Boston University CELOP

Boston University CELOP

Semester: Spring 2013

Course: English for International Business High D/E

Monday through Friday 9 AM – 12

Instructor(s) and Contact Information:

Jacqueline LoConte Office hours each week:

12-1 Mondays and Tuesdays

Office number 248


Bruce Rindler Mr. Rindler will teach class on 2/13, 2/27,

3/20, 3/27 and 4/10

brindler @




Other Required Materials: small and large spiral notebooks

(consult daily)


Course Overview:

This course will help you improve your English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will use your textbooks and additional readings, listening materials, and videos. In addition to improving language skills, course materials will also help you to increase your understanding of international business.

Boston University CELOP has identified the following language goals for students at your level: See attachment

Assessment Criteria: Work done in class, homework assignments, group projects, writing assignments, weekly oral reports, team projects such as the capstone project, performance on quizzes and exams, recordings on Audio Recorder will all be used to assess your progress.

Exam/Evaluation Schedule:

See schedule attached

Absence Policy:

See policy attached

Late Policy:

See policy attached

Class Calendar:

|Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |Week 4 |Week 5 |Week 6 |

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|Topic: Innovation and Change |Topic: Human Resources |Topic: Advertising |Topic: E-marketing unit 9 of IB,|Topic: Organizations |

|Readings and vocabulary from |reading and vocabuary from unit |Handouts and videos |reading and vocabulary |Reading and vocabulary from unit|

|unit 3 of IB |1 of IB |Superbowl Commercials: listening|Consumer generated ads |2 of IB |

|Paraphrasing short passages |The Times Case Study: Harrods: |and speaking |and social media: listening and |Reading on GE and corporate |

|Tense review unit 1 TAE |Developing A Career Path in |Propaganda Types: reading and |speaking |longevity |

|Most Innovative Companies |Retail: Listening, reading and |vocabulary |Effective print ads |Leadership qualities (IB Skills |

|Universal Ambiguity Index |writing activities. |Marketing a new product (IB |Retelling main ideas and |Book unit 2) |

|Introduction to MLL |Writing: Description of Harrods |Skills Book unit 9) |significant details |Managing across cultures: |

|Weekly oral reports |Training Programs |MLL: Record a description of a |Writing: analysis of |reading and speaking |

|Editing placement essay |Cultural Awareness Training for |commercial |effectiveness of types of ads |TAE: unit 5 cont. |

| |Luxury Brands |Oral Report: Each student will |TAE: units 4 and 5 |MLL: research and report |

| |Video: HBS: Inside the Case |choose a tv ad from his/her |Weekly Oral report |Editing |

| |Study |country Vocabulary Quiz |Reading quiz |Weekly oral report on an |

| |Weekly oral report |Finding the main idea |MLL: marketing vocab games and |effective leader |

| |MLL: Pro Power and Audio |TAE: agreement unit 3 |read then summarize |Work on capstone |

| |Recorder |Form teams for capstone project |Work on capstone | |

| |TAE: tenses and the complete |Editing | | |

| |sentence | | | |

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|Week 6 |

|Topic: Development Unit 12 for |

|readings and vocabulary |


|listening/speaking |

|Reading, vocabulary and editing |

|quizzes |

|Work on capstone projects |

|Meet with each student for |

|midterm conferences on Friday |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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