Figurative Language: Simile, Metaphor, Personification

Futures Forum

Language Power Rap Song

● Write a rap song using either grammar or figurative language terms.

● Your song can also be a combination of both grammar and figurative language.

● Your song must use at least 6 terms.

Structure the song.

• Intro / 3-4 verses / chorus / outro

Create a good rhyme scheme.

• This is important if you're making hits.

• Most rappers use multi-rhymes (Kill For, Still Roll).

Put these at the end line after each bar and see how your raps turn out.

• Count the syllables.

• 50 cent has a bounce flow (up and down).

• Jay-Z’s flow goes side to side.

Listen to your inner rapper to figure out what works best.

• If you are not sure what to say go beyond your mind and memory.

• Make up sounds and let new language emerge.

• Focus on rhythm and feeling

• Let go, flow and appreciate.

List of words:

|Grammar |Figurative Language |

|Adjective |Simile |

|Adverb |Metaphor |

|Verb |Hyperbole |

|Nouns |Personification |

|Pronoun |Alliteration |

|Subject |Onomatopoeia |

|Predicate |Irony |

|Comma Splice |Oxymoron |

|Run-on Sentences |Pun |

|Using Capital Letters | |

|Colloquialisms & Slang | |

|Conjunction | |

|Preposition | |

| | |

Futures Forum

Grammar Info Graphic

● Create a grammar poster in the style of an info graphic.

● Look at the Oatmeal Grammar website for inspiration.

● Your info graphic/ poster can include terms and/ or writing tips

● Consider making a series of posters to help out your

fellow classmates


• Make sure you have a header that lets people know what the

poster is about at first glance.

Colour scheme

• Use colours to catch people’s attention.

• Stick to a 3 or 5 part colour scheme.

• Too many colours can be distracting.

Communication is Key

• Use characters and symbols to help communicate your term or tip.

• Keep the information clear, concise, and easy to read.

• Use humour or an interesting story to keep people’s attention.

• Make learning fun.

List of words:

|Grammar |Figurative Language |

|Adjective |Simile |

|Adverb |Metaphor |

|Verb |Hyperbole |

|Nouns |Personification |

|Pronoun |Alliteration |

|Subject |Onomatopoeia |

|Predicate |Irony |

|Comma Splice |Oxymoron |

|Run-on Sentences |Pun |

|Using Capital Letters | |

|Colloquialisms & Slang | |

|Conjunction | |

|Preposition | |

| | |



Figurative Language


Sometimes what you mean is not exactly what you say

That's figurative language, using words in different ways

Personification, alliteration, assonance, hyperbole

Onomatopoeia, metaphor, and simile

Verse I

When Sally seems to sit somewhere separate from Sonia,

Or Caleb calls Chris »[?]cause he's coming to California

It's called alliterationle

Verse I

When Sally seems to sit somewhere separate from Sonia,

Or Caleb calls Chris ʻcause he's coming to California

It's called alliteration: that's what occurs

When you got the same sound at the start of every word

But when you've got a vowel sound that keeps sounding the same

That's a figure called assonance, yeah, that's its name

It's what I'm trying to define by providing this example

But I cannot deny that assonance can be a handful

Verse II

A simile is something that you use to compare

Two unrelated things with an element that's shared

My mind is like an ocean; it's as smooth as jazz

But it's only a simile if it uses “like” or “as”

A metaphor is similar, but watch out!

Be careful 'cause you've got to leave “like” and “as” out

My mind is an ocean; my words are a river,

So keep your ears open as I continue to deliver

Verse III

Now if the sun's smiling down, or the boat hugged the shore

Thatʼs personification, nothing less, nothing more

But with a buzz or a ding or a hiss or a roar

Thatʼs onomatopoeia that we're using for sure

Hyperbole: man, that's like a million times harder!

Take something true, then exaggerate it way farther

Now you've heard this song from beginning to the finish

Now youʼve got some tools to draw your literary image






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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