How to report Quarterly Balance of Payments and Annual International Trade in Services Statistics to the OECD using SDMXThe aim of this document is to provide guidance on how to report Quarterly Balance of Payments and Annual International Trade in Services data to the OECD, using SDMX.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc378322672 \h 1SDMX MESSAGE FORMAT PAGEREF _Toc378322673 \h 2SDMX TRANSMISSION METHOD PAGEREF _Toc378322674 \h 2SDMX-REFERENCE INFRASTRUCTURE (SDMX-RI) PAGEREF _Toc378322675 \h 2SDMX CONTACTS PAGEREF _Toc378322676 \h 3TECHNICAL PAGEREF _Toc378322677 \h 3SUBJECT-MATTER PAGEREF _Toc378322678 \h 3DATA FLOWS AND ASSOCIATED INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc378322679 \h 3 INTRODUCTIONThe SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange) Data Structure Definition (and related documentation) for Balance of Payments (BOP-DSD), is the standard for the transmission of BOP statistics according to IMF-Balance of Payment manual 6th Edition. It was prepared in close cooperation between Eurostat, ECB, IMF and OECD, under the auspices of the SDMX technical Group on BOP-DSD. The BOP-DSD is one of the key elements in the implementation of the SDMX standard in IT systems for the compilation and the transmission of data to and between International Organisations (IOs).BOP-DSD is now available on the SDMX global registry currently available on the IMF-Sandbox Registry () which is where artefacts for global use are maintained The BOP Data Structure Definition is structured as showed in Annex 1. It is composed of 16 dimensions and 13 attributes. A detailed description of each dimension and attribute is included in the BOP-DSD Excel file and in the Guidelines for Using BOP-DSD Concepts in Time Series Keys available on the SDMX website (choose the most recent version in the drop down box 'Select Data Structure'). An Excel file including all BOP data requests of Eurostat, IMF and OECD (BPM6_DATA_CODIFICATION.xls) can also be downloaded from this website. D v1.1 SDMX mESSAGE FORMATThe preferred SDMX format for data messages is SDMX-ML 2.0 Compact format. If this is not possible, SDMX-ML 2.1 Compact format is preferred. Less preferable are the other SDMX-ML 2.0/2.1 formats (Generic, Cross-reference).The OECD will accept other SDMX formats (EDI, V1.0), but data will take longer to process and OECD cannot offer technical assistance.SDMX TRANSMISSION METHODSDMX supports these methods of data transmission:Pull method: The collector gets the data via a queryPush method: The publisher sends the data to the collector in filesData hub: The Data-hub method acts as a central data repository. Publishers send data to the hub using push or pull technologies. Collectors later retrieve the data from the hub repository.The OECD’s preferred method for BOP data is:Pull from an SDMX web service conforming to the SDMX web service API standards at : see the DATA FLOWS AND ASSOCIATED INFORMATION section for the mailbox where to send the dataIf implementing the pull method, the SDMX web service standards should be strongly adhered to. The SDMX-Reference Infrastructure software (SDMX-RI) is a practical way to implement the pull method while following the standards with little or no development required. See the SDMX-REFERENCE INFRASTRUCTURE (SDMX-RI) section below.SDMX-Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI)* The SDMX Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI) provides a free, open-source SDMX technical implementation. It is a free-standing implementation that requires no development. The source code is also freely available and the application may be customised if needed. It includes:SDMX web service used to query and disseminate dataMapping Assistant tool used to create mappings to transform data structures. It may be used to map existing local data structures to SDMX Data Structure Definitions without having to change the local structuresData connectors that link your existing Oracle or SQL Server database to the mappings and SDMX web service A typical implementation connects the SDMX-RI to the local dissemination data-warehouse, therefore as soon as data is published through to the dissemination data-warehouse it is also available via the SDMX web service. More details can be found here: OECD promotes and provides technical assistance for implementation of the SDMX Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI) for its member countries. SDMX ConTACTSTECHNICAL: SUBJECT-MaTTER: STD.Servstat@ OECD BOP Data flows AND ASSOCIATED INFORMATIONCountries willing to report balance of payments and or international trade in services data to the OECD using SDMX should use the following data flows:DomainDSDData flow IDData flow descriptionPush data mailboxQuarterly Balance of PaymentsBOP-DSD OECD_BPM6_BOP_QThis dataflow includes quarterly balance of payments (including seasonally adjusted series) statistics to be reported to the OECDaccount.meidoc@Annual Trade in ServicesBOP-DSD dataflow includes annual international trade in services by partner country and remittances statistics to be reported to the OECD.STD.Servstat@A detailed composition of the annual international trade in services request (the BPM6_ITS_A dataflow) including the codification of series according to the BOP DSD is available at: detailed composition of the quarterly balance of payments data flow is available here (target indicators): 1: Structure of the BOP DSD ................

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