TIME - Boston Public Schools


|7:15-8:00 | | | | | |

| |Arrival |Arrival |Arrival |Arrival |Arrival |

| |Free choice: Centers for play, |Free choice: Centers for play, |Free choice: Centers for play, |Free choice: Centers for play, |Free choice: Centers for play, |

| |literacy, breakfast |literacy, breakfast |literacy, breakfast |literacy, breakfast |literacy, breakfast |

|8:00-8:30 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Circle time =8:00-8:30 |Circle time =8:00-8:30 |Circle time =8:00-8:30 |Circle time =8:00-8:30 |Circle time =8:00-8:30 |

|8:30-10:00 |Literacy Block |Literacy Block |Literacy Block 8:30-9:30 |Literacy Block | |

| |Center Time& Guided Reading | | | |Literacy Block |

| |8:15-9:10 |Center time& Guided Reading | |LIBRARY 8:30-9:00 |Center time & Guided Reading |

| | |8:30-9:15 | | |8:30-9:15 |

| |ART 8:10-9:10 | |Center Time and Writers’ Workshop |9:00-10:00 | |

| |in 2 alternating ½ class groups |Writers’ Workshop/Science 9:15-10:00 | |Center time & Guided Reading |Writers’ Workshop 9:15-10:00 |

| | | | |8:30-9:15 | |

| |Writers’ Workshop 9:15-10:00 | | | | |

| | | |Math Activities 9:30-10:30 |Writers’ Workshop/Science 9:15-10:00 | |

| | | |10:30-11:00 Snack | | |

| | | | | | |

|10:00-11:00 |Clean-up, bathroom, coats on |Clean-up, bathroom, coats on |Early Dismissal |Outdoor Free Play |Outdoor Free Play/Nature Walk |

| |Outdoor Free Play |Outdoor Free Play |11:15 | | |

|11:00-12:00 |Math Activities |Math Activities | |Math Activities |Math Activities |

|Lunch Schedules |Students |BPS Lead Teachers |BPS Lead SC Teachers |BPS SC Teachers |

| |1:00 – 1:30 |12:00 – 12:45 |12:15-1:00 |11:15-12:00 |


| |Surround Care |Surround Care | |12:00-1:00 |12:15-1:00 |

|12:00-12:50 |MUSIC – 12:00-12:45 |Quiet Activities/Center Choices/ | |COMPUTER |PE |

|(PM Assistant | |One-to-one | | | |

|arrives 12:00) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|12:50-1:00 = |Wash hands |Wash hands | |Wash hands |Wash hands |

|transition to |LUNCH |LUNCH | |LUNCH |LUNCH |

|lunch |Lead SC Teacher & SC Teacher bring |Lead SC Teacher & SC Teacher bring | |Lead SC Teacher & SC Teacher bring |Lead SC Teacher & SC Teacher bring |

| |class from lunch |class from lunch | |class from lunch |class from lunch |

|1:00-1:30 Lunch |Bathroom |Bathroom | |Bathroom |Bathroom |

| |Circle |Circle | |Circle |Circle |

| | | | | | |

|1:30-2:00 | | | | | |

|2:00-3:15 |Center Time / Independent Work |Center Time / Independent Work | | |2:00-3:15 |

| |Snack |Snack | |Center Time / Independent Work |Center Time / Independent Work |

| |Clean-up |Clean-up | |Snack |Snack |

| |Wash hands |Wash hands | |Clean-up |Clean-up |

| | | | |Wash hands |Phonological Awareness 2:00-3:00 |

| |Chorus 2:45 -3:45 | | | |Wash hands |

| |Playground |Outdoor Free Play | |Outdoor Free Play |3:15-4:00 |

| | | | | |PE |

|3:15-3:45 | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3:45-4:15 |Read Aloud |Read Aloud | |Read Aloud | |

| |Coats, backpacks, transition to bus |Coats, backpacks, transition to bus | |Coats, backpacks, transition to bus |Coats, backpacks, transition to bus |

| |rooms and dismissal |rooms and dismissal | |rooms and dismissal |rooms and dismissal |

|4:15-4:30 | | | | | |


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