While it is impossible to guarantee your safety and ...

Personal Safety Tips

While it is impossible to guarantee your safety and security at all times there are numerous ways in which to reduce the chance that you or your family will become victims of crime.

Everyday personal safety

-When in a public space be vigilant about who is around you.

-In restaurants try to sit facing the main entrance.

-Be aware of who you give your address and phone number. Do they really need your address to complete a transaction?

-If you must give out your phone number consider using a cell phone number instead. Home phone numbers are easily traced to their billing address.

-Talk with your family and friends about any concerns that you have about them divulging personal information about you. This is especially important to any children that might give out identifying information to online social networking sites (Facebook, Myspace, etc.)

-Consider getting a P.O. Box to use instead of your home address. In Massachusetts you can register your vehicle to a P.O. Box.

-Avoid wearing clothing that identifies you with your profession.

Safety at home

-Use outside lighting. Motion sensing flood lights are recommended. Lighting should illuminate all areas around your home. Lights should be mounted so they are unreachable from the ground to prevent anyone from tampering with them.

-All doors should be equipped with good quality locks. Deadbolt locks are recommended on all exterior doors Use the locks when you are home and away. Exterior doors and frames should be sturdy. Sliding doors should be locked. You can also place a dowel in the inside track of sliders to make them stronger. Screen doors should be locked when exterior doors are open. Any doors from the garage to the living space should be metal and secured with a deadbolt lock.

-Doors should be equipped with wide angle peep-holes.

-Windows should be equipped with locks. There are brackets available that allow windows to be opened a certain amount to allow ventilation but also protect against intruders.

-Windows should have shades or blinds that can be closed.

-Do not use automatic garage door openers until you can see the garage door.

-Park vehicles in the garage if possible.

-Consider installing an alarm system that is monitored by an alarm company.

-Make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working

-Speak with family members reminding them about safety at home.

-Know your neighbors

-Talk to the local police about your concerns

-Before entering your home look and listen for anything that seems out of the ordinary.

-Take precautions to protect your home when on vacation. Hold mail, cancel newspapers, arrange for any landscaping or snow removal to be done. Use timers for interior lights. Let your neighbors know you will be away and how to contact you.

-Do not hide house keys outside of your house. Leave them with a trusted neighbor instead.

Safety while you are driving

-Lock your doors while driving

-Have your vehicle keys out before you get to your parked vehicle.

-When stopped at a light leave space in front of your vehicle if you need to pull away.

-Know where you are. (street name, neighborhood, etc.)

-Have a cell phone within reach

-Leave purses and briefcases on the floor of your vehicle while driving.

-Do not leave any valuables or identifying items in a parked vehicle

-Park in a well lit space near your destination

-Try to avoid valet parking. You want to park where you can retain possession of your keys.

-Back into parking spaces when possible in case you need to leave in a hurry.

Mail and Packages

-Have packages delivered to work instead of your home

-Be wary of unsolicited packages.

-Always check the addresses printed on the envelope.

-Try not to bring any suspicious items into your house.

-Report any suspicious items to the police.

-Familiarize yourself with the attached US Postal Service suspicious mail poster on the next page.

-Track any UPS or Fed Ex packages to learn when they will be delivered.

Provided by Jeff Levenson

Security Supervisor, Metro Crime Prevention

PPLM, Boston office



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