FY21 FC650 Part III - Required Program Information

Name of Grant Program: Healthy Schools for Student SuccessFund Code: 650 PART III – REQUIRED PROGRAM INFORMATIONIMPORTANT NOTES PRIOR TO COMPLETING PART III:Years 3-5 of the Healthy Schools Program grant will introduce a Systems Thinking model to help districts improve coordination of health and wellness programs and policies. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) will work in partnership with districts to establish a Community of Practice that will work together to develop professional development (PD) and technical assistance (TA) prioritized from the four CDC priority topics (Nutrition, Physical Activity and Education, and the Management of Chronic Conditions, in and out-of-school time (OST); proposed Year 3-5 agency priorities (Systems Thinking/Sustainability/Health and Racial Equity) and other WSCC-priorities that arise from local action and assessment planning.District Wellness Policies and School Wellness Advisory CouncilsEvery school district is required to develop and implement a written school wellness policy as stipulated by the “Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004” and the “Hunger-Free Act of 2010”.As mandated by Section 223 of Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts Generals Laws, districts are required to establish School Wellness Advisory Committees intended to ensure that each public school district has an established group of school staff and concerned community representatives to develop, review, and help implement local wellness policies.Anticipated Community of Practice, Technical Assistance (TA) and Training, and Virtual and/or live Professional Development (PD) opportunities crafted in partnership with district team leads:During Year 3 [fiscal year 2020-2021 (FY21)], the Department and its collaborating partners will likely offer:a virtual Community of Practice (COP) for district wellness team leads inclusive of recommended partners and/or sub-committees recommended by district team leads. The Community of Practice will help to establish TA and PD events designed to promote evidence based models for wellness policy and program improvement according to the MA Roadmap to Healthy Schools Framework. Additional trainings on the HECAT, PECAT, School Health Index, and other evidence-based assessment tools are available upon request.at least 1-2 required on-site visits to help provide on-site technical assistance and support to districts. Additional support throughout the year through district coaching may be available, as needed. In addition, districts may utilize grant funds to support coordination and facilitation of this work by a recommended TA partner at both the district and/or school level.a Professional Development Calendar of virtual and/or live offerings informed by the COP.District:District Wellness Team Lead Name/Title/Email:Grant/Budget Contact Name/Title/Email:Your responses to the following will inform Department-offered supports for district- and school-munities of Practice – Virtual/Remote Opportunities:In lieu of grant-specific meetings the Department and its partners will establish a series of at least quarterly and at most monthly virtual convenings to share best practices for district team leads and supporting staff. These convenings will also solicit feedback to inform the wellness infrastructure, PD, and TA supports offered by the Department. Multiple COPs may be available upon request for different affinity groups such as professional affiliations or schools, etc. upon request. The following questions seek your initial input on these COPs.When is it most and least possible for your district wellness team lead (and/or supporting lead wellness staff) to participate in a 1-2 hour monthly virtual grantee meeting or COP? (Please include as much detail as possible, e.g., time of day or week, before/after/during school hours, preferred amount of time spent in virtual learning community).Please share as much detail as possible (in narrative form or using the chart below) regarding the audience(s) you would most like the Department’s support to engage in a virtual COP. For example, connecting monthly with Department coach and wellness team for facilitated learning, quarterly with school level wellness teams, nurses, and or families) Audience of virtual wellness community:Frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly, biannually):Preferred purpose (e.g., PD, TA, network, policy workshop, etc.):Preferred timeframe (Best days of the week/ time of day):Preferred content of shared learning component:Preferred theme of sharing success stories or problems of practice: Are there any known barriers or challenges to district- and or school-level staff joining a COP video conferencing technology including WebEx, Zoom, and Global Meet (e.g., timing, technology, etc.) that we can help address? What specific TA or accommodations would be helpful to ensure widespread participation?Are there any known barriers or challenges to district- and or school-level staff joining Google Classroom (to receive updates and report information that are not addressed in existing Google Classroom onboarding guides)? What TA or accommodations would be helpful to ensure widespread participation?Incorporate Healthy Schools PD into District PD Plan:If known, please share anticipated district- or school-wide release dates for PD in FY21, and any other best times of day/month/year to engage in PD (e.g., weekends, Fridays, particular dates)Please share any known upcoming or ongoing themes for district-wide PD to help align wellness offerings to support your district’s current work, and increase the likelihood of securing approval to attend (e.g., Deeper Learning, Racial Equity, Student Opportunity Act)Please list other local or national conferences that Healthy Schools Program staff plan to attend this year with grant funds or where you would like to receive related PDPlease submit a Healthy Schools PDP Request Form for any staff who have attended 10+ hours of related professional development in Years 1-2 and set a goal for the number of staff per district who will reach this target in Year 3 (by end of FY21)3. Complete Required Evaluation Data in your “District- & School- Tracker” (Please ensure that the following data has been submitted by district- and school-level wellness teams via Google Classroom): District Wellness Policy and any other since revised school-level wellness policies (follow Instructions on “DISTRICT Wellness Team” tab to share URL and upload documents to provided folder link)District Wellness Team Roster (fill in table found in “DISTRICT Wellness Team” tab)School-level progress reports on “School Activity Tracker” tab re: SHI assessment (“School Activity Tracker” tab, Columns F-Q) and action plan progress (“School Activity Tracker” tab, Columns R-U)School-level wellness team rosters for each participating school (Each participating school has own tab along the bottom of “District- & School- Tracker” where school-level wellness teams can be updated)4. Review of School Health Index (SHI) Assessment and Action Plan Progress Reports to aid in district planning and allocation of resources: Please list any barriers for participating schools that have yet to complete the SHI. How will you help schools that have yet to complete the SHI assessment and action planning process access internal and external supports (including district coach, budget allocation, etc.) to complete them as soon as possible?Please share global themes and/or unique lessons learned from reviewing the results of Year 2 SHI assessments and action plans (that schools completed in Google Classroom). How will they inform your action plan priorities for grant years 3-5?Beyond the coaching, PD, training/TA, online resources provided to date, what additional resources would best support district- (and school- level) priorities for the remainder of the grant period? (Consider the planned COP and Systems Thinking opportunities above as well.)5. Schedule District Wellness Policy Technical Assistance Meeting/Site Visit: Please provide the last date that your food service director received a triennial assessment inclusive of the district wellness policy:Describe any actions that you have taken to improve the strength and comprehensiveness of your district wellness policy this year, (please upload a revised policy to Google Classroom):What type of TA, group PD, in-district working meetings or individual coaching would best support your efforts to utilize the results of your WellSAT (wellness policy assessment) and SHI (school health policy and program assessment) to generate and propose district- and or school-level wellness policy updates in Year 3?When during the school year would be most ideal to schedule a wellness policy-focused site visit? Which internal and external partners would you want to attend?6. Submit Request to Schedule Local, In-district PD Opportunities: Please list three additional top priorities for Healthy Schools Program related PD that you would like to request be made locally accessible to staff and/or family and community partners in your district, and include the rationale for your choice preferably using data such as the SHI, WellSAT, wellness team meetings or another indicator (additional rows may be added as needed).PD Topic (Choose from list provided in Google Classroom or name your own) and Rationale for Choice (Supporting data welcome):Preferred mechanism: (e.g. live training, webinar, TA session, working meeting)Invited Audience: (e.g. nurses, food service directors, counselors, wellness teams; Will students, families, or communities be included?Any Existing Preferred TA/PD Partner/ Vendor: (e.g. existing Healthy Schools coach, district coach or national speaker)Preferred Date/Time: (e.g. time of year, month, date, time of day; known PD day)Requested Location: (Can you host or is space needed?)Capacity Limit: (Total number of internal/ external attendees that could be engaged)7. Continue to Improve Comprehensiveness and Coordination of District School Wellness Advisory Council (DWAC) with School-level wellness teams (SWT): This grant will support districts to ensure that their DWAC includes representatives from all WSCC Framework components to effectively advance comprehensive, coordinated school health and wellness policies. Each participating school is also required to assemble a school-level wellness team and team lead who will serve as a liaison to the district to help coordinate district and school efforts. After updating your District-level Wellness Team tracker via Google Classroom, please list which of the ten WSCC model components are currently lacking representation, and share planned or existing efforts to engage them to the DWAC in Year 3. (e.g., physical environment, family or community partners).Please include an anticipated calendar of dates for the quarterly meetings of the DWAC:What are the priority agenda items for the Healthy Schools Program to be discussed at the DWAC in Year 3?What is your plan to recruit similarly comprehensive school-level wellness teams, and how can the Department support those efforts?8. Deepen Understanding of Health and Racial Equity Lens Supporting MA Roadmap to Healthy Schools FrameworkHelpful definitions:Health equity is the opportunity for everyone to attain their full health potential. No one is disadvantaged from achieving their potential because of their social position (e.g., class, socioeconomic status) or socially assigned circumstance (race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, geography, etc.). Health inequities are differences in health status and mortality rates across population groups that are systemic, avoidable, unfair and unjust. These differences are rooted in social and economic injustice, and are attributable to social, economic, and environmental conditions in which people live work and play.Racial justice is the creation and proactive reinforcement of policies, practices, attitudes and actions that produce equitable power, access, opportunities, treatment and outcomes for all people regardless of race.What type of TA, group PD, in-district working meeting or individual coaching has your district most recently participated in related to health and/or racial equity??Please list examples of such meetings/trainings/coaching that you have attended, or topics that you have explored through these efforts. ?Please rate which of the following health and/or racial equity topics you would like your wellness team to have more professional development, coaching or TA on: [Please mark one “X” in each row to indicate your level of interest]:Very InterestedSomewhat InterestedSlightly InterestedNot at all Interested Promoting health equityAddressing racial justiceStrategies to increase cross-sector collaboration to improve health outcomes Family and community engagementYouth leadership and developmentWhat type of TA, group PD, in-district working meeting or individual coaching would best support the topics above selected as priority areas for health and racial equity efforts in your district? ?What type of support would help your School Wellness Advisory Council fulfill its intended purpose to “ensure that each public school district has an established group of school staff and concerned community representatives to develop, review, and help implement wellness policies” (e.g. ensuring that diverse viewpoints, underrepresented stakeholders/families, etc. are represented)?9. Submit Detailed Budget Narrative Form: Provide a line item budget narrative that details program expenditures. Briefly describe the purpose, unit, amount of each expenditure by line item, providing the level of detail requested by the Budget Template provided for entry into EdGrants as described in the line item description below, as required for CDC budget reporting by DESE. Line ItemLine TotalBudget Purpose and ExplanationLine 1 – Administrators: enter position title, name, and anticipated role of staff for any salary entered Line 2 – Instructional/ Professional Staff: enter position title, name, and anticipated role of staff for any salary enteredLine 3 – Support Staff: enter position title, name, and anticipated role of staff for any salary enteredLine 4 – Stipends: Please itemize flat or hourly rates, list position title, name, and anticipated role of staff/expectations for receiving the stipend.Line 5 – 4-a MTRS 4-b OtherPlease include total (or itemized) established fringe benefits rate (based on how benefit is calculated: e.g. total fringe benefits rate=15%, or retirement=5% salary; FICA=7.65%, etc.)Line 6 – Contractual Services: Please list to fullest known extent name and type of anticipated contractor, scope of work, rate, hours and timeline (start and end date) per CDC requirementLine 7 – Supplies and Materials: Please itemize to fullest known extent anticipated costs by item, type, and numberLine 8 – Travel: Please itemize to fullest known extent anticipated number of trips, staff traveling, associated costs (e.g. # miles, # train passes), and cost per reimbursable mile Line 9 – Other Costs: Please detail anticipated costs by number of items (or months incurring cost) by type and amountLine 10 – Indirect Cost: Must include established indirect cost rate in EdGrants Budget Template to use this line.Line 11 – Equipment: Please detail type of item, # of units, and cost per unit (for any items costing $5,000+ per unit & having a useful life of 1+ years) ................

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