Project to Support the Implementation of PROESCO

Project to Support the Implementation of


A Guarantee Facility to Promote ESCO Investments

Final Report for the ESMAP-funded TA project

administered by the World Bank

September 30, 2007


Introduction 3

A: The BNDES and the characteristics of PROESCO 4

BNDES Operations 4


B: The problem of guarantees and the origin of PROESCO 7

C: Startup of PROESCO 10

D: Contribution of ESMAP Technical Assistance 11

E: Current outlook and considerations for the near future 12

References 14

Annex A: Model for First Presentation of Projects 15

Annex B: Model of Contract between BNDES and Bank 19

Annex C: Seminar Series with Banks 27


BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) is the most important channel of the federal government for financing development and the major source of financing for long term credit in Brazil’s financial market.

PROESCO is an innovative program of BNDES to support greater access to financing for energy efficiency retrofit projects in Brazil. Given the key role of the BNDES in the financing of medium-term investments, this program is widely seen as fundamental for the consolidation of the energy efficiency services sector with third party financing in Brazil.

Created in May 2006 by BNDES, PROESCO is formally a new version of an existing credit line offered for energy efficiency projects. In this new alternative there are several key changes relative to conventional financing:

▪ Collateral is not required to obtain the credit. While personal guarantees of the borrower are required, they need bear no minimum relation to the size of the loan.

▪ A report by an accepted third party must validate the technical and economic soundness of the proposed project.

▪ BNDES assumes up to 80% of the credit risk.

PROESCO was conceived to be a kind of “virtual guarantee facility for credit risk. In this way it seeks to make a “project finance” approach viable for energy efficiency projects, using the future income stream of receivables under performance contracts to obtain loans. Section A below, summarizes the basic characteristics of PROESCO.

The problem of guarantees for credit risk has long been recognized as a big barrier to obtaining loans for energy efficiency investments. Its importance was confirmed and highlighted in the work of the Three Country Energy Efficiency (EE) Project,[1] which led to an analysis of the design of a possible guarantee facility. As described in Section B, PROESCO was developed within the BNDES as a result of that bank’s active participation in the Three Country EE Project. It is an innovative approach designed to introduce a guarantee mechanism with minimal institutional pre-requisites.

The startup of PROESCO has been slow. As described in Section C, the main reason has been delays in signing the necessary risk-sharing agreements with participating commercial banks.

ESMAP technical assistance has supported BNDES’ effort to dialogue with banks about adhering to PROESCO. It has also been the primary source of support for other activities needed to effectively establish the program. These activities supported by ESMAP are described in Section D.

The last section summarizes the near term outlook and some considerations about issues which should be addressed.

A: BNDES and the characteristics of PROESCO

BNDES Operations

BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social) is the main vehicle of the federal government for financing development and is also the main source of financing for long term credit in the Brazilian financial market. It is by far the cheapest source of bank credit available for most firms. Total outstanding loans at the end of 2006 were R$147 billion. Of these, more than 80% were to the private sector.

BNDES offers resources directly or indirectly through accredited financial agents. The great majority of financial institutions incorporated in the country are accredited by BNDES including all of the largest commercial banks.

Loans below R$10 million (about US$5.3 million today) must be made through an intermediary agent (the limit is lower in the North and Northeastern regions). Almost all EE projects (except some large industrial or cogeneration projects) are relatively small in size and any loans would thus necessarily have to be obtained through an intermediary bank in an “indirect” operation.

The financial cost of a BNDES loan is given by the formula.

Financial Cost = Basic Interest (TJLP) + BNDES Spread + Agent Spread


▪ The basic interest rate is the TJLP, or “Long Term Interest Rate”. It is adjusted quarterly and is currently 6.25%/yr (consumer inflation is about 4%/yr).[2]

▪ The BNDES spread remunerates the operational cost of the BNDES and in indirect operations is typically 1% per annum. In direct operations it also covers the credit risk (and additional operational costs) and may reach 4% per annum.

▪ The agent spread is the remuneration for credit risk and for covering the operational costs of the intermediary bank. It varies between 1 to 4% per annum.

In an indirect operation, the credit risk of the loan is entirely the responsibility of the intermediary bank.


Under PROESCO, BNDES will lend up to 90% of the total investment in an energy efficiency project. Investments made up to 6 months before the loan application can count as part of the required 10% counterparty. The maximum loan term is 72 months and the grace period is up to 24 months.

Virtually any project which can demonstrate energy savings (fuel or electricity) is in principle eligible. The loan may cover the costs of: engineering & project development, civil works & installation; equipment; specialized technical services; systems for information, monitoring, controls and verification of the results. It cannot include the costs of purchasing real estate or used equipment. There are no explicit limits (upper or lower) on the size of the loans.

Three kinds of operation are possible. Two are conventional “direct” and “indirect” operations, with the parameters given above. Thus, in the more typical “indirect” operation:

• The TJLP or basic long term interest rate of BNDES – currently at 6.25% p.a.

• A 1% administrative spread for BNDES.

• A 4% spread for the intermediate bank as the remuneration for credit risk and to cover administrative costs.

The third kind of operation represents the innovation and is the source of the new name. In it

BNDES, will cover up to 80% of loans which are in default (including the capitalized interest and spread of BNDES). Normally this risk is entirely with the intermediate bank and if a borrower is in default, the bank must continue to make the scheduled debt service payments to BNDES. Under PROESCO the intermediate bank need only make 20% of the scheduled debt service payments to BNDES. This means that the execution of the guarantee will be immediate and automatic, a crucial characteristic for the credibility of the guarantee.

In this option, with a partial guarantee provided by BNDES, the cost of the PROESCO loans will have four components:

• The TJLP or basic long term interest rate of BNDES – currently at 6.25% p.a.

• A 1% administrative spread for BNDES.

• A 1% administrative spread for the intermediate bank.

• A 3% “risk spread” divided between BNDES and the intermediate bank in the same proportion as the risk assumed. In the case where BNDES covers 80% of the loan it would receive 2.4% and the intermediate bank 0.6%.

To be eligible for financing with the partial BNDES guarantee the borrower must be the project developer. Project developers are considered to be ESCOs, but no formal certification as an ESCO is required. It is expected that projects will be developed as performance contracts.

The formal process begins with the submission of a first “letter of intent” (carta consulta), which includes a basic description of the project. The model format for presenting the required information is shown in Annex A and was developed in part with resources from ESMAP (see Section D).

Based on the information in this first application form, the intermediate bank can make the conventional credit check. If this is favorable, the project developer must present a document which permits the detailed identification and analysis of the actions in the project with respect to their impact on EE and the environment, as well as their subsequent verification.

The technical and economic viability of the project must then be evaluated by an entity authorized by BNDES and acceptable to the parties. The borrower and his client must also be prepared to accept technical visits to accompany the project and verify its results. This follow-up activity is also intended to stimulate exchanges about experiences with projects and to disseminate the results.

In the loan operations with this partial guarantee by BNDES, the borrower must offer to the intermediate bank the personal guarantees of the firm’s owners and pledge the performance contract of the ESCO as security (caução do contrato). These guarantees are for the loan operation as a whole – neither BNDES nor the intermediate banks would require any further guarantees. The value of the personal guarantee may be substantially less than the value of the loan, different from the normal requirements for collateral – which are usually larger than the value of the loan.

Figure 1 summarizes the relationships and payment flows envisioned in PROESCO, though as a simplification only the alternative of lending to the ESCO is shown.


Each commercial bank participating in the program must first sign a contract with BNDES regarding the terms for the risk-sharing. A model for such a contract is shown in Annex B. BNDES has also prepared a basic model for the loan contract between the commercial bank and the borrower.

Most ESCO projects have economic savings other than those from EE, but so far no criteria have been set for the minimum percentage of investment or benefits resulting from EE measures that would be needed to qualify.

There is no explicit termination date for PROESCO. There is an initial upper limit of R$100 million of coverage, but this can be increased relatively easily if the initiative is successful.

B: The problem of guarantees and the origin of PROESCO

As in other countries, the realization of a significant part of overall potential for EE involves investments to retrofit existing buildings and industrial installations. These investments often involve projects whose design and execution are not trivial and may best be undertaken by specialized developers such as ESCOs. The projects may also only be viable if there is access to credit, either by the consumer or the project developer.

The development of a substantial and sustainable EE retrofit market depends in good part on developing routine access to medium term credit for projects. This has so far been lacking in Brazil as in almost all emerging economies.

This common challenge led to the creation of an exploratory project to analyze the difficulties and possible innovations for financing EE retrofit projects in India, China and Brazil. This project, financed by the UNF and ESMAP supported small work groups in each country and periodic exchanges.[3]

In Brazil, the work group confirmed the importance of finance as a restraint on the growth of the EE retrofit market (ABESCO, 2005). It also confirmed that the guarantees required for credit are the key impediment.

Despite the importance often attributed to a guarantee mechanism for credit risk, there had been relatively little rigorous analysis of issues and parameters for the design of such a facility for the EE project market. For this reason, the Three Country Project contracted a multi-disciplinary team to prepare such a study, taking into account Brazil’s business and financial context as well as international experience with facilities created for this purpose.

The report also addressed why a guarantee facility was desirable specifically for EE given the fact that more general guarantee facilities already exist. Indeed, given the minimal use in general of these existing facilities why should any new one be contemplated and how would it be different?

The report concluded that a specialized facility for EE projects was justified, at least as a transition mechanism (Lima et alii, 2005). During this transition period experience would be accumulated (a “track record” would be created), and the practices of the different agents – ESCOs, consumers and financial institutions – would evolve. The report proposed some guidelines for the facility and highlighted key differences from the existing guarantee facilities in Brazil, such as:

• Execution of the guarantee would be immediate and would not require the bank to initiate formal bankruptcy procedures against the client.

• An entity with a separate legal status would be created outside the bank originating the credit (in practice BNDES) to manage the Guarantee Facility.

• This entity would perform all the due diligence and have direct relations with the borrowers as well as the banks.

• The coverage of the loan principle would be complete, not partial.

A summary of the hypothetical Guarantee Facility (GF) and the associated operations is shown in Figure 2. The GF manager would use technical evaluations of proposed projects by accepted certifiers.

Figure 2: Schematic of a Guarantee Facility and Associated Actions


The report also made quantitative simulations of the cost and viability of the proposed guarantee facility. The parameters used were quite conservative, especially regarding the baseline default rate. This was to ensure the robustness of the facility’s guarantees, essential to maintain credibility with the lending banks. Consequently, the baseline commission fee was quite high (0.26% of the principal per month of a 3 year contract), adding significantly to the cost of financing.

The size of the initial capital reserve was assumed to be only R$6.5 million (roughly US$3.4 million today). From this small base, it was estimated that projects worth R$780 million (US$410 million) could be guaranteed over a 7 year period in the baseline scenario (the facility was assumed to have a lifetime of 10 years). Deeper analysis of the market volume for EE projects would be needed to define the size of the initial capital, but it is clear that a relatively small allocation of capital could in principle have a large effect.

Despite the positive conclusion and the relatively small investment required, the option of creating a guarantee facility was not pursued further. Instead, convinced that some instrument was urgently needed to address the problem of credit guarantees, BNDES proposed PROESCO. What is the difference and why was the choice made?

The first big difference is that PROESCO is a new financial product which can be launched within established frameworks of BNDES. Establishing the guarantee facility would be much more complex, involving:

▪ Design of the facility, including defining the size of the initial capital, lifetime of the fund, etc. There are uncertainties about the EE market and the expectations of ESCOs regarding the price of the guarantee.

▪ The selection of the firm to manage the facility would require a public procurement process, which would add to the time needed to make the facility operational.

▪ Obtaining the capital for the fund and the resources needed to subsidize operating costs in the initial phase.

All this implied that the guarantee facility would require considerable time and face more risks that could derail its implementation.

Staff of BNDES - mostly of the Environment Department - participated actively in the Three Country EE Project and, in particular, closely accompanied the preparation of the report on the guarantee facility. Convinced of the need for some instrument to address guarantees, there was also a sense of urgency to find solutions for accessing commercial bank credit. Among other things the continued availability of resources from the mandated utility programs for energy efficiency was threatened by changes in regulation proposed in July 2005 by the power sector regulator ANEEL. These mandates had been the most important source of projects and income for the ESCO sector.

Another reason for taking the simpler PROESCO approach was that, in the short term, the principal and perhaps only source of capital for a facility would probably come from BNDES itself. It seemed pointless to create a structure outside BNDES with capital of BNDES to guarantee its own loans.

Thus PROESCO was designed in a way that would allow rapid implementation, at least in principle. It sought to avoid the complications of establishing a stand alone facility, as well as the uncertainties such as dimensioning the initial capital and the lifetime of the facility. There is no explicit lifetime for the initiative. There is an initial upper limit of R$100 million of coverage, but this can be increased easily if the initiative is successful. As described at the time of its announcement within the 3CEE Project – PROESCO is a “virtual guarantee facility” (Fundo de Aval Virtual).

C: Startup of PROESCO

Although PROESCO was designed for rapid implementation, it has suffered from delays almost from the beginning. The proposal was presented for discussion in September 2005. In May 2006 it was approved by the Board of Directors of BNDES.

For the risk-sharing operation to be possible, it is necessary for the intermediary bank to sign an agreement with BNDES – as already described in Section A above. It took considerable time to prepare a draft contract document. The division of risk in a single credit operation was a novelty for which guidance from the Central Bank was needed.

Negotiations with the banks have been protracted. Only one bank has so far signed – the Banco de Brasil – on June 5, 2007. Negotiations are apparently at an advanced phase with two private sector banks.

No energy efficiency projects have as yet been approved under PROESCO. A pair of projects worth R$2.1 million have been approved under the conventional indirect option for peak shaving generators using biodiesel.

One energy efficiency project worth about R$1 million and a biodiesel generator project of R$0.4 million are in the process of approval. Six projects with a total value of R$41 million (excluding biodiesel generation) are being discussed but have not been formally submitted. Of these the largest, estimated at R$23 million, is for electricity generation with biogas from the anaerobic fermentation of stillage from ethanol production.

There is an urgent need to attract more banks. In an effort to do this, BNDES and ABESCO staged a series of short Workshops with financial institutions in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre in early July 2007, as described in Annex C.

ESMAP supported this effort through ABESCO, as described in the next section. ESMAP has also been the primary support for other key measures to: (a) disseminate awareness of PROESCO among ESCOs and consumers; (b) provide orientation on the preparation of proposals; (c) provide initial guidelines for the technical validation of projects. These activities are therefore discussed in the next section.

The new President of BNDES, Luciano Coutinho, has highlighted the environmental area in general and energy efficiency in particular as a priority area for BNDES. A package of measures, including PROESCO is being prepared. As an example of this new prominence, a seminar on energy efficiency was held within BNDES on August 23, 2007 – bank staff were the great majority of the overflow audience.

D: Contribution of ESMAP Technical Assistance

The basic objective of this ESMAP technical assistance has been to help get PROESCO started, by focusing on some simple measures to support implementation. The following activities were planned to support the project objectives and expected outcomes with PROESCO:

1. Disseminate the PROESCO program and its approval process; provide orientation for the preparation of the pioneer round of energy efficiency project proposals.

2. Prepare Guidelines for project preparation and project appraisal.

3. Assist commercial banks in preparing for implementing operations under PROESCO.

4. Begin tracking the approved energy efficiency projects and evaluate the initial phase of implementation.

The activities have been carried out by ABESCO, with the exception of the preparation of the Guidelines, which was the primary responsibility of consultants hired directly by the World Bank.

The mobilization of activities was slower than planned because of delays in the implementation of PROESCO itself. Progress is summarized below by activity.

1. Disseminate PROESCO and provide orientation for pioneers

ABESCO has worked with BNDES to disseminate information about PROESCO among project developers and energy consumers. ABESCO has created a page for PROESCO as part of its broader energy efficiency portal (). In this site, information is available about the characteristics of the program and how to submit project proposals. In addition, there is an interactive service to respond to questions about submitting projects for financing under PROESCO. There have been about 300 page views of the PROESCO page per month over the past few months.

In addition to the website, ABESCO has been disseminating PROESCO in its electronic newsletter (circulation 12,000+) and with sessions on the theme in two Congresses on energy efficiency which it co-organized in June and July 2007.

A brochure to orient consumers, ESCOs, and financial agents has been published with resources from UNEP. ABESCO is also preparing a series of eleven seminars on energy efficiency in conjunction with CIESP. These will be held from mid-October in sub-regional centers throughout the State of São Paulo. Guidance will be provided on PROESCO and banks have also been informed of the scheduled meetings.

2. Prepare Guidelines for project preparation and appraisal

A model format for the initial presentation of projects (carta consulta) has been prepared and reviewed with ESMAP resources. This is shown in Annex A.

Adequate guidelines for the evaluation of projects by third parties will be crucial for the functioning of PROESCO. A draft version is currently being reviewed and is scheduled to be available by mid-October. Material for training and presentation, in the form of power point slides will also be delivered.

3. Assist commercial banks in preparing for implementing operations

Both ABESCO and BNDES have been meeting on an individual basis with banks potentially interested in participating in PROESCO.

A series of short seminars was held with commercial banks in Rio de Janeiro (July 9), São Paulo (July 10) and Porto Alegre (July 11). The seminars were organized by ABESCO in collaboration with BNDES. The seminar program and the list of invitees in each city are shown in Annex C.

The seminars were intended primarily to inform the banks about PROESCO operations and the relevant market, as well as to establish contacts with interlocutors in more institutions. They have also provided an opportunity to obtain some feedback about commercial banks’ perspective towards PROESCO.

The brochure in preparation described in item #1 above is also intended to be useful for banks within their organizations, either to be distributed directly or adapted by them.

4. Begin tracking approved projects and evaluate the initial phase of implementation

As already observed, no energy efficiency projects have in fact been approved, so there is nothing yet to accompany. The BNDES Environment Department is keeping track of projects currently in the pipeline. This is only a temporary solution, since BNDES is not internally prepared to follow up on project performance.

A seminar had been planned with BNDES to review the experience of starting up PROESCO and different agents’ attitudes. However, the lack of projects and of banks that have signed has led to its cancellation within the timeframe of this ESMAP technical assistance project.

E: Current outlook and considerations for the near future

It is not yet clear whether PROESCO will be successful in its objective to overcome the barriers for loan financing - particularly those relating to guarantees for credit risk – and open a flow of credit for energy efficiency projects.

The slow uptake so far by commercial banks is of particular concern. Hopefully there will soon be more than one bank participating in the risk sharing agreement with BNDES. However, it is not enough for banks to sign the agreement, they must be motivated to actually finance projects. There is a danger that a few banks will sign for appearances’ sake and then basically ignore the program, approving only a few token projects.

A possible reason for the banks’ reluctance to participate may be the relatively low spread available for them in the risk-sharing operation. There are possibilities open to banks with a similar level of perceived risks, higher returns and lower transaction costs.

In order to reduce perceived risks it will be necessary to consolidate the process of third party technical/economic evaluation. The Guidelines being prepared with ESMAP resources are a necessary first step, but there must be training as well as a process of revision and improvement. The philosophy has been not to complicate things too much in the beginning, but this implies that there will be follow-up steps soon after.

A recently approved project of the GEF/UNDP may be able to play an important role in the consolidation of PROESCO in the near and medium term. Entitled “Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Buildings” its biggest component is to establish a facility to insure the performance of EE projects. It also includes components for training, demonstration projects, and other activities.

The GEF building EE project proposal explicitly assumes that PROESCO has successfully addressed the barrier of guarantees for credit risk. This may be too optimistic. In any case, those planning the startup of the GEF project should be attentive to how PROESCO can be reinforced (e.g., supporting improvements in project validation well before the insurance facility is operational) and assuring that guarantees for credit risk are indeed covered. Otherwise, there is a danger that there will be little market for the technical performance guarantee. The possibility of creating a stand-alone guarantee facility for credit risk, along the lines originally proposed in the Three Country Project (Section B above) deserves at least preliminary assessment if PROESCO proves to have difficulties in effectively engaging banks.

Even a relatively small, partially successful, PROESCO would be valuable. PROESCO can be seen as a pilot program to pragmatically develop an approach which addresses the need for guarantees. It can test the market and the level of demand and should develop experience with real projects. Based on this experience adaptations may be made to the strategy. These might be relatively minor adaptations or distinct approaches might be developed to substitute or complement it. Planning for any approach would hugely benefit from a track record established in the first phase of PROESCO.


ABESCO; “Análise dos Resultados da Pesquisa das Empresas de Serviços de Eficiência Energética no Brasil”; Report for the project “Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil, China and India”, World Bank, February, 2005

A.D. Poole & A.S. Meyer; Brazil Country Report; Report for the project “Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil, China and India”, World Bank, August 2006.

Lima, L.E.A.; Ayres, C.M.; Poole, A.D.; Hackerott, C.F.; Campos, M.: “Analysis of the Viability and Design of a Guarantee Facility for Energy Efficiency Projects”; Report for the project “Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil, China and India”, World Bank, August, 2005

Annex A: Model for First Presentation of Projects


|Razão Social |CNPJ |

|      |      |

|Endereço Sede |Telefone/Fax |

|      |      |

|Pessoa de Contato |E-mail |

|      |      |


|Razão Social |CNPJ |

|      |      |

|Endereço Sede |Telefone/Fax |

|      |      |

|Unidade(s) Eficientizada(s) |Ramo de Atividade |

|      |      |

3. BENEFICIÁRIA (empresa que será financiada)

|Razão Social |CNPJ |

|      |      |

|Endereço Sede |Telefone/Fax |

|      |      |

|Pessoa de Contato |E-mail |

|      |      |

|Receita Operacional Bruta Anual (ROB) |Receita Operacional Bruta Anual Consolidada do Grupo |

|R$ (data base: / / ) |R$ (data base: / / ) |

|Caracterização do Capital Social |

|Empresa Brasileira sem Participação Estrangeira |

|Empresa Brasileira com Participação Estrangeira no Capital Votante Inferior a 50% e Controle Nacional |

|Empresa Brasileira com Participação Estrangeira no Capital Votante Inferior a 50% e Controle Estrangeiro |

|Empresa Brasileira com Participação Estrangeira no Capital Votante Superior a 50% |

|Número de Empregados |Data Referente ao Nº de|CÓD. DA NATUREZA DA EMPRESA |Atividade especificada no Dec.2233? (preencher |

| |Empregados | |somente se controle estrangeiro) |

| |

|Anexar declaração (do Agente Financeiro, quando houver) de que não foram identificados apontamentos, após levantamento cadastral da beneficiária |

|e dos intervenientes, que possam comprometer o apoio financeiro solicitado. |


4.1 Dados Técnicos

|Localização |

|      |

|Objetivo |

|      |

|Contrato |

|      |

|Metas (de consumo específico) e prazos (datas de início e fim) |

|      |

|Fundamentação |

|      |

|Vantagens ao Cliente |

|      |

|Vantagens à Sociedade |

|      |

|Aspectos Ambientais (situação da licença ambiental ou fundamentação para sua isenção) |

|      |

4.2 Dados Econômicos

|Economia Anual (R$) |Participação ESCO (%) |Receita ESCO (R$/mês) |Prazo Part.. ESCO (mês) |

|      |      |      |    |

|Investimento (R$) |VPL do Projeto (R$) |TIR do Projeto (% a.a.) |Payback Descont. (mês) |

|      |      |      |    |

4.3 Redução de Consumo de Insumos Energéticos

|Item |Insumo Energético |Qtde./Ano |Unid. Med. |Valor (R$) |

|  |      |      |      |      |

|  |      |      |      |      |

|  |      |      |      |      |

|Demanda Retirada na Ponta (KW) |

|      |


5.1 Quadro de Usos

|Item |Realizado (R$) |A Realizar (R$) |Total (R$) |

|Estudos, Projetos e Tecnologia |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Terrenos |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Obras, Instalações e Outros |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Equipamentos Nacionais |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Equipamentos Importados |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Despesas de Importação |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Juros Durante a Carência |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Despesas Pré-Operacionais |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Treinamento |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Outros (mão de obra próprio e despesas eventuais) |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Investimento Total |R$# 0,00 |R$# 0,00 |R$# 0,00 |

5.2 Quadro de Fontes

|Item |Realizado (R$) |A Realizar (R$) |Total (R$) |

|Recursos Próprios | | | |

|Acionistas / Cotistas |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Reinvestimentos de Lucros |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Incentivos Fiscais |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Outros (     ) |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Recursos BNDES | | | |

|ProESCO |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Outros (     ) |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Outros Recursos (especificar) | | | |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|      |      |      |R$# 0,00 |

|Investimento Total |R$# 0,00 |R$# 0,00 |R$# 0,00 |

5.3 Condições de Financiamento:

Valor: R$.....................

Taxa de Juros: TJLP + .........a.a.

Prazo de Carência: .............. meses

Prazo de Amortização .............. meses

Prazo Total .............. meses

5.4 Garantias

(descrever resumidamente as garantias oferecidas de forma a permitir avaliar sua compatibilidade com o valor do financiamento e o grau de segurança da operação)

Annex B: Model of Contract between BNDES and Bank

Atualizado em 15.05.2007


O BANCO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO E SOCIAL - BNDES, neste ato denominado simplesmente BNDES, empresa pública federal, com sede em Brasília, Distrito Federal, e serviços na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, na Avenida República do Chile nº 100, inscrito no CNPJ/MF sob o nº 33.657.248/0001-89, por seus representantes abaixo assinados;


o [........................(razão social do Agente Financeiro Mandatário)..........], doravante denominado MANDATÁRIO, ... .....[natureza da pessoa jurídica].........,com sede em ................................, inscrito no CNPJ/MF sob o nº (............................), por seus representantes abaixo assinados;


I - o BNDES criou a Linha de Apoio a Projetos de Eficiência Energética – PROESCO, a seguir denominada PROESCO, constante do Anexo II do Anexo da Resolução nº 1.357, de 21 de setembro de 2006, da Diretoria do BNDES;

II – a Linha PROESCO terá como beneficiários Empresas de Serviços de Conservação de Energia – ESCOs, as quais serão doravante denominadas ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS, e usuários finais de energia;

III – são previstas operações com risco compartilhado entre o BNDES e os Agentes Financeiros Mandatários dentre aquelas de apoio às ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS; e

IV - há necessidade de disciplinar as obrigações e direitos do BNDES e dos Agentes Financeiros Mandatários nas operações referidas no item III a serem contratadas pelo BNDES por intermédio de Mandatários,têm, entre si, justo e contratado o que se contém nas Cláusulas seguintes:



O BNDES, por este Contrato, colocará à disposição do MANDATÁRIO, à conta dos seus recursos ordinários, que são compostos, dentre outras fontes, pelos recursos do Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador - FAT, pelos recursos originários do FAT - Depósitos Especiais e do Fundo de Participação PIS/PASEP, respeitada, quanto à sua alocação, a legislação aplicável a cada uma das aludidas fontes, observado o disposto no Parágrafo Único da Cláusula Segunda, valores em montante suficiente à aplicação e administração de recursos financeiros pelo MANDATÁRIO que, nessa qualidade, promoverá a celebração de contratos de financiamento com as ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS no âmbito da Linha de Apoio a Projetos de Eficiência Energética – PROESCO, nos termos e condições aprovados pelo BNDES para cada uma das operações e de acordo com as Regras Específicas das Linhas de Financiamento – Linha de Apoio a Projetos de Eficiência Energética, constantes do Anexo II do Anexo da Resolução nº 1.357, de 21 de setembro de 2006, da Diretoria do BNDES.


O MANDATÁRIO declara, neste ato e por este instrumento, conhecer todo o conteúdo referente à Linha de Apoio a Projetos de Eficiência Energética – PROESCO, objeto do Item 9.2 do Anexo II do Anexo da Resolução nº 1.357, de 21 de setembro de 2006, da Diretoria do BNDES, mencionada no caput desta cláusula, aceitando-o como parte integrante e inseparável deste contrato, para todos os fins e efeitos jurídicos.


Ocorrendo alterações posteriores da Resolução nº 1.357, de 21 de setembro de 2006, da Diretoria do BNDES, no que se relaciona com o conteúdo mencionado no caput e no Parágrafo Primeiro desta Cláusula, o BNDES delas dará ciência ao MANDATÁRIO por via epistolar, as quais passarão a ser parte integrante e inseparável deste contrato, para todos os fins e efeitos jurídicos, independentemente de qualquer outra formalidade. A referida notificação epistolar será encaminhada mediante aviso de recebimento – AR para ...(se possível: setor e endereço completos, previamente indicados pelo Mandatário em correspondência oficial dirigida ao BNDES)...



Os recursos financeiros previstos na Cláusula Primeira serão postos à disposição do MANDATÁRIO, parceladamente, observado o cronograma a ser estabelecido pelo BNDES, em função de cada operação aprovada, respeitada a programação financeira do BNDES, que está subordinada à definição de recursos para suas aplicações, pelo Conselho Monetário Nacional.


O valor de cada parcela do crédito a ser colocada à disposição do MANDATÁRIO será calculado de acordo com o critério estabelecido na lei instituidora da Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo - TJLP para a determinação dos saldos devedores dos financiamentos contratados pelo Sistema BNDES até 30 de novembro de 1994.



Os prazos de utilização, carência e amortização dos financiamentos às ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS serão estabelecidos pelo BNDES, em função de cada operação aprovada, respeitadas as normas referentes à Linha de Apoio a Projetos de Eficiência Energética – PROESCO, mencionadas na Cláusula Primeira.



Sobre os recursos financeiros administrados e aplicados pelo MANDATÁRIO incidirão juros de 5% (cinco por cento) ao ano (a título de remuneração), acima da Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo - TJLP, divulgada pelo Banco Central do Brasil, observada a seguinte sistemática:

I - Quando a TJLP for superior a 6% (seis por cento) ao ano:

a) O montante correspondente à parcela da TJLP que vier a exceder 6% (seis por cento) ao ano será capitalizado no dia 15 (quinze) de cada mês da vigência deste Contrato e no seu vencimento ou liquidação, observado o disposto na Cláusula Décima Quarta, e apurado mediante a incidência do seguinte termo de capitalização sobre o saldo devedor, aí considerados todos os eventos financeiros ocorridos no período:

TC = [(1 + TJLP)/1,06]n/360 - 1 (termo de capitalização igual a, abre colchete, razão entre a TJLP acrescida da unidade, e um inteiro e seis centésimos, fecha colchete, elevado à potência correspondente à razão entre “n” e trezentos e sessenta, deduzindo-se de tal resultado a unidade), sendo:

TC - Termo de Capitalização;

TJLP - Taxa de Juros de Longo Prazo, divulgada pelo Banco Central do Brasil; e

n - número de dias existentes entre a data do evento financeiro e a data de capitalização, vencimento ou liquidação da obrigação, considerando-se como evento financeiro todo e qualquer fato de natureza financeira do qual resulte ou possa resultar alteração do saldo devedor deste Contrato.

b) O percentual de 5% (cinco por cento) ao ano acima da TJLP (remuneração), referido no “caput” desta Cláusula, acrescido da parcela não capitalizada da TJLP de 6% (seis por cento) ao ano, incidirá sobre o saldo a ser restituído ao BNDES, nas datas de exigibilidade dos juros mencionadas no Parágrafo Segundo ou na data de vencimento ou liquidação deste Contrato, observado o disposto na alínea “a”, e considerado, para o cálculo diário de juros, o número de dias decorridos entre a data de cada evento financeiro e as datas de exigibilidade acima citadas.

II - Quando a TJLP for igual ou inferior a 6% (seis por cento) ao ano:

O percentual de 5% (cinco por cento) ao ano acima da TJLP (remuneração), referido no “caput” desta Cláusula, acrescido da própria TJLP, incidirá sobre o saldo a ser restituído ao BNDES, nas datas de exigibilidade dos juros mencionadas no Parágrafo Segundo ou na data de vencimento ou liquidação deste Contrato, sendo considerado, para o cálculo diário de juros, o número de dias decorridos entre a data de cada evento financeiro e as datas de exigibilidade acima citadas.


O montante referido no inciso I, alínea “a”, que será capitalizado incorporando-se ao principal a ser restituído ao BNDES, será exigível nos termos da Cláusula Terceira.


O montante apurado nos termos do inciso I, alínea “b”, ou do inciso II será exigível trimestralmente, durante o prazo de carência de cada operação, nos termos da Cláusula Terceira, e durante os respectivos períodos de amortização, juntamente com as prestações do principal e no vencimento ou liquidação deste Contrato, observado o disposto na Cláusula Décima Quarta.



O BNDES outorga ao MANDATÁRIO, por este instrumento, MANDATO para em seu nome praticar todos os atos necessários à administração e aplicação dos recursos financeiros mencionados na Cláusula Primeira, com vistas à implementação do disposto nas Regras Específicas das Linhas de Financiamento, constantes do Anexo II do Anexo da Resolução nº 1.357, de 21 de setembro de 2006, da Diretoria do BNDES, com poderes específicos para:

I – celebrar, em nome do BNDES, os contratos a que se refere à Cláusula Primeira, com estrita observância dos termos e condições aprovados por Decisão da Diretoria do BNDES para cada operação, a qual ser-lhe-á comunicada formalmente pelo BNDES, constituindo em favor do BNDES as garantias ali previstas;

II - guardar, sob custódia, os contratos referidos na Cláusula Primeira, bem como os respectivos aditivos, títulos e documentos relacionados à operação, inclusive aqueles representativos das garantias constituídas em favor do BNDES; e

III - verificado o inadimplemento das ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS, promover às suas expensas:

a) a notificação das ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS para constituí-las em mora;

b) todos os atos necessários à cobrança das parcelas devidas da dívida, principal e correspondentes encargos, inclusive os de mora, transferindo os recursos ao BNDES conforme este determinar; e

c) quando for o caso, a execução judicial das dívidas, solicitando ao BNDES a competente outorga de instrumento de mandato com poderes da cláusula ad judicia.


O MANDATÁRIO fará jus a uma remuneração, devida a título de honorários, pelo exercício deste mandato, no valor de 1% (um por cento) ao ano, compreendida no percentual de juros previsto no “caput” da Cláusula Quarta deste Contrato, incidente sobre o principal do financiamento, a ser descontada quando do recolhimento ao BNDES das importâncias recebidas da ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA.


O inadimplemento da ESCO BENEFICÁRIA após a liberação de recursos do financiamento não autoriza o MANDATÁRIO a exigir do BNDES o valor referente aos honorários, objeto do Parágrafo Primeiro desta Cláusula.


Na hipótese do inadimplemento mencionado no Parágrafo Segundo desta Cláusula, o recebimento pelo MANDATÁRIO de honorários fica condicionado ao recebimento pelo BNDES de pagamentos de principal, juros e comissões, cabendo ao MANDATÁRIO o percentual estabelecido no Parágrafo Primeiro desta Cláusula, incidente sobre esses pagamentos.



As ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS pagarão ao BNDES o Encargo por Reserva de Crédito de 0,1% (um décimo por cento), cobrável por período de 30 (trinta) dias, ou fração, e incidente sobre:

I - o valor do crédito, se assinatura do instrumento contratual entre o MANDATÁRIO e a ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA ocorrer após o vencimento do prazo fixado pelo BNDES, contado o período a partir do dia imediato a esse vencimento até a data da citada assinatura, exigível o pagamento respectivo para a utilização inicial do crédito, do qual será dedutível;

II - o valor do crédito, se a operação vier a ser cancelada após a prorrogação, a pedido do MANDATÁRIO, do prazo inicial estabelecido pelo BNDES para a apresentação do instrumento contratual a que se refere à alínea “a”, contado o período a partir do dia imediato ao do término do referido prazo inicial até a data do pedido de cancelamento feito pelo MANDATÁRIO, ou do cancelamento promovido por iniciativa do BNDES, exigível seu pagamento em 30 (trinta) dias a contar da data da decisão do BNDES;

III - o saldo não utilizado de cada parcela do crédito, a partir do dia imediato ao da sua disponibilidade até a data da utilização, quando será exigível o seu pagamento; e

IV - o saldo não utilizado do crédito, a partir do dia imediato ao da sua disponibilidade até a data do cancelamento, efetuado a pedido da ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA, ou por iniciativa do BNDES, e cujo pagamento será exigível na data do pedido, ou da decisão do BNDES, conforme o caso.


A incidência do encargo, a que se referem os incisos III e IV retromencionados, ocorrerá no caso de fixação de esquema de disponibilidade de recursos.



A cobrança dos valores a serem restituídos ao BNDES será feita mediante a expedição, por este, de Aviso de Cobrança com antecedência, para o MANDATÁRIO liquidar as obrigações decorrentes dos Contratos mencionados na Cláusula Primeira, nas datas de seus vencimentos.


O não recebimento do Aviso de Cobrança não eximirá o MANDATÁRIO da obrigação de restituir os recursos nas datas estabelecidas neste Contrato.


As obrigações financeiras decorrentes de cada operação realizada pelo MANDATÁRIO vencerão no dia 15 (quinze) de cada mês, obrigando-se o MANDATÁRIO a recolher ao BNDES as importâncias efetivamente recebidas da ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA no dia útil imediatamente posterior ao dia 15 (quinze) do mês do vencimento das prestações.


Dos contratos das operações indiretas não automáticas celebrados pelo MANDATÁRIO na qualidade de Agente Financeiro do BNDES, referentes ao risco por ele assumido no projeto, deverá constar cláusula explicitando a vinculação desse Contrato ao projeto daquele contrato celebrado pela ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA com o BNDES mediante o MANDATÁRIO, devendo o vencimento das obrigações de fazer e pagar ser simultâneo em ambos os contratos, de forma a possibilitar o repasse proporcional dos montantes devidos em decorrência de cada uma das modalidades operacionais.



Na hipótese de vir a ser substituído o critério legal de remuneração dos recursos repassados ao BNDES, originários do Fundo de Participação PIS/PASEP e do Fundo de amparo ao Trabalhador – FAT, a remuneração prevista na Cláusula Quarta poderá, a critério do BNDES, passar a ser efetuada mediante utilização do novo critério de remuneração dos aludidos recursos, ou outro, indicado pelo BNDES, que, além de preservar o valor real da operação, a remunere nos mesmos níveis anteriores. Nesse caso, o BNDES comunicará a alteração, por escrito, ao MANDATÁRIO.



Obriga-se o MANDATÁRIO a:

I - cumprir, no que couber as “DISPOSIÇÕES APLICÁVEIS AOS CONTRATOS DO BNDES”, aprovadas pela Resolução nº 665, de 10 de dezembro de 1987, parcialmente alteradas pela Resolução nº 775, de 16 de dezembro de 1991, pela Resolução nº 863, de 11 de março de 1996, pela Resolução nº 878 de 04 de setembro de 1996, pela Resolução nº 894, de 06 de março de 1997, pela Resolução nº 927, de 1º de abril de 1998, e pela Resolução nº 976, de 24 de setembro de 2001, todas da Diretoria do BNDES, publicadas no Diário Oficial da União (Seção I), de 29 de dezembro de 1987, 27 de dezembro de 1991, 08 de abril de 1996, 24 de setembro de 1996, 19 de março de 1997, 15 de abril de 1998 e 31 de outubro de 2001, respectivamente, cujo exemplar é entregue, neste ato, ao MANDATÁRIO, a qual, após tomar conhecimento de todo o conteúdo do mesmo, declara aceitá-lo como parte integrante e inseparável deste Contrato, para todos os fins e efeitos jurídicos;

II - responder ao BNDES, por perdas e danos, quando exceder os poderes de que trata a Cláusula Quinta;

III - condicionar a contratação das operações com as ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS à apresentação de documentos e ao cumprimento de obrigações decorrentes de exigências legais, exigidos pelo BNDES na contratação direta de suas operações, nos termos aprovados pelo BNDES para cada operação;

IV - fiscalizar a aplicação dos recursos concedidos às ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS, na finalidade a que se destinem;

V - zelar pela guarda e conservação dos documentos referidos no inciso II da Cláusula Quinta, obrigando-se como fiel depositário dos mesmos.

VI - liberar às ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS os recursos fornecidos pelo BNDES, no prazo máximo de 3 (três) dias úteis;

VII - não cobrar encargos adicionais àqueles estabelecidos pelo BNDES, nem estabelecer obrigações para as ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS que, a título de reciprocidade, constituam, direta ou indiretamente, elevação da remuneração estabelecida pelo BNDES;

VIII - calcular e cobrar, de acordo com as condições constantes das “DISPOSIÇÕES APLICÁVEIS AOS CONTRATOS DO BNDES”, referidas no inciso I desta Cláusula, o valor das multas a serem aplicadas às ESCOs BENEFICIÁRIAS por inadimplemento;

IX - apresentar ao BNDES, trimestralmente, relatórios de acompanhamento da execução física e financeira dos projetos e da situação fiscal das ESCOS BENEFICIÁRIAS, conforme modelos definidos pelo BNDES;

X - prestar todas e quaisquer informações relativas aos contratos de Financiamento celebrados com as BENEFICIÁRIAS no âmbito deste Contrato, que eventualmente venham a ser solicitadas pelo BNDES ou sua auditoria externa, bem como pelos órgãos de fiscalização aos quais o BNDES se encontra submetido; e

XI - adotar, na contratação, análise e acompanhamento das operações, os padrões, modelos, procedimentos e formulários estabelecidos pelo BNDES.



O BNDES poderá, a qualquer tempo, revogar unilateralmente o Mandato outorgado nos termos da Cláusula Quinta.



Além do cumprimento, no que couber, das condições previstas nas “DISPOSIÇÕES” retrocitadas e nas NORMAS E INSTRUÇÕES DE ACOMPANHAMENTO a que se refere o artigo 2º das mesmas “DISPOSIÇÕES”, a liberação dos recursos de cada uma das operações fica sujeita ao cumprimento, pelo MANDATÁRIO, das seguintes:

I- para a liberação da primeira parcela de cada contrato:

a) apresentação do instrumento contratual celebrado entre o MANDATÁRIO e a ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA, devidamente assinado e registrado no Cartório de Registro Competente; e

b) declaração de haverem sido cumpridas as condições prévias à contratação estabelecidas pelo BNDES;

II- para a utilização de cada parcela:

a) inexistência de fato de natureza econômico-financeira que, a critério do BNDES, possa comprometer a execução do empreendimento financiado, de forma a alterá-lo ou impossibilitar a sua realização, nos termos previstos no projeto aprovado pelo BNDES;

b) apresentação, pelo MANDATÁRIO, de Certidão Negativa de Débito – CND, expedida pela Secretaria da Receita Previdenciária, por meio da INTERNET, a ser extraída pela ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA e verificada pelo BNDES no endereço .br; e

c) declaração de cumprimento pela ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA das obrigações estabelecidas no instrumento contratual celebrado entre o MANDATÁRIO e a ESCO BENEFICIÁRIA.



Na ocorrência de inadimplemento das obrigações assumidas pelo MANDATÁRIO será observado o disposto nos arts. 40 a 47-A das “DISPOSIÇÕES APLICÁVEIS AOS CONTRATOS DO BNDES”, a que se refere a Cláusula Nona, inciso I.



Na hipótese de cobrança judicial promovida pelo Mandante em face do MANDATÁRIO, este pagará multa de 10% (dez por cento) sobre o principal e encargos da dívida, além de despesas extrajudiciais, judiciais e honorários advocatícios, devidos a partir do primeiro despacho da autoridade competente na petição de cobrança.



Todo vencimento de prestação de amortização de principal e encargos que ocorra em sábados, domingos ou feriados nacionais, inclusive os bancários será, para todos os fins e efeitos deste Contrato, deslocado para o primeiro dia útil subseqüente, sendo os encargos calculados até essa data, e se iniciando, também a partir dessa data, o período seguinte regular de apuração e cálculo dos encargos deste Contrato.



Será eleito o foro da Comarca do Rio de Janeiro, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, para solução de quaisquer dúvidas decorrentes deste Contrato.



O MANDATÁRIO obriga-se a comprovar ao BNDES a efetivação do registro do presente contrato nas comarcas do Rio de Janeiro e de Brasília.

O MANDATÁRIO apresentou a Certidão Negativa de Débito – CND nº................, expedida em .....(data por extenso)...., pela Secretaria da Receita Previdenciária.

As folhas do presente Instrumento são rubricadas por ............................................, advogado(a) do BNDES, por autorização do(s) representante(s) legal(is) que o assina(m).

E, por estarem justos e contratados, firmam o presente em ..... (...............) vias, de igual teor e para um só efeito, na presença das testemunhas abaixo assinadas.

Rio de Janeiro, ..... de .................... de 2....

Annex C: Seminar Series with Banks

A series of three short seminars was held with commercial banks:

1- Rio de Janeiro - on 9th July

2- São Paulo - on 10th July

3- Porto Alegre - on 11th July

The seminars were co-organized by BNDES and ABESCO and addressed the following subjects:

a) About energy efficiency projects

b) About ESCOs’ activities and the characteristics of their work

c) Performance Contracts and their relevance for financing

d) PROESCO: How to get the financing – presentation and approval of project

e) Why this operation can be done in the Environmental area of the bank

The invited participants in each meeting are shown below. 


Rio de Janeiro, July 9

|Institution |Contact Person |

|BNDES |Alvaro R. R. Ferreira |

|BNDES |Alexandre C. Weldling |

|INEE |Osório de Brito |

|BANCO PROSPER |Viviane Tokarski |

|BANCO DO BRASIL |Neylson A. A. Sarmento |

|BANCO DO BRASIL - DF |Rogério Natal Cerri |

|BANCO ITAÚ |Cristiane Tavares |

São Paulo, July 10

|Institution |Contact Person |

|FIESP |Valdair José Tonon |

|BANCO SAFRA |Lolita Lamelas |

|BPN BRASIL |Napoleão kawaguti |

|RABOBANK |Daniela Mariuzzo |

|CITIGROUP |Daniela Kann Wahda |

|HAYATA Corretora de Câmbio |Orlando Cirilo |

|UNIBANCO |Antônio Fernandes Pinho |

|BRADESCO |Ivanildo Franco de Moura |

|BRADESCO |Edílio de Jesus Almeida |

|BANCO ITAÚ |Bruno G. Rey |

|BPN BRASIL |Kátia Buccini |

|HSBC |Anna Paula Torres Tourinho |

Porto Alegre, July 11

|Institution |Contact Person |




|CAIXARS |Sérgio Lima Machado |


|FIERGS |Alexandre Benites |

|FIERGS |Paulo Sérgio Dias |

|FIERGS |Ronaldo Mabilde Lague |

|BCO REG. DE DES. DO EXTREMO SUL |José Antônio Chaves Franco |

|BCO REG. DE DES. DO EXTREMO SUL |Lindamir Teresinha Verbiski |

|BCO REG. DE DES.DO EXTREMO SUL |Odilon Arthur Bremer |

|BCO. REG. DE DES.DO EXTREMO SUL |Vilson C. da S. Ferreira |


[1] This project, formally entitled “Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil, China and India” was supported by the UN Foundation and ESMAP until mid-2006. Core groups were formed in each country to analyze the difficulties and possible innovations for financing EE retrofit projects.

[2] There is an option of taking out foreign-currency loans denominated in a basket of currencies, but this is not relevant here.

[3] The project entitled “Developing Financial Intermediation Mechanisms for Energy Efficiency Projects in Brazil, China and India” was supported by the UN Foundation and ESMAP until mid-2006. For a description of activities in Brazil, as well as the issues in financing energy efficiency retrofit projects see Poole & Meyer, 2006.


Figure 1: Schematic of Relationships in PROESCO





Technical Advisor

Fee Payment

- Personal Collateral

- Execution in case of default

Perforrmance Contract

Reduce Consumption

Technical Report



Funding for loan

20% payment

in case of default

Payment for appraisal

(not in the beginning)




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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