Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson synonym: Cryptantha ...

Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson synonym: Cryptantha interrupta (Greene) Payson

(mis a p p lie d ) Snake River cryptantha Boraginaceae - borage family status: State Sensitive, BLM sensitive

rank: G4? / S2?

General Description: A dapted from C ronquis t et al. (1 9 7 2 - 9 4 ): P erennial from a taproot and us ually a branc hing c audex, with 1 to many erec t s tems , (0 .5 ) 1 .5 - 4 dm tall. H erbage gray- hairy, typic ally s hort and moderately s preading- bris tly (but hairs s ometimes appres s ed). L eaves hairy on both s ides with fine, s traight hairs ; lower s ide with s ome longer, c oars e, pus tulate-bas ed bris tles that are appres s ed to loos e and s preading. P etioles often c ons pic uous ly bris tly- c iliate. B as al leaves dens ely tufted, narrowly to broadly oblanc eolate, 2 - 6 c m x 2 - 1 0 mm. Stem leaves gradually reduc ed upwards .

Floral Characterist ics: I nflores c enc e bris tly and s oft- hairy, at firs t c ylindric , opening in age. C alyx s egments 4 - 5 mm long when flowering, 6 - 1 0 mm in fruit. C orolla white with s mall yellow c res ts in the throat, the tube equaling or s horter than the c alyx; limb flat, s preading, 4 - 8 mm wi d e .

Fruits: 1 - 4 mature nutlets , lanc eolate or lanc e- ovate, 2 .5 - 4 mm long, roughened on both s ides , typic ally both wrinkled and tuberc ulate; s c ar elongate, c los ed or narrowly open, its margins not elevated. Style s urpas s ing nutlets by 1 .1 - 2 .5 (2 .7 ) mm. Rec ognizable M ay to July.

Identif ication Tips: H itc hc oc k & C ronquis t (1 9 7 3 ) lis t C. s piculifera as a s ynonym for Cryptantha interrupta, but they are now c ons idered dis tinc t. C. interrupta has a s horter s tyle, s urpas s ing the nutlets by only 0 .2 - 1 mm. C. celos ioides is s imilar but dis tinguis hed by its wider bas al leaves (4 - 1 5 mm) with blunter tips , and larger c orolla limbs (8 - 1 2 mm). I n dried s pec imens of C. s piculifera, the c alyx has white bris tles and hairs , vers us golden- yellow bris tles and hairs of C. celos oiodes .

Range: C entral WA , eas tern O R, northeas tern C A , northern N V , I D , U T , WY , and wes tern M T .

Habitat/Ecology: D ry, open, flat, or s loping areas in s table or s tony s oils , with low vegetative c over. E levations in WA : 1 4 0 - 1 0 5 0 m (4 5 0 - 3 5 0 0 ft). A s s oc iated s pec ies inc lude s tiff s agebrus h (Artemis ia rigida), big s agebrus h (Artemis ia tridentata), gray rabbitbrus h (Ericameria naus eos a), roc k buc kwheat (Eriogonum s phaerocephalum), purple s age (Salvia dorrii), and s ilky lupine (Lupinus s ericeus ).

Comments: T his s pec ies is als o rare in M T , U T , and WY .

Ref erences: C ronquis t et al. 1 9 7 2 - 9 4 , vol. 4 ; H iggins 1 9 7 1 .

Adapted from Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Washington

Illustration by Jeanne R. Janish, ?1959 University of Washington


photo by Reid Schuller

photo by Reid Schuller


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