Dogs Rehoming & Dog Rescue Charity | Dogs Trust




Dogs Trust assumes no liability for the content of the following list. This does not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants and is only intended as a guide. Please contact your veterinary surgeon for advice or treatment immediately if you think your pet has eaten any of the following plants and is showing a bad reaction. Your pet may also have a sensitivity or allergy to a plant that is not on the list, so always be vigilant and seek help if you are worried about your pet’s health.

NB: Add in laburnum

|Common name |Botanical name |Details (if known) |

|Aconite (roots, foliage, seeds) |Aconitum species |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May also affect cardiac function –|

| | |increased heart rate. |

|African violet |Saintpaulia ionantha | |

|(leaves) | | |

|Aloe vera |Aloe vera |Diarrhoea |

| |Hippeastrum species |Upset stomach, hyperactivity, lethargy, coma, shock. Can be fatal. |

|Amaryllis (bulbs) | | |

| |Brugmansia species | |

|Angels’ trumpets | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Caladium species |Upset stomach, oral irritation, asphyxiation, tremors, seizures, loss of |

|Angel wings | |balance. Can be fatal. |

|Apple (seeds) |Malus species |Seeds contain cyanide. Varied toxic effects. |

|Apple leaf croton | | |

| |Prunus armeniaca | |

|Apricot (kernels) | |Kernels contain cyanide. Can be fatal. |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Arborvitae |Thuja species | |

|Arrow grasses |Triglochin species | |

|(leaves) | | |

| |Asparagus setaceus |Contains a wide variety of poisons resulting in a large range of symptoms. |

|Asparagus fern | | |

| |Crocus speciosus |Vomiting, nervous excitement. May cause dermatitis. |

|Autumn crocus | | |

|Avocado (fruit & |Persea americana |Diarrhoea, vomiting, laboured breathing. Can be fatal. |

|pith) | | |

| | |Nausea, vomiting, depression, difficulty breathing and coma. Can be fatal if |

| |Rhododenron occidentale |eaten in large enough |

|Azalea (all parts) | |quantities. |

| |Gypsophila paniculata | |

|Baby’s breath | | |

|Barilla (leaves & | | |

|stems) |Salsola soda | |


|Bird of paradise | | |

|(seeds) |Strelitzia reginae |Gastrointestinal tract affected by the plant toxins. |

| |Celastrus angulatus | |

|Bittersweet | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Bleeding heart | |Poisonous in large amounts, contains convulsants. May also cause dermatitis. |

|(foliage, roots) |Dicentra formosa | |

|Bluebell |Hyacinthoides |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Buxus sempervirens | |

|Box (leaves) | | |

|Boxwood (leaves, twigs) | |Upset stomach, heart failure, excitability or lethargy. May also cause |

| |Hebe odora |dermatitis. |

| |Pteridium aquilinum |Thiamine deficiency, acute haemorrhagic syndrome, blindness, tumours |

|Bracken | | |

|Broom |Cytisus species | |

|Buckeyes (nuts & |Aesculus species | |

|immature growths) | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Burning bush |Kochia scoparia | |

| |Ranunculus species |Juice may severely injure digestive system. May also cause dermatitis. |

|Buttercup | | |

| |Caladium species | |

|Caladium | | |

|Calico bush |Kalmia species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Zantedeschia species | |

|Calla lily (leaves) | |(as above) |

| |Euphorbia lathyris | |

|Caper Spurge | | |

| |Lobelia cardinalis | |

|Cardinal flower | | |

|Castor bean |Ricinus communis |May cause dermatitis. A single Rosary Pea or one/two Castor bean seeds can be |

|(leaves and seeds) | |fatal. |

| |Monstera deliciosa |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. |

|Ceriman | | |

|Chenille Plant |Acalypha hispida | |

|Cherry (kernels) |Prunus species |Kernels contain cyanide. |

| |Prunus laurocerasus | |

|Cherry laurel | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|China Berry |Melia azedarach | |

|Chinese evergreen |Aglaonema | |

|Christmas rose | | |

|(leaves, roots) |Helleborus niger |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Chrysanthemum |Chrysanthemum species | |

|(leaves & stems) | |May cause dermatitis. |

|Cineraria |Senecio species | |

| |Clematis armandii |Gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by plant toxins. May cause |

|Clematis | |dermatitis. |

| | |Similar toxic effects to that of chocolate – |

|Cocoa husks or mulch | |hyperactivity, increased heart rate. Can kill if enough is eaten. |

|Corn cockle |Agrostemma species | |

|(seeds) | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Dracaena species | |

|Corn plant | | |

| |Anemone species | |

|Crocus | | |


| |Colchicum autumnale | |

| |Codiaeum species | |

|Croton | | |

| | | |

|Crown vetch |Coronilla varia | |

| | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Cuckoo pint |Arum maculatum | |

| |Anunculus species | |

|Crowfoot | | |

| |Encephalartos species | |

|Cycads | | |

| |Cyclamen species |Gastrointestinal tract affected. Convulsions and paralysis. |

|Cyclamen | | |

| |Narcissus species |Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. May also cause dermatitis. Can be fatal. |

|Daffodil (bulbs) | | |

| | |Gastrointestinal tract and kidneys affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|Daphne |Daphne species | |

| |Brugmansia species | |

|Datura | | |

| |Atropa belladonna | |

|Deadly nightshade | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Delphinium (seeds, young plants) |Delphinium species | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Solanum hispidium | |

|Devil’s fig | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | |Causes diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, |

|Dieffenbachia |Dieffenbachia species |seizures, loss of |

| | |balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal. |

| |Dracaena species | |

|Dragon tree | |Vomiting and diarrhoea. |

| | |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, |

|Dumb cane |Dieffenbachia amaena |seizures, loss of balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal. |

|Dwarf morning glory |Convolvulus tricolor | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Lilium longiflorum | |

|Easter lily | |(Especially poisonous to cats). |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Echium |Echium species | |

|Elder (leaves, root, bark) |Sambuccus species | |

| |Sambucus canadensis | |

|Elderberry | |Nausea and vomiting. |

| | |Intense burning, irritation and swelling of the mouth and throat. If tongue |

|Elephant ears |Bergenia species |swells enough to block air passage can be fatal. |

|English ivy | |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|(berries & leaves) |Hedera helix | |

| |Euonymus europaeus | |

|European spindle | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|False hellebore | | |

|(roots, seeds, leaves) |Veratrum album |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Flannel flower |Phylica plumosa |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |


| |Linum usitatissimum | |

|Flax | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Foxglove (leaves, seeds) | | |

| |Digitalis species |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Fritillary |Fritillaria species | |

| |Monstera deliciosa |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. |

|Fruit salad plant | | |

| |Gaulthera mucronata | |

|Gaultheria | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Geranium species | |

|Geranium | | |

|German ivy | |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|(berries & leaves) |Delairea odorata | |

|German primula | |Toxic if eaten. May cause skin allergy. |

|Glory lily |Gloriosa superba |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Golden chain | | |

|(seed capsules) |Laburnum |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Aquilegia vulgaris | |

|Granny’s bonnets | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Nandina domestica | |

|Heavenly bamboo | | |

| |Helleborus species | |

|Hellebores | | |

| |Heliotropum arborescens | |

|Heliotrope | | |

|Hemlock |Tsuga species | |

| |Hyposcyamus niger | |

|Henbane | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Hibiscus |Hibiscus species | |

|Holly (berries) |Ilex species |Upset stomach, tremors, seizures, loss of balance. |

|Horse chestnut |Aesculus hippocastanum | |

|(nuts, leaves) | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Hurricane plant |Monstera deliciosa |Varied toxic effects. Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause |

|(bulb) | |dermatitis. |

| |Hyacinthus orientalis |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Hyacinth (bulbs) | | |

| |Hydrangea species | |

|Hydrangea | | |

|Iris (roots) |Iris species |Severe digestive upset. May cause dermatitis. |

|Ivy (entire plant) |Hedera helix |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Arisaema species |Causes burning to the mouth. Can cause hallucinations. |

|Jack in the pulpit | | |

| |Euonymus sieboldianus | |

|Japanese spindle | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | | |

|Japanese yew |Taxus species | |

|Jessamine (berries | |Digestive disturbance. Gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected. Can |

|& sap) |Cestrum species |be fatal. |

|Jerusalem Cherry (immature | | |

|growths) |Solanum pseudocapsicum |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|Jimson weed |Datura stramonium |Abnormal thirst, distorted sight, delirium, incoherence, coma. Can be fatal. |

|(Thorn Apple) | | |

| |Narcissus species | |

|Jonquil (bulb) | | |


| |Juniperus species | |

|Juniper | | |

| |Kalanchoe species |Depression, rapid breathing, teeth grinding, ataxia, paralysis |

|Kalanchoe | | |

| |Brassica oleracea |Haemolytic anaemia, goitre, possible reduced fertility |

|Kale | | |

|Kingcup |Caltha palustris |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Laburnum (leaves, seeds) |Laburnum anagyroides | |

| | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Lantana |Lantana camara |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| | |Digestive upset, nervousness, depression. Cardiovascular system affected. May |

|Larkspur (young plants & seeds) |Delphinium species |cause dermatitis. Can be fatal. |

|Laurel |Prunus species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Helleborus orientalis | |

|Lenton rose | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Belamcanda species |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Leopard lily | | |

| |Cupressocyparis leylandii |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Leyland cypress | | |

|Lily |Lilium species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Lily of the valley (leaves, | | |

|flowers, roots) |Convallaria species |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Lily of the valley bush | | |

| |Pieris japonica | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Lobelia |Lobelia species | |

|Locust |Robinia species |Nausea and weakness |

|Lupin (leaves, seeds) | | |

| |Lupinus species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Mallow |Lavatera species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Maple Tree |Acer species | |

|Marijuana |Cannabis sativa |Contains hallucinogens. |

|Marsh marigold |Caltha palustris |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|May apple (apples, roots, foliage)|Podophyllum peltatum | |

| | |Severe diarrhoea. Nervous system affected. |

| |Thalistrum delavayi | |

|Meadow rue | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Daphne mezereum | |

|Mezereon | | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Milkweed |Ascepias syriaca | |

| | |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. If eaten by a puppy, a |

|Mistletoe (berries) |Phoradendron flavescens |few berries can be fatal. |

| |Aconitum napellus |Digestive upset and nervous excitement. Cardiovascular system affected. |

|Monkshood | | |

| | | |

|Morning glory |Ipomea species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|(seeds, roots) | | |

| |Cytisus battandieri | |

|Moroccan broom | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Mother-in-law’s tongue (leaves) |Dieffenbachia amaena |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, |

| | |seizures, loss of |


| | |balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal. |

|Mountain laurel |Kalmia latifolia |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Colchium species | |

|Naked ladies | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Narcissus |Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. May cause dermatitis. |

|Narcissus |(bulbs) |Can be fatal. |

|Needlepoint ivy | |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|(berries & leaves) | | |

|Nerine |Nerine bowdenii | |

|Nightshades |Solanum species |Intense digestive disturbances. Can be fatal. |

|Oak tree (foliage & | |Affects kidneys. Symptoms appear after several days. |

|acorns) |Quercus species | |

| | |Affects the heart, produces severe digestive upset, extremely poisonous. May |

|Oleander |Nerium oleander |cause dermatitis. Can be |

| | |fatal. |

| | |Causes anemia. Onions should not be fed to |

|Onion |Allium species |dogs in any form. |

| |Paspalum species | |

|Paspalum (seeds) | |Dermatitis |

| |Pulsatilla vulgaris | |

|Pasque flower | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Spathiphyllum species |Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|Peace lily | | |

|Peach (stones & | | |

|leaves) |Prunus persica |Contain cyanide. |

| |Opuntia leptocaulis | |

|Pencil cactus | | |

|Peony (roots) |Paeonia species | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Peruvian lily |Chlidanthus fragans | |

| |Philodendron species (leaves) |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. |

|Philodendron | | |

| |Cytisus battandieri | |

|Pineapple broom | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | |Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, delirium. Sap can cause irritation and if rubbed in|

|Poinsettia (leaves, stems & sap) |Euphorbia pulcherrima |eyes, blindness. May also cause dermatitis. |

| |Conium maculatum |Nervous system affected. May cause dermatitis. |

|Poison hemlock | |Can be fatal. |

|Poison ivy (leaves, bark & fruit) |Toxicodendron radicans |Poisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact |

| | |with skin. |

|Poison oak | | |

|(leaves, bark & |Toxicodendron |May cause dermatitis. |

|fruit) | | |

| |Toxicodendron vernix |Poisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact |

|Poison sumac | |with skin. |

| |Phytolacca americana | |

|Pokeroot | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Phytolacca americana | |

|Pokeweed | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Poppy (unripe seedpod) | | |

| |Papaver species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Potato (green skin |Solanum tuberosum | |

|& sprouts) | | |


| |Argemone mexicana | |

|Prickly poppy | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Primrose (leaves) |Primula vulgaris |Upset stomach. May cause dermatitis. |

| |Ligustrum species | |

|Privet (leaves) | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | |Causes kidney failure and liver damage which is irreversible. Minute doses |

|Ragwort |Senecio species |fatal, often wrongly diagnosed. |

|Raisins and Grapes | |Causes kidney failure. Can be fatal. |

| | |Haemolytic anaemia, blindness, damage to nervous system, digestive disorders, |

|Rape |Brassicus napus |breathing problems |

| |Phytolacca americana | |

|Red-ink plant | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Rhododendron species |Nausea, vomiting, depression, difficulty breathing and coma. Can be fatal. |

|Rhododendron | | |

| | |Large amounts of raw or cooked leaves can cause convulsions and coma. Can be |

|Rhubarb (leaves) |Rheum species |fatal. |

| |Rhododendron aureum | |

|Rosebay | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

| |Catharanthus roseus | |

|Rose periwinkle | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| | | |

|Rue |Ruta graveolens |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Sago palm |Cycas revoluta |Can be fatal |

|Savin |Juniperus sabina |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Brassaia actinophylla |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Schefflera | | |

| |Asclepias species | |

|Silkweed | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Galanthus species | |

|Snowdrops | | |

|Solomon’s seal |Polygonatum |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Chlorophytum species | |

|Spider plant | |May cause vomiting and salivation. |

|Spruce Tree |Picea species | |

| |Euphorbia species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Spurge | | |

|Squill |Scilla species |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Star-of-Bethlehem |Ornithogalum species | |

|(bulbs) | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Smilacina stellata | |

|Starflower | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Hypericum perforatum | |

|St Johns Wort | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Senecio rowleyanus or | |

|String of pearls/beads |herreianus | |

| | | |

|Sweet pea (stem) |Lathyrus odoratus |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Monstera deliciosa |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. |

|Swiss cheese plant | | |

| |Monstera deliciosa |Causes diarrhoea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. |

|Taro vine | | |


|Tiger lily |Lilium |(Especially poisonous to cats) |

|Tobacco plant | | |

|(leaves) |Nicotiana |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

| |Pittosporum tobira | |

|Tobira | | |

|Tomato plant | | |

|(green fruit, stem & |Lycopersicon lycospersicum | |

|leaves) | | |

| | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy. |

|Tulip |Tulipa species | |

| |Schlefflera species | |

|Umbrella plant | |Toxic if eaten, causing vomiting, diarrhoea. |

| |Toxicodendron vernicifluum |Poisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact |

|Varnish tree | |with skin. |

|Walnut (green hull juice) | | |

| |Juglans nigra | |

|Water hemlock |Cicuta maculata |Violent painful convulsions. Can be fatal. |

| |Toxicodendron succedaneum |Poisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact |

|Wax tree | |with skin. |

| | | |

|Weeping fig |Ficus species | |

|Wild cherry tree | | |

|(twigs & foliage) |Prunus avium |Gasping, excitement, prostration. Can be fatal. |

| |Anemone species | |

|Windflower | |Harmful if eaten in quantity. |

|Wisteria (pods, seeds) | |Nausea, repeated vomiting, stomach pains, severe diarrhoea, dehydration and |

| |Wisteria |collapse. |

| |Aconitum septentrionale | |

|Wolfsbane | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Woody nightshade | |Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. |

|Yarrow |Achillea species | |

| | |Dizziness, dry mouth and mydriasis develop within one hour, followed by |

| | |abdominal cramping, salivation and vomiting. Foliage is more fatal than |

|Yew (berries & | |berries, death can be sudden without warning or |

|foliage) |Taxus species |symptoms. Can be fatal. |


List of common potentially poisonous household and garden substances –as supplied by the VPIS (Veterinary Poisons Information Service)

Anticoagulant rodenticides difenacoum bromadiolone brodadiolone coumatetralyl





Slug bait

Human oral contraceptives (very low toxicity)

Chocolate / theobromine

Diclofenac sodium (a similar drug to Ibuprofen)


Ventalin inhalers Alphachloralose rodenticides Paraquat

Wallpaper paste (very low toxicity)

Borax / Boric acid ant killer gels


Glyphosate based herbicides

Asprin Cannabis Batteries Bendiocarb

powder ant killers

White spirit / barbecue lighter fluid



anti-diarrhoea drugs


Pyrethrin-based insecticides



Xylitol - this is a sugar-free sweetener commonly found in many chewing gums, sweets, foods, oral rinses, toothpastes and supplements.

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