Monica Campbell Miller

Monica Leigh Campbell

Reappointed (2007)

Initial Faculty Appointment (2004)

Department of Early Childhood Education and Special Education

University of North Carolina Wilmington

601 South College Rd.

Wilmington, NC 28403



Ph. D. 2004 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Special Education

M. Ed. 1998 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Special Education, Mental Disabilities

B.A. 1995 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Special Education, Cross Categorical

Licenses North Carolina: Mild Mental Disabilities, Cross Categorical Special Education, Elementary Education


2004 – Present Assistant Professor

Department of Early Childhood and Special Education

University of North Carolina Wilmington

2004, Summer Instructor

University of North Carolina Charlotte

2003-2004 Graduate Teaching Assistant

University of North Carolina Charlotte

2003, Summer Instructor

University of North Carolina Charlotte

2002-2003 Graduate Research Assistant

Behavior and Reading Improvement Center,

University of North Carolina Charlotte

2001-2002 Graduate Assistant

University of North Carolina Charlotte

1995-2001 Cross-Categorical Special Education Teacher

Catawba County Public Schools


Teaching Assignments

EDN 319 Meeting the Needs of Special Students in Elementary Schools

EDN 491 Directed Individual Study

SED 354 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

SED 368 Teaching Reading to Students with Special Needs

SEDL 368 Teaching Reading to Students with Special Needs Lab

SED 369 Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs

SEDL 369 Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs Lab

SED 374 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers


Campbell, M. L., & Kozloff, M. (in press). Comprehensive training programs for families of children with autism. In J. M. Briesmeister & C. E. Schaefer (Eds.), Handbook of parent training: Helping parents prevent and solve problem behaviors (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Campbell, M. L., Cooke, N., & Helf, S. (in press). Effects of Adding Multisensory Components to a Supplemental Reading Program on the Decoding Skills of Treatment Resisters. Education and Treatment of Children.

Campbell, M. L., & Mechling, L. C. (in press). Small group computer assisted instruction with SMART Board technology: An investigation of observational and incidental learning of non-target information. Remedial and Special Education.

Helf, S., Cooke, N., & Campbell, M. L. (in press). Advantages of providing structured supplemental reading instruction to kindergartners at risk for failure in reading. Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk

Gibbs, S. L., Campbell, M. L., Helf, S. S., & Cooke, N. L. (2006). Early reading tutor. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGrawHill.

Cooke, N., Gibbs, S., Campbell, M. L., & Shalvis, S. (2004). A comparison of Reading Mastery Fast Cycle and Horizons Fast Track A-B on the reading achievement of students with mild disabilities. Journal of Direct Instruction, 4, 139-151.

Miller, M. C., Cooke, N., Test, D., & White, R. (2003). Effects of friendship circles on the social interactions of elementary age students with mild disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 12, 167-184.


Campbell, M. L., & Mechling, L. C. (2007, May). Small group phonics instruction for students with mild disabilities using SMART Board technology. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, San Diego, CA.

Fox, K., Campbell, M. L., & Hargrove, T. (2007, March). Reflective practice in a teacher education program. Paper presented at the North Carolina Association for Research in Education Conference, Greensboro, NC.

Mechling, L. C., & Campbell, M. L. (2007, February). Computer-based video instruction to teach functional skills. Paper presented at the North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Wilmington, NC.

Campbell, M. L., Cooke, N. L., & Helf, S. S. (2005, April). Effects of multisensory instruction on the reading acquisition of treatment resisters. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo, Baltimore, MD.

Campbell, M. L. (2005, February). Effects of multisensory additions to a supplemental reading program on decoding skills of treatment resisters. Paper presented at the North Carolina Association for Applied Behavior Analysis, Wilmington, NC.

Campbell, M. L., Cooke, N. L., Shalvis, S. L., & Gibbs, S. L. (2004, May). The effects of

multisensory instruction on the reading acquisition of treatment resisters. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, Boston, MA.

Gibbs, S. L., Campbell, M. L., Shalvis, S. L., & Cooke, N. L. (2004, April). Rescuing first-grade readers with a 10-minute supplemental program. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Cooke, N. L., Gibbs, S. L., Shalvis, S. L., & Campbell, M. L. (October, 2003). Using DIBELS for screening, diagnosis, and progress monitoring. Paper presented at the Exceptional Children Administrators’ Institute, Greensboro, NC.

Cooke, N. L., Gibbs, S. L., Campbell, M. L., & Shalvis, S. L. (2003, February). Deciding when to teach generalized reading to students with moderate cognitive disabilities. Paper presented at the 8th Biennial International Conference on Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities, Kauai, HI.

Shalvis, S., & Campbell, M. L. (2003, February). The effects of repeated reading on reading fluency among first grade students identified “at-risk” for reading failure. Paper presented at the North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis Conference, Wilmington, NC.

Gibson, P., Campbell, M. L., Shalvis, S., Christian, C., & Konrad, M. (2002, October). The University North Carolina at Charlotte Behavior and Reading Improvement Center. Paper presented at the Behavior Management/Safe Schools Conference, UNC Charlotte.

Gibbs, S., Cooke, N., & Campbell, M. L. (2002, May). The effects of phonemic awareness training the progress through Reading Mastery I. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Cooke, N., & Campbell, M. L. (2002, February). Effects of friendship circles on the social interactions of elementary age students with mild disabilities. Paper presented at the North Carolina Applied Behavior Analysis Conference, Asheville, NC.


Council for Exceptional Children [Division for Learning Disabilities]

International Dyslexia Association

Association for Direct Instruction

Association for Applied Behavior Analysis


General Curriculum Advisor, Student Council for Exceptional Children, UNCW Chapter (2006-present)

Guest Reviewer, Journal of Science Teacher Education (2006)

Member of the Advisory Council for Allyn & Bacon's update edition of Teaching Exceptional, Diverse and At-Risk Students by Sharon Vaughn, Candace Bos and Jeanne Shay Schumm

Co-Advisor, Student Council for Exceptional Children/Chapter #306 (2002)

Guest Reviewer, Education and Treatment of Children (2002)

Consultant, Multicultural Youth Dance Program, Charlotte, NC (2003)


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