Post Ofsted action plan for special schools

School Development Plan 2020-2021 Organisation The plan is organised into 5 main areas;Leadership and Management Quality of educationPersonal development Behaviour and attitudeThe effectiveness of the early years provision Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress Senior Leaders will RAG rate and review the plan termly and provide a self evaluation report to the HT and governors. Middle Leaders will review their sections of the plan termly Leadership and ManagementContext:Ofsted judged leadership and management as ‘good’ in July 2016 Co-Headship model introduced September 2017 and newly appointed Deputy Head September 2019There are now 3 TLRs responsible for Academy leadershipA new Learning mentor was appointed from September 2019To increase capacity in leadership and the curriculum, the Assistant Head has been promoted to Acting Deputy for 2019-2020.There has been a restructuring of Governor committees to be in line with the new Ofsted frameworkThere has been a new vice chair appointed from September 2019Leaders: MH and AMLeadership and Management Governor: DW/PBObjectiveActionLeadResourcesTimescaleSuccess CriteriaProgress and impact1.1Leaders, in particular those who are new, to effectively lead subject areas with increased focus on teaching, learning and outcomes of specific groups, in particular those who have fallen behind due to Covid closureLeaders use data to identify pupil target groups and agree interventions (inc content) for these.Teachers and leaders discuss frequency of intervention and level of support required. This is to be reviewed accordingly or in PPM’s(No longer than half termly)Teachers review summative and formative judgements, in particular to allow them to review progress measures of individuals in groupsSLT monitor groups to ensure rapid progress is made and where not, intervene to support accordingly. Subject leaders and Academy heads evaluate staff needs and create action plans/provide CPD/training for staff including observations of good practice to support learning of specific groups. (Reading to take place Aut 2)In line with the termly focus, subject leaders evaluate and monitor impact of training via monitoring and lesson obsPP action plan embedded and evaluated to support the needs of disadvantaged children across subjects, to overcome their barriers and achieve the highest potential possibleUse information about pupils (from questionnaires, poverty proofing lists along with additional intelligence/initial observations and low stake assessments) to amend wave 1 teaching and learning to maximise catchu-up without narrowing the curriculum 1.SLT2.SLT /CT3.MH4.SLT (matched to Academy)5. Subject leaders and AH6. Sub leaders7. MH8.SLT1&2. O-Track & Release time for PPM prep and meetingIntervention resources for agreed interventions3.Release/Management time to create provision map, timetable and review progress.4. O-Track & provision map5. Release time and Staff meeting time to tra6.Management time to monitor and evaluate (Review and Do)7. Staff meeting time to train/CPD, O-Track & Release time for PPM prep and meeting8. 1&2 Half termlyA1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su23.TermlyA1, Aut 2, Sp2 Su24.Half termlyA1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su25.Half termlyA1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su26. In line with monitoring calendar7. Half termlyA1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su28. Half termlyA1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su21-4.Targeted interventions will have been assigned correctly, based on assessment data, with rapid and sustained progress resulting in diminished differences in outcomes for individuals and groups. 5. Actions plan completed and training opportunities have been provided by subject leaders through phase and staff meeting time to improve teaching, Learning, assessments and outcomes Action plans RAG rated and quality of T&L in all subjects has improved.6.Training impacts on teaching and learning and Is evidenced through Review and Do and the MEANI.7.Children identified make progress and where this does not happen, regular monitoring ensures actions are taken to ensure leaning time is not lost. 8.1.2Continue to raise the profile of writing across the school(Further developed in writing SDP)Writing leader to embed new writing guidance framework, including the Covid 19 amended staged targets to support gaps in learning, skills and knowledgeTrain staff on implementation of the writing resources including sentence ladder/genre guidance grids/stage target overviewAttend moderation training for KS1 and gain KS2 certification for moderationIncrease opportunities both in and out of school for moderation and teachers understanding of ARE and GD.Writing lead to attend training on writing in particular, greater depth, and disseminate to staff as needed.Writing lead to ensure that focus for Autumn 1 is directly around sentence construction and use of the Sentence ladder tool 1 SB2.SB/AM3.SB/LP4.SB 5.S.B6. S.BManagement time to prepare resources and for trainingTime to attend training and cover costsStaff meeting time for moderationTime to attend training, cover costs and staff meeting time6. Management time to prepare resources and for training1-2.September training days 3.Sandwell moderation training dates Autumn (See calendar for Spring)4.Aut 1, SPr2, Sum 2,5. By end of Autumn term6.Autumn 11&2 All teaching staff have writing guidance framework and use this to plan effective writing lessons which ensure progress across the year and build on prior knowledge 3.Writing lead is a certified KS1 and KS2 moderator and used this expertise to support and advise staff in school on levels and ensuring accurate judgements4.Writing is moderated in school termly and at least once with other schools. Cross-school moderation ensures accurate judgements based on school with similar intake. 5.Writing lead has provided CPD to Staff and evidence shows understanding of the agreed writing process and supports GD writers. 6. 2 All teaching staff have sentence level writing guidance to plan effective writing lessons which ensure progress across the year and build on prior knowledge1.3Continue joint professional development through monitoring meetings, for staff to further improve and reflect on their teaching of RWM(Further developed in reading, writing and maths SDPs)Timetable opportunities for lead practitioners to peer supportEvaluation of planning and books is used to create a review and do planOpportunities for staff to observe good practice (at other schools where appropriate e.g. EYFS) to act on feedback and improve practice. This includes soft/hardware e.g. class watch/Iris connectCompletion of review and do to monitor impact of actions 5.Senior leaders to undertake coaching qualification to further support teaching and learning discussions around classroom practice, in particular for feedback on ‘Book look’ to ensure pitch. 1.AM2Subject lead plus CT3.Subject leads to organise4.SLT and AHs5. 1.See monitoring and evaluation cycle2.Time/cover3. Release for staff to observe others4. CT release time for review and do completion5.Termly for each RWMTermly RWMAs needed in line with review and do but at least once a year for every teacherSee monitoring cycle 5. 1. Staff are continually reflecting and improving their own practice and as result the teaching is at least good or better. Staff and leaders are confident in sharing effective practice and supporting newer teachers.2&3 Improved practice at all levels with increased risk taking to improve assessment, learning and teachingCPD logs to support new learning for all staff and ensure staff reflect on new training and ideas.4.Monitoring measures supports impact through the review and do cycle and is evident in triangulation and in the MEANI.1.4Governors to continue develop their ernors to continue to access further training in areas identifiedGovernors to continue to challenge leaders about attainment gaps , in particular any Covid related catch-upGovernors continue to challenge leaders about funding for PP, Sports Premium and catch-up premium Governors to continue to contribute, monitor and review the school SDPGovernors to input and review termly SEFGovernors undertake and execute the governor visitors policy e.g. termly visits using appropriate documentation to evidence outcomes and impact using ‘eyes on hands off’ approach. Governors should also conduct joint learning walks with SLT/Subject leaders to ensure that they have an understanding of their areas using New governors shadow experienced Governors in their role as committee chairs1.DW/AR (Clerk to govs)s4.Chairs of committees5.DW/PB6. Chairs of committees/SLT7. All Govs1.Training calendar ???2.Pre Gov meets and Gov meetings4.Mtg room booking5.Meeting time6. Time for learning walks7. Time to meet with Govs1.Aut /Spr/Sum2.Aut/Spr/Sum3. Aut/Spr/Sum4. Aut/Spr/Sum5. Aut/Spr/Sum6. Aut/Spr/Sum7. Aut/Spr/Sum1. Governors receive up to date training via school and external governor courses – governors feedback on training in Gov meetings where appropriate and share key information with Senior leaders.2. Gov’s provide appropriate challenge to all leaders, especially in relation to data and outcomes.3. Gov’s provide appropriate challenge to all leaders.4. Gov’s are accountable for monitoring school SDP and holding leaders to account5. Governors are part of schools self evaluation and input into termly update of SEF, holding leaders to account.6New governors have good understanding of school’s strengths and areas for development and effectively support and challenge the school’s leaders. Governors have a first hand knowledge of strengths and areas for development in T&L and pupil outcomes across the school.Termly visits provide governors with evidence of progress, which in turn allows leaders to be held to account.7. New governors develop confidence in committee leadership81.5Coach leaders to complete action plans/SDPs for areas of responsibilityAM/MH to continue to receive SEF /SDP support from SIA.AM/MH to support leaders (including subject leaders) to complete own action plans in line with the school SDP priorities , SEF & 7 steps.Subject leaders to receive training for action plans to ensure accountability/impact. All subject leader actions plans to ensure Covid 19 catch-up agenda is a priority. Where appropriate additional groups will also be identified e.g. gender, PP etc. 1.JL2.AM/MH3.AM4.MH1.Time for training2.SLT meeting time3&4Staff meeting and management time to complete/review1.SIA visit s TBC-Aut, Spr Sp2 Sum2. A1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su23. A1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su24. A1 A2 Sp1 Sp2 Su1 Su21. SDP & new format SEF are completed and reviewed by MH/AM regularly throughout the year, ensuring strategic improvement and impact accordingly.2. Training completed and MLT effective in completing and reviewing SDP.3&4. Teacher action plans match the format of SDP and are effective in ensuring a rich and balanced curriculum with children on track to achieve appropriate end points based on their prior attainment children in the subject across all groups. Children are supported to ensure they achieve the highest possible, with ‘value added’ targeted, where possible. 1.6Continue to develop parental partnerships(Further developed in reading, writing and maths SDPs)Provide wider opportunities for parents to communicate ideas and feedback e.g. PFA, parent questionnaire, class assemblies, hold termly coffee mornings (Covid guidance permitting) Provide parent workshops for reading, writing and maths (Face to face and online)Invite parents to inspire workshops and curriculum welcome meetings (Face to face and online (Covid guidance permitting)Continue with reading retreats on playground/Library (Covid guidance permitting)Continue use of school Facebook account to communicate to parents and celebrate key school eventsContinue to gather parent views at parent’s evenings etc1.AM.MH2.Subject leaders3.CT’s4. TB5. AR6.AM/MHCost of refreshments2. Time for meetings3. Resources for workshops4.N/A5. N/A6. Parents evening and time to collateAut 2, Spr 2, Sum 22. Aut 23.Individual class dates – one per class per year see calendar4.Sep 19 onwards5.Aut 1 onwards6. Aut 2, Spr 2,1.Parents meet with SLT where concerns are addressed2.Parents understand the reading, writing and maths curriculum and know how to support their child3. Parents share positive experience with their child and have understanding of topic they have covered – relationships between parents and teachers further developed4.Children read with parents/DD before the start of the school day resulting in increased attainment in reading5. Parents are kept up to date with key information and can share in celebrating the good work and enrichment activities we provide the children with6.Parent views and opinions are reviewed. Feedback via newsletter ensures communication and new actions encompassed into SDP etc. 1.7Raise profile of whole school handwritingKS2 Teachers to receive refresher training on school handwriting programme as well as examples of handwriting at ‘expected’. Kinetic letters training has been secured and delivered to all staff with YN-Y3 now undertaking this approach. Teachers to demonstrate correct joins and perfect presentation when modelling writing and in marking in booksChildren and teachers to ensure their handwriting is as neat in all books, including maths and wider curriculumEYFS to focus on accurate formations through handwriting activities and Kinetic lettersUse handwriting sessions to support weekly spellings from No Nonsense scheme6. Implement reward scheme for perfect presentation in wider curriculum books1.SR/AM2.SR/CT’s3.SR/CT’s4.KE/LR5. AM/SB6. SR/TB1. Staff meeting time2&3 Monitoring time4. ??? for training and moderation updates5. Monitoring time6. Cost of reward ???1 Sept 3rd and follow up Staff meeting (Aut term)2.Aut, Spr, Sum3. Aut, Spr, Sum4. Aut term5. Aut, Spr, Sum6. End of Aut 11.Teachers will consistently deliver high quality handwriting lessons and assessments.2 & 3. Teachers will regularly have modelled enabling children to adopt the cursive script and use this throughout their work. Teachers will be kept up to date on writing to improve accuracy for moderation, in relation to the requirements of handwriting when making judgements4. Teachers will be kept up to date on writing to improve accuracy for moderation, in relation to the requirements of handwriting when making judgements5. Spellings to be learnt in context and applied when learning/testing to help enforce the learning of spellings ARE for handwriting. 6. Pupils apply good handwriting practice across all areas of learning. 1.8Leaders continue to listen to staff suggestions and ensure ‘well being’ for allContinue with well being suggestions box in staffroom, in particular in the light of mental health and well being in relatiuon to Covid 19Complete staff questionnaires twice a yearWellbeing to be added as agenda item in phase meetings once every half termCommit to LA counselling servicesContinue ‘Well being day’ for all staff’ who were unable to take this due to Covid 19 closure last yearContinue to enforce LOA policy to allow staff to attend family occasions and appointments.Wellbeing to be reviewed post lockdown in order to identify any on-site implications or actions1.WB team2.MH/AM3.Ahs4.NB/AM5.NB/AM6.MH/AM7.1. Management time to evaluate and action/feedback. 2. staff meet/news to communicate feedback 3. Phase mtg time4. Cost of external services5. Cost of cover for teachers6. Cost of cover for teachers7.1.Throughout the yr with weekly evaluations. 2. Spring 1 and Sum 23. Aut1, 2, Spr 1,2, & Sum1, 24. Sep 195. Days to be timetabled throughout the year 6. Throughout the year7.1. Staff feel confident raising wellbeing suggestions/concerns and these are addressed in a timely manner2. Leaders reflect regularly on their leadership qualities3. Opportunities to discuss wellbeing are given on a regular basis.4. School can signpost staff to appropriate external support services when required.5. Staff’s wellbeing is taken into account when looking at workload etc. Staff feel valued and morale increases.6. Staff feel confident, valued and supported in requesting leave for appropriate occasions in line with the policy.7.1.9SLT to gain quality assurance for specific leadership areasSIA to support with QA process.SLT to peer QA based on areas of strength and expertiseJL/MH/AMSLT1. Management time with SIA to evaluate and action/feedback. 2. Management time with nominated peer to evaluate and action/feedback.1. Aut 2, Spr 2 and Sum 1Sum 11. Leaders are reassured with their leadership, plan and evaluations of their specific areas. They are challenged and encouraged in response to the outcomes of the QA process. 2.Leaders are further challenged and encouraged in response to the outcomes of the peer QA process. This process helps secure any future leadership and changes in management. 1. SIA at Spring visit conducted a Reading condensed ‘deep dive’ look into Reading, to support HT and DHT self evaluation of reading. The outcome supported our QA process, generally sharing our judgements. To be planned for and initiated September 20Milestones;SLT/Middle Leader action plans termly RAG rated (A2, Sp2, Su2)All monitoring records – termly MEANI grid (A2, Sp2, Su2)CPD programme/coaching – Aut termTermly governor meetings (A2, Sp2, Su2)Termly SEF meetings (A2, Sp2, Su2)Well being box set up for 2019/20 and being checked from week 1Handwriting expectations re-established and action plan for changes in place e.g. Kinetic letters (Aut 2) Quality of Education Context:Summer term profile of teaching was 100% good and 40% outstandingPeer coaching to continue for academic year 2019-20 with focus on RWMNewly appointed writing lead from September 20192 new NQT teachers in Year 5 & 6New approach to wider curriculum implemented SeptemberNew intervention programmes and structure of interventions changed from September 2019Leader: AMLink Governor: SDSAdditional action plans; Maths Leader, English Leader, Phase Leader, HLTAObjectiveActionLeadPersonResourcesTimescaleSuccess CriteriaProgress and impact (dated entries)2.1Improve teaching, learning and feedback to support the needs of individuals and groups, ensuring teaching is at least consistently good(Further developed in reading, writing and maths SDPs)Subject leaders share strong practice – extended to middle leaders in supporting academy staffSupport teaching of greater depth through application of new maths folder guidance, guidance in reading and new writing guidance Monitor the quality of teaching (light touch and review and do meetings) in all academies to ensure it is consistently good, with coaching, where needed. Subject leaders to develop subject specific questioning for higher order thinking in line with curriculum intentFollowing Covid 19 closure, ensure that wave 1 planning and teaching, addresses the assessment of gaps and to close these1- 2 Sub leads/AH’s3.HT/Sub Leads4.Subject leaders/TB5.1-2. Release time for subject leaders 3. Cost of supply4. Staff training and mgt time 51. Half termly reviews – actions put into place within one week where possible2. 02.09.19 then Spring 1 and Summer 13. Writing – End of Autumn 14.Summer 1Quality of teaching improves over time. And is at least good in all academies (with the exception of maybe NQTs)Percentage of children achieving/working at greater depth increases as a result of improved GD teaching and assessment.Monitoring records show that teaching is at least good in all subjects and all year groups to support good rates of progress. Action plans are in place when needed and reviewed regularly with clear timescales. Teachers are equipped with questioning strategies for each wider curriculum subject discipline.2.2Support the teaching and assessment of phonics, in particular, those children affected by lost learning following Covid 19 closure.(Further developed in reading and writing SDPs)All staff to use Phonics Bug to teach phonics, supplemented by Letters and SoundsProvide early interventions for those children who need targeted supportChildren to be issued with a phonics bug book to support their learning in the phase they are working towards where appropriateEnsure phonics assessment is regular and rigorous to enable accurate planning, in particular, addressing gaps from lost learning last year Staff to use appropriate interventions e.g. ‘Sound discovery’ to ensure appropriate progress is made.Implement phonics blasts for targeted pupils, in particular those who do not achieve the October test following Covid 19 closure. Implement daily phonics teaching for Y3 children who did not achieve National expectations1.TB /Y12. TB/Y13. Y14. TB/Y15. TB/Y16. TB7.TB/Y3 staff1.N/A2.Resources for groups inc laptops3. N/A4. Time to complete assessments5 Purchase of sound wave materials and guidance6. Phonics blast cards and CPD training7. Intervention time1. Sep 19 and throughout academic year2. Interventions in place by week beg 16.09.193. 03.09.194. Assessment week Aut 1 – see calendar 5. Interventions in place by week beg 16.09.19 6. Aut 27. Aut/Spr/Sum1.Teaching of phonics continues to be at least ‘good’ with many sessions outstanding2. All children make expected progress with phonics knowledge and reach expected stage 3. Children read phonics book with confidence and are able to fully decode all unknown words4. Assessments are accurate and used to inform future planning.5. Targeted groups make required progress with differences diminished between groups, in particular gender and PP.6. Opportunities for phonics teaching are maximised outside the discrete lesson which leads to better pupil outcomes.7.Children achieve expected level in phonics 2.3Ensure the teaching of reading is consistent across all years (Further developed in reading SDP) Continue to embed VipersContinue to implement reward scheme and new amendments.Explore reader providers (e.g. Beanstalk)Monitor and review reading provision.Raise parental engagement through workshops, information sheets, communication in planners etcEnsure Covid 19 amended targets stage targets are used regularly and effectively to inform planning and to assess progress Teach discreet reading skills sessions to ensure all skills/objectives covered throughout the year using approved resources alongside VipersThe reading lead ensures very early readers have books that fully match their phonological awarenessExplore further strategies to engage boys and PP in regular, wider readingIncrease selection of reading for pleasure texts and embed change to free reading for competent readers Amend lending library in line with Covid 19 measures to maximse the opportunities to have wider reading access 1.TB2.TB3.TB4.TB5. TB6. CTs/TB7. CTs8. TB/KE/LR9.TB10. TB1. N/A2. ?? rewards3. N/A4. N/A5. N/A6. N/A7. N/A8. T/A9&10 ??? for possible resources1.Aut 1 09.09.192. Aut 1 09.09.193.End of Aut 2 21.10.194.Aut 1 21.10.19 and on going5. Jan ‘206. 20.09.19 and on going7. 09.09.19 on going8. 09.09.19 and ongoing9.Aut 210. Aut 2Teaching of reading is at least ‘good’ across the school with many areas of outstanding practiceHighly motivated pupils with increased % of children achieving their rewardsChildren have more opportunities to read widelyContinual self evaluation and improvements made where needed. Reciprocal reading monitored, feedback provided and support out in place for specific teachers. Parents are involved with reading with their children and encourage them to read regularly, developing a love of reading and increased attainment Stage targets are shown on planning and ticked off as a record of what each child has achieved and a progress measure. Interventions implemented where needed.Discreet reading skills sessions are taught in line with the reading scheme and children’s skills set develop as a result of this.Children’s phonics is supported and from day one providing a foundation or children to build upon.Gender gap is diminishing in pupil outcomesChildren of all abilities are exposed to texts above their reading ability and all children experience a wider variety of storytelling literature. 2.4Effective use of moderation to support teacher judgements(Further developed in reading, writing and maths SDPs)Teachers to be given examples of what greater depth looks like and further ways it could be taught in RWM as well as application across the wider curriculumModeration to be used in all classes to moderate reading, writing and maths internally Plan cross school moderation sessions to allow teachers to moderate with other year groups and other schoolsTeachers to use moderation to adapt assessments accordingly and also planning in light of gaps (Covid related or otherwise) Y2/Y6 staff to attend moderation training and where appropriate, certified LA moderators continue to carry out this work. 1.SLT2.SLT/CT3.SLT4 CT5. JB/SP/LP 1. Staff mtg time Aut 1, Inset Aut 22. Phase mtg time Aut 2 to moderate assessment wk – see calendar 3. After school twilight Spr 24. Week following each assessment wk – see calendar5. LA moderation courses1. Staff meeting Aut 1and INSET Aut 22. 11.12.19Reading (Summer 1)Maths (Summer 2) 3.Summer 25.11.19/ 03.02.20/ 23.03.20/ 21.05.19 Teachers will consistently identify and assess pupil who are working at greater depth, setting challenging work accordinglyAll years, in particular Year 2 and Year 6 moderate reading, writing and maths levels at regular intervals throughout the year and confirm judgements are accurate Teachers have moderated reading, writing and maths with a local school and have accurate and agreed judgementsAn increasing number of stage targets are achieved as staff are more confident in their decisions.Y2/Y6 staff understand ARE and ITAF compliance in writing 2.5Interrogate the robustness of Challenge Curriculum (Following Covid 19 closure and initial intent) Teachers to develop curriculum Intent and progress documents that support knowledge and vocabulary required for ARE in their curriculum areas.Progression of skills and knowledge are planned for in all subject areas. Retrieval practice and quizzes are used for recall of key vocabulary and retention of facts which establishes long term memory. Pockets of knowledge completed at the end of every lesson to summarise children’s new knowledgeReading areas continue to support wider reading and research of the curriculumComplete pupil conferencing to find out how much knowledge children have gained in each topic areaTeachers are aware of how to assess children in each subject area Leaders know the end points for their subject areas for each topic and how these end points have been/ will be built upon in the previous/following Key StagesCurriculum provides opportunities to teach children about human creativity and achievement through sequential planning, MEXs and wider experiences. Embed new 7 steps vision across all subject areas11. Launch use of subject characters.Subject focus weeks (Arts week, humanities week, STEM week)1.CT2.TB/Sub leads3. CTs4.CTs5. CTs/TB6. AHs7. CTs8. Sub leads9. TB/Sub leads10.Subject leads11. TB12. Subject leads1. Time to create termly maps/review planning2. Subject leader time every 3 wks3. PPA time4. ??? for pockets5. ??? for texts to support topics6. Man time for AHs to complete conferencing7. Phase mtg time for assessment analysis8. N/A9.N/A10. N/A11. N/A12. ??? for activities/visitors etc1. Throughout the year until Summer 2.2. 02.09.19 for Aut term3. 09.09.194. 06.09.195. 09.09.196. Wk beg 21.10.197. Termly assessment weeks – see calendar8. 21.10.199. 02.09.1910.Aut/Spr/Sum11. Aut12. See school calendar1& 2. Children have a deep understanding of their curriculum area, recalling key vocabulary in context alongside appropriate skill development, talking at depth and with interest about their topic.3&4. Children talk confidently about what they have learnt, recalling key facts and information about their topic.5. Pupils regularly access reading materials to support their own child initiated research and interest, to support their understanding of the curriculum.6. Pupil conferencing provides evidence that majority of children have widened their knowledge considerably on the given topic area. Children speak with confidence about what they have learnt and how this builds upon previous knowledge. 7. Teachers use systematic assessment to ensure teaching is pitched appropriately and that skills are built upon year on year. % of children at ARE at each assessment point increase termly. 8. Leaders speak confidently about their curriculum area and a deep understanding of progress of pupils in their subject. Leaders make changes/improvements to the teaching of their subject when needed ensuring end points are met by the majority of pupils. 9. Experiences and teaching provided o the children results in well rounded pupils who have a clear understanding of our values and how to become future global citizens. The curriculum is bespoke and fully supports and addresses the needs of our pupils.Pupils are fully aware of subject disciplines and can talk about their learning in each subject area individually.12. Pupils have the opportunity to work with specialists across different curriculum areas to further develop knowledge and skills. 2.6Ensure teaching of writing is consistent across all year groupsTrain staff on end of year expectations (ARE writing)Embed modelled writing crib sheetContinue to train staff on what GD writing looks like and strategies to use for teaching of thisRe-launch and continue to embed sentence ladder as a tool to support writing-Focus Aut 1 for sentence construction.Re launch golden writer with incentiveRaise parental engagement through workshops, information sheets, website, communication in planners etcPlan regular moderation sessions cross year group and cross school to support accurate judgements (Supported in 2.4)Embed the writing progression gridEmbed the writing genre frames Establish refreshed medium term plans Aut 2. Aut 1 is a sentence focus initiative as part of Covid 19 Catchiup strategyEnsure teachers plan for children to write about subjects that children have sufficient knowledge of prior to writing with reintroduction of writing 1. AM/SB2. AM/SB3. AM/SB4. AM/SB5. SB6. SB8. SB8. AM/SB9. AM/SB10. SB11. CT1. N/A2-4 Inset time5. N/A6. ?? for resources for training8. Twilight time 8-11. Inset time12. N/A1. End Aut 12. Sept INSET- followed by monitoring Aut, 1, Aut 2, Spr, Sum3. Spring term4. Sept INSET- followed by monitoring Aut, 1, Aut 2, Spr, Sum5. 16.09.196. Aut 28. Set dates 8-11. 02.09.19Aut (12. 09.09.19Staff use exemplification document and in school writing to recognise ARE writing. Staff can discuss what is needed to make writing ARE and promote this in classStaff have consistent approach to modelled writing allowing writing skills to be built upon year on yearStaff are trained on teaching GD writing, They know what GD writing contains, teach children how to write at GD and who their GD writers areSentence ladder is used in all classes by both staff and pupils to support the writing process, specifically sentence constructionClass teachers choose golden writer half termly to celebrate exception writing/effort in writing. As a result, children have a positive attitude to writing and want to do wellParents attend workshops in Summer term and have a good understanding of how writing is taught across school. As a result of this, they support their child at homeModeration completed at each formal assessment point in school and cross year groups which confirms accurate judgements. Writing progress grids ensure progression of skills year on year and provide staff with knowledge needed to see where skills of their year group fit into the big pictureGenre frames are used to support teachers and children, ensuring key features included in writing each genre.Medium term plans are use effectively and ensure complete coverage of appropriate genres across all key stagesWhen writing about an unfamiliar context, teachers provide children with sufficient experience/knowledge to ensure the context is not a barrier to learning 2.7Challenge and progression is evident in all areas of the curriculum Leaders ensure that teachers provide the appropriate level of challenge through their curriculum support materials, in particular following the needs for children and catchup after Covid 19 closure. Leaders identify how the curriculum is progressive across years and that teachers are aware of this for both skills and knowledge1. SLT & subject leads2. Subject leads1&2 Subject leader time1.02.09.19 for Aut term topicsAll pupils and pupil groups are challenged sufficiently in all subject areas, including the wider curriculum. This contributes to ARE.Leaders have a clear understanding of their curriculum area and the progression of skills across the key stages. They can explain where skills have been taught previously and how skills are built upon in successive years. 2.8Provide further opportunities for children to practice key skills before applying to problem solving and reasoning in mathsCT to plan sequential lessons in line with MTPs, which build on key skills and allow sufficient time for children to rehearse skillSubject leader to provide CTs with adapted medium term plans (Which support lodst lerning approaches following Coviud 19 lockdown) to ensure sufficient time is given to each key skill and then apply this skill though appropriately planned reasoning/problem solving sessions Embed daily Count it sessions in order to develop number fluency and basic skills in mental maths1. LP/CTs2. LP/CTs3.LPSupport time if required for LP to support CTs in planning. Time for LP to monitor planning.1. 09.09.19 then weekly during PPA2. 02.02.19 training day3. September 20191-2. CTs plan appropriately and allow sufficient time for children to rehearse and embed key mathematical skills before applying them in a reasoning/problem solving context. 3. Rapid recall of number facts and times tables is increased across all year groups.2.9Continue to ensure the curriculum meets the needs of all and ensures equality All teachers to ensure planning matches needs of individualsQuality first teaching supports specific groupsSENCO to plan opportunities to work alongside SEN pupils ensuring provision is appropriate 1. CTs2. CTs3. SENCO1. N/A2. N/A3. Time for SENCO to work in classes1. 09.09.19 then weekly during PPA2. 09.09.19 and on going3. 30.09.19Planning shows differentiation and all children make progress in all lessonsAdditional support provided for specific groups ensures they make expected progressSENCO knows all SEBN children’s individual need and caters for them effectively alongside class teacher Milestones;100% of teaching judged ‘Good’ Challenge evident in all lessons for all pupil groups where appropriate December 19Handwriting and spellings showcased in all children’s books December 2019Teaching of phonics consistent across KS1 October 2019Reading retreat used every morning September 2019Moderation completed termly (A2, Sp2, Su2)Teaching of writing consistent across school December 19New curriculum 3 I’s understood and implemented by July 2020Personal DevelopmentContext: New channels of communication Facebook and Twitter re launched to communicate with parents and to celebrate in school eventsThe school provides a rich and varied curriculum with a balance between academic and social/emotional teaching.SMSC and British Values threads through all subject areas reflecting the schools established values on which our curriculum is built. The school extends the curriculum beyond the basic through many enrichment experiences and activities which ordinarily, many of our children would not experience. It encourages high aspirations and positive mind-sets which forms the basis for future global citizens. The school creates strong links with external agencies to support and nurture the emotional wellbeing and mental health of all of our children, especially the most vulnerable. This ensures that all children are given the best opportunities to excel and flourish in later life.Leader: AMLink Governor: SDS/DWObjectiveActionLeadResourcesTimescaleImpact / Success CriteriaProgress and impact (dated entries)RAG3.1To embed Growth MindsetStaff to embed language and implementation of growth mindset in all subjectsMonitor and conduct pupil conversations around the impact of Growth mindset under the schools Empower Value Growth mindset lessons to be delivered once per half term during a class assembly slot4. To create autonomy with growth mindset through making it ‘habitual’ 1. JT/AM2. JT3. CTs4. JT/CTs1. 2. Time to release JT3.??? for lesson plans and reproducing these4. N/A1. Aut 1 2. By 18.12.203. 16.09.204. Summer 21. Staff use positive language when encouraging children in their learning and children use positive mindset language 2. Children build self esteem and confidence in own ability and have clear understanding of empower value and how this supports their learning3.Children have the opportunity to reflect regularly, improving their learning behaviours and progress4. Children automatically use growth mindset when faced with challenges without being prompted to.3.2To increase children’s understanding of future options through improved career guidanceYear 6 children participate in careers season practising skills in CV writing and researching future jobs they wish to have. (Possibly in conjunction with Explore Learning) Visitors from different professions from both within the parental community and wider to visit Blackheath to speak to childrenNew academy head to continue to support secondary schools with transition process, especially important for detailed handover this year as some pupils may have required additional support/not made expected progress due to Covid closure1. JB2. SLT3. JB1. Day off timetable for CV writing2. Visitors incentive to come into school3. Release time for transition meetings1. June 212. June 213. Beginning May 211. Children understand requirements for their desired profession & write an accurate CV.2. Children are inspired by visitors into school which raises aspirations and helps them to plan for future goals3. Essential handover of information completed before transition3.3To improve community and European Links to widen cultural capitalForm links with both National and International schools for Pen Pals program with Blackheath Challengers Academy.Y6 children to participate in enterprise activity, Fiver challenge (Summer term)School to continue to make further links with wider community e.g. choir to old people’s home1. JB/SB2.LP/SP/JB3. AR1. Contacts within different schools2. Contacts within the local community and ?603. N/A1. Jan 212. June 21 – see calendar for sale date3. See calendar1. Global links are embedded across school which increases children’s understanding of the wider world and accepting of different cultures etc2. Children having a wider understanding of business and life outside of education system to inspire future aspirations as well as increasing financial awareness3. Links established with community groups developing children as future global citizens3.4To further enhance the already established enrichment opportunities, sharing these more effectively with parentsFurther widen opportunities for communicating to parents the school’s strong offer and to engage in parental partnerships e.g. Concerts where possible due to CovidRe launch school Twitter accounts and further develop school Facebook page as a method of communicating and celebrating key school enrichment events.Increase pupil voice through PLT newsletterPSA to produce termly newsletter to share money raised etc. PSA to hold coffee mornings to get further support from parents. PSA to be used to communicate/reassure parents about school running post CovidARARAMNB1. Cost of activities2. N/A3. ??? production on newsletter 4. ??? to support events1. End of Aut 12. End of Aut 13. 18.12.20Spr 2, Sum24. 23.10.20Parents have many channels of communication including Facebook twitter, newsletters, website and emails home and are actively involved in school lifeFacebook and twitter are used regularly and effectively to communicate key information and to celebrate the wide range of activities completed in school. Parents well informed.PLT actively involved in school decisions and impact school developmentsParents encouraged to continue to contribute to school funds through PSA events to support school3.5Implement new RHE curriculumNew RHE curriculum reflects government guidance and continues to develop responsible and respectful citizens including protected characteristics .Staff to initially focus on mental health and wellbeing units in Autumn 1 to support children returning to school post Covid closure alongside daily AFH 1.AM2.AM/CTs1. ??? possible purchase of resources to support current curriculum2. N/A1. meets current government guidance and pupils adopt a responsible and respectful attitude and well as having a continuing focus on SMSCChildren’s mental health is supported and additional support provided through learning mentor for identified children3.6Continue to improve the teaching of keeping safe curriculumFurther develop safeguarding calendar to ensure coverage of current safeguarding topics and resources to teach this (This is to ensure school delivers above and beyond LA guidance)Monitor the use of safe search and SMART rules at start of all computing lessons where appropriate Embed government’s ‘Connected’ guide and cross reference coverage with current curriculum 1. JB/AM2. KB/JB/CTs3. JB/AM1. ??? for external agencies inc Loudmouth2. N/A3. Man time release to implement 1. 11.09.202. 11.09.203. End of Aut termChildren understand how to keep themselves safe in a wide variety of situations . Children feel safe in school and report anything which concerns them.Children can explain the SMART rules resulting in them keeping themselves safe onlineCurriculum comprehensive in coverage and all potential risks taught in age appropriate way. 3.7To develop children’s understanding of keeping physically healthy, eating healthily and maintaining an active lifestyleSchool to continue extra curricular activities to support active lifestyle and wider curriculumWrap around provider chosen who supports active lifestyles and health eating (RB Active)Behaviour mentor to implement the daily mileChartwells to continue to provide healthy food workshops for children and parents Health Ambassadors to run again this academic year with school nurses to raise awareness of importance of keeping healthy through healthy food, exercise etc1. NB2. NB3. LH4. NB5. KH1. ??? staffing and resources for activities2. N/A3. Time for training and implementation4. N/A5. Time for children to meet nurses and create powerpoints workshops etc1. End of Aut 12. 02.09.203. Oct 204. Dec 205.Set up Sep 20Children are active throughout the school day, improving fitness and healthChildren accessing wrap around receive quality provision and are active during thisAll children take part in daily mile, increasing their fitness and supporting healthy lifestyleChildren and parents know how to prepare healthy meals and the importance of thisChildren have a good understanding of the importance of staying healthy and how they can achieve this. . 3.8Find further opportunities to develop teaching of British Values1. Half termly Assemblies to remind children of importance of Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. These to be delivered by CTs due to Covid restrictions.1.AM1. Assembly time1. Aut 1/Aut 2/Spr 1/Spr 2/Sum 1/Sum2Pupils have a strong foundation of British Values which prepares them for future life as global citizens.13.9Have whole school approach to teaching of Healthy minds and mindset to support pupils and staff following Covid closureCTs to include daily AFH and how children can achieve thisRegular use of growth mindset language and approachWellbeing activities for staffUse of school nursing team to support identified pupilsUse of learning mentor to provide nurture for identified pupils 1.CTs2.Cts/JT3.Wellbeing team4. KH5.LH/AM1.N/A2.N/A3.?? for reources/time etc4.N/A5.N/A1. 09.09.202.Aut 13.Aut 14.As needed5.09.09.201. Pupils understand ways to keep their minds happy and healthy and the importance of this.2. Pupils are independent in their use of growth mindset and use the empower value to ensure they perform to the best of their ability daily3. Staff feel valued and their wellbeing protected4. Nursing team support pupils for individual needs improving pupils wellbeing/mental health etc5. Nurture is effective in supporting pupils with their social and emotional needs, particularly post Covid4.0Redesign Nurture programme/approach to ensure it is robust and meets the needs of all pupilsLearning mentor to attend training for 100 minute nurture modelLH to meet with all pupils whom she previously supported in first 2 weeksRSG to be re launched with daily journals for all children participatingLH to meet with new line manager weekly to update on progress of pupils and impact of nurture programme to date1.LH2.LH3.LH4.LH/KH1. ??? and time for training2. N/A3.?? for food and journals 4.Time for weekly meeting1.Aut Learning mentor has robust and effective programme to deliver nurture, ensuring pupils are supported and impact seen2.All pupils needs (if any) identified and any additional needs seen due to Covid closure3.Children have a positive start to their day and an opportunity to discuss anything which otherwise, may affect their learning behaviour for the day4.Systems and processes are up and running effectively. Impact is measured and future concerns discussed. Joined up work takes place with DSL and learning mentor to provide effective support. MilestonesGrowth mindset language used in school by all staff and pupils by December 20CV writing completed July 2022Pen pal scheme up and running by December 20Facebook and twitter reinstated by October 20Daily mile up and running by December 2020Nurture model redeveloped and effective in supporintg pupils December 20BehaviourContext:Since inspection an increased number of families have been targeted and referred to Education prosecution serviceAttendance officer and MH met directly with lead for Sandwell prosecution service (2019) to raise concerns about level of support and consistency with prosecutions (School received apology and appointment of a new LA senior practitioner) The school identifies and offers support to parents whose children’s attendance falls short of the school expectations. No holidays are authorised and the school discourages time out of school unless unavoidable or in line with the schools attendance policy.Attendance remains a school priority and was part of HT performance management target. School SIA/Governors understand all that is possible is being done however parents continue to take children out in term times for holidaysThe school offers termly rewards to those at 97% and above attendance. New Learning mentor/Healthy Minds lead appointed for September 2019New committees and leads appointed September 2019Leader: MHLink Governor: DWObjectiveActionLeadResourcesTimescaleImpact / Success CriteriaProgress and impact (dated entries)4.1Continue to strengthen and develop Healthy Minds provision for children with social and emotional needs, including those affected by Covid 19/school losure.1. Learning mentor to establish robust timetables, systems and processes to ensure children’s social and emotional needs are met both in and outside of the classroom using appropriate entry evaluations e.g. Boxall or emotional well being audit (all pupils and classes) 2. Continue provision and teaching of SMSC/British values through Jigsaw assemblies in class, and wider experiences e.g.culture week and Arts week etc. In addition, for the first half term, staff to use specific well being assemblies produced by the learning mentor to support mental well being for curriculum recovery. 3. Peer mediators, Playground leaders, safe guarding champions and Buddies to continue to work alongside children to settle disputes and improve children’s emotional well being.4.Continue and build on partnerships with external agencies providing social and emotional support e.g. Murray Hall5.Action for happiness continues to be displayed daily on entry to school but is also mirrored on the schools facebook page to support parents and encourage well being discussions and positivity at home. 1. ED/SLT2. ED/LP/AR/ AO& KB (Sub leads for creative arts and SMSC/BV)3. DL/MH4. KH/AM1. Time ED/MH2. Time for leaders to plan culture week and ED to monitor and support delivery of Jigsaw inc BV’s., AR to book. 3. Cost of rewards and dadges4. Cost for agencies1. Autumn term2. SMSC Aut, Spr, Sum. Culture week Autumn 2.Arts week Spring3. Aut, Spr, Sum.4. Aut, Spr, Sum.Healthy minds provision is effective and shows progress and impact for individual children from BOXALLsJigsaw is being taught regularly and effectively across school, giving children an understanding of topics including staying safe and democracy.Peer mediation and buddies are successful in helping lunchtimes run effectively with few incidents against the school values. School has effective partnerships with external agencies who provide bespoke services to meet the needs of individuals, in particular pupil premium children.4.2New pupil committees to create action plans reflecting the catch-up needed following Covid 19 school closure and new needs of the school and pupilsCommittee roles are renewed for the academic year with clear direction in school, implemented through their ‘pupil voice’ action plans including a specific focus on any Covid 19 relted impact needs. Pupils meet with committee staff leads each half tem to review their progress and next actions. Committees update pupils, staff and parents on their progress via school website and newsletters each term and also Governors once per year. 1. TB/ Lead TA’s2. TB/ Lead TA’s3. TB/ AR/ KB1. Launch assembly 2. Meeting time3. Meeting timeand time for committee leaders meet children to write newsletter. AR to collate. 1. Aut 1 2. Aut 1, Aut 2, Spr1, Spr 2, Sum1 & Sum 2.3. Aut, Spr, Sum.1. Children are clear on their roles and complete them well and provide effective pupil voice. Children are effective and active in the committee actions2. Staff lead committees effectively for best impact3. Ideas shared whole school and parents aware of actions being completed in school. Committees keep abreast of their action plan and appropriate momentum towards end points. 4.3School attendance to continue to be at least in line with National average (See also separate Attendance action plan)Leaders / Governors to continue meeting with parents of persistent absenteeism / lateness to support improvements needed.PH to continue to track and monitor vulnerable families, PA attendance (inc. case studies) and lates.Continue to include attendance / late figures to school newsletter so parents are informed alongside reminders about holidays and appointments being taken outside of school time.Attendance is to be celebrated weekly and rewarded termly under Challenge 97 & O.T.I.S. MH to continue regular meeting with Attendance Officer PH, to review case studies and attendance monitoring.To communicate andstaggered opening times and expectations around attendance and punctuality with specific reference to Covid 19 staggered openingEmbed new criteria and support for lates following 2018-2019 review and poor LA performance/support for referrals.1. PH / SLMT / Gov2. PH/MH/ SLT3. PH/AR4.PH/MH/SLT5.PH/MH/SLT6.PH/MH/SLT7.PH/MH1.SIMS Attendance figures / reports2. SIMS figures/ reports3.SIMS figures /Newsletter, , 4. weekly assembly slides & book rewards, Termly records for challenge 97%.5. SIMS figures / reports/ time to meet 6. SIMS figures/ reports7.Time to meet, Sims figures and monitoring On going- weekly meetings and monitoring. Termly review of action plan. Aut, Spr & Summer. 2.Weekly review meets3. Aut 1, Aut 2, Spr1, Spr 2, Sum1 & Sum 2.4.Weekly5.Weekly6.Weekly7.Post Covid measures TBC1. Attendance of PA and late figures continue to be in line/above national.2. Case loads decrease where possible and attendance figures remain in line with national with groups attaining the best possible attendance. Rates of lates are as low a possible.3. Less term time holidays and high rates of attendance or as high as possible.4. Attendance figure continue to be in line with national or as high as possible.5,6 &7. Attendance figure continue to be in line with national or as high as possible, with lower number of PA’s as possible.4.4To continue to uphold the ABQM and work towards silver accreditation1. Follow up any recommendations/next steps towards the next level for 2020-2021 academic year.2. Assessment to be booked towards the end of the academic year 2019-20203. Continue to ensure that the PLT ensures that the work of the Bronze ABQM continues to be upheld throughout the school and that bullying ‘S.T.O.P’ is fully understood by all pupils following the Covid 19 school closure. 1 – 3 MH/PLT?600 for award and time for MH to meet assessors.Spr-SumSumAut, Spr, Sum1-3. ABQM Bronze award is upheld with Silbver accreditation booked with supporting evidence gathered. Children and parents have a clear understanding of what bullying is/isn’t and support the school’s stance on this. Children know how to act if they feel they are being bullied or see it happening.Milestones:New Learning mentor in post September 19 and Healthy Minds provision and in class support established by Aut. Half termly reviews then continue for pupils and support needed A 2, Spr1, SPr2, Sum1 and Sum2. New committees in post by September 19 and first review of action plan December 19ABQM assessment booked for September 19 and achieved by end of Aut 2. PA’s/Families in need of support identified by end of September with support actions identified. These are then reviewed regularly. Aut1, Aut 2, Spr1, SPr2, Sum1 and Sum2)School attendance and punctuality remains in line with previous academic year at end of key points (Aut1, Aut 2, Spr1, SPr2, Sum1 and Sum2) The effectiveness of the Early Years provisionContext: GLD – School 73%; National 72%; All Prime area are in line or above NationalThere are gaps between groups Boys v Girls and more significantly PP v non PP.New teacher in EYFS (With prior experience); 1 new Learning Support Practitioner. OFSTED Inspection July 2016 graded Early Years Provision as good.External 2018 (April) LA moderation found EYFS judgements to be secure.Leader: JM/ Link Governor: AHObjectiveActionLeadPersonResourcesTimescaleImpact / Success CriteriaProgress and impact (dated entries)RAG5.1EYFS leaders effectively lead EYFS focussing on teaching and learning, in particular Early Reading and Writing Skills and outcomes of specific groups (Boys and PP)EYFS leads create action plan for improvements that support SDP (referencing current cohort baseline data)SLT to support EYFS leads to analyse data to identify gaps and curriculum requirements and agree intervention practices/groups of children (Boys /PP) to address these Identified intervention practices and levels of support shared with staff at PPMs; including sharing impact of prior interventionsSLT to monitor impact of interventions and support where neededLeaders keep abreast of new and current initiatives /practices, sourcing own avenues of CPD e.g. courses/ visiting other provision/ current affairsEYFS leads to identify staff CPD needs and plan and deliver training to include peer coaching and observations of good practice EYFS leads to share, plan for and review new initiatives through Phase Meeting modelEYFS leads to evaluate and monitor impact of CPD/new initiatives through environment walks, lesson observations, and monitoring Learning JourneysPilot Reception BaselineKEW/LRJM/KEW/LRJM/KEW/LRJMJM/KEW/LRKEW/LRKEW/LRKEW/LR9. SLTStaff meeting timeRelease time to train leads on o track Release time for PPM prep and meetingO track Management timeRelease time and phase meeting timePhase meeting timeManagement time to monitor and evaluate (Review and Do)CPD timeSept/Oct 2019Half termly Half termly Half termly On-going throughout 2019-2020 Half termly3 weekly Phase meeting modelIn line with monitoring calendar9. Sept 2019EYFS action plan prioritises EYFS improvements and reflects SDP and whole school priorities3. & 4. Priorities and subsequent practice are continually adapted to reflect changing trends in EYFS data6. & 7. EYFS leads continually reflect and improve their own and others practice and as a result current good EYFS practice is sustained in all areas with increased risk taking to improve assessment, learning and teaching8. Training impacts on teaching and learning and Is evidenced through Review and Do and the MEANI.9. Quality assurance/moderation of Baseline judgements1. EYFS priorities for improvement identified and shared with all EYFS staff – All staff aware of priorities 17.10.19 – Explicit links for EYFS to 7 steps of intent to be identified2. Baseline and mid Spring. Analysis of data sources shared. O track webinar booked – 4.11.19. Leads aware of data sources and types of analyses that need to be made3. Baselines and Mid-Spring PPMS and pupil target setting completed. All staff aware of identified groups for interventions and working on gap closing4. JM conducted. Spring mid-term PPM’s.5. KEW went to cluster meeting & EYFS 3Is of curriculum. JM shares blogs and webinars with Leads.6. Staff CPD needs identified as Boys and PP – Peer coaching to take place – Summer 1.(Delayed till Autumn/Spring 2020-21)7. Phase meeting model planned for and employed – agendas and minutes now being completedMaths Learning walk with maths Lead completed.8. Monitoring actions identified and addressed at Phase meetings - review and do to be completedBaseline completed – results shared with YR staff to add to judgements about children5.2To support the development of Communication and Language skills Staff to use the Wellcomm screening tool to identify those children who do not have age appropriate language skills and put into place interventions/ learning activities to support language developmentNursery staff to use early Talk Boost to develop those children identified as just below age appropriate language skills (Amber children)Staff to identify and refer to Speech and Language Therapy, those children who require wave 2 and wave 3 speech and language support and work with therapists to develop identified children’s language skillsEYFS staff to work in cooperation with Enhanced Speech and Language Support to identify, and put into place, strategies to develop a total communication environmentEYFS staff to develop children’s vocabulary through the use of communication bags, vocabulary boards and Talk for Write, including other such strategies.All EYFS staffYN staffEYFS class teachers /SENCo/SALTEYFS staff/SENCO/SALTKEW/LRPhase meeting timeLSP release time& 4. Release time to liaise with SALT team5. Management time/Phase meetingTermlyTermly – Autumn/Spring TermTermlyOn-going throughout 2019-2020On-going throughout 2019-20201. & 2. All children make significant progress, from their starting points, in Communication and Language and attainment continues to be in line with National expectations3. Increased number of children achieving their speech and language targets 4. EYFS practitioners maximise communication opportunities within the EYFS setting and observe children achieving Communication and Language targets through child initiated learning and a variety of contexts5. All children make significant progress in Communication and Language and attainment continues to be in line with National expectations1.+ 2. First round of Early Talk Boost Competed with 8 out of 10 children improving their score to age appropriate level.YR wellcomm interventions have led to improved levelsRound two in progress.3. Wave 2 and 3 children identified and provisions put in place.4. Enhanced SALT visited YN and YR setting – audited & timetable recommendations put into place.ALD displays in Classes 5. Vocabulary boards introduced into YR & N - identifying key curriculum vocabularyTalk for write taking place across EYFS and communication bags purchased and have been catalogued, ready for the children’s return to school.Milestones for successLesson Observation/Walks/Check-ins– JM/LR/KE - Termly: A, Sp, Su Peer on peer Learning Environment checks – All staff - Half–termly: A1, A2, Sp1, Sp2, Su1, Su2 Work Scrutiny – Learning Journeys – JM/LR/KE – Termly: A, Sp, SuPlanning – JM/LR/KE - Termly: A, Sp, Su Data Analysis – JM/JR/Teaching staff - Half–termly: A1, A2, Sp1, Sp2, Su1, Su2Blackheath GLD 2020 Is in line with National GLD 2020 ................

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