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Popham 6 English and Math Homework Assignment SheetWeek of January 5,2015: HAPPY NEW YEAR ENGLISHMATHMonday 1/51. Wordly Wise- UNIT 4 Go to WW link on Ms. Lund’s SW and listen to/read through lesson. 2. Wordly Wise- Do Exercise 4A ( p. 34)SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY. STUDY EACH NIGHT. ***Time For Kids- READ ENTIRE ISSUE. QUIZ due FRIDAY. Monday 1/5BOX and WHISKER PLOTSWATCH MATH VIDEO # 23. Do not skip any of the slides!!HW #1 NOTE: Use the video and your pink CW NOTES titled “Box and Whisker Plot” to complete the hw. You MAY use a calculator, if necessary. Tuesday 1/61. Wordly Wise- Do Exercise 4B and 4C ( p. 35 and 36) SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY. STUDY EACH NIGHT. 2. MANIAC MAGEE begins SEE ASSIGNMENT SHEET ***Time For Kids- READ ENTIRE ISSUE. QUIZ due FRIDAY. Tuesday 1/6BOX and WHISKER PLOTS HW #2NOTE: You can watch Math Video #23 again to help you. Also, look over your pink packet of notes. Wednesday 1/71. Wordly Wise- Do Exercise 4E ( p. 38-40 ) SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY. STUDY EACH NIGHT. 2. MANIAC MAGEE CONTINUES SEE ASSIGNMENT SHEET ***Time For Kids- READ ENTIRE ISSUE. QUIZ due FRIDAY.Wednesday 1/7“Reading a Pie Graph” worksheet“Converting Fractions, Decimals, Percents- Do p. 1 ONLY. Thursday 1/81.Wordly Wise – Write words 3x each to study for tomorrow’s spelling test. EXTRA CREDIT if you take a test on and print out your test results!!2. MORE MANIAC MAGEE SEE ASSIGNMENT SHEET***Time For Kids- READ ENTIRE ISSUE. QUIZ due FRIDAY.Thursday 1/8“Favorite Pizza Pie Graph” WorksheetNOTE: Remember to calculate a %, MULTIPLY the TOTAL by the decimal equivalent of the %. You MAY use a calculator for this. Friday 1/91.GET SPELLING TEST SIGNED.2.MANIAC MAGEE- SEE ASSIGNMENT SHEET Friday 1/9CIRCLE GRAPH PROJECT: See White Board for InstructionsIMPORTANT DATESENGLISH: WORDLY WISE- Lesson 4 SPELLING TEST this Friday, 1/9MATH: We will wrap up our statistics unit and move into working with fractions and decimals this week by learning about and making circle graphs. We will also learn about a box and whisker plotSOCIAL STUDIES: ALSO…. TIME FOR KIDS QUIZ DUE FRIDAY!! Read EACH article carefully and look up the answers to each question! Grade WILL Count!ALSO…. We will begin using GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR ASSIGNMENT POSTINGS! Stay tuned for news on this in class! ................

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