Button upload file bootstrap


Button upload file bootstrap

Among the other input types like text, password etc. the file input type allows creating a form element that enables users to select a file to upload in the Bootstrap framework, which is basically an HTML tag. This is just the matter of specifying HTML tag: For example: File input However, designing and changing the text and design of file upload button is a tedious task. This is generally desired to match upload file button with the rest of form fields in a web page, otherwise, it looks ugly and unmatched. This is not provided in the default classes by Bootstrap. You may use your own or third party solutions for that. Following is a guide to setup Bootstrap file upload field if you are working in the Bootstrap framework and also included jQuery library. The guide is using a plug-in, bootstrap-filestyle, which is available at Github website (credit link is given below). Let me start from simple to more stylish examples with icons in upload form controls to a complete form demo. After demos, you can see a step by step guide to set up this plug-in. The last demo is a sign-up form with PHP code to show you how to upload files while using this plug-in. A simple file control button In the following demo, bootstrap-filestyle plug-in is used to create a file selection field. You have to include four dependency files in the section for these demos to works (see the setup guide at the bottom part). See the demo and code by clicking the link or image below: See online demo and code The button is initialized via data attribute: A file upload button without icon An upload file control with different text and icon via data attribute This control is using a different text "Select a file" along with an icon while text path field is disabled. See the demo and code online: See online demo and code Bootstrap button style for file upload button example The following is a demo of Bootstrap styled button, where you can use the same class names as in Bootstrap buttons. See online demo and code You can see, three upload file controls with three different styles and text. This time, the buttons are initiated by jQuery/JavaScript. The text and button name that represents the button style is specified in the jQuery section, just above the tag. The code: Bootstrap style button 1Bootstrap style button 2Bootstrap style button 3 The jQuery code $('#BSbtndanger').filestyle({buttonName : 'btn-danger',buttonText : ' File selection'$('#BSbtnsuccess').filestyle({buttonName : 'btn-success',$('#BSbtninfo').filestyle({buttonText : ' Select a File' A demo of different icon In this Bootstrap / jQuery upload file button, a different icon is used than above examples. You may set the icon in the JavaScript section by using the iconName option, as shown below: See online demo and code You can see the demo page's code section, the glyphicon glyphicon-file is used in the options part after initiating the button. Apart from that, button text and button name are also specified. The markup: Change icon The jQuery code: $('#icondemo').filestyle({iconName : 'glyphicon glyphicon-file',buttonText : 'Select File',buttonName : 'btnwarning' An HTML file input button with clear option The plug-in also includes the option to clear the selected file in the textbox area by clicking a "clear the file name" text. See a demo online: See online demo and code The following code is used to create this button, including JS part: The Markup: You may also allow to clear the selection! The jQuery code: $('#cleardemo').filestyle({buttonText : ' Choose a file from System',$('#clear').click(function() {$('#cleardemo').filestyle('clear'); A multiple file selection option for upload button demo You may use the multiple attribute in the input type file tag to allow users selecting multiple files by pressing the control or shift keys with mouse etc. The following demo shows selecting the multiple files from the computer or system. After you choose multiple files you can also clear the selection by using the clear button. See online: See online demo and code The following code is used for markup and jQuery: The markup: Select Multiple filesClear the files selection The jQuery: $('#multipledemo').filestyle({buttonName : 'btn-primary'$('#clear').click(function() {$('#multipledemo').filestyle('clear'); An example of file count You can also show file count for the multiple file selection upload buttons. For that simply use the multiple attribute in the input type file tag and use input: false option in the jQuery section. See the demo: See online demo and code The following code is used: The markup: File count demo The jQuery: $('#filecount').filestyle({buttonName : 'btn-danger',iconName : 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close' Setting up Bootstrap file upload plugin for your project Follow these steps to set up this great plug-in to create the beautiful and customized Bootstrap / jQuery based file upload buttons: Step 1: Include the Bootstrap framework files from CDN or host it at your own. You need both CSS and JavaScript files e.g.: Step 2: You also need to include jQuery library, for example: Step 3: Include Bootstrap FileStyle plug-in file: bootstrap-filestyle.min.js You may get it from the plug-in site (link given below). I have placed it in the JS folder for the demos, and used this line to refer: Step 4: Start creating buttons as shown in the above examples by using markup and jQuery. Credits: The plug-in website A Bootstrap form with input file and PHP upload script The following is a general sign-up form created by using Bootstrap framework that also has input type file control by using above plug-in. The demo also includes the PHP code to upload the file to the server. See the demo online which is followed by a little description to set this up at your server: See online demo and code Follow these steps to learn how this form will work: Step 1: The form is created by using the Bootstrap framework. For input type file customization, the above plug-in is also included in the head section. Following libraries are included in the head section: Step 2: Following custom CSS for the form controls is used (skip this to learn file uploading only) or use default or your own scheme: border: solid 1px #173955;background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left 25, from(#FFFFFF), color-stop(4%, #AACCE8), to(#FFFFFF));background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #AACCE8 1px, #FFFFFF 25px);box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px;-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.1) 0px 0px 8px; Step 3: Creating the form that uses Bootstrap classes along with Bootstrap Fileupload plug-in's options in the section. To upload file, following tag is used: The form will be submitted to process.php file that should contain the script for managing uploaded file as well as saving the information in the database. For this demo, I am only using the PHP upload script in the process.php file(given below). You can see the complete form code in the demo page, after the opening tag. Step 4: The PHP code to upload the file placed in process.php file: $destfol = "uploadedimages/";$destfol = $destfol . basename( $_FILES['sentfile']['name']) ;if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['sentfile']['tmp_name'], $destfol))echo basename( $_FILES['sentfile']['name']). " file uploaded";echo "Oops, There was some Problem! Please fix it."; Note that, there must be uploadedimages (or change it as you want) destination folder created before running this code. Also, the sentfile is the name of file Upload input field in the form section. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a custom File Upload Input button using Bootstrap 5/4. HTML File InputFile uploading is a common and consecutive task when it comes to uploading a File to the server. In that case, the first thing is to create this element. HTML File Input allows us to upload single and multiple images and files.Here is the HTML syntax which forms the File Input. A simple File input attribute consists of type="file" and name="" properties.Bootstrap 4/5 Custom File Input TypesBootstrap 5/4 mainly offers two File Input types (Basic and Custom Inputs) that you can use to upload files and images simultaneously for single and multiple files. The basic file input can be created by just adding a .form-control-file class with the element. Creating Bootstrap custom file input is easy; you have to include a .custom-file-input class with HTML's attribute. Also, add a .custom-file-label class with a attribute. Choose file... So, these were the straightforward methods for Bootstrap 4 file input examples.Create Custom File Input with BootstrapBootstrap elements are developed in such a way that you can customize them upto a greater extent. Likewise, we are customizing the Custom File Input using Bootstrap Classes and some custom CSS. It is indeed effortless and a no-brainer as well.Lets, spruce it up by adding some styling to Bootstrap File input..custom-file-input.selected:lang(en)::after { content: "" !important; } .custom-file { overflow: hidden; } .custom-file-input { whitespace: nowrap; }Go ahead and add the code in your HTML template to build the Bootstrap file upload component. Select file Upload Display Selected File Name using JavaScriptOne more task is left, and that is to show the selected File name onto the file input element.Guess what this is very easy to achieve with core JavaScript, we have to make a little bit DOM calculation.The label is the direct sibling of the custom file input element, so here is the code that will do the job for us. document.querySelector('.custom-file-input').addEventListener('change', function (e) { var name = document.getElementById("customFileInput").files[0].name; var nextSibling = e.target.nextElementSibling nextSibling.innerText = name }) Here is the final code, i hope you will like this rapid tutorial and share it with others.

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