HGSO Grant Doc.docx - Boston University

GRANTDEADLINEWEBSITEDETAILSHistory DepartmentTF and GradershipsContact Dept. Director of Graduate Studies for application detailsBoston University GRAFMarch 23/November 1$4,000 short term; $10,000 long term. Requires four-page proposal (single or double-spaced) with budget tailored to the award amount you are applying for, unofficial transcripts, and letter of recommendation (LOR) from adviser. Contact DGS for further details. Selection committee favors students who have passed oral exams.Fulbright-Hays TBA$30,000+. Application completed online, contact university F-H coordinator (currently Laura Wipf), application submitted through BU. Requires 10 page essay, three letters of recommendation; evaluation from language instructor; letter of overseas affiliation Boren FellowshipApplication out November; due January 31$24,000 to $30,000 for foreign area or language study. Must do one year of government work upon graduation. Three essays; three LORs; budget; letter of affiliation; language evaluation; undergrad and grad school transcripts. Priority for areas critical to US national security. CLIR/Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation ResearchNovember 15 to $25,000. Three LOR, grad school transcripts, Four essays: dissertation description (5 pages); resource sources and schedule; research goals (1 page); Qualifications (1 page)SSRC IDRF Dissertation FellowshipNovember (around $20,000). Language evaluation; 2 references; 12 page proposal and bibliographySociety for Historians of American Foreign RelationsOctober 1 dissertation travel: Holt, Gelfand, $4,000; Bemis: $2,000. For dissertation writing: Bernath, $4,000. Requires CV, four-page application, LOR from adviser, SHAFR membershipSociety for Historians of American Foreign RelationsOctober 1 dissertation completion fellowship: $20,000. Three-page statement of research; one page on significance, CV, LOR from adviser. Society for Military HistoryEarly January Clio Research Grant: $500. SMH membership, CV, personal statement, adviser LOR, one page bibliography of latest secondary work on your topicU.S. Institute for Peace Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship December 15$20,000. 3 recommendations; CV; 4 essays: subject and significance; methods and design; mandate fulfillment; work planCenter for Military HistoryJanuary 15$10,000 stipend. Must be U.S. citizen. Transcripts from undergrad and grad school; 10 page or less research plan; 3 recommendations (one from dissertation advisor); 25 page writing sampleCAORC Multi-Country Research FellowshipJanuary 15$10,500. Must carry out research in two or more countries outside the US, at least one of which has a participating center. Grad school transcripts; CV; 2 recommendations; 1500 word project description; 1 page bibliography/lit reviewFulbrightInternal BU deadline: Sept. 3 (as of 2012) varies by country. Application completed online, contact university F-H coordinator (currently Sue Kennedy), application submitted through BU. 1 page Personal Statement; 2 page Statement of Grant Purpose; Language Recommendation; 3 Academic Recommendations; Transcripts from undergrad and grad school; Letter of Affiliation Boston College African and African Diaspora Studies Dissertation FellowshipFebruary 8$30,060 stipend, health insurance, $1,500 research budget. Must be in residence at BC, give one public lecture, and teach one seminar course. 3000 word project proposal; 25 page maximum writing sample; CV; 3 recommendations.Smith Richardson World Politics and Statecraft FellowshipOctober 17$7,500. Letter from dept. certifying ABD status; 3 page proposal; 1 page budget; CV; 1 letter of recommendation.North American Conference on British Studies Dissertation FellowshipApril 1$8,000. Must be nominated by dissertation advisor, who must be a member of NACBS. 2 recommendations; 1 page CV; 1000 word research proposalGrantDeadlineWebsite DetailsGrant DeadlineWebsiteDetails ................

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