
Tori HarringtonCapstone final projectWebsite: 30th, 2015Foods and Exercises to Help Sculpt Ones PhysiqueHealth and Fitness are vast subjects to explore. From healthy eating to prevent diseases and illnesses to exercises that can help you reach a goal weight – both health and fitness can be beneficial in numerous ways. This paper and project however will focus on one area of health and fitness in particular, which is the appearance of ones body. It is (as it always has been) important to be healthy internally for it to show externally. However in today’s generation, many people put a lot of emphasis on their appearances and on this ‘external’ factor specifically. When surveying a small group of Rutgers students (DCIM Capstone class, about 25 kids), most said that appearance does matter. When asked which body parts they are most interested in ‘looking good,’ the topic of toned legs, arms, and a flat ‘fat-free’ tummy area came about. With these target areas in mind, this paper through research and data collection will explain how to make those specific areas of appearance become a reality. To clarify further, this paper will particularly dissect how eating certain things and working out can largely change an individual’s physique. So within this topic of health and nutrition specifically, I will take the angel of how particular foods in combination with working out can immensely alter one’s appearance. My project will argue that particular foods can help burn fat and particular workouts in combination with the right foods can all work together to build muscle and positively alter ones physical appearance. To start off with a general target area of the body for both men and women interested in fitness, the arms are usually a big concern. Exercises are extremely important in having toned and sculpted arms. Before we delve into proper and unique exercises for the arms, it is important to note what you eat or drink aids in altering the overall appearance of your arms. Whether you are trying to bulk up your arms or for (typically women) trying to loose some bulkiness off of your arms and tone them up, there are certain things you need to be eating and drinking. Protein is ESSENTIAL! Foods that are low in fat and high in proteins and good carbs (like fruit, fish, non-greasy meats) will all tear away at fat and begin to aid in the muscle building process. From , “Exercise has a profound effect on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown; there must be a positive muscle protein balance.” This quote is a perfect example of why exercising alone will not shred fat and build muscle. Exercising without the proper diet tears away at proteins which may make you loose weight, however you will not have a nicely toned appearance and this could also lead to sickness, malnutrition, etc. Dieting without exercise may make the pounds come off, however loose flabby skin may be a result. You need good carbs, good fats, and PROTEINS to not only loose weight the right way, but to give you the lean appearance that always looks best. In today’s day of age, appearance does matter to many. For your arms in particular, fruits, veggies, and lean meats like grilled chicken and steak can provide your arms with the fat-burning power they need during exercises and also fuel them with proteins, which are essential for muscle formation. It is also important to note that 75% of our arm mass is water, and 25% is muscle (). In order to lose that arm fat, hydration is key! If you are not drinking enough water, room in your body is made for additional fat storage. Fuel your body with water to avoid the accumulation of fat. Once you are staying hydrated and following the right diet of healthy fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, exercising is the next critical step in getting perfectly sculpted arms.4229100171450000There are multiple exercises that one can do for toned, lean arms. Arms are a great area on the body to explore because both male and females have concerns about them. When surveying a Rutgers Digital Communication Information and Media class on which areas (appearance-wise) mean the most to them, a pretty equal amount of young men and women commented on the arms. Typically, guys want toned arms with muscle and girls want toned arms without the ‘flab.’ All in all, the triceps, the back portion of your arm extending above your elbow area, is a major target area for both men and women. One exercise that is sure to tone your triceps are bench dips, which are showcased in the picture to the right. Bench Dips burn fat in the tricep area and build lean muscle. Bench dips are great because you don’t need to be at the gym to do them! You can use a stable chair, a table at home, a bench at the park, etc. to dip your body up and down and get those triceps burning!Moving onto the bicep portion of the arm, it is important to note that you must always make sure that you are exercising properly. For example, bicep curls are the most popular arm exercise. However, it is important to make sure that you are extending your arms fully when making the downward motion of your curl. Little pulsated motions when doing bicep curls won’t fully and properly work the muscle. Extend your arms all the way down before you curl the weight back up. I have thoroughly studied and researched several social media accounts belonging to professional fitness trainers who properly show how to perform exercises. In particular, a proper bicep curl is seen in the screenshot below and can be further explained when thoroughly watching the video. All of these videos are reposted on my personal Health and Fitness Instagram that I have created to showcase the results of this project, which will be explained in depth toward the end of this paper (instagram: @how2getyourdreambody1). Also, someone commented on the picture asking what was a good starting weight when doing bicep curls as you can see below. From my personal knowledge, I know that starting off with lighter weight is the best option for beginners. I also know this from my research that I have done on muscle strain, which is another important topic to delve into. -1143006350000Muscle strain can happen in almost any muscle within the body, however it is extremely popular in the abdominal region. Overworking the muscle or muscles causes muscle strain; for instance if you lift too heavy or if you work out a particular muscle/region too often, the muscle will become fatigued and overworked. Muscle strain is usually very painful, and it is especially hard to cope with in the abdominal region because your stomach muscles are linked to almost every motion you make. This is also the reason why your ab muscles are so easily strained (they are easy to overwork because they are used so frequently with almost everything that you do). Taking a step, moving your legs, lifting something with your arms- this all requires you to work your stomach. To prevent muscle strain from happening, it is important to ‘not overexert yourself while exercising, to get proper training for sports and exercises, to do correct exercises that will strengthen your abdominal muscles, and to stop exercising if your muscles feel tired’ (). Muscle strain is also very common in the biceps as mentioned above, for the probable reason that people want their arms to appear ‘big’ (men) and ‘toned’ (women). This gender divide is typically present due to the fact that this topic is centered on appearance. Women want to look a particular way (i.e. toned, smaller, curvier), as do men (i.e. ‘jacked,’ ‘lean,’ etc.). 3886200199644000To continue on with the subject of working out the abdominal region, next, proper exercises for a toned, flat tummy will be explained. A huge benefit of performing abdominal exercises is that it will physically make your entire body stronger. As mentioned above, we use our stomach muscles for everything. So not only will your stomach become stronger and appear flatter and more in shape, but your entire body will be able to perform better therefore shaping the way for it to appear better as well. One of my favorite leg exercises are leg raises. One version of leg raises is shown to the right. The piece of equipment the man in the picture is working on is specifically designed for leg raises, and it is a common piece of equipment found in almost all gyms. To do these types of leg raises properly, you rest your forearms on the forearm rest while gripping the handlebars as seen to this right. This will then leave your body in a hanging state, allowing you to swing your legs freely. However, you want to perform slow, controlled motions while raising your legs. The picture above shows a beginning leg raise, which involves the bending of the knees. This simply takes off some of the weight of fully extended legs, therefore making the weight a little bit lighter on your stomach muscles. An advanced leg raise is done in this same position, however with straight legs which will apply more weight onto your stomach muscles. Again, a con about working out your abs is the possibility for muscle strain if you are not properly exercising. Do not do too many leg raises, do not over-tire your stomach muscles, and start with beginner phases of these leg raises for example. A toned, flat stomach does not mean that you have to overwork your abs. You are only supposed to work out your abs twice a week! () Another ab exercise that I particularly love is the one shown below, which involves the use of a bosu ball. Every gym should also have several of these bosu balls available for your use. This exercise is very simple, and is done exactly how the picture shows. It is a coordination exercise, that involves you handing the big bouncy ball to your ankles to grip, and then for your legs to lower down and raise back up again to hand the ball back off to your hands. This also incorporates leg raises, and is great because it really targets the lower belly. The lower belly is typically a problem area for many because this is where many experience pesky fat accumulation. Leg raise exercises like these help your stomach appear slimmer. Now, I am sure that we have all heard of the saying ‘abs are made in the kitchen and sculpted in the gym.’ From personal experience, I can say that this is absolutely true. I started off my personal fitness journey weighing in at 110 lbs, and wanting to become bulkier, toned, and a little more filled out. I ate UNhealthily, and began to lift weights. I did see muscle popping through, and my stomach muscles were a ‘good’ sore after working them out, however a completely flat stomach was not happening. I decided to change my eating habits. According to Fitness Magazine March 2015 issue, there are 10 essential foods to eat that help burn belly fat, and help you achieve a nice flat stomach. Here they are:“Almonds: These delicious and versatile nuts contain filling protein and fiber, not to mention vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They're also a good source of magnesium, a mineral your body must have in order to produce energy, build and maintain muscle tissue, and regulate blood sugar. ‘A stable blood-sugar level helps prevent cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain,’ says David Katz, MD, a professor at the Yale University?School?of Medicine. But what makes almonds most interesting is their ability to block calories. Research indicates that the composition of their cell walls may help reduce the absorption of all of their fat, making them an extra-lean nut.Eggs: You won't find a more perfect protein source. Eggs are highly respected by dietitians because of their balance of essential amino acids (protein building blocks used by your body to manufacture everything from muscle fibers to brain chemicals). We like them because they keep our hands out of the cookie jar. Researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that when people ate eggs in the morning, they felt less hungry throughout the day than when breakfast consisted of complex carbohydrates like bagels. "The protein and fat in the egg may be contributing to the feeling of satiety," says lead researcher Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, PhD.Soy: Soybeans are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Plus, they're incredibly versatile. Snack on dry-roasted soybeans, toss shelled edamame into soups, and slip a spoonful of silken tofu into your morning smoothie. Liquid soy also makes a good meal replacement: A?study from the?Journal of the American College of Nutrition?found that overweight subjects who drank a soy milk-based meal replacement lost more weight than those who consumed a traditional dairy-based diet drink.Apples: A 2003 study in the journal?Nutrition?found that overweight?women who consumed three apples or pears a day for three months lost more weight than their counterparts who were fed a similar diet with oat cookies instead of fruits. "A large apple has 5 grams of fiber, but it's also nearly 85 percent water, which helps you feel full," explains Elisa Zied, RD, author of?So What Can I Eat?!?(Wiley, 2006). Apples also contain quercetin, a compound shown to help fight certain cancers, reduce cholesterol damage, and promote healthy lungs.Berries: Most are loaded with fiber, every dieter's best friend. The more fiber you eat — experts say that it's best to get between 25 and 35 grams every day — the fewer calories you absorb from all the other stuff you put in your mouth. That's because fiber traps food particles and shuttles them out of your system before they're fully digested. Berries (and other fruits) are also high in antioxidants, which not only help protect you from chronic diseases like cancer but may also help you get more results from your workouts. "Antioxidants help improve blood flow, which can help muscles contract more efficiently," says Dr. Katz.Leafy Greens: Their cancer-preventing carotenoids won't help shrink your waistline, but their low calorie count definitely will. One cup of spinach contains only about 40 calories, while a cup of broccoli has 55 calories and satisfies 20 percent of your day's fiber requirement. Most leafy greens are also a good source of calcium, an essential ingredient for muscle contraction. In other words, they help fuel your workouts.Yogurt: People who get their calcium from yogurt rather than from other sources may lose more weight around their midsection, according to a recent study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity. The probiotic bacteria in most yogurts help keep your digestive system healthy, which translates into a lower incidence of gas, bloating, and constipation, which can keep your tummy looking flat.Veggie Soup: Researchers at Pennsylvania State?University?found that people who ate broth-based (or low-fat cream-based) soups two times a day were more successful in losing weight than those who ate the same amount of calories in snack food. Soup eaters also maintained, on average, a total?weight loss?of 16 pounds after one year. "Plus, it's a simple way to get your vegetables," says Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, author of?Power Eating(Human Kinetics, 2001).Salmon: Seafood, especially fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These uber-healthy fats may help promote fat burning by making your metabolism more?efficient, according to Kleiner. An Australian study showed that overweight people who ate fish daily improved their glucose-insulin response. Translated, this means that seafood may help slow digestion and prevent cravings. If that doesn't hook you, consider this: Seafood is an excellent source of ab-friendly protein.Quinoa: Never heard of it? Pronounced KEEN-wah, this whole grain contains 5 grams of fiber and 11 grams of protein per half cup. Cook it as you would any other grain (although some brands require rinsing). Quinoa's nutty flavor and crunchy-yet-chewy texture are like a cross between whole wheat couscous and short-grain brown rice.”Above, I have highlighted some important information regarding how these foods can overall affect the APPEARANCE of your stomach. The information ranges from blocking calories and fat out, to the reduction of bloating in the stomach area. When it comes to the appearance of your stomach, it really is all about what you are eating to appear slim in this area. Lemon water, and water in general is also known to help burn fat, clear up your skin, prevent acne, etc. (). These things all contribute to bettering ones appearance. Exercises are a plus, to tone your stomach up. Once I changed my eating habits, I seen almost immediate results in my abs. I took to social media to see what some other health and fitness pages had to say about other good foods that can be useful in obtaining a flat tummy: 2971800-33210500800100-36004500The next sections of the body to discuss are the legs and glutes. These portions of the body in my opinion have the most information about them and unlike the other two categories that had both pretty equal attention from males and females, the legs and glutes are primarily a large-scale female appearance factor. The butt area (glutes) has been a big focus for females lately. Women do not desire to have a flat buttock, but rather a plump butt area in combination with toned legs. Notice how appearance in how the butt and legs LOOK is key here. This highlights the appearance factor (how it is so important) once again. The glutes and legs are also my favorite areas to train on my body, making this research and information extremely passionate to me. Aside from exercises and food/nutrition intake to help sculpt the glutes and legs, I will also explore contrary comments and feelings about exercises to build muscles in these areas. -1143002984500To start off, there are so many exercises that are great for the glutes and legs. Squats obviously, being number one. Squats single handedly are the best way to build muscle in your glutes and legs, “Performing squats will build more muscle allowing you to burn more calories.” Burning calories results in toning up the leg and butt area, and aids in building muscle in those areas as well. See the picture to the left on how to perform a proper squat. 3886200-22860000There are also other great workouts that target the legs and butt area. Donkey Kicks are great for the butt and rear-leg area, known as the hamstring. Donkey kicks involve the person getting on all fours, and pulsing their leg in an upward motion. This motion is seen in picture 1 on the diagram to the right. Side lunges are another one of my personal favorites, shown in picture 6, because they help build muscle on the sides of your glutes near the hip region. This helps form a curvy appearance, which is what most girls would like to attain. Side lunges can be done also with weight (holding a 10 lb. weight for example) once your form is perfected. On the personal instagram that I created, @how2getyourdreambody1, I also included a video of me personally doing a very unique workout that is great for toning up the backs of your legs and your butt. The exercise involves you being bent over, comfortably supporting yourself, and lifting your legs up and down. The full exercise can be watched in the posted video, but here is a screenshot of the motion in action for you to get a better understanding:2400300185420001257300-5080000137160095758000Before exiting the glute and leg topic, all good research brings up counteractive arguments. Therefore, it is important to note that some people argue against the idea of ‘squats’ building muscle in your butt and legs. Take a look: 125730073787000(*Unappreciation-thread*) These arguments are basically stating that squatting made their glutes smaller, instead of building them up like they are supposed to. This may have been because they are performing squats more as of a cardio (with little to no weight involved) and are not eating protein, which is ESSENTIAL in building muscle and plumping up the glute area. To prove that these exercises do in fact work to BUILD muscle and not lessen it, the value of nutritional intake needs to be considered. The valuable exercises mentioned above do work to physically sculpt your glutes and legs, HOWEVER, consuming protein is also a very big part in gaining muscle in these areas which is what will make them appear ‘plumper’ and toner. Working out without protein will burn calories and result in weight loss, the possibility for saggy skin, etc. Protein fuels your muscles for healthy growth, and protein synthesis is necessary to restore the proteins that get broken down while you exercise:“Exercise has a profound effect on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown; there must be a positive muscle protein balance. Resistance exercise improves muscle protein balance, but, in the absence of food intake, the balance remains negative (i.e., catabolic). The response of muscle protein metabolism to a resistance exercise bout lasts for 24-48 hours; thus, the interaction between protein metabolism and any meals consumed in this period will determine the impact of the diet on muscle hypertrophy. Amino acid availability is an important regulator of muscle protein metabolism. The interaction of postexercise metabolic processes and increased amino acid availability maximizes the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and results in even greater muscle anabolism than when dietary amino acids are not present” ().Protein is essential, and you can get protein intake from a variety of foods such as lean meats (poultry, steak), milk, greek yogurt, nuts, salmon, beans, and so forth. Without protein intake after a ‘leg day’ for example, your muscles will be extremely sore because they are not able to repair and rebuild properly. You will see ultimate results from working out if and only if you implement the correct diet as well. All in all, the final results of this extensive research are that exercises, when properly performed, in conjunction with the proper diet can physically alter one’s physique. I started my journey at 110 pounds and looked too skinny in my opinion. I now weigh 120 pounds and have more muscle definition and am filled out in places that I never was before. I have created a personal health and fitness instagram, @how2getyourdreambody1, which showcases tips and tricks on how to sculpt your body through nutrition intake and proper exercise. It will continue to showcase my journey considering I am only halfway of where I want to ultimately be. This instagram showcases tips and facts about healthy eating, working out, and how it can better your physical appearance. Why instagram? Instagram in my opinion is a top social media site in popularity right now. Instagram is also great because it concentrates on pictures and video, which works great with demonstrating personal progress on ones body, uploading meal prep and healthy foods, workout snippet videos, etc. Instagram also allows people to follow specific pages. This is also beneficial to my project because my target audience (anyone interested in or looking to build their physical appearance) would be able to freely follow my page and receive these pointers and facts extremely easily. Instagram also allows comments and direct messaging, which allows me to answer people if any questions rise and I can also connect with people personally 3771900434340000through messages to see their personal thoughts & progress. As soon as I made the instagram and began incorporating ‘healthy lifestyle’ hashtags, I instantly began to gain some followers. People were even commenting on the pictures, asking questions for advice, and as I shared professional trainer vidoes, I even got a ‘thanks for the share’ comment as seen above. This tells me that I am successfully demonstrating to the real world exactly what was intended of this project. I am educating others, showing people how your appearance can be affected through exercise and diet, and I am even beginning to connect and hear from professional trainers as seen above. All of this work, including more information about myself, can be found on my wordpress blog as well: . ****WEBSITE****: @how2getyourdreambody1Works CitedAbs'. N.p., 2015. Web. 25 Mar. Fitness Magazine,. 'The 10 Best Foods For Flat 2015. BIBLIOGRAPHY Editor. (2010, February 7). Fast Facts About Your Body. Retrieved March 22, 2015, from : 'Exercise, Protein Metabolism, And Muscle Growth.'.?he National Center for Biotechnology Information?109.32 (2001): n. pag. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.fairies21, B. (2013, September 1). community.. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from Message Boards, Fitness and Exercise: Fitness, Gary Peloquin. "Fundamentals of Squatting Have a Variety of Benefits."? (FL). N.p., 2007. Web.Len Kravitz, P. (1994, September 12). Super Abs Resource Manual. Retrieved March 22, 2015, from unm.edu: Sinai Hospital,. 'Abdominal Muscle Strain'. N.p., 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.Niro, R. D. (2013, March 18). Lip Stick Alley. Retrieved April 11, 2015, from Blog Thread: *Unappreciation-thread*Pappas, A. (2009). The relationship of diet and acne: A review.?Dermato-Endocrinology,?1(5), 262–267 ................

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