Training Package - Board of Studies

Training Package |General Construction (BCG03) |HSC Requirements

and Advice | |

|Title |Erect and dismantle formwork for footings and slabs on ground | |

|Unit code |Unit Descriptor |HSC Indicative Hours |

|BCGCA2003B |This unit specifies the competency required to erect and dismantle formwork to footings and slabs on ground for | |

| |establishing levels and containment of finished concrete. |15 |

| |The unit includes forming basic slabs, forming rebates to slabs on ground and steps to strip footings | |

|Evidence Guide |

|The Evidence Guide identifies the critical aspects, knowledge and skills to be demonstrated to confirm competency for this unit. This is an integral part of the |

|assessment of competency and should be read in conjunction with the Performance Criteria, the Range Statement, and the Assessment Guidelines of the Training |

|Package. |

|Specific knowledge required to |Relationship to other units |Specific resource requirements |HSC Requirements |

|achieve the performance criteria | |for this unit |and Advice |

|A knowledge of: |Pre-requisite units are: |The following resources should be made available: |Key Terms and Concepts |

|workplace and equipment safety requirements |BCGCM1001B Follow OH&S policies and procedures. |workplace location or simulated workplace | |

|quality requirements |Competency in this unit may be assessed in conjunction|materials relevant to erection and dismantling of |barricades |

|general Construction terminology |with other functional units which together form part |formwork for footings and slabs on ground |block out |

|plant, tools and equipment types, characteristics, |of the holistic work role. |hand and power tools, plant and equipment appropriate |calculation of materials |

|uses and limitation | |to erection and dismantling of formwork for footings |cast in services |

|formwork techniques | |and slabs on ground |clean up |

|formwork materials | |realistic activities covering the mandatory task |clean, maintain and store formwork tools and |

|processes for the calculation of material requirements| |requirements |equipment |

|Material Safety Data Sheets | |specifications and work instruction. |communication |

|plans, drawings and specifications | | |edge rebate |

|materials handling, storage and environmentally | | |environmental protection |

|friendly waste management | | |fixing/fasteners |

|processes for setting out and measuring | | |footing |

|line, level and plumb | | |formwork |

|termite barriers | | |formwork materials |

|JSA's/Safe work method statement | | |formwork techniques |

| | | |framework support |

| | | |general features, purpose and |

|Context of assessment |Critical aspects of evidence |Methods of assessment |HSC Requirements |

| |required to demonstrate | |and Advice |

| |competency in this unit | | |

|The application of competency is to be assessed in the|Location, interpretation and application of relevant |Assessment must satisfy the endorsed assessment |working knowledge of formwork tools and |

|workplace or realistically simulated construction |information, standards and specifications. |guidelines of the Building and Construction industry's|equipment |

|site. |Compliance with site safety plan, OH&S regulations and|General Construction Training Package and relevant |identify and rectify/report faults |

|Assessment is to occur under standard and authorised |State/Territory legislation applicable to workplace |NOHSC standards where they apply. |levels and falls |

|work practices, safety requirements and environmental |operations. |Assessment methods must confirm consistency and |occupational health and safety (OHS) |

|constraints. |Compliance with organisational policies and procedures|accuracy of performance (over time and in a range of |plan and prepare |

|Assessment of essential underpinning knowledge, other |including quality requirements. |workplace relevant contexts) together with application|quality assurance |

|than confirmatory questions, will usually be conducted|Safe and effective operational use of tools, plant and|of underpinning knowledge. |release agents |

|in an off-site context. |equipment. |Assessment must be by direct observation of tasks, |safe work practices |

|Assessment is to comply with relevant regulatory or |Communication and working effectively and safely with |with questioning on underpinning knowledge and it must|set out |

|Australian Standards requirements. |others. |also reinforce the integration of key competencies. |signage |

| |Form up a slab on ground a minimum of 9m² |Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access |slab |

| |incorporating an edge rebate and internal corner to |and correctly interpret and apply the essential |stripping |

| |specifications. |underpinning knowledge. Assessment may be applied |waste management |

| |Form up a step to a foundation excavation to specified|under project related conditions (real or simulated) |work instructions. |

| |masonry unit. |and require evidence of process. | |

| | |Assessment must confirm a reasonable inference that | |

| | |competency is able not only to be satisfied under the | |

| | |particular circumstance, but is able to be transferred| |

| | |to other circumstances. | |

| | |Assessment may be in conjunction with assessment of | |

| | |other units of competency, including those listed | |

| | |above. | |

Specific key competencies, underpinning and employability skills required to achieve the performance criteria

These include a number of processes that are learned throughout work and life, which are required in most jobs. Some of these are covered by the national key competencies, although others may be added. The details below highlight how these competencies are to be applied in the attainment of this unit.

Application of the key competencies in this unit are to satisfy the nominated level in which:

Level 1 – relates to working effectively within set conditions and processes;

Level 2 – relates to the management or facilitation of conditions and processes; and

Level 3 – relates to the design, development and evaluation of conditions or process.

How will the candidate apply the following key competency in this unit? The candidate will need to:

|Collect, analyse and organise information |Level 1 |Collect, organise, interpret and understand the information required for erection and dismantling of formwork for |

| | |footings and slabs on ground, including work instructions, plans/sketches/diagrams, safety instructions, signage, |

| | |labels, quality procedures, manufacturer's instructions, material safety data sheets and equipment instructions |

|Communicate ideas and information |Level 1 |Communicate ideas and information orally and in writing, in simple English to enable confirmation of work |

| | |requirements, passage of information and requests to other workers during operations and the reporting and recording |

| | |of work outcomes |

|Plan and organise activities |Level 1 |Conduct activities associated with erection and dismantling of formwork for footings and slabs on ground, including |

| | |the co-ordination and use of equipment, materials and tools to avoid backtracking and rework |

|Work with others and in a team |Level 1 |Work with others and in a team by recognising dependencies and using co-operative approaches to optimise satisfaction|

| | |and productivity |

|Solve problems |Level 1 |Establish safe and effective work processes which anticipate likely problems and blockages and systematically work |

| | |around these to avoid or minimise reworking and avoid wastage |

|Use mathematical ideas and techniques |Level 1 |Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly calculate time to complete tasks, estimate measurements, distances|

| | |and levels, calculate material requirements and establish quality checks |

|Use technology |Level 1 |Use workplace technology related to erection and dismantling of formwork for footings and slabs on ground, including |

| | |the use of calculators, the use of communication devices and the reporting/recording of results |

|Element |Performance Criteria |Range Statement |HSC Requirements and Advice |

|1 Plan and prepare |1.1 Work instructions, including plans, specifications,|The Range Statement provides advice to interpret the |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |quality requirements and operational details are |scope and context of this unit of competency allowing |A range of sources for work instructions including: |

| |obtained, confirmed and applied |for differences between enterprises and workplaces. It |work schedules |

| | |relates to the unit as a whole and facilitates holistic|job sheet/plans/specifications |

| | |assessment. The following variables relate to this |organisation/company bulletins/memos |

| | |particular unit: |Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) |

| | |Unit scope |diagrams/sketches/maps |

| | |Planning and preparation is to include but not be |job safety analysis (JSA)/safe work method statements |

| | |limited to worksite inspection, equipment defect |regulations/legislation |

| | |identification, assessment of conditions and hazards |manufacturer/organisation/site guidelines, policies and |

| | |and determination of work requirements |procedures |

| | |Quality Requirements |Australian Standards. |

| | |Quality requirements are to include but not be limited | |

| | |to relevant regulations including Australian Standards,|An awareness of various modes of communication to receive |

| | |internal company quality policy and standards, |work instructions including: |

| | |workplace operations and procedures and manufacturers |verbal |

| | |specifications where specified |face-to-face (supervisor to employee) |

| | |Communications |telephone/mobile phone |

| | |Communications are to include but not limited to verbal|two-way radio |

| | |and visual instructions and fault reporting and may |on-site meetings |

| | |include mobile phone, site specific instructions, |written communication |

| | |written instructions, plans or instructions related to |work plans |

| | |job/task, two way radio and hand signals |memos/messages |

| | |On site meeting processes may include notification/ |job descriptions/statements |

| | |scheduling (time, place, purpose), task discussions and|workplace forms |

| | |local coordination of procedural and operational issues|rosters |

| | |Information |facsimile |

| | |Information sources may include but not be limited to |email |

| | |verbal or written and graphical instructions, signage, |intranet |

| | |work schedules/plans/specifications, work bulletins, |non-verbal |

| | |memos, material safety data sheets (MSDS), diagrams or |gestures |

| | |sketches |signals |

| | |safe work procedures related to erection and |signage |

| | |dismantling of formwork for footings and slabs on |diagrams. |

| | |ground | |

| | | |Planning and preparation for a range of formwork |

| | | |activities. |

| | | | |

| | | |A basic overview of the role of employees in quality |

| | | |assurance. |

| | |regulatory/legislative requirements pertaining to | |

| | |erection and dismantling of formwork for footings and | |

| | |slabs on ground | |

| | |manufacturer’s specifications and instructions | |

| | |organisation work specifications and requirements | |

| | |instructions issued by authorised organisational or | |

| | |external personnel | |

| | |relevant Australian Standards | |

| |1.2 Safety requirements are followed in accordance with|Safety (OH&S) |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |safety plans and policies |OH&S requirements are to be in accordance with State or|A basic awareness of occupational health and safety (OHS) |

| | |Territory legislation and regulations, organisational |regulations and legislation relevant to the construction |

| | |safety policies and procedures, and project safety |industry. |

| | |plan. This may include protective clothing and | |

| | |equipment, use of tools and equipment, workplace |An awareness of project/site safety plan. |

| | |environment and safety, handling of materials, use of | |

| | |fire fighting equipment, organisational first aid, |An awareness of safe work practices including: |

| | |hazard control, hazardous materials and substances |OHS induction training (general, work activity and |

| | |Personal protective equipment is to include that |site-specific) |

| | |prescribed under legislation, regulation and workplace |selection, use and maintenance of personal protective |

| | |policies and practices |equipment (PPE) |

| | |Safe operating procedures are to include but not be |access to appropriate communication devices |

| | |limited to the conduct of operational risk assessment |selection of appropriate tools for the task |

| | |and treatments associated with power cables (including |correct use, maintenance and storage of tools, equipment |

| | |overhead service trays, cables and conduits), lighting,|and machinery |

| | |earth leakage boxes, trip hazards, working with |correct handling, application, transport and storage of |

| | |dangerous materials, working in confined spaces, |hazardous and non-hazardous materials |

| | |surrounding structures, restricted access barriers, |safe posture (sitting, standing, bending, twisting and |

| | |traffic control, working at heights, working in |lifting) |

| | |proximity to others, worksite visitors and the public |correct manual handling (lifting and transferring) |

| | |Emergency procedures related to this unit are to |correct selection and use of fire fighting equipment |

| | |include but may not be limited to extinguishing fires, |fire blanket |

| | |organisational first aid requirements and evacuation |fire extinguisher/s |

| | |Statutory/Regulatory Authorities |fire hydrant and hose |

| | |Statutory/regulatory authorities may include Federal, |hazard identification and risk control |

| | |State and Local Authorities administering the |basic first aid training and access to first aid kits |

| | |applicable acts, regulations and codes of practice |access to sufficient drinking water |

| | | |procedures to follow in the event of an emergency |

| | | |effective communication and teamwork |

| | | |adherence to work instructions and organisation/ company |

| | | |policy and standard operating procedures. |

| |1.3 Signage/barricade requirements are identified and |Communications |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |implemented |Communications are to include but not limited to verbal|Selection and use of standard signage and barricades |

| | |and visual instructions and fault reporting and may |common to the general construction industry as well as |

| | |include mobile phone, site specific instructions, |specific to formwork activities: |

| | |written instructions, plans or instructions related to |legislative requirements |

| | |job/task, two way radio and hand signals |meaning of colour and shape |

| | | |appropriate placement and positioning. |

| |1.4 Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out |Tools and Equipment |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |tasks are consistent with the requirements of the job, |Tools and equipment are to include but not be limited |General features, purpose, maintenance and working |

| |checked for serviceability and any faults are rectified|to measuring tapes/rules, hammers, spirit levels, |knowledge of a range of formwork tools and equipment. |

| |or reported prior to commencement |squares (combination/tri), nail bags, chisels, hand | |

| | |saws, saw stools, string lines, shovels, marking |Procedures and documentation for identifying faulty tools |

| | |equipment, pinch bars, automatic levels, laser levels |and equipment including: |

| | |and may include but not be limited to power saws, power|malfunctions |

| | |drills, nail guns, air compressors and hoses, power |worn, broken or missing components |

| | |leads, spanners, steel squares and bevels |broken or missing safety guards. |

| | |Communications | |

| | |Communications are to include but not limited to verbal|An awareness of the signs of poor performance and |

| | |and visual instructions and fault reporting and may |inefficiency including: |

| | |include mobile phone, site specific instructions, |noise |

| | |written instructions, plans or instructions related to |quality of end product |

| | |job/task, two way radio and hand signals |appearance |

| | | |vibration |

| | | |rough running |

| | | |failure to start |

| | | |presence of smoke and odours |

| | | |consumption of fuel and other consumables |

| | | |blockages |

| | | |amount of maintenance required |

| | | |time taken to complete the job. |

| | | | |

| | | |The importance of acting within level of authority in |

| | | |terms of: |

| | | |taking initiative |

| | | |problem-solving |

| | | |decision-making. |

| | | | |

| | | |Personnel to whom problems should be reported: |

| | | |supervisor/manager |

| | | |supplier/manufacturer. |

| | | | |

| | | |Reporting of serious faults including: |

| | | |verbal notification to appropriate personnel |

| | | |recorded on job card/maintenance log |

| | | |safety/lockout tagging where appropriate. |

| | | | |

| | | |Reasons for safety/lockout tagging including: |

| | | |ease of identification |

| | | |evidence of serviceability |

| | | |preventing use until repaired. |

| | | | |

| | | |Solutions to a range of potential faults. |

| |1.5 Material quantity requirements are calculated in |Environmental Requirements |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |accordance with plans and/or specifications |Environmental requirements are to include but are not |A working knowledge of the following to enable the |

| | |limited to waste management, noise, dust, vibration and|calculation of quantities for formwork activities: |

| | |clean-up management |measuring tools |

| | |Materials |appropriate units of measurement |

| | |Materials are to include but not be limited to boxing |scale drawings |

| | |(either timber, metal, masonry, fibre cement sheeting, |stock sizes |

| | |reconstituted timber products) and may include but not |materials lists |

| | |be limited to nails/spikes, bolts and nuts, coach |mathematical concepts and formulae |

| | |screws, steel tie rods, metal brackets and patented |waste minimisation |

| | |metal fasteners |working with geometric and irregular shapes. |

| | | | |

| | | |Measurements, calculations and determination of material |

| | | |quantities for a range of projects of varying complexity. |

| | | | |

| | | |An awareness of the consequences of incorrect measurements|

| | | |and calculations for the: |

| | | |client |

| | | |organisation/company |

| | | |environment. |

| | | | |

| | | |Recording calculations. |

| |1.6 Materials appropriate to the work application are |Safety (OH&S) |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |identified, obtained, prepared, safely handled and |OH&S requirements are to be in accordance with State or|Correct handling, application, transport and storage of |

| |located ready for use |Territory legislation and regulations, organisational |hazardous and non-hazardous materials used in formwork |

| | |safety policies and procedures, and project safety |activities. |

| | |plan. This may include protective clothing and | |

| | |equipment, use of tools and equipment, workplace |An awareness of information provided in Material Safety |

| | |environment and safety, handling of materials, use of |Data Sheets (MSDS): |

| | |fire fighting equipment, organisational first aid, |manufacturer’s/supplier’s details |

| | |hazard control, hazardous materials and substances |physical description and properties |

| | |Materials |identification of substance |

| | |Materials are to include but not be limited to boxing |use |

| | |(either timber, metal, masonry, fibre cement sheeting, |ingredients |

| | |reconstituted timber products) and may include but not |health hazard information |

| | |be limited to nails/spikes, bolts and nuts, coach |first aid |

| | |screws, steel tie rods, metal brackets and patented |precautions for use |

| | |metal fasteners |safe handling information |

| | | |control point. |

| | | | |

| | | |How and where to obtain required MSDS. |

| |1.7 Environmental protection requirements are |Environmental Requirements |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |identified for the project in accordance with |Environmental requirements are to include but are not |Environmental hazards/threats including: |

| |environmental plans and regulatory obligations and |limited to waste management, noise, dust, vibration and|chemical/gas spillage/leakage |

| |applied |clean-up management |faulty tools, equipment and machinery |

| | |Statutory/Regulatory Authorities |flood |

| | |Statutory/regulatory authorities may include Federal, |fire |

| | |State and Local Authorities administering the |wildlife habitat destruction |

| | |applicable acts, regulations and codes of practice |discharge into waterways |

| | | |pollution |

| | | |soil erosion. |

| | | | |

| | | |Consequences of poor environmental planning for the |

| | | |following: |

| | | |waterways |

| | | |wildlife habitats |

| | | |neighbouring properties |

| | | |roads and amenities. |

| | | | |

| | | |An awareness of project environment management plan. |

| | | |Strategies for minimisation of potential negative |

| | | |environmental impacts including: |

| | | |environmental hazard identification and risk minimisation |

| | | |and reporting |

| | | |minimisation strategies |

| | | |regular maintenance of machinery and equipment |

| | | |use of biodegradable/non-toxic materials |

| | | |silt control |

| | | |habitat protection |

| | | |re-vegetation and stabilisation |

| | | |waste minimisation |

| | | |accurate measurements and calculations |

| | | |recycling |

| | | |using recyclable products |

| | | |resource efficiency |

| | | |improvement strategies |

| | | |environmental monitoring |

| | | |emergency procedures. |

| | | |A basic awareness of the roles and responsibilities of |

| | | |the: |

| | | |NSW Department of Environment and Conservation |

| | | |[incorporating Environment Protection Authority (EPA)] |

| | | |local council/government. |

|2 Erect formwork |2.1 Design of footing and/or slab on ground is |Unit scope |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |identified from job drawings, specifications and |Formwork shutters and/or edge boxing is to include an |Requirements for formwork including: |

| |checked to be in accordance with legislation/ |edge rebate |accuracy |

| |regulations/codes of practice |Types of formwork are to include but not be limited to |strength |

| | |prefabricated or in-situ |rigidity |

| | |Formwork is to be rigid to withstand the mass of wet |water tightness |

| | |concrete and actions imposed during placement |durability |

| | |Formwork is critical to comply with specifications to |termite barriers. |

| | |height and level |Symbols/abbreviations/terminology relating to slab on |

| | |Constructed formwork may include but not be limited to |ground as indicated on plans/drawings. |

| | |timber, metal or prefabricated for | |

| |2.2 Formwork is set out to requirements of drawings and|both footings and slabs on ground |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |specifications |Statutory/Regulatory Authorities |Processes for: |

| | |Statutory/regulatory authorities may include Federal, |measuring |

| | |State and Local Authorities |setting out. |

| | |administering the applicable acts, regulations and |An understanding of: |

| | |codes of practice |line |

| | | |level |

| | | |plumb. |

| | | |Appropriate levels and falls as identified from |

| | | |instructions. |

| | | |Formwork techniques. |

| |2.3 Fixing/fasteners are selected consistent with | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |construction requirements of the job | |A range of fixing/fasteners appropriate to concreting |

| | | |applications including: |

| | | |nails |

| | | |screws |

| | | |clamps |

| | | |bolts. |

| |2.4 Formwork shutters and/or edge boxing are | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |constructed and erected to site requirements and | |An awareness of the purpose of rebates on slab edges. |

| |specifications | | |

| |2.5 Formwork support is braced to job requirements and | | |

| |specifications | | |

| |2.6 Block outs and cast in services are installed to | | |

| |specified locations | | |

| |2.7 Release agents are applied to formwork face, where | |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |specified, to manufacturers specifications | |Purpose of release agents including: |

| | | |parting compound to facilitate easy release of formwork |

| | | |from concrete |

| | | |sealant to prevent formwork absorbing water |

| | | |avoid stains or disfigure of concrete surface. |

| | | |Release agents including: |

| | | |oil |

| | | |mould cream |

| | | |water soluble emulsion |

| | | |chemical reactive agents |

| | | |barrier paints and coatings. |

|3 Strip formwork |3.1 Edge boxing and bracing/strutting support is |Safety (OH&S) |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |removed sequentially and safely |OH&S requirements are to be in accordance with State or|Removal techniques and sequence to avoid damage to corners|

| | |Territory legislation and regulations, organisational |and edges of slab. |

| | |safety policies and procedures, and project safety | |

| | |plan. This may | |

| |3.2 Timber components are de-nailed, cleaned and |include protective clothing and equipment, use of tools|Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |stored/stacked safely for reuse or removal from site |and equipment, workplace environment and safety, |The importance of: |

| | |handling of materials, use of fire fighting equipment, |storing materials for ease of retrieval considering |

| | |organisational first aid, hazard control, hazardous |where they will be used on site |

| | |materials and substances |when they will be used |

| |3.3 Steel components are cleaned, oiled and | |stacking method appropriate to material |

| |stored/stacked to manufacturer's maintenance | |good housekeeping |

| |recommendations | |waste minimisation. |

| |3.4 Damaged formwork components are safely discarded | | |

| |after stripping | | |

|4 Clean up |4.1 Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, |Materials |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |reused or recycled in accordance with legislation/ |Materials are to include but not be limited to boxing |An awareness of procedures for minimisation of impact on |

| |regulations/codes of practice and job specification |(either timber, metal, masonry, fibre cement sheeting, |the environment including: |

| | |reconstituted timber products) and may include but not |replacing disturbed or removed soil |

| | |be limited to nails/spikes, bolts and nuts, coach |removal and disposal of non-reusable materials in a |

| | |screws, steel tie rods, metal brackets and patented |responsible manner |

| | |metal fasteners |work materials |

| | |Environmental Requirements |plant debris and other organic matter |

| | |Environmental requirements are to include but are not |chemicals |

| | |limited to waste management, noise, dust, vibration and|safe storage of reusable materials in accordance with |

| | |clean-up management |company policy |

| | |Statutory/Regulatory Authorities |containment of loose materials on site (such as mud, dust,|

| | |Statutory/regulatory authorities may include Federal, |litter and waste material) |

| | |State and Local Authorities administering the |control of run-off. |

| | |applicable acts, regulations and codes of practice | |

| | |Tools and Equipment |Environmental requirements for dealing with waste |

| | |Tools and equipment are to include but not be limited |including: |

| | |to measuring tapes/rules, hammers, spirit levels, |recycling |

| | |squares (combination/tri), nail bags, chisels, hand |paper-based products |

| | |saws, saw stools, string |plastic |

| | | |worn components |

| | | |metal components |

| | | |construction materials |

| | | |building components |

| | |lines, shovels, marking equipment, pinch bars, |approved disposal of |

| | |automatic levels, laser levels and may include but not |hazardous material |

| | |be limited to power saws, power drills, nail guns, air |non-hazardous material. |

| | |compressors and hoses, power | |

| |4.2 Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, |leads, spanners, steel squares and bevels |Learning experiences for the HSC must address: |

| |maintained and stored in accordance with manufacturers'| |Clean-up procedures with due consideration to the |

| |recommendations and standard work practices | |environment and OHS. |

| | | | |

| | | |A range of cleaning techniques including: |

| | | |wiping |

| | | |washing |

| | | |brushing |

| | | |sweeping |

| | | |scraping |

| | | |use of cleaning agents (chemicals, solvents and |

| | | |detergents). |

| | | | |

| | | |Cleaning equipment including |

| | | |high pressure water cleaner |

| | | |wet/dry vacuum |

| | | |brooms and brushes |

| | | |scrapers. |

| | | | |

| | | |Tools and equipment cleaning/maintenance requirements as |

| | | |necessary including: |

| | | |removal of dirt, dust, grease and oil |

| | | |sharpening |

| | | |anti-rust treatments |

| | | |repair/replacement of missing/damaged parts |

| | | |scheduled servicing |

| | | |refuel and top-up consumables. |

| | | | |

| | | |An awareness of issues relating to storage of tools and |

| | | |equipment including: |

| | | |climatic effects |

| | | |OHS considerations |

| | | |stability |

| | | |security |

| | | |ease of access. |


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