RMF Trainers Manual

RMF Trainers Manual

1. Intro to RMF it’s philosophies and overview of the business

Welcome to Robin Mungall Fitness. As part of our team of personal trainers, nutritionists, group training experts, and online fitness coaches you will be held to the standard of quality care that Robin Mungall Fitness has built it’s foundation on since 2006.

It is my goal to create a fitness business that delivers the highest quality of client satisfaction while creating an environment for my staff, and sub-contractors to learn, grow be happy and feel appreciated. If I can help our clients reach their goals and keep the people in my business feeling good then I have done my job successfully. I would like to give you the basic overview and share with you some the philosophies of Robin Mungall Fitness as I think it is vital that each and everyone understands what this company is, where it is going and why.


Robin Mungall Fitness is a fitness company currently operating in studio personal training & semi private training, mobile personal training services, online coaching services, nutritional services and corporate fitness services. Providing clients with custom fitness programs and nutritional guidance to meet the very specific needs and goals of each client is what we do. In a nutshell we go to people’s homes offices, public facilities and outside or have them come to our studio to deliver our programs to our clients. Most of the training is 1 on 1 or couples training in their homes, while some of the training can be in a group or 1 on 1 in a corporate setting.

For the services we offer check out the website

For an overview of our Mission, Philosophy and Values visits


Stronger – Leaner – Healthier – Happier

We believe that our training should reflect helping our clients meet their fitness goals in all aspect of fitness while making it a fun and enjoyable experience that leaves them not only looking better but feeling better too.

Our style of training is custom to the individual client but also must pass the SLHH test.

Will this help our client get functionally stronger for their goal?

Will this help our client eat sustainably healthier to promote a leaner body?

Will this help to improve our clients overall health body mind and spirit?

Will this make our clients happier?

2. General Conduct for RMF Trainers to follow

This section will clearly identify the proper conduct of RMF Trainers to follow with their clients and with other associates.


• Touching clients, as in high fives or gestures of good will are generally accepted. Adjusting clients techniques by hand or spotting clients is often required but you must always first communicate that you are about to do so and understand that the client has the right to refuse. Any touching in a sexual nature is prohibited.

• Hugging – Ok so is hugging a gesture of good will or sexual in nature? Some clients like hugs, others get creeped out by it. Our stand is that you never initiate a hug towards a client out of good will, they must initiate and if you assess it to be out of good will then it is permitted however as stated before, any touching in a sexual nature is prohibited. If you are unsure if a hug was sexual or good willed it is a good idea to avoid hugs from that person in the future and possibly communicate this to your client that it might not be viewed in the right light.

• Talk and conversations with clients should remain friendly, positive and professional. You should always be in control of the conversation and continually turn the conversation back to them if and when things start to get off topic. Generally stay away from potentially damaging topics such as deep political chat, religion, or hatred of any kind. Talking about your sexual exploits the night before, or how your sister is going to marry a drug dealer from Columbia or deeply personal things that have no benefit to the client is prohibited; keep your professionalism in tact.

• If you bring music to play during a client’s workout or are choosing the music, choose appropriate tunes. No hard core swearing songs that promoted hate or prejudice.

• When you are talking make sure to refrain from swearing or belligerent remarks that could reflect poorly on your professionalism.

• Generally be courteous, honest, friendly and professional with your clients.

3. Trainers Expectations and duties as a sub-contractor

The Client Side:

- In session

• Arrive on time. (If you are going to be late by more than 5minutes give the client a call to let them know).

• Greet the client with a smile and a pleasant and up beat demeanor

• Train Clients

• Monitor client’s nutrition changes and dietary records if any.

• Give clients fitness or nutrition homework to complete before next session.

• Use the referral program with clients when a goal has been met, or when they are really excited about you.

• Have clients initial the client session tracking sheet

- Out of session contact

• Give your clients a text or email or phone call with educational, motivational, inspirational material.

• Be open for your clients to text, email or call you if they need advice or have any fitness or nutrition issues.

• Design client programs in advance to their training sessions.

- Client Rewards

• Give client rewards when rewards are deserved.

• Communicate to Robin Mungall if you are going to purchase a reward for your client or if you think they deserve an award that the company can potentially pay for.

- Facebook presence

• Post on the Robin Mungall Fitness page your workouts, educational stuff, motivational stuff, inspirational stuff or client accomplishment acknowledgement (don’t have to name names you could just say something like “One of my clients just did her first pull up ever... so happy for her”)

- Meetings and Events

• Robin Mungall Fitness will hold meetings and events periodically, you are required to attend or do your best to attend each one. These meetings and events are for your benefit.

The Business Side:

• Invoice Robin Mungall (rob@) on the 1st and 16th of each month

• You are to take care of your own taxes, and if you register for a GST number you must submit that number to Robin Mungall

• Maintain a certification from one or more of the following NSCA, NASM, CSEP, ACSM

• Maintain proof of insurance of 2million dollars or more ()

4. Training procedure

RMF Procedures

RMF Training

Step 1: Assessment

• Have client fill out online forms before hand (PAR-Q, Med History etc.)

• Have client fill out contract form

• Client Physical Assessment Form

o Go through the assessment form and take with you after session 1 and design the program. Return the assessment to the client for them to keep record and take ownership of their health.

Step 2: Coaching/Training

• Programs progress based on client performance first

• Programs implemented to clients ability and confidence.

• Advanced periodization methods or program changes to be implemented when performance progression continually slows beyond 1-2week progress.

Step 3: Measure

• Use the Training log to record workouts and progress

Step 4: Re-assess

• Client Physical Assessment Form

• Repeat Steps 2 & 3.

RMF Nutrition

Step 1: Assessment


• Go over the nutrition section of the Transformation Tracker or have them purchase the Precision Nutrition System™

• Take a typical 3 day food log and along with your client find out which habits they do well already and which habit they should first start working on. (Usually it is good to pick an easy one first)

Step 2: Advise


• Precision Nutrition

• Work on behavioral goals and actions set out by the trainer


• Give 1 habit or behavior change to focus on.

▪ Example: Start taking omega 3’s

▪ Example: Start eating 1 serving of protein in the morning

Step 3: Measure

• Biweekly Adherence Chart

• Body Comp re-assess every 2-4weeks

• Talk about how they are feeling energy wise and emotionally wise

Step 4: Refocus

• Review progress of steps 1 – 3.

• Positive Sustainable Changes = move to the next behavior/habit change.

• No changes or negative changes = move on to a different method and or habit and try again.

• Several attempts to help client with no changes = Readiness for change questionnaire – if they pass = refer to a dietician – if they fail discuss options.

RMF Procedures for Trainers

New Clients

1. Receive contact from Rob about new client and obtain information

2. Call Client ASAP and set up free consultation.

3. Contact Rob as soon as you have made your first appointment or even if you could only leave a message. If you could only leave a message, let Rob know when you do make the first appointment.

4. Follow the RMF Nutrition and Training Steps

5. After first session take photo and email contract payment form bring the form in hard copy to next meeting. Deposits of cash or cheques can be used with your RMF deposit cards at any ATB, TEXT Rob the deposit amount and person who’s paid. If paying online just text to Rob and let him know they are paying this way.

6. Show your client why you’re a kickass trainer with quality training!

5. Invoicing procedures and sample

Invoices should be prepared for the 1st and 16th of every month or just once a month if you prefer.

Ensure you have the following:

1. Clients Name and session package

2. How many sessions invoicing for per client

3. Total sessions invoicing for

4. You name and address

Here is the perfect invoice (best done on excel)

|Name: |Chuck Norris |

|Address: |1234 Round House Kick To The Face Street |

|Phone: |780-554-1234 |

|Invoicing date |Jan 1 -15/2012 |

|Clients |Total Sessions Trained |Session Package |Sessions invoiced for|Price |Total |

|Tony Stark |643 |EFT 3xweek |6 |$10 |$60 |

|James Bond |97 |48 session |8 |$10 |$80 |

|Clark Kent |1 |Fit in 6 |1 |$10 |$10 |

|Bruce Banner |200 |BSB 12wk |4 |$10 |$40 |

| | |Totals |19 | |$190 |

6. Referral System

The number one method of client building is through referrals. It’s cost effective and relatively easy for your clients to want to get you business when they see what you have done for them. As a personal trainer you might have some fears about asking your clients for referrals, but believe it or not most of your clients will be happy refer you and Robin Mungall Fitness to others they know who they would think benefit from our services. Having said that we don’t want to appear desperate by begging for referral or feel like we have to pressure clients to getting business for us, so a Robin Mungall Fitness has created a referral system to follow to make getting clients easier for you.

2 for 2 program

It’s simple. Offer your client to give a friend 2 weeks worth of complimentary personal training. If after two week that friend signs up give your client the same two weeks. (If you really want more you can also offer to give your client a free session just for referring even if they don’t sign up.)

Incentive Program

Every so often I will hold a client referral incentives program where I offer our clients the opportunity to win a larger prize by getting several referrals in a specific time period. You can strongly encourage your clients to “win” the referral challenge.

7. Sample phone script

Trainer: “Hello Jane, my name is Chuck your personal training from Robin Mungall Fitness, how are you today?”

Jane: “Hi Chuck, I’m fine thank you for asking.”

Trainer: “That’s good to hear Jane, I’m calling today so we can make an appointment for your free fitness consultation, typically I would like to schedule your consultation at the same time that we would conduct a training session, what would be the best time for you?”

Jane: “ Ok Chuck, as I mentioned to Robin, I would like to train around 5pm Tuesdays I am free for a consultation then if that works for you?”

Trainer: “5pm on Tuesday is perfect, there are a few online forms I would like you to fill out before the consultation if that is ok with you? The forms are simple assessment tools I can use to help create a truly custom program for you. “

Jane: “Sure that’s no problem Chuck”

Trainer: “Excellent, so Jane can I get your address?”

Jane: “Of course it’s 1234 Acme road.”

Trainer: “Jane, I will see you at 1234 Acme road on this Tuesday at 5pm. I’m looking forward to helping you reach your goals, have a wonderful day.”

Jane: “I can’t wait! See you Tuesday”

8. Sample Training Templates

Bringing Sexy Back Transformation Program

Week 1 – 3 Core Intensive

Week 4 – 6 Metabolic Muscle

Week 7 – 9 Strong & Lean

Week 10 – 12 HIIT You Hard

Core Intensive Workout A (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Plank |2x15-45s R30s |2x15-45s R0s |3x15-45s R0s |

|A2 |Hip Bridge |2x12-15 R60s 301 |2x12-15 R30-60s 301 |3x12-15 R30-60s 301 |

|B1 |Heel Toe Crunch |2x12-15 R30s 321 |2x12-15 R30s 321 |3x12-15 R30s 321 |

|B2 |Prison Squat |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R45s 221 |3x12-15 R30-45s |

|C1 |Incline Pushup |2x12-15 R30s 221 |2x12-15 R30s 221 |2x12-15 R0s 221 |

|C2 |Archers Row |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R60s 221 |

|D1 |Intervals |5 x 30s R90s |6 x 30s R90s |7x 30s R90s |

Core Intensive Workout B (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Side Plank |2x15-45s R30s |2x15-45s R0s |3x15-45s R0s |

|A2 |1 leg bend |2x12-15 R60s 301 |2x12-15 R30-60s 301 |3x12-15 R30-60s 301 |

|B1 |Kneeling Band Twist |2x12-15 R30s 321 |2x12-15 R30s 321 |3x12-15 R30s 321 |

|B2 |Split Squat |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R45s 221 |3x12-15 R30-45s |

|C1 |Reverse crunch |2x12-15 R30s 321 |2x12-15 R30s 321 |2x12-15 R0s 321 |

|C2 |Band Pull away |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R60s 221 |2x12-15 R60s 221 |

|D1 |Intervals |4 x 60/120 |5 x 60/120 |6 x 60/120 |

Follow Specific Meal Plan or Purchased Meals OR

Week 1: Record Breakfasts ensure protein is in every one.

Week 2: Same

Week 3: Exchange 2 servings of starch for 2 servings of veggies each day

Metabolic Muscle Workout A (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Kneel MB Press |2x6-10 R60s xxx |2x6-10 R60s xxx |2x6-10 R60s xxx |

|B1 |DB Goblet Squat |2x40-50s R60s 222 |2x40-50s R60s 222 |3x40-50s R45s 222 |

|B2 |Assist Pullups |2x40-50s R60s 321 |2x40-50s R60s 321 |3x40-50s R60s 321 |

|C1 |DB Shoulder Press |2x40-50s R60s 221 |2x40-50s R60s 221 |2x40-50s R45s 221 |

|C2 |SB Hip Bridge |2x40-50s R60s 222 |2x40-50s R60s 222 |2x40-50s R60s 222 |

|D1 |SB Crunch |2x30-60s R30s 321 |2x30-60s R30s 321 |2x30-60s R30s 321 |

|D2 |DB Bicep Curls |2x40-50s R60s 311 |2x40-50x R45s 311 |2x40-50s R45s 311 |

|E1 |Tabata |6 x 15/15 |7 x 15/15 |8 x 15/15 |

|F1 |Moderate Cardio |6mins |7mins |8mins |

Metabolic Muscle Workout B (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Box Jump |2x10 R60s xxx |2x10 R60s xxx |2x10 R45s xxx |

|A2 |Side Plank |2x30-60s R30s |2x30-60s R30s |2x30-60s R30s |

|B1 |Pushups |2x40-50s R30s 212 |3x40-50s R30s 212 |3x40-50s R20s 212 |

|B2 |DB RDL |2x40-50s R30s 221 |3x40-50s R30s 221 |3x40-50s R20s 221 |

|B3 |DB Support Row |2x40-50s R30s 211 |3x40-50s R30s 211 |3x40-50s R20s 211 |

|B4 |DB Alt. Rev. Lunge |2x40-50s R30s 222 |3x40-50s R30s 222 |3x40-50s R20s 222 |

|B5 |Low/High Band Chop |2x40-50s R120s 221 |3x40-50s R120s 221 |3x40-50s R120s 221 |

|C1 |Intervals |6x30/90 |7x30/90 |8x30/90 |

Week 4: Same as week 3

Week 5: Ensure all beverages other than shakes are 0 calorie and artificial sweeter free

Week 6: Exchange high fat proteins for lean proteins in 1-2 meals per day

Strong & Lean A (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |DB Push Press |3x5 R60s 2xx |3x5 R60s 2xx |3x5 R60s 2xx |

|A2 |BB Deadlift |3x6-8 R60s 222 |3x6-8 R60s 222 |3x6-8 R60s 222 |

|A3 |Assist Chin Up |3x6-8 R120s 321 |3x6-8 R120s 321 |3x6-8 R120s 321 |

|B1 |SB Plank |3x30-60s R0s |3x30-60s R0s |3x30-60s R0s |

|B2 |DB Walking Lunges |3x40-50s R60s |3x40-50s R60s |3x40-50s R60s |

|C1 |DB reverse fly |2x40-50s R30s |2x40-50s R30s |2x40-50s R30s |

|C2 |Assist Dips |2x40-50s R60s |2x40-50s R60s |2x40-50s R60s |

Strong & Lean B (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Sprint Walk Backs @70% |3x40M R120s x2 |4x40M R120s x2 |4x40M R120s x2 |

|B1 |Sprint @ 90% |40M R120s x4 |40M R120s x5 |40M R120s x6 |

Strong & Lean C (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Plyo Pushup |3x6-10 R60s xxx |3x6-10 R60s xxx |4x6-10 R60s xxx |

|A2 |BB Front Squat |3x6-8 R60s 221 |3x6-8 R60s 221 |4x6-8 R60s 221 |

|A3 |Cable Row |3x6-8 R60s 222 |3x6-8 R60s 222 |4x6-8 R60s 222 |

|B1 |SB Jackknife |2x8-15 R30s 222 |3x8-15 R30s 222 |3x8-15 R30s 222 |

|B2 |SB Reverse Hyper |2x8-15 R60s 222 |3x8-15 R60s 222 |3x8-15 R60s 222 |

|C1 |DB Biceps Curl |2x40-50s R30s 221 |2x40-50s R30s 221 |2x40-50s R30s 221 |

|C2 |Side Plank DB rot. cuff |2x30-60s R60s |2x30-60s R60s |2x30-60s R60s |

Strong & Lean D (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Moderate Cardio |20mins |20mins |20mins |

Week 7: Ensure you are drinking the appropriate amount of fluids

Week 8: Review your new habits and refine/re-establish 90/10

Week 9: Same as week 8

HIIT You Hard Workout A (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |BB Deadlift-Assist Pullup |2x60s R90s |3x60s R75s |3x60s R60s |

|B1 |Pushups |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|B2 |Squat Jumps |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|B3 |SB Crunch |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|C1 |Plank Row Right |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|C2 |Plank Row Left |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|D1 |Boxing |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

|D2 |Incline Burpees |Tabata |Tabata |Tabata |

HIIT You Hard Workout B (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |Skip |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |

|A2 |Squats |3x30s R0s |3x45s R0s |3x45s R0s |

|A3 |Skip |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |

|A4 |Mountain Climbers |3x30s R30s |3x45s R30s |3x45s R30s |

|A5 |Skip |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |

|A6 |Bicycle Crunch |3x30s R0s |3x45s R0s |3x45s R0s |

|A7 |Skip |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |3x30s R0s |

|A8 |Boxing |3x30s R120s |3x45s R120s |3x45s R90s |

|B1 |Light Cardio |15mins |15mins |15mins |

HIIT You Hard Workout C (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |MB Chest Pass |3x60s R15s |3x60s R15s |3x60s R15s |

|A2 |MB Slams |3x60s R15s |3x60s R15s |3x60s R15s |

|A3 |KB Hip Swings |3x60s R60s |3x60s R60s |3x60s R60s |

|B1 |DB Alt Rows |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |

|B2 |SB Plank Press |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |

|B3 |DB Farmers Walk |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |2x60s R30s |

|C1 |HIIT Intervals |10 x 30s R30-60s |10 x 30s R30-60s |10 x 30s R30-60s |

HIIT You Hard Workout D (Novice)

| |Exercise |Week 1 |Week 2 |Week 3 |

|A1 |DB Row Complex |2x(5-1) R0s 211 |2x(5-1) R0s 211 |2x(5-1) R0s 211 |

|A2 |DB Front Squat Complex |2x(5-1) R0s 222 |2x(5-1) R0s 222 |2x(5-1) R0s 222 |

|A3 |DB Push Press Complex |2x(5-1) R180s xxx |2x(5-1) R150s xxx |2x(5-1) R150s xxx |

|B1 |Exercises of Choice |6x30s R90s |7x30s R90s |8x30s R90s |

Week 10: Consume starches only on workout days for these 3 weeks Eat something ever 2-4hours

Week 11: Track the amount of fat you are eating, where it is coming from and attempt to identify what fats you are eating that are healthy and unhealthy.

Week 12: Review eating habit changes since week 1.

The No Equipment Cardio Workout

Need a cardio workout but don’t have a treadmill? Want to burn calories during a workout and keep burning calories for hours after your workout? No equipment, No Problem! This cardio workout is designed for you be able to do it almost anywhere with no equipment.

For all of these exercises you can simply YouTube them to see how they are done if you are unsure.

First you are going to complete the “A” group of exercises.

A1: Step Ups

A2: Shadow Box

Level 1: Complete each exercise for 1min each then rest 1min Perform 6-10 rounds

Level 2: Complete each exercise for 90sec each then rest 30sec Perform 6-10 rounds

Level 3: Complete each exercise for 2mins each rest 30sec if needed or not at all Perform 6-10rounds

|Step Ups |Shadow Box |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Step up and down on just the first stair or step. Make sure your |Pretend you are a boxer – step forward and deliver a 2 or 3 punch|

|entire foot is on the stair not just the toes to ensure safety. |combo and step away and repeat. Have fun with this exercise and |

| |move around any way you choose as though you are boxing someone. |

| |HAVE FUN! |

Rest 2-3minutes then complete the “B” group of exercises

B1: High Knees

B2: Jumping Jacks

B3: Mountain Climbers

Level 1: Complete 15sec each exercise then rest 60sec Perform 4 – 6 rounds

Level 2: Complete 20sec each exercise then rest 40sec Perform 4 – 6 rounds

Level 3: Complete 30sec each exercise then rest 30sec Perform 4 – 8 rounds

Level 4: Complete 30sec each exercise then rest 15sec Perform 4 – 8 rounds

Level 5: Complete 45sec each exercise then rest 15sec Perform 4 – 8 rounds

|High Knees |Jumping Jacks |Mountain Climbers |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Keep your posture up high and alternate |It’s jumping jacks, if you don’t know how |On your hands and toes drive one knee |

|driving your knees up hip high. If your |YouTube it, it’s really simple, but it can |towards your chest and alternate. Sort of |

|knees can handle it bound from one leg to |get your heart rate up. |like running. DO NOT TOUCH Your bent leg to|

|the other. Only 1 foot should be touching | |the ground. |

|the ground at a time. | | |

Resistance Tabata Training

What is a Tabata?

The Tabata Protocol is an intense method of exercise intervals that elicits a high metabolic effect when the protocol is done with very high intensity. You can manipulate intensity by increasing speed and power of movements, or increasing resistance.

The basics is that you work hard for 20sec and rest 10sec for a total of 8 rounds (4minutes). If you are just starting or trying to work your conditioning up you could modify the program to work for only 15sec and rest 15sec and work your way up to the 20/10 ratio.

Resistance Tabata A

A1: DB Squat to Press

A2: DB Alt. Bent Over Power Rows

Rest 2 mins

Resistance Tabata B

B1: Pushup Taps

B2: Switch Hop Lateral Lunges

Rest 2 mins

Resistance Tabata C

C1: Kettlebell Hip Swings

C2: Mountain Climbers

Rest 2mins

Body Result Fat Loss Workout

Warm up: 3-5mins light cardio then squat x 10 and pushups of choice x 10. If you know how to complete an advanced mobility and foam roller warm up please do so or complete a mobility warm up.

Program A: Complete these 3 exercises in as many rounds as possible in 6minutes then rest 90sec – 3mins

Choose a resistance that is challenging enough that you could only lift it for 10-12repetitions

|Beginner |Intermediate |Advanced |Notes: |

|Step ups x 10per leg |DB Squat to Press x 6 |DB Deadlift x 6 |In the deadlift |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |exercise push |

| | | |your hips back |

| | | |to begin |

| | | |movement and |

| | | |keep your back |

| | | |flat |

|Kneeling or regular Pushups x 5 |Pull ups x 4 |DB Squat to Press x 6 |You can |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |substitute |

| | | |pullups with |

| | | |assisted ones or|

| | | |lat pulls. Or |

| | | |any pulling |

| | | |exercise. |

|Hip Bridges x 5 |Kettle bell hip swings x 6 |DB Renegade Rows x 6 |In the hip |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |bridge try one |

| | | |leg at a time if|

| | | |two legs is too |

| | | |easy |

Program B: Complete these 3 exercises in as many rounds as possible in 6minutes then rest 90sec – 3mins

|Beginner |Intermediate |Advanced |Notes: |

|Bosu Lateral Steps x 10 per leg |Prisoner Squat Jump x 6 |Single Leg RDL x 6 per leg |In the Single |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |leg exercise |

| | | |maintain focus|

| | | |on a single |

| | | |point for best|

| | | |balance |

|DB Bent over Rows x 6 |Pushup & shoulder tap x 4 |Pull ups x 6 |In the |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |pushups, |

| | | |complete a |

| | | |normal pushup |

| | | |then tap your |

| | | |shoulder |

|Plank count to 15 |Ball Plank count to 20 |Ball Pushup Jackknife x 6 |With any plank|

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |exercise keep |

| | | |your abs |

| | | |engaged and |

| | | |not the lower |

| | | |back |

Interval Training

Choose any form of cardio equipment or outdoor hill/track etc. that you like.

Warm up 3-5minutes light cardio

Choose the program that best suits your ability

|Training Type |Hard Interval |Recovery Interval |Rounds |Notes |

|Novice |60sec (6-8/10) |180sec (2-4/10) |3-4 | On non resistance days |

| | | | |mix it up for 10 – 16 |

| | | | |total rounds |

|A Solid Base |60sec (6-8/10) |120sec (3-4/10) |3-5 | |

|Speed Freak |30sec (8-9/10) |90sec (2/10) |4-6 | |

|Endurance Master |60sec (6-7/10) |30sec (2/10) |5-8 | |

Cool Down

2-3minutes light cardio

Stretch muscles that are tight. Typically you will want to focus on stretching your calves, the back of the thigh (hamstrings) upper back and chest muscles.

Training Frequency for best results

Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat | |Rest |Resistance & Intervals |Intervals |Resistance & Intervals |Light Cardio or Intervals |Resistance & Intervals |Light Cardio | |

9. Conduct while driving

As a mobile personal trainer, you need to be responsible on the road, here are some expected road behaviors that you should follow:

A. Adhere to the distracted driving laws – No phone usage unless it’s hands free.

B. Avoid being aggressive with other drivers – don’t cut someone off or react to someone else being a “jerk” on the road by doing something equally stupid. Remain calm.

C. If you are going to be more than 5 minutes late and need to call your client, pull over to do so do not attempt to text or dial numbers while the car is in motion (distracted driving law)

10. Recommended Mobile Equipment

Duffle bag, Skipping rope, boxing strike pads, Suspension Trainer, Stroops or Twist Brand resistance bands (medium and heavy) Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Weighted vests, Foam Roller travel size, SMR physio balls, gym boss interval timer or smart phone interval app, resistance tube band, small soccer ball or dodge ball or volleyball, tennis ball, measuring tape, calipers, pens, clip board.


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