Case Western


Packet by Case Western

Contributors: Matthew Hayes, Steven Oppenheim, Drew Scheeler, Steven Wellstead

1. This athlete was the first foreign born player to receive the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award and he was voted 1989’s Mr. Europa while playing for the Euroleague team, Partizan. He led his home country to silver medals in men’s basketball in both the 1996 and 1988 Summer Olympics, and seven years after being chosen as the 1989 first round pick for the Los Angeles Lakers he was traded to(*) Charlotte for the rights to Kobe Bryant. Last year he had his number 21 jersey retired by the Sacremento Kings, but he’s probably better remembered in basketball for being the “father of flopping.” Also noted for cameos in the TV show Married…With Children and the film Space Jam, for ten points, identify this retired NBA center originally from Serbia.

ANSWER: Vlade Divac

2. One character in this film sings a tune about a woman named Mary Lee who kept her virginity for fifteen years, while in the previous scene that character mocks another by asking him whether he’s holding a portable shower or monkey cage. Mayor Larry Vaughn approves the payment of $10,000 to that same character, who later reveals that he survived the sinking of the(*) U.S.S. Indianapolis while sitting aboard his ship, the Orca. Beginning with the death of Chrissie Watkins while skinny dipping, this film ends with Matt Hooper and Martin Brody swimming back towards Amity Island after the death of Quint. For ten points, identify this 1975 Spielberg thriller about a killer shark.


3. In one scene this character pockets four red billiard balls after hitting a cue ball out of another character’s mouth. In another scene this character is shown bench pressing two chairs with Asian nurses sitting on them, while another clip shows him releasing a bear from a foothold trap as we are told that his blood smells like cologne. In another scene this character warns that(*) “if I can count the coins in your pocket you better use them to call a tailor,” and he once also exclaimed that “it’s never too early to start beefing up your obituary.” In other scenes we are told that he lives vicariously through himself and that he speaks French in Russian. For ten points, identify this television character portrayed by Jonathan Goldsmith in a series of commercials for Dos Equis beer.

ANSWER: The Most Interesting Man in the World (prompt on any answer involving “Dos Equis”)

4. The movie poster for Madagascar is an homage to this album’s cover, which featured Sigmund Freud’s grandson, Christopher Lee, and a boxer from Liverpool among others. Shortly before recording began the lead guitarist and drummer quit, making the multi-instrumentalist bassist fill in for them. A mugging in Nigeria inspired the lyrics(*) ”if I ever get out of here, thought of giving it all away” in one song. That song, the title track, also mentions the jailor man and Spaceman Sam, who are searching for them forevermore, “but they never will be found.” For ten points, identify this 1973 album that introduced Helen Wheels, Jet, and the titular group of fugitives, released by Paul McCartney and Wings

ANSWER: Band on the Run 

5. At the end of one work, this figure exclaims that “now I’m being racist” after asking another character if “Moor means more?” In another work, he calls another character Patty Hearst before stating that “I’m not buying any Stockholm Syndrome today.” In one scene this character reveals that he won’t sleep with(*) King Lear because he wears pleated pants, while in another scene this character notes how “there is something rotten in Denmark, and it’s Hamlet’s piss poor attitude.” Ending each video in which he appears by calling someone a “stupid bitch,” for ten points identify this flambouyant character who appears in a series of three Second City Network internet videos giving advice to the Shakespearean characters Desdemona, Ophelia, and Juliet.

ANSWER: Sassy Gay Friend

6. In one film from this series one character identifies himself as a florist named Mr. Vanderplug and is later killed at a truckstop. In that same film one character replies that his name is Zeus, “as in…don’t fuck with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up your ass.” Fictional Val Verde president Ramon Esperonza is a character in the second film of this series, whose most recent installment centers on a plot by ex-NSA agent(*) Thomas Gabriel, played by Timothy Olyphant. The protagonist of this series married Holly Gennaro, kills the brothers Peter and Hans Gruber, and is known for using the phrase “yippe ki yay mother fucker.” For ten points, identify this four film series centering on the exploits of terrorist ass-kicking NYPD officer John McClane.

ANSWER: Die Hard (accept Die Hard With a Vengeance before “Val Verde”)

7. This figure was first seen on a television commercial “knocking over some buildings and stuff,” but instead of seeing the movie featuring him, the main characters in the show featuring this figure were forced to endure “The Land Without Smiles.” With regards to this figure, an ice skater once sang “they say he’s a menace, but I love him. Sure he smashes cities,  but I love him,” after which this character ascends from a(*) spewing volcano. That scene occurs in an episode that sees several other characters attempt to reunite this figure with his “child,” a lizard found in the park. His sworn enemy and foil is Dactar, and his likeness is used for a wagon used by characters like Tommy, Dil, and Chuckie. For ten points, identify this Godzilla knockoff, a green and blue dinosaur featured on Rugrats.

ANSWER: Reptar 

8. Originally co-written alongside DJ Earthquake, this song was remade into a hard rock remix entitled “Too Cold” on the album Hard to Swallow. The lyrics make several references to the performer's experiences living in south Florida, describing them as filled with women who were "hot [and] wearing less than bikinis" and(*) "Rockman lovers driving Lamborghinis". It also references a drive-by shooting in which the singer heard "shells falling to the concrete real fast." For ten points, identify this song that notably ripped off the bass line from Queen and David Bowie's "Under Pressure", the most popular song by Vanilla Ice.

ANSWER: “Ice Ice Baby” 

9. One character by this name was once the property of Fawcett Publications, and the magic origin of that character’s powers allowed him to knock Superman out with a single punch. Another character by this name is a member of an alien race and was initially sent to Earth as a spy, but later becomes a defender of the planet alongside sidekick(*) Rick Jones. The first character of this name has a namesake “family” that sometimes fights crime as a team and, in a revival, becomes a member of the Justice Society of America alongside rival Black Adam. The other character by this name eventually dies from exposure to “Compound 13” and his powers transfer to his son, Genis. For ten points, give this superhero name shared by a member of the Kree alien race and a hero whose powers come from the wizard Shazam, Billy Batson.

ANSWER: Captain Marvel

10. Year and team required. Near the end of their season this team traded pitcher Roland DeLaMaza to acquire Bip Roberts, who later scored the first run in this team’s World Series appearance. Kevin Mitchell’s final stint with Cincinnati preceded his short stint with this team, whose rookies included Sean Casey and Richie Sexson. Midway through the season this team acquired Marquis Grissom and David Justice by trading away(*) Kenny Lofton, and they later made their way to the World Series thanks to a Tony Fernandez home run against the Baltimore Orioles in the ALCS. For ten points, identify this team that endured a blown save by Jose Mesa and walk-off single by Edgar Renteria in its Game 7 World Series loss that resulted in the first championship for the Florida Marlins.

ANSWER: 1997 Cleveland Indians (Prompt on any partial answer)

11. This man’s first stint with his current team came about after a 2007 trade involving Jason Ward. Breaking into the NHL as a member of the 2001-02 Detroit Red Wings, he was later traded in 2003 to the LA Kings for Mathieu Schneider. He came to his current team after a short stint with the(*) Dallas Stars, who released him after he referred to former girlfriends Rachel Hunter and Elisha Cuthbert as “sloppy seconds.” Also known for a namesake “rule” that was instituted midway through the 2008 playoffs to prevent him from screening Martin Brodeur, for ten points, identify this New York Rangers agitator whose off-ice interests include women’s fashion.

ANSWER: Sean Avery

12. One memorable use for this product was in Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare, when Freddy Krueger uses a modified one of these as a murder weapon. Its development was headed by Grant Goddard and Sam Davis, and one of the two games that were released specifically to be used with it was a game centering on(*) martial artist Duke Davis, Bad Street Brawler. Despite having no part in its conception or design, this product was officially licensed by Nintendo, who used similar technology when developing the Wii. Described as “so bad” by Lucas in Barton in The Wizard, for ten points, identify this NES controller released in 1989 as the first device to simulate hand movements in realtime.

ANSWER: Power Glove

13. This group first first rose to prominence as an opening act for the band Of Montreal. Before deciding upon their current name, they released an EP containing the songs “Everything’s Happenin’ So Fast” and “Just Becuz” as well as a full length album containing songs like “Money To Burn” and “Greyhoundredux.” Besides(*) We (Don’t) Care and Climbing to New Lows, this group followed up the EP Metanoia with its newest album, Congratulations, whose first single is “Flash Delirium.” For ten points, identify this band formed by Wesleyan alums Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden, a group once known as The Management whose 2007 album Oracular Spectacular contained the hits “Electric Feel,” “Time to Pretend,” and “Kids.”


14. In one episode in this series one character remarks that the veins in her hand remind her of snakes, and in another episode a different character mentions how there are dogs in Tahiti that are trained to catch Frisbees in their mouths. In the most recent episode one character gets his hand stuck in a pickle jar after mistaking his pen for a microphone. A better known episode begins by reminding the characters to refrain from using(*) ethnic slurs and sees one character change his name to Turd Ferguson. That same episode involves one character wagering “Texas with a dollar sign” and featured Norm Macdonald and Darrell Hammond as Burt Reynolds and Sean Connery. For ten points, identify this SNL skit that parodied a quiz game show hosted by Alex Trebek.

ANSWER: Saturday Night Live’s Celebrity Jeopardy! (prompt on partial answers; accept “Celebrity Jeopardy!” after mention of SNL)

15. In one film directed by this man, one character posits that “hurricanes should be named after women,” while later another character exclaims “set me on fire and put me out with horse piss!” The French film La Totale! provided the basis for another film by this director in which the protagonist is a member of the Omega Sector who rescues his wife(*), Helen Tasker, shortly before the detonation of a nuclear weapon in the Florida Keys. The director of Piranha II: The Spawning, this man also directed a sequel that involved a mission to the planet LV-426 by the crew of the Sulaco. For 10 points, identify this director of True Lies and Aliens, who more recently directed Titanic and Avatar.

ANSWER: James Francis Cameron

16. At one point in this film the protagonist recalls how his wife used to fake seizures at frat parties and go up to the roof of her apartment to flash traffic helicopters. That character learns of his wife’s affair with a rival realtor while working at a fast food restaurant called Mr. Smiley’s, and later is shot dead by his next door neighbor, a former(*) Marine and closeted homosexual whose son, Ricky, is a pot dealer that becomes fascinated with filming a plastic bag blowing in the wind. The 1999 Academy Award for Best Picture went to, for 10 points, what Sam Mendes film focusing on the mid-life crisis of Lester Burnham, played by Kevin Spacey?

ANSWER: American Beauty

17. This figure succeeded Harry Stuhldreher as varsity quarterback at Massilon Washington High School, whom this man later coached after a short stint as head coach of Severn Preperatory School. While coaching Les Horvath he led Ohio State to a share of the 1942 National Championship, but was later passed over in 1951 in favor of Woody Hayes. He won 4 AAFC and 3 NFL titles during his first stint as an NFL coach, which ended in 1963 after being fired by(*) Art Modell. Later, in 1968, he founded and presided over an NFL team that lost Super Bowls 16 and 23 with quarterbacks Ken Anderson and Boomer Esiason. For 10 points, identify this legendary coach and “father of the modern offense” who gives his name the Cincinnati Bengals’ home stadium and Cleveland’s NFL franchise.

ANSWER: Paul Eugene Brown

18. This character makes a cameo in New International Track & Field where he is charged with shooting down his primary nemesis with a crossbow. Other entries from the series in which this character appears allow you to play two of his relatives, Christopher and his son Soleiyu. This character often doubts whether he is worthy of his(*) family name and legendary weapon, and in his second appearance he seeks to break the curse cast upon him by his nemesis, Dracula. For 10 points, identify this whip-wielding great-grandson of Trevor and protagonist of the first Castlevania game, a member of the legendary Belmont family.

ANSWER: Simon Belmont [prompt on “Belmont”]

19. At one point in the music video to this song we see a John Thornton drawing of Mickey Mouse hanging on a refridgerator. Characters shown in that video include a boy with a Lone Ranger lunchbox who plays with Lincoln Logs, as well as a young man reading a newspaper with the headline “Elvis Joins the Army.” Near its beginning the singer mentions(*) The King and I as well as The Catcher in the Rye, and Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy are mentioned twice. After mentioning others like Joe Dimaggio, Liberace, U2, and Malcolm X, the singer declares “rock and roller cola wars, I can‘t take it anymore.” For ten points, identify this list song from the album Storm Front, a 1989 number one hit for Billy Joel.

ANSWER: “We Didn’t Start the Fire” 

20. In one episode of this show, one character forgets what he is working on and accidentally paints a moon to resemble the earth. Other constructions detailed on this show include a barbecue grill for “King of the Hill,” a mysterious island to celebrate Lost‘s 100th episode, and a giant can of Old Bay with several crabs and a mallet. Blow torches are used on occasion, such as to char a couple(*) celebrating their wedding. One construction, a foot tall Baltimore Raven, required 100 feathers made of black fondant, which was then promptly devoured by the team. Charm City Cakes is the setting of, for 10 points, this Food Network show focusing on baker Duff Goldman and his team of pastry chefs.

ANSWER: Ace of Cakes 


TB1. In one film this actor plays a character that has his 1957 Studebaker Golden Hawk stolen while at the North Butte convenience store Sip and Zip; later, an attempted robbery by Trina, Sal, and Rodrigo result in his character being mistaken for Mike Tyson. Another film role saw this actor play a character originally portrayed by(*) Philip Michael Thomas, but better known roles saw him play a cab driver who attempts to prevent the killing of a lawyer at the hands of a hitman named Vincent, and a brash young quarterback for the Miami Sharks named Willie Beamen. For 10 points, identify this lead actor in films like Held Up and Bait who received his only Academy Award for depicting the titular, blind musician in Ray.

ANSWER: Jamie Foxx (accept Eric Marlon Bishop)

TB2. One song by this group mentions “Andalusia with fields full of grain” and “silver and gold in the mountains of Spain,” while another song by this group notes how “the old get old and the young get stronger, may take a week and it may take longer.” Those songs, entitled(*) “Spanish Caravan” and “Five to One,” first appeared on their album Waiting for the Sun. In a better known song by this group, the lead singer asks to “show me the way to the next little girl,” while another song notes how “no one remembers your name…when you’re strange.” For 10 points, identify this 70s band that released L.A. Woman and was led by singer Jim Morrison.

ANSWER: The Doors

TB3. After enduring the rape and murder of his sister Diane while only a sophomore in high school, this athlete became a three-time undefeated state champ for Waterloo West High School. He lost to Larry Owings on his way to two NCAA titles and a 181-1 record while competing collegiately at Iowa State University. In his field he won gold medals at the(*) 1971 World Championships in Sofia and 1972 Munich Olympics, but he would become more famous for amassing 15 NCAA titles during his 23 year coaching tenure. For 10 points, identify this American who coached a wrestling dynasty throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s at the University of Iowa.

ANSWER: Dan Gable


1. 30-20-10, song time!

[30]  Jim Vallence once said this song was inspired by a time in his youth where “brand new vinyl albums were released by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Kinks, Janis Joplin and The Band.”

[20]The performer of this song recently denied that claim by Jim Vallence, saying that this song instead “has to do with a sexual position.”

[10] Bryan Adams states that he “got his first real six string” and “played it till his fingers bled” during the titular time period.

ANSWER: “Summer of ‘69” 

2. A television star is murdered in Hollywood by a greedy bastard. No, it’s not this week’s Law and Order, it‘s “The Tonight Show with Conan O‘Brien.” For 10 points each:

[10] In his final week, Conan debuted a series of one-off characters including Kentucky Derby winner Mine that Bird wearing a mink one of these.

ANSWER: Snuggie (accept sleeved blanket or equivalents)

[10] Conan ended his last episode by performing a seven-minute version of this 1973 Lynyrd Skynyrd hit alongside Will Ferrell and many others.

ANSWER: “Free Bird”

[10] This host of a self-titled late night show spent an entire episode dressed up as Leno, complete with “Headlines,” a lengthy monologue and a conversation with his bandleader, Cleto.

ANSWER: James Christian “Jimmy” Kimmel

3. For 10 points each, identify these #1 overall picks from everybody’s favorite league, the WNBA!

[10] The most recent number one overall pick by the Connecticut Sun is this Connecticut center who was instrumental in their record-setting winning streak and two consecutive NCAA titles.

ANSWER: Tina Charles

[10] The 2008 number one overall pick by the Los Angeles Sparks, this former Tennessee Volunteer is known for her amazing dunks and her relationships with two NBA players, brother Anthony and husband Shelden Williams. ANSWER: Candace Nicole Parker

[10] The number one overall pick by the Washington Mystic in 1999, she also played her college ball at Tennessee, where she was a member of the 1996, 1997 and 1998 NCAA championship winning teams.

ANSWER: Chamique Shaunta Holdsclaw

4. One character in this series angers his girlfriend, Anna Wu, by using the money he borrowed from Devon Woodcomb to purchase a DeLorean. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this current NBC sitcom featuring antagonists like Fulcrum and The Ring, both of whom lust after the Intersect, which is sent to the title character via email by Bryce Larkin in the show’s pilot.


[10] Chuck focuses on Charles Bartowski, a Stanford dropout who works at this fictional electronics store as part of its Nerd Herd.

ANSWER: Buy More

[10] At the end of the second season “Big Mike” Tucker is demoted as the manager of the Buy More in favor of this character portrayed by Tony Hale. After he is later being killed by an assassin, Chuck is told that this character moved to Anchorage, Alaska to manage another chain store, Large Mart.

ANSWER: Emmett Milbarge [accept either]

5. For 10 points each, identify some things about a well-known hip-hop collective.

[10] Identify this group whose breakout eponymous first album, subtitled 36 Chambers, contained the hit singles “C.R.E.A.M.” and “Protect Ya Neck.”

ANSWER: Wu-Tang Clan

[10] This is the only deceased member of the Wu-Tang Clan; he died of an accidental drug overdose in 2004.

ANSWER: Ol’ Dirty Bastard [prompt on “ODB”]

[10] This was the Wu-Tang Clan’s last album made while Ol’ Dirty Bastard was alive. The group’s fourth album, its’ only single was entitled “Uzi (Pinky Ring).”

ANSWER: Iron Flag

6. 30-20-10, identify the following word.

[30] On the TV show LOST, Paulo was able to smuggle diamonds by using a DHARMA station with this name.

[20] Janis Joplin’s first posthumous album has this title. The plural form of this word was also used as the title in three Elkie Brooks albums, one of which was subtitled Close to the Edge

[10] A Pokemon game with Palkia on the cover has this subtitle. This word is also the surname of an NCAA Men’s basketball coach who, this past season, led his team to its first ever Elite Eight appearance before losing to Michigan State.

ANSWER: Pearl 

7. For 10 points each, identify these fictional bands featured in animated TV shows.

[10] This band asked the title character to “bring us back your ways” in “Noble Indian Chief” and also told its listeners to “picture the baddest chick you know” before singing that “God would totally do her” on an episode of Family Guy.

ANSWER:  Handful of Peter

[10] This band’s first big hit was “I Sneezed on My Face.” Other hits by this band that appeared on the TV show Doug featuring Monroe Yoder at vocals include “I Need More Allowance” and “Killer Tofu.”

ANSWER: The Beets (Accept The Pickled Beets)

[10] This short-lived boy band that debuted on an episode of South Park shares its name with a slang sexual act is best known for an eponymous song in which the band mates sing that they will perform the titular action “every night.”

ANSWER: Fingerbang 


One character in this film released an album entitled Sea Shanties & Wet Panties, while another character notably asks “you wanna fun-fucking-arrest me? You better get a fun-fucking-warrant; otherwise, stay out of my fun-fucking face!” For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this 2004 film focusing on the terrorizing of Coconut Pete’s Coconut Beach Resort by a serial killer named Machete Phil.

ANSWER: Broken Lizard’s Club Dread

[10] Club Dread was a feature film by this comedy group whose most recent work is 2009’s Slammin Salmon. They’re probably best known for a film following the shenanigans of five Vermont police officers, Super Troopers.

ANSWER: Broken Lizard

[10] In Club Dread, the singer Coconut Pete is played by this actor who’s probably better known for roles like Fred Haise, Brock Lovett, and currently Bill Henrickson.

ANSWER: William “Bill” Paxton

9. Rushing for lots of yards in a single game will get you remembered forever, right? We’ll see. Identify these players high up on the list of single game record-breaking rushing marks, for 10 points each.

[10] The top mark of 296 rushing yards in a single game was set by this man in his rookie year, just over six months after being selected 7th overall by the Minnesota Vikings in 2007 draft.

ANSWER: Adrian Lewis Peterson

[10] Peterson broke this running back’s previous record by a single yard. Not surprisingly to the writer of this question, this man amassed those 295 yards against the Cleveland Browns in a 2003 game.

ANSWER: Jamal Lafitte Lewis

[10] Last season this little known Browns running back amassed 286 yards in a game against the Chiefs, good enough to place him third on the all-time list behind Peterson and Lewis.

ANSWER: Jerome Harrison

10. Identify these related figures, for 10 points each.

[10] An original member of the Avengers alongside his partner, the Wasp, this scientist has at times had the ability to grow to both massive and incredibly tiny sizes.

Answer: Henry “Hank” Pym [or Ant Man or Giant Man or Yellowjacket or Wasp]

[10] This robot nemesis of the Avengers was built by Hank Pym and develops an irrational hatred of his “father.” He upgrades himself to a version “6” by integrating adamantium into his body.

Answer: Ultron

[10] This android member of the Avengers and later husband of the Scarlet Witch was built by Ultron and, as such, is considered the “grandson” of Hank Pym.

Answer: The Vision

11. For 10 points each, identify these films featuring characters with “colorful” nicknames.

[10] Mr. Brown, Mr. Orange, Mr. White, Mr. Pink, and Mr. Blonde were among the aliases used by the major characters in this early Quentin Tarantino film focusing on a botched bank heist.

ANSWER: Reservoir Dogs

[10] Mr. Blue, Mr. Brown, Mr. Green, and Mr. Grey were the aliases used by the criminals that performed the titular action in this 1974 film centering on New York City policeman Zachary Garber, played by Walter Matthau.

ANSWER: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

[10] Adam and Amanda Bonner refer to each other as “Pinky” in this 1949 Katherine Hepburn film in which the aforementioned characters are lawyers pitted against each other in a court case involving a wife who shot an adulterous husband.

ANSWER: Adam’s Rib

12. Tracy Reed stars as the only female character in this film, which saw James Earl Jones make his film debut. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this 1964 film featuring characters like General Buck Turgidson and President of the U.S. Merkin Muffley, who notably exclaims that “you can’t fight in here, this is the war room.”

ANSWER: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

[10] Peter Sellers starred in the film as not only the title character and President Merkin, but also this British officer who tries throughout the film to obtain a three letter recall code from Air Force Commander Jack Ripper.

ANSWER: Lionel Mandrake

[10] Peter Sellers was also originally slated to play this other character who pilots the plane that drops the bomb that sets off the Doomsday Machine. He was ultimately portrayed in the film by Slim Pickens.

ANSWER: T.J. “King” Kong

13. His first satirical almanac, The Areas of My Expertise, contains a list of 800 hoboes, and his follow-up, More Information Than You Require, includes the names of 700 purported Molemen.  For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this author and “famous, minor television personality,” the resident expert on The Daily Show.

ANSWER: John Hodgman

[10] Hodgman is best known for portraying this character on a series of computer advertisements opposite Justin Long.


[10] In The Areas of My Expertise, Hodgman describes how he saved this musician from life as a feral man among woodland creatures. This geek rock guitarist is best known for works such as “Re: Your Brains” and “Still Alive.”

ANSWER: Jonathan Coulton 

14. Baseball and tragedy are often linked. For 10 points each, identify these baseball players who died young.

[10] The #1 pitching prospect of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, he was killed by a drunk driver in 2009 at age 22 only hours after winning his major league debut.

ANSWER: Nicholas James “Nick” Adenhart

[10] This pitcher for the Astros, Rockies and Cardinals died in 2002 at age 33 after suffering a heart attack in his Chicago hotel room.

ANSWER: Darryl Andrew Kile

[10] A young phenom for the Minnesota Twins and California Angels, he finished second in the batting race in 1977 to teammate Rod Carew, but was murdered in 1978 at age 27 in his hometown of Gary, Indiana.

ANSWER: Lyman Wesley Bostock, Jr.

15. For 10 points each, identify these songs with something in common.

[10] According to a song by Kim Carnes from the album Mistaken Identity, she’s got not only “Greta Garbo stand off sighs,” but also these titular features.

ANSWER: “Bette Davis Eyes”

[10] The singer states that “I drive off in my car, but whichever way I go, I come back to the place you are” in this Peter Gabriel song that was immortalized in the 1989 film Say Anything.

ANSWER: “In Your Eyes”

[10] This Survivor song featured prominently in Rocky III encourages us to “rise up to the challenge of our rival,“ for “the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night and he‘s watching us all in” the title object.

ANSWER: “Eye of the Tiger” 

16. Robbie Rist’s first acting role was as this fictional character, who was introduced into the series because his parents, Jack and Pauline, had gone to South America to investigate an archeological site. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this character who becomes featured in a western while visiting a movie studio in his first appearance.

ANSWER: Cousin Oliver

[10] Cousin Oliver was a notable addition during the final season of this 70s TV show which more famously featured the character Alice Nelson, who was played by Ann B. Davis.

ANSWER: The Brady Bunch

[10] The final season of The Brady Bunch began with an episode centering on Greg’s short tenure as a singer with this pseudonym. A fictional cartoon character with this name is the son of Bunny and crush of a 5 year old red-head named Lil’ Suzy.

ANSWER: Johnny Bravo

17. According to the lyrics of this song, “two drifters” are “off to see the world, there’s such a lot of world to see.” For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this Henry Mancini composition which won both an Academy Award and an Oscar after being featured in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

ANSWER: “Moon River”

[10] This lyricist collaborated with Henry Mancini on “Moon River.” His fifty year career produced such hits as “Hooray for Hollywood”, “Come Rain or Come Shine”, and “One for My Baby.”

ANSWER: John Herndon “Johnny” Mercer

[10] Monty Python, They Might be Giants, and Aerosmith are among the groups that have done covers of the theme from this TV show about a private eye whose theme was produced by Henry Mancini.

ANSWER: Peter Gunn 

18. For 10 points each, identify these notable NBA draft busts not named Darko Milicic.

[10] This #2 pick from the 1984 draft would probably be a footnote due to his short, injury-riddled career. Unfortunately for him and the team who drafted him, the Portland Trailblazers, the next pick in the draft was some dude named Michael Jordan.

ANSWER: Samuel Paul “Sam” Bowie

[10] This 2001 #1 pick has probably made his most valuable contributions as trade bait, since he helped the Wizards acquire Caron Butler and later helped the Lakers acquire Pau Gasol. He currently takes up space on the Pistons bench.

ANSWER: Kwame James Brown

[10] Another bust by the Trailblazers, this top pick in the 1972 draft was taken ahead of hall-of-famers Bob McAdoo and Julius Irving. Somewhat ironically, the Blazers would win their first and only NBA title the year after his 1976 retirement.

ANSWER: LaRue Martin

19. Everyone loves controversy! And everyone loves musicals! So that means that everyone loves controversial musicals, right? For 10 points each:

[10] This 2007 rock musical includes suicide, on-stage nudity, characters who are “Totally Fucked,” a botched abortion,  and sexually repressed teenagers. I guess that’s “The Bitch of Living.”

ANSWER: Spring Awakening

[10]Tap dancing Ku Klux Klan members and a transsexual prostitute are characters in the opera based on this television show, which comes complete with an audience that chants the protagonist’s first name.

ANSWER: The Jerry Springer Show or Jerry Springer: the Opera

[10] This show, which focuses on a hippie “tribe” that opposes the Vietnam War, is controversial for nudity at the end of the first act. It includes such songs as “Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine in.”

ANSWER: Hair  

20. This actor starred in videos like “The Landlord” and “Good Cop, Baby Cop” on the online website Funny or Die, which this man co-founded alongside Adam McKay. For 10 points each:

[10] Identify this actor who currently stars as car dealer Ashley Schaeffer on the HBO sitcom Eastbound & Down.

ANSWER: John William “Will” Ferrell

[10] One of Ferrell’s earliest film roles was in the first Austin Powers film as this shortlived henchman of Dr. Evil who gets killed off because this man’s unfreezing process left Dr. Evil’s pet cat, Mr. Bigglesworth, hairless.

ANSWER: Mustafa

[10] Ferrell also had a small role in this film in which he played Chazz Reinhold, a middle aged man still living with his mother, whom he constantly berides for some meatloaf in one notable scene.

ANSWER: Wedding Crashers

21. The original Legend of Zelda is one of the most influential games of all time; some games, however, may have borrowed a bit too much. For 10 points each, identify these Zelda clones.

[10] In this 1997 Zelda clone for the Playstation 1, you play as the titular elf Dreamwalker and try to defeat the demon Melzas. A sequel, subtitled A New Legend Begins, was released in 1999.

ANSWER: Alundra

[10] A spin-off to a popular series of fantasy beat-em-ups, this Sega Master System release didn’t let you play as Tyris Flare, Ax Battler, or Gillius Thunderhead, though all three have cameo appearances.

ANSWER: Golden Axe Warrior

[10] An unlicensed game released by Wisdom Tree and the most blatant Zelda rip-off of the bunch, you play as a young Christian who tries to convert the citizenry and save the town from Satan’s demonic minions.

ANSWER: Spiritual Warfare

22. For 10 points each, identify these rap groups that gained popularity in the 1990s. 

[10] This New Jersey-based group released its self-titled album in 1991, which featured their first hit  “O.P.P.”  Popular songs from other albums include “Uptown Anthem” and “Hip Hop Hooray.”

ANSWER: Naughty by Nature 

[10] This group's most successful album, Bacdafucup, was released in 1993 and featured their hit song “Slam.”  One member of this group would later play the title character in the 2006 Spike TV show Blade: the Series.


3) This Atlanta-based group debuted in 1995 with their album Soul Food. They made a cameo appearance in the 1999 film Mystery Men, referred to by their name affixed to the phrase “Not so.”

ANSWER: Goodie Mob


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