairman shall be responsible for purchasing supplies

and keeping the booth stocked and the equipment in working order.

B. Shift Coordinator: The shift coordinator shall secure workers for all activities. A list

of members will be provided by the secretary.

C. Auditing Committee: The auditing committee shall consist of three (3) members of the Board of Directors or an auditor whose duty shall be to audit the books of the Booster Club before they are turned over to the new treasurer in June. This committee

is also responsible for providing an annual financial report for the September regular meeting.

D. Nominating committee: The nominating committee shall place before the

membership at the May meeting a slate of one candidate for each office and one candidate for each place to be filled on the Board of Directors. The nominating committee shall consist of three (3) members, one of whom shall be designated


Section 2. Special Committees: The president shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board of

Directors, such special committees as deemed necessary.

A. An annual Scholarship Committee is appointed to select three (3) seniors who will

receive a $250.00 second semester scholarship, each pending notification of successful completion of first semester. Parents of seniors are not eligible for this committee. These scholarships may be used for college, trade school or any other post-high school training. Guidelines offered for selection in their order of priority are as follows (although all aspects should be considered):


Activities (Are applicants active in IHSAA recognized activities?)


Other Scholarships (Total cost of schooling and travel may also be factors.)

B. “Plaque Fund” Committee: This committee is responsible for collecting the $100.00

or more donations from patrons and for dispersing the Plaque Fund engraved plates and any other appropriate, approved materials. The Post Falls High School has made

available courtesy passes to these patrons. Funds collected for this account must be

distributed among IHSAA extra-curricular activities at Post Falls High School.


Section 1. Proposed amendments to the by-laws must be available to all members at a regularly

scheduled meeting or a special meeting directly previous to the voting meeting.

Section 2. Quorum for Amending: A quorum for the amending of these by-laws shall consist of

two-thirds of the members present.


Section 1. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Post Falls Booster Club, the

Board of Directors shall, after providing for the payment of all obligations, distribute

any remaining assets to the Post Falls High School IHSAA approved extra-curricular


ADOPTED: September 1987

AMENDED: April 2005


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