June 8th, 2017

The meeting of the Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District was held at the district office in Bloomfield, NJ. In accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, advance notice was given to the press (The Star Ledger and Herald News newspapers) and posted. The meeting was also advertised on HEP’s website.

Members and public present were as follows: Supervisors Matt Ward, John Sarnas, Mario Tridente, Gray Russell, and Jerry Flach; Glen Van Olden, Director; staff members Matt D’Alessandro, Fran Aguirre, Janet Rekesius, Dave Malka, and Sal Zerbo; and Dan Mull, District Conservationist, USDA/NRCS.

The public meeting was called to order by Chairman Matt Ward at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Ward, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, thanked the staff for all their good work this past year.


The minutes from the May 4, 2017 meeting were reviewed. M/M Gray Russell, M/S Jerry Flach and passed unanimously to accept the minutes. John Sarnas abstained since he was not in attendance at the May meeting. The motion to accept the minutes passed unanimously.


Glen reviewed HEP’s Treasurer’s Report and banking accounts for the month of May 2017. M/M John Sarnas, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously to accept the Treasurer’s Report for the month of May 2017.


Glen Van Olden reviewed the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plans certified in May 2017.

M/M Mario Tridente, M/S Gerry Flach and passed unanimously to accept all actions taken on Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans certified in the month of May 2017.


2017 NJ Envirothon

The 2017 NJ Envirothon was held on 5/13/17 at Schooley’s Mountain Park in Washington Township, NJ. Cedar Creek High School Team #2 took first place.

Window/Screen Replacement Due to Vandalism

On 4/27/17 the window and screen in Dave Malka’s office were broken due to vandalism. Once the replacement window and screen ordered by the district were delivered, Matt D’Alessandro and Dave Malka installed them.

Letters to Ken Roehrich and Joe Lomax

As requested by Chairman Matt Ward at the 5/4/17 HEP district meeting, a letter was sent to Joe Lomax, Cape May County SCD Supervisor, congratulating him on receiving the 2016 NACD President’s Award for his longstanding dedication and support for conservation efforts. A letter was also sent to Ken Roehrich who was listed as a “Lifetime Friend of NACD”.

2017 NJ Conservation Poster Contest Winners

The theme of the contest was “Healthy Soils Are Full of Life”. The HEP district had a winner in the Grades 7-9 Category. Natalie Ho of Short Hills placed third at the state level.

Scotts/Miracle-Gro Singles Donation

On 5/11/2017 Deb Bogar, NACD, informed NACD Urban Agriculture Conservation Grant Recipients via e-mail that Scotts Miracle-Gro was offering free Pour and Feed Singles (24/case) in ten states. There were 2,232 donated cases available for NJ to include delivery. Glen Van Olden reached out to all the NJ SCDs and is coordinating the NJ order. Jerry Flach commented that Miracle-Gro contains chemicals and is surprised that districts would not want to promote organic gardening.

NACD Northeast Region Meeting

The NACD Northeast Region Meeting will be held 8/13 – 8/15/17 in Burlington, Vermont. Chairman Ward polled the supervisors on who would like to attend. Gerry Flach and Matt Ward expressed interest in attending but there is still no registration information available. Fran Aguirre will advise all the supervisors as soon as more information is available.


Stop Work Orders

Paterson: 150 Knickerbocker & 510-516 Getty Ave., Block 7008, Lots 25 & 26

Demo and grading exceeding 5,000 sq. feet with no SESC plan certification

N. Haledon: 121 Westervelt Ave., Block 67, Lot 3

Soil Disturbance exceeding 5,000 sq. feet with no SESC plan certification

Wayne Township Chapter 251 Exemption – Status/Response/Action

Due to Wayne’s unsatisfactory rating in its 2016 Exempt Municipality Review, HEP requested forcible revocation of Wayne’s “exempt status” from the NJ State Soil Conservation Committee (SSCC). Glen Van Olden plans to attend the next SSCC meeting on 6/12/17 as this will be on the agenda but believes that the SSCC would like HEP to accept Wayne’s improvement plan. Glen informed that Wayne’s Director of Public Works, Heather Vitz-DelRio, had sent HEP a letter dated 5/25/17 outlining the procedural changes Wayne would be undertaking to gain compliance. Matt Ward stated that Wayne never admitted deficiencies until this recent letter where Ms. Vitz-DelRio states that some Reports of Compliance (ROC) were issued incorrectly. John Sarnas opined that Wayne’s corrective action plan should have come from the town administrator who is not even copied on Ms. Vitz-DelRio’s letter to HEP. The supervisors instructed Glen to let it be known at the 6/12/17 SSCC meeting that this is a last ditch effort by Wayne. Gray Russell and Jerry Flach believe the district should consider accepting Wayne’s corrective action plan and reevaluate the situation next year. A vigorous discussion ensued. M/M Flach, M/S Sarnas and passed unanimously to extend Wayne’s exempt status until next year’s review.


HEP Nominating Committee

The three-year terms of Mario Tridente and Gray Russell will expire on 6/30/17. Both expressed interest in serving another term if re-nominated. The Nominating Committee, consisting of John Kupcho, Dave Longo, Kathleen Caren (via phone), and Bob Prout, convened on 5/9/17. The Committee recommended that Mario Tridente and Gray Russell both be considered for re-appointment for the HEP-SCD Board of Supervisors for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2017. All pertinent paperwork was forwarded to Douglas Fisher, Chairman of the NJ State Soil Conservation Committee, for discussion/vote at the 6/12/17 SSCC meeting.

Financial Viability Status (estimated) of NJ SCDs

At the 5/4/17 district meeting, Chairman Ward had reintroduced the subject of consolidating districts that are not financially healthy and he instructed Fran to pull information from all other NJ Soil Conservation Districts’ audits for fiscal year ending 6/30/2017, and to compile a financial report for the June HEP meeting. This task was performed and a spreadsheet was prepared. Glen Van Olden commented that most districts are on the rebound but that this is a matter monitored by the State and referred to Ray Cywinski’s statement at the 10/27/15 NJACD Annual Meeting. “This matter continues to be closely monitored by the SSCC and Fiscal Subcommittee. All SCDs are on the rebound and no individual SCD needs to act on behalf of the SSCC.”

EXTENSION – Dr. Amy Rowe, Environmental & Resource Management Agent

Absent – Sent Report

5/13/17 Manville – 4-H Fundraiser at Stokes State Forest (Cook 4-H Camp)

5/16/17 Newark – Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission tour for Environmental Stewards

5/16/17 Wayne – Rain barrel workshop with Watershed Ambassadors

5/17/17 Paterson – After-school programming on animal and plant adaptation at JP Holland Charter School, K-3rd grade

5/23/17 Newton – Organic land care lecture to Sussex County Master Gardeners

5/25/17 Jersey City – Organic gardening workshop (VETS program)

5/30/17 Newark – Container gardening workshop (VETS program)

6/2/17 New Hope, PA – Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve field trip for Environmental Stewards

6/2/17 Columbia – Farm visit with Dave Flitcroft


6/10/17 Jersey City – Container gardening workshop (VETS program)

6/12-15/17 Hoboken – Green infrastructure training for AmeriCorps and City DPW workers

6/20/17 Clifton – Rainwater harvesting workshop (VETS program) – waiting for approval from Main branch library

6/29/17 Clifton – Container Gardening workshop (VETS program) – waiting for approval from Main branch library

A copy of Rutgers Organic Land Care Best Management Practices Manual is available as a downloadable PDF file at:

USDA/NRCS – Dan Mull, District Conservationist, USDA/NRCS

The manure concern at Scipio Farms in Fairfield was discussed.

Jerry Flach informed that City Green/Urban Community Gardens need a water truck that can drive on county roads.

There was a discussion about NRCS providing expertise and materials for a “high tunnels” workshop.

SSCC/NJDA – NJ State Soil Conservation Committee (SSCC)

Absent – No Report

The next meeting of the NJ SSCC will be held on 6/12/17.

Before going into Executive Session, Glen and the supervisors congratulated Sal Zerbo on receiving his Master’s Degree.


At 8:35 p.m. M/M John Sarnas, M/S Mario Tridente and passed unanimously to close the public session of the meeting.


M/M John Sarnas, M/S Gerry Flach and passed unanimously to go into executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss personnel, salary, staffing and financial issues.

M/M John Sarnas, M/S Gerry Flach and passed unanimously to come out of Executive Session and return to Public Session at 9:05 p.m.


M/M Mario Tridente, M/S Gray Russell and passed unanimously to approve the following yearly salaries effective 7/1/17 for the HEP-SCD staff and to designate Matt D’Alessandro as Assistant District Manager.

Glen Van Olden $107,325

Matt D’Alessandro $ 73,245

Frances Aguirre $ 58,918

Janet Rekesius $ 55,328

David Malka $ 44,091

Sal Zerbo $ 43,575

Steven Stephansen $ 13.00 per hour


There being no further business, M/M Mario Tridente, M/S John Sarnas and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John Sarnas



The next meeting will be held on Thursday,

September 7th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.


The HEP-SCD District Office

80 Orchard St.

Bloomfield, NJ 07003


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